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Groton  Avery  Clan 

Vol.   II. 


Groton  Avery  Clan 


Elrov  McKendree  Avery 

Catharine   Hitchcock  (Tilden)  Avery 

(No.    3112) 

Vol.    II. 

-   - 

•    »     ,  *  ii 

'Honor'  tty  father  ana  thy  mother" 




v  i 

Note — The  first  volume  of  this 
history  ended  with  Family  Record 
No.  2388.  Beginning  on  the  follow- 
ing page,  the  history  is  continued 
thence  to  the  end. 


, , , 

The  Eighth  Generation  785 









Children  of  Homer  Towner  and  Rhoda  (Kirkwood)  Avery: 
i.       Sarah",  b.  May  16,  1850,  in  Jasper  Co.;    d.  y. 
ii.      Alvah  Patrick",  b.  Feb.  3,  1852,  in  Jasper  Co.;    d.  Sept.  15, 
1890,  at  Curtisville;    unm. 
William  Isaac9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1854,  at  Curtisville. 
Homer  Marshall",  b.  Sept.  4,  1857,  at  Curtisville. 
Mary  Helen",  b.  Dec.  10,  1859,  at  Curtisville. 
John  Wesley",  b.  June  16,  1862,  at  Curtisville. 

Child  of  Homer  Towner  and  Jane    (Taylor)    Avery: 
5186.     i.       Edward",  b.  Nov.  12,  1874,  at  Anderson,  Ind. 

2389.  Sarah  Louisa"  Avery  {Guy  Carleton7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5, 
Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  18,  1828, 
in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. ;  m.  at  Flat  Rock,  Shelby  Co.,  Ind.,  John  Bart- 
ley,  s.  of  John  P.  and  Charity  Bartley,  and  brother  of  her  step- 
mother.   She  d.  within  a  year. 

2390.  Mary8  Avery  (Guy  Carleton7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benja- 
min*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  19,  1836,  in 
Shelby  Co.,  Ind.;  m.  Aug.  2,  1855,  in  Shelby  Co.,  George  Wright, 
s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Gould)  Wright.  He  was  b.  March 
11,  1836,  at  Bradbourne,  England.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d. 
Feb.  5,  1872,  in  Shelby  Co.  He  m.  2d,  Ellen  Short.  He  lives  at 
Waldron,  Ind. 

Children  of  George  and  Mary  (Avery)  Wright,  b.  in  Shelby 

i.       Frank  Carleton9,  b.  May  20,  1856;    m.  Jennie  McDowell; 
2d,  Eliza  Miller;    3d,  Minnie  Brown;    d.  Dec.  14,  1898,  at 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 
ii.      Albert  William9,  b.  Oct.  10,  1861;    m.  Alta  Mobley. 
iii.     Sophia   Elizabeth9,   b.   Aug.   3,   1864;     m.   Joshua   Samuel 

2391.  Frederick  William8  Avery  (Guy  Carleton7,  Isaac6, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
14,  1838,  near  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Sept.  12,  1888,  at  St.  Paul, 
Mary  Tygart,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Jane  (Galloway)  Tygart.  She 
was  b.  Aug.  2,  1853,  near  Knightstown,  Ind.  He  is  a  furniture 
dealer  and  undertaker  at  St.  Paul. 

Children  of  Frederick  William  and  Mary  (Tygart)  Avery, 
b.  at  St.  Paul : 

5187.  i.       Emma  Ely9,  b.  July  18,  1890. 

5188.  ii.      Mildred  Gaynelle9,  b.  Sept.  8,  1891. 

786  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

2392.  Guy  Carleton"  Avery  (Guy  Carleton7 ,  Isaac1',  Daniel!', 
Benjamin*,  James3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  29,  1840, 
in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. ;  m.  Oct.  24,  1889,  at  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  Emma 
Bell  Clemens,  dau.  of  William  H.  and  Caroline  (Robison)  Clem- 
ens. She  was  b.  March  1,  1856,  at  Paris,  111.  He  was  a  grocer; 
d.  Sept.  4,  1900,  at  Indianapolis.     No  children. 

2393.  Edward  Elys  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac6,  Daniel'',  Benja- 
min*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  2,  1823,  at  North 
Bend.  O.;  m.  June  7,  1848,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Lydia  Ann  Steel, 
dau.  of  Samuel  and  Ann  (Smith)  Steel.  She  was  b.  Nov.,  1833, 
at  Bellefontaine,  Mo.  He  was  a  marine  engineer.  She  d.  May 
7,  1893;  he  d.  Nov.  10,  1898,  both  at  St.  Louis. 

Children  of  Edward  Ely  and  Lydia  Ann  (Steel)  Avery: 
i.       Elhanan  W.",  b.  July  15,  1852,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 
ii.      Emily9,  b.  April,  1854,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 
iii.     Edward8,  b.  May,  1858,  at  Brooklyn,  111. ;   d.  y. 
iv.     Frank9,  b.  June,  1860,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 
v.      Milton9,  b.  Sept.,  1864,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 
vi.     Oscar9,  b.  Oct.,  1866,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 

5189.  vii.    Maria  Antoinette9,  b.  Aug.  22,  1868,  at  Old  Mines,  Mo. 
viii.  Andrew  TV,  b.  May,  1870,  in  Jefferson  Co.,  Mo.;    d.  y. 

5190.  ix.     Susan  Almira",  b.  Oct.  15,  1873,  in  Shannon  Co.,  Mo. 

2394.  Helen  Eliza8  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac0,  Daniel",  Benja- 
min'-, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  2,  1829,  at 
St.  Paul,  Ind. ;  m.  March  2,  1847,  at  Exeter,  111.,  Loammi  Bald- 
win, s.  of  Benjamin  Franklin  and  Mary  Carter  (Coolidge)  Bald- 
win. He  was  b.  April  25,  1813,  at  Woburn,  Mass.  He  was  a  civil 
engineer;  d.  March  1,  1855,  at  Naples,  111.  She  d.  Dec.  10,  1858, 
at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Children  of  Loammi  and  Helen  Eliza  (Avery)  Baldwin : 

i.       Mary  Emily9,  b.  Jan.  31,  1848,  at  Exeter;    m.  Darius  Math- 

ewson.     Residence,  Norfolk,  Neb. 
ii.      Loammi   Franklin9,  b.   Nov.   6,  1849,  at   Naples;    m.   Kate 

Wyman  Richardson.     Residence,  Woburn,  Mass. 

2395.  Milton  Herman8  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac0,  Daniel5, 
Benjamin4,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  9,  1830, 
at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  June  24,  1855,  in  Fairfield  Co.,  O.,  Mary 
Cecilue  Meakes,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Eliza  (Fritch)  Meakes  and 
widow  of  Jacob  Tall.    She  was  b.  Dec.  14,  1828,  at  Hagerstown, 











The  Eighth  Generation  787 

Md.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  July  14,  1870,  at  Luray,  O.  She  d. 
April  18,  1899,  at  Hebron,  0.  Mrs.  Tall  had  a  daughter,  Eliza- 
beth Melrose  Tall,  who,  alter  the  marriage  of  her  mother  to  Mr. 
Avery,  was  always  known  as  Libbie  Avery  and  now  signs  her 
name  as  L.  M.  Avery. 

Children  of  Milton  Herman  and  Mary  Cecilue    (Meakes) 
Avery : 

Eliza  Thedora',  b.  April  16,  1856,  at  Luray,  0. 
Oscar  Eugene9,  b.  Oct.  9,  1858,  at  Luray. 
Edward  Albert',  b.  June  3,  1861,  at  Pataskala,  O. 
Edna  Virginia",  b.  May  26,  1863,  at  Luray. 
Isaac  Dudley9,  b.  May  11,  1866,  at  Hebron,  0. 

2396.  Oscar8  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac'1,  Daniel*,  Benjamin*, 
James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  30,  1831,  at  St.  Paul, 
Ind. ;  m.  Dec.  8,  1853,  at  St.  Paul,  Elizabeth  Ann  Brooks,  dau.  of 
William  and  Nancy  (Howard)  Brooks.  She  was  b.  Aug.  1,  1836, 
in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind.  He  m.  2d,  June  12,  1879,  at  New  Albany, 
Ind.,  Sarah  Jane  Emery,  dau.  of  Greenberg  and  Ella  (Decker) 
Emery.  She  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1854,  at  Greenville,  Ind.  He  was  a 
farmer  and,  later  in  life,  a  solicitor.  In  the  civil  war,  he  was 
enlisted  in  Co.  D,  26th  reg't,  Ind.  Inf.  He  was  at  Fort  Spanish, 
Blakeley,  and  Mobile.     Residence,  New  Albany,  Ind. 

Children  of  Oscar  and  Elizabeth  Ann  (Brooks)  Avery: 

Edwin  Leslie9,  b.  June  23,  1855,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. 
Edna  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  7,  1856,  in  Shelby  Co. 
Nancy  Helen9,  b.  June  13,  1858,  in  Shelby  Co. 
William  Pitt',  b.  Feb.  17,  1860,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind. 
Harriet  Amelia',  b.  March  17,  1862,  in  Shelby  Co. 
Isaac9,  b.  March  19,  1864,  in  Shelby  Co.;    d.  y. 
Emma  Ely9,  b.  March  14,  1865,  in  Shelby  Co.;    d.  y. 

5201.  viii.  Dudley  Louis9,  b.  June  2,  1867,  in  Shelby  Co. 
ix.     Marcia  Lucia9,  b.  March  23,  1870,  in  Shelby  Co.;   d.  Aug.  30, 

1879,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

5202.  x.      Oscar  Eugene9,  b.  Jan.  20,  1872,  in  Shelby  Co. 

5203.  xi.     Ralph  Lester9,  b.  April  21,  1874,  in  Shelby  Co. 

5204.  xii.    Sylvia  Leone9,  b.  Oct.  25,  1878,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

Children  of  Oscar  and  Sarah  Jane  (Emery)  Avery: 

5205.  i.       Clara  Alice9,  b.  Oct.  28,  1882,  at  Louisville,  Ky. 

5206.  ii.      Osie  May9,  b.  Nov.  18,  1885,  at  New  Albany,  Ind. 













788  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2397.  Marie  Antoinette8  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac'',  Daniel5, 
Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  10,  1833, 
at  St.  Paul,  Ind. ;  m.  Aug.,  1853,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Rufus  J.  Witt, 
He  was  a  saddler ;  d.  about  1862.  She  m.  2d,  Feb.  22,  1863,  at 
Zanesville,  111.,  Edward  Billingsley,  s.  of  Michael  Billingsley.  He 
was  b.  May  5,  1809,  in  England.  He  was  a  manufacturer  of 
woolen  goods.  He  d.  Sept.  3,  1892,  at  Warrensburg,  Mo.  She  is 
living  at  Bardel,  La. 

Children  of  Rufus  Jackson  and  Marie  Antoinette   (Avery) 
Witt,  b.  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. : 

i.       Emily  Eugenia9,  b.  Sept.  2,  1855;    m.  Albert  Osgood, 
ii.      Helen",  b.  June  27,  1856;    d.  June  7,  1863,  at  Zanesville. 
iii.     Dudley  Avery*',  b.  1859;    d.  y. 

Children  of  Edward  and  Marie  Antoinette  (Avery)  Bill- 
ingsley : 

i.       Ella  Maria9,  b.  Nov.  26,  1863,  at  Zanesville;    d.  y. 

ii.      William  Avery9,  b.  Sept.  26,  1865,  at  Zanesville;    m.  Lillie 

Eugenia  Givens. 
iii.     Drusilla  Maria9,  b.  April  24,  1869,  at  Kansas  City,  Mo.;    m. 

William  Mercer  Green. 
iv.     Gertrude  Antoinette',  b.   May  20,  1873,  at  Kansas   City, 

2398.  Adela  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5, 
Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  8,  1838, 
at  Carrollton,  111. ;  m.  in  1860,  at  Carrollton,  Charles  H.  Eldred, 
s.  of  Elon  and  Jane  (Stuart)  Eldred.  She  d.  Feb.  11,  1864,  at 
Carrollton.    He  is  a  farmer  living  in  Oklahoma. 

Child  of  Charles  H.  and  Adela  Elizabeth   (Avery)   Eldred: 
i.       Dudley9,  b.  in  1861,  at  Carrollton. 

2399.  Frances  Emma8  Avery  (Dudley7,  Isaac0,  Daniel5, 
Benjamin4 ,  James  ,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  24,  1842, 
at  Memphis,  Tenn. ;  m.  May  29,  1862,  at  Carrolton,  111.,  Charles 
Irving  Parker,  s.  of  John  and  Eliza  (Goffe)  Parker.  He  was 
b.  March  10,  1838,  at  Manchester,  N.  H.  When  near  the  end 
of  his  senior  year  at  Dartmouth  College,  he  married,  and  enlisted 
in  the  Dartmouth  Cavalry  Company.  His  fearlessness  led  to  his 
capture  by  the  enemy  at  Harpers  Ferry,  Va.  After  the  war, 
he  became  a  teacher  at  Virden,  111.  Since  1876,  he  has  lived  at 
Chicago.  After  a  long  and  successful  service  as  superintend- 
ent of  the  South  Chicago  public  schools,  he,  in  1890,  became 

The   Eighth   Generation 



principal  of  the  Bowen  High  School,  Chicago,  which  position  he 
still  holds.  He  has  been  president  of  the  Illinois  State  Teachers' 
Association,  a  member  of  the  Illinois  State  Board  of  Education, 
and,  in  1887,  was  made  a  life  director  of  the  National  Educa- 
tional Association — a  pedagogic  career  of  remarkable  course  and 
rare  success.     Residence,   Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Charles  Irving  and   Frances  Emma    (Avery) 

Parker : 

i.  Adela  Frances",  b.  Feb.  26,  1864,  at  Virden,  111.;  a  gradu- 
ate of  the  Cook  County  (111.)  Normal  School,  1883;  m. 
Elmer  E.  Kendall.     Children:    (a.)   Elma10;   (b.)  Helen10; 

790  The  Groton  Avery   Clan 

(c.)  Florence10;  (d.)  Parker10;  (e.)  Charlotte1";  (f.) 
Elizabeth1".      Residence,    Chicago. 

ii.  John  Edward9,  b.  April  15,  1865,  at  Virden;  m.  Addie  B. 
Slater.  She  d.  in  April,  1905;  he  d.  July  4,  1910,  at 
Ottawa,  111.     Child:    George   William1". 

iii.  Mabel  Lillian11,  b.  July  10,  1876,  at  Danville,  111.;  a  gradu- 
ate of  the  University  of  Chicago;  teacher  in  Hyde  Park 
High  School,  Chicago. 

2400.  Dinah  *  Avery  (William  Pitt7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benja- 
min*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  22,  1828,  in 
Shelby  County,  Ind. ;  m.  Jan.  10,  1850,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Benjamin 
Buxton,  s.  of  John  and  S.  (Wright)  Buxton.  He  was  b.  May 
28,  1824,  in  Derbyshire,  England.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Aug. 
24,  1889,  in  Shelby  Co.    She  d.  Jan.  5,  1895,  at  Shelbyville,  Ind. 

Children  of  Benjamin  and  Dinah    (Avery)    Buxton,   b.   in 

Shelby  Co. : 

i.       William  John",  b.  Oct.  22,  1850;    m.  Eva  Yount;    2d,  Nellie 

ii.      Helen  Ann9,  b.  March  22,  1852;    m.  Hopkins  Hoban. 
iii.     Evelena9,  b.  Nov.  9,  1854;    m.   Squire  Cooper, 
iv.     Robert  Wells9,  b.  Aug.  23,  1862;   m.  Laura  Sprague  Robins. 
Four  children  died  in  infancy. 

2401.  Sarah  Ann8  Avery  {Daniel1,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benja- 
min*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  20,  1840,  at 
Winchester,  111.;  m.  Dec.  18,  1860,  at  Winchester,  Timothy 
Fellows  Ladd,  s.  of  Timothy  and  Deodamia  (Swallow)  Ladd. 
He  was  b.  March  5,  1838,  at  White  Hall,  111.  She  d.  Feb.  23, 
1895;  he  d.  Nov.  3,  1909,  both  at  White  Hall. 

Child  of  Timothy  Fellows  and  Sarah  Ann  (Avery)  Ladd, 
b.  at  Winchester: 

i.       Charles  Franklin9,  b.  May  11,  1867;    lives  at  Lincoln,  Neb. 

2402.  Frances  Helen*  Avery  (Daniel7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Ben- 
jamin*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  3,  1846,  at 
Winchester,  111. ;  m.  Sept.  24,  1867,  at  Winchester,  111.,  James 
R.  Haggard,  s.  of  David  J.  and  Sarah  Ann  (Edmondson)  Hag- 
gard. He  was  b.  Oct.  29,  1839,  at  Winchester,  Ky.  He  is  a 
physician.  She  was  prominent  in  the  Daughters  of  the  Ameri- 
can Revolution,  being  a  chapter  regent  and  a  state  regent  of 
that  organization.  She  d.  July  17,  1907,  at  Lincoln,  Neb.  He 
lives  at  Lincoln. 

The   Eighth   Generation  791 

Children  of  James  R.  and  Frances  Helen    (Avery)    Hag- 
gard : 

i.       Laura  A.1',  b.  Nov.  1,  1868,  at  Winchester,  111. 

ii.  David  Avery9,  b.  June  9,  1870,  at  Winchester;  m.  Anna 
Broady;  was  graduated  from  the  University  of  Ne- 
braska, 1891;  from  the  law  school,  1893;  Phi  Delta 
Theta.     Residence,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 

iii.     Corwin  Robert",  b.  June  23,  1874,  at  Downer's  Grove,  111. 

iv.  Ralph  Whitledge9,  b.  Aug.  18,  1876,  at  Downer's  Grove; 
m.  Selma  Constance  Noren. 

2403.  Daniel8  Avery  {Daniel1,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin', 
James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  10,  1849,  at  Winches- 
ter, 111.;  m.  May  1,  1872,  at  Winchester,  Mary  Abigail  Eddings, 
dau.  of  Dr.  James  W.  and  Ann  Elizabeth  (Andrews)  Eddings. 
She  was  b.  Aug.  3,  1849,  at  Winchester.  He  was  a  physician. 
She  d.  Jan.  11,  1895,  at  Lebanon,  Mo.;  he  d.  Jan.  1,  1910,  at 
White  Hall,  111. 

Children  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Abigail   (Eddings)   Avery: 

i.       Fred  Merwin9.  b.  April  19,  1875,  at  Winchester;    d.  March 
21,  1892,  at  Lebanon,  Mo. 
Frank  Edward'',  b.  Feb.  27,  1877,  at  Downer's  Grove,  111. 
Daniel  Albert0,  b.  March  29,   1879,  at  Winchester. 
Ralph  Henry0,  b.  June  21,  1882,  at  Lebanon,  Mo.;    d.  y. 
Joseph  Reginald9,  b.  Sept.  22,  1883,  at  Lebanon. 
James  Herbert9,  b.  Nov.  24,  1884,  at  Lebanon. 
Frances  May9,  b.  Dec.  10,  1885,  at  Lebanon;    d.  y. 

2404.  Henry  Stewart8  Avery  (Daniel7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Ben- 
jamin*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  23,  1851,  at 
Winchester,  111.;  m.  April  4,  1879,  at  Kirksville,  Mo.,  Annetta 
White,  dau.  of  Alfred  and  Elizabeth  (Hubbard)  White.  She 
was  b.  Feb.  14,  1861,  at  White  Hall,  111.  He  is  a  merchant  at 
White  Hall. 

Children  of  Henry  Stewart  and  Annetta  (White)  Avery, 
b.  at  White  Hall : 

5212.  i.       Maud9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1880. 

5213.  ii.      Edna9,  b.  April  9,  1882. 

5214.  iii.     Frances  Grace9,  b.  Jan.  14,  1884. 

2405.  Latham*  Avery  (Christopher  Lester7,  Latham6,  Dan- 
iel7', Benjamin4,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  24, 
1853;  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  15,  1878,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y., 
Mary  Jane  Hillyer,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  and  Elizabeth  (Van  Zandt) 











792  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

Hillyer.     She  was  b.  July  11,  1853,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.    He  is  a 
farmer  at  Groton. 

Children  of  Latham  and  Mary  Jane  (Hillyer)  Avery,  b.  at 
Groton : 

5215.  i.       Louis  Schellens9,  b.  July  11,  1880. 

5216.  ii.      Ira   Smith9,  b.  Feb.  4,  1882. 

5217.  iii.     Sarah  Wisner9,  b.  Aug.  13,  1885. 

5218.  iv.     Nathaniel  Hillyer9,  b.  Nov.  10,  1887. 

2406.  Mary  Louise s  Avery  {Christopher  Lester,  Latham*, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James9-,  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
28,  1855,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;  m.  July  8,  1885,  at  Groton,  Pierre 
Louis  Schellens.  He  was  b.  about  1850,  in  Prussia.  Residence, 
Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil. 

Children  of  Pierre  Louis  and  Mary  Louise  (Avery)   Schel- 

i.  Bessie  Louise9,  b.  Sept.  3,  1886,  at  Rio  Janeiro. 

ii.  Richard9,  b.  Sept.  20,  1887,  at  Rio  Janeiro. 

iii.  Christopher  Avery9,  b.  Dec.  18,  1888,  at  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

iv.  Pedro  Louis9,  b.  Aug.  28,  1890,  at  Groton. 

v.  Eugene  Levering9,  b.  Jan.  8,  1892,  at  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

vi.  George  Herman9,  b.  Jan.,  1894,  at  Mount  Washington,  Md. 

vii.  Mary  Louise9,  b.  April  24,  1900,  at  Groton. 

2407.  Betsey  Wood8  Avery  {Christopher  Lester1,  Latham*, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James'-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
7,  1860,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  18,  1882,  at  Groton,  Belton 
Allyn  Copp,  s.  of  Belton  Allyn  and  Betsey  Ann  (Barber)  Copp. 
He  was  b.  Jan.  8,  1854,  at  Groton.  He  is  the  president  of  the 
National  Whaling  Bank,  New  London.    Residence,  Groton. 

Children  of  Belton  Allyn  and  Betsey  Wood  (Avery)  Copp, 
b.  at  Groton: 

i.      Belton  Allyn9,  b.  Sept.  21,  1883. 
ii.      Emily  Avery9,  b.  Feb.  7,  1888. 
iii.     Joseph  Addison9,  b.  Dec.  27,  1889. 

2408.  Christopher  Lester8  Avery  {Christopher  Lester7, 
Latham6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  4,  1872,  at  Groton;  m.  Jan.  2,  1901,  at  Groton,  Betsey 
Ann  Bouse,  dau.  of  Isaac  Peck  and  Elizabeth  Avery  (Fish) 
Bouse.  She  was  b.  May  12,  1877,  at  Groton ;  d.  March  5,  1903, 
at   Brooklyn,   N.   Y.     He  m.   2d,   Oct.    17,   1906,   at   Brooklyn, 

The   Eighth  Generation  793 

Elizabeth  Anderson  Brander,  dau.  of  William  and  Annie  (Pen- 
mann)  Brander.  She  was  b.  Jan.  22,  1878,  at  Paisley,  Scot- 
land. He  was  a  graduate  of  Yale,  1893,  and  of  the  Yale  Law 
School,  1897;  one  of  the  leading  debaters  of  the  Kent  Club; 
champion  middle  and  heavy  weight  wrestler  of  Yale;  quarter- 
master on  the  monitor  "Jason"  in  the  Spanish-American  War. 
He  is  a  lawyer  with  offices  at  New  London.  In  Dec,  1910,  he 
was  appointed  paymaster-general  with  the  rank  of  colonel  on  the 
staff  of  Gov.  Simeon  E.  Baldwin.     Residence,  Groton. 

Child    of    Christopher    Lester    and    Betsey    Ann    (Bouse) 

Avery : 

5219.  i.       Christopher  Lester9,  b.  Aug.  25,  1902. 

Children  of  Christopher  Lester  and  Elizabeth    (Brander) 
Avery,  b.  at  Groton: 

5220.  i.       Betsey  Ann  Copp9,  b.  Dec.  22,  1907. 

5221.  ii.      Catherine  Barber9,  b.  Aug.  24,  1909. 

2409.  Mary  Jane8  Avery  (Christopher  Lester,  Latham6, 
DanieV\  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
16,  1875,  at  Groton;  m.  Aug.  19,  1903,  at  Groton,  Archibald 
MacNicol  Main,|  s.  of  James  and  Flora  (MacNicol)  Main.  He 
was  b.  April  24,  1871,  at  Greenock,  Scotland.  He  is  a  naval 
architect.     Residence,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Children  of  Archibald  MacNicol  and  Mary  Jane   (Avery) 


i.  Ellen  Avery9,  b.  July  13,  1904,  at  Groton. 

ii.  James  Avery9,  b.  Dec.  14,  1905,  at  Wilmington,  Del. 

iii.  Flora  MacNicol9,  b.  Jan.  2,  1908,  at  Wilmington,  Dei. 

2410.  Ellen  Celia*  Avery  (Anson  Alfred7,  Alfred  Anson6, 
Denison5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
March  31,  1844,  at  Cardiff,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  23,  1880,  at  Syracuse, 
N.  Y.,  Daniel  Payson  Wescott.  He  was  b.  July  22,  1808,  at 
New  York  City;  d.  Oct.  11,  1886,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.  No  chil- 
dren.    She  lives  at  Rochester. 

2412.  Mary  Augusta  Eugenia8  Avery  (Anson  Alfred7,  Al- 
fred Anson6,  Denison7',  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  21,  1859,  at  Cardiff,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  11,  1876,  at 
Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  Albert  Samuel  Fredericks,  s.  of  Hubertus  and 
Ardina  (Maarten)  Fredericks.  He  was  b.  July  16,  1849,  at 
Utica,  N.  Y.    Residence,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

794  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Child  of  Albert  Samuel  and  Mary  Augusta  Eugenia  (Avery) 
Fredericks,  b.  at  Syracuse : 

i.       Ellen  Arline9,  b.  April  17,  1882. 

2427.  William  Pitt*  Avery  (Isaac7,  John*,  John5,  Samuel*, 
Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  28,  1800,  at  Led- 
yard ;  m.  Oct.  17,  1832,  Harriet  Hughes.  He  d.  June,  1858,  at 

Children  of  William  Pitt  and  Harriet   (Hughes)   Avery: 

5240.  i.       Orin  Edgar9,  b.  Nov.,  1833. 

5241.  ii.      Marion9,  b.  Feb.,  1835. 

5242.  iii.     Elizabeth9. 

2428.  Mary8  Avery  (Isaac7,  John6,  John5,  Samuel*,  Thomas*, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1804,  at  Ledyard;  m.  Dec. 
13,  1829,  at  Norwich,  Joseph  Huntington  Morgan,  s.  of  Peter 
and  Hannah  (Leach)  Morgan.  He  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1800,  at  Nor- 
wich. He  d.  Nov.  5,  1849,  at  Norwich;  she  d.  Feb.  25,  1881,  at 
Avery,  Mich. 

Children  of  Joseph  Huntington  and  Mary  (Avery)  Morgan, 
b.  at  Norwich: 

i.  Gilbert  Avery9,  b.  Feb.  1,  1831;  m.  Frances  Emeline  Avery 
(No.  5243)  ;    d.  Sept.  20,  1863,  at  Norwich. 

ii.  Harriet  Maria9,  b.  Feb.  26,  1833;  m.  Nov.  14,  1855,  Thomas 
Love;  removed  to  Avery,  Mich.;  children — (a.)  Eli 
Cw,  b.  Oct.  31,  1856,  lives  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif.;  (b.) 
Ozro  7V°,  b.  Dec.  11,  1858,  lives  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.; 
(c.)   Gilbert  J.10,  b.  April  11,  1864;    d.  July  2,  1886. 

iii.     Hannah  Elizabeth9,  b.  July  14,  1835;    m.  Uzziel  P.  Smith. 

iv.     Roswell  William9,  b.  April  6,  1841;    m.  Fanny  Thompson. 

v.  Charles  Henry9,  b.  April  13,  1843;  m.  Kittie  Brodbeck; 
served  three  years  in  the  civil  war.     Lives  at  Chicago,  111. 

vi.     Ozro  Gifford9,  b.  Aug.  25,  1846;    d.  Aug.  30,  1850. 

2429.  Isaac  Allyns  Avery  (Isaac7,  John6,  John5,  Samuel*, 
Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  14,  1806,  at  Led- 
yard; m.  Dec.  1,  1830,  at  New  London,  Emeline  Miner,  dau.  of 
Nathaniel  C.  and  Elizabeth  (Thomas)  Miner.  She  was  b.  July 
1,  1812,  at  Wilkesbarre,  Pa.  He  was  ensign  of  1st  rifle  co.,  18th 
reg't  inf.,  1830  (Ms.  State  Papers,  Hartford) .  He  was  a  car- 
penter and  builder;  justice  of  the  peace  at  Chalk  Bluff,  Calif. 
She  d.  Jan.  17,  1854,  at  New  London;  he  d.  Oct.  13,  1861,  at 
Chalk  Bluff. 

The   Eighth  Generation  795 

Children  of  Isaac  Allyn  and  Emeline   (Miner)  Avery: 

i.       Elizabeth9,  b.  Aug.  31,  1832,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass.;    d.  y. 

5243.  ii.      Frances  Emeline",  b.   Nov.   2,   1834,  at  New   Bedford;    m. 

Nov.  10,  1858,  at  New  London,  Gilbert  Avery  Morgan 
(No.  2428,  i.)  ;  d.  April  8,  1870,  at  Avery,  Mich.;  no 

5244.  iii.     Ann  Delia1',  b.  Aug.  10,  1837,  at  New  London. 

iv.     Ellen    Elizabeth9,   b.   Jan.   6,   1840,   at   New   London;     d. 
April  17,  1883,  at  New  London;    unm. 

5245.  v.      Gilbert  Gerard9,  b.   Oct.   11,   1844,  at  New  London;    d.   at 

New  London.     He  was  probably  not  married, 
vi.     Mary  Emma9,  b.  Dec.  9,  1846,  at  New  London;    d.  Jan.  17, 
1871,  at  East  Providence,  R.  I.;    unm. 

2430.  Gilbert  Button8  Avery  (Isaac7,  John0,  John'',  Sam- 
uel4, Thomas",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  21,  1809,  at 
Ledyard ;  m.  Jan.  26,  1836,  at  Stonington,  Sarah  Stevens,  dau. 
of  Stanton  and  Eunice  (Short)  Stevens.  She  was  b.  Aug.  5, 
1812,  at  Stonington.  He  was  a  bridge-builder  and  carpenter; 
built  the  great  freight-house  at  Detroit  and  other  important 
structures.  The  Michigan  Central  R.  R.  bridge  that  he  built 
over  the  St.  Joseph  River  at  Niles,  Mich.,  about  1847  or  1848, 
was,  at  that  time,  considered  a  very  remarkable  piece  of  engi- 
neering. He  d.  Oct.  10,  1874,  at  Avery,  Mich.;  she  d.  July  10, 
1891,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Gilbert  Button  and  Sarah  (Stevens)  Avery: 



Charles  Stanton9,  b.  Nov.,  1836,  at  Pawcatuck. 
i.      Elizabeth9,  b.  March  9,  1838,  at  Pawcatuck. 
ii.     Isaac  Allyn9,  b.  Dec.  23,  1840,  at  Berrien  Springs,  Mich, 
v.     Edward  Allyn9,  b.  Feb.  25,  1845,  at  Berrien  Springs. 

2431.  Sabra  Emeline*  Avery  (Isaac7,  John6,  John5,  Samuel4, 
Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  16,  1812,  at  Led- 
yard; m.  Nov.  10,  1831,  at  Groton,  Joseph  Miner,  s.  of  Joseph 
and  Nancy  (West)  Miner.  He  was  b.  Aug.  26,  1808,  at  Ston- 
ington.    She  d.  March  26,  1891. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Sabra  Emeline  (Avery)  Miner: 
i.      Isaac9. 

ii.      Lydia9;    m.  Denison  Allyn. 
iii.     Sarah9. 

2432.  Emily8  Avery  (Isaac7,  John",  John5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  14,  1816,  at  Ledyard;  m. 
June  26,  1836,  at  Groton,  Noyes  Palmer.     She  d.  Dec.  20,  1848. 

796  The   Groton   Avery   Clan 

Children  of  Noyes  and  Emily  (Avery)  Palmer: 

i.  Emma''. 
ii.  Nancy'3. 
iii.     Moses9;    enlisted   in   Co.   D,  26th   Conn,  reg't;    d.  Sept.   10, 

iv.     Mary";    m.  Israel  Allen. 

2433.  John  Coit8  Avery  (Thomas  Ledyard7,  Amos6,  John5, 
Samuel4,  Thomas'",  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  30,  1822, 
at  New  London;  m.  Aug.  14,  1858,  at  Brooklyn,  Pa.,  Emma 
Amanda  Culver,  dau.  of  Youngs  Leonard  and  Mary  Ann  (Baker) 
Culver.  She  was  b.  July  4,  1830,  at  Brooklyn.  He  was  a  sea 
captain.  She  d.  Sept.  28,  1873,  at  New  London;  he  d.  Oct.  5, 
1894,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  John  Coit  and  Emma  Amanda  (Culver)  Avery, 
b.  at  New  London : 

5250.  i.       Charles  Henry9,  b.  July  24,  1859. 

5251.  ii.     John  Coit9,  b.  Oct.  23,  1861. 

5252.  iii.     Hattie  Josephene9,  b.  Nov.  9,  1866. 

5253.  iv.     Susan  Mary9,  b.  Sept.  23,  1869. 

2434.  Joseph  Manwaring8  Avery  (Thomas  Ledyard7,  Amos6, 
John'',  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  3, 
1828,  at  New  London;  m.  April  14,  1856,  at  Groton,  Julia 
Williams  Park,  dau.  of  William  and  Catharine  Rose  (Mitchell) 
Park.  She  was  b.  Nov.  6,  1838,  at  Groton.  He  was  a  sea  cap- 
tain ;  d.  March  29,  1884,  at  New  London.  She  d.  Sept.  28,  1907, 
at  Mystic. 

Children  of  Joseph  Man  waring  and  Julia  Williams   (Park) 
Avery : 

Katherine  Rose0,  b.  July  29,  1859. 

Lucretia  Manwaring",  b.  Feb.  28,  1861,  at  New  London. 

Thomas  Henry9,  b.  Sept.  11,  1865,  at  New  London. 

Carrie  Smith9,  b.  Nov.  7,  1868. 

Mary  Morgan9,  b.  July  21,  1871. 

Julia  Park9,  b.  May  19,  1875. 

2435.  Mary  Holt8  Avery  (Thomas  Ledyard7,  Amos6,  John5, 
Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  11,  1830, 
at  New  London;  m.  April  6,  1854,  Enoch  Sidney  Morgan, 
s.  of  Sidney  and  Harriet  (Stoddard)  Morgan.    He  was  b.  April 













The  Eighth  Generation  797 

3,   1828,  at  Salem.     He  was  an  engineer  and  machinist.     No 
children.    He  d.  Feb.  5,  1899;   she  d.  Sept.  26,  1910. 

2436.  Catherine  Rebecca*  Avery  (Thomas  Ledyard1,  AmosG> 
John7',  Samuel*,  TJio?nas3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
25,  1836,  at  New  London;  m.  Aug.  10,  1854,  John  Is  ham.  She 
d.  Aug.  12,  1880,  at  South  Coventry. 

Child  of  John  and  Catherine  Rebecca   (Avery)  Isham: 
i.      Maria  Louise9,  b.  June,  1860. 

2441.  William  Herricks  Avery  (Ransford7,  Ransford6, 
Epliraim7',  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
23,  1820,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  m.  Jan.  27,  1842,  at  Mont- 
gomery, Lora  Ann  Moore,  dau.  of  Abner  and  Lora  (King) 
Moore.  She  was  b.  Nov.  18,  1821,  at  Montgomery.  He  is  said 
to  have  m.  2d,  Frances  Griswold;  3d,  a  Miss  Bagg.  No  chil- 

2450.  Rowland  Dewey"  Avery  (Rowland7,  William6 y 
Ephraim5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
11,  1830,  at  Norwich,  Mass.;  m.  Nov.  27,  1858,  at  Hunting- 
ton, Mass.,  Nancy  Jane  Ballou,  dau.  of  Emperor  and  Elmira 
(Hitchcock)  Ballou.  She  was  b.  April  2,  1842,  at  Chicopee, 
Mass.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Cct.  3,  1902 ;  she  d.  Nov.  26, 
1903,  both  at  Montgomery,  Mass. 

Children    of   Rowland    Dewey   and    Nancy   Jane    (Ballou) 
Avery,  b.  at  Montgomery,  Mass. : 

Albert  Dewey9,  b.  Nov.  30,  1859;    d.  y. 

Nellie  Frances9,  b.  July  9,  1863. 

Arthur  Dewey9,  b.  Aug.  9,  1865. 

Maryetta0,  b.  Nov.  22,   1867. 

Alice  Maria9,  b.  Feb.  22,  1874. 

Myron  Burtis9,  b.  Oct.  28,  1880. 

2454.  William  Dewey 8  Avery  (Thomas  Bill7,  William1',. 
Ephraim'0,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
11,  1831,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  m.  Adeline  Amanda  FeffingwelL 

Child  of  William  Dewey  and  Adeline  Amanda  (Fefhngwell) 
Avery : 

5282.     i.       Elisha  Lewrens9,  b.  Nov.  2,  1870,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. 

2456.       Horatio    Allen8    Avery     (Thomas    Bill7,    William', 

Ephraim3,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  ChristopJn  r1)  was  b.  Oct. 
8,  1836,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. ;  m.  June  10,  1863,  at  Southamp- 












798  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

ton,  Mass.,  Mary  L.  Fox,  dau.  of  Edward  A.  and  Maria  (Green- 
wood) Fox.  She  was  b.  Feb.  7,  1846,  at  Norwich,  Mass.  He 
is  a  mechanic.     Residence,  Westfield,  Mass. 

Child  of  Horatio  Allen  and  Mary  L.    (Fox)    Avery,  b.  at 
Westfield : 

i.       Minnie  L.9,  b.  Nov.  29,  1867;    d.  March  29,  1884. 

2459.  William  Harrison1*  Avery  (Elisha7,  Ephraim6, 
twphraim5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
31,  1813,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  published  April  15,  1838,  at 
Montgomery,  to  Lucretia  Howland,  dau.  of  Chester  and  Sarah 
(Whitmore)  Howland.  She  was  b.  June  20,  1819 ;  d.  Jan.  19, 
1881,  at  Easthampton,  Mass.  He  d.  Feb.  7,  1888,  at  Easthamp- 

Children  of  William  Harrison  and  Lucretia  (Howland) 
Avery : 

5300.  i.       George  Howland",  b.  Nov.  11,  1839,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. 
ii.      Henry  Harrison1',  b.  June  24,  1844,  at  Easthampton;    d.  at 

the  age  of  22;    unm. 

5301.  iii.     Orril  Eliza'',  b.  June  2,  1849,  at  Easthampton. 

2460.  Horace  Whitney8  Avery  (Elisha7,  Ephraim6, 
Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
8,  1815,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. ;  m.  Nov.,  1841,  at  Granby,  Conn., 
Elvina  Hayes,  dau.  of  Phineas  and  Electa  (Stebbins)  Hayes. 
She  was  b.  April  9,  1816,  at  Granby;  d.  Sept.  18,  1884,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.  He  m.  2d,  Sept.  24,  1885,  at  Springfield,  Mass., 
Adeline  Farnsworth,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Annie  (Nichols)  Farns- 
worth  and  widow  of  Charles  J.  Sherwood.  She  was  b.  March, 
23,  1828,  at  Halifax,  Vt. ;  d.  Nov.  18,  1905,  at  Westfield.  He 
was  a  farmer,  trader,  and  an  extensive  manufacturer  of  whips; 
d.  March  14,  1893,  at  Westfield. 

Children  of  Horace  Whitney  and  Elvina   (Hayes)  Avery: 

5310.  i.       Nancy  Elmina9,  b.  Oct.  15,  1842,  at  Granby. 

5311.  ii.      Frank  Horace9,  b.  July  5,  1850,  at  Southwick,  Mass. 

2461.  Arvilla8  Avery  (Elisha7,  Ephraim6,  Ephraim5,  Sam- 
uel*, Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  21,  1817,  at 
Montgomery,  Mass.;  published  Jan.  7,  1837,  at  Montgomery,  to 
Vinson  Chapman,  s.  of  Nathan  and  Eunice  (Parks)  Chapman. 
He  was  b.  March  21,  1810,  at  Montgomery.     He  d.  April  20, 

The   Eighth    Generation  799 

1855,  at  Montgomery ;    she   d.   Jan.   9,    1864,  at  Worth ington, 

Children  of  Vinson  and  Arvilla   (Avery)   Chapman: 

i.       Caroline  Eunice",  b.  Oct.  14,  1837,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.; 

m.  Joseph  F.  Allyn;    d.  June  19,  1889.     They  had   (a.) 

Carrie   Idella'0;     (b.)    Edgar   Scott10. 

ii.      Edward  Avery",  b.  Aug.  4,  1839,  at  Westfield  Farms;    m. 

Lodora  E.  Parks;    d.  May  14,  1910,  at  Westfield,  Mass. 

iii.     Camilla    Nancy",    b.    March    9,    1846,    at    North    Leverett, 

Mass.;     m.   George   Howland   Avery    (No.   5300). 
iv.     Carlos   Cooley",  b.   Aug.  22,   1847,   at   North   Leverett;    m. 
Angie  B.  Pratt;    is  a  farmer;    lives  at  Agawara,  Mass. 

2462.  Orril  Eliza*  Avery  (Elisha7,  Ephraim6,  Ephraim*, 
Samuel*,  Thomas-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  3,  1820, 
at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  m.  March  13,  1841,  at  North  Leverett, 
Mass.,  Charles  J.  Sherwood.  He  was  b.  at  Montague,  Mass. 
She  d.  in  March,  1843,  at  North  Leverett. 

Child  of  Charles  J.  and  Orril  Eliza   (Avery)   Sherwood: 

i.  Charles  Byron",  b.  May  14,  1847,  at  North  Leverett,  Mass.; 
m.  Fanny  Bartholomew;  d.  Dec.  2,  1905,  at  Indian- 
apolis,   Ind. 

2463.  Elisha-  Avery  (Elisha7,  Ephraim6,  Ephraim7',  Samuel*, 
Thomas3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  about  1824,  at  Mont- 
gomery, Mass. ;  m.  May  5,  1870,  at  Westfield,  Mass.,  Mary 
Lucina  Squier,  dau.  of  Peter  and  Sarah  (Phinney)  Squier.  She 
was  b.  about  1825.  He  d.  Oct.  31,  1899;  she  d.  Jan.  22,  1902, 
both  at  Montgomery,  Mass.     No  children. 

2470.  Adnah8  Avery  (Adnah7,  Abel0,  Ephraim7',  Samuel*, 
Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  29,  1823,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.;  m.  April  6,  1854,  at  Westfield,  Eunice  Priscilla 
Andrews,  dau.  of  George  and  Tamza  (King)  Andrews.  She 
was  b.  Dec.  22,  1833,  at  Farmington.  He  was  a  whip  manufac- 
turer at  Westfield ;  d.  Nov.  3,  1872,  at  Westfield.  She  was  liv- 
ing in  1910. 

Children  of  Adnah  and  Eunice  Priscilla  (Andrews)  Avery, 
b.  at  Westfield : 

5340.  i.       Charles  Edward9,  b.  Jan.  3,  1856. 

5341.  ii.      Lizzie  Esther9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1860. 

5342.  iii.     Mary  Bell9,  b.  July  15,  1864. 

800  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

2471.  Moses  Ashley8  Avery  (Adnah7,  Abel6,  Ephraim*,  Sam- 
uel*, Thomas'6,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  18,  1828,  at 
Westfield,  Mass. ;  m.  in  1857,  at  Southwick,  Mass.,  Jane  E. 
Copley,  dau.  of  Hiram  and  Lucy  (Smith)  Copley.  She  was  b.  in 
1833,  at  Southwick.  He  was  a  whip  manufacturer.  He  d.  in 
1908,  at  Westfield.  No  children.  She  was  living,  in  1911,  at 

2472.  Dorothy*  Avery  {Adnah1,  Abel",  Ephraim'%  Samuel*, 
Thomas*,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  29,  1830,  at  West- 
field,  Mass. ;  m.  William  P.  Buell,  who  was  b.  at  Newport,  N.  H. 
He  d.  in  January,  1879,  at  Nashua,  N.  H.;  she  d.  in  March,  1891, 
at  Waltham,  Mass. 

Children  of  William  and  Dorothy  (Avery)   Buell: 
i.       Dora  J.'',  b.  in  1856;    d.  in  1868. 
ii.      Fred  A.9,  b.  in  1858. 

2473.  Dexter8  Avery  (Adnah7,  Abel9,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*, 
Thomas3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  23,  1833,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.;  m.  May  26,  1862,  at  Westfield,  Frances  Sabrina 
Andrews,  sister  of  the  wife  of  his  brother  Adnah  (No.  2470). 
She  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1835,  at  Westfield.  He  was  a  whip-maker 
in  partnership  with  his  brother  Adnah.  He  d.  May  11,  1882,  at 
Westfield ;   she  d.  about  1902,  at  Westfield.    No  children. 

2474.  Sarah  Irene8  Avery  (Adnah7,  Abel6,  Ephraim'%  Sam- 
uel4, Thomas3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  30,  1837,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  July  13,  1861,  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  Charles 
S.  Burnham,  s.  of  Jesse  S.  and  Esther  Pearl  (Spafford)  Burn- 
ham.  He  was  b.  Feb.  9,  1836,  at  Pelham,  N.  H.  He  enlisted 
at  Nashua,  N.  H.,  in  the  3d  reg't  of  N.  H.  vol.  inf'y;  lieutenant, 
Aug.  22,  1861 ;  captain,  June  27,  1862 ;  mustered  out  of  the 
service  in  Dec,  1863.    Residence,  Waltham,  Mass. 

Children  of  Charles  S.  and  Sarah  Irene  (Avery)  Burnham, 
b.  at  Waltham,  Mass. : 

i.       Eugene9,  b.  June  21,  1865;    d.  y. 

ii.      Alice  Frances9,  b.  Dec.  5,  1866. 

iii.     Charles  Morton9,  b.  June  18,  1868. 

iv.     Harry  Atwood9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1869;    m.  Irene  Hubbard. 

v.      Louie  Estelle9,  b.  Oct.  4,  1873;    m.  John  P.  Kenyon. 

vi.     Leroy  Pearl9,  b.  May  11,  1879. 

vii.    Theodora9,  b.  Nov.  28,  1881. 

The  Eighth   Generation  801 

2476.  Nathan  Chapman8  Avery  (Walter7,  Abel9,  Ephraim5, 
Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher*)  ;  m.  Lydia  Maria  Ham- 
lin, dau.  of  Richard  and  Asenath  (Fowler)  Hamlin.  She  was 
b.  Aug.  31,  1830,  at  Southwick,  Mass.  He  was  a  farmer  and 
expressman ;   d.  July  1,  1899,  at  Westfield,  Mass. 

Children  of  Nathan  Chapman  and  Lydia  Maria   (Hamlin) 
Avery : 

i.       Wilburt  Nathan1',  b.  Jan.  6,  1853;    d.  Nov.  21,  1868. 

5350.  ii.      Robert  Nathan9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1866. 

5351.  iii.     Henry  Howard",  b.  Feb.  7,  1873. 

2478,  Sidney  John8  Avery  (Isaac7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5,  Sam- 
uel4, Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  24,  1827,  at 
Watson,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  21,  1853,  at  Hecla,  N.  Y.,  Arvilla 
Whitney,  dau.  of  William  Eaton  and  Permila  (Palmer)  Whit- 
ney. She  was  b.  April  12,  1831,  at  Manlius,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Jan. 
18,  1889,  at  Erie,  Pa. 

Children  of  Sidney  John  and  Arvilla   (Whitney)  Avery: 

5354.  i.       Ida  Deborah9,  b.  July  14,  1855,  at  Rome,  N.  Y. 

5355.  ii.      Minnie  Permila9,  b.  March  21,  1857,  at  Hampton,  N.  Y. 

5356.  iii.     Lewis  Whitney9,  b.  Jan.  1,  1868,  at  Mill  Creek  Tp.,  Pa. 

5357.  iv.     Jessie  Villa9,  b.  Feb.  27,  1871,  at  Erie. 

v.      Willie  N.9,  b.  Dec.  23,  1860,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y.;    d.  y. 

2479.  Jerusha8  Avery  (Isaac7,  Abel0,  Ephraim",  Samuel*, 
Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  25,  1829,  at  Wat- 
son, N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  29,  1857,  at  Lowville,  N.  Y.,  Leonard 
Davenport,  s.  of  Charles  and  Anne  (Cole)  Davenport.  He  was 
b.  Oct.  25,  1823,  at  Stow's  Square,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  lawyer;  d. 
July  31,  1885,  at  Lowville.    She  d.  there  Sept.  19,  1910. 

Children  of  Leonard  and  Jerusha  (Avery)  Davenport,  b.  at 
Lowville : 

i.       Louise9,  b.  July  18,  1864;    m.  Charles  Pelton;    d.  Aug.  26, 

ii.      Mary9,  b.  June  6,  1867;    m.  Leon  Miller, 
iii.     CHARLESr,  b.  March  6,  1869;    m.  Grace  Boshart. 

2481.  Silas  Clark8  Avery  (Solomon7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5,  Sam- 
uel*, Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  29,  1828,  at 
Westfield,  Mass. ;  m.  Nov  1,  1854,  at  Westfield,  Zeruah  Holcomb, 
dau.  of  Hial  and  Sophia   (Loomis)   Holcomb.     She  was  b.  Feb. 

802  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

20,  1834,  at  West  Parish,  Westfield.     He  was  a  merchant.     He 
d.  Oct.  11,  1859;   she  d.  March  18,  1908,  both  at  Westfield. 

Child  of  Silas  Clark  and  Zeruah   (Holcomb)   Avery,  b.  at 
Westfield : 

5358.     i.       Jane  Ellina9,  b.  July  31,  1855. 

2482.  Adaline8  Avery  (Solomon7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*, 
Thomas5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  28,  1831,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.;  m.  May  15,  1850,  at  Westfield,  Charles  Warham 
Shepard,  s.  of  Warham  and  Jerusha  (Eastman)  Shepard.  He 
was  b.  April  9,  1822,  at  Westfield.  He  was  a  merchant;  d. 
March  31,  1879,  at  Westfield. 

Children  of  Charles  Warham  and  Adaline  (Avery)  Shep- 
ard, b.  at  Westfield : 

i.       Charles  Warham",  b.  March  26,  1851;    m.  Cora  Anson. 

ii.  Frank  Avery9,  b.  Sept.  1,  1853;  m.  Emma  Adelaide  Mason; 
d.  Jan.  25,  1901,  at  Torrington.  He  was  a  knight  tem- 

iii.  Addie  Ellina9,  b.  Oct.  13,  1855;  a  member  of  Mercy 
Warren  Chapter,  D.  A.  R. 

iv.     Eliza  Halladay9,  b.  Oct.  6,  1857;    d.  Aug.  28,  1859. 

v.     Josephine  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  26,  1860;    d.  April  16,  1861. 

2483.  Theodora8  Avery  (Solomon7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5,  Sam- 
uel*, Thomas5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  3,  1845,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  Aug.  12,  1869,  at  Westfield,  James  Hub- 
bard Towle,  s.  of  Oliver  and  Elizabeth  L.  (Weeks)  Towle.  He 
was  b.  Feb.  12,  1845,  at  Hampton,  N.  H.  She  d.  Aug.  20,  1906, 
at  Westfield.    He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Westfield,  Mass. 

Children  of  James  Hubbard  and  Theodora  (Avery)   Towle, 
b.  at  Westfield: 

i.       Edward  Avery9,  b.  May  20,  1872;    d.  Oct.  14,  1893. 

ii.      Clarence  Clark9,  b.  Oct.  21,  1875;    m.  Eunice  Abbe  Clark; 

is  a  physician;    residence,  Somerville,  Mass. 
iii.     Theodora  Avery9,  b.  April  20,  1882. 

2484.  Dolly  Ann*  Avery  (John7 ,  Abel6,  Ephraim5,  Samuel'-, 
Thomas5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  22,  1832,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.;  m.  Dec.  10,  1851,  at  Westfield,  Guy  Dunham  Green, 

s.  of and  Emily   (Chapin)   Green.     He  was  b.  July  4, 

1831,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.    She  d.  Sept.  3,  1907,  at  Wilbraham,  Mass. 

The   Eighth    Generation  803 

Child  of  Guy  Dunham  and  Dolly  Ann  (Avery)  Green,  b. 
at  Westfield : 

i.       Emma  A.9,  b.  July  8,   1852;    m.  Nye;    2d,  Lurin 

Potter;    d.  Nov.  21,  1907,  at  Wilbraham. 

2485.  Eliza  Jane*  Avery  (JoJin7,  Abel(\  Ephraim*,  Samuel*, 
Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  Sept.  25,  1850,  at  Spring- 
field, Mass.,  Charles  G.  Chapin.  He  was  23  years  and  she  was 
18  years  of  age  when  married.    She  m.  2d,  George  D.  Haven. 

Child  of  Charles  G.  and  Eliza  Jane  (Avery)  Chapin,  b.  at 
Westfield,  Mass.: 

i.       Ella  Maria0,  b.  Aug.  29,  1851. 

2486.  Isaac8  Avery  (John',  Abel6,  Epliraim5,  Samuel*, 
Thomas'-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  14,  1836,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.;  m.  Jan.  11,  1859,  at  Granby,  Mass.,  Nellie  Clark, 
dau.  of  Elisha  and  Minerva  Burke  (Stearns)  Clark.  She  was 
b.  April  19,  1837,  at  Southampton,  Mass.  He  was  a  farmer;  d. 
Jan.  14,  1891,  at  Norwich,  Mass.    She  lives  at  Huntington,  Mass. 

Children  of  Isaac  and  Nellie   (Clark)   Avery: 

5360.  i.       Cyrus  Herbert1',  b.  Oct.  25,  1859,  at  Easthampton,  Mass. 

5361.  ii.      Nettie  Belle",  b.  June  7,  1862,  at  Southampton. 

5362.  iii.     Hattie  Ellen9,  b.  March  22,  1867,  at  Norwich. 

2488.  John  Cyrus8  Avery  {John1,  Abel6,  Epliraim5,  Sam- 
uel*, Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  11,  1843,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  Jan.  21,  1874,  at  Norwich,  Mass.,  Lucy 
Maria  Porter,  dau.  of  Seth  and  Maria  (Lyman)  Porter.  She 
was  b.  June  23,  1849,  at  Norwich.  He  was  a  farmer.  In  the 
civil  war  he  was  a  sergeant  in  Co.  D,  34th  reg't  Mass.  inf.; 
wounded ;  served  until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  was  selectman 
of  Norwich;  superintendent  of  streets;  a  director  in  the  church. 
He  d.  July  31,  1904,  at  Norwich.    She  resides  at  Norwich,  Mass. 

Children  of  John  Cyrus  and  Lucy  Maria  (Porter)  Avery, 
b.  at  Norwich: 

5363.  i.       Ogden  Porter9,  b.  Sept.  27,  1875. 

5364.  ii.      Byron  Lyman9,  b.  Aug.  2,   1877. 

5365.  iii.     Jay  Morton9,  b.  Sept.  23,  1888. 

2492.  Helen  Josephine8  Avery  (Henry7,  Samuel9,  Ephrawv, 
Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  6,  1838, 
at  Westfield,   Mass.;    m.   Oct.   15,   1857,   at  Westfield,    Charles 

804  The   Groton  Avery   Clan 

Noble  Yeamans,  s.  of  Ira  and  Lucy  (Noble)  Yeamans.  He  was 
b.  April  1,  1836,  at  Westfield.  He  occupied  many  important 
positions — was  vice-president  of  First  National  Bank  of  West- 
field;  superintendent  of  N.  Y.,  N.  H.  and  H.  R.  R. ;  director, 
vice-president,  and  president  of  the  same  road.  He  d.  Oct.  30, 
1901,  at  Westfield.     She  resides  at  Westfield. 

Child  of  Charles  Noble  and  Helen  Josephine  (Avery)  Yea- 
mans, b.  at  Westfield: 

i.       Charles9,  b.  July  7,  1858;    d.  y. 

2493.  Frank  Rhodes8  Avery  {Henry1,  Samuel6,  Ephraimr% 
Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  7,  1853, 
at  Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  March  29,  1877,  at  Westfield,  Lillian 
Campbell,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Nancy  (Cowles)  Campbell.  She 
was  b.  March  1,  1855,  at  Westfield.  He  d.  June  2,  1886,  at 
Jamestown,  N.  Y.    She  lives  at  Westfield. 

Children  of  Frank  Rhodes  and  Lillian   (Campbell)   Avery: 

5385.  i.       Henry  Campbell'1,  b.  March  8,  1880,  at  Chicago,  111. 

5386.  ii.     Josephine  Yeamans9,  b.  Nov.  13,  1881,  at  Brookfield,  Mo. 

2497.  Samuel  Selden8  Avery  (Abraham  Selden7,  Abraham*, 
Jonathan*,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  22,  1823,  at  Pike,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  1,  1859,  Juliette  Pound- 
stone,  of  Fayette  County,  Pa.  She  was  b.  Sept.  19,  1836.  They 
lived  at  New  Lexington,  0. 

Children    of    Samuel    Selden    and    Juliette     (Poundstone) 
Avery : 

5387.  i.       Annie9,  b.  Aug.  30,  1860;    m.  Oct.  26,  1882,  H.  A.  Morgan; 

child,  Nellie10. 

5388.  ii.     John  Selden9,  b.   Sept.  27,  1863. 

5389.  iii.     Katie9,  b.  Dec.  22,  1867. 

2499.  Julia8  Avery  (Abraham  Selden7,  Abraham6,  Jona- 
than5, Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
26,  1835,  at  Attica,  N.  Y. ;  m.  the  Rev.  William  Ransdell,  a  Meth- 
odist minister. 

Children  of  William  and  Julia  (Avery)   Ransdell: 
i.      Edwin  C.8. 
ii.     Ella*. 

iii.     Emma9,  b.  May  4,  1858,  at  New  Palestine,  Ind.;    d.  May  18, 
1881,  at  Lawrenceburg,  Ind. 

The   Eighth   Generation  805 

2500.  William  Andrew*  Avery  {Thomas',  Abraham*,  Jona- 
than*, Abraham41,  Thomas3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
14,  1847,  at  East  Lyme;  m.  Nov.  18,  1869,  at  East  Lyme, 
Lockie  Payne  Gorton,  dau.  of  William  Gardiner  and  Eliza  Ray- 
mond (Warren)  Gorton.  She  was  b.  May  19,  1843,  at  East 
Lyme.  He  was  a  farmer  and  salesman.  He  d.  March  7,  1877, 
at  East  Lyme.     She  lives  at  Norwich. 

Children  of  William  Andrew  and  Lockie  Payne   (Gorton) 
Avery,  b.  at  East  Lyme: 

5390.  i.       Eliza  Warren9,  b.  Sept.  21,  1871. 

5391.  ii.      Ellen  Lockie9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1875. 

iii.     Williemiene  Griswold9,  b.  Oct.  31,  1876;    d.  May  25,  1882. 

2501.  Charles  Thomas8  Avery  (Thomas7,  Abraham*,  Jona- 
than7', Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
8,  1849,  at  East  Lyme;  m.  Nov.  24,  1877,  at  East  Lyme,  Martha 
Rebecca  Hough,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Lent  Serajah  and  Hannah 
(Smith)  Hough.  She  was  b.  Feb.  13,  1848,  at  Middletown.  He 
was  a  real  estate  agent;  d.  July  3,  1901,  at  Coldwater,  Kas.  She 
lives  at  Coldwater. 

Children  of  Charles  Thomas  and  Martha  Rebecca  (Hough) 
Avery : 

5392.  i.       Mary  Belle9,  b.  Oct.  4,  1879,  at  Caldwell,  Kas. 

5393.  ii.      William  Hough9,  b.  March  10,  1882,  at  Caldwell. 

5394.  iii.     Charles  Warren9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1884,  at  Caldwell. 

5395.  iv.     Arthur  Raymond9,  b.  Jan.  26,  1892,  at  Coldwater,  Kas. 

2502.  William  Thomas8  Avery  (Nathan7,  William  Thomas6, 
Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
11,  1819,  at  Bolivar,  Tenn.;   m.  Dec.  16,  1852,  at  Holly  Springs, 

Miss.,  Emma  Chastelett  Jones,   dau.  of and  Louisiana 

(Lumpkins)  Jones.  She  was  b.  Feb.  10,  1835,  at  Athens,  Ga. 
He  was  a  lawyer ;  member  of  the  state  legislature ;  representa- 
tive in  congress  for  two  terms;  lieutenant-colonel  of  the  First 
Tennessee,  Alabama  and  Mississippi  regiment  of  the  Confeder- 
ate army;  taken  prisoner  and  sent  to  Johnson's  Island  in  1862; 
after  the  war,  resumed  his  profession.  He  d.  May  22,  1880,  at 
Memphis ;   she  d.  Oct.  4,  1887,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  William  Thomas  and  Emma  Chastelett  (Jones) 
Avery : 

806  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5396.  i.       Emma  Blythe9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1856,  at  Memphis. 

ii.  Harry  Edwin1',  b.  March  22,  1858,  at  Memphis;  d.  Jan.  29, 
1890,  in  Honduras;    unm. 

5397.  iii.     William  Thomas9,  b.  Nov.  14,  1859,  at  Holly  Springs. 

2503.  Elizabeth  Edmunds8  Avery  (Nathan7,  William 
Thomas6,  Nathan6,  Abraham*,  TJiomas3,  James-,  Christopher* ) 
was  b.  Jan.  19,  1824,  at  Bolivar,  Tenn.;  m.  Jan.  5,  1852,  at 
Memphis,  Tenn.,  Minor  Meriwether,  s.  of  Garritt  Minor  and 
Mary  Ann  (Minor)  Meriwether.  He  was  b.  Jan.  15,  1827,  in 
Christian  Co.,  Ky. ;  d.  June  6,  1910,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.  He  was 
a  lawyer;   she  is  an  author.    Residence,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Children  of  Minor  and  Elizabeth  Edmunds  (Avery)  Meri- 
wether : 

i.       Avery9,  b.  July  15,  1857,  at  Memphis;    d.  July  22,  1883,  at 

Waukesha,  Wis. 
ii.      Rivers  Blythe9,  b.  July  26,  1859,  at  Cleveland,  O.;    m.  Lulu 

Norvell;    d.  Feb.  5,  1896,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
iii.     Lee9,  b.  Dec.  26,  1862,  at  Columbus,  Miss.;    m.  Jessie  Maud 
Gair;     lawyer,    traveller,    and    author.      Residence,    St. 

2504.  Amanda8  Avery  (Nathan7,  William  Thomas6,  Na- 
than5, Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
6,  1828,  at  Bolivar,  Tenn. ;  m.  Nov.  30,  1848,  at  Memphis,  Tenn., 
Nathaniel  Macon  Trezevant,  s.  of  James  and  Mary  Blunt 
(Turner)  Trezevant.  He  was  b.  July  30,  1827,  at  Petersburg, 
Va.    He  is  an  agriculturalist.    Residence,  Berkeley,  Calif. 

Children  of  Nathaniel  Macon  and  Amanda  (Avery)  Treze- 
vant, b.  at  Memphis: 

i.       Alice9,  b.  Nov.  24,  1849;    m.  William  Armistead  Collier. 

ii.  Estelle9,  b.  June  24,  1851;  m.  Dr.  Charles  Dexter  Cleve- 

iii.  James  Macon9,  b.  March  16,  1854;  d.  July  14,  1895,  in 
Calif.;    unm. 

iv.     Zoe9,  b.  May  31,  1856;    d.  y. 

v.      Theodore  Rivers9,  b.  June  22,  1857;    d.  y. 

2505.  Cornelia  Estelle8  Avery  (Natha7i7,  William  Thomas6, 
NathanT',  Abraham4,  Thomas"-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  14,  1830,  at  Bolivar,  Tenn.;  m.  Nov.  8,  1849,  at  Mem- 
phis, Tenn.,  Spence  Hall  Lamb,  s.  of  Isaac  N.  and  Sidney  Gatlin 
(Hall)  Lamb.    He  was  b.  Nov.  8,  1823,  at  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

The   Eighth   Generation 


He  was  secretary  and  treasurer  of  the  Miss.  &  Term.  R.  R.    He 
d.  Aug.  18,  1898,  at  Lawrence  Harbor,  N.  J. 

Children   of   Spence   Hall   and    Cornelia    Estelle    (Avery) 

i.  Thomas  Avery9,  b.  Jan.  7,  1851,  at  Memphis;  m.  Hattie 

ii.  Sidney  Rivers9,  b.  July  26,  1852,  at  Memphis;  m.  Mary- 
Robertson;  d.  Aug.  18,  1882,  at  Memphis. 

iii.     Minor  Finley9,  b.  June  18,  1854;    d.  y.  at  Memphis. 

iv.     Lawrence9,  b.  June  1,  1857,  at  Memphis. 

v.      Spence  Hall9,  b.  March  25,  1864,  at  Tuscaloosa,  Ala. 

vi.     Walter9,  b.  Dec.  22,  1866,  at  Memphis. 

vii.    Lizzie  Estelle9,  b.  Dec.  3,  1872,  at  Memphis;    d.  y. 

viii.  Estelle9,  b.  Nov.  5,  1877,  at  Memphis. 

2506,  Robert  Hanneman*  Avery  (George7,  William  Thomas6, 
Nathan6,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
17,  1840,  at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  Jan.  17,  1867,  at  Galesburg, 
Sarah  Payson  Ayers,  dau.  of  Thomas  Nelson  and  Sarah  (Cutler) 

■  ■ 

Ayers.  She  was  b.  March  20,  1848,  at  Sing  Sing,  N.  Y.  He 
enlisted  in  the  77th  111.  reg't  inf'y  and  served  for  three  years  of 
the  civil  war.  For  a  time,  he  was  a  prisoner  at  Andersonville 
where  he  spent  many  otherwise  idle  hours  drawing,  in  the  sand 
of  the  prison  yard,  designs  of  agricultural  implements  which  he 
began  to  make  soon  after  his  release,  the  first  being  a  stalk-cutter 
and  a  corn-planter.  Early  in  the  70's,  he  and  his  brother,  Cyrus 
Minor  Avery,  organized  the  business  of  manufacturing  agri- 
cultural implements  at  Galesburg,  111.    The  style  of  the  partner- 













808  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

ship  was  "R.  H.  &  C.  M.  Avery."  In  1882,  the  business  was 
removed  to  Peoria,  111.,  where  it  has  developed  into  a  very  large 
corporation  known  as  the  "Avery  Company,"  as  described  in 
the  record  of  his  brother  and  partner  (No.  2509,  q.  v.).  The 
accompanying  picture  represents  the  engine  and  tractor  factory, 
one  of  the  numerous  buildings  of  the  present  plant  of  the  com- 
pany of  which  he  was  one  of  the  founders.  The  building  is  93 
feet  wide  and  1,032  feet  long,  with  a  24-foot  gallery  on  each  side. 
He  d.  Sept.  13,  1893,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif.  She  d.  Aug.  23, 
1898,  at  Batavia,  111. 

Children  of  Robert  Hanneman  and  Sarah  Payson  (Ayers) 

Avery : 

Minnie  Esther0,  b.  June  23,  1868,  at  Galesburg,  111. 
Frederick  Robert9,  b.  Nov.  5,  1869,  at  Galesburg. 
Sarah  Payson9,  b.  Sept.  17,  1872,  at  Galesburg. 
Cornelia9,  b.  May  7,  1876,  at  Sterling,  Kas. 
Ellen  Kendall9,  b.  March  9,  1881,  at  Galesburg. 
Elizabeth9,  b.  Sept.  28,  1886,  at  Peoria,  111. 

2507.  John  Thomas8  Avery  (George7,  William  Thomas*, 
Nathan5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
25,  1841,  at  Galesburg,  111. ;  m.  Sept.  1,  1866,  at  Galesburg, 
Flora  Emma  Olmsted,  dau.  of  Silas  and  Emily  (Ward)  Olmsted. 
She  was  b.  April  25,  1847,  in  Warren  County,  111.  He  was  a 
farmer;  d.  Aug.  11,  1905,  at  Galesburg.  They  adopted  Minnie 
Estelle  Johnson,  b.  Aug.  14,  1888,  near  Woodhull,  111. 

2508.  Mary8  Avery  {George1,  William  Thomas*,  Nathan"', 
Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  13, 
1844,  at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  April  30,  1869,  at  Galesburg,  the 
Rev.  William  Rogers  Butcher,  s.  of  William  and  Sophia  Ann 
(Chappell)  Butcher.  He  was  b.  Sept.  25,  1841,  at  Maiden, 
England.  He  studied  civil  engineering,  at  McGill  University, 
Montreal;  Chicago  Theological  Seminary,  1869;  served  under 
the  Home  Missionary  Society;  pastor  of  the  Congregational 
church  at  Albany,  Ore.,  four  years ;  of  the  church  at  The  Dalles, 
Ore.,  three  years;  was  pastor  at  Chandlerville,  111.,  1901.  In 
1911,  he  was  pastor  of  the  Congregational  Church  at  Rood- 
house,  111.,  and  registrar  of  the  Congregational  Conference  of 

The   Eighth  Generation 


Children  of  William  Rogers  and  Mary  (Avery)  Butcher: 

i.  Harry  Eugene3,  b.  April  20,  1870,  at  Albany,  Ore.;  m. 
Sarah  Payson  Avery   (No.  5400). 

ii.      Mary  Zelle9,  b.  July  12,  1873,  at  Albany. 

iii.  Etha',  b.  Jan.  21,  1875,  at  The  Dalles,  Ore.;  graduate  of 
Knox  College  and  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital;  m. 
William  Harold  Klosz;  missionaries  to  India.  Resi- 
dence in  1911,  Bhusawal,  India. 

iv.     William  Avery9,  b.  Jan.  22,  1881,  at  Wataga,  111. 

v.      Irene  Louise9,  b.  Nov.  28,  1885,  at  Wataga. 

2509.  Cyrus  Minor s  Avery  (George7,  William  Thomas*, 
Nathair,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  19,  1846,  at  Galesburg,  111. ;  m.  Oct.  4,  1877,  at  Galesburg, 
Minnie  Evalena  Bartholomew,  dau.  of  Luzerne  and  Sarah  Elvira 
(Payne)  Bartholomew.     She  was  b.  Feb.  25,  1856,  at  Elmwood, 

111.  In  the  early  70's,  he  began,  at  Galesburg,  the  manufacture 
of  agricultural  implements,  as  stated  in  the  record  of  his  brother, 
Robert  Hanneman  Avery  (No.  2506,  q.  v.).  In  1883,  after  the 
removal  of  the  business  to  Peoria,  the  "Avery  Planter  Company" 
was  organized  with  a  capital  of  $200,000.  Ten  years  later,  the 
authorized  capitalization  was  increased  to  $300,000.  In  1900, 
the  name  was  changed  to  the  "Avery  Manufacturing  Company," 
and  the  authorized  capitalization  increased  to  $1,000,000.  The 
business  continued  to  grow  as  will  be  further  explained  in  the 
record  of  George  Luzerne  Avery  (No.  5405,  q.  v.).  Cyrus  Minor 
Avery  d.  Sept.  15,  1905,  at  Galesburg,  where  his  widow  still 
lives.  The  Year  Book  of  Knox  College  for  1907  bears  the  follow- 
ing tribute: 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

uo  tlje  memory  of 

(EyruH  fHittor  Aurrg, 

honoreo  alumnus,  ualued  ©roster,  surressful 
business  man,  uurinjjt  ano  influential  ritizen; 
mljnse  singular  nobility,  of  rljarartrr,  loyal 
frtenosljtn  ano  marm-ljearted,  nurn-lmndeo 
generosity,  Ijts  Alma  ifflatrr  Ijolos  in  grateful 
ano  lotting  esteem, 

(Ehts  look  is  Srotraird. 

Children  of  Cyrus  Minor  and  Minnie  Evalena    (Bartholo- 
mew) Avery: 

5404.  i.  Elvira  Princess9,  b.  Sept.  25,  1878,  at  Galesburg. 

5405.  ii.  George  Luzerne3,  b.  Sept.  12,  1879,  a't  Galesburg. 

5406.  iii.  Grace  Ophelia9,  b.  Oct.  8,  1883,  at  Peoria,  111. 

5407.  iv.  Harriette9,  b.  June  20,  1886,  at  Peoria. 

5408.  v.  Cyrus  Minor9,  b.  May  29,  1899,  at  Peoria. 

The   Eighth   Generation 


812  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2511.  George*  Avery  (George',  William  Thomas*,  Nathan*, 
Abraham*,  Thomas*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  9,  1854, 
at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  April  5,  1881,  at  Galesburg,  Ada  Adell 
Wood,  dan.  of  John  and  Emily  (Fish)  Wood.  She  was  b.  Jan. 
29,  1856,  at  Quincy,  111.  He  is  a  farmer  and  merchant.  Resi- 
dence, Nickerson,  Kas. 

Children  of  George  and  Ada  Adell  (Wood)  Avery,  b.  at 
Avery,  Kas. : 

i.       George9,  b.  Jan.  3,  1882;    d.  y. 

ii.      Princess9,  b.  Aug.  16,  1883;    d.  y. 

5409.  iii.     Edith  Luella9,  b.  March   16,  1885. 

5410.  iv.     Seraphena  Princess  Mary9,  b.  April  21,  1887. 

5411.  v.      Phebe  Emily9,  b.  Aug.  20,  1888. 

5412.  vi.     George9,   b.   Feb.   19,   1890. 

5413.  vii.    Caspar  Wtstar9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1895. 

2512.  William  Gates8  Avery  (John  Thomas7,  William 
Thomas8,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thornas3,  James'2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  27,  1840,  at  Cleveland,  O.;  m.  May  14,  1872,  at 
Detroit,  Mich.,  Almira  Peere,  dau.  of  Ezra  Goodrich  and  Mary 
Peere.  She  was  b.  June  8,  1853,  at  Lakeville,  Mich.  He  is  an 
inventor  and  manufacturer.  She  d.  Jan.  31,  1904,  at  Paines- 
ville,  O.    No  children.    Residence,  Painesville,  O. 

2513.  Sarah  Whiting8  Avery  (John  Thomas7,  William 
Thomas*,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas2,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  10,  1843,  at  Cleveland,  O.;  m.  June  21,  1866,  at 
Cleveland,  Thomas  Douns  Barnum,  s.  of  Stephen  and  Elizabeth 
(Chatfield)  Barnum.  He  was  b.  April  23,  1842,  at  Utica,  N.  Y. 
He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Thomas  Douns  and  Sarah  Whiting    (Avery) 
Barnum,  b.  at  Buffalo : 

i.       Fannie  Elizabeth9,  b.  Aug.  5,  1867;    m.  Langford  S.  Keat- 
ii.      Evelyn  Avery9,  b.  July  16,  1880. 
iii.     Stephanna  Ostrum9,  b.  April  23,  1882. 

2514.  George  Whitfield8  Avery  (John  Thomas7,  William 
Thomas6,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  9,  1845,  at  Cleveland,  O.;  m.  Oct.  14,  1874,  at 
Cleveland,    Harriet   Amelia  Burnham,  dau.  of  Willard  and  Ma- 

The   Eighth  Generation  813 

tilda  (Wheelock)  Burnham.     She  was  b.  May  7,  1845,  at  Cleve- 
land.   He  is  a  hardware  merchant.    Residence,  Cleveland. 

Child  of  George  Whitfield  and  Harriet  Amelia   (Burnham) 
Avery,  b.  at  Cleveland : 

5414.  i.       Matilda  Burnham9,  b.  Jan.  11,  1876. 

2516.  Frederick  Burt8  Avery,  D.  D.  (John  Thomas-,  Will- 
iam Thomas6,  Nathan5,  Abraham',  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher^) was  b.  June  7,  1854,  at  Cleveland,  0.;  m.  Nov.  10,  1880, 
at  Evanston,  111.,  lone  Lester,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Cornelia  Tryon 
(Brown)  Lester.  She  was  b.  Nov.  15,  1859,  at  Cleveland.  He 
was  graduated  from  Oberlin  College;  from  Ohio  State  Law 
College;  was  law  librarian  of  Cuyahoga  Co.,  0.,  three  years; 
was  graduated  from  the  'Protestant  Episcopal  Seminary  in 
1880 ;  ordained  deacon,  1880 ;  ordained  priest,  1881 ;  rector  at 
Canton,  O. ;  was  rector  of  St.  John's,  Youngstown,  O. ;  of  St. 
Mark's  (Frankford),  Philadelphia,  Pa.;  of  St.  James',  Paines- 
ville,  O. ;  of  St.  Paul's,  East  Cleveland,  0. ;  director  of  Berea 
College,  Ky. ;  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Lincoln  Memorial 
University  at  Cumberland  Gap ;  vice-president  of  the  Cumber- 
land Gap  Industrial  Home  and  School  for  girls ;  secretary  of 
the  standing  committee  of  the  Diocese  of  Ohio  for  ten  years, 
and  its  president  for  five  years.  He  has  also  built  three  mission 
churches.    Residence,  East  Cleveland,  O. 

Children  of  Frederick  Burt  and  lone  (Lester)  Avery: 

5415.  i.       Frederick  Whiting9,  b.  Sept.  15,  1884,  at  Youngstown,  O. 

5416.  ii.      Harriette  Lester9,  b.  June  25,  1886,  at  Youngstown. 

5417.  iii.     Ione  Cornelia  Tryon9,  b.  Dec.  17,  1890,  at  Frankford,  Pa. 

5418.  iv.     Lester  Tryon9,  b.  Aug.  28,  1896,  at  Painesville,  0. 

2517.  Henry  Whiting8  Avery  (John  Thomas7,  William 
Thomas6,  Nathan5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  10,  1857,  at  Cleveland,  0.;  m.  April  25,  1888,  at 
New  York  City,  Marrianne  Hamilton  Kellock,  dau.  of  William 
and  Caroline  Harriet  (Ford)  Kellock.  She  was  b.  Feb.  24,  1857, 
at  New  York  City.  He  is  a  manufacturer.  No  children.  Resi- 
dence, Cleveland,  0. 

2518.  Abraham8  Avery  (Abraham7,  Ashbel  Stevens6,  Abra- 
ham5, Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
24,  1834,  at  Sandstone,  Jackson  Co.,  Mich.;  m.  May  22,  1867, 
at  Oberlin,  O.,    Frances   Amelia    Kline,  dau.   of  Barnhart  and 

814  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Rosetta  Cook    (Chapel)    Kline.     She  was  b.  April  6,   1841,  at 
Bellevue,  O.    He  was  a  farmer ;  d.  April  4,  1908,  at  Sandstone. 
Children  of  Abraham  and  Frances  Amelia  (Kline)  Avery: 

5419.  i.       Mary  Vinnie',  b.  May  31,  1870,  at  Bellevue,  Neb. 

5420.  ii.      Eli  Abraham",  b.  May  31,  1872,  at  Bellevue,  Neb. 

5421.  iii.     Elmer  Kline',  b.  July  23,  1874,  at  Parma,  Mich. 

2520.  Hattie  Eunice"  Avery  (William  Miller7,  Ashbel 
Stevens*,  Abraham5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  6,  1861,  at  Tompkins,  Mich.;  m.  Nov.  15,  1883. 
at  Boston,  Mass.,  Henry  Willis  Phelps,  s.  of  Henry  Willis  and 
Annie  Nancy  (Warner)  Phelps.  He  was  b.  June  5,  1865,  at 
Pana,  111.     Residence,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

Children    of    Henry    Willis    and    Hattie    Eunice    (Avery) 


i.       Annie  Phyllis9,  b.  Aug.  10,  1884,  at  Hamburg,  la. 

ii.      Henry  Avery0,  b.  July  5,  1886,  at  Hamburg. 

iii.     Jeannette  Avery1',  b.  June  6,  1891,  at  Excelsior,  Wis. 

2521.  Jeannette  Maria"  Avery  (William  Miller7,  Ashbel 
Stevens9,  Abraham",  Abraham*,  Thomas';  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  4,  1865,  at  Jackson,  Mich.;  m.  Nov.  3,  1892,  at 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  James  Crawford  Bond,  s.  of  Austin  and  Jane 
(Arnold)  Bond.  He  was  b.  Sept.  30,  1865,  at  North  Adams, 
Mass.  He  is  receiving  teller  of  the  state  treasury  at  Boston. 
Residence,  11  Ardale  St.   (Roslindale  Sta.),  Boston,  Mass. 

2522.  Nathan  Stickles"  Avery  (William  Henry7,  Nathan", 
Abraham5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  28,  1837,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  26,  1863,  at  Taghka- 
nic,  N.  Y.,  Eliza  Ann  McNeil,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Anna  (Bell) 
McNeil.  She  was  b.  June  1,  1835,  at  Taghkanic;  d.  Jan.  21, 
1906,  at  Taghkanic.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  East  Taghka- 
nic, N.  Y. 

Children    of    Nathan    Stickles    and    Eliza    Ann    (McNeil) 
Avery,  b.  at  Taghkanic : 

5422.  i.       Willard  Nathan9,  b.  May  28,  1870. 

5423.  ii.      Jennie  Maria9,  b.  June  6,  1879. 

2523.  John  Evans"  Avery  (William  Henry7,  Nathan*,  Abra- 
ham5, Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
5,  1841,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;   m.  Oct.  1,  1866,  at  Valatie,   Cornelia 

The   Eighth  Generation  815 

Van  Dyck,  dau.  of  Abram  P.  and  Elizabeth  (Gardinier)  Van 
Dyck.  She  was  b.  March  10,  1843,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  91st  reg't  of  N.  Y.  vols,  in  the  civil  war.  He  d. 
Sept.  2,  1907,  at  Valatie. 

Children  of  John  Evans  and  Cornelia  (Van  Dyck)  Avery, 
b.  at  Valatie : 

.1424.     i.       Edwin9,  b.   May   19,   1868. 

ii.      Laura  Ann",  b.  June  8,  1870;    d.  May  3,  1874,  at  Valatie. 

5425.  iii.     Ida   May3,  b.  July  24,   1875. 

5426.  iv.     George  Powell9,  b.  Sept.  10,  1881. 

v.      Nathan  Stickles9,  b.  May  25,  1887;  d.  June  19,  1896,  at 

2524.  William  Henry8  Avery  (William  Henry',  Nathan", 
Abraham7',  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  4,  1846,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  at  Valatie,  Athalia  Clapper. 
He  was  a  soldier  in  the  civil  war,  91st  reg't  N.  Y.  vols.  Resi- 
dence, Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  William  Henry  and  Athalia   (Clapper)   Avery: 

5427.  i.       Harry9,  b.  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. 

5428.  ii.      Charles  Benjamin9,  b.  at  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

5429.  iii.     Anna  Laura9,  b.  Oct.  17,  1874,  at  Valatie. 

2526.  Benjamin    F.8    Avery      (William    Henry7,    Nathan'', 

Abraham5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  29,  1853,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  5,  1881,  at  Albany, 
N.  Y.,  Ellen  Colegrove,  dau.  of  William  and  Julia  C.  (Tufts) 
Colegrove.  She  was  b.  Jan.  28,  1857,  at  Albany.  He  d.  Oct.  15, 
1894,  at  Albany,  N.  Y.,  where  she  is  living. 

Child  of  Benjamin  F.  and  Ellen   (Colegrove)   Avery: 

5430.  i.       Marie9,  b.  Feb.  6,  1886,  at  Albany. 

2527.  Addison"  Avery  (Addison1,  Abraham",  Abraham*, 
Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher")  was  b.  Feb.  17,  1837, 
at  Boston,  Mass.;  m.  March  14,  1860,  at  Boston,  Judith  Ellen 
Horton,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Jotham  and  Judith  (Delano)  Horton. 
She  was  b.  Nov.  3,  1840,  at  Lowell,  Mass.  He  m.  2d,  Feb.  17, 
1872,  at  Denver,  Colo.,  Mary  Pease  Wilson.  She  d.  March  11, 
1874,  at  Canon  City,  Colo.  He  m.  3d,  Aug.  11,  1876,  at  Denver, 
Colo.,  Flora  Clementine  Gurnsey,  dau.  of  Anthony  J.  and  Martha 
(Baldwin)  Gurnsey.     She  was  b.  April  23,  1846,  at  Watertown. 

816  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

He  has  had  a  large  experience  in  operating  mining  machinery ; 
is  an  inventor,  and  a  manufacturer  of  leather  novelties.  Resi- 
dence, 230  St.  John's  Court,  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Addison  and  Judith  Ellen  (Horton)  Avery: 

i.       Mary    Elizabeth",   b.    Dec.   15,   1860,   at   Townsend,    Mass.; 

d.  y. 
ii.      William  Horton",  b.  June  5,  1863,  at  Montreal,  Canada. 

Child  of  Addison  and  Mary  Pease  (Wilson)  Avery: 

5432.  i.       Carrie  Camilla9,  b.  March  31,  1873,  at  Canon  City,  Colo. 

Child  of  Addison  and  Flora  Clementine  (Gurnsey)  Avery: 

5433.  i.       Addison  Edward9,  b.  July  10,  1884,  at  Denver,  Colo. 

2528.  Ann  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Addison7,  Abraham6,  Abra- 
ham5, Abraham*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug 
24,  1838,  at  Boston,  Mass.;  m.  May  27,  1862,  at  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  the  Rev.  William  Augustus  Smith,  s.  of  William  and  Nancy 
(Bliss)  Smith.  He  was  b.  May  27,  1834.  He  was  a  graduate 
of  Wesleyan  University.  He  d.  Sept.  30,  1887,  at  Rockford,  111. 
She  resides  at  Palo  Alto,  Calif. 

Children  of  William  Augustus  and  Ann  Elizabeth  (Avery) 

Smith : 

i.       Helen  Maud9,  b.  July  21,  1864;    d.  Sept.  17,  1866. 

ii.      Martha  Constance3,  b.  Feb.  26,  1868;    m.  William  Fletcher 

Hyde.      She    was    an    instructor    in    the    department    of 

English  of  Leland  Stanford  University;    he  is  manager 

of  the  official  bookstore  of  Leland  Stanford  University. 

Children:     (a.)     William   Avery™;    (b.)    John    Vincent10; 

(c.)    Theodore™ ;     (d.)    Sylvia  Alden10.     Residence,    Palo 

Alto,  Calif. 

2529.  John8  Avery  (Addison7,  Abraham*,  Abraham5,  Abra- 
ham4, Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  8,  1841,  at 
Boston,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  15,  1862,  at  Southboro,  Mass.,  Martha 
Elizabeth  Brigham,  dau.  of  Lowell  and  Harriet  Newell  (Will- 
iams) Brigham.  She  was  b.  Sept.  8,  1839,  at  Southboro;  d. 
March  7,  1885,  at  St.  Augustine,  Fla.  He  m.  2d,  June  15,  1887, 
at  West  Newton,  Mass.,  Annie  Peabody,  dau.  of  Ellery  and 
Mary  Jane  (Sherburne)  Peabody.  She  was  b.  Sept.  21,  1859, 
at  Boston.  He  is  a  leather  merchant  in  Boston.  Residence, 
West  Newton,  Mass. 

The  Eighth  Generation  817 

Child  of  John  and  Martha  Elizabeth   (Brigham)   Avery,  b. 
at  Maiden,  Mass.: 

5438.  L       Harriet*,  b.   Feb.   29,   1864. 

Child  of  John  and  Annie  (Peabody)  Avery,  b.  at  West 
Newton : 

5439.  i.       John8,  b.  Jan.  6,  1889. 

2530.  Annie*  Avery  (Abraham7,  Abraham",  Abraham7-, 
Abraham*,  Thomas',  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  29,  1856, 
at  Middletown;  m.  Oct.  27,  1881,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  Thomas 
Marvin  Whidden,  s.  of  Thomas  Jones  and  Ann  (Marvin)  Whid- 
den.  He  was  b.  Sept.  9,  1850,  at  Boston.  He  was  a  merchant ; 
d.  March  6,  1891,  at  Newton  Center,  Mass.  She  lives  at  West 
Newton,  Mass. 

Children  of  Thomas  Marvin  and  Annie  (Avery)  Whidden: 

i.       Thomas  Avery9,  b.  Sept.  13,  1882,  at  Brookline,   Mass. 
ii.      Margaret9,  b.  Oct.  13,  1883,  at  Brookline;    m.  Robert  Wal- 
iii.     Robert  Avery9,  b.  May  14,  1889,  at  Newton   Center,  Mass. 

2531.  Kate  Camp8  Avery  (Abraham7,  Abraham0,  Abraham73, 
Abraham*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  22,  1861, 
at   Boston,   Mass.;    m.   May   7,    1890,   at   Boston,      Dr.     Frank 
Kirkwood  Hallock,    s.  of  Dr.  Winthrop  Bailey  and  Mary  Kirk- 
wood  (Kent)  Hallock.    He  was  b.  Aug.  18,  1860,  at  Oyster  Bay, 
N.   Y.     He   was   graduated   from   Wesleyan    University,    1882 ; 
from   College  of   Physicians  and   Surgeons,   New   York,    1885 ; 
studied  in  Europe,  1887-1889 ;   specialist  in  neurology  and  medi- 
cal director  of  Cromwell  Hall  Health  school,  Cromwell.     He  is 
a  member  of  the  American  Medical  Association,  of  the  Ameri- 
can Neurology  Association,  New  York  Neurology  Society,  New 
York  Academy  of  Medicine,  Boston  Society  of  Psychiatry  and 
Neurology,  Connecticut  Medical  Society,  American  Association 
for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  Psi  Upsilon,  Phi  Beta  Kappa, 
and  A.  F.  &  A.  M.     He  is  president  of  the  Cromwell  Savings 
Bank,  director  of  the  Rand  Avery  Supply  Co.  of  Boston,  and 
director  of  the  Middlesex  Hospital.    Residence,  Cromwell. 

Children    of   Frank    Kirkwood    and    Kate   Camp    (Avery) 
Hallock,  b.  at  Cromwell: 

818  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

i.  Winthrop  Avery',  b.  Jan.  13,  1892. 

ii.  Abraham  Avery",  b.  Mai-ch  18,  1893. 

iii.  Mary'',  b.   Feb.   10,  1898. 

iv.  Leonard  Avery",  b.  Jan.  2,  1900. 

v.  Elizabeth",  b.  July  18,  1901. 

2540.  Edward  Morehouse8  Avery  (Samuel1,  John9,  Charles7', 
Jonathan11,   Thomas',  James'1,   Christopher1)    was  b.   March  25, 

1819,  at  Westport;  m.  July  14,  1847,  at  Wooster,  O.,  Sarah 
Robison,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Jemima  (Dickey)  Robison.  She 
was  b.  Oct.  15,  1828,  at  Wooster.  He  was  graduated  from  Yale 
in  1840;  studied  law  with  his  uncle,  Judge  Edward  Avery; 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  1843 ;  superintendent  of  schools,  St. 
Louis ;  resigned  on  account  of  ill  health ;  principal  of  Carroll 
public  school,  St.  Louis ;  elder  in  the  Presbyterian  church.  She 
d.  Jan.  27,  1894,  at  Webster  Groves,  Mo.  Residence,  Webster 

Children  of  Edward  Morehouse  and  Sarah  (Robison) 
Avery : 

5445.  i.  Samuel  Robison9,  b.  May  12,  1849,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

5446.  ii.  James  Warren",  b.  July  23,  1853,  at  Wooster,  O. 

5447.  iii.  Katharine  Robison",  b.  Aug.  19,  1856,  at  St.  Louis. 

5448.  iv.  Edward  Hyde",  b.  July  5,  1861,  at  Webster  Groves. 

5449.  v.  Sarah  Tilden",  b.  Sept.  17,  1868,  at  Webster  Groves. 

2541.  Helen  Morewood*  Avery  (Samuel1,  John*,  Charles*, 
Jonathan*,    Thomas3,   James-,    Christopher1)    was   b.    Sept.   25, 

1820,  at  Westport;  m.  Feb.  2,  1852,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  David 
Lopez,  s.  of  Aaron  and  Eleanor  (Cohen)  Lopez.  He  was  a 
captain  in  the  merchant  marine.  He  d.  May  27,  1889,  in  Harri- 
son County,  Miss. ;   she  d.  Oct.,  1897,  at  Handsboro,  Miss. 

Children  of  David  and  Helen  Morewood  (Avery)   Lopez: 
i.       Mary    Eleanor",    b.    Nov.    18,    1852,    at    Cincinnati,    O.;     d. 

Jan.  20,  1880,  at  Whistler,  Ala. 
ii.      Helen  Margaret",  b.  May  10,  1854,  at  Mobile,  Ala.;    d.  y. 
iii.     Helen  Octavia",  b.  March  30,  1857,  at  Mobile;    d.  in  1910. 
iv.     Avery9,  b.  July  17,  1858,  at  Mobile, 
v.      Louise9,  b.  June  20,  1862,  at  New  Orleans;    d.  y. 

2542.  Mary  Hazard8  Avery  (Samuel7,  John6,  Charles*, 
Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  29,  1822, 
at  Westport;  m.  July  4,  1853,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Charles  Cole 
Hine,  s.  of  Thomas  and  Harriet  (Cole)  Hine.    He  was  b.  Dec.  21, 

The   Eighth  Generation  819 

1825,  at  New  Haven.  He  was  owner  and  proprietor  of  the 
"Insurance  Monitor  and  Insurance  Law  Journal,"  New  York. 
He  d.  April  17,  1897,  at  Newark,  N.  J.  His  work  on  the 
genealogy  of  a  part  of  the  Avery  family  has  been  helpful  to  the 
compilers  of  this  history.    She  d.  at  Newark,  Dec.  14,  1907. 

Children  of  Charles  Cole  and  Mary  Hazard  (Avery)  Hine: 
i.       Thomas  Avery",  b.  April  7,  1855,  at  New  Albany,  Ind.;    m. 

Anna   Pamela  Washburn, 
ii.      Charles  Gilbert',  b.  Sept.  12,  1859,  at  New  Albany, 
iii.     Edward    Avery",    b.    Jan.    6,    1863,    at    Covington,    Ky. ;     m. 
Mary  Judson  Blake. 

2543.  Elizabeth  Jane*  Avery  (Samuel7,  John*,  Charles*, 
Jonathan*,  Thomas3 ,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  3,  1825, 
at  Westport ;  m.  June  2,  1851,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Richard  Dash- 
iell  Van  Nostrand,  s.  of  Loree  and  Elizabeth  (Dyce)  Van  Nos- 
trand.  He  was  b.  Oct.  10,  1821,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Oct. 
6,  1886,  at  Muscatine,  la.  She  d.  Sept.  1,  1908,  at  Vineyard 
Haven,   Mass. 

Children  of  Richard  Dashiell  and  Elizabeth  Jane   (Avery) 
Van  Nostrand: 

i.       William  Avery9,  b.  Oct.  6,  1853,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.;    d.  y. 

ii.      Elizabeth  Mary9,  b.  April  6,  1855,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 

iii.     Charles  Avery9,  b.  Aug.  25,  1856,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;    d. 

Nov.  1,  1882,  at  Santa  Fe,  N.  Mex. 
iv.     Susan  Ware9,  b.  Nov.  6,  1859,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 
v.      Richard  Loree9,  b.  Sept.  24,  1864,  at  St.  Louis;    d.  y. 

2544.  John  Hazard8  Avery  (Samuel1,  John*,  Charles-',  Jon- 
athan*, Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1827, 
at  Westport;  m.  Nov.  2,  1853,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Susan  Farley 
Farrington,  dau.  of  Samuel  S.  and  Eunice  (Whiting)  Farring- 
ton.  She  was  b.  July  4,  1832,  at  Hingham,  Mass.  He  was  a  real 
estate  dealer  at  Chicago,  where  he  died.     She  d.  in  1907. 

Children  of  John  Hazard  and  Susan  Farley   (Farrington) 
Avery : 

5450.  i.      John   Hazard9,  b.   Sept.   19,   1854,   at   St.   Louis;    d.  about 

1902,  at   Chicago,  111. 
ii.      Frank  Farrington9,  b.  June  14,  1856;    d.  Oct.  18,  1870. 
iii.     Susie  Farley9,  b.  July  2,  1859;    d.  y. 

5451.  iv.     Joseph  Bailey9,  b.  Jan.  1,  1862. 

v.      George  Heard9,  b.  Nov.  22,  1864;    d.  y. 
vi.     Robert  D.9,  b.  Dec.  15,  1874;    d.  y. 

820  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2546.  Stephen  MorehouseK  Avery  (Samuel1,  John*,  Charles*, 
Jonathan4,  Thomas'-'-,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  29, 
1835,  at  Westport;  m.  Aug.  26,  1857,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Sarah 
Elizabeth  Lackland,  dau.  of  Matthev.  Cox  and  Caroline  Susan 
(Cook)  Lackland.  She  was  b.  Jan.  22,  1838,  at  Richmond,  Va. 
He  was  a  merchant  and  miner ;  d.  Oct.  30,  1870,  at  Central  City, 
Colo.    She  is  living  at  Webster  Groves,  Mo. 

Children  of  Stephen  Morehouse  and  Sarah  Elizabeth 
(Lackland)  Avery,  b.  at  St.  Louis: 

5452.  i.       Lilly  Lackland8,  b.  Nov.  2x.,  1859. 

5453.  ii.      Charles  Mathew9,  b.  Aug.  25,  1861. 

2548.  Lyman  Bradstreet  Walker  Avery  (William  LoveW, 
Stephen6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  12,  1854,  at  Meredith,  N.  H.;  m.  June  18,  1882,  at 
Mt.  Clemens,  Mich.,  Elizabeth  Adelle  Avery  (No.  2549),  dau.  of 
James  Frederick  and  Mary  Ann  (Cook)  Avery.  She  was  b. 
June  1,  1854,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.    No  children. 

2549.  Elizabeth  Adelle8  Avery  (James  Frederick1,  Ste- 
phen6, Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher')  was 
b.  June  1,  1854,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. ;  m.  June  18,  1882,  at  Mt. 
Clemens,  Mich.,  Lyman  Bradstreet  Walker  Avery  (No.  2548). 
He  was  b.  Sept.  12,  1854,  at  Meredith,  N.  H.  She  m.  2d,  July 
8,  1894,  at  New  York  City,  Schuyler  Gardner  Hodges,  s.  of  Ira 
G.  and  Mariana  Hodges.  He  was  b.  April  1,  1856,  at  Pontiac, 
Mich.     She  is  living  at  Detroit,  Mich. 

2550.  Fred  Solon8  Avery  (James  Frederick1,  Stephen6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
5,  1860,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.;  m.  May  12,  1894,  at  St.  Paul, 
Minn.,  Otilla  Blanche  Pfeiffer,  dau.  of  Anthony  and  Caroline 
(Kaiser)  Pfeiffer.  She  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1868,  at  Wabasha,  Minn. 
He  is  the  proprietor  of  the  Hotel  Euclid,  Cleveland,  O. 

Children    of    Fred    Solon    and    Otilla    Blanche    (Pfeiffer) 
Avery : 

5460.  i.       William  Ford9,  b.  Sept.  3,  1895,  at  Mt.  Clemens,  Mich. 

5461.  ii.      Frederick  Jones9,  b.  Sept.  29,  1896,  at  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

The   Eighth  Generation  821 

2551.  Kittie  Annas  Avery  (James  Frederick7,  Stephen*, 
Charles7',  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  4,  1867,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. ;  m.  Dec.  29,  1886,  at  Detroit, 
Mich.,  Dr.  Harry  Ferris  Taylor,  s.  of  Dr.  Henry  and  Marion 
Augusta  (Ferris)  Taylor.  He  was  b.  July  31,  1862,  at  Mt. 
Clemens,  Mich.     Residence,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Child  of  Harry  Ferris  and  Kittie  Anna  (Avery)   Taylor,  b. 
at  Mt.  Clemens: 

i.       Myrtle  Avery9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1888. 

2553.  Sally  Adeline8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon*, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  18,  1809,  at  Castleton,  Vt. ;  m.  July  1,  1830,  Harvey 
Moody.     She  d.  Nov.  15,  1862,  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Harvey  and  Sally  Adeline  (Avery)  Moody: 
i.      Alonzo9. 
ii.      Fayette9. 
Perhaps  there  were  other  children. 

2554.  Horace  Clark8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon*, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  11,  1810,  at  Castleton,  Vt.;  m.  July  20,  1833,  at  Jay,  N.  Y., 
Emily  Estes,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Aseneth  (McCarthes)  Estes. 
She  was  b.  Nov.  6,  1808,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
saddler.  He  d.  March  8,  1886,  at  Harriettstown,  N.  Y. ;  she  d. 
July  26,  1896,  at  Norwood,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Horace  Clark  and  Emily  (Estes)  Avery: 
Marcia  Ann9,  b.  Feb.  12,  1836,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. 
Eliza  Jane9,  b.  Dec.  29,  1838,  at  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 
Lurinda  Polina9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1841,  at  Harriettstown,  N.  Y. 
Fannie  Rosetta9,  b.  May  5,  1845,  at  Harriettstown. 
Henry  Charles9,  b.   Sept.  6,  1849,  at  Harriettstown;    d.  in 
1871,  in  Michigan;    unm. 

2556.  Melissa  Dewey s  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  23,  1814,  at  Orwell,  Vt. ;  m.  Dec,  1838,  at  Brandon,  Vt., 
Francis  Galvin   Maguire.     She  d.  Aug.  23,  1842,  at  Brandon. 

Child  of  Francis  Galvin  and  Melissa  Dewey  (Avery)  Ma- 
guire : 

i.      Roderick  Dewey'. 

















822  The  Groton  Avery   Clan 

2557.  Royal  Alonzo8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas'-,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  24,  1816,  at  Orwell,  Vt.;  m.  Sept.  23,  1841,  at  Jay,  N.  Y., 
Electa  Jones,  clau.  of  Israel  and  Clara  (Ayers)  Jones.  She  was 
b.  Jan.  10,  1823,  in  Clinton  County,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer  and 
hotel  keeper.  He  d.  May  6,  1890,  at  Olympia,  Wash.;  she  d. 
June  1,  1910,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Royal  Alonzo  and  Electa   (Jones)   Avery: 
5460.     i.       Cornelia   Maria9,   b.   Jan.   10,    1843,   at   Keene,   N.   Y.;     m. 
George   Towers. 
Charlotte  Amanda",  b.  Feb.  3,  1845,  at  Keene;    d.  y. 
Royal  Elijah9,  b.  March  14,  1847,  at  Keene. 
Clara  Melissa",  b.  Feb.  5,  1850,  at  Keene. 
Simeon  Shipman',  b.  Sept.  2,  1852,  at  Keene. 
5464.     vi.     Maryettie  Electa",  b.  Aug.  24,  1855,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. 

2558.  Harriet  Ann8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon0, 
Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas'",  James'2,  Christopher1)  wTas  b. 
Aug.  17,  1819,  at  Orwell,  Vt. ;  m.  Feb.  20,  1842,  at  Brandon,  Vt., 
Charles  Henry  Rollins.  He  was  b.  Nov.  20,  1818;  d.  Jan.  11, 
1885,  at  Omro,  Wis.    She  d.  March  24,  1898,  at  Pittsville,  Wis. 

Children  of  Charles  Henry  and  Harriet  Ann  (Avery)  Roll- 

i.       Almira  Melissa1',  b.  Nov.  14,  1842,  at  Wilmington,  N.  Y.; 

m.  Jacob  Freeman   Fishbeck. 
ii.      William  Henry",  b.  Sept.  28,  1844,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y.; 

d.  y. 
iii.     Mary  Jane",  b.  March  7,  1847,  at  North  Elba;    m.  Charles 

Binus  Cope, 
iv.     George  Henry",  b.  July  8,  1849,  at  North  Elba;    m.  Mary 

Barnard;    2d,  Fanny  Olivia  Frank, 
v.     Joseph  Guilford",  b.  Jan.  1,  1854,  at  North  Elba;    m.  Julia 

Frances  Stipps. 
vi.     Charles  Wilbur9,  b.  Aug.  23,  1861,  at  North  Elba;    d.  y. 
vii.    Hattie  Ellen",  b.  May  5,  1863,  at  North  Elba;    m.  Charles 

Albion  West. 

2559.  Jane  Amelia8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
7,  1822,  at  Keene,  now  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  20,  1838,  at 
North  Elba,  Jacob  Smith  Brown  Moody,  s.  of  Jacob  Smith  and 
Sally  (Brown)  Moody.  He  was  b.  July  12,  1812,  at  Keene;  d. 
March  22,  1891,  at  North  Elba.    She  lives  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

The   Eighth   Generation  823 

Children  of  Jacob  Smith  Brown  and  Jane  Amelia  (Avery) 
Moody,  b.  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

i.       Armedia  Jane",  b.  Aug.   16,  1840;    m.  John  W.   Slater;    d. 

April  29,  1887,  at  Saranac  Lake, 
ii.      Benjamin  Richard9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1842;    m.  Carrie  Pratt;   2d, 

Elnora  Jones, 
iii.     Sarah   Almedia",  b.  June  20,  1847;    m.  Warren  J.   Slater; 

d.  Aug.  8,  1875,  at  Saranac  Lake, 
iv.     Hiram  Smith1',  b.  Oct.  28,  1855;    m.  Sarah  Proctor, 
v.      James  Watson",  b.  Oct.  24,  1862;    m.  Anna  Blood. 

2560.  Earl  Willard*  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman',  Simeon*, 
Charles7',  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  21,  1823,  at  Keene,  N.  Y.,  now  North  Elba;    m.  Dec.  1, 

1844,  at  North  Elba,  Cordelia  Thankful  Wiles,  dau.  of 

and  Almira  (Pike)  Wiles.  She  was  b.  June  25,  1828,  at  Under- 
bill, Vt.  He  was  a  farmer  and  carpenter ;  d.  Aug.  20,  1867  ;  she 
d.  April  20,  1879,  both  at  Omro,  Wis. 

Children  of  Earl  Willard  and  Cordelia  Thankful  (Wiles) 
Avery,  b.  at  North  Elba : 

5465.  i.       Daniel  Burton",  b.  June  20,  1850. 

ii.      Fancelia  Amanda",  b.  Jan.  8,  1853;    d.  April  12,  1863. 
iii.     Almira  Siloma",  b.  April  18,  1855;    d.  March  29,  1863. 

5466.  iv.     Dillon   Fayette",  b.  Jan.  16,  1857. 

2561.  Matilda  Lovina*  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman',  Simeon*, 
Charles*,  Jonathan1,  Thomas3,  James'-,  Christopher')  was  b. 
March  19,  1826,  at  Keene,  now  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  1, 
1844,  at  North  Elba,  Hiram  King  Wiles.  He  was  b.  July  9, 
1822,  at  Topsham,  Vt.  He  was  a  weaver;  d.  July  30,  1892,  at 
Stayton,  Ore.     She  d.  Nov.  9,  1908,  at  McMinnville,  Ore. 

Children  of  Hiram  King  and  Matilda  Lovina  (Avery) 
Wiles,  b.  at  North  Elba: 

i.  Asa  Avery9,  b.  Sept.  21,  1845;  m.  Anna  Rosalthia  Bicknell; 
residence,  Omro,  Wis.  Children:  (a.)  Bertha  Agatha™, 
m.  George  M.  Holtby;  (b.)  Jay  Dumont10,  m.  Carrie 
Oatman;  (c.)  Libbie  May'0;  (d.)  Gertie  Lorena10,  m. 
John  William  Cundy. 

ii.  Randilla  Almira",  b.  Aug.  22,  1847;  m.  George  W.  Hen- 
dershott;    d.  April  17,  1910,  at  McMinnville. 

iii.  Alfred  Nelson",  b.  Jan.  29,  1850;  m.  Marriett  Hall;  d. 
Aug.  16,   1909,  at  McMinnville. 

824  The  Groton   Avery  Clan 

iv.     Adna  Almeron',  b.  Nov.  3,  1853;    d.  about  1891,  in  Arizona, 
v.      Royal   Safford ',   b.    Sept.    11,    1857;     m.   Rena   Stinson;    d. 

June  27,   1908,  at  Portland,   Ore. 
vi.     Truman  Ellsworth9,  b.  Sept.  17,  1860;    d.  y. 

2562.  Sophronia  Amanda8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Sim- 
eon6. Charles*,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  9,  1828,  at  Keene,  now  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  14, 
1856,  at  North  Elba,  Joseph  Wilson,  s.  of  Heman  and  Nancy 
(Perkins)  Wilson.  He  was  b.  Dec.  19,  1828,  at  Masena,  N.  Y. 
He  was  a  hotel  keeper.  He  d.  Sept.  13,  1900;  she  d.  Dec.  23. 
1904.  both  at  Lewis,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Sophronia  Amanda   (Avery)   Wil- 
son, b.  at  Lewis,  N.  Y. : 

i.       James  T.9,  b.  April  5,  1859;    d.  y. 

ii.      Ada  Eudora9,  b.  June  6,  1862;    residence,  Lewis,  N.  Y. 

iii.     Henry  Clinton9,  b.  March  31,  1870;    d.  Sept.  1,  1887. 

2563.  Julius  Augustus8  Avery  {Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  8,  1830,  at  Keene,  now  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  3, 
1854,  at  Keene,  Purlina  Lurancy  Fuller,  dau.  of  Luman  and 
Maria  (Stiles)  Fuller.  She  was  b.  April  6,  1836,  at  Keene.  He 
d.  Dec.  15,  1864,  at  Rubicon,  Wis.  She  m.  2d,  George  Engel. 
She  is  living  (1911)  at  Caledonia,  Minn. 

Child  of  Julius  Augustus  and   Purlina   Lurancy    (Fuller) 
Avery : 

5467.  i.       Lorin  Eleazer9,  b.  Aug.  1,  1857,  at  North  Elba. 

2564.  Simeon  Fayette8  Avery  (Simeon  Shipman7,  Simeon0, 
Charles'-,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  25,  1832,  at  Keene,  now  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  7,  1857, 
at  North  Elba,  Marrietta  Augusta  Fuller,  dau.  of  Luman  and 
Maria  (Stiles)  Fuller.  She  was  b.  in  1833,  at  Keene,  N.  Y. ; 
d.  Jan.  6,  1897,  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  farmer.  Lives 
at  Saranac  Lake. 

Children  of  Simeon  Fayette  and  Marrietta  Augusta  (Fuller) 
Avery,  b.  at  North  Elba : 

5468.  i.   Leslie  Jason9,  b.  Oct.  10,  1858. 

5469.  ii.   Lillian  Filey9,  b.  Oct.  28,  1860;  unm.  in  1910. 

5470.  iii.  Jasper  Ashley9,  b.  Feb.  21,  1863. 

5471.  iv.  Wilber  Fayette9,  b.  June  27,  1865. 

The   Eighth  Generation  825 

2570.  Charles  Augustus*  Avery  {Daniel  F7,  Simeon6, 
Charles6,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  10,  1820,  at  New  York  City;  m.  Mary  Deem.  He  d.  about 
1901,  in  California.     Mary  Deem  was  his  second  wife. 

Children  of  Charles  Augustus  Avery: 

5479.  i.       Sadie9. 

5480.  ii.      Frank9. 

2571.  Emma  Adine8  Avery  {Daniel  F7,  Simeon*,  Charles*, 
Jonatlian\  Thomas3,  James'1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  13,  1824, 
at  New  York  City;  m.  March  14,  1844,  Joseph  Ockerman, 
He  d.  Aug.  27,  1850.  She  m.  2d,  Aug.  1,  1851,  Eli  Smithson. 
He  was  b.  April,  1816;  d.  Aug.  30,  1851.  She  m.  3d,  Sept.  9, 
1852,  John  Adams.  He  was  b.  Dec.  20,  1820.  She  d.  April  8, 
1906,  at  Albia,  la.    He  d.  Nov.  20,  1907. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Emma  Adine   (Avery)   Ockerman: 
i.       Joseph  Wesley9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1845;    d.  March  1,  1849. 
ii.      Melissa  Emeline9,  b.  Sept.  4,  1849;    m.  Isaac  Chilberg;    d. 
Feb.  3,  1873. 

Child  of  Eli  and  Emma  Adine  (Avery)  Smithson : 
i.       Clarissa  Ann  Elizabeth9,  b.  May  10,  1852;    d.  y. 

Children  of  John  and  Emma  Adine  (Avery)  Adams: 
i.       Royal  A.9,  b.  Nov.  23,  1854;    m.  Minnie  Lorson. 
ii.      Amelia  Estelle9,  b.  June  4,  1858;    m.  George  Snider, 
iii.     Eliza  Jane9,  b.  Feb.  19,  1864;    m.   Scott  Judson;    d.  July 
29,  1890. 

2572.  Francis  Newton*  Avery  {Daniel  F.7,  Simeon*, 
Charles^,  Jonathan*,  Thomas7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  29,  1826,  at  Nashville,  Tenn. ;  m.  March  15,  1849,  at  New 
Madison,  O.,  Martha  E.  Springer,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Oliver 
Springer.  She  was  b.  May  29,  1829,  at  Schenectady,  N.  Y.  He 
enlisted  from  New  Madison,  O.,  in  the  war  with  Mexico.  He  d. 
May  17,  1902,  at  Leon,  la.;  she  d.  Feb.  28,  1904,  at  the  same 

Children   of  Francis   Newton   and   Martha   E.    (Springer) 
Avery : 

Eliza  Bachelor0,  b.  Aug.  27,  1850,  at  Deerfield,  Ind. 
Mollie  Henrietta9,  b.  Oct.  16,  1852,  at  Deerfield. 
Ella  Amelia9,  b.  June  12,  1855,  at  Portland,  Ind. 
Daniel  Fuller9,  b.  May  15,  1857,  at  Portland. 









826  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5494.  v.      Bennie  Oliver',  b.  Sept.  27,  1859,  at  Leon,  la. 

5495.  vi.     John  Bachelor',  b.  Dec.  9,  1861,  at  Leon. 

5496.  vii.    Lenna  Estella1',  b.  Feb.  9,  1864,  at  Leon. 

viii.  Frank  Greer",  b.  April  13,  1860,  at  Leon;    d.  y. 

5497.  ix.     Mildred  Oliver",  b.  Jan.  1,  1869,  at  Leon. 
x.      Eva  T.",  b.  July  25,  1871,  at  Leon;    d.  y. 

2573.  Eliza  Jane8  Avery  (Daniel  F.~,  Simeon6,  Charles5, 
Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  4,  1829, 
at  Nashville,  Term.;  m.  June  27,  1848,  at  New  Madison,  0., 
James  Braffet  Jaqua,  s.  of  Judson  and  Lucinda  (Braffet)  Jaqua. 
He  was  b.  June  23,  1820,  in  Darke  Co.,  O.  She  d.  Nov.  24,  1871, 
at  Portland,  Ind. ;   he  d.  May  13,  1906,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  James  Braffet  and  Eliza  Jane  (Avery)  Jaqua: 

i.       Alonzo   Leslie",   b.   March   6,   1850,   in   Darke   Co.,   O.;     m. 

Sept.  5,  1893,  at  Millersburg,  O.,  Louella  Elvina  Oswald, 

dau.   of   Louis  and    Sarah   Jane    (Curtis)    Oswald.      She 

was  b.  May  16,  1866,  at  Fort  Recovery,  O.     He  is  in  the 

real  estate  business  at  Portland,  Ind. 

ii.      Alice  Henrietta",  b.  Dec.  19,  1852,  at  Greenville,  O.;    d.  y. 

iii.     Carrie  Estelle",  b.  June  3,  1856,  at  Portland;    d.  y. 

iv.     Genevra  Imogene",  b.  Oct.  26,  1858,  at  Portland;    m.  Nathan 

Byrd  Hawkins.     He  d.  Feb.  20,  1911. 
v.      Judson   Avery",   b.   March   3,   1861,  at   Portland;     m.   Addie 

Ann   Cooley. 
vi.     Minnie  Zuleime",  b.  June  22,  1863,  at  Portland;    m.  Lucian 

Hauck   Arnold, 
vii.    Carl  Wenford",  b.   Dec.  22,   1866,  at  Portland;    m.  Jennie 

Jane  Haven. 
viii.  Pearl  Rosebud",  b.  Jan.  26,  1869,  at  Portland;    d.  Aug.  5, 

1883,  at  Portland, 
ix.     Francis  Braffet9,  b.  Sept.  21,  1871,  at  Portland;    m.  Carrie 
Elizabeth  Tuthill. 

2575.  Alice  Fuller8  Avery  (Daniel  F.7,  Simeon6,  Charles5, 
Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Nov.  17, 
1839,  at  Middletown,  O. ;  m.  Randolph  C.  Anderson,  of  Mary- 

Children  of  Randolph  C.  and  Alice  Fuller  (Avery)  Ander- 
son : 

i.       Estella  Mabel",  b.  March   4,   1866,  in  Missouri;    m.   Titus 

E.   Price.     Residence,  Yankton,   S.  Dak. 
ii.      Charles  Edwin",  b.  Nov.  4,  1869,  in  Missouri. 

The   Eighth  Generation  827 

2576.  Alfred  Hull*  Avery  (Royal  Augustus7,  Simeon0, 
Charles5,  Jonathan1,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b. 
March  8,  1823 ;  m.  Sept.  22,  1847,  at  Galway,  N.  Y.,  Catherine 
Alida  Smith,  dau.  of  Piatt  and  Nancy  (Candee)  Smith.  She 
was  b.  May  6,  1827.  He  lived  at  Gloversville,  N.  Y.,  and  the 
children  were  probably  all  born  there. 

Children    of   Alfred   Hull    and    Catherine    Alida    (Smith) 
Avery : 

5498.  i.      Charles  Augustus9,  b.  Sept.  30,  1848;    m.  Jan.   19,  1870, 

Louretta  A.  Varney. 

5499.  ii.      Platt   Smith9,   b.   March    11,    1853. 

5500.  iii.     Anna  Maria0,  b.  May  16,  1855. 

5501.  iv.     Ida  Minerva3,  b.   Sept.  8,  1861;    m.   Charles  Henry  Silver- 


5502.  v.      Willard  John9,  b.  Sept.  2,  1864. 

2590.  Eunice  Weeks8  Avery  (Ebenezer  Weeks",  Daniel6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan1",  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
5,  1827,  at  Brandon,  Vt. ;  m.  April  16,  1846,  at  Waukegan,  111., 
Charles  Orson  McClellan,  s.  of  Thomas  and  Rebecca  (Barnes) 
McClellan.  He  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1819,  at  West  Nottingham,  N.  H. 
He  was  a  farmer  and  lived  at  El  Paso,  111. 

Children    cf   Charles   Orson   and    Eunice   Weeks    (Avery) 
McClellan : 

i.       Orris  Weeks",  b.  Feb.  27,  1847,  at  Antioch,  111.;    m.  Laura 

Ann  Hill, 
ii.      Flora    Rebecca9,   b.    Aug.   22,    1857,   at   Antioch;     m.   John 

Will  Ryan. 
iii.     Avery  Frank9,  b.   Aug.  2,   1859,  at   Galena,   111.;    m.  Julia 
Ann  Kehoe. 

2591.  Samuel  Jeffrey"  Avery  {Ebenezer  Weeks1,  Daniel6, 
Charles7",  Jonathan',  Thomas''-,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  May 
15,  1828;  m.  May  26,  1850,  Wealthy  A.  Hall,  who  d.  about  1860. 
He  m.  2d,  about  1864,  Olive  Boardman.  He  was  a  physician ; 
residence,  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Samuel  Jeffrey  and  Olive  (Boardman)   Avery: 

5510.  i.       Ralph9. 

5511.  ii.      Eliza9. 

828  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2592.  Sarah  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Ebenezer  Weeks7,  Daniel*, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas'-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
28,  1829;    m.  Sept.  15,  1848,  John  Lacy. 

Children  of  John  and  Sarah  Elizabeth   (Avery)    Lacy: 
i.      Charles  Virgil'. 
ii.      Florence9. 
iii.     Hattie9. 
iv.     Julia9. 

2593.  Ruth  Florellas  Avery  (Ebenezer  Weeks7,  Simeon6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
25,  1832;  m.  Jan.  2,  1860,  Ebenezer  Fitch  Runyan,  of  Chicago, 

Children  of  Ebenezer  Fitch  and  Ruth  Florella  (Avery) 
Runyan : 

i.       Emma". 
ii.      Ebenezer9. 
iii.     Edward9. 

2594.  Daniel  Judson8  Avery  (Ebenezer  Weeks7,  Simeon6, 
Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
1,  1836;  m.  Oct.  23,  1867,  Hannah  Mary  Comstock,  dau.  of 
Theodore  Foster  and  Mary  0.  (Fitch)  Comstock.  She  was  b. 
May  16,  1840.  He  m.  2d,  May  28,  1874,  Kate  Ellis,  of  Colton, 
N.  Y.  President  of  the  North-western  Masonic  Aid  Association. 
Residence,  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Daniel  Judson  and  Hannah  Mary  (Comstock) 
Avery : 

5515.  i.       Laura  Mae9,  b.  Dec.  2,  1868. 

ii.      Foster  Theodore9,  b.  Jan.  6,  1873;    d.  y. 

Children  of  Daniel  Judson  and  Kate  (Ellis)  Avery: 

i.       Louisa  Tryphena9,  b.  April  22,  1875;    d.  May  1,  1887. 

5516.  ii.      Mary  Maud9,  b.  March  17,  1877. 

5517.  iii.     Kate  Lillian9,  b.  Sept.  21,  1881. 

5518.  iv.     Daniel  J.9,  b.  Oct.   10,   1885. 

2596.  John8  Avery  (Elijah7,  Daniel6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*, 
Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  14,  1845;  m.  Feb. 
24,  1875,  at  Middlebury,  Vt.,  Edith  Severance.  He  was  a  grad- 
uate of  Phillips  Academy;  of  the  Long  Island  College  Hospital; 
a  physician  at  Wallingford,  Vt.,  where  he  died. 

The  Eighth  Generation  829 

Children  of  John  and  Edith   (Severance)   Avery: 

5520.  i.       Lucia  Elizabeth',  b.   Dec.  23,   1875. 

5521.  ii.      Rena   Ellen",   b.   March   6,   1879. 

iii.     Edward  Cheney',  b.  April  13,  1882;    d.  y. 

5522.  iv.     Maud  Edith9,  b.  Nov.  28,  1887. 

2606.  Susan  Caroline K  Avery  (Elisha',  Elisha*,  Elisha7' r 
Jonathan*,  Thomas*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  27,  1809, 
at  Norwich;  m.  March  2,  1834,  at  Sterling,  the  Rev.  John 
Tillinghast,  s.  of  Pardon  and  Mary  (Sweet)  Tillinghast.  He 
was  b.  Oct.  3,  1812,  at  West  Greenwich,  R.  I.  He  was  a  pastor 
of  the  West  Greenwich  Baptist  Church  for  forty  years.  She 
d.  Jan,  31,  1875,  at  West  Greenwich;  he  d.  March  28,  1878,  at 
Coventry,  R.  I. 

Children  of  John  and  Susan  Caroline  (Avery)   Tillinghast, 
all,  except  the  first,  b.  at  West  Greenwich: 

i.  Angeline  Avery9,  b.  Feb.  26,  1835,  at  Plainfield;  m.  Albert 
Straight.  He  was  a  member  of  Battery  B,  1st  R.  I. 
Light  Artillery  in  the  civil  war.  She  d.  Nov.  3,  1860,  at 
West  Greenwich;  he  d.  Nov.  16,  1863. 
ii.  Pardon  Elisha",  b.  Dec.  10,  1836;  m.  Ellen  Frances  Paine; 
he  was  a  member  of  the  12th  R.  I.  infantry  in  the  civil 
war,  and  compiled  a  history  of  that  regiment;  received 
the  degree  of  A.  M.  from  Brown  University  in  1890; 
trustee  of  the  Public  Library  of  Pawtucket;  trustee  of 
the  Providence  County  Savings  Bank;  member  of  the 
R.  I.  Baptist  Union;  of  the  Providence  Bar  Club;  mem- 
ber of  the  New  York  Medico-Legal  Society;  chief-justice 
of  the  supreme  court  of  Rhode  Island;  d.  Feb.  9,  1905, 
at  Pawtucket. 
iii.     Phoebe9,  b.  Aug.   18,   1839;    m.   Benjamin   Meade  Lord;    d. 

May  21,  1900,  at  Providence,  R.   I. 
iv.     James  Allen9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1841;    m.  Amelia  Jennie  Tilling- 
hast;   d.  May  3,  1877,  at  Providence.     He  was  a  member 
of  Battery  B,  1st  R.  I.  Light  Artillery,  in  the  civil  war. 
v.      John9,  b.  Oct.  24,  1843;   d.  Aug.   14,  1854,  at  West  Green- 
vi.     Susan    Caroline",   b.    Sept.   29,   1845;     m.    Charles   Wilson 

Anthony;    d.  April  24,   1866,  at  West   Greenwich, 
vii.    Charles9,  b.  April  9,  1847;    d.  July  3,  1859,  at  West  Green- 
viii.  Abby  Bowen9,  b.  Feb.  20,  1849;    m.  Asa  Andrew  Plastridge; 
d.  Feb.  21,  1886,  at  Kansas  City,  Mo. 










830  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

ix.     Marcena  Edey9,  b.  Feb.  23,  1851;    m.  Henry  Clay  Gorton. 

x.      Halsey  Matteson9,  b.   Sept.  26,   1853;    m.  Evelyn  Frances 

Carpenter;    d.  April  18,  1893,  at  Summit,  R.  I. 

2607.  William  David8  Avery  (Elisha7,  Elisha6,  Elisha7-, 
Jonathan*,  Thomas'-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  4,  1812, 
at  Norwich;  m.  May  12,  1836,  at  Johnston,  R.  I.,  Elizabeth 
Hoxie  Bailey,  clau.  of  William  and  Patience  (Spooner)  Bailey. 
She  was  b.  Jan.  10,  1814,  at  West  Greenwich,  R.  I.  He  d.  Nov. 
11,  1883;   she  d.  Nov.  11,  1889,  both  at  Providence,  R.  I. 

Children  of  William  David  and  Elizabeth  Hoxie  (Bailey) 
Avery,  b.  at  Providence : 

Ann    Eliza9,   b.  June   18,   1837. 
William   Bailey3,  b.   Sept.  10,  1840. 
Lucia9,  b.  Nov.  4,  1844. 
Penelope  Wescott9,  b.  Dec.  12,  1848. 

Frank   Yale9,  b.  Dec.  20,  1851;    drowned  Sept.  18,  1870,  in 
Narragansett  Bay. 

Editorial  Note. — Since  printing  the  incomplete  records  of 
the  children  of  Oliver0  Avery,  Nos.  1175-1179,  pages  319  and 
513,  we  have  received  further  information  concerning  the  fam- 

The  name  of  No.  1175  was  Elisha  Vibber7  Avery.  His 
wife's  name  was  Mary  Louise  Hammond ;  she  was  dau.  of 
William  and  Melinda  (Avery)  Hammond.  The  parentage  of 
this  Melinda  Avery  has  not  been  ascertained.  Elisha  Vibber 
Avery  was  a  carpenter.  He  d.  June  8,  1862,  at  Bozrah ;  she  d. 
May  11,  1891,  at  Colchester. 

Children  of  Elisha  Vibber  and  Mary  Louise   (Hammond) 

Avery : 

Albert  Hammond",  b.  June  7,  1833,  at  Bozrah. 
Henry  Elisha",  b.  Dec.  10,  1834,  at  Bozrah. 
Mary  Ann",  b.  Sept.  15,  1838,  at  Bozrah. 
John  Loren",  b.  Nov.  2,  1840,  at  Bozrah. 
Harriet  Jane",  b.  June  25,  1844,  at  Bozrah. 
Celinda  Imogene",  b.  Aug.  25,  1846,  at  Salem. 
There  were  three  other  children  who  died  young. 

The  name  of  No.  1176  was  George  Loren7  Avery.  He  went 
to  Pennsylvania  with  his  brother-in-law,  Salmon  Lothrop  Gard- 
ner (No.  1177),  and  is  supposed  to  have  had  the  family  men- 
tioned on  page  513. 













The   Eighth  Generation  831 

Child  of  George  Loren  and  Mary  (Harding)  Avery: 

2615.     i.       Austin    Elisha",    b.   Jan.    7,    1843,    at    Uniondale,    Pa.;     in 
1899,  he  was  living  at  Council  Bluffs,  la. 

Children  of  George  Loren  and  Lucincla   (Harding)   Avery: 

2615a.  i.       Mary  Elizabeth',  b.  Oct.  31,  1846,  at  Herrick,  Pa. 

2615b.  ii.      Urial   Wright";    married;    lived   at   Uniondale   and    Tresco. 

2615c.  iii.     Loren   Emmett";  married;    lived  at  Forest  City,  Pa. 

The  name  of  No.  1177  was  Mary  Ann  Avery  and  not  Mary 
H.  In  addition  to  the  three  children  recorded  at  the  top  of  page 
514,  she  had  two  others,  Philura  and  Abby  Ann,  probably  born 
in  Pennsylvania. 

The  name  of  No.  1178,  the  sixth  child  of  Oliver0  Avery,  was 
Philura,  as  recorded  on  page  319.     She  m.  a  Mr.  Poole. 

The  name  of  No.  1179,  the  seventh  child  of  Oliver'5  Avery, 
was  Abby  Ann,  as  recorded  on  page  319.    She  m.  a  Mr.  Lathrop. 

2612.  Albert  Hammond8  Avery  (Elisha  Vibber,  Oliver'', 
Jonathan7-,  Jonathan*,  Thomas'',  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  7,  1833,  at  Bozrah ;  see  Editorial  Note  on  page  830;  m. 
April  27,  1863,  at  Bozrah,  Harriet  Maria  Mitchell,  dau.  of  James 
A.  and  Belinda  (Maynard)  Mitchell.  She  was  b.  July  8,  1845, 
at  Uncasville  and  d.  June  6,  1899,  at  Mystic.  He  lives  at 

Child  of  Albert  Hammond  and  Harriet  Maria  (Mitchell) 
Avery,  b.  at  Salem : 

5540.  i.       Leander  Adelbert9,  b.   April   27,  1864. 

2613.  Henry  Elisha8  Avery  (Elisha  Vibber7,  Oliver*,  Jona- 
than7', Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
10,  1834,  at  Bozrah ;  see  Editorial  Note  on  page  830 ;  m.  March 
5,  1871,  Ella  Elizabeth  Chapman,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Franklin 
and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Gates)  Chapman.  She  was  b.  May  10, 
1850,  at  Montville. 

Children  of  Henry  Elisha  and  Ella  Elizabeth  (Chapman) 
Avery : 

i.       Fred9,  b.  Dec.  19,  1875;    d.  y. 

5541.  ii.      Myra  Louise0,  b.  March  17,  1886. 

832  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2613a.  Mary  AnnK  Avery  (Elisha  Vibber7,  Oliver",  Jona- 
than*, Jonathan4,  Thomas"',  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
15,  1838,  at  Bozrah ;  see  Editorial  Note  on  page  830 ;  m.  Carlos 
Lay  of  Colchester. 

Child  of  Carlos  and  Mary  Ann   (Avery)   Lay: 

i.       Addie";  m.  Forest  Leffingwell. 

2614.  John  Loren8  Avery  (Elisha  Vibber",  Oliver1'1,  Jona- 
than-', Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James'-,  Christopher*)  was  b.  Nov. 
2,  1840,  at  Bozrah;  see  Editorial  Note  on  page  830;  m.  Sarah 
Belinda  Mitchell,  dau.  of  James  A.  and  Belinda  (Maynard) 
Mitchell.  She  was  b.  Feb.  13,  1834.  He  d.  Sept.  11,  1865,  at 

Child  of  John  Loren  and  Sarah  Belinda   (Mitchell)   Avery, 
b.  at  Bozrah: 

5542.     i.      John   Loren9,  b.   May   20,   1865. 

2614a.  Harriet  Jane8  Avery  (Elisha  Vibber7,  Oliver6,  Jon- 
athan*, Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
25,  1844,  at  Bozrah ;  see  Editorial  Note  on  page  830 ;  m.  Daniel 
A.  Crocker. 

2614b.  Celinda  Imogene*  Avery  (Elisha  Vibber',  Oliver1'', 
Jonathan*,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  25,  1846,  at  Salem;  see  Editorial  Note  on  page  830;  m. 
Feb.  11,  1867,  at  Norwich,  Albert  Randall,  s.  of  Grizel  and 
Harriet  (Rathbone)  Randall.  She  m.  2d,  Nov.  7,  1889,  at  New 
Haven,  Charles  Edwin  Dart,  s.  of  Benjamin  Franklin  and  Sarah 
(Culver)  Dart.  He  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1854,  at  Waterford.  Resi- 
dence, Wallingford. 

Child  of  Albert  and  Celinda  Imogene  (Avery)  Randall,  b. 
at  Colchester: 

i.       Annie  Idella9,  b.  March  7,  1868;    m.  Charles  McGregor. 

2615a.  Mary  Elizabeth8  Avery  (George  Loren",  Oliver6, 
Jonathan*,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  31,  1846;  she  was  the  child  of  George  Loren  and 
Lucinda  (Harding)  Avery  as  previously  recorded;  see  No.  1176, 
on  page  513,  and  the  Editorial  Note  on  page  831 ;  m.  Nov. 
12,  1879,  Marion  DeWitt  biddings,  s.  of  Andrew  and  Margaret 

The   Eighth    Generation  833 

Bowers  (Stewart)  Giddings.  He  was  b.  Jan.  8,  1848,  at  Her- 
rick, Pa.  She  d.  March  28,  1892,  at  Herrick.  He  is  living  in 
Herrick  Tp.,  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa. 

Children  of  Marion  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Giddings, 
b.  at  Herrick : 

i.      Clinton   Marion',  b.  May  24,  1881. 

ii.      Celia   Leona9,   b.   Aug.   13,   1885. 

iii.     Everett  Charles",  b.  June  27,  1888. 

2615b.  Urial  Wright*  Avery  {George  Loren7,  Oliver6,  Jon- 
athan*, Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  the  child 
of  George  Loren  and  Lucinda  (Harding)  Avery  as  recorded  on 
page  513.  We  are  informed  that  he  is  married,  that  he  has 
children,  and  that  he  lives  in  Herrick  Tp.,  Susquehanna  Co., 
Pa.,  but  we  have  not  been  able  to  get  any  word  from  him  or  any 
definite  information  concerning  him  excepting  that  here  given. 

2615c,  Loren  Emmett8  Avery  (George  Loren',  Oliver0, 
Jonatlian*,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  the 
child  of  George  Loren  and  Lucinda  (Harding)  Avery  as  recorded 
on  page  513.  We  are  informed  that  he  is  married,  that  he  has 
children,  and  that  he  lives  in  Herrick  Tp.,  Susquehanna  Co., 
Pa.,  but  we  have  not  been  able  to  get  any  word  from  him  or  any 
definite  information  concerning  him  excepting  that  here  given. 

2616.  Gardner8  Avery  (Albert  Gallatin7,  Gardiner0,  Jona- 
than*, Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
24,  1836,  at  Bozrah;  m.  Jan.  19,  1880,  at  Bozrah,  Mary  Demis 
Waterman,  dau.  of  Albert  and  Demis  (Bartholomew)  Water- 
man. She  was  b.  May  13,  1849,  at  Bozrah.  He  was  a  farmer; 
d.  July  1,  1910,  at  Bozrah. 

Children  of  Gardner  and  Mary  Demis  (Waterman)  Avery, 
b.  at  Bozrah : 

5570.  i.      Albert  Gardner9,  b.  Feb.  27,  1881. 

5571.  ii.      Rhoda  Maria9,  b.  Jan.  26,  1883. 

2617.  Rachel  Baldwin8  Avery  (Albert  Gallatin1,  Gardiner'1, 
Jonathan*,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  23,  1842,  at  Bozrah;  m.  Sept.  6,  1865,  at  Bozrah,  Alden 
Wheaton  Hewitt,  s.  of  Elisha  Jefferson  and  Desire  Ann  (Gallup) 
Hewitt.  He  was  b.  Oct.  29,  1830,  at  Waterford;  d.  April  3, 
1885,  at  New  London.     She  lives  at  New  London. 

834  The  Groton   Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Alden  Wheaton  and  Rachel  Baldwin   (Avery) 

Hewitt,  b.  at  New  London: 

i.  Richard  Wheeler",  b.  Oct.  27,  1866;    m.  Carrie  Miner. 

ii.  Alice  Maria",  b.  April  4,  1869. 

iii.  Amy  Avery",  b.   Dec.   19,   1873. 

iv.  Grace",  b.  Feb.  29,  1876;    d.  y. 

v.  Albert  Jefferson",  b.  July  9,   1877. 

vi.  Herbert  Wheaton",  b.  April  8,  1880;    d.  Aug.  7,  1896. 

2618.  Mary  Jane*  Avery  (Erastus7,  Gardiner*,  Jonathan7', 
Jonathan*,  Thomas-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  5,  1827, 
at  Preston;  m.  Sept.  11,  1849,  at  Preston,  Erastus  Fitch  Hewett, 
s.  of  Charles  and  Eunice  (Witter)  Hewett.  He  was  b.  Nov.  26, 
1824,  at  Preston.  He  was  a  farmer ;  selectman  at  Preston ; 
representative  in  the  general  court. 

Children  of  Erastus  Fitch  and  Mary  Jane  (Avery)  Hewett, 
b.  at  Preston : 

i.      Erastus  Fitch9,  b.  Oct.  27,  1851;    d.  y. 

ii.     Annie  Louise",  b.  Nov.,  1854. 

iii.     Clara  Whitfield",  b.  Sept.  22,  1858;    m.  Charles  Edward 

iv.     Mary",  b.  June  17,  1861;    m.  Charles  F.  Thayer. 

2619.  William  Rust8  Avery  (Erastus",  Gardiner*,  Jona- 
than5, Jonathan*,  Thomass,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
26,  1829,  at  Preston;  m.  Oct.  14,  1850,  at  Norwich,  Louise 
Bushnell  Holmes.  She  was  b.  July  9,  1832,  at  Norwich.  They 
lived  for  a  time  at  Dubuque,  la.  He  d.  May  28,  1860,  at  Preston ; 
she  d.  March  7,  1864,  at  Poquetanock. 

Child  of  William  Rust  and  Louise  Bushnell  (Holmes) 
Avery,  b.  at  Norwich : 

5572.     i.      William   Holmes",  b.  Nov.  17,  1851. 

There  were  other  children  who  d.  in  infancy. 

2620.  Prentice8  Avery  (Erastus7,  Gardiner6,  Jonathan!', 
Jonathan*,  Thomas*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  2,  1831, 
at  Preston;  m.  Oct.,  1860,  Louise  D.  O'Brien,  dau.  of  Erastus 
and  Nancy  (Nash)  O'Brien.  She  d.  July  1,  1861,  at  Preston, 
leaving  a  dau.  b.  July  1,  who  d.  in  infancy.  He  m.  2d,  her 
sister,  Nancy  O'Brien,  who  d.  Aug.  19,  1868,  at  Preston.  He 
was  a  seaman  and  painter. 

The   Eighth   Generation  835 

Children  of  Prentice  and  Nancy  (O'Brien)  Avery,  b.  at 
Preston : 

i.       Amanda9;    d.  March  20,  1880,  at  Preston. 
5573.     ii.      Nancy9. 

2621.  Eunice  Maria*  Avery  (Erastus7,  Gardiner9,  Jona- 
than*, Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  about 
1835,  at  Preston;  m.  Jan.  30,  1854,  as  his  second  wife,  Pardon 
Taylor  Brown,  s.  of  Jesse  and  Sally  (Adams)  Brown.  He  was 
b.  Nov.  17,  1811,  at  Stonington ;  d.  Sept.  10,  1874,  at  New 

Children  of  Pardon  Taylor  and  Eunice  Maria  (Avery) 
Brown,  b.  at  Groton : 

i.       Florence9,  b.   Nov.  3,   1854. 

ii.      Arthur  H.9,  b.  May  3,  1858. 

iii.     Alexander9,  b.  Aug.  16,  1862;    m.  Anna  M.  Pullman. 

2622.  Albert  Gardner"  Avery  (Erastus7,  Gardiner6,  Jon- 
athan5, Jonathan4,  Thomas',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
2,  1843,  at  Preston ;  m.  April,  1869,  at  Pittsford,  Mich.,  Emma 
Parthenia  Tobias,  dau.  of  Robert  Tobias.  She  was  b.  about 
1847,  at  Angola,  Ind. ;  d.  Aug.  10,  1870,  at  Ludington,  Mich.  He 
m.  2d,  Dec.  24,  1871,  at  Pentwater,  Mich.,  Loranda  T.  Hills, 
dau.  of  Almon  and  Annie  (Vendeventer)  Hills.  She  d.  Jan.  2, 
1892,  at  Shelby,  Mich.  Residence,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.  No 

2623.  John  B.s  Avery  (Erastus7,  Gardiner6,  Jonathan5, 
Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  20,  1846, 
at  Preston ;  m.  Jan.  23,  1868,  at  Preston,  Alice  J.  Tubbs,  dau.  of 
Henry  and  Elizabeth  (Read)  Tubbs.  She  was  b.  May  16,  1847, 
at  Norwich.  He  is  a  painter  and  decorator.  Residence,  Nor- 

Children  of  John  B.  and  Alice  J.    (Tubbs)    Avery,  b.   at 

Preston : 

5575.  i.      Mary  Jane9,  b.   Nov.  6,  1869. 

5576.  ii.      Frank  Brewster9,  b.  Nov.  6,  1876. 

2626.  James  William"  Avery  (William7,  David6,  David5, 
Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  5,  1853, 
at  Watertown,  N.  Y.;   m.  March  17,  1871,  at  Coldwater,  Mich., 

836  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Lillian  A.  Jewett,  dau.  of  Charles  W.  and  Lydia  Ann  (Knicker- 
bocker) Jewett.  She  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1853,  at  Saline,  Mich. ;  d. 
Dec.  24,  1887,  at  Hanover,  Mich.  He  is  a  photographer.  Resi- 
dence, Santa  Rosa,  Calif. 

Children  of  James  William  and  Lillian  A.  (Jewett)  Avery: 

5577.  i.       Charles  William9,  b.  April  26,  1873,  at  Tuscola,  Mich. 

5578.  ii.      Arthur  LeRoy9,  b.  May  31,  1875,  at  Coldwater,  Mich. 

5579.  iii.     Willie  Jewett9,  b.  Nov.  22,  1880,  at  Hartford,  Mich. 

5580.  iv.     Carrie  Pearl9,  b.  Dec.  9,  1883,  at  Waverly  Tp.,  Mich. 

2628.  Percy  Charless  Avery  {Edgar  Charles1,  Charles*, 
David*,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
13,  1871,  at  Waterloo,  Wis.;  m.  Sept.  6,  1895,  at  West  Bend, 
Wis.,  Clara  Annette  Johnson,  dau.  of  Peter  and  Andrea  (Jenson) 
Johnson.  She  was  b.  Dec.  1,  1876,  at  Chicago,  111.;  d.  Nov., 
1904,  at  Chicago.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  15,  1905,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mich., 
Mary  Elizabeth  Carey,  clau.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Dillon) 
Carey.  She  was  b.  March  9,  1872,  at  Ripon,  Wis.  He  is  a 
manufacturer  of  electric  apparatus.  Residence,  Milwaukee, 

2640.  Erwin  Daniel8  Avery  {Daniel',  Henry*,  Daniel5, 
Isaac4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  19,  1845,  at 
West  Stafford;  m.  March  4,  1874,  at  Clinton,  Bertha  Jane 
Francis,  dau.  of  William  Sandles  and  Jane  Burgum  (Evetts) 
Francis.  She  was  b.  July  10,  1852,  in  Worcestershire,  England ; 
d.  May  1,  1901,  at  Somers.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Somers. 

Children    of    Erwin    Daniel    and    Bertha    Jane    (Francis) 
Avery,  b.  at  Somers: 

i.       Daniel  Francis9,  b.  Jan.  27,  1875;    d.  y. 
ii.      William  Erwin9,  b.  March  18,  1876;    d.  y. 

5590.  iii.     Mabel   Bertha9,  b.   Nov.   23,   1877. 

5591.  iv.     Ernest  Wesley9,  b.  Dec.  9,   1879. 

v.      Edith  Laura9,  b.  May  19,  1881;    d.  y. 

5592.  vi.     Ethel  Beatrice9,  b.   Sept.  22,   1882. 

5593.  vii.    Blanche  Ursula9,  b.  March  12,  1884. 

viii.  Harold  Lloyd9,  b.  Feb.  24,  1887;    d.  Feb.  7,  1895. 

5594.  ix.     Forest  Everton9,  b.  May  18,  1891. 

2641.  Myron  Pease8  Avery  {Daniel7,  Henry6,  Daniel5, 
Isaac*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  1,  1850,  at 
W««t  Stafford;   m.  Dec.  25,  1878,  at  Somers,  Laura   Elizabeth 











The   Eighth    Generation  837 

Francis,  dau.  of  William  Sandles  and  Jane  Burgum  (Evetts) 
Francis.  She  was  b.  Dec.  15,  1858,  at  West  Sterling,  Mass.  He 
was  educated  at  Wesleyan  Academy;  is  a  farmer  and  lumber 
dealer  at  West  Stafford ;  member  of  the  state  legislature,  1887, 
1893.  1911 ;  has  held  several  town  offices.  Residence,  Stafford. 
Children  of  Myron  Pease  and  Laura  Elizabeth  (Francis) 
Avery,  b.  at  West  Stafford: 

Daniel9,  b.  Nov.  3,  1879. 
Gertrude  Laura3,  b.   Nov.  23,   1882. 
Ruby  Almira3,  b.   Sept.   29,   1885. 
Llynola",  b.  March  2,  1890. 
Mahlon   Pease',  b.  Oct.   18,  1897. 

2648.  Laurana  Sarah8  Avery  (Lyman  WolcoW,  Elihu  Ben- 
ton6, Daniel5,  Isaac4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  11,  1842,  at  West  Stafford ;   m.  Henry  O.  Wilson.     He  was 

b.  at  Northampton,  Mass. ;    d.  at  Columbus,  0.     She  d.  about 
1887,  at  Hampden,  Mass. 

Children  of  Henry  O.  and  Laurana  Sarah  (Avery)  Wilson: 

i.       Nellie9;   m.  Maguire. 

ii.      Lizzie9;     m.    Walter    Mather, 
iii.     Arthur9. 
iv.     Edith9. 
v.     Hattie9. 

2649,  Luzerne  Wolcott8  Avery  (Lyman  WolcoW,  Elihu 
Benton6,  Daniel5,  Isaac*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  1,  1845,  at  West  Stafford ;  m.  March  25,  1868,  at  Talcott- 
ville,  Emeline  Aurelia  Sadd,  dau.  of  John  and  Emeline  (Clark) 
Sadd.  She  was  b.  June  9,  1846,  at  South  Windsor.  He  was  a 
sewing  machine  agent.  He  d.  April  9,  1896,  at  Vernon;  she  d. 
March  14,  1901,  at  Hartford. 

Children  of  Luzerne  Wolcott  and  Emeline  Aurelia   (Sadd) 
Avery : 

5610.  i.       Emma  Louisa9,  b.  July  22,  1872,  at  Warehouse  Point. 

ii.      Bert  Luzerne9,  b.  Sept.  18,  1875,  at  Talcottville;    d.  Sept. 
4,    1892,   at   Vernon   Center. 

5611.  iii.     Jennie9,  b.  May  30,  1878,  at  Springfield,  Mass. 

5612.  iv.     Carrie  May9,  b.  Oct.  5,  1881,  at  Vernon  Center. 

5613.  v.      Fannie  Eva9,  b.  May  11,  1883,  at  Vernon  Center. 

838  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2650.  Lavene  Candacex  Avery  (Lyman  Wolcott7,  Elihu 
Benton",  Daniel5,  Isaac1,  Thomas3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
March  27,  1848,  at  West  Stafford;  m.  Sept.,  1867,  at  West 
Stafford,  Harlow  Lawson  Kibbe,  s.  of  Wellesley  and  Lucy 
(Smith)  Kibbe.  He  was  b.  Nov.  14,  1845,  at  Somers.  Resi- 
dence, West  Stafford. 

Children  of  Harlow  Lawson  and  Lavene  Candace   (Avery) 
Kibbe,  b.  at  West  Stafford : 

i.       Jennie  Lavene",  b.  Feb.  17,  1868;    m.  Fred  Woods;    d.  Sept. 

6,  1890,  at  Somers. 
ii.      Fred  Lawson",  b.  April  10,  1870;    m.  Louisa  Ley. 
iii.     Eugene   Arthur9,   b.   Aug.   12,   1873;     m.   Grace   Spellman; 

d.  March  8,  1899,  at  Springfield,  Mass. 
iv.     Robert  Hitchcock8,  b.  March  9,  1875;    m.  Gertie  Carpenter. 

v.      Bennie  Joseph9,  b.  May  20,  1877;    m.  Hattie  . 

vi.     Fonda  Lavina9,  b.  March  13,  1879;    d.  y. 

vii.    Milo  Wilbur9,  b.   Dec.   12,   1881. 

viii.  Nettie  May9,  b.  Sept.  15,  1882;    m.  Charles  Glazier. 

ix.     Daisy  Bell9,  b.  Aug.  15,  1884. 

x.     Louisa  Wealthy9,  b.   Oct.  26,   1885. 

2651.  Otis  Jewett8  Avery  (Lyman  Wolcott7,  Elihu  Benton6, 
Daniel5,  Isaac4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher'1)  was  b.  Oct.  22, 
1852,  at  West  Stafford;  m.  March  30,  1874,  at  Springfield, 
Mass.,  Julia  Melissa  Kibbe,  dau.  of  Wellesley  and  Lucy  (Smith) 
Kibbe.  She  was  b.  Sept.  7,  1856,  at  Somers.  He  was  a  sewing 
machine  agent;   d.  Dec.  9,  1882,  at  Ellington. 

Children  of  Otis  Jewett  and  Julia  Melissa   (Kibbe)  Avery: 

5614.  i.       Edwin  Otis9,  b.  June  30,  1875,  at  Talcottville. 
ii.      Clifford9,  b.  April  3,  1877,  at  Talcottville;    d.  y. 

5615.  iii.     Roselle  Julia9,  b.  Jan.  5,  1879,  at  Barre,  Mass. 
iv.     Annie  Eva9,  b.  April  5,  1881,  at  Barre;    d.  y. 

2652.  Polly  Verona*  Avery  (Lyman  Wolcott1,  Elihu  Ben- 
ton6, Daniel5,  Isaac4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
25,  1854,  at  West  Stafford;  m.  June  4,  1871,  Sylvester  Hiram 
Aborn,  s.  of  Lyman  P.  and  Lois  (Cooley)  Aborn.  He  was  b. 
Aug.  5,  1849,  at  Somers.  He  is  a  farmer.  She  d.  Feb.  21,  1885, 
at  Ellington. 

Children  of  Sylvester  Hiram  and   Polly  Verona    (Avery) 
Aborn,  b.  at  Ellington : 

i.       Etta  Verona9,  b.  March  9,  1872;    d.  y. 
ii.      Frank  Sylvester9,  b.  Sept.  11,  1873;    d.  y. 

The  Eighth  Generation  839 

iii.     Edgar   Wolcott9,   b.    May   14,    1875;     m.    Hattie   ; 

2d,   Etta   Smith, 
iv.     Julia  Verona8,  b.  Feb.  3,  1877;    m.  Horatio  Davis, 
v.      Grace  Charlotte',  b.  March  22,  1879. 
vi.     Myles  Sylvester',  b.  April  5,  1881;    d.  y. 
vii.    Harry  Otto",  b.  March  1,  1883. 

2653.  Henry  Benton s  Avery  (Lyman  Wolcott7,  Elihu  Ben- 
ton6, Daniel*,  Isaac4,  Thomas'-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
2,  1856,  at  West  Stafford;  m.  Jan.  1,  1881,  at  Exeter,  N.  H., 
Bessie  Sarah  Lemon,  dau.  of  James  Green  and  Nancy  Rosina 
(Upham)  Adams,  and  legally  adopted  daughter  of  Sewell  S. 
Lemon.  She  was  b.  March  2,  1863,  at  Brookfield,  Mass.  For 
some  time  prior  to  1905,  he  was  a  dealer  in  antique  furniture 
and  bric-a-brac  at  Springfield,  Mass.  He  is  a  farmer.  Resi- 
dence, Stafford  Springs. 

Children    of   Henry   Benton    and    Bessie    Sarah    (Lemon) 
Avery : 

Queenie  Lemon9,  b.  Feb.  15,  1882,  at  Barre,  Mass. 
Eugene  Leonard9,  b.  April  13,  1883,  at  Barre. 
Bessie  Rosina9,  b.  Feb.  21,  1885,  at  Worcester,  Mass. 
Richard  Henry9,  b.  Oct.  16,  1886,  at  Barre. 
Orrin  Jewett9,  b.  Dec.  10,  1888,  at  N.  Attleboro,  Mass. 
Gladys  Beatrice9,  b.  Nov.  8,  1890,  at  N.  Attleboro. 
Winthrop  Douglass9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1892,  at  N.  Attleboro. 
viii.  Arthur  Pomeroy9,  b.  May  12,  1894,  at  N.  Attleboro. 
ix.     Winslow  Brewster  Standish9,  b.  May  10,  1900,  at  Spring- 
field, Mass. 
5625.     x.      Ruth  Evangeline9,  b.  June  28,  1903,  at  Springfield. 

2654.  Orlando  Theodore8  Avery  (Theodore  Morrison7, 
Elihu  Benton",  Daniel5,  Isaac*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  15,  1849,  at  Somers;  m.  April  16,  1869,  at  East 
Long  Meadow,  Mass.,  Mariette  Louisa  Kibbe,  dau.  of  Wells  and 
Lucy  (Smith)  Kibbe.  She  was  b.  Aug.  28,  1851,  at  Ellington; 
d.  June  28,  1907,  at  West  Stafford.    Residence,  Stafford  Springs. 

Children  of  Orlando  Theodore  and  Mariette  Louisa  (Kibbe) 

Avery : 

Egbert  Orlando9,  b.  Dec.  3,  1870,  at  Ellington. 
Lilla9,  b.  Jan.  15,  1873,  at  Somers;  m.  Wilber  Wiers. 
Everett  Lawson9,  b.  Dec.   19,   1874,  at  West  Stafford. 
Arthur  Roland9,  b.  Feb.  16,  1891,  at  West  Stafford. 



























840  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2655.  Mary  Ellen8  Avery  (Theodore  Morrison1,  Elihu  Ben- 
ton6, Daniel5,  Isaac*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  11,  1856,  at  West  Stafford;  m.  William  Francis  Jewett; 
2d,  a  Mr.  Lilly  of  Monson,  Mass.,  where  it  is  said  they  now 
live.     No  further  record. 

2656.  John  Lawson8  Avery  (Theodore  Morrison1,  Elihu 
Benton*,  Daniel5,  Isaac*,  Thomas-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  11,  1861,  at  West  Stafford;    m.    Rose  Spellman,  dau.  of 

Dwight  and  (Martin)    Spellman.     He   m.   2d,    Delia 

King.     Residence,  Hampden,  Mass. 

Children  of  John  Lawson  and  Rose  (Spellman)  Avery: 

5633.  i.      Merton  John9. 

5634.  ii.      Viola9,  b.  July,  1889. 

2657.  1  del  la  Lillian8  Avery  (Theodore  Morrison1,  Elihu 
Benton*,  Daniel5,  Isaac*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  15,  1867,  at  West  Stafford ;  m.  Freedus  Fuller.  It  is  said 
that  they  live  at  West  Stafford.    No  further  record. 

2665.  Emma8  Avery  (Horatio  Delford1,  Elihu  Benton*, 
Daniel5,  Isaac*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  21, 
1871,  at  Somers;  m.  May  20,  1889,  at  Stafford  Hollow,  Samuel 
Sidaway,  s.  of  Jabez  and  Mary  Ann  (Newell)  Sidaway.  He 
was  b.  Sept.  15,  1866,  at  Stafford  Springs.  Residence,  Stafford 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Emma  (Avery)  Sidaway,  b.  at 
Stafford  Springs: 

i.       Helen  F.9,  b.  Oct.  14,  1891. 
ii.      Mary9,  b.  June  16,   1894. 
iii.     Clarence  S.\  b.  Aug.  19,  1896. 
iv.     Rachel  A.9,  b.  July  30,   1898. 
v.      Joseph   N.9,  b.  Jan.  20,  1900. 
vi.     Frank  R.9,  b.  March  29,  1908. 

2675.  Percy8  Avery  (Abel1,  John*,  John5,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)    was  b.  Sept.  27,  1790,  at  Stafford;    m. 

Nathan  Smedley,  s.  of and  Phebe  (Doolittle)  Smedley. 

He  was  a  farmer.    She  d.  Sept.  10,  1827,  at  Morris ;   he  d.  May 
28,  1828,  at  the  same  place. 

The   Eighth  Generation  841 

Children  of  Nathan  and  Percy  (Avery)   Smedley: 

i.       Eliza9;     m.    a    Mr.    Blaine. 

ii.  William  Lymanj,  b.  June  6,  1811,  at  Morris;  m.  Julia 
Camp  Marsh;    d.  Oct.  27,  1891,  at  New  Haven. 

iii.  James  Shelton9,  b.  Sept.  12,  1813,  at  South  Farms;  m. 
Maria  Stevens;  was  a  graduate  of  Oberlin  College; 
was  connected  with  the  underground  railroad  with  his 
uncle,  James  Smedley;    d.  Oct.  21,  1896,  at  Berea,  O. 

iv.  Elvira  Mary9,  b.  Jan.  13,  1820,  at  Morris;  m.  J.  M.  Con- 

v.      Frederick  Beebe9. 

2676.  Abel*  Avery  (Abel7,  John*,  John5,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher^)  was  b.  at  Stafford;  m.  Emeline  Johnson. 
She  d.  Nov.  28,  1845,  at  Ionia,   Mich.     He  m.  2d,    Sophia  H. 

.     She  d.  July  4,  1856,  aged  47;    he  d.  April  15,  1875, 

both  at  Ionia. 

Children  of  Abel  and  Emeline   (Johnson)  Avery: 


George  L.9;    d.  Dec.  28,  1878,  at  Lowell,  Mich.,  aged  44. 
i.      William";     d.   at   Ionia. 
ii.     Frederick9;    d.  at  Ionia. 

2678.  John8  Avery  {Abel7,  John*,  John*,  John4,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  March  27,  1797,  at  Stafford;  m. 
Feb.  23,  1829,  at  New  Milford,  Mary  Margaret  Edwards,  dau.  of 
John  Calvin  and  Lydia  (Trowbridge)  Edwards.  She  was  b. 
Sept.  22,  1809,  at  New  Milford;  d.  May  3,  1833,  at  Cornwall. 
He  m.  2d,  Oct.  25,  1835,  at  New  Milford,  Rebecca  Starr  Edwards, 
the  sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was  b.  April  23,  1818,  at  New 
Milford.  He  was  a  manufacturer;  farmer;  justice  of  the 
peace.  He  d.  July  3,  1884,  at  Ionia,  Mich.;  she  d.  March  4, 
1896,  at  Detroit,  Mich. 

Children  of  John  and  Mary  Margaret  (Edwards)  Avery,  b. 
at  Cornwall: 

5670.  i.       Harriet9,    b.    Sept.    1,    1830. 

5671.  ii.      Mary   Margaret9,   b.    April   25,   1833. 

Children  of  John  and  Rebecca  Starr  (Edwards)  Avery,  b. 
at  Cornwall: 


Susan  Percy9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1840. 
i.      Sarah  Amelia9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1842. 
ii.     Lyman   Buel9,   b.   May   21,   1846. 
v.     John9,  b.  Feb.  18,  1848;    d.  April,  1859,  at  Ionia. 

342  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2679.  Betsey8  Avery  (Abel7,  John",  John5,  John4,  John-, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  8,  1801,  at  Springfield, 
Mass.;  m.  June  11,  1823,  at  Cornwall,  James  Blake.  He  was  b. 
May  18,  1799,  at  Cornwall ;  d.  March  7,  1872,  at  Brimfield,  0. ; 
she  d.  Nov.  13,  1881,  at  Richwood,  0. 

Children  of  James  and  Betsey  (Avery)  Blake: 

i.       Orvil9,  b.  April  8,  1824,  at  Litchfield;    m.  Emily  White;    d. 

Aug.  12,  1877,  at  Mantua,  O. 
ii.      Fidelia     E.9,    b.    Sept.    27,    1826,   at    Litchfield;     m.    Aaron 

Peter   Mallory. 
iii.     Buel  Avery9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1828,  at  Brimfield,  O.;    m.  Caroline 

Wilcox;    2d,  Mary  Wilson  or  Hastings, 
iv.     Sherman    Marshall9,   b.   April   3,   1831,   at   Brimfield;     m. 

Harriet  Jaynes  Parsons;    d.  Feb.  11,  1884,  at  Richwood. 
v.      Adoniram    Judson9,    b.    Nov.    15,    1835,    at    Brimfield;     m. 

Clotilda  Shurr;    d.  June  18,  1895,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
vi.     Charlotte  M.9,  b.  July  8,   1842,  at  Brimfield;    m.  John   I. 


2681.  William  Buell*  Avery  (Abel7,  John6,  John5,  John*, 
John-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  22,  1810,  at  Cornwall; 
m.  April  23,  1848,  at  Washington,  D.  C,  Margaret  Smith, 
dau.  of  Henry  and  Catharine  (Elsworth)  Smith.  She  was  b. 
June  30,  1820,  at  Washington.  He  was  a  merchant  and  manu- 
facturer. She  d.  June  15,  1882,  at  Washington;  he  d.  April 
24,  1894,  at  Martinsburg,  W.  Va. 

Children  of  William  Buell  and  Margaret  (Smith)   Avery: 

5680.  i.       Ida  May9,  b.  Jan.  8,   1849,  at  Washington. 

5681.  ii.      Catherine  Elizabeth9,  b.  May  18,  1851,  at  Falls  Village. 

5682.  iii.     John  Buel9,  b.  Nov.  11,  1852,  at  Falls  Village. 

2688.  Harriet8  Avery  (Asa1,  John6,  John5,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  27,  1793,  at  Stafford;  m.  Oct. 
24,  1816,  Horace  Ferre,  s.  of  Solomon  and  Rhoda  (Sanderson) 
Ferre.  He  was  b.  May  11,  1790,  at  Springfield,  Mass.  He  d. 
Nov.  26,  1865,  at  Springfield;  she  d.  Oct.  25,  1876,  at  Bridge- 
port. She  is  described  as  "a  dear  old  lady,  a  bright  and  ener- 
getic woman,  a  typical  Avery."  She  was  blind  the  last  six  years 
of  her  life.  He  was  a  descendant  of  Charles  Ferre,  one  of  the 
first  settlers  of  Springfield.  Horace  Ferre  laid  out  Mulberry 
Street.     He  set  out  the  trees  now  standing  there  and  many  of 

The  Eighth  Generation  843 

those   on   Maple   Street,   two   of   the   most   beautiful   residence 
streets  in  Springfield. 

Children  of  Horace  and  Harriet   (Avery)   Ferre : 

i.  Giddings  Hyde9,  b.  Aug.  23,  1817,  at  Monson,  Mass.;  d. 
Sept.  25,  1830,  at  Monson. 

ii.  Harriet  Avery',  b.  March  26,  1819,  at  Monson;  m.  Albert 
Eames;  d.  Sept.  3,  1889,  at  Bridgeport.  They  had 
Martha'",  Susan  Maria"',  Horace  LoveW,  Harriet  Lucy1", 
and    George    Mansonw. 

iii.  Horace  Russell9,  b.  Oct.  24,  1820,  at  Monson;  m.  Lucinda 
Gage.  Children:  Ida"',  Ella™,  William10,  Melville™,  and 
Albert™.  Horace  Russell  Ferre  d.  in  California;  his 
children   are  living  there. 

iv.  Henry  Phelps",  b.  Sept.  14,  1822,  at  Monson;  m.  Julia  Car- 
penter; d.  June  2,  1891,  at  Springfield.  Child:  Etta10, 
who  m.  Edwin  Hollister  and  lives  at  Springfield,  Mass. 

v.      Henrietta  Green9,  b.  Oct.  4,  1824,  at  Springfield. 

vi.  Giddings  Hyde9,  b.  Feb.  24,  1834,  at  Springfield;  d.  Oct.  29, 
1893,  at   San   Francisco,   Calif.     . 

vii.    Helen  Uphelia9,  b.  April  9,  1840,  at  Springfield;    d.  y. 

2689.  Rufus  Green*  Avery  (Asa7,  John6,  John*,  John*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  4,  1795,  at  Monson, 
Mass.;  m.  Nov.  17,  1823,  at  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  Keziah  Johnson 
Goodwill,  dau.  of  John  and  Sally  (Johnson)  Goodwill.  She  was 
b.  Dec.  5,  1802,  at  Wellington.  He  was  a  hat  manufacturer.  He 
d.  July  16,  1879 ;  she  d.  Aug.  2,  1879,  both  at  Alexander,  N  .Y. 

Children  of  Rufus  Green  and  Keziah  Johnson    (Goodwill) 
Avery : 

Rufus  Green9,  b.  Oct.  21,  1824,  at  Stafford. 
Sarah  Goodwill6,  b.  Nov.  11,  1826,  at  Stafford. 
John   Goodwill9,  b.  Feb.  24,  1828,  at   Stafford. 
Mary  Genett9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1829,  at  Stafford;    d.  y. 
Daniel  Goodwill9,  b.  April  7,  1830,  at  Stafford;    d.  July  20, 

1847,  at  Alexander. 
William  Crockett9,  b.  Feb.  3,  1832,  at  Stafford, 
vii.    George  Elfonzo9,  b.  March  10,  1834,  at  Somers;  served  in 
Capt.  Newman's  battery  in  the  civil  war;    unm.,  1910. 

5705.  viii.  James  Monroe",  b.  Feb.  10,  1836,  at  Attica,  N.  Y. 
ix.     Julia   Maria9,  b.   June   22,   1838,   at   Alexander;     d.   March 

18,  1886,  at  Attica;    unm. 

5706.  x.      Bradley  Crandall9,  b.  March  17,  1840,  at  Alexander. 













844  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5707.  xi.     Emma  Loretta9,  b.  July  8,   1842,  at  Alexander. 

5708.  xii.    Martha  Elizabeth',  b.  Oct.  18,  1843,  at  Alexander. 

5709.  xiii.  Charles  B.9,  b.  July  16,  1846,  at  Alexander. 

2690.  Russeir  Avery  (Asa7,  John6,  John'',  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  22,  1799,  at  Monson,  Mass.; 
m.  Sept.  6,  1838,  at  New  Britain,  Tamar  Flint,  dau.  of  Henry 
and  Bulah  (Wheeler)  Flint.  She  was  b.  Sept.  18,  1794,  at 
Carlisle,  Mass.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  Dec.  20,  1862,  at 
Guilford;   he  d.  about  1880,  at  Guilford.     No  children. 

2691.  Dolly8  Avery  (Asa7,  John*,  John5,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  14,  1801,  at  Monson,  Mass. ;  m. 
Warren  Lillibridge.  He  was  b.  Nov.,  1802.  She  d.  May  23, 
1890,  at  Berlin ;   he  d.  May,  1894,  at  New  Britain. 

Child  of  Warren  and  Dolly  (Avery)  Lillibridge,  b.  at  Staf- 
ford : 

i.       Emily9,  b.   June   3,   1835;    m.   William   Steele;     d.  Jan.   28, 

1896,  at  New  Britain. 

2692.  Daniel8  Avery  (Asa7,  John6,  John5,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  16,  1806,  at  Monson,  Mass.; 
m.  Aug.  11,  1839,  at  Hartford,  Emeline  Adams,  dau.  of  Joseph 
and  Sally  (Bronson)  Adams.  She  was  b.  Feb.  3,  1803,  at 
Hartford.  He  was  a  hatter.  He  d.  Feb.  6,  1854,  at  New 
Britain ;   she  d.  Jan.  24,  1891,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Daniel  and  Emeline  (Adams)  Avery,  b.  at 
Wethersfield : 

5710.  i.       Sarah   Jane9,   b.    Sept.    15,    1840. 

ii.     William  Wallace9,  b.  Dec.  24,  1842;    d.  y. 

2694.  Emily8  Avery  (Asa7,  John6,  John5,  John*,  John-, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  25,  1813,  at  Ellington;  m. 
Aug.  11,  1844,  at  New  Britain,  Leonard  Belden,  s.  of  Leonard 
and  Roxanna  (Hart)  Belden.  He  was  b.  Jan.  29,  1807,  at  New 
Britain;  d.  April  25,  1881,  at  New  Britain.  She  d.  Jan.  26, 
1888,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Leonard  and  Emily  (Avery)  Belden,  b.  at  New 

Britain : 

i.  James  Madison9,  b.  July  19,  1845. 

ii.  Sarah   Elizabeth9,  b.   Nov.  9,   1851. 

iii.  George  Henry9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1856;    d.  y. 

The   Eighth   Generation  845 

2695.  Martha  PinneyK  Avery  (Asa7,  John6,  John5,  John4, 
John",  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  8,  1816,  at  Ellington; 
m.  Dec.  19,  1836,  Henry  C.  Deming,  s.  of  Robert  and  Lucy 
(Blinn)  Deming.  He  was  b.  Feb.  11,  1808,  at  Newington;  was 
a  farmer;  d.  March  23,  1860,  at  Berlin.  She  d.  Jan.  19,  1880, 
at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Henry  C.  and  Martha  Pinney  (Avery)  Deming, 

b.  at  Newington : 

i.       Sarah  Elizabeth9,  b.  April  29,  1838;    m.  Silas  B.  Hurlburt. 

ii.      William  Henry9,  b.  June  3,  1840;    d.  y. 

iii.     Henrietta  Blinn1',  b.  March  25,  1842;  m.  Jedediah  Wilcox; 

d.  in  1907,  at  West  Haven, 
iv.     Henry  Wallace',  b.  Jan.  6,  1844;    m.  Jane  Cushman. 

2699.  Lucy  Lord"  Avery  (Richard7,  Jabez6,  John5,  John4, 
John\  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  20,  1794,  at  Norwich; 
m.  Nov.  28,  1814,  at  Norwich,  Joseph  B.  Huntington,  s.  of  David 
and  Tryphosa  (Bingham)  Huntington,  of  Columbia.  She  d. 
July  26,  1833,  at  Norwich. 

2704.  Guerdon  Williams s  Avery  (John7,  Jabez6,  John5, 
John4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  6,  1797,  at 
Norwich.  Olive  R.,  widow  of  G.  W.  Avery,  died  June  4,  1883, 
at  Norwich,  aged  86  years  and  9  months  (Norwich  Town  Rec- 
ords, 16:112,  186). 

Child  of  Guerdon  Williams  and  Olive  R.  ( )  Avery: 

5720.     i.      John  P.9,  b.  about  1822. 

2715.  Amos-  Avery  (Amos7,  Amos6,  John5,  John4,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  30,  1783,  at  Coventry;  m. 
Marcia  White,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Rachel  (Porter)  White.  She 
was  b.  April  1,  1780,  at  Coventry;  d.  March  20,  1837,  at 
Coventry.  He  m.  a  second  time  and  d.  May  22,  1863,  at 

Children  of  Amos  and  Marcia  (White)  Avery,  b.  at  Cov- 
entry : 

5750.  i.       Marilla9,  b.  about  1810;    m.  Nov.,  1847,  at  Vernon,  N.  Y., 

Clark   Steer. 

5751.  ii.     Madison  Monroe9,  b.  Aug.  8,  1811. 

iii.     Amariah  Frances9,  b.  18^"-    d.  Feb.  29,  1880;    unm. 

5752.  iv.     Martha  Amelia9,  b.  April  8,  1816. 

5753.  v.      Macostas  Franklin9,  b.   about   1818. 

846  The   Groton   Avery  Clan 

5754.  vi.     John   OR   Amos  Moffitt9,   b.   about   1820. 
vii.    Harriet  Sophia",  b.  about  1822;    d.  y. 

5755.  viii.  Christopher  Columbus9,  b.  Dec.  10,  1827. 

5756.  ix.    Lewis  Larson9,  b.  about  1830. 

Child  of  Amos  and ( )  Avery : 

"757.     i.      Bolivar9. 

2716.  Irene*  Avery  (Amos7,  Amos'',  John',  John*,  John, 
James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  22,  1787,  at  Coventry;  m. 
Feb.  2,  1808,  Ward  Kingsbury,  s.  of  Joseph  and  Lois  (Porter) 
Kingsbury.    He  d.  Feb.  6,  1844 ;   she  d.  Feb.  10,  1856. 

Children  of  Ward  and  Irene  (Avery)  Kingsbury,  b.  at 
Coventry : 

i.       Louise9,  b.  July  24,  1811;    m.  Ebenezer  Parsons;    d.  Jan.  1, 

ii.      Diana9,  b.  Jan.  22,  1813;    m.  Matthew  Allyn. 
iii.     Ebenezer9,  b.  July  16,  1821;    m.  Clemena  Hitchcock. 

2721.  Ephraim  Kingsbury8  Avery  (Amos1,  Amos*,  John*, 
John*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1799;  m. 
Sophia  Wells. 

Children  of  Ephraim  Kingsbury  and  Sophia  (Wells) 
Avery : 

Edwin  K.°,  b.  Nov.  18,  1824;    d.  y. 

Edwin  Kingsbury9,  b.  July  15,  1826. 

Catharine  S.9,  b.  Aug.  2,  1828;    m.  R.  T.  Worden. 

iv.     Maria  E.9,  b.  March  9,  1830;    m.  Cone. 

Francis  L.  B.  D.  W.9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1833. 
vi.    Josephine9,  b.  Sept.  8,  1842;    d.  y. 

2722.  Louis*  Avery  (Amos7,  Amos*,  John5,  John*,  John2, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  22,  1802,  at  Canaan,  N.  Y. ;  m. 
Sarah  Buell.     She  was  b.  June  16,  1805.    He  d.  July  11,  1831. 

Children  of  Louis  and  Sarah   (Buell)   Avery: 

5762.  i.       Louis  Bradley9,  b.  Feb.  18,.  1828,  at  Richmond,  Mass. 

5763.  ii.      Margaret  Elizabeth',  b.  Sept.  14,  1831. 

2723.  Norman  *  Avery  (Jabez7,  Amos*,  John0,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  March  18,  1812,  at  Bolton,  Emily 
Bowe.     He  d.  June  4,  1834,  at  Vernon. 

Children  of  Norman  and  Emily  (Bowe)  Avery,  bap.  at  the 
First  Church  of  Vernon: 










The   Eighth   Generation  847 

5764.  i.       Irene',  bap.  April  15,  1813;    m.  Oct.  9,  1828,  at  Bolton,  Joel 


5765.  ii.      Harriet   Newell9,  bap.   Sept.   23,   1816. 

5766.  iii.     Edmund   Mars9,   bap.   July   12,    1818. 

2724.  Jabez*  Avery  {Jabez7,  Amos",  John',  Joint4,  John  . 
James'1,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  Sept.  12,  1819,  at  Coventry,  Esther 
Hibbard,  dau.  of  Selah  and  Esther  (Loomis)  Hibbard.  She  was 
b.  Feb.  15,  1798,  at  Coventry.  He  d.  Dec.  27,  1832,  at  Coventry, 
aged  38  years.    She  d.  about  1870,  at  Coventry. 

Children  of  Jabez  and  Esther  (Hibbard)  Avery: 

5767.  i.       Lydia9. 

5768.  ii.      Esther";   m.   Sept.  23,   1846,  Walter   C.   Goodale. 

2725.  Horatio8  Avery  {Jabez1,  Amos*,  John-',  John4,  John3, 
James-,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  April  25,  1822,  at  Coventry,  Irene 
Andrus.     He  d.  Jan.  23,  1879,  at  Bristol. 

Children  of  Horatio  and  Irene  (Andrus)   Avery: 

5770.  i.  Jane9;     m.   John    Mack   of    Bristol. 

5771.  ii.  Frances9;    m.  John  Stillman. 

5772.  iii.  Georgiana9. 

5773.  iv.  John9. 

2726.  Phebe*  Avery  (Jabez7,  Amos*,  John7',  John4,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  9,  1803,  at  Coventry;  m. 
Nov.  10,  1827,  John  Peck.    She  d.  Nov.  1,  1877. 

Children  of  John  and  Phebe   (Avery)  Peck: 

i.       Mary  Lovina9,  b.  April   1,  1831;    m.   Edwin   Spencer, 
ii.      Lydia  Maria9,  b.  July  19,  1841;    m.  Frank  P.  Andrews. 

2727.  Daniel  Brown"  Avery  (Jabez7,  Amos\  John;',  John4, 
John7-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  1,  1804,  at  Coventry; 
m.  May  22,  1823,  at  Pitcairn,  N.  Y.,  Rhoda  Wescott,  dau.  of 
Preserved  and  Abigail  (Harmon)  Wescott.  She  was  b.  Feb.  22, 
1803,  at  Rupert,  Vt. ;  d.  about  1873,  at  Pitcairn,  N.  Y.  He  m. 
2d,  in  1874,  at  Russell,  N.  Y.,  Mrs.  Thankful  Russell.  He  d. 
April  8,  1883. 

Children  of  Daniel  Brown  and  Rhoda  (Wescott)  Avery: 

5777.  i.       Sarah9,  b.  Sept.  19,  1826,  at  Mexico,  N.  Y. 

5778.  ii.      William  Cornelius9,  b.  Dec.  16,  1829,  at  Rodman,  N.  Y. 

5779.  iii.     James  Estes9,  b.  Oct.  19,  1832,  at  Mannsville,  N.  Y. 

848  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5780.  iv.     Fannie  Miranda",  b.  July  23,   1837,  in  Ellisburg  Tp.,  Jef- 

ferson Co.,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Daniel  Brown  and  Thankful    (Russell)   Avery: 

5781.  i.       Rhoda  Jessie3,  b.  July  13,  1875,  at  Russell,  N.  Y. 

2730.  Clarissa*  Avery  (AsaheV ',  Amosa,  John*,  John*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  20,  1791;  m.  Benjamin 
Lathrop,  s.  of  Walter  and  Esther  (Fox)  Lathrop.  He  was  b. 
about  1784,  at  Norwich.  He  was  associate  judge  in  Susque- 
hanna Co.,  Pa.,  for  five  years.  She  d.  Sept.  12,  1835,  at  Mont- 
rose, Pa. ;   he  d.  in  July,  1861,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  o±  Benjamin  and  Clarissa   (Avery)   Lathrop: 

i.       Daniel   Avery9,   b.    March    3,   1811;     was   a   physician;     m. 

Nancy    Forbes;     2d,    Eudora    Keeler;     d.   July,    1884,    at 

Montrose,  Pa. 
ii.      Clarissa  Hartshorne9,  b.  March  2,  1813,  at  Montrose;    m. 

Frederick  U.  Williams, 
iii.     Azur9,  b.  Sept.  6,  1815,  at  Montrose;    m.  Sarah  E.  Cornell; 

2d,  Rebecca  Burling;    d.  Aug.  29,  1896,  at  Montrose, 
iv.     Benjamin   Franklin9,  b.   Sept.   6,   1817,  at  Montrose;    m. 

Lucinda   Morse, 
v.      Charles  Darlington9,  b.  May  10,  1822;    m.  Johanna  Searle. 
vi.     Dudson  Rogers9,  b.  Oct.  17,  1828,  at  Montrose;    m.   Sarah 

E.   Dimock.      Residence,   Hazelton,    Pa. 
vii.    Helen  M.9,  b.  Sept.  6,  1830,  at  Bridgewater,  Pa.;  d.  y. 
viii.  Francis  Jones9,  b.  July  17,   1832;   m.   Mary  E.   Lyons;   d. 

Nov.  9,  1878,  at  Lincoln,  Neb. 

2731.  Asahel8  Avery  {AsaheV,  Amos*,  John5,  John4,  John3, 
James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1793;  m.  Nov.  15,  1815, 
at  Great  Bend,  Pa,,  Nabby  Buck,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Olive 
(Stevens)  Buck.  She  was  b.  Oct.  11,  1793,  at  Great  Bend.  He 
was  a  cabinet-maker.  She  d.  Dec.  9,  1832,  at  Morris,  N.  Y. ;  he 
d.  April  17,  1872,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Asahel  and  Nabby   (Buck)   Avery: 

5791.  i.  William  Thompson9,  b.  Aug.  15,  1816,  at  Great  Bend. 

5792.  ii.  Silas  Hartshorne9,  b.  April  4,  1818,  at  Great  Bend. 

5793.  iii.  Asahel  Stevens9,  b.  Aug.  15,  1822,  at  Morris,  N.  Y. 

5794.  iv.  Charles  Joseph8,  b.  Feb.  9,  1827,  at  Morris. 

5795.  v.  Benjamin  Lathrop9,  b.  Feb.  2,  1832,  at  Morris. 













The  Eighth  Generation  849 

2732.  Charles'*  Avery  (AsaheV,  Amos6,  John5,  John4,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  March  28,  1796;  m.  March  27, 
1820,  at  Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  Harriette  Lord,  dau.  of  Henry  and 
Anne  (Vandyke)  Lord.  She  was  b.  Feb.  23,  1798,  at  Great 
Bend,  Pa.  He  was  justice  of  the  peace  in  Susquehanna  Co., 
Pa.,  for  thirty-seven  years;  treasurer  in  1821;  commissioner 
in  1825;  sheriff  in  1833;  recorder  in  1837;  bank  director  in 
1837;  a  merchant.  She  d.  July  20,  1876,  at  Montrose,  Pa.;  he 
d.  Feb.  13,  1877,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Harriette  (Lord)  Avery,  b.  at 
Montrose : 

Fayette9,  b.  Feb.  12,  1821;    d.  April  16,  1895,  at  Montrose. 
Mary9,   b.    Aug.    21,    1822. 
Helen9,  b.  April  15,  1824. 
Edmond9,  b.  April  27,  1827;    d.  y. 
Louisa9,  b.  Feb.  4,  1829;    d.  Feb.  18,  1909;    unm. 
Gertrude9,  b.   Feb.  8,   1832. 
vii.    Clara9,  b.  Dec.  11,  1834;    unm. 

2733.  Chauncey8  Avery  (AsaheV,  Amos*,  John-',  John4, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  28,  1798;  m. 
Aug.  16,  1824,  Emeline  Van  Brunt,  dau.  of  William  and  Eliza- 
beth (Hankison)  Van  Brunt.  She  was  b.  Oct.  1,  1803.  He 
was  a  cabinet-maker.  She  d.  Oct.  19,  1870,  at  Wayland,  N.  Y. ; 
he  d.  May  18,  1876. 

Children  of  Chauncey  and  Emeline   (Van  Brunt)   Avery: 

5801.  i.       Chauncey  Stillman9,  b.  May  7,  1825,  at  Howard,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Charles  Hartshorne9,  b.  March  31,  1827,  at  Howard;  d.  y. 

5802.  iii.     Gilbert  Franklin9,  b.  Jan.  15,  1828,  at  Howard. 
iv.     Augustus  LeVant9,  b.  Dec.  12,  1829;  d.  y. 

5803.  v.      Clarissa  Maria9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1832,  at  Howard. 

vi.     Simon   Gager9,  b.   Dec.  12,   1834,  at  Howard;   d.  March  20, 
1893,  at  Jacksonville,  Fla.;   unm. 

5804.  vii.    Rozetta    Clementine9,   b.   Feb.   19,    1836,   at   Howard;    m. 

Horace  Andrus  Avery  (No.  2225). 
viii.  Wilson  Harvey9,  b.  Dec.  13,  1837,  at  Howard;   d.  y. 

5805.  ix.     William  Henry9,  b.  Dec.  13,  1837,  at  Howard. 

x.      Nancy   Matilda9,   b.   April   22,   1840,   at   Wayland,   N.   Y.; 
d.  May,   1848. 

850  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

xi.  Charles  Fayette',  b.  Nov.  27,  1842,  at  Wayland;  was  a 
soldier  in  the  civil  war;  lost  an  eye;  a  graduate  of  the 
Poughkeepsie  Commercial  College;  member  of  the  Flor- 
ida legislature;  d.  March  8,  1895,  at  Hobe  Sound,  Fla.; 

xii.  Hubbard  Eugene',  b.  March  20,  1846,  at  Wayland;  d.  Nov. 
8,  1864,  at  Wayland. 

5806.  xiii.  John  Hankison",  b.  March  2,  1849,  at  Wayland. 

2734.  Hubbard"  Avery  (AsaJiel7,  Amos6,  John"',  John*,  John'-, 
James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Aug.  14,  1800;  m.  Feb.  13,  1823, 
Betsey  Dimock.  She  was  b.  Oct.  24,  1806.  He  d.  Oct.  19,  1836 ; 
she  d.  Aug.  7,  1879. 

Children  of  Hubbard  and  Betsey   (Dimock)    Avery: 

5807.  i.       Sarah  Maria1',  b.  Dec.   13,   1823. 

ii.      David  Dimock",  b.  Sept.  24,  1825;  d.  y. 

5808.  iii.     Josephine  Theresa",  b.  Nov.  25,  1827;  m.  Silas  Hartshorne 

Avery    (No.  5792). 
iv.     Clarissa  Lathrof',  b.  Oct.  12,  1830;  d.  y. 

2736.  Ebenezer  Root8  Avery  (Amariah7,  Amos6,  John5, 
John*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  20,  1800;  m. 
Sept.  8,  1822,  Harriet  Goodwin.  She  was  b.  Dec.  17,  1802.  She 
d.  Dec.  16,  1888,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  May  1,  1890,  at  the 
same  place.    He  was  a  merchant. 

Children  of  Ebenezer  Root  and  Harriet  (Goodwin)  Avery: 

5809.  i.       Alexander  Hamilton0,  b.  March  31,  1823. 
ii.      Carloss9,  b.  Dec.  14,  1824;    d.  y. 

iii.     Emily9,  b.  Sept.  20,  1827;    d.  May  4,  1843. 
iv.     Root9,  b.  Dec.  18,  1829;  d.  y. 

5810.  v.      Lora",    b.    Oct.    18,    1831;    m.    March    29,    1854,    at    Niagara 

Falls,  N.  Y.,  Holsey  S.  Ransom.     She  d.  March  20,  1868, 
at  Lockport,  N.  Y.     No  children. 

5811.  vi.     James  Miller9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1837. 

5812.  vii.    George  Amariah9,  b.  Nov.  30,  1842,  at  Silver  Creek,  N.  Y. 

2737.  Amariah8  Avery  (Amariah7,  Amos6,  John'',  John4, 
John5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  2,  1801,  at  Bolton;  m. 
Sept.  6,  1831,  at  Avon,  Fidelia  Abernitha  Woodford,  dau.  of 
Francis  and  Clarinda  (Miller)  Woodford.  She  was  b.  Sept.  2, 
1809.  He  d.  Sept.,  1857,  at  Avon;  she  d.  June  7,  1894,  at  the 
same  place. 

The   Eighth  Generation  851 

Children  of  Amariah  and   Fidelia  Abernitha    (Woodford) 
Avery : 

i.       William  Woodford",  b.  June  28,  1834;   d.  Dec.  7,   1907,  at 

New  York  City;   unm. 
ii.      Dwight  Amariah",  b.  Dec.  16,  1840,  at  Windsor;  d.  May  3, 
1888,  at  Avon;  unm. 

5814.  iii.     Clara  Fidelia'',  b.  Oct.   18,   1845,  at  Windsor. 

2740.  Josiah  Brown8  Avery  (Jeduthan7,  Amos",  John:', 
John*,  Jolrn3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  6,  1813,  at 
Bolton ;    m.  Nov.  1,  1836,  at  Manchester,   Maria  Louise  Lyman, 

dau.  of  Salmon  and  Octa   (Jones)   Lyman.     She  was  b.  Nov.  5, 

1815,  at  Manchester.     He  was  a  cabinet-maker. 

Children    of   Josiah    Brown    and   Maria    Louise    (Lyman) 

Avery : 

i.  Maria  Louise",  b.  Sept.  23,  1837;  d.  Dec.  2,  1850,  at  Bolton. 

5815.  ii.  Julia  Adelaide",  b.  Aug.  3,  1840,  at  Bolton. 

5816.  iii.  Martha  Cornelia",  b.   Dec.  25,  1843. 

5817.  iv.  Josiah   Francis",  b.  June  20,  1847. 

v.      Emily  Anna",  b.  March  19,  1853;  d.  y. 

2741.  Anna  Edgarton8  Avery  {Jeduthan",  Amos*,  John;', 
John4,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  9,  1816,  at 
Bolton ;  m.  Feb.  16,  1840,  at  Bolton,  Patton  Fitch,  s.  of  Elijah 
and  Nabby  (Carpenter)  Fitch.  He  was  b.  June  25,  1811,  at 
Bolton.     One  child,  Jeduthan,  died  in  extreme  infancy. 

2747.  Abby  Goddard8  Avery  (David7,  Nehemiah6,  John5, 
John*,  John3,  James2.  Christopher1)  was  b.  May,  1802;  m.  Nov. 
20,  1836,  at  East  Haddam,  Joseph  H.  Conkling. 

Children  of  Joseph  H.  and  Abby  Goddard  (Avery)  Conk- 

i.       Harriet  Avery",  b.   Oct.   15,   1837. 
ii.      John  A.",  b.  Aug.   17,   1839. 
iii.     Jane  N.9,  b.  Nov.  2,  1840. 
iv.     Ann  A.9,  b.  April  4,  1842. 

2753.  Hannah  Chaplin8  Avery  (David7,  David*,  John5, 
John4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  2,  1831,  at 
Chaplin ;  m.  June  9,  1868,  at  Hampton,  Frederick  Pearl  Part- 
ridge, s.  of  Samuel  and  Nancy  (Tracy)  Partridge.  He  was  b. 
March  20,  1820,  at  Jewett  City.     He  was  a  business  man;    d. 

852  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

April  13,  1894,  at  Jewett  City.  She  lives  at  Hartford.  Mrs. 
Partridge  is  the  owner  of  the  Avery  genealogy  prepared  by  her 
grandfather,  the  Rev.  David  Avery  (No.  511)  about  1800,  to 
which  we  are  indebted  for  the  solution  of  many  difficult  prob- 
lems. She  also  owns  his  picture,  a  reproduction  of  which  ap- 
pears on  page  329. 

Children  of  Frederick  Pearl  and  Hannah  Chaplin  (Avery) 
Partridge,  b.  at  Jewett  City: 

i.      Mary  Morgan",  b.  Feb.  3,  1870. 

ii.  Emeline  Hebbard",  b.  May  9,  1872;  m.  Sept.  17,  1903,  at 
Jewett  City,  Edwin  Withers  Schultz.  He  was  b.  at 
Middletown,  Pa.,  Feb.  20,  1867.  Child.— McAllister 
Averyi0,  b.    Sept.   25,   1905. 

2754.  George  Whitfield8  Avery  (David7,  David6,  John", 
Jolm*,  John5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  27,  1836,  at 
Hampton ;  m.  May  23,  1872,  at  Jewett  City,  Lydia  Leffingwell 
Shipman,  dau.  of  Thomas  Leffingwell  and  Pamelia  (Lord)  Ship- 
man.  She  was  b.  Feb.  14,  1845,  at  Jewett  City;  d.  May  15, 
1883,  at  Hartford.  He  m.  2d,  Sept.  10,  1884,  at  Hartford, 
Elizabeth  Porter  Keep,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John  R.  and  Rebecca 
Ann  (Porter)  Keep.  She  was  b.  Nov.  20,  1851,  at  Warren.  He 
was  a  physician ;  graduate  of  the  Yale  medical  school ;  assistant 
surgeon  of  the  ninth  Connecticut  volunteers  in  1861 ;  connected 
with  the  hospital  service  at  New  Orleans;  a  prisoner  of  war, 
caring  for  both  Union  and  Confederate  soldiers;  surgeon  in 
New  Orleans  until  close  of  war,  passing  through  two  epidemics 
of  yellow  fever ;  returned  to  Hartford ;  built  up  a  large  practice ; 
surgeon  of  the  first  regiment  C.  N.  G. ;  member  of  the  United 
States  pension  board;  member  of  many  state  and  county  socie- 
ties.    He  d.  Feb.  23,  1893,  at  Hartford. 

Child  of  George  Whitfield  and  Lydia  Leffingwell  (Shipman) 
Avery,  b.  at  Hartford : 

5824.     i.      Helen  Shipman",  b.  Jan.  31,  1877. 

Children  of  George  Whitfield  and  Elizabeth  Porter  (Keep) 
Avery,  b.  at  Hartford: 


Mary  Elizabeth",  b.  July  6,  1885. 
i.      Alice  Porter",  b.  Aug.  8,  1887. 
ii.     Melanie",  b.  Jan.  21,   1891. 

The   Eighth  Generation  853 

2755.  Maria  Howard  *  Avery  (David7,  David*,  John',  John*, 
John3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  24,  1845,  at  Hampton; 
m.  Nov.  3,  1862,  at  Canterbury,  Samuel  Bradford,  s.  of  Simeon 
and  Henrietta  (Hyde)  Bradford.  He  was  b.  May  21,  1835,  at 
Canterbury.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  May  23,  1890,  at  Brook- 
lyn.   He  lives  at  Brooklyn. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Maria  Howard  (Avery)  Bradford: 
i.       George  Avery9,  b.  May  31,  1866,  at  Hampton, 
ii.      May  Louise9,  b.  May  10,  1871,  at  Hampton;  m.  Howard  C. 

iii.     Harriet  Byne9,  b.  April  24,  1874,  at  Hampton;  m.  Elisha 

Belcher  Mead, 
iv.     Samuel  Chandler9,  b.  Jan.  27,  1883,  at  Brooklyn. 

2756.  Christopher8  Avery  {George7,  George*,  George*, 
John*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  10,  1817,  at 
Granville,  O. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1838,  at  Granville,  Susan  Lane, 
dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Desire  (Philbrook)  Lane.  She  was  b. 
Sept,  24,  1820,  at  Granville;  d.  Oct.  28,  1841,  near  Granville. 
He  m.  2d,  May  1,  1845,  Achsah  Ormsbee  Hayes,  dau.  of  Sylves- 
ter and  Fanny  (Bassett)  Hayes.  She  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1821,  at 
Granville.    He  was  a  farmer.    She  d.  Dec.  25,  1870,  at  Granville. 

Child  of  Christopher  and  Susan  (Lane)  Avery,  b.  near 
Granville : 

5830.     i.       William   Henry  Harrison9,  b.  July  13,   1840. 

Children    of   Christopher   and   Achsah    Ormsbee    (Hayes) 
Avery,  b.  near  Granville : 

Cynthia  Helen9,  b.  Sept.  12,  1846. 

Harriet  Lovinia9,  b.   Nov.  20,  1848;   m.   Nov.   16,   1869,  at 

Granville,  James  P.  Beatty. 
Alfred  Allyn9,  b.  Nov.  24,  1850. 
Sylvester  Hayes9,  b.  Nov.  24,  1852;  d.  y. 
Rosa   Marilla9,   b.   June   18,    1854. 
Thomas  Hayes9,  b.  Feb.  13,  1857. 
Cora  Josephine9,  b.  March  14,  1859. 
Frank  Ellsworth9,  b.  Nov.  14,  1865. 

2757.  Harriet"  Avery  {George7,  George*,  George*,  John*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  3,  1821,  at  Granville, 
O. ;  m.  Oct.  25,  1843,  Aaron  Delano  Wetherell,  s.  of  Seth  Weth- 
erell.     He  was  b.  July  21,  1818,  at  Burlington,  Vt.     He  was  a 
















854  The  Groton  Avery   Clan 

physician  and  surgeon.     She  d.  Dec.  31,  1860,  at  Knoxville,  la. 
He  d.  Nov.  20,  1896,  at  Knoxville. 

Children  of  Aaron  Delano  and  Harriet  (Avery)  Wetherell: 

i.  Marian  E.9,  b.  Aug.  28,  1845,  at  Alexandria,  O.;  m.  James 
N.  Davis;  d.  Sept.  8,  1876,  at  Knoxville. 

ii.  Maria  Virginia',  b.  June  24,  1848,  at  Alexandria;  m. 
Thompson   S.  Cathcart;   residence,  Des  Moines,  la. 

iii.  Lizzie9,  b.  June  22,  1852,  at  Alexandria;  m.  Thomas  Mies- 
lang;  d.  Oct.  6,  1891. 

iv.  Frank  Delano",  b.  Feb.  2,  1856,  at  Alexandria;  m.  Marga- 
ret  Mayne. 

v.      Seth  D.9,  b.  July  17,  1859,  at  Knoxville,  la.;  d.  y. 

2758.  George8  Avery  {George7,  George*,  George*,  John*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  7,  1825,  at  Granville, 
O. ;  m.  June  5,  1846,  at  Aetna,  O.,  Jerusha  Thomas,  dau.  of 
Samuel  and  Catherine  (Jones)  Thomas.  She  was  b.  May  5, 
1826,  at  Granville;  d.  Aug.  31,  1892,  at  Shiloh  Center,  111.  He 
m.  2d,  June  8,  1893,  at  Jefferson  Tp.,  0.,  Ella  Fisher,  dau.  of 
Jesse  0.  and  Margaret  Ann  (Pheasant)  Fisher.  She  was  b.  Oct. 
4,  1858,  at  Plain  Tp.,  O.  He  was  a  farmer;  a  trustee  of  the 
M.  E.  church  at  Shiloh;  a  Democrat  in  politics,  but  voted  for 
Abraham  Lincoln.  He  d.  March  25,  1901,  at  St.  Albans  Tp.,  O. 
Children  of  George  and  Jerusha  (Thomas)  Avery,  b.  in 
Harrison  Tp.,  0.: 

i.       George  Simeon",  b.  June  23,  1846;  d.  y. 

5838.  ii.      Alice  Maria9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1849. 

5839.  iii.     William   Frederic9,  b.  July  20,   1852;   m.   March  25,   1880, 

Ella  Lyttle. 

5840.  iv.     Charles  Franklin9,  b.  Feb.  5,  1856. 

2760.  Allen  Thompson s  Avery  (Simeon7,  George*,  George*, 
John*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  13,  1833,  at 
Liberty,  Miss.;  m.  March  2,  1865,  at  Liberty,  Mrs.  Amanda 
Catharine  McGehee,  dau.  of  David  and  Catharine  (Thompson) 
Hazlewood.  She  was  b.  Aug.  3,  1838.  He  d.  Sept.  22,  1897 ;  she 
d.  Sept.  26,  1901,  both  at  Liberty. 

Children     of    Allen     Thompson     and     Amanda     Catharine 
(Hazlewood)   Avery,  b.  at  Liberty: 

5841.  i.       Allie9,  b.   Feb.   17,   1868. 

The  Eighth  Generation  855 

5842.     ii.      Lillie9,  b.  Jan.  1,  1870. 

iii.     Allen  David  Simeon",  b.  Feb.  12,  1872;  d.  Aug.  12,  1884, 

at   Liberty, 
iv.     Arthur  Horatio",  b.  Sept.  25,  1876;    d.  y. 

2761.  Sarah  Jane*  Avery  (Simeon7,  George0,  George",  John*, 
John*,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Aug.  29,  1835,  at  Liberty, 
Miss.;  m.  Sept.  11,  1851,  at  Liberty,  Franklin  Columbus  Max- 
well, s.  of  William  and  Jane  Elizabeth  (Dunn)  Maxwell.  He 
was  b.  Aug.  2,  1831,  at  Liberty.  She  d.  July  23,  1894,  at  Liberty; 
he  d.  Feb.  14,  1906,  at  Beauvoir,  Miss. 

Children  of  Franklin  Columbus  and  Sarah  Jane    (Avery) 
Maxwell,  b.  at  Liberty: 

i.       Cynthia  Zelia",   b.   Nov.   28,   1852;   m.   Benjamin   Franklin 

ii.      Martha",  b.  Aug.  18,  1854;   d.  y. 
iii.     Charles  Avery",  b.  Jan.  17,  1858. 
iv.     William  Robins",  b.  July  21,  1860;  m.  Mrs.  Amanda   (Whit- 

aker)    Wilkinson, 
v.      Maggie   Myown",  b.   Sept.   18,   1866;   m.  John   Bartholomew 

vi.     Simeon  Avery",  b.  Sept.  13,  1870;  m.  Lea  Whitaker. 
vii.    Frank  Columbus",  b.  Feb.  16,  1874;  d.  Aug.  10,  1881. 

2762.  Horatio  Mower8  Avery  (Alfred1,  George0,  George', 
John*,  John7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  2,  1825,  at 
Granville,  O. ;  m.  June  24,  1847,  at  Zanesville,  O.,  Rebecca  Keen, 
dau.  of  Jesse  and  Susan  (Paraguay)  Keen.  She  was  b.  Oct.  7, 
1827,  at  Irville,  O.  He  d.  Feb.  13,  1860,  at  Orange,  N.  J.  She 
d.  in  1901. 

Children  of  Horatio  Mower  and  Rebecca  (Keen)  Avery: 
i.       Eliza  Keen9,  b.  June  18,  1848,  at  Zanesville;  d.  y. 
ii.      Alfred   Dexter9,  b.   Sept.   13,   1851,  at  Zanesville;   d.   Feb. 

25,  1879,  at  New   York  City;   unm. 
iii.     Lizzie   Phillips9,  b.   Oct.  28,  1853,  at  Jersey  City,  N.  J.; 

d.  Nov.  21,  1864,  at  Orange,  N.  J. 
iv.     Jesse   Keen9,   b.   March    12,   1857,   at   Jersey   City;    d.   Nov. 

16,  1864,  at  Orange. 

2763.  Henrietta  Boardman8  Avery  (Alfred1,  George0, 
George*,  John*,  John-,  James-,  Cnristopher1)  was  b.  July  20, 
1826,  at  Granville,  O.;    m.  Dec.   11,   1844,  at  Granville,  Allen 

856  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Sabin  Hut  chins,  s.  of  John  and  Maria  Allen  (Roundy)  Hutchins. 
He  was  b.  Dec.  8,  1817,  at  Spafford,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  teacher. 
She  d.  Jan.  29,  1883,  at  Baraboo,  Wis.;  he  d.  July  11,  1903,  at 
Madison,  Wis. 

Children  of  Allen  Sabin  and  Henrietta  Boardman  (Avery) 


i.       Edward  Allen9,  b.  Sept.  19,  1845,  at  Granville;  d.  y. 

ii.  Frank  Avery',  b.  March  8,  1851,  at  Norwalk,  O.;  secretary 
of  the  Department  of  Debating  and  Public  Discussion 
of  the  University  Extension  Division  of  The  University 
of  Wisconsin;   residence,   Madison,  Wis. 

iii.     Ada  Belle9,  b.  May  23,  1853,  at  Norwalk;  d.  y. 

iv.  Frederick  William9,  b.  Nov.  8,  1856,  at  Walworth,  Wis.; 
d.  y. 

v.     Jane  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  17,  1860,  at  Beaver  Dam,  Wis.;  d.  y. 

vi.  Dorothy9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1865,  at  Baraboo,  Wis.;  residence, 
Madison,  Wis. 

vii.    Cora9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1865;  d.  y. 

2764.  Franklin  George8  Avery  (Alfred7,  George9,  George5, 
John4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  23,  1829,  at 
Granville,  O. ;  m.  Dec.  18,  1855,  Louisa  V.  Deming,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Deming.  He  d.  Dec.  17,  1858;  she  d.  in  1863.  No 

2765.  Sarah  Jane8  Avery  (Alfred7,  George0,  George7',  John*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  24,  1834,  at  Granville, 
O.;  m.  Nov.  5,  1857,  at  Orange,  N.  J.,  Merrill  Jackson  Drown. 
She  d.  June  7,  1903;   he  d.  in  Jan.,  1906,  both  at  Madison,  Wis. 

Children    of    Merrill    Jackson    and    Sarah    Jane    (Avery) 

Drown : 

i.       Minnie   Lavinia9,   b.   in    1858. 

ii.      Mary  Lillian9,  b.  in  1862;    m.  C.  A.  Swineford;    residence, 

Madison,  Wis. 
iii.     Horatio  Avery9,  b.  in  1864;  d.  Aug.  19,  1890. 

2766.  Allyn  Alfred8  Avery  (Alfred7,  George6,  George7', 
John4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  19,  1835,  at 
Granville,  O. ;  m.  Sept.  16,  1868,  at  Beaver  Dam,  Wis.,  Hannah 
Louise  Billings,  dau.  of  Charles  Storrs  and  Hannah  Pamela 
(Eggert)  Billings.  She  was  b.  Sept.  24,  1843,  at  Trenton,  N.  Y. 
In  1857,  he  went  from  his  father's  home  in  New  York  City  to 

The   Eighth  Generation  857 

Wisconsin,  from  which  time  until  his  death  he  lived  at  Beaver 
Dam  and  Baraboo.  He  was  a  man  of  rich  intellectual  endow- 
ments ;  a  classical  scholar  who,  from  the  wide  fields  of  English 
literature,  garnered  wisdom  and  beauty  into  a  retentive  mem- 
ory. He  died  at  Baraboo,  Wis.,  Oct.  2,  1902.  Strong  men  who 
had  known  him  for  half  a  century  called  him  "kind-hearted  and 
considerate,  the  soul  of  honesty  and  integrity."  His  widow  lives 
at  Baraboo.     No  children. 

2767.  Eunice  Ann*  Avery  (William7,  William*,  George5, 
John4,  John7",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  21,  1830,  at 
Groton ;   m.  Nov.  24,  1851,  at  Groton,    Aaron  Chauncey  Fuller, 

s.  of  Chauncey  and  Martha  (Cone)  Fuller.  He  was  b.  June  27, 
1815,  at  East  Haddam.  He  was  a  descendant  of  Edward  Fuller 
of  the  "Mayflower."  He  was  a  miller,  farmer  and  trader;  d. 
Sept,  6,  1896,  at  Waterford.  She  d.  Dec.  11,  1900,  at  the  same 

Children   of   Aaron   Chauncey   and    Eunice   Ann    (Avery) 
Fuller,  b.  at  Groton : 

i.       Chauncey9,  b.  Jan.   13,  1853;   m.  Jennie  White. 

ii.      William9,  b.   Sept.   2,   1854. 

iii.     Ida9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1857;  m.  J.  Frank  Darrow. 

iv.     Jennie9,   b.   July   24,    1863. 

v.      George9,  b.  Oct.  23,  1865;   residence,  Waterford. 

2773.  Robert  Johnson8  Avery  (George1,  John*,  George5, 
John',  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  9,  1826,  at 
New  York  City;  m.  Aug.  20,  1859,  at  Green  Point,  Long  Island, 
Mary  Jane  Russell,  dau.  of  John  B.  Russell.  She  d.  May  12, 
1867,  at  Campo  Seco,  Calif.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of 
California,  and  secretary  of  their  society.  Residence,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Calif. 

Children    of    Robert    Johnson    and    Mary    Jane    (Russell) 
Avery : 

5860.  i.       Minnie  Russell9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1861,  at  Mokelumne  Hill,  Calif. 

5861.  ii.      Harry9,  b.  May  12,  1863,  at  Mokelumne  Hill,  Calif. 

5862.  iii.     Hattie  Washington9,  b.  Feb.  22,  1865,  at  Campo  Seco;  m. 

John  Francis  Corriea,  s.  of  Charles  and  Loretta  Corriea. 

2774.  Harriot  Coolidge*  Avery  (Charles  Forsyth1,  Cyrus*, 
George5,  John*,  John",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  9, 
1833,  at  Norwich;   m.  Nov.  25,  1858,  at  Norwich,   Walter  Scott 

858  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Robinson,  s.  of  Horace  and  Elizabeth  Ingraham  (Batty)  Robin- 
son. He  was  b.  Feb.  22,  1832,  at  Lisbon.  He  was  a  publisher 
and  printer.    He  d.  Nov.  19,  1864,  at  Norwich. 

Child  of  Walter  Scott  and  Harriot  Coolidge  (Avery)  Robin- 
son : 

i.       Mary  Elizabeth",  b.  July  21,  1859,  at  Norwich;  d.  y. 

2775.  Mary  Elizabeth"  Avery  (Charles  Forsyth',  Cyrus*, 
George5,  John4,  John3,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Jan.  11, 
1836,  at  Norwich;  m.  Feb.  17,  1863,  at  Norwich,  Ferdinand 
Castello  Stedman,  s.  of  James  and  Eunice  (Carew)  Stedman. 
He  was  b.  April  5,  1827,  at  Norwich.  He  was  a  grocer ;  d.  Sept. 
13,  1863,  at  Stockbridge,  Mass.  She  d.  Oct.  15,  1891,  at  Nor- 

Child  of  Ferdinand  Castello  and  Mary  Elizabeth   (Avery) 
Stedman,  b.  at  Norwich : 

i.       James'1,  b.  Nov.  30,  1863;  d.  Jan.  28,  1870,  at  Norwich. 

2776.  Elmira  Emogene*  Avery  (George  William1,  Cyrus", 
George5,  John*,  John"',  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  7, 
1846,  at  Hudson,  Mich.;  m.  Oct.  16,  1873,  at  Jamaica,  Long 
Island,  Edward  Bicknel  Hopkins,  s.  of  Nathaniel  and  Hannah 
Chapman  (Avery)  Hopkins  (No.  1286).  He  was  b.  July  29, 
1842.  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  He  was,  in  the  civil  war,  a  private  in 
Co.  F,  11th  Mich.  Inf'y.    No  children.    Residence,  Hudson,  Mich. 

2777.  George  William8  Avery  (George  William7,  Cyrus'', 
George5,  John4,  John",  James"-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  12, 
1852,  at  Hudson,  Mich.;  m.  May  30,  1882,  at  Lyme,  Sarah 
Couch  Anderson,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Martha  Ann  (Langdon) 
Anderson.  She  was  b.  Jan.  3,  1862,  at  Lyme.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Saybrook. 

Children  of  George  William  and  Sarah  Couch   (Anderson) 

Avery : 

i.  Luzerne1',  b.  Dec.  4,  1884,  at  Lyme;  d.  y. 

5870.  ii.  Edith  Martha'',  b.  Oct.  13,  1890,  at  Lyme. 

5871.  iii.  Leslie  Anderson1',  b.  June  26,  1895,  at  Waterford. 

2778.  Hattie  Louisa8  Avery  (George  William ',  Cyrus*, 
George5,  John4,  John',  James",  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  3, 
1859,  at  Uncasville;   m.  June  15,  1898,  at  Norwich,  Joel  Palmer 

The   Eighth   Generation  859 

Newton,  s.  of  Henry  and  Sally  (Larkin)  Newton.  He  was  b. 
Feb.  19,  1838,  at  Voluntown.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Say- 

Child  of  Joel  Palmer  and  Hattie  Louisa   (Avery)   Newton: 
i.       Harold  Avery51,  b.  June  29,  1902,  at  Saybrook. 

2779.  Edwin  *  Avery  (George  William7,  Cyrus*,  George5, 
John4,  John*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  21,  1869,  at 
Uncasville;  m.  March  10,  1900,  at  Uncasville,  Bertha  Eudora 
Lewis,  dau.  of  Charles  Fremont  and  Lucy  Frances  (Lang- 
worthy)  Lewis.  She  was  b.  July  7,  1878.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Uncasville. 

Children  of  Edwin  and  Bertha  Eudora  (Lewis)  Avery,  b. 
at  Uncasville: 

5872.  i.      Robert  Fremont",  b.  Feb.   12,   1901. 

5873.  ii.      Elmer  Russell9,  b.  June  12,  1902. 

5874.  iii.     Donald  Hamilton1',  b.  Jan.  14,  1908. 

2793.  Esther8  Avery  (Abijah  Pearson7,  Nathan6,  Nathan- 
iel5, Nathaniel4,  Johw,  James2,  Christopher1)  wras  b.  May  9, 
1818,  at  Sherburne,  Vt. ;  m.  April  1,  1846,  Luke  Sawyer.  He 
was  b.  Sept.  23,  1793,  at  Fitchburg,  Mass. 

Children  oi  Luke  and  Esther  (Avery)  Sawyer: 

i.       William  Pearson',  b.  July  14,  1850;  m.  Alzina  Jewett. 
ii.      Lydia  Maria",  b.  Aug.  14,  1853;  m.  Francis  Fuller. 

2809.  Nathan s  Avery  (Benjamin  Perkins7,  Nathan6,  Na- 
thaniel7', Nathaniel4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
19,  1823,  at  Palmyra,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  22,  1847,  at  Waterloo, 
Mich.,  Matilda  Rockwell,  dau.  of  Eli  and  Charlotte  (Ford) 
Rockwell.  She  was  b.  March  23,  1830,  in  Cattaraugus  Co., 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Sept.  9,  1889,  at  Lyndon,  Mich. 
She  d.  March  17,  1910,  at  Lyndon. 

Children  of  Nathan  and  Matilda  (Rockwell)  Avery,  b.  at 
Lyndon : 

Lucy   Mariah",  b.   Dec.  29,   1847. 

Mary  Elizabeth1',  b.  Aug.  5,  1849. 

Aaron   B.9,  b.   Aug.   26,   1853. 

Moses  Nathan"',  b.  Dec.  27,  1855. 

Eva  Antoinette",  b.  March  27,  1858;  d.  Jan.  14,  1882;  unm. 

John  Rockwell'',  b.  April  27,  1860. 












860  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2810.  Christopher1*  Avery  (Benjamin  Perkins7,  Nathan*, 
Nathaniel6,  Nathaniel1,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
29,  1825,  at  Palmyra,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  28,  1851,  at  Dansville, 
Mich.,  Ann  Huldah  Peel.  She  was  b.  May  25,  1830,  in  England; 
d.  March  1,  1853,  at  Dansville.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  16,  1854,  Mary 
Jane  Royce,  dau.  of  William  and  Jane  (Stevenson)  Royce.  She 
was  b.  July  14,  1833.  at  Middleport,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  carpenter; 
d.  Nov.  27,  1861,  at  Dansville. 

Children  of  Christopher  and  Mary  Jane  (Royce)  Avery, 
b.  at  Dansville: 

i.       Emma  Florence9,  b.  July  28,  1855;  d.  March,  1872. 

5885.  ii.      Delvino   Cortez",  b.   Feb.   11,  1857. 

2811.  Sylvester8  Avery  {Benjamin  Perkins7,  Nathan9,  Na- 
thaniel5, Natha7iiel\  John?',  James1,  Christopher1 )  was  b.  Jan.  6, 
1827,  at  Palmyra,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1851,  at  Dansville,  Mich., 
Elizabeth  Doane,  dau.  of  Joshua  and  Mary  (Sanborn)  Doane. 
She  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1828,  at  Covington,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Dec.  29, 
1903 ;   she  d.  July  28,  1904,  both  at  Dansville. 

Children  of  Sylvester  and  Elizabeth  (Doane)  Avery,  b.  at 
Dansville : 

i.       Frank  Benjamin9,  b.  Nov.  13,  1853;  d.  July  4,  1883,  in  So. 

5886.  ii.     John  Miles9,  b.  March  3,  1856. 

5887.  iii.     Jason  Wirt9,  b.  March  12,  1858. 

5888.  iv.     Elmer   Sylvester9,  b.   May  26,   1860. 

v.      Fred  Delos9,  b.  March  9,  1862;  d.  Oct.  14,  1881,  at  Dans- 

5889.  vi.     Charles  Henry9,  b.  July  28,  1865. 

5890.  vii.    James  Cordon9,  b.  Aug.  19,  1868. 

2812.  Elias8  Avery  {Benjamin  Perkins7,  Nathan6,  Nathan- 
iel5, Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  6, 
1829,  at  Marion,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  31,  1852,  at  Dansville,  Mich., 
Lydia   Rosanna  Granger,    dau.  of  Hale  W.  and  Evaline  Olivia 

(Carter)  Granger.  She  was  b.  Oct.  31,  1833;  d.  Nov.  3,  1877, 
at  Dansville.  He  m.  2d,  Feb.  6,  1881,  Mary  Ann  Hoffman.  He 
was  a  carpenter  and  joiner.  He  lived  at  Dansville,  Mich.,  where 
he  d.  May  13,  1911. 

Children  of  Elias  and  Lydia  Rosanna  (Granger)  Avery: 

The  Eighth   Generation  861 

i.       Lorney  Doremus",  b.  Sept.  4,  1853,  at  Dansville;  d.  y. 

5891.  ii.      Ida  May",  b.  Jan.  13,  1856,  at  Ingham  Tp.,  Mich. 

5892.  iii.     Elfie  Celia",  b.  July  1,  1858,  at  Ingham  Tp. 

iv.     Floyd  Elmer9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1860,  at  Ingham  Tp.;  d.  y. 

5893.  v.      Arza  Van",  b.  Aug.  17,  1867,  at  Ingham  Tp. 

2813.  Henry  Eston8  Avery  (Benjamin  Perkins7,  Nathan0, 
Nathaniel5,  Nathaniel4,  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
8,  1831,  at  Palmyra,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  4,  1859,  at  Marion,  Mich., 
Harriet  Sprague,  dau.  of  David  and  Mehitable  (Newton) 
Sprague.  She  was  b.  Jan.  16,  1842,  at  Putnam,  Mich.  He  is  a 
farmer,  carpenter  and  joiner.     Residence,  Howell,  Mich. 

Children  of  Henry  Eston  and  Harriet  (Sprague)  Avery: 

5894.  i.       Ernest  Lee9,  b.  July  29,  1860,  at  Ingham,  Mich, 
ii.      Arthur  Newton9,  b.  Dec.  5,  1863,  at  Ingham;  d.  y. 

5895.  iii.     Harry  Howard9,  b.  Feb.  4,  1867,  at  Marion,  Mich. 

5896.  iv.     Millicent9,  b.  May  16,  1874,  at  Marion. 

5897.  v.      Cassius   Bruce",  b.  June  20,   1879,  at  Marion. 

2814.  Joseph8  Avery  {Benjamin  Perkins1,  Nathan6,  Na- 
thaniel5, Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
26,  1835,  at  Cattaraugus,  N.  Y.;  m.  Sept.  27,  1864,  at  Cincin- 
nati, 0.,  Charlotte  Fox  Mason,  dau.  of  Albert  and  Emeline 
(Davis)  Mason.  She  was  b.  Jan.  31,  1841,  at  Cincinnati.  He 
enlisted  in  Co.  B,  2d  Mich.  Cav.,  Sept.  9,  1861 ;  transferred  to 
Veteran  Reserve  Corps,  Nov.  23,  1863;  served  in  every  office 
of  G.  A.  R.  Post,  No.  280,  N.  Muskegon.  He  is  a  carpenter  and 
farmer.     Residence,  N.  Muskegon,  Mich. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Charlotte  Fox   (Mason)   Avery: 
i.       Albert  Joseph",  b.   Sept.   17,   1865,   at  Ingham  Tp.,   Mich.; 
d.   Dec.  22,   1873,  at  Indianapolis,   Ind. 
Oliver  Christopher1*,  b.  April  23,  1867,  at  Dansville,  Mich. 
Thomas  Franklin",  b.  July  30,  1869,  at  Indianapolis. 
Valois  Henry",  b.  Jan.   26,   1876,  at  Livingston,  Mich. 
Eugene  Cotter",  b.  Aug.  9,  1879,  at  Muskegon. 

2815.  William  Benjamin*  Avery  {Benjamin  Perkins1,  Na- 
than0, Natha?iiel5,  Nathaniel4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  9,  1837,  in  Wayne  Co.,  N.  Y.;  m.  April  11,  1858,  in 
Ingham  Co.,  Mich.,  Julia  Ann  Sherman,  dau.  of  Josiah  and 
Ruth  (Carr)  Sherman.  She  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1838,  at  Mt.  Morris, 
N.  Y.     He  enlisted  in  the  1st  Michigan  Inf.,  Sept.,  1861 ;    was 
















862  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

severely  wounded  at  Malvern  Hill ;  captured  by  the  Confederate 
cavalry  and  sent  to  Libby  prison ;  was  exchanged  and  sent  to  a 
hospital  at  West  Philadelphia;  honorably  discharged,  Sept., 
1862,  and  given  a  pension.    Residence,  Holland  City,  Mich. 

Children  of  William  Benjamin  and  Julia  Ann    (Sherman) 
Avery : 

Merrill  Orlando",  b.  Aug-.  10,  1859,  at  Dansville,  Mich. 
William   Leland",  b.  Dec.  20,  1861,  at  Dansville. 
Josiah   Benjamin",  b.  Oct.  1,  1863,  at  Mason,  Mich. 
Judson    Carr",    b.    Sept.    7,    1865,    at    Wheatfield,    Mich.;    d. 
Aug.  24,  1873. 
v.      John  Wesley9,  b.   Sept.  22,   1867,  at  Wheatfield;   d.  March 
5,   1884,  at  Holland   City. 

5905.  vi.     Annie  May9,  b.  March  30,  1870,  at  Wheatfield. 

vii.    Minnie  Julia",  b.  May  7,  1872,  at  Wheatfield;  d.  y. 

5906.  viii.  Eunice  Lois",  b.  Sept.  29,  1873,  at  Wheatfield. 

5907.  ix.     Elmer  Elsworth",  b.  June  23,   1876,  at  Meriden,  Mich. 
x.      Lillian  Dell",  b.  Oct.  19,  1878,  at  Meriden;  d.  y. 

5908.  xi.     Eva  Lena",  b.  July  7,  1882,  at  Holland  City. 

2821.  Anna*  Avery  (William7,  William'',  Williamr°,  Nathan- 
id',  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  5,  1800;  m.  John 
Widger.  He  was  b.  April  23,  1794.  She  d.  March  16,  1873; 
he  d.  March  30,  1881. 

Children  of  John  and  Anna  (Avery)  Widger: 

i.       Lovisa  Ann",  b.  Sept.  17,  1819;  d.  Dec.  27,  1887. 

ii.      Oletha",  b.  April  3,  1822;  d.  April  15,  1863. 

iii.     Erwin",  b.  June  27,  1824. 

iv.     William   Avery",  b.  Jan.   10,  1827;   d.  March   14,  1846. 

v.      Matilda",  b.   Feb.   13,   1829. 

vi.     Polly  Ann",  b.  Sept.  4,  1831;  d.  March  27,  1882. 

vii.    Henry  H.",  b.   Sept.  23,   1833. 

viii.  John  Nelson",  b.  May  12,  1836. 

ix.     Betsey  Eveline",  b.  June  3,  1839;  d.  March  24,  1879. 

x.      Frances",  b.  April  30,  1843;  d.  y. 

xi.     Helen  L.",  b.  Feb.  24,  1845. 

2823.  Russell8  Avery  (William7,  William'',  William*,  Na- 
thaniel*, Joint,  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  in  1805;  m.  in 
1827,  Betsey  E.  Williams.  She  was  b.  in  1806.  He  settled  at 
Hastings,  Oswego  Co.,  N.  Y.,  about  1844,  and  d.  in  1864.  She 
d.  Feb.  3.  1871,  at  Hastings. 

The   Eighth  Generation  863 

Children  of  Russell  and  Betsey  E.  (Williams)  Avery,  b.  at 

De  Witt,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Lovinia',  b.  about  1828;  d.  in  1850;  unm. 

5916.  ii.      Charles  Wesley",  b.   May  20,  1834. 

5917.  iii.     Russell   Harrison',   b.  Jan.   30,   1836. 

iv.     Albert  M.9,  b.  in  1848;  enlisted  in  the  24th  reg't  of  heavy 
artillery;   d.   in   August,   1864,  at  Savage  Station,   Va. 

2824.  Richard  Ford"  Avery  (William7,  William''',  William5, 
Nathaniel*,  John",  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  May  7,  1809; 
m.  Oct.  7,  1835,  at  New  Haven,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Ann  Walrath.  She 
was  b.  March  10,  1816,  in  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y. ;   d.  July  17,  1891. 

Children  of  Richard  Ford  and  Mary  Ann  (Walrath)  Avery: 

5918.  i.       William  Russell'1,  b.  July  5,  1836. 

5919.  ii.      Ursula",   b.   March   8,    1846. 

2826.  William  Harrison8  Avery  (William",  William*,  Will- 
iam6\  Nathaniel*,  John",  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  16, 
1814;  m.  Sept.  11,  1864,  at  De  Witt,  N.  Y.,  Euphemia  Harrower, 
dau.  of  Adam  and  Mary  (Ward)  Harrower.  She  was  b.  about 

Child    of    William    Harrison    and    Euphemia    (Harrower) 

Avery : 

5920.  i.       Lillian    H.9,   b.    Oct.    16,    1865. 

2827.  Ephraim  Earl8  Avery  (William1,  William*,  William7, 
Nathaniel*,  John',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  19,  1815; 
m.  Nov.  28,  1836,  at  New  Haven,  N.  Y.,  Dorcas  Rathbun,  dau.  of 
Gideon  Rathbun,  of  Washington  County,  N.  Y.  She  was  b.  Sept. 
7,  1815;    d.  March  30,  1865. 

Children  of  Ephraim  Earl  and  Dorcas  (Rathbun)  Avery: 
i.       Sarah  Nichols9,  b.  about  1838;  d.  y. 

5921.  ii.      Lucy  Emeline9,  b.  April  29,   1840,  at  Parish,  N.  Y. 

5922.  iii.     Cynthia  Arminda9,  b.  April  19,  1842. 

5923.  iv.     George   Earl9,  b.  March  28,   1848. 

2828.  Merwin8  Avery  (William',  William",  William'',  Xa- 
thaniel4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  May  13,  1852,  Mary 
Jane  Becker,  dau.  of  John  and  Janet  (Boughton)  Becker.  She 
was  b.  May  20,  1828,  at  Parish,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  She 
d.  Aug.  27,  1895,  at  Mexico,  N.  Y. 

864  The  Groton   Avery   Clan 

Children  of  Merwin  and  Mary  Jane   (Becker)   Avery: 

5924.  i.       Emma  Velmer9,  b.   Sept.  10,  1853. 

5925.  ii.      Hattie",   b.    Oct.    2,    1856. 

5926.  iii.     John  M.9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1859. 

2830.  Austin8  Avery  (Eliphalet7,  William*,  William'",  Na- 
thaniel*, John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  20,  1800; 
m.  Nov.  21,  1822,  Elizabeth  Young.  She  was  b.  Sept.  3,  1799; 
d.  April  27,  1844;  he  d.  Feb.  28,  1846. 

Children  of  Austin  and  Elizabeth   (Young)   Avery: 

i.  Elizabeth  Lucinda9,  b.  Nov.  29,  1823;  d.  March  3,  1894; 

5928.  ii.      Celinda   Janett",  b.   March   26,   1826;    residence,    Scoharie, 

N.  Y.;  unm. 

5929.  iii.     Margaret  Anet9,  b.  Feb.  19,  1829. 

5930.  iv.    James   Young",  b.  Sept.  8,  1831. 

5931.  v.      Elmira9,  b.  Oct.  27,  1843;  residence,  Esperance,  N.  Y. 

2831.  Amy"  Avery  (Eliphalet7,  William6,  William5,  Na- 
thaniel4, John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  17,  1803; 
m.  Dec.  22,  1824,  Abram  Hitchcock  Foote.  He  was  b.  Jan.  12, 
1803;  d.  March  9,  1857.     She  d.  April  15,  1881. 

Children  of  Abram  Hitchcock  and  Amy  (Avery)   Foote: 

i.       Miles  Eliphalet9,  b.  Dec.  27,   1826. 

ii.  Lucinda9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1829;  m.  Lewis  P.  Shute;  2d,  William 

iii.     Anna9,  b.  Feb.  11,   1831;   d.  y. 

iv.     Esther  Celinda9,  b.  May  10,  1833;  d.  y. 

v.      Hiram    Delong9,   b.   April    12,    1835. 

vi.    John  Avery9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1837. 

vii.  Amanda9,  b.  July  19,  1839;  m.  S.  Rector;  residence,  Delan- 
son,  N.  Y. 

viii.  Amos   Duell9,  b.   Dec.   16,   1841. 

ix.     Milo   Perry9,  b.   March   30,   1844. 

x.      Abram  Larkin9,  b.  March  23,  1849. 

xi.  William  Chauncey9,  b.  April  30,  1851;  residence,  Espe- 
rance, N.  Y. 

2832.  Lucy*  Avery  (Eliphalet7,  William*,  William5,  Na- 
thaniel4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  3,  1805;  m. 
the  Rev.  Frederick  Brazee.     He  d.  April  24,  1872. 

Children  of  Frederick  and  Lucy  (Avery)   Brazee: 

The   Eighth  Generation  865 

i.  Celinda9,  b.  Feb.  21,  1826;  m.  Haines. 

ii.  John  Wheeler9,  b.  Dec.  28,  1827;  d.  March  8,  1886. 

iii.  Clarissa8,  b.  Oct.  17,  1830;  m.  Herrick. 

iv.  Lucy9,  b.  Aug.  13,  1833;  m.  Spoore. 

v.  Avery",  b.  Nov.  29,  1843. 

2834.  Moses  Chaunceys  Avery  (Eliphalet7,  William6,  Will- 
iam5, Nathaniel4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  20, 
1815 ;  m.  in  Schenectady  County,  N.  Y.,  Emeline  Cornell,  dau.  of 
Resolve  and  Martha  (Tubbs)  Cornell.  She  was  b.  May  23,  1821, 
at  Knox,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  July  2,  1893,  at  Delan- 
son,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  Nov.  30,  1903,  at  Esperance,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Moses  Chauncey  and  Emeline  (Cornell)  Avery: 

5940.  i.   Lucy",  b.  July  23,  1841. 

5941.  ii.   Martha  C7,  b.  Jan.  25,  1850. 

5942.  iii.  Walter  Perry",  b.  April  5,  1857. 

2835.  Philo8  Avery  {Eliphalet7,  William6,  William5,  Nathan- 
iel4, John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  7,  1817;  m.  July 
5,  1841,   Clarinda  Howard.    She  was  b.  April  18,  1825. 

Children  of  Philo  and  Clarinda   (Howard)   Avery: 
Edna  C.*,  b.  June  11,  1846;  d.  June  30,  1862. 
Sarah   Celinda",   b.   April   29,   1850. 
Alice  Julia9,  b.  Nov.   6,   1853. 
Beulah   S.9,  b.  Jan.  23,   1857. 

Clara    E.*,   b.    Aug.    9,    1862;    m.    Sept.    27,    1882,   Warner 
Frane;  d.  about  1886. 

2836.  Lewis8  Avery  (Eliphalet7,  William6,  William*,  Na- 
thaniel4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  19,  1820,  at 
Duanesburg,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  17,  1841,  at  Schenectady,  N.  Y., 
Phebe  Ladd,  dau.  of  Lemuel  and  Phebe  (Herrick)  Ladd.  She 
was  b.  June  6,  1822,  at  Duanesburg,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer. 
She  d.  Sept,  6,  1881,  at  Esperance,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  May  6,  1883,  at 
the  same  place. 

Children   of   Lewis   and   Phebe    (Ladd)    Avery,    b.   at    Es- 
perance : 

Eliphalet',  b.  May  8,  1842;  d.  Dec,  1862. 

William  Haines',  b.  Dec.  8,  1S43. 

Mary*,   b.   Sept.   13,   1845. 

Martha',   b.   April   28,   1847. 

Lewis9,   b.    Feb.    18,    1849. 

Phebe  Isaeella*,  b.  June  4,   1851. 





















866  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

."-!t(>o.    vii.    Charles   Austin",   b.    .May   18,   I85:i. 
5961.     viii.  Philo',  b.   Oct.   18,   1858. 

ix.     Eva  Eugenia9,  b.  Dec.  26,  1861;  d.  y. 

2837.  Zada"  Avery  (Moulton7,  William6,  William7-,  Nathan- 
iel4, John3,  .hones-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  about  1812;  m.  in  1830, 
at  Fayetteville,  N.  Y.,  Hiram  Eaton.  He  was  b.  June  20,  1808. 
He  was  president  of  the  village  of  Fayetteville ;  president  of  its 
bank ;  prominent  in  politics,  religion  and  education.  He  d.  Jan. 
15,  1882;  she  d.  Oct.  29,  1883. 

Children  of  Hiram  and  Zada  (Avery)  Eaton,  b.  at  Fayette- 
ville, N.  Y.: 

i.       Ellen   A.',  b.  Feb.,  1833;  m.  Edward   F.  Rice, 
ii.      Lewis  H.9,  b.  about  1838;   d.  Aug.  28,  1881. 

2838.  William s  Avery  (Moulton7,  William*,  William",  Na- 
thaniel*, John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  about  1814;  m. 
Elizabeth  Ward.  His  will  was  dated  Aug.  31,  1888,  in  which 
he  calls  his  grandson,  William  R.  Phelps,  his  sole  heir.  He  lived 
at  De  Witt,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Ward)  Avery,  b.  at  De 
Witt : 

5962.  i.       Delia   M.»;    m.    Feb.    26,    1862,   at    De   Witt,    Dudley   Ames 

Phelps.  He  was  b.  March  16,  1837.  She  d.  Sept.  3, 
1865.  Child:  William  Ralph'",  b.  Aug.  16,  1865,  at  De 

2839.  Lester8  Avery  (Moulton7,  William",  William*,  Na- 
thaniel*, John-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  9,  1818,  at 
Manlius,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  16,  1840,  at  De  Witt,  N.  Y.,  Eunice  L. 
Crossitt,  dau.  of  William  L.  and  Caroline  (Farewell)  Crossitt. 
She  was  b.  May  29,  1818,  at  Manlius.  She  d.  Dec.  18,  1881;  he 
d.  Sept.  28,  1887,  at  De  Witt. 

Children  of  Lester  and  Eunice  L.  (Crossitt)  Avery,  b.  at 
De  Witt : 

i.       William',  b.  April  13,  1844;   d.  y. 

5963.  ii.      Hiram  Lester*,  b.  June  18,  1847. 

5964.  iii.     William   Henry',   b.   June  25,   1849. 

5965.  iv.     Cornelia  Z.9,  b.  April  27,  1851. 

5966.  v.      George   Loomis9,  b.   Feb.   14,   1853. 
vi.     Delia9,  b.  Aug.  22,  1855;  d.  y. 

5967.  vii.    Sophronia   Jane9,   b.    Dec.   12,   1857. 

5968.  viii.  Carrie  E.9,  b.  Feb.  19,  1860. 

The   Eighth  Generation  867 

2841.  Melbourn*  Avery  (Moulton7,  William*,  William-,  Na- 
thaniel*, John*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.,  1829;  m.  Jan. 
4,  1849,  at  De  Witt,  N.  Y.,  Susan  DeGraff,  dau.  of  John  M. 
and  Eva   (Van  Epps)   DeGraff. 

Children  of  Melbourn  and  Susan  (DeGraff)  Avery,  prob- 
ably b.  at  De  Witt: 

5969.  i.       Eva  Eliza". 

5970.  ii.      Alice3;    m.   Julius    Eaton. 

5971.  iii.     Evanette",   b.   Aug.   6,   1853. 

5972.  iv.     Ida". 

5973.  v.      Lewis'. 

5974.  vi.     Myra9. 

5975.  vii.    Delia9. 

5976.  viii.  James9. 

2847.  Ira  Everett*  Avery  (Ira7,  William6,  William5,  Nathan- 
iel*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  4,  1818,  at 
Duanesburg,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  26,  1839,  at  Esperance,  N.  Y., 
Harriet  Henrietta  Leonard,  dau.  of  Prentice  and  Harriet  (Stone) 
Leonard.  She  was  b.  Sept.,  1820,  at  Esperance.  He  was  a 
farmer.  He  d.  Feb.  10,  1899;  she  d.  May  12,  1900,  both  at 

Children  of  Ira  Everett  and  Harriet  Henrietta  (Leonard) 
Avery,  b.  at  Duanesburg: 

i.       Henrietta9,  b.  March  8,  1848;  d.  Feb.  8,  1903;  unm. 
5987.     ii.      William   Leonard9,  b.   Feb.  10,   1850. 

iii.     Fannie9,  b.  April  20,  1852;  d.  Aug.  9,  1878;  unm. 

iv.     Horace  Hawkins9,  b.  Sept.  26,  1865;  d.  Feb.  1,  1897;  unm. 

2849.  Christopher  Jenkins"  Avery  (Whitfield',  William6, 
William5,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  Polly 
Minerva  Fairchild.  She  was  b.  July  10,  1818,  in  Oswego  County, 
N.  Y.  He  d.  May  2,  1874,  near  Oswego,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  May  14, 
1898,  at  Iowa  Falls,  la. 

Children  of  Christopher  Jenkins  and  Polly  Minerva  (Fair- 
child)   Avery,  b.  at  Parish,  N.  Y. : 

5990.  i.       Mary    Jane9,    b.    March    20,    1848;    d.    April    25,    1898,    at 

Sterling,  N.  Y. 

5991.  ii.      Sarah    Ann9,   b.   Aug.   9,   1850. 

5992.  iii.     Harmon  Whitfield9,  b.   May  6,   1852. 

5993.  iv.     George  Washington',  b.  Oct.  19,  1853. 

863  The  Groton  Avery   Clan 

5994.  v.      Diantha    Emeline9,   b.    June   22,    1856. 

5995.  vi.     Semantha  Angeline",  b.  June  22,   1856. 

5996.  vii.    Elmer  Ellsworth8,  b.  June  11,  1863. 

2850.  Edward8  Avery  (Amos7,  William",  William",  Nathan- 
iel*, John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  19,  1814,  near 
Albany,  N.  Y. ;  m.  about  1844,  at  Ashtabula,  O.,  Julia  Ann 
Woodbury,  dau.  of  William  and  Esther  (Beckwith)  Woodbury. 
She  d.  Dec,  1853,  at  Ashtabula,  0.  He  m.  2d,  about  1854,  at 
Ashtabula,  Rebecca  Ann  Lawyer,  dau.  of  George  and  Mary 
(Leets)  Lawyer,  and  widow  of  Samuel  Throne.  She  was  b. 
Feb.  12,  1828,  at  Turkey  Hill,  Pa.  He  was  a  farmer  at  Ashta- 
bula, and  at  Erie,  Pa. ;  d.  July  30,  1878,  at  Erie.  His  widow  lives 
at  Cleveland,  O. 

Child  of  Edward  and  Julia  Ann  (Woodbury)  Avery,  b.  at 
Ashtabula : 

i.       Marinda9,  b.  about  1846;  d.  about  1875;  unm. 
Several  other  children  died  in  infancy. 

Children  of  Edward  and  Rebecca  Ann  (Lawyer)  Avery: 
Amy  Roselma",  b.  July  8,  1855,  at  Ashtabula,  O. 
Edward  Emmet9,  b.  March  28,  1858,  at  Erie,  Pa. 
Minnie9,  b.  April  17,  1860,  at   Erie. 
George  Washington9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1862,  at  Erie. 
Ella  Clementine9,  b.  June  14,  1864,  at  Erie. 
Hattie  Elina9,  b.  Sept.  17,  1866,  at  Erie. 
Ira  Everett9,  b.  Jan.  26,  1869,  at  Erie. 

2851.  William  Whitfield8  Avery  (Amos7,  William*,  Will- 
iam^y  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
21,  1816,  near  Rochester,  N.  Y.;  m.  July  9,  1840,  at  Windham, 
N.  Y.,  Charlotte  Richmond.  She  was  b.  Oct.  31,  1821,  at  Wind- 
ham. He  was  a  tanner  and  farmer.  He  d.  in  Nov.,  1903,  at 
Windham;  his  wife  d.  before  him. 

Child    of    William    Whitfield    and    Charlotte     (Richmond) 
Avery,  b.  at  Windham : 

i.       Teressa    Lewis9,   b.    April   30,    1843;    d.    May   23,    1862,    at 
Gordonville,   Va. 

2852.  Smith8  Avery  (Amos7,  William9,  William5,  Nathan- 
iel4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  29,  1818,  at 
Schoharie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  about  1848,  Elizabeth  Ann  Sliter,  dau.  of 
Nicholas  Sliter.     She  was  b.  Sept.  11,  1821,  at  Margaretville. 

























The   Eighth   Generation  869 

X.  Y.     He  was  a  farmer.     He  d.  April  28,  1894,  at  Bennetts- 
ville,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  Oct.  13,  1897,  at  Bainbridge,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Smith  and  Elizabeth  Ann  (Sliter)  Avery: 

Amos  James9,  b.  May  8,  1850,  at  Roxbury,  N.  Y. 

George  Edward9,  b.  April  13,  1853,  at  Roxbury. 

Sarah9,  b.  Feb.  26,  1855,  at  Roxbury. 

John  Wesley9,  b.  Nov.  30,  1858,  at  Roxbury. 

Olive9,  b.  July  19,  1862,  at  Masonville,  N.  Y. 

2853.  Daniel  Kingsley*  Avery  {Amos1,  William*,  William*, 
Nathaniel*,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  19,  1823, 
at  Broome,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  15,  1843,  at  Cannonsville,  N.  Y., 
Amanda  Malvina  Wakeman,  dau.  of  Hanford  and  Anna  (Gould) 
Wakeman.  She  was  b.  Jan.  15,  1825,  at  Walton,  N.  Y.  He  was 
a  farmer ;  a  member  of  the  1st  N.  Y.  engineer  corps  in  the  civil 
war.    She  d.  Aug.  21,  1903 ;  he  d.  Nov.  22,  1903. 

Child  of  Daniel  Kingsley  and  Amanda  Malvina  (Wakeman) 
Avery : 

6009.     i.       Hanford  Wakeman9,  b.  June  14,  1850,  at  Tompkins,  N.  Y. 

2854.  Sarah  Ann8  Avery  (Amos7,  William6,  William5,  Na- 
thaniel*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  27,  1825,  at 
Broome,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  6,  1848,  at  Tompkins,  N.  Y.,  the  Rev. 
Parley  Stoddard,  s.  of  Harvey  and  Nancy  (Stockwell)  Stod- 
dard. He  was  b.  Feb.  1,  1817.  He  was  a  Methodist  minister. 
She  d.  May  21,  1890,  at  Rhinebeck,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  July  26,  1891, 
at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Parley  and  Sarah  (Avery)   Stoddard: 

i.       Mary  Frances9,  b.  Dec.  19,  1848,  at  Newington,  Conn.;   d. 

June  17,  1856,  at  Palinville,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Edwin  James9,  b.  June  23,  1853,  at  Hancock,  N.  Y. 
iii.     Marilla   Caroline',   b.   Aug.   14,   1866,   at   Albany;   m.   Lee 
Van  Vredenburgh.     Residence,  Rhinebeck,  N.  Y. 

2855.  Ira*  Avery  {Amos1,  William6,  William5,  Nathaniel*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  27,  1827,  at  Broome, 
X.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.,  1850,  at  Ashtabula,  O.,  Roxy  Blood,  dau.  of 
Nathan  and  Esther  (Beckwith)  Blood.  She  was  b.  Sept.  29, 
1833,  at  Ashtabula,  O.  Ira  Avery  was  a  rail-road  employee. 
He  d.  Jan.,  1864,  at  North  Kingsville ;  she  m.  2d,  Aaron  Lyon, 
of  Stanton,  Mich. 

870  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Ira  and  Roxy   (Blood)   Avery: 

i.       Herbert",  b.  June  1,  1853,  at  Ashtabula;  d.  y. 

6010.  li.      Clara  Amelia",  b.  Aug.  20,  1857,  at  North  Kingsville. 

6011.  iii.     Elmer  Everett",  b.  Oct.  29,  1860,  at  North  Kingsville. 

2856.  George  Washington*  Avery  (Amos7,  William6,  W ill- 
hut  r\  Nathaniel*,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
24,  1830,  at  Brooms,  N.  Y. ;  m.  July  3,  1852,  at  Arena,  N.  Y., 
Phebe  Catharine  Hunter,  dau.  of  Richard  and  Hannah  (Mason) 
Hunter.  She  was  b.  Nov.  18,  1833,  at  Colchester,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  farmer;  was  a  private  in  the  101st  reg't  of  N.  Y.  vol. 
inf'y.    He  d.  May  16,  1880,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  George  Washington  and  Phebe  Catharine 
(Hunter)   Avery: 

6012.  i.       Richard  Edmund",  b.  April  16,  1853,  at  Arena. 

6013.  ii.      Ira  Walter9,  b.  Sept.  13,  1855,  at  Arena. 

6014.  iii.     Elsie  Corlean",  b.  Sept.  15,  1857,  at  Cannonsville,  N.  Y. 

2887.  Jerusha8  Avery  {Nathaniel1,  Nathaniel6,  Andrew7', 
Nathaniel41,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  2,  1826, 
at  Topsham,  Vt.;  m.  Dec.  2,  1841,  at  Corinth,  Vt.,  Patrick 
Cunningham.  He  d.  Jan.  14,  1853.  She  m.  2d,  April  1,  1855, 
at  Corinth,  Clark  J.  Reede.     He  d.  March  29,  1888. 

Children  of  Patrick  and  Jerusha   (Avery)   Cunningham: 

i.       Ellen9,  b.   Sept.   16,   1842. 

ii.      Mary  Ann9,  b.  Feb.  10,   1844. 

iii.     Michael",  b.  July  7,   1846. 

iv.     Abigail",  b.   Feb.   6,   1848. 

v.      Nathaniel",  b.   Oct.  3,   1849. 

vi.     Sally",   b.    Sept.    6,    1851. 

vii.    Cora",  b.   Oct.   7,  1852. 

Children  of  Clark  J.  and  Jerusha   (Avery)   Reede: 

i.  Westley",    b.    Sept.    22,    1856. 

ii.  Laury",  b.   Aug.   22,   1858. 

iii.  Howard",  b.  Aug.  8,  1860. 

iv.  Asenath",    b.    Oct.    3,    1862. 

v.  Minnie  R.",  b.  Aug.  30,  1866. 

vi.  Clark    B.",  b.   Jan.    5,    1870. 

2889.  Diana8  Avery  (Andrew',  Andrew6,  Andrew*,  Na- 
thaniel*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  19,  1829,  at 
Topsham,  Vt, ;  m.  Nov.  8,  1846,  at  Topsham,   John  Hood,  s.  of 

The   Eighth   Generation  871 

Jonathan  and  Susan  (Farwell)  Hood.    He  was  b.  about  1820,  at 
Topsham.    He  was  a  farmer.    She  d.  Nov.,  1895,  at  Topsham. 
Children  of  John  and  Diana  (Avery)  Hood,  b.  at  Topsham: 

i.       Almira",  b.  Nov.  18,  1848;   d.  y. 

ii.      Isabel9,  b.  Dec.  9,  1849;  m.  the  Rev.  John  Wright. 

iii.     Alonzo9..  b.  Jan.,   1851;   m.   Alvina  Whitehill. 

iv.     Almira",  b.  Dec.  8,  1852;  m.  Moses   Smith. 

v.      John  C,  b.  March  28,  1854;  m.  Louseba  J.  Clarke. 

vi.     Frank    C";    m.    Fanny   Knapp. 

vii.    Amanda",  b.  April   27,   1856;   m.  Rufus   Rowland. 

viii.  Jennie",  b.  Feb.  15,   1859;  m.  Charles   Smith. 

ix.     Charles",    b.    May    19,    1866. 

x.      George  E.",  b.  June  24,  1868;  m.  Grace  Davenport. 

2890.  Lewis*  Avery  {Andrew",  Andrew*,  Andrew*,  Nathan- 
iel*, John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  4,  1831,  at  Top- 
sham, Vt. ;  m.  June  8,  1856,  at  Topsham,  Mary  Emory,  dau.  of 
Samuel  and  Betsey  (Hooper)  Emory.  She  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1828. 
He  was  a  farmer. 

Children  of  Lewis  and  Mary   (Emory)   Avery,  b.  at  Tops- 
ham : 

Andrew",    b.    Aug.    8,    1858. 

Flora9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1861;  m.  Nov.  o,  1882,  John  Felch. 

Betsey9,   b.   Sept.   12,   1862;   m.   Frank   Forest   Avery    (No. 

Nancy",  b.  Aug.  30,  1863;  m.  Smith  Putnam  Avery. 
Samuel",  b.  Sept.  3,  1864;  d.  y. 

2893.  Alonzo  Bailey1*  Avery  (Richard  Rowland7,  Andrew6, 
Andrew7-,  Nathaniel*.  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
2,  1828,  at  Topsham,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  2,  1853,  at  Lynn,  Mass.,  Sarah 
Elizabeth  Pecker,  dau.  of  Dalton  and  Sally  (Bartlett)  Pecker. 
She  was  b.  in  1835,  at  Lynn,  Mass.;  d.  May  8,  1872,  at  West 
Point,  Wis.  He  m.  2d,  Sept.  4,  1878,  at  Newell,  la.,  Sarah 
Carrie  McClure,  dau.  of  John  V.  and  Esther  (Alexander) 
McClure.  and  widow  of  George  Van  Cleve.  She  was  b.  July  7, 
1836.  He  was  a  farmer,  carpenter,  mason,  and  engineer.  He 
enlisted  Sept.  16,  1861,  in  the  6th  WTis.  battery  of  light  artillery; 
was  in  eighteen  battles.  He  d.  March  5,  1908,  at  Sac  City,  la.; 
she  d.  July  11,  1910. 










872  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Alonzo  Bailey  and  Sarah  Elizabeth   (Pecker) 

Avery : 

i.  Frederick  Tudor",  b.  Sept.,  1854,  at  Lynn;  d.  y. 

6034.  ii.  Mary  Ellen',  b.  March  14,  1858,  at  West  Point,  Wis. 

6035.  iii.  Herbert  Dalton',  b.  April  29,  1860,  at  West  Point. 

6036.  iv.  Abbie  Frances9,  b.  May  27,  1862,  at  West  Point. 

6037.  v.  Myron  Lyman9,  b.  Aug.  19,  1865,  at  West  Point, 
vi.  Lizzie  Jane9,  b.  Dec.  4,  1868,  at  West  Point;  d.  y. 

Child  of  Alonzo  Bailey  and  Sarah  Carrie  (McClure)  Avery, 

b.  at  Sac  City,  la.: 

6038.  i.       Elmer  Corydon9,  b.  June  20,   1879. 

2894.  Amplias  Blake8  Avery  (Richard  Rowland7,  Andrew0, 
Andrew*,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
19.  1830,  at  Topsham,  Vt.;  m.  Nov.  26,  1853,  at  Corinth,  Vt., 
Jane  Chase,  dau.  of  John  and  Abigail  (Aldrich)  Chase.  She 
was  b.  Nov.  9,  1831,  at  Bradford,  Vt.  In  the  civil  war,  he  was 
a  member  of  Co.  K,  23d  reg't  of  Wisconsin  inf'y,  and  served 
from  1862  until  the  end  of  the  war.  He  was  a  farmer ;  d.  Nov. 
1,  1902,  at  Prairie  du  Sac,  Wis.,  where  his  widow  lives. 

Children  of  Amplias  Blake  and  Jane  (Chase)  Avery,  b.  at 

West  Point,  Wis. : 

6039.  i.       Fremont9,  b.   Dec.   11,   1858. 

6040.  ii.      Walter  Hale9,  b.  Feb.  20,  1861. 

2895.  Alden  Hale8  Avery  (Richard  Rowland1,  Andrew0, 
Andrew*,  Nathaniel1,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
14,  1832,  at  Topsham,  Vt. ;  m.  in  1856,  at  Yellow  Springs,  Wis., 
Sarah  Caroline  Otto,  dau.  of  John  and  Maria  (Teller)  Otto. 
She  was  b.  Jan.  31,  1835,  at  Mt.  Morris,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Jan.  14,  1873, 
at  Excelsior,  Wis.  He  m.  2d,  Sept.  17,  1874,  at  Orion,  Wis., 
Mrs.  Delilah  (Tisdale)  Andrews,  widow  of  Edward  Andrews 
and  dau.  of  William  and  Rhoda  (Dutton)  Tisdale.  She  was  b. 
in  1830,  at  New  York  City.  In  the  civil  war,  he  was  a  member 
of  Co.  K,  23d  reg't  of  Wisconsin  inf'y,  and  served  until  the  end 
of  the  war.  He  d.  Sept.  7,  1879,  at  Excelsior,  Wis.,  where  his 
widow  lives. 

Children  of  Alden  Hale  and  Sarah  Caroline  (Otto)  Avery: 
i.      Julia  Otto9,  b.  May  24,  1857,  at  Clifton,  Wis.;    d.  Dec.  12, 
1860,  at  Clifton. 
6042.    ii.      Maria  Otto9,  b.  Dec.  5,  1858,  at  Clifton. 

The   Eighth  Generation  873 

iii.     John  Otto',  b.  Aug.  19,  1860,  near  Excelsior,  Wis.;    d.  July 

30,  1872,  at  Excelsior, 
iv.     Frank  James3,  b.  Oct.  19,  1862,  near  Excelsior;  d.  in  Aug., 

1889,   at    Excelsior;    unm. 
v.      Richard0,  b.  Sept.  29,  1867,  near  Excelsior;  d.  May  5,  1900, 

at  Richland  Center,  Wis.;   unm. 

6043.  vi.     Amplias  Hale9,  b.  May  30,  1870,  near  Excelsior. 

6044.  vii.    Caroline3,  b.  Dec.  29,  1871,  near  Excelsior. 

viii.  Angeline  Valettie',  b.  Dec.  29,  1872,  at  Excelsior;  d.  y. 

2897.  Henry  Hale8  Avery  (Richard  Rowland",  Andrew'', 
Andrew5,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
3,  1840,  at  Topsham,  Vt. ;  m.  June  22,  1869,  at  West  Point,  Wis., 
Fannie  Marie  Worthley,  clau.  of  William  and  Susan  Kelley 
(Colby)  Worthley.  She  was  b.  June  17,  1850,  at  Boston,  Mass. 
In  the  civil  war,  he  was  a  member  of  Co.  K,  23d  reg't  of  Wis- 
consin inf'y,  and  served  until  the  end  of  the  war.  He  is  a  re- 
tired farmer.     Residence,  Brookings,  So.  Dak. 

Children  of  Henry  Hale  and  Fannie  Marie  (Worthley) 
Avery : 

6050.  i.       Ida  Jerusha9,  b.  May  26,  1870,  at  West  Point,  Wis. 

6051.  ii.      Susie  May9,  b.  Sept.  16,  1871,  at  West  Point. 

6052.  iii.     Clinton  Hale9,  b.  Dec.  1,  1890,  at  Brookings,  So.  Dak. 

2910.  John  H.8  Avery  (Moses7,  Andrew^,  Andrew5 ,  Nathan- 
iel*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  27,  1838,  at  Cor- 
inth, Vt.;  m.  June  7,  1862,  at  Piermont,  N.  H.,  Margaret  Maria 
Bixby,  dau.  of  Joel  and  Matilda  Keith  (Child)  Bixby.  She  was 
b.  Nov.  28,  1846.    He  is  a  farmer. 

Children  of  John  H.  and  Margaret  Maria  (Bixby)  Avery, 
b.  at  West  Topsham,  Vt. : 

Edson   W.9,   b.   Nov.   20,    1864. 
Nellie9,  b.   April   22,   1866. 
Moses  Albert9,  b.  May  26,  1868. 
Jason  B.9,  b.  April  23,  1871. 
Rosa  May9,  b.   Sept.  2,   1873. 
George   Garfield",  b.  July  21,   1880. 

2911.  Mary*  Avery  (Moses1,  Andrew*,  Andrew'%  Nathan- 
iel*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  about  1840;  m.  about 
1865,  Charles  Johnson  Corliss.  He  was  b.  Nov.  13,  1844,  at 
Corinth,  Vt.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  Feb.  8,  1873,  at  Tops- 
ham, Vt.    They  lived  at  Newbury,  Vt. 













874  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2912.  Mary  McFarlin*  Avery  (Nathaniel7,  Christopher0, 
Andrew6,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
28,  1831,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Sept.  8,  1850,  at  Corinth,  William 
Wilson,  s.  of  Jesse  and  Hannah  (Orman)  Wilson.  He  was  b. 
Nov.  29,  1825,  at  Corinth.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Feb.  11, 
1882,  at  Boston,  Mass.    She  lives  at  West  Corinth,  Vt. 

Children  of  William  and  Mary  McFarlin   (Avery)  Wilson: 
i.       Frank   Farwell",  b.  June  21,   1861,  at  Boston;   m.  Marian 

M.  Newcomb;  d.  Oct.  8,  1902. 
ii.      Frederick   George",  b.   Feb.  9,   1866,  at  Corinth;   m.  Nellie 

Josephine  Sawtell;  residence,  Braintree,  Mass. 

2913.  John  Lewis8  Avery  {Nathaniel1,  Christopher6,  An- 
drew5,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  19, 
1833,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Nov.  10,  1857,  at  Manchester,  N.  H., 
Caroline  Frances  Payne.  She  d.  Sept,  20,  1875,  at  Manchester. 
He  m.  2d,  Dec.  11,  1878,  at  Manchester,  Mrs.  Emma  Stearns 
Trask,  dau.  of  James  Adams  and  Caroline  (Griffin)  Stearns. 
She  was  b.  May  4,  1848,  at  Manchester.  He  d.  Sept.  3,  1899, 
at  Fitchburg,  Mass.  No  children.  She  m.  2d,  Ephraim  T. 
Hardy  and  lives  (1911)  at  Manchester,  N.  H. 

2914.  Orin  Austin8  Avery  {Nathaniel7,  Christopher6,  An- 
drew6, Nathaniel*,  Joint,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Feb.  10, 
1837,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  May  24,  1866,  at  New  Orleans,  La., 
Rosalie  Adolpine  Hoffman,  dau.  of  Charles  Fernando  and  Caro- 
line (Gurether)  Hoffman.  She  was  b.  Oct.  30,  1846.  He  is  a 
farmer  and  stock  raiser  and  president  of  the  Edgar  Brick  and 
Tile  Company.  In  1857,  he  enlisted  in  the  5th  U.  S.  cavalry;  in 
1861,  the  regiment  was  sent  to  Washington;  he  served  with  the 
army  of  the  Potomac  until  1862,  when  his  term  expired;  re- 
enlisted  in  the  3d  Rhode  Island  cavalry  as  lieutenant ;  was  soon 
made  captain ;  mustered  out  Jan.  25,  1866.  Residence,  Edgar, 

Children  of  Orin  Austin  and  Rosalie  Adolpine    (Hoffman) 
Avery : 

Caroline  Charlotte",  b.  June  18,  1868,  at  New  Orleans. 
Clarence  Perceville",  b.  Nov.  9,  1869,  at  New  Orleans. 
George  Hoffman",  b.   May  27,  1872,  at  Beatrice,  Neb. 
Robert  Lincoln9,  b.   Oct.   17,   1874,  at  Edgar,   Neb. 
Willard  Sayles",  b.    Feb.   19.   1881,  at   Edgar. 






















The   Eighth   Generation  875 

2915.  Adoniram  Smallie*  Avery  (Nathaniel7,  Christopher5, 
Andrew*,  Nathaniel',  Johnz,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
2,  1838,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Dec.  31,  1863,  Ruth  Ann  Newcomb, 

dau.  of  Charles  Henry  and  Adeline  Elminie  (Dennison)  New- 
comb.  She  was  b.  July  14,  1843,  in  Nova  Scotia.  Residence, 
Boston,  Mass. 

Children  of  Adoniram  Smallie  and  Ruth  Ann   (Newcomb) 
Avery,  b.  at  Boston,  Mass.: 

6071.     i.       Millie  Belle",  b.  April  14,  1865;  m.  Feb.  11,  1883,  William 
T.   Cheswell. 
Jenny  May',  b.  March  4,  1868;  m.  K.  R.  Neptune. 
Gertrude   Florence9,  b.   April   18,  1871. 
Charles  Justin9,  b.  Sept.  6,  1873;  d.  y. 
Walter  Fen9,  b.  March  22,  1876. 
Frank  Garfield9,  b.  July  21,  1880. 
Grace    Newcomb9,   b.    Sept.   23,   1883. 

2916.  Nancy  Victoria s  Avery  (Nathaniel1,  Christopher6, 
Andrew5,  Nathaniel4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
11,  1842,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  June  11,  1863,  at  Orange,  Vt., 
Joshua  George  Fitts,  s.  of  Currier  and  Jemima  E.  (George) 
Fitts.  He  was  b.  June  8,  1837,  at  Corinth.  She  d.  Oct.  17,  1897, 
at  Vershire,  Vt. 

Children  of  George  and  Nancy  Victoria  (Avery)  Fitts: 

i.       Lelia   May9,  b.   May  15,   1867,  at   Corinth;   m.  William  W. 

Kenniston ;    residence,    Cumberland,    Md. 
ii.      Alice  Maud9,  b.  June  27,  1871,  at  Vershire,  Vt.;  m.  J.  Clin- 
ton  Carlton;   residence,   South   Fairlee,   Vt. 

2917.  Abner  Spencer  *  Avery  (Nathaniel7,  Christopher'', 
Andrew7-,  Nathaniel*,  John",  James2,  Christopher^)  was  b.  May 
26,  1845,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  27,  1867,  at  Corinth,  Viola 
Anna  Williams,  dau.  of  William  Mitchell  and  Rozilla  Freeman 
(Holbrook)  Williams.  She  was  b.  March  10,  1848,  at  Boston, 
Mass.  In  the  civil  war,  he  enlisted  in  1862  in  Co.  H,  12th  reg't, 
Vt.  inf'y,  and  in  January,  1865,  in  Co.  B,  3d  reg't,  R.  I.  cavalry; 
sergeant  in  May  and  mustered  out,  Nov.  29,  1865.  He  is  a 
farmer.     Residence,  Newbury,  Vt. 

Children   of  Abner   Spencer   and   Viola   Anna    (Williams) 

Avery : 

i.       Minnie  Rozilla9,  b.  Nov.  13,  1869,  at  Boston,  Mass.;  d.  y. 
6077.     ii.      George  Holbrook9,  b.  July  9,  1871,  at  Corinth. 

876  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

6078.     iii.     Herbert  Nelson3,  b.  Nov.  15,  1873,  at  Boston,  Mass. 

iv.     Florence  Adelaide',  b.  April  27,  1878,  at  Boston;  d.  Feb. 
5,  1892. 

2919.  Florence  Lydia*  Avery  (Nathaniel7,  Christopher6, 
Andretv5,  Nathaniel1,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
25,  1849,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1884,  at  Boston,  Mass., 
Henry  Ambrose  Williams,  s.  of  William  Mitchell  and  Rozilla 
Freeman  (Holbrook)  Williams.  He  was  b.  Jan.  1,  1851,  at 
Boston,  Mass.  She  d.  July  16,  1887,  at  Boston.  No  children. 
He  lives  at  Seattle,  Wash. 

2920.  Flora  Emmas  Avery  {Nathaniel',  Christopher6,  An- 
drew*, Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  25, 
1849,  at  Corinth,  Vt.;  m.  Dec.  24,  1870,  at  Corinth,  Henry 
Mattoon.  s.  of  Dwight  Lyman  and  Mary  Ellen  (Sumner)  Mat- 
toon.  He  was  b.  Jan.  23,  1848,  at  Vershire,  Vt.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Vershire,  Vt. 

Child  of  Henry  and  Flora  Emma   (Avery)   Mattoon: 
i.       Henry  H.9,  b.  Aug.  2,  1875;  d.  Oct.  5,  1885. 

2921.  Fanny  Richardson"  Avery  (Nathaniel7,  Christopher6, 
Andrew5,  Nathaniel",  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
15,  1857,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  July  10,  1875,  at  Corinth,  George 
E.  Hood,  s.  of  Sargent  and  Dorothy  (Hosmer)  Hood.  He  was 
b.  Oct.  11,  1848,  at  Topsham,  Vt.    Residence,  Corinth,  Vt. 

Children   of   George   E.   and    Fanny   Richardson    (Avery) 
Hood : 

i.  Rufus9,   b.    March    28,    1877. 

ii.  Henry9    b.  May  5,  1879. 

iii.  Kate9,  b.  July  17,  1883. 

iv.  William9,  b.   Aug.  22,   1885. 

2922.  Capitola  Vinny*  Avery  (Nathaniel7,  Christopher6, 
Andrew*,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
1,  1859,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  April  3,  1879,  at  Vershire,  Vt., 
Franklin  Pierce  Smith,  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Emma  (Simp- 
son) Smith.  He  was  b.  Aug.  14,  1857,  at  Warren,  N.  H.  He 
is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Newport,  N.  H. 

Children  of  Franklin  Pierce  and  Capitola  Vinny  (Avery) 
Smith : 

The   Eighth    Generation  877 

i.       Inez  May",  b.  March  27,  1880,  at  Vershire;  m.  Willis  J.  C. 

Gove;    residence,   Manchester,   N.    H. 
ii.      John  Nathaniel1',  b.  March  30,  1882,  at  Newport;  m.  Lulu 

M.    Shedd;    residence,   Concord,   N.    H. 
iii.     Florence  Emma",  b.  Sept.  7,  1884,  at  Newport;  m.  George 

Martin   Parmenter;   residence,   Newport. 

2923.  Lura  Sleeper8  Avery  (Christopher,  Christopher6, 
Andrew*.,  Nathaniel*,  Joint'',  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  May 
21,  1828,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Feb.  3,  1852,  at  Vershire,  Vt., 
John  Steele,  s.  of  Robert  and  Mary  (McCan)  Steele.  He  was 
b.  Aug.  29,  1822,  at  Manchester,  N.  H.  He  was  an  engineer. 
She  d.  Sept.  1,  1889,  at  Kittery,  Me.;  he  d.  Dec.  13,  1896,  at 
Littleton,  N.  H. 

Children  of  John  and  Lura  Sleeper  (Avery)   Steele: 

i.       Mary  Emily9,  b.   Sept.  29,   1856,  at  Manchester,  N.  H.;  m. 

John   Harvey  Quimby.     Residence,   Littleton,   N.   H. 
ii.     Augusta  Caroline",  b.  Oct.  22,  1859,  at  Concord,  N.  H.;  m. 
Chauncey  Colton   Morris.     Residence,  Dorchester,   Mass. 

2925.  Lucina*  Avery  {Christopher1 ,  Christopher6,  Andretv5, 
Nathaniel*,  John",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1833; 
m.  Oct.  16,  1856,  James  R.  Wingate,  s.  of  Jonathan  and  Eunice 
(Roberts)  Wingate.  He  was  b.  Nov.  18,  1834,  at  Farmington, 
N.  H.    She  d.  Nov.  14,  1862,  at  Manchester,  N.  H. 

Child  of  James  R.  and  Lucina  (Avery)   Wingate: 

i.       Herbert  M\,  b.  March  24,  1859,  at  Manchester;  d.  July  11, 
1879,  at   Parker,   So.   Dak. 

2926.  Harriet  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Christopher',  Christo- 
pher6, Andrew7',  Nathaniel4,  John3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  20,  1835;  m.  Feb.  12,  1862,  at  Newbury,  Vt.,  Thomas 
Johnson.  He  was  b.  Dec.  13,  1816,  at  Bradford,  Vt.  He  was 
a  farmer;  d.  Aug.  25,  1908,  at  Bradford. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Harriet  Elizabeth  (Avery)  John- 

i.       Frank   Verner9,   b.   March    12,   1863,   at   Vershire,   Vt.;   m. 

Evelyn  Webber, 
ii.      Charles  Foster9,  b.  Aug.  6,   1865,  at  Bradford;   m.   Lydia 

iii.     Herbert  Thomas9,  b.  Jan.  27,  1872,  at  Bradford;  m.  Myra 

878  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2927.  Albert  Sinclair*  Avery  (Christopher7,  Christopher*, 
Andrew5  Nathaniel1,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
7,  1841,  at  Topsham,  Vt. ;  m.  April  29,  1872,  at  Missouri 
Valley,  la.,  Mary  Jane  Mann,  dau.  of  Calvin  and  Sylvia  (Newell) 
Mann.  She  was  b.  Sept.  25,  1852,  at  Fort  Anne,  N.  Y.  Resi- 
dence, Pomona,  Calif. 

Child  of  Albeit  Sinclair  and  Mary  Jane   (Mann)  Avery: 
6082.     i.       Hazen  Lorenzo",  b.  June  12,  1876,  at  Missouri  Valley,  la. 

2928.  Fernald  Spokesfield*  Avery  (Elias  Jones7,  Christo- 
pher*, Andrew'',  Nathaniel4,  John"',  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  13,  1835,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  April  7,  1862,  at  Tun- 
bridge,  Vt.,  Luthera  Martin,  dau.  of  Harvey  and  Lucinda  (Car- 
penter) Martin.  She  was  b.  Sept.  3,  1835,  at  Williamstown, 
Vt.  He  was  a  Baptist  clergyman;  d.  Oct.  13,  1866,  at  Corinth. 
She  d.  Jan.  2,  1872,  at  Williamstown,  Vt.     No  children. 

2929.  Almanah  Melverda*  Avery  (Elias  Jones7,  Christo- 
pher6, Andrew6,  Nathaniel4,  John"-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  19,  1837,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Aug.  21,  1859,  at  Corinth, 
Allen  John  Dearborn,  s.  of  Nehemiah  and  Judith  (Huntoon) 
Dearborn.  He  was  b.  Jan.  28,  1839,  at  Vershire,  Vt.  She  d. 
April  17,  1882,  at  Vershire. 

Children  of  Allen  John  and  Almanah   Melverda    (Avery) 
Dearborn : 

i.       Elmer   Melanchthon",   b.   May   16,   1861,   at   Vershire;   m. 

Alzina  McCarroll. 
ii.      Eckley  Osgood",  b.  May  26,  1866,  at  Corinth;  m.  Mattie  J. 

iii.     Ada  May",  b.  Nov.  20,  1868,  at  Corinth;  d.  Nov.  6,  1886. 
iv.     Nora  Sally',  b.  Aug.  10,  1870,  at  Corinth;  m.  Edwin  Albert 

Smith.      Residence,   Manchester,   N.    H. 
v.      Cora  Fanny',  b.  Aug.  10,  1870;  d.  Nov.  12,  1886. 

2930.  Marinda  B.*  Avery  (Smith  Putnam7,  Christopher', 
Andrew6,  Nathaniel4,  John",  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Dec. 
1,  1836,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1859,  at  Corinth,  Lyman  M. 
Robie.     She  d.  Aug.  20,  1864,  at  Corinth. 

Children  of  Lyman  M.  and  Marinda  B.   (Avery)   Robie: 
i.       Herman',  b.   Feb.   1,   1861;   d.  y. 

ii.      Freeman    Avery",    b.    Aug.    19,    1864;     m.    Mamie    Grimes. 
Residence,  Piermont,  N.  H. 

The   Eighth  Generation  879 

2931.  Orilla*  Avery  (Smith  Putnam'',  Christopher9,  An- 
drew5, Nathaniel*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  2, 
1839,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1867,  at  South  Royalton,  Vt., 
Loyal  D.  Colby.     He  was  b.  April  20,  1836. 

Children  of  Loyal  D.  and  Orilla  (Avery)  Colby,  b  at  Plain- 
view,  Minn. : 

i.       Mellie  Alice',  b.  Jan.  11,  1868;  d.  Feb.  1,  1881. 

ii.      Albert  Emerson',  b.  Aug.  17,  1869;  d.  y. 

iii.     Lula  Bessie',  b.  March   1,  1871;  m.  Edward  A.  Carpenter. 

iv.     Gardner  Avery',  b.  Jan.  27,   1873;  m.   Helmer  Christopher. 

v.      Carl  Winchester',  b.  Aug.  1,  1875;  m.  Nettie  Anderson. 

vi.     Esther   Jane9,   b.    Oct.    14,   1877. 

vii.    Rollo  Wright",  b.   Aug.   24,   1879. 

2932.  Hiram8  Avery  (Smith  Putnam7,  Christopher9,  An- 
drew", Nathaniel4,  John3,  James-,  Christopher' )  was  b.  Nov.  13, 
1842,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Jan.  23,  1875,  at  Montour,  la.,  Emma 
Jane  Moore,  dau.  of  David  and  Rebecca  Hannah  Moore.  She 
was  b.  Sept.  18,  1854,  at  Buffalo  Grove,  111.  He  was  a  soldier  in 
the  civil  war,  Co.  F,  26th  reg't  N.  Y.  cav.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Montour,  la. 

Children  of  Hiram  and  Emma  Jane  (Moore)  Avery,  b.  at 
Montour : 

Clinton   Forrest1',  b.  Oct.  30,  1875. 
Bessie  Maude',  b.  Feb.  24,  1878. 
Karl  Hiram",  b.  July  23,   1880. 
Florence   Emma3,  b.   Nov.   30,   1884. 
Grace  Rebecca",  b.  July  27,  1888. 
Louis  Raymond',  b.  Sept.  28,   1892. 
Elwin  Leslie9,  b.  July  4,  1906;   d.  y. 

2933.  Alvah  Christopher8  Avery  (Smith  Putnam",  Chris- 
topher6, Andrew5,  Nathaniel',  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  18,  1848,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  9,  1890,  at  Elgin,  Minn., 
Flora  Adeline  Rollins,  dau.  of  Irvin  Washington  and  Ellen 
(Keith)  Rollins.  She  was  b.  Feb.  8,  1862,  at  Elgin.  He  is  a 
carpenter.     Residence,  Alexandria,  So.  Dak. 

Children  of  Alvah  Christopher  and  Flora  (Rollins)  Avery, 
b.  at  Alexandria,  So.  Dak. : 

6097.  i.       Albert  Rollins',  b.  July  31,  1891. 

6098.  ii.      Blanche  Marie9,  b.  April  28,   1895. 

6099.  iii.     Ned  Alvah9,  b.  March  30,  1897. 

6100.  iv.     Glen  Arthur9,  b.  Dec.  28,  1899. 














880  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2934.  Frank  Forest*  Avery    (Smith  Putnam7,  Christopher6, 
Andrew6,  Nathaniel4,  John-,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  June 

30,  1863,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  2,  1884,  at  Montpelier,  Vt., 
Betsey  Avery,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Mary  (Emory)  Avery  (No. 
6032).    She  was  b.  Sept.  12,  1862,  at  Topsham,  Vt. 

Children  of  Frank  Forest  and  Betsey  (Avery)  Avery,  b.  at 

Bradford,  Vt. : 

6106.  i.       Grace  May",  b.  April  27,  1886;  m.  June  30,  1907,  at  Brad- 

ford, Vt.,  Leon  Roberts;  she  was  drowned  July  5,  1908. 

6107.  ii.      Harold  Christopher9,  b.  July  6,   1896. 

2935.  Lula  Myrtle8   Avery    (Smith  Putnam'1,  Christopher6, 
Andrew5,  Nathaniel4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 

31,  1868,  at  Corinth..  Vt. ;  m.  June  20,  1888,  at  Plainview,  Minn., 
Edward  Griffith  Cronk,  s.  of  James  G.  and  Susan  (Butler) 
Cronk.  He  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1866,  at  Montour,  la.  Residence, 
Des  Moines,  la. 

Child  of  Edward  Griffith  and  Lula  Myrtle  (Avery)  Cronk, 
b.  at  Montour: 

i.       Harold  Nelson",  b.  July  23,  1891. 

2936.  John  Hartwell8  Avery  (Simeon7,  Christopher6,  An- 
drew5, Nathaniel*,  John'-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
17,  1839,  at  Corinth,  Vt.;  m.  April  3,  1861,  at  Topsham,  Vt., 
Lucy  Ann  Jackson,  dau.  of  Levi  and  Serepta  (Bugby)  Jackson. 
She  was  b.  March  13,  1840,  at  Orange,  Vt.  He  was  a  farmer; 
d.  Nov.  10,  1888,  at  Bradford,  Vt.  She  d.  June  25,  1891,  at 

Children  of  John  Hartwell  and  Lucy  Ann  (Jackson)  Avery: 

i.       Adelia",  b.  July  9,  1863,  at  Orange,  Vt.;   d.  June  15,  1889, 
at  Bradford,  Vt. 

6110.  ii.      Nettie  Ann8,  b.  Feb.  27,  1866,  at  Bradford. 

6111.  iii.     Bertha  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  12,  1876,  at  Bradford. 

2939.  Luraetta"  Avery  (Philander7,  Christopher6,  Andrew'0 , 
Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  24,  1844, 
at  Topsham,  Vt. ;  m.  Sept.  7,  1865,  at  Corinth,  Vt.,  Elisha 
Mudgett  Dinsmore,  s.  of  Dr.  Daniel  and  Mary  (Mudgett)  Dins- 
more.  He  was  b.  Jan.  8,  1838,  at  Jackson,  N.  H.  Residence, 
Intervale,  N.  H. 

The   Eighth  Generation  881 

Children  of  Elisha  Mudgett  and  Luraetta  (Avery)  Dins- 
more  : 

i.  .Mary  E.b,  b.  June  27,  1866;  m.  Mr.  Hackett;  residence,  Law- 
rence, Mass. 

ii.      John  M.",  b.  March  8,  1868;  residence,  Intervale,  N.  H. 

iii.     Nellie  M.*,  b.  Jan.  5,  1870;  d.  June  3,  1904. 

iv.     Arthur  E.",  b.  July  23,  1872;  residence.  Intervale. 

v.      Fred  M.",  b.  Nov.  25,  1874;  residence,  Jackson,  N.  H. 

vi.  Elisha  Avery",  b.  Jan.  18,  1879;  residence,  South  Boston, 

vii.    Lura  S.9,  b.  Feb.  3,  1883;  residence,  Lucas,  Kans. 

viii.  Daniel9,  b.  Nov.  3,  1884;  residence,  Intervale. 

ix.     Charles  Albert9,  b.  Dec.  14,  1889;  residence,  Intervale. 

2940.  Cordelias  Avery  {Philander,  Christopher*,  Andn  w5, 
Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher*)  was  b.  March  16,  1846, 
at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  3,  1867,  at  Corinth,  Harrison  Bacon 
Comstock,  s.  of  Wikel  and  Betsey  (Bacon)  Comstock.  He  was 
b.  about  1836,  at  Corinth.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Jan.  25,  1891, 
at  Corinth.  She  m.  2d,  Feb.  8,  1894,  at  Corinth,  Caspar  Moulton, 
s.  of  Johnson  and  Harriet  (Kimball)  Moulton.  He  was  b. 
March  12,  1853,  at  Corinth.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Cor- 
inth,  Vt. 

Children  of  Harrison  Bacon  and  Cordelia  (Avery)  Corn- 
stock,  b.  at  Vershire,  Vt. : 

i.       Arthur  Avery9,  b.  June  19,  1872;   m.  Angie  Fitts. 

ii.      Cissie9,  b.  Jan.   6,  1874;   d.  y. 

iii.     Charles  Harrison1',  b.  April  6,  1875;  m.  Anna  Clark. 

iv.     Alva  Bean",  b.  April  16,  1877. 

v.      Willie   Harvey9,   b.    May   9,    1880. 

vi.     Harry   Jackson9,   b.   Jan.   25,    1887. 

2941.  Joel  Lunds  Avery  (Noah  Lund',  Christopher*,  An- 
drew*, Nathaniel*,  John'',  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  6, 
1850,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Nov.  16,  1887,  Lizzie  B.  Thurber 
dau.  of  Liberty  F.  and  Sarah  Elizabeth  (Chapman)  Thurber. 
She  was  b.  Feb.  16,  1861.    No  children.    Residence,  Corinth,  Vt. 

2942.  Ann  Jennette*  Avery  (Noah  Lund",  Christopher*, 
Andrew*,  Nathaniel*,  John2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
18,  1859,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Jan.  14,  1885,  at  Bradford,  Vt.. 
Warren  Levi  Crafts,  s.  of   Washington  and  Dorcas  Neal   (Dow) 


882  The   Groton  Avery   Clan 

Crafts.  He  was  b.  June  6,  1846,  at  Washington,  Vt.  He  is 
assistant  judge  of  the  Orange  County  Court  and  vice-president 
of  the  Bradford  National  Bank.     Residence,  Bradford,  Vt. 

Children  of  Warren  Levi  and  Ann  Jennette  (Avery)  Crafts, 
b.  at  Bradford : 

i.       Bernard  Warren',  b.  May  25,  1888. 

ii.      Harold  Thurlow9,  b.  April  15,  1891;   d.  y. 

2943.  Edna  Sophia"  Avery  (Newell  TV,  Christopher'',  An- 
drew1, Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  24, 
1855 ;  m.  Sept.  17,  1875,  Fred  B.  Pratt,  of  Boston,  Mass. 

Children  of  Fred  B.  and  Edna  Sophia  (Avery)  Pratt: 

i.       Walter  F:,  b.   Nov.  4,   1876. 

ii.      Arthur    Newell1',   b.   Jan.   29,    1887. 

2944.  Byron  Noel8  Avery  (Leonard',  Christopher*,  An- 
drew5, Nathaniel*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
1,  1851,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  March  17,  1872,  at  Montour,  la., 
Gertrude  Elizabeth  Mooers,  dau.  of  James  M.  and  Charlotte 
Matilda  (Cunningham)  Mooers.  She  was  b.  March  17,  1854, 
at  Dixon,  111.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Jan.  25,  1889,  at  Chester 
Center,  la. 

Children  of  Byron  Noel  and  Gertrude  Elizabeth  (Mooers) 
Avery,  b.  at  Gilman,  la.: 

6120.  i.      Laura  Gertrude',  b.  Aug.   10,   1874. 

6121.  ii.      Myrtie   Charlotte9,   b.  July  4,   1877. 

6122.  iii.     Sarah   Eastman9,   b.  Jan.  29,   1881. 

6123.  iv.     Leonard  Byron9,   b.  Jan.   29,   1883. 

6124.  v.     Nellie  Mooers9,  b.   Sept.  9.   1885. 

6125.  vi.     Grace  May9,  b.  Jan.  2,  1889. 

2945.  Sarah  Eastman8  Avery  (Leonards,  Christopher'', 
Andrew5,  Nathaniel',  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
5,  1856,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Nov.  30,  1880,  at  Highland  Tp., 
Marshall  Co.,  la.,  Robert  Frank  Manatt,  s.  of  Thomas  and 
Clarissa  (Winchester)  Manatt.  He  was  b.  Aug.  11,  1856,  at 
Brooklyn,  la.  She  d.  Jan.  23,  1891,  at  Des  Moines,  la.  He  is  a 
traveling  salesman.    Residence,  Des  Moines,  la. 

Children  of  Robert  Frank  and  Sarah  Eastman  (Avery) 
Manatt : 

The   Eighth  Generation  883 

Clifton  Avery9,  b.  Jan.  26,  1882,  at  Brooklyn,  la.;  d.  y. 
i.      Clara  Avery",  b.  March  8,  1884,  at  Brooklyn, 
ii.     Laura  Avery",  b.  July  3,  1886,  at  Atlantic,  la. 

2946.  Sophia  Lunds  Avery  {Leonard',  Christopher6,  An- 
di'(  ir\  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  21, 
1859,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  March  31,  1880,  at  Highland,  la., 
Solomon  Walter  Sellers,  s  of  William  and  Anna  (Egler)  Sellers. 
He  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1852,  at  Evandale,  Pa.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,.  Wellfleet,  Neb. 

Children   of   Solomon   Walter   and   Sophia   Lund    (Avery) 

Sellers : 

i.  Maud  Harma",  b.  May  2,  1881,  at  Chester  Center,  la. 

ii.  Anna  May9,  b.  Oct.  13,  1882,  at  Chester  Center, 

iii.  Leo  Ray",  b.  Feb.  18,  1884,  at  Chester  Center, 

iv.  Laura  Belle",  b.  Sept.  22,  1885,  at  Sheridan,  la. 

v.  William  Grover",  b.  July  9,  1887,  at  Sheridan, 

vi.  Sarah  Ruth",  b.  Aug.  17,  1890,  at  McCook,  Neb. 

vii.  Byron  Joseph",  b.  Dec.  9,  1893,  at  Wellfleet,  Neb. 

2947.  Milo*  Avery  (Melwell  Malcolm7,  Christopher9,  An- 
drew'", Nathaniel*,  John3.  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  27, 
1853,  at  Corinth,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  8,  1878,  at  Wilton  Junction,  la., 
Jennie  Dudley,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Hopkinson  and  Rachel  (Emery) 
Dudley.  She  was  b.  July  2,  1858,  at  Muscatine,  la.  He  is  a 
physician.    Residence,  Aurelia,  la. 

Children  of  Milo  and  Jennie   (Dudley)   Avery,  b.  at  Mus- 

6126.  i.   Harold  Leroy",  b.  July  1,  1880. 

6127.  ii.   George  Emery",  b.  Aug.  14,  1883. 

2948.  Jonathan  Robie8  Avery  (Melwell  Malcolm7,  Christo- 
pher9, Andrew5,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Aug.  19,  1857,  at  Corinth,  Vt.;  m.  Nov.  28,  1882,  at  Mon- 
tour, la.,  Alma  Finney,  dau.  of  Johnson  and  Mary  Elizabeth 
(Crowford)  Finney.  She  was  b.  Nov.  6,  1858,  in  Ohio.  He 
is  a  farmer.     Residence,  Cherokee,  la. 

Children  of  Jonathan  Robie  and  Alma  (Finney)   Avery: 

6128.  i.       Ernest  Duncan",  b.  Dec.   17,   1884,  at  Montour. 

6129.  ii.      Ralph  Finney",  b.  Aug.  20,  1890,  at  Cherokee. 

884  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2949.  Abbie  Ella*  Avery  (M ehv ell  Malcolm7 /  Christopher6, 
Andrew6,  Nathaniel*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Nov. 
15,  1871,  at  Montour,  la.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1890,  at  Ute,  la.,  Fred 
Brown,  s.  of  Junius  and  Mary  (Goodrich)  Brown.  He  was  b. 
Aug.  5,  1868,  at  Soldier,  la.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Maple 
Landing,  la. 

Children  of  Fred  and  Abbie  Ella    (Avery)    Brown,  b.  at 

Ute,  la.: 

i.  Viva  Bell",  b.  Feb.  4,  1891. 

ii.  Harold  Avery",  b.   May   31,   1892. 

iii.  Bessie",    b.    May    6,    1894. 

iv.  Max",   b.    Sept.   25,   1896. 

v.  Robie",  b.  Jan.   13,   1899. 

2956.  John*  Avery  {John",  Moses'',  Amos5,  Nathaniel4, 
John*.  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  29,  1824,  at  Water- 
town;  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  8,  1851,  at  Romeo,  Mich.,  Jane  Hoyt  Ewell, 

dau.  of  Samuel  and  Nancy  (Hoyt)  Ewell.  She  was  b.  Aug.  20, 
1823,  at  Wyoming,  N.  Y.  He  was  graduated  from  the  Cleve- 
land Medical  College  in  1849 ;  served  in  the  Civil  War  as  surgeon 
for  three  years;  member  of  the  Michigan  state  legislature,  1869- 
70 ;  member  of  the  53d  and  54th  congresses  of  the  United  States. 
She  d.  Dec.  15,  1908,  at  Greenville,  Mich.  He  was  living,  in 
1911,  at  Greenville. 

Children  of  John  and  Jane  Hoyt  (Ewell)  Avery: 

6140.  i.       Frank  Porter",  b.  Aug.  24,  1853,  at  Ionia,  Mich. 

6141.  ii.      Bryant  Ewell",  b.  Dec.  14,  1856,  at  Otisco,  Mich. 
6112.     iii.     Adah  Alvina",  b.  July  15,  1860,  at  Otisco. 

iv.     Minnie"    b.  Nov.  12,  1862,  at  Otisco;  d.  April  22,  1881,  at 

2957.  Sarah  Ann8  Avery  (John",  Moses*,  Amos5,  Nathan- 
id',  John-,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  in  1830,  in  Chautauqua 
Co.,  N.  Y.;  m.  in  1850,  at  Shepardsville,  Mich.,  William  B. 
Chapman.  He  was  b.  in  Ohio.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  June 
15,  1872,  at  Greenville,  Mich. 

Child   of  William   B.  and   Sarah  Ann    (Avery)    Chapman, 
b.  at  Shepardsville,  Mich. : 

i.       William    Beman',   b.   July    13,    1858.      Residence,   New    Mil- 
ford.  Mich. 

The  Eighth  Generation  885 

2958.  James  Merrit*  Avery  {John1,  Moses'1,  Amos71,  Na- 
thaniel*, John-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  8,  1831,  at 
Charlotte,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  6,  1852,  at  Dewitt,  Mich.,  Sarah 
Emeline  Campbell,  dau.  of  Ellson  and  Huldah  (Phiney)  Camp- 
bell. She  was  b.  Oct.  4,  1834,  in  Cayuga  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Nirvana,  Mich. 

Children  of  James  Merrit  and  Sarah  Emeline  (Campbell) 
Avery : 

6145.  i.  Adolphus  Sephronious",  b.  Sept.  21,  1853,  at  Dewitt. 

6146.  ii.  Nettie  Medora",  b.  Sept.  30,  1857,  at  St.  Johns,  Mich. 

6147.  iii.  Amy  Adell9,  b.  Aug.  4,  1870,  at  St.  Johns. 

6148.  iv.  John   Eddie",  b.  Aug.  22,  1873,  in  Lake  Co.,  Mich. 

2959.  Tyler  Caldwell8  Avery  (John7,  Moses6 ,  Amos5 ,  Na- 
thaniel*, John-,  James-,  Christopher*)  was  b.  Feb.  5,  1833,  at 
Charlotte,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  11,  1855,  at  Bingham  Tp.,  Mich., 
Hannah  Maria  Rowell,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Sally  (Pearl)  Rowell. 
She  was  b.  Oct.  10,  1839,  at  Greenbush,  Mich.  She  d.  June  28, 
1902 ;  he  d.  Oct.  4,  1909,  both  at  Duplain,  Clinton  Co.,  Mich.  He 
was  a  farmer. 

Children  of  Tyler  Caldwell  and  Hannah  Maria  (Rowell) 
Avery : 

Mary  Alice",  b.  May  24,  1858,  at  Greenbush. 

Sarah  Emma",  b.  Jan.  31,  1860,  at  Duplain. 

Frank  Marvin",  b.  Jan.  23,  1862,  at  Ovid,  Mich.;  d.  y. 

Arthur  John",  b.  May  26,  1864,  at  Ovid. 

Jennie  Zay9,  b.  Sept.  4,  1868,  at  Ovid. 

Myrtie  May",  b.  Aug.  13,  1871,  at  Ovid. 

Albert  M.9,  b.  Oct.  20,  1875.  at  Ovid;  d.  y. 

2960.  Sanford  Cooper s  Avery  (John7,  Moses",  Amos7',  Na- 
thaniel*, John-,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Aug.  21,  1843,  in 
Clinton  Co.,  Mich.;  m.  Sept.  28,  1864,  in  Clinton  Co.,  Marinda 
Rolfe,  dau.  of  Watson  and  Jane  Ann  (Witherell)  Rolfe.  She 
was  b.  about  1845,  in  Ingham  Co.,  Mich.  He  is  a  farmer.  Res- 
idence, St.  Johns,  Mich. 

Children  of  Sanford  Cooper  and  Marinda  (Rolfe)  Avery: 

6154.  i.       Berenice  Mabel",  b.  March  24,  1870. 

6155.  ii.      Nona  Marinda9,  b.  Aug.  23,  1875. 

6156.  iii.     Golda  Fern",  b.   April   14.  1882. 













886  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2961.  Laura*  Avery  (John7,  Moses*,  Amos*,  Nathaniel*, 
John.  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  11,  1848,  at  Norwich, 
Canada;  m.  Leonard  Clark.     She  d.  about  1881. 

Children  of  Leonard  and  Laura  (Avery)  Clark: 
i.       Velma". 
ii.     Leonard51. 

2964.  Amelia8  Avery  (John7,  Amos6,  Amos*,  Nathaniel*, 
John",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  15,  1845,  at  Wyoming, 
N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  8,  1867,  at  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis.,  Zenas  Curtis. 
He  was  b.  March  31,  1842,  in  Canada.  She  d.  July  3,  1890 ;  he 
d.  Feb.  18,  1911,  both  at  Humboldt,  la. 

Children  of  Zenas  and  Amelia  (Avery)   Curtis: 

i.       John    Myric9,   b.   April    12,   1869,   at   Brandon,   Wis.;    resi- 
dence, Humboldt,  la. 
ii.      William  Arthur",  b.  Oct.  10,  1870,  at  Brandon, 
iii.     Ethel9,  b.  Jan.  8,  1884,  at  Humboldt,  la. 

2966.  William8  Avery  (John7,  Amos6,  Amos*,  Nathaniel*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  23,  1855,  at  Wyoming, 
N.  Y.;  m.  May  26,  1887,  at  Brandon,  Wis.,  Mary  Metcalf. 
We  have  no  further  record. 

2967.  Mary8  Avery  (John7,  Amos6,  Amos5,  Nathaniel*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  8,  1867,  at  Fond  du 
Lac,  Wis.;  m.  Nov.  24,  1887,  at  Alto,  Wis.,  Andrew  Scouten. 
We  have  no  further  record. 

2971.  Samuel8  Avery  (David7,  Samuel6,  Richardson5,  Will- 
iam*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  28,  1790,  at 
Preston;  m.  Sept.  10,  1812,  Elizabeth  Avery  (No.  1987),  dau.  of 
Samuel  and  Sarah  (Eldridge)  Avery.  She  was  b.  Oct.  21,  1791, 
at  Preston.  He  was  a  farmer,  at  Preston.  She  d.  May  1,  1864, 
at  Lebanon ;  he  d.  June  8,  1872. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Avery: 

6200.  i.       David  Austin9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1815,  at  Preston. 

ii.      Oliver  Wolcott9,  b.  March  28,  1817,  at  Preston;  d.  July  27, 

iii.     Elizabeth9,  b.  July  4,  1820,  at  Preston;  d.  Oct.  8,  1827. 

6201.  iv.     George  Washington9,  b.  June  9,  1822,  at  Windham. 

v.      Charles  Dutton",  b.  Feb.  27,  1828,  at  Franklin;  d.  Jan.  30, 
1837,  at  Lebanon. 

6202.  vi.     Henry  Wolcott9,  b.  Dec.  27,  1829,  at  Franklin. 

The   Eighth  Generation  887 

2972.  Hannah"  Avery  (David7,  Samuel9,  Richardson-,  Will- 
iam*, John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  4,  1792,  at 
Preston;  m.  in  Nov.,  1809,  at  Preston,  Benjamin  Franklin  Park, 

s.  of  Elisha  and  Hannah  (Belton)  Park.  He  was  b.  Jan.  17, 
1782,  at  Preston.  She  d.  Jan.  17,  1855,  at  Preston;  he  d.  Oct. 
8,  1863,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Benjamin  Franklin  and  Hannah  (Avery)  Park, 
b.  at  Preston : 

i.       Emeline9,  b.  Oct.  12,  1812 ;  d.  June  22,  1862,  at  Preston, 
ii.      Albert   Franklin*,   b.    Dec.    11,   1814;   m.   Anna   Haseltine 
Lathrop;  was  a  teacher,  minister,  lawyer;  d.  Oct.  8,  1900, 
at  Preston,  much  lamented, 
iii.     Edwin   Avery1',  b.  Jan.  27,  1817;   m.  Hester  Ann  Allen;   a 

physician;  d.  Jan.  17,  1879,  at  New  Haven. 
iv.     John    Duane9,   b.    April   25,    1819;    m.    Emma    Wainwright 
Allen;   lawyer;   judge  of  county  court,  one  year;   judge 
of  superior   court,  thirty-four  years;   judge   of   supreme 
court,  many  years;  d.  Aug.  4,  1896,  at  Norwich, 
v.      Hannah    Cornelia8,   b.    May   27,    1822;    m.    James    Wood- 

vi.     Mary  Rosetta9,  b.  Dec.  2,  1826;  d.  Nov.  26,  1892,  at  Preston. 
vii.    Ralph    Hurlbut9,   b.    Aug.    19,    1832;    m.    Annetta    Rebecca 

Sterry;  book  publisher;  d.  March  31,  1895,  at  Preston, 
viii.  Paul  Webster5',  b.  May  31,  1837;  m.  Ellen  Rathbone;  clerk 
of  the  supreme  court;  d.  Dec.  28,  1881,  at  Norwich. 

2973.  Zipporah*  Avery  {David7,  Samuel6,  Richardson5,  Will- 
iam*, John-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  3,  1794,  at  Pres- 
ton ;  m.  Dec.  3,  1812,  at  Preston,  Avery  Bromley,    s.  of  Dewey 

and  Anna  (Barnes)  Bromley.  He  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1788,  at 
Preston.  He  was  a  farmer  and  hotel-keeper.  She  d.  March  27, 
1868,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  March  15,  1872,  at  the  same 

Children  of  Avery  and  Zipporah   (Avery)   Bromley: 

i.       Avery   Augustus9,  b.  Feb.  26,  1815,  at   Preston;  m.   Nancy 
M.  Bennett;  2d,  Abby  Bradley;  d.  Aug.  24,  1888,  at  Mid- 
dletown,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Mary  Woodbridge9,  b.  Aug.   7,  1817,  at  Preston;  m.  Benja- 
min C.  Benham;  d.  April  18,  1881,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
iii.     Hannah   Avery9,  b.   Oct.   1,   1819,   at   Preston;    d.  Jan.   13, 

1837,  at  Norwich. 
iv.     Nancy  Keables9,  b.  April  22,  1822,  at  Franklin;  m.  Horace 
Sill;  d.  March  27,  1854,  at  New  York  City. 

888  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

v.      William    L'   Hommedieu9,  b.   Nov.  2,   1824,  at  Lebanon;   d. 

Jan.  6,   1845. 
vi.     James  Lanman",  b.  May  27,  1827,  at  Lebanon;  m.  Margaret 

Sniffen;  d.  Jan.  16,  1894. 
vii.    Jane  Elizabeth',  b.  Aug-.  26,  1829,  at  Lebanon;  m.  Horace 

viii.  Sarah  Maria',  b.  May  10,  1832,  at  Lebanon;  m.  Samuel  L. 


2974.  Jabez*  Avery  (David',  Samuel*,  Richardson"',  Will- 
iam*, John*,  Janus-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  8,  1796,  at  Pres- 
ton ;  m.  Nov.  16,  1820,  at  Preston,  Rebecca  Fillmore,  dau.  of 
Amaziah  and  Hannah  (Ladd)  Fillmore,  and  widow  of  Gilbert 
Chappell.  She  was  b.  June  12,  1790 ;  d.  Jan.  5,  1852,  at  Lebanon. 
He  m.  2d,  June  2,  1855,  at  Mansfield,  Mrs.  Caroline  J.  (Topliffi 
Cole.  She  was  b.  March  17,  1816,  at  Mansfield.  He  d.  Dec.  5, 
1877,  at  Willimantic ;  she  d.  Nov.  16,  1904,  at  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Children  of  Jabez  and  Rebecca  (Fillmore)  Avery,  b.  at 
Lebanon : 

Hannah9,  b.  Aug.  18,  1822;  d.  y. 

Jabez  Huntington9,  b.  Aug.  9,  1824. 

John  Gilbert1,  b.  June  30,  1826. 

Nelson9,  b.  Jan.  2,  1829;  d.  Jan.  2,  1850;  unm. 

Amos9,  b.  April  22,  1831. 

Mary  Elizabeth9,  b.  July  12,  1833;  d.  y. 

2975.  Prudence8  Avery  (David7,  Samuel'',  Richardson'', 
William*,  John3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  7,  1799,  at 
Preston;  m.  May  7,  1820,  at  Windham,   John    Braman  Taylor, 

s.  of  William  Taylor.     He  was  a  farmer.     He  d.  June  22,  1874. 
at  Lebanon ;  she  d.  Oct.  6,  1884,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  John  Braman  and  Prudence  (Avery)  Taylor: 

Harriet  Electa9,  b.  April  26,  1821,  at  Windham;  m.  Ludlow 

Lawrence  Lyman. 
Julia    Ann',    b.    July   20,    1823,    at    Windham;    m.    Thomas 

Alfred  Sheffield;  d.  Feb.  22,  1900,  at  Lebanon. 
Frances  Abby5,  b.   Dec.  31,  1825,  at  Franklin;  m.  Thomas 
Horace  Park;  2d,  George  H.  Rood, 
iv.     William9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1828,  at  Franklin;  m.  Caroline  Lavinia 

v.      Nelson9,  b.   Aug.    13,    1830,  at   Franklin;    m.   Helen    Amelia 

Topliff;  2d,  Mary  Lurena  Kilbourn. 
vi.     Mary1,  b.  July  19,  1835,  at  Franklin;  m.  James  Clark. 










The  Eighth  Generation  8S9 

2976.  David*  Avery  (David7,  Samuel",  Richardson*,  Will- 
iam', John3,  James-,  Christophef1)  was  b.  April  8,  1801,  at  Pres- 
ton;  m.  Jan.  1,  1824,  at  Franklin,  Ruby  Fillmore,  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  Amaziah  and  Hannah  (Ladd)  Fillmore.  She  was  b.  at 
Franklin;  d.  in  1842,  at  Manchester.  She  is  mentioned  in  her 
father's  will,  July  7,  1831,  as  living,  and  in  a  codicil,  Aug.  12, 
1844,  as  dead.  He  m.  2d,  at  Bolton,  Lydia  Maria  Strong-,  dau.  of 
Nathaniel  Strong.  She  was  b.  about  1817,  at  East  Windsor; 
d.  June  9,  1861,  at  Coldbrook,  Mass.;  was  buried  in  the  West 
Cemetery,  Lebanon.  It  is  said  that  he  m.  3d,  Mrs.  Lucy  Maria 
(Barnes)  McCollough.  She  was  b.  in  Vermont.  He  m.  4th, 
Nov.  29,  1866,  at  New  London,  Mrs.  Julia  Darrow,  dau.  of  Paul 
Rogers.  She  was  b.  about  1823,  at  Waterford,  and  d.  at  Groton. 
He  was  a  Baptist  minister  and  preached  for  50  years.  He  d. 
May  3,  1875,  at  Waterbury. 

Children  of  David  and  Ruby  (Fillmore)  Avery: 

6207.  i.       Joseph1',  b.  June  10,   1830,  at  Norwich. 

6208.  ii.      Francis1',  b.  at   Norwich. 

Children  of  David  and  Lydia  Maria  (Strong)  Avery: 
i.       Osmus  Stillman1',  b.  in  April,  1846;  d.  Feb.  16,  1849. 

6209.  ii.      Evaline1',  b.  July  4,   1848,  at  Noank. 

6210.  iii.     Emma1',  b.  April  13,  1851,  at  Tyringham,  Mass. 

6211.  iv.     Millard  Fillmore9,  b.  March  16,  1854,  at  Stamford,  Vt. 

2977.  John"  Avery  (Da rid7,  Samuel6,  Richardson5,  Will- 
iam*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  9,  1806,  at  Pres- 
ton; m.  Dec.  29,  1831,  at  Lebanon,  Clarissa  Maria  Stiles,  dau.  of 
Edmund  and  Wealthy  (Loomis)  Stiles.  She  was  b.  Sept.  2, 
1809,  at  Herkimer,  N.  Y.  She  d.  Nov.  4,  1866,  at  Lebanon.  He 
m.  2d,  May  7,  1867,  at  Lebanon,  Mrs.  Almira  Atwood  Holmes, 
dau.  of  Joseph  and  Apphia  (Little)  Corey.  She  was  b.  March 
19,  1824,  at  Plainfield.  He  was  a  farmer,  justice  of  the  peace 
many  years ;  representative  in  the  state  legislature  from  Lebanon 
in  1864 ;  deacon  of  the  Lebanon  Baptist  Church  forty-two  years ; 
also  clerk  and  treasurer.  She  d.  Nov.  7,  1892 ;  he  d.  July  3,  1894, 
both  at  Lebanon. 

Children  of  John  and  Clarissa  Maria   (Stiles)  Avery,  b.  at 
Lebanon : 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

i.       Anna  Maria",  b.  Aug.  7,  1835;  d.  May  4,  1854. 

6212.  ii.     John  Henry",  b.  Feb.  8,  1841. 

6213.  iii.     William  Brumley",  b.  Sept.  30,  1844. 

2978.  Sarah8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Richardson6,  Richardson", 
William',  John",  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  26,  1794,  at 
Stonington;  m.  Jan.  18,  1812,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  Azariah 
Thomas,  s.  of  Amos  and  Eunice  (Bangs)  Thomas.  He  was  b. 
Dec.  15,  1782,  at  New  Salem,  Mass.  He  was  a  captain  of  the 
Jefferson  County  militia  in  the  War  of  1812  and  served  at  Sack- 
etts  Harbor;  lieut.-col.  of  the  108th  reg't  of  inf'y,  in  1817;  col. 
of  the  same  regiment  in  1818  (Military  Records  of  Netv  York, 
pages  1080,  1201,  1821,  1918,  2066).  He  d.  Sept.  14,  1831,  at 
Watertown,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  April  21,  1846,  at  Sheridan,  N.  Y. 
Both  were  members  of  the  Baptist  Church. 

Children  of  Azariah  and  Sarah  (Avery)  Thomas: 

Louisa9,  b.  about  1814,  at  Perch  River,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 
i.      Avery9,  b.  Jan.  3,  1817,  at  Perch  River, 
ii.     Harriet",  b.  June  1,  1819,  at  Perch  River, 
v.     Melinda9,  b.  June  3,  1821,  at  Perch  River;  d.  Oct.  3,  1858. 
v.      Amos  Russell",  b.  Oct.  3,  1826,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y.;  grad- 
uate of  the  Syracuse  Medical  College  in  1854;  graduate 
of    the    Pennsylvania    Medical    University;    professor    of 
anatomy  in  that  university  for  ten  years;   professor  of 
artistic  anatomy  in  the  Pennsylvania  Academy  of   Fine 
Arts;    surgeon    in   the   Armory    Square    Hospital,   Wash- 
ington,  during  the   civil   war;    professor   of  anatomy   in 
the  Hahnemann  Medical  College  in  1867;  dean  in  1874; 
an  author  of  note;  member  of  many  societies;  d.  Oct.  31, 
1895,   at   Philadelphia.      He   was   of   great   assistance   in 
the  publication  of  The  Averys  of  Groton,  by  Homer  D. 
L.  Sweet, 
vi.     Jane  M.9,  b.  Feb.  3,  1829,  at  Watertown;  d.  May  19,  1855. 
vii.    Charles  Azariah",  b.  April  1,  1831,  at  Watertown;  d.  Aug. 
18,  1848. 

2979.  Mary8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Richardson6,  Richardson5, 
William*,  John7",  James2,  Christopher^)  was  b.  Jan.  26,  1796,  at 
Stonington;  m.  about  1813,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  William  Geer. 
He  was  b.  April  19,  1790.  He  was  a  stone  mason.  He  d.  Jan. 
19,  1850,  at  Waterville,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  Dec.  7,  1880,  at  the  same 

The   Eighth  Generation  891 

Children  of  William  and  Mary  (Avery)  Geer,  b.  at  Water- 

ville : 

i.       Ralph  P.9,  b.  May  29,  1815;  m.  Maria  B.  Ware;  d.  April  17, 

1895,  at  North  Fairfield,  0. 

ii.      Clarissa",  b.  about  1817;  m.  Johnson. 

iii.     MrRANDA  L.9;  d.  May  12,  1840,  aged  21  years,  2  months. 

iv.     Maria  E.9;  d.  June  11,  1838,  aged  17  years,  12  days. 

v.      Mary  E.';  d.  Sept.  21,  1850,  aged  26  years,  2  months. 

vi.     Caroline  L.9;  d.  Dec.  18,  1846,  aged  20  years,  3  months. 

2980.  Joseph"  Avery  (Joseph7,  Richardson6,  Richardson5, 
William4,  John',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  7,  1798,  at 
Paris,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1822,  at  West  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  Eliza 
Livermore,  dau.  of  Josiah  and  Sally  Livermore.  She  was  b. 
May  15,  1802,  at  Hadley,  Mass.  He  was  a  carriage  maker.  She 
d.  June  15,  1867,  at  North  Brookfield,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  April  5,  1876, 
at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Eliza  (Livermore)  Avery: 

i.       E.  Lorenda9,  b.  Oct.  5,  1823;  d.  y. 

ii.     J.  Orlando",  b.  Aug.  10,  1825;  d.  y  . 

6214.  iii.     Charles  Carroll9,  b.  Sept.  25,  1828,  at  Brownville,  N.  Y. 

6215.  iv.     Joel  White9,  b.  Aug.  14,  1831,  at  Brookfield. 

6216.  v.      Mary  Louisa9,  b.  Aug.  26,  1836. 

6217.  vi.     Handy  Warren9,  b.  Dec.  7,  1838,  at  North  Brookfield. 

2981.  Annis*  Avery  (Joseph7,  Richardson6,  Richardson5, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  waa  b.  Jan.  9,  1801,  at 
Paris,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  10,  1824,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  John  Milton 
Kingsley,  s.  of  Amos  Kingsley.  He  was  b.  Sept.  18,  1799,  at 
Becket,  Mass.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Sept.  21,  1839,  at  Big- 
Rock.  111. ;  she  d.  Feb.  20,  1884,  at  Sheridan,  la. 

Children  of  John  Milton  and  Annis  (Avery)  Kingsley: 

i.       Lydia  Ann9,  b.  April  17,  1825,  at  Lebanon,  N.  Y.;  m.  Aaron 

Simmons   Rouse;    d.   Dec.    22,    1910. 
ii.      Clarentine9,  b.  Dec.  12,  1826,  at  Lebanon;  d.  Oct.  8,  1839. 
iii.     Martha  Jane9,  b.  Dec.  22,  1829,  at  Lebanon;  m.  Reuben  D. 

Axtell;   2d,  Philemon  Golden;   d.   Oct.  19,   1908. 
iv.     Ellen9,  b.  Feb.  9,  1832,  at  Brookfield;  m.  Reuben  D.  Axtell; 

d.  Dec.  11,  1859. 
v.      Emily9,  b.  April  2,  1834,  at  Brookfield;  d.  y. 
vi.     Mary  Mariah9,  b.  May  15,  1836,  at  Big  Rock,  111.;  m.  Mark 

Shirk.     He  d.  Sept.  3,  1895.     She  lives  at  Walnut,  111. 
vii.    Lovilla  Melora9,  b.  Sept.  30,  1839,  at  Big  Rock;  m.  Sidney 
Conger;  d.  Feb.  20,  1910. 

892  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

2982.  Joel8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Richardson*,  Richardson*,  Will- 
iam', John*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  8,  1803,  at 
Brookfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  23,  1824,  Polly  Benjamin.  She  d. 
Jan.  6,  1827.  He  m.  2d,  Sarah  White.  He  d.  Oct.  10,  1830,  at 
Brookfield,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Joel  and  Sarah  (White)  Avery: 

6218.  i.       Mary",  b.  Aug.  22,  1829,  at  North  Brookfield,  N.  Y. 

2983.  Amos  Read*  Avery  (Joseph1,  Richardson",  Richard- 
son5, William*,  John3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  8,  1805, 
at  Brookfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  15,  1831,  at  Brownville,  N.  Y., 
Lucina  Allen,  dau.  of  Ichabod  and  Abigail  (Coe)  Allen.  She 
was  b.  March  24,  1808,  at  Middletown.  He  was  a  graduate  of 
the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Fairfield,  N.  Y.,  and  the 
loved  and  trusted  physician  of  Forestville,  N.  Y.,  for  more  than 
forty  years.  She  d.  Feb.  20,  1881 ;  he  d.  April  14,  1881,  both  at 
New  York  City. 

Children  of  Amos  Read  and  Lucina  (Allen)  Avery,  b.  at 
Forestville : 

6219.  i.       Agnes  Caroline3,  b.  May  18,  1847. 

6220.  ii.      Sherman   Sanford",  b.   Nov.   4,   1850. 

2985.  Anson8  Avery  (Richardson7,  Richardson6,  Richard- 
son5, William4,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  26, 
1804,  at  Brownville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  26,  1824,  at  LeRoy,  N.  Y., 
Sally  Wilkie.  She  was  b.  May  19,  1804.  He  was  a  farmer.  He 
d.  Aug.  20,  1843,  at  Alexandria,  Jefferson  Co.,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Anson  and  Sally   (Wilkie)   Avery: 

6221.  i.       Alfred  Anson",  b.  Nov.  30,  1824,  at  LeRoy. 
Matthew  Wilkie5,  b.  March  31,  1827,  at  LeRoy. 
Sally  Ann",  b.  June  19,  1829,  at  LeRoy;  d.  y. 
Alonzo  Stephen",  b.  Oct.  27,  1831,  at  LeRoy. 
Almira  M.9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1834,  at  LeRoy. 
Smith  David",  b.  Aug.  27,  1836,  at  Alexandria. 
Sidney  S.9,  b.  March  16,  1839,  at  Alexandria. 

viii.  Mary  E.9,  b.  May  27,  1841,  at  Alexandria. 
Iciline  A.9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1848. 

2989.  Frederick  *  Avery  (Richaidson7,  Richardson'1,  Rich- 
ardson5, William*,  John-,  James",  Christopher^)  was  b.  Nov.  4, 
1813,  at  Brownville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  27,  1835,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y., 
























The  Eighth  Generation  893 

Mary   Maria   Converse,   dau.  of  Daniel  and  (Wolcott) 

Converse.  She  was  b.  July  4,  1816,  at  Rochester.  He  was  a 
farmer.  She  d.  July  5,  1881,  at  Akron,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  Feb.  4, 
1894,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Frederick  and  Mary  Maria  (Converse)  Avery: 

Ferdinand9,  b.  Dec.  15,  1836,  at  Newstead,  N.  Y. 

Joel9,  b.  Sept.  19,  1839,  at  Newstead. 

Martha9,  b.  Aug.  31,  1842,  at  Rochester;  d.  April  14,  1862; 

William1,  b.  July  12,  1846,  at  Byron,  N.  Y. 

Mary9,  b.  Nov.  15,  1858,  at  Akron;  d.  Dec.  26,  1874. 

2991.  Polly K  Avery  (Richardson7,  Richardson*,  Richard- 
son5, William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Oct.  14,  1817, 
at  Brownville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Julius  Octave  Roberts. 

Child  of  Julius  Octave  and  Polly  (Avery)  Roberts: 

i.       Alice  Ann9,  b.  July  5,   1852,  at   Alden,   N.   Y.;  m.   Austin 
B.   Barnum;   2d,  Henry  P.   Pervorse;   3d,  Henry  Dwight 
Perhaps  there  were  other  children. 

2992.  Richardson8  Avery  (RicJiardson7,  Richardson6,  Rich- 
ardson5, William4,  John'-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  23, 
1820,  at  Brownville,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  12,  1841,  at  Newstead,  Erie 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  Polly  Lovina  Eldred,  dau.  of  John  and  Ruth  (Has- 
kins)  Eldred.  She  was  b.  May  24,  1824,  at  Newstead;  d.  July 
25,  1852,  at  Hartland,  Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  m.  2d,  April  24, 
1855,  at  Holley,  N.  Y.,  Caroline  Potter,  dau.  of  Seeley  and  Phebe 
(Haskins)  Potter.  She  was  b.  Feb.  4,  1830,  at  Holley,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  farmer.  He  d.  May  24,  1898,  at  Bergen,  N.  Y.,  where  she 
is  (1911)  living. 

Children  of  Richardson  and  Polly  Lovina  (Eldred)  Avery: 
i.       Charles9,  b.   Sept.  9,   1847,  at   Armeda,  Mich.;   d.   Sept.    1, 
1864,  at  Hartland,  N.  Y. 

6232.  ii.      Sarah   Amelia9,   b.   July   6,   1851,   at   Hartland,   N.   Y.;    m. 

William  Avery   (No.  6231). 
Children  of  Richardson  and  Caroline  (Potter)  Avery,  b.  at 
Hartland,  N.  Y.: 

6233.  i.   George9,  b.  June  23,  1860. 

6234.  ii.   Ella9,  b.  March  3,  1864. 

894  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

2997.  Isaac*  Avery  (Frederick1 ,  Richardson",  Richardson-1, 
William',  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  at  Perch  River, 
Jefferson  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Mary  Ann  Stanley,  dau.  of  Joseph  and 
Rebecca  (Walker)  Stanley.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  at  Fre- 
donia,  N.  Y.    She  d.  at  Perch  River. 

Child  of  Isaac  and  Mary  Ann   (Stanley)   Avery: 
6240.     i.       Rebecca  Stanley",  b.  May  2,  1843,  at  Fredonia. 

2999.  Richardson*  Avery  (Frederick7,  Richardson*,  Rich- 
ardson3, William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  12, 
1812,  at  Perch  River,  N.  Y.;  m.  April  5,  1840,  at  Hamilton, 
Mich.,  Sarah  Lumbard,  dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Pamela  (McCluer) 
Lumbard.  She  was  b.  Sept.  3,  1812,  at  Powlett,  Vt.  He  was  a 
carpenter  and  joiner.  He  d.  Dec.  28,  1874,  at  Paw  Paw,  Mich.; 
she  d.  Jan.  28,  1899.  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Richardson  and  Sarah  (Lumbard)  Avery,  b. 
at  Paw  Paw: 

6250.  i.      Charles  Richardson9,  b.  Sept.  10,  1842. 

6251.  ii.      Frederick  Ebenezer',  b.  March  7,  1844. 

3000.  Taylor  Morgan8  Avery  (Frederick" ,  Richardson*, 
Richardson5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
26,  1815,  at  Brownville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  29,  1843,  in  Jefferson 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  Laura  Loomis,  dau.  of  Stephen  Buckingham  and  Kate 
(Bort)  Loomis.  She  was  b.  April  5,  1821,  in  Herkimer  Co., 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  lived  at  Hillsdale,  Mich.,  where  he 
d.  May  20,  1896.    She  d.  Nov.  8,  1908,  at  Hillsdale. 

Children  of  Taylor  Morgan  and  Laura  (Loomis)  Avery: 

6252.  i.       Frank  Loomis,  b.  Feb.  26,  1848,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y. 

ii.      Minerva  Peck0,  b.  Feb.  13,  1855,  at  Aliens,  Mich.;  d.  Sept. 
13,  1872,  at  Hillsdale,  Mich. 

3001.  Harlow*  Avery  (Frederick"  Richardson6,  Richard- 
son5, William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  ;  m.  Sept.  17,  1843, 
at  Watertown,  N.  Y.,  Jane  Rosaltha  Gates,  dau.  of  Jeremiah  and 
Rebecca  (Boardman)  Gates.  She  was  b.  June  9,  1825,  at  Brown- 
ville, N.  Y. 

3002.  Frederick  Woodruff*  Avery  (Frederick7 ,  Richard- 
son'', Richardson5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  30,   1821,  near  Watertown,  N.  Y.;  m.   Feb.,   1851,  at 

The   Eighth  Generation  895 

Silver  Creek,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Jane  Hewitt,  dau.  of  Palmer  and 
Lavinia  (Brace)  Hewitt.  She  was  b.  June  15,  1822,  at  New 
Haven,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  merchant.  He  d.  Nov.  15,  1857,  at 
Westfield,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  Sept.  15,  1888,  at  Cleveland,  0. 

Children  of  Frederick  Woodruff  and  Mary  Jane   (Hewitt) 

Avery : 

6260.  i.       Jennie  Hewitt",  b.  Aug.  26,   1852,  at  New   Haven,  N.  Y.; 

residence,  Cleveland,  O. 

6261.  ii.      Hattie  Lavinia9,  b.  June  15,  1855,  at  Westfield,  N.  Y. 

3003.  Harriet8  Avery  (Frederick7,  Richardson*,  Richard- 
son5, William*,  John3,  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  10, 
1823 ;  m.  March  5,  1849,  Wayne  Allen. 

Child  of  Wayne  and  Harriet  (Avery)  Allen: 
i.       Frank9,  b.  Dec.  3,  1857. 

3005.  Sterling  W.8  Avery  {Frederick',  Richardson?,  Rich- 
ardson7', William*,  Johnz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  22, 
1829 ;  m.  Dec.  8,  1853,  Sarah  C.  Harrison,  dau.  of  Joseph  and 
Mary  (White)  Harrison. 

Children  of  Sterling  W.  and  Sarah  C.  (Harrison)  Avery: 

6262.  i.   John  W.9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1854. 

6263.  ii.   Brayton  E.9,  b.  Nov.  21,  1856. 

6264.  iii.  Charles  E.9,  b.  Oct.  8,  1858. 

6265.  iv.  Celia  E.9,  b.  Oct.  11,  1860. 

3006.  Eliza  J.8  Avery  {Frederick1,  Richardson*,  Richard- 
son'', William*,  John9-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  13, 
1833 ;  m.  Feb.  23,  1854,  Charles  Emerson. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Eliza  J.  (Avery)  Emerson: 
i.       Ida9,  b.  March   12,  1855. 
ii.      Merrick  B.9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1856. 
iii.     Hattie  A.9,  b.  April  29,  1860;  d.  y. 

3017.  Mary  Elizabeth8  Avery  {John  Franklin',  John9,  John5 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  29,  1827,  at 
Cochecton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  8,  1857,  at  Damascus,  Pa.,  Harvey 
Wheeler  Mitchell,  s.  of  the  Rev.  John  Tyler  and  Almira 
(Wheeler)  Mitchell.  He  was  b.  July  28,  1828,  at  Damascus.  He 
was  a  graduate  at  Louisburg  University ;  Ph.  D. ;  a  teacher ;  she 
was  his  scholarly  and  able  assistant.     He  d.  Aug.  21,  1867,  at 

896  The  Groton  Avery   Clan 

Damascus.  Then  began  for  her  a  heroic  struggle  to  support 
and  educate  her  children.  About  1876,  she  was  appointed  post- 
mistress at  West  Damascus,  Pa.,  an  office  that  she  held  until  she 
moved  to  Kansas  in  1892.  To  the  last,  she  was  an  inspiration 
for  all  whose  lives  touched  hers.  She  d.  March  4,  1907,  at 
Ottawa,  Kas. ;  buried  at  Damascus,  Pa. 

Children  of  Harvey  Wheeler  and  Mary  Elizabeth   (Avery; 
Mitchell,  b.  at  West  Damascus,  Pa.: 

i.  John  Vestore",  b.  Nov.  2,  1858;  m.  Louisa  Skinner;  resi- 
dence,  Ottawa,   Kas. 

ii.      Sarah9,  b.  Aug.  25,  1861;  residence,  Emporia,  Kas. 

iii.  Judson  Wheeler9,  b.  July  2,  1863;  m.  Henrietta  Mac- 
Kenzie;   residence,   Emporia. 

3018.  John  Titus*  Avery  (John  Franklin7,  John6,  John% 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  15,  1829, 
at  Cochecton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  9,  1857,  at  West  Damascus,  Pa., 
Myra  Hubbard  Mitchell,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John  Tyler  and  Almira 
(Wheeler)  Mitchell.  She  was  b.  May  5,  1834,  at  West  Damascus, 
Pa.  He  was  a  merchant.  He  d.  May  10,  1873;  she  d.  Feb.  27, 
1911,  both  at  LeRoy,  Minn. 

Children    of   John    Titus    and    Myra    Hubbard    (Mitchell) 
Avery : 

6275.     i.       Eulalie9,  b.  Sept.  18,  1859,  at  Damascus. 

John    Ernest",   b.    Sept.   4,    1866,   at   Kendallville,    Ind.;    d. 

June  17,  1898,  at  LeRoy. 
Maybelle9,  b.  Aug.  14,  1870,  at  LeRoy. 
Estelle",  b.  March  9,  1873,  at  LeRoy. 

3019.  Sarah  Adeline8  Avery  (John  Franklin7,  John6,  John7', 
William4,  John,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  23,  1832,  at 
Cochecton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  23,  1855,  at  Damascus,  Pa.,  Thomas 
Young,  s.  of  George  and  Hannah  (Wheeler)  Young.  He  was  b. 
Oct.  8,  1825,  at  Damascus.  He  was  a  carpenter  and  farmer. 
He  d.  July  7,  1873,  at  LeRoy,  Minn.;  she  is  living  (1911)  at 

Child  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Adeline  (Avery)   Young,  b.  at 
Kendallville,  Ind. : 

i.  Frank  Thomas9,  b.  Aug.  5,  1858;  m.  Mary  Eva  Jones. 
Children— (a.)  Thomas  Otto10;  (b.)  Bernice1";  (c.)  Frank 
Edsonw.      Residence,    LeRoy. 







The   Eighth  Generation  897 

3020.  Francis  Henry8  Avery  {John  Franklin1,  John6,  John1, 
William*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  3,  1833,  at 
Cochecton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1872,  at  Chester,  la.,  Flora  Bid- 
well,  dau.  of  Decatur  and (Roberts)  Bidwell.    He  was 

a  merchant;  enlisted  in  August,  1861,  in  Company  C.  Fourth 
111.  Cav. ;  member  of  St.  Bernard  Commandery  of  LeRoy.  She 
d.  July  17,  1877,  at  LeRoy;  he  d.  Oct.  30,  1884,  at  the  same  place. 

Child  of  Francis  Henry  and  Flora   (Bidwell)   Avery,  b.  at 

LeRoy : 

i.       Maud  Flora9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1873;  d.  y. 

3021.  Howard  Delos8  Avery  (John  Franklin7,  John5,  John6, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  3,  1839,  at 
Cochecton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Victoria  Elizabeth  Mitchell,  dau.  of  John 
and  Almira  (Wheeler)  Mitchell.  She  was  b.  June  7,  1841,  at 
Damascus,  Pa.  He  was  a  soldier  in  Co.  C,  84th  Pa.  Vol.  Inf. 
Residence,  Linden,  Pa. 

Children  of  Howard  Delos  and  Victoria  Elizabeth  (Mitchell) 

Avery : 

6280.  i.       Arthur9,  b.  Oct.  15,  1867,  at  West  Damascus,  Pa. 

6281.  ii.      Friend',  b.  Aug.  18,  1876,  at  Eagles  Mere,  Pa. 

3022.  Lydia  Ann8  Avery  (John  Franklin7,  John6,  John*, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  31,  1842,  at 
Palmyra,  Pa. ;  m.  May  17,  1865,  at  Damascus,  Pa.,  Ransom 
Young  Mitchell,  s.  of  Amos  T.  and  Sallie  (Conklin)  Mitchell. 
He  was  b.  June  11,  1842,  at  Damascus.  He  is  an  oil  operator. 
Residence,  Findlay,  O. 

Children    of    Ransom    Young    and    Lydia    Ann    (Avery) 
Mitchell : 

i.       Fannie  Ellen9,  b.  April  18,  1866,  at  Damascus. 

ii.      Frank  Avery9,  b.  Oct.  21,  1869,  at  Damascus. 

iii.     Amos  J.9,  b.  July  5,  1871,  at  Dunmore,  Pa. 

iv.     Mabel  Eva9,  b.  Nov.  5,  1878,  at  Bradford,  Pa.;  m.  Eugene 

Goldsborough  Palmer, 
v.      Donald  Ransom9,  b.  April  14,  1882,  at  Bradford. 

3023.  Hannah  Ellen8  Avery  (John  Franklin7,  John9,  John*, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  15,  1845,  at 
Palmyra,  Pa. ;  m.  Nov.  21,  1876,  at  Damascus,  Pa.,  Harlan  Page 
Woodward,  s.  of  Daniel  Davis  and  Frances  D.  (Stanton)  Wood- 

898  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

ward.  He  was  b.  Sept.  30,  1846,  at  Prompton,  Pa.  He  is  a 
journalist;  editor  and  publisher  of  the  Peckville  Journal,  Peck- 
ville,  Pa. 

Child  of  Harlan  Page  and  Hannah  Ellen    (Avery)    Wood- 
ward, b.  at  Hawley,  Pa. : 

i.      Mamie  Pearl'',  b.  Sept.  28,  1878;  d.  y. 

3024.  Richard  Lukins8  Avery  (John  Franklin7,  John6,  John"', 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  18,  1848,  at 
Damascus,  Pa.;  m.  in  1882,  at  Chicago,  111.,  Adelaide  Briggs, 
dau.  of  William  E.  Briggs.  She  was  b.  in  1862,  at  Sparta,  Wis. 
Residence,  McLoud,  Okla. 

Child  of  Richard  Lukins  and  Adelaide  (Briggs)  Avery: 
6284.     i.       Clara  B.9,  b.  in  1884,  at  Chicago. 

3029.  Anna  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John6,  John*, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  12,  1824,  at 
Farmersville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  20,  1847,  at  Na-au-say,  111.,  Robert 
Gates,  s.  of  James  and  Christine  (Mumford)  Gates.  He  was  b. 
March  17,  1817,  at  Port  Tobacco,  Md.  He  was  a  carpenter  and 
farmer.  He  d.  July  9,  1882,  at  Kendall,  111.  She  is  living  (1911) 
at  Yorkville,  111. 

Children  of  Robert  and  Anna  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Gates,  b. 
at  Kendall: 

i.       Elizabeth   Avis9,  b.  Nov.  19,  1848;  m.  Henry  M.  Dwyre; 

residence,  Anoka,   Minn. 
ii.      Francis  Hart9,  b.  April  26,  1850;  m.  Anna  H.  Johnson;  d. 

May  24,  1907. 
iii.     Edgar  Tracy9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1851.     Residence,  Yorkville. 
iv.     John  James9,  b.   April   11,  1853;   m.  Isabel  E.  Gray;   resi- 
dence, Yorkville. 
v.     William  Hebron9,  b.  Sept.  1,  1854;  d.  y. 
vi.     Robert   Douglas9,   b.    Sept.    18,    1856;    m.    Eudora   Austin; 

residence,  Yorkville. 
vii.    Eva  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  27,  1858.     Residence,  Yorkville. 
viii.  Emma  Rose9,  b.  Dec.  10,  1860;  m.  Robert  F.  Garner;  resi- 
dence, Yorkville. 
ix.     Kittie  Louise9,  b.  Jan.  29,  1863;  d.  March  29,  1890. 
x.      Anna  Belle9,  b.  June  12,  1865;  m.  David  Lincoln  Whitlock; 

residence,  Aurora,  111. 
xi.     Charles  Lewis9,  b.  Oct.  14,  1867;  m.  Mary  Elizabeth  Dole; 
residence,  Yorkville. 

The  Eighth  Generation  899 

3030.  Torry  Winslow8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John9,  John'', 
William4,  John'-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  14,  1826,  in 
Cattaraugus  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  22,  1851,  at  Oswego,  111.,  Ann 
Lee,  dau.  of  Justin  and  Sibyl  (Smith)  Lee.  She  was  b.  Jan.  12, 
1833,  in  Berkshire  Co.,  Mass.  She  d.  Dec.  17,  1882,  in  Fillmore 
Co.,  Minn.;  he  d.  June  17,  1900,  near  Traer,  Kas.  He  was  a 

Children  of  Torry  Winslow  and  Ann  (Lee)  Avery: 

6288.  i.       Flora  Sibyl',  b.  March  25,  1858,  in  Will  Co.,  111.;  residence, 

Traer,  Kas. 

6289.  ii.      Charles  Lee1',  b.  June  3,  1860,  in  Will  Co.,  111. 

6290.  iii.     Jane  Caroline9,  b.  Dec.  22,  1861,  in  Will  Co.,  111. 

6291.  iv.     Justin  Tracy9,  b.  April  12,  1872,  in  Fillmore  Co.,  Minn. 

3031.  Cornelia  Maria8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John'3,  John% 
William*,  John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  11,  1828, 
at  Farmersville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  1,  1859,  at  Wilton,  III,  Levi  A. 
Whitlock,  s.  of  James  and  Almira  Whitlock.  He  was  b.  Feb. 
22,  1823,  at  Castleton,  Vt.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Dec.  19, 
1880,  at  Kendall,  111. ;  she  d.  Aug.  27,  1901,  at  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Levi  A.  and  Cornelia  Maria  (Avery)  Whitlock, 
b.  at  Kendall,  111.: 

i.       Chloe  Elizabeth9,  b.  Jan.  15,  1861;  d.  March  20,  1906. 

ii.      Ida  May9,  b.  Dec.  15,  1863;  d.  y. 

iii.  Wallace  Avery9,  b.  April  2,  1864;  m.  Etta  Beane;  d.  Jan. 
23,  1892. 

iv.  Amy  Almira9,  b.  Aug.  2,  1865;  m.  Joseph  Doefler.  Resi- 
dence, Oswego.  111. 

v.  Laura  Belle9,  b.  Feb.  5,  1867;  m.  Archie  Wylie;  d.  Aug. 
11,  1896,  at  Waterloo,  la. 

vi.  Grant  Colfax9,  b.  June  5,  1868;  m.  Effie  Nelson;  m.  2d, 
Dana  Nelson.     Residence,  Middleville,  Mich. 

3032.  Nancy  Sophia8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John®,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  6,  1830,  at 
Farmersville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  5,  1848,  at  Wilton,  111.,  John  Gear- 
hart  Royal,  s.  of  Charles  and  Mary  (Gearhart)  Royal.  He  was 
b.  May  14,  1827,  in  Fountain  Co.,  Ind.  He  was  a  farmer  and 
carpenter.  He  d.  April  25,  1882,  at  Aliens  Grove,  Wis.;  she  d. 
March  11,  1887,  at  Chester,  la. 

Children  of  John  Gearhart  and  Nancy  Sophia  (Avery) 
Royal,  b.  at  Wilton  Center,  111.: 

900  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

i.  Helen  Loretta9,  b.  June  7,  1849;  m.  Frank  W.  Whitemore; 
residence,  Walnut,   Calif. 

ii.  Mary  Ellen",  b.  Oct.  17,  1852;  m.  Buren  Combs;  residence, 
Lyons,  Ore. 

iii.  Fanny  Arlone9,  b.  March  9,  1857;  m.  Thomas  R.  Jones; 
residence,  Darien,  Wis. 

iv.  Olive  Louisa9,  b.  March  13,  1865;  m.  John  Jacob  Dietrich; 
residence,  Arlington  Heights,  111. 

v.  Arthur  Ladrew9,  b.  Aug.  1,  1867;  m.  Belle  Williams;  resi- 
dence, Republican,  Neb. 

Four  other  children  died  in  infancy. 

3033.  Louisa*  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John6,  John5,  William*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  4,  1832,  near  Farmers- 
ville,  N.  Y.;  m.  Sept.  30,  1858,  at  Wilton,  111.,  Samuel  Smith, 
s.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Hurd)  Smith.  He  was  b.  Sept.  4, 
1833,  in  Ohio ;  d.  Sept.  26,  1873,  at  Wilton,  111.  He  was  a  farmer. 
She  d.  Feb.  25,  1910,  at  Chicago  Lawn,  111. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Louisa  (Avery)  Smith,  b.  at  Wil- 
ton, 111. : 

i.      Mary  Elizabeth9,  b.   Sept.   10,   1860;   m.   Robert  M.  Hall; 

residence,  Chester,  la. 
ii.     Tracy  Avery9,  b.  Nov.  29,  1861;  m.  Clara  Antoinette  Barton. 

Residence,  Perry,  la. 
iii.     Maria  Ida9,  b.  May  29,  1867;  m.  Herbert  N.  Bush;  residence, 

Chicago  Lawn,  111. 
iv.     Clara   Belle9,   b.   Jan.    13,    1874;    a   teacher   in   the   public 

schools  of  Chicago,  111. 

3034.  Evaline  Aurilla8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John8,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  8,  1836,  at 
Camborough,  Canada;  m.  Nov.  20,  1861,  at  Joliet,  111.,  Asa 
Barrett,  s.  of  Luke  and  Mary  (Stiles)  Barrett.  He  was  b.  April 
19,  1830,  at  Kingston,  Canada.  She  d.  Feb.  18,  1911,  at  Chilli- 
cothe,  Mo.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Chillicothe,  Mo. 

Children  of  Asa  and  Evaline  Aurilla  (Avery)  Barrett,  b. 
at  Joliet,  111. : 

i.       Lora  M.9,  b.  Oct.  20,  1862;  m.  John  A.  Hall. 

ii.     Albert    Henry9,   b.    Oct.    14,    1864;    m.    Fannie    Emmeline 

iii.     Alta  Maria9,  b.  March  17,  1866. 

The   Eighth    Generation  901 

3035.  John  Orville8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John6,  John*, 
William*,  John'3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  13,  1838, 
at  Camborough,  Canada ;  m.  May  6,  1868,  at  Wilton,  111.,  Cath- 
erine Robbins,  dau.  of  Frederick  and  Nancy  Margaret  (Wood- 
ward) Robbins.  She  was  b.  Dec.  12,  1845,  at  Sturgis,  Mich.;  d. 
June  7,  1886,  at  Wilton.  He  is  a  retired  farmer.  Residence, 
Wilton  Center,  111. 

Children  of  John  Orville  and  Catherine  (Robbins)  Avery, 
b.  at  Wilton,  111. : 


Frederick  Torry9,  b.   Feb.  26,   1869. 
i.      Emily  Frances9,  b.  June  13,  1871. 
ii.    Margaret  Elizabeth9,  b.  Feb.  15,  1875. 

3036.  Gilbert  Tracy8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John\  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  21,  1840, 
at  Camborough,  Canada ;  m.  Aug.  21,  1866,  at  Wilton  Center,  111., 
Mandane  Jenks,  dau.  of  Obed  and  Hannah  (Muzzey)  Jenks. 
She  was  b.  April  5,  1844,  at  Elks  Creek,  Pa. ;  d.  June  1,  1869,  at 
Wilton  Center.  He  m.  2d,  Dec.  20,  1872,  at  Jackson  Grove,  111., 
Arisba  Parsons,  dau.  of  Robert  and  Melinda  (Lacey)  Parsons. 
She  was  b.  Jan.  21,  1848,  near  Charleston,  W.  Va.  He  was  a 
farmer.  He  d.  Feb.  24,  1892,  at  Chester,  la.,  where  his  widow  is 

Child  of  Gilbert  Tracy  and  Mandane  (Jenks)  Avery: 
6295.     i.       Grace  Martha8,  b.  Oct.  28,  1867,  at  Wilton  Center. 

Children  of  Gilbert  Tracy  and  Arisba  (Parsons)  Avery,  b. 
at  Wilton  Center: 


Minnie  Clara9,  b.  Sept.  23,  1873. 
i.      Gertrude  May9,  b.  May  27,  1875. 
ii.     Kate  Louisa9,  b.  Oct.  24,  1877. 
v.     Cora  Evalina9,  b.  May  10,  1879. 

6300.    v.      Emmazetta  Frances9,  b.  May  13,  1882. 

3037.  William  Thomas8  Avery  {Jabez  Tracy7,  John6,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  11,  1842,  in 
Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  17,  1865,  at  Joliet,  111.,  Mary  Jane 
Davis,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Lucinda  Davis.  She  was  b.  Feb. 
24,  1845,  in  Dupage  Co.,  111.  He  is  a  carpenter.  Residence,  St. 
Paul,  Minn. 











902  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  William  Thomas  and  Mary  Jane  (Davis)  Avery: 

Ella  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  15,  1866,  at  ,  Will  Co.,  111. 

Ada  Almira8,  b.  March  17,  1870,  at  Etna,  Minn. 

Sylvia  May9,  b.  April  29,  1873,  at  Chester,  la. 

Frances  Emily9,  b.  May  14,  1876,  at  Chester. 

William etta  Grace  Celeste9,  b.  Sept.  22,  1882,  at  Chester. 

3038.  Emily  Jane8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John6,  John7', 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  11,  1845,  at 
Na-au-say,  111.;  m.  Feb.  27,  1872,  at  Wilton  Center,  111.,  Isaac 
Carlos  Robbins,  s.  of  Frederick  and  Nancy  Margaret  (Wood- 
ward) Robbins.  He  was  b.  April  11,  1848,  at  White  Pigeon, 
Mich.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Kankakee,  111. 

Child  of  Isaac  and  Emily  Jane  (Avery)  Robbins,  b.  at 
Wilton  Center: 

i.       Smith  Avery9,  b.  May  18,  1883;  m.  Margaret  Barnes. 

3039.  Ada  Olivia8  Avery  (Jabez  Tracy7,  John6,  John5,  Will- 
iam4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  26,  1849,  at  Jack- 
son, 111. ;  m.  Nov.  15,  1870,  at  Joliet,  111.,    Roger  Brennan.     He 

was  b.  May  27,  1845,  in  Ireland.    He  served  in  the  100th  reg't 
of  111.  Vol.  Inf'y  during  the  civil  war;  moved  to  Egan,  So.  Dak., 
in  1878;  a  lawyer;  county  judge.    Residence,  Simla,  Neb. 
Children  of  Roger  and  Ada  Olivia   (Avery)   Brennan: 

i.       Evaline    Eulala9,   b.    Sept.    12,    1871,   at    Chester,    la.;    m. 

James  Frank  Hill. 
ii.      Tracy9,  b.  Sept.  10,  1873,  at  Chester;  d.  y. 
iii.     Gilbert9,  b.  June  15,  1875,  at  Chester;  d.  April  16,  1891,  at 

iv.     Jennie9,  b.  Nov.  27,  1877,  at  Chester;  m.  Dr.  Richard  Fran- 
cis Robinson;  graduate  of  the  Boston  College  of  Physi- 
v.      Virgil  Asa9,  b.  Sept.  25,  1885,  at  Egan;  d.  y. 
vi.     Flora  Mandane9,  b.  Feb.  2,  1889,  at  Egan. 
vii.    Roger  Royal9,  b.  Jan.  31,  1891,  at  Egan. 

3040.  Juliette  Alesceba8  Avery  (Silas  Dort7,  John6,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  27,  1830,  at 
Aurelius,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1860,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  Henry 
Vroman,  s.  of  David  Vroman.  He  was  a  carpenter.  He  d.  Dec. 
22,  1879 ;  she  d.  April  2,  1890,  both  at  Syracuse.    No  children. 

The   Eighth  Generation  903 

3041.  Otis  Alphonso8  Avery  (Silas  DorV,  John*,  John7', 
William*,  John2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  11,  1832, 
at  Aurelius,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  14,  1854,  at  Penn  Yan,  N.  Y., 
Margaret  Ann  Winfield,  dau.  of  Peter  Alexander  and  Mary 
(Cole)  Winfield.  She  was  b.  Aug.  3,  1837,  at  Dundee,  N.  Y. 
He  d.  July  16,  1867,  at  Jordan,  N.  Y.;  she  d.  May  1,  1896,  at  the 
same  place. 

Children  of  Otis  Alphonso  and  Margaret  Ann    (Winfield) 

Avery : 

i.       Myron  Augustus',  b.  Oct.  18,  1855,  at  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.; 

d.  Oct.  10,  1896,  at  Palestine,  Tex.;  unm. 
ii.      Margaret',  b.  Oct.  12,  1857,  at  Warner,  N.  Y.;  d.  Aug.  14, 

1865,  at  Weedsport,  N.  Y. 

6308.  iii.     Ella  Mary0,  b.  July  26,  1859,  at  Weedsport. 
iv.     Hattie9,  b.  July  20,  1867,  at  Jordan;  d.  y. 

3042.  Augustus  Silas8  Avery  (Silas  Dort7,  John*,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Aug.  8,  1837,  at 
Aurelius,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  20,  1871,  at  Geddes,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Lor- 
inda  Troop,  dau.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Tucker)  Troop.  She 
was  b.  Sept.  8,  1845,  at  Geddes.  He  is  a  merchant  tailor.  Resi- 
dence, Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Augustus  Silas  and  Mary  Lorinda  (Troop) 
Avery : 

6309.  i.       George  Silas9,  b.  July  12,  1873,  at  Geddes. 

6310.  ii.      Anna  Cynthia8,  b.  Nov.  11.  1876,  at  Geddes. 

6311.  iii.     Irving  Otis9,  b.  March  24,  1889,  at  Syracuse. 

3043.  Clarence  Lucius8  Avery  (Charles7,  John",  Johir, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  27,  1835,  at 
Cochecton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  14,  1865,  at  Flint,  Mich.,  Flora 
Mary  Hazelton,  dau.  of  Porter  and  Mary  E.  (Gillett)  Hazelton. 
She  was  b.  Oct.  10,  1841,  at  Fenner,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  merchant; 
d.  Dec.  29,  1906,  at  Herkimer,  N.  Y.  She  lives  at  Little  Falls, 
N.  Y.,  and  at  San  Juan,  Porto  Rico. 

Children  of  Clarence  Lucius  and  Flora  Mary  (Hazelton) 
Avery : 

6312.  i.      Charles  Porter9,  b.  Dec.  24,  1865,  at  Flint. 

ii.      Clarence   Lucius9,  b.   Aug.   5,   1867,  at   Flint;   d.  June   7, 
1896,  at  Herkimer;  unm. 

6313.  iii.     Mary  Louisa8,  b.  May  7,  1872,  at  Herkimer. 

904  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3044.  Caroline  Matilda"  Avery  (Charles7,  John6,  John'', 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  5,  1842,  at 
Dansville,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  15,  1865,  at  Flint,  Mich.,  George 
Barker  McCreery,  s.  of  Reuben  and  Susan  (Barker)  McCreery. 
He  was  b.  Oct.  9,  1841,  at  Flint.  He  d.  June  10,  1875,  at  Flint. 
She  lives  at  Herkimer,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  George  Barker  and  Caroline  Matilda   (Avery) 

McCreery : 

i.       Helen9,  b.   April  16,   1867,  at  Flint;   d.   Nov.   10,   1885,   at 

ii.      George  Curtis9,  b.  July  28,  1869,  at  Flint;  d.  Feb.  18,  1875, 

at  Detroit,   Mich. 
iii.     Grace  Susan9,  b.  July  28,  1869,  at  Flint;  m.  Clinton  Moon 

Batchelder.     Residence,  Herkimer, 
iv.    Clarence   Avery9,   b.    Feb.    7,    1874,    at    Davisburg,    Mich. 

Residence,  Herkimer. 

3045.  Charles8  Avery  (Otis7,  John9,  John5,  William*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  14,  1830,  at  Canaan,  Pa.;  m. 
Jan.  20,  1853,  at  Bethany,  Pa.,  Mary  Ann  Goff,  dau.  of  William 
and  Eliza  (Brentnell)  Goff.  She  was  b.  Aug.  1,  1832,  near 
Elizabeth,  N.  J.;  d.  April  19,  1904,  at  Bethany.  He  is  a  civil 
engineer.    Residence,  Bethany,  Pa. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Mary  Ann  (Goff)   Avery: 
i.       Louisa9,  b.  June  18,  1854,  at  Honesdale,  Pa.;  d.  y. 

6314.  ii.      Mary  Eliza9,  b.  May  11,  1856,  at  Bethany. 

6315.  iii.     Ella  Blanche9,  b.  July  5,  1858,  at  Bethany. 

6316.  iv.     Anna  Mildred9,  b.  Jan.  30,  1861,  at  Bethany. 

6317.  v.      Jennie  Isabella9,  b.  March  13,  1863,  at  Dyberry  Tp.,  Pa. 

6318.  vi.     Carrie9,  b.  April  28,  1866,  at  Dyberry  Tp. 

6319.  vii.    William  Otis9,  b.  June  26,  1875,  at  Bethany. 

3047.  Louisa8  Avery  (Otis7,  John9,  John5,  William*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  5,  1839,  at  Bethany,  Pa.; 
m.  Oct.  2,  1861,  at  Honesdale,  Pa.,  John  Fox  Brodhead,  s.  of  John 
M.  and  Louisa  (Ross)  Brodhead.  He  was  b.  Sept.  6,  1837,  at 
Milford,  Pa.;  d.  March  24,  1883,  near  New  Benson,  Arizona. 
She  m.  2d,  Frederick  Kellogg  Gillette,  s.  of  Robert  Edwin  and 
Lucy  (Kellogg)  Gillette.  He  was  b.  Sept.  17,  1844,  at  Oberlin, 
O.    Residence,  Fairhaven,  Wash. 

The   Eighth    Generation  905 

Children  of  John  Fox  and  Louisa  (Avery)  Brodhead,  b.  at 
Milford,  Pa.: 

i.       Mary  Agnes9,  b.  July  15,  1862;  d.  y. 

ii.      Louise  Ross9,  b.  Aug.  1,  1864;  m.  John  Beazely  Hastings. 

3048.  Eliza8  Avery  (Otis7,  John6,  John5,  William*,  John3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  28,  1841,  at  Bethany,  Pa.; 
m.  June  11,  1867,  at  Honesdale,  Pa.,  William  Henry  Brodhead, 

s.  of  William  and  Susannah  (Coolbaugh)  Brodhead.  He  was  b. 
Aug.  5,  1832,  at  Milford,  Pa.  He  was  a  lawyer.  He  d.  Oct.  21, 
1898,  at  Hailey,  Idaho.  She  is  living  (1911)  at  Flagstaff,  Ari- 

Child  of  William  Henry  and  Eliza  (Avery)  Brodhead : 

i.      William  Avery9,  b.  Aug.  19,  1872,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
Residence,  Hailey,  Idaho. 

3049.  Victorine  Eliza8  Avery  (James  Bruce7,  John6,  John7', 
Willia?n*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  5,  1851,  at 
Honesdale,  Pa. ;  m.  Jan.  27,  1875,  George  Wallace  Collins,  s.  of 
Lorenzo  Collins.  He  was  b.  June  16,  1842,  at  Cherry  Ridge,  Pa. 
She  d.  Oct.  13,  1888,  at  Cherry  Ridge.  He  is  a  carpenter  and 
farmer.    Residence,  Cherry  Ridge,  Pa. 

Children  of  George  WTallace  and  Victorine  Eliza  (Avery) 
Collins,  b.  at  Cherry  Ridge : 

i.       Sadie9,  b.  Oct.  31,  1877. 

ii.      George  Lorenzo9,  b.  Feb.  4,  1880. 

iii.     Walter  Avery9,  b.  Nov.  2,  1884. 

3050.  Otis  Alonzo8  Avery  (James  Bruce7,  John6,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  17,  1853, 
at  Clinton,  Pa. ;  m.  Feb.  29,  1888,  at  Milton,  Pa.,  Annie  E.  Young, 
dau.  of  Joseph  G.  and  Jane  (Slack)  Young.  She  was  b.  Feb.  6, 
1869,  at  Watsontown,  Pa.  He  was  a  mason.  She  d.  Nov.  25, 
1896,  at  Honesdale;  he  d.  Feb.  13,  1901,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Otis  Alonzo  and  Annie  E.  (Young)  Avery,  b. 
at  Honesdale : 

6320.     i.       Norman  W.9,  b.  July  29,  1890. 

ii.      Annie  May9,  b.  Oct.  25,  1896;  d.  y. 

3051.  Mary  Elizabeth8  Avery  (James  Bruce7,  John6,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  18,  1855,  at 
Honesdale,  Pa. ;  m.  May  16,  1875,  at  Bethany,  Pa.,  James  Henry 

906  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Terrell,  s.  of  John  and  Margaret  (Smith)  Terrell.  He  was  b. 
June  9,  1854,  at  Honesdale.  She  is  living  (1911)  at  Honesdale. 
Children  of  James  Henry  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Avery) 
Terrell,  b.  at  Honesdale: 

i.      John  Joseph1',  b.  Nov.  22,  1876. 

ii.      James  Henry",  b.  July  16,  1878;  d.  y. 

iii.     Lorance  Levi5",  b.  Dec.  17,  1882. 

3052.  Sarah  Cornelia8  Avery  (Thomas  Henry1 ,  John8,  John6, 

William1,  John'6,  James2,  Christopher'1)  was  b.  April  8,  1848,  at 
New  Berlin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  13,  1873,  at  New  Berlin,  Austin 
White,  s.  of  Thomas  and  Caroline  (Hurlburt)  White.  He  was 
b.  Dec.  28,  1835,  at  Pittsfield,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  carpenter;  pri- 
vate in  Co.  F,  114th  regt,  N.  Y.  inf'y,  in  the  civil  war;  post- 
master of  New  Berlin  for  twenty-three  years ;  town  clerk,  many 
years.  He  d.  Nov.  27,  1893,  at  New  Berlin.  She  lives  at  New 

Children  of  Austin  and  Sarah  Cornelia  (Avery)  White,  b. 
at  New  Berlin : 

i.       Caroline  Hurlburt9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1875;  m.  Claude  D.  Van 
Derson ;   residence,  Effingham,  111. 

ii.      Floyd  Avery9,  b.  July  20,  1877;  d.  March  23,  1897. 

3053.  Ellen  Ely8  Avery  {Thomas  Henry',  John*,  John?, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  2,  1850,  at 
New  Berlin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  14,  1875,  at  Pittsfield,  N.  Y.,  Lyman 
Deming,  s.  of  William  Nelson  and  Ann  (Baird)  Deming.  He 
was  b.  in  1851,  at  Edmeston,  N.  Y.  She  d.  May  22,  1887,  at 
Pittsfield.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Pittsfield,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Lyman  and  Ellen  Ely  (Avery)  Deming,  b.  at 
Pittsfield : 

i.      Arthur  Thomas9,  b.  Sept.  30,  1877. 
ii.      Ray  Austin9,  b.  Oct.  14,  1881;  d.  y. 
iii.     William  Nelson9,  b.  April  17,  1887. 
iv.     Anna9,  b.  April  17,  1887. 

3054.  Lucia  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Thomas  Henry7,  John*, 
John7',  William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  9, 
1860,  at  New  Berlin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  7,  1877,  at  Sherburne, 
N.  Y.,  William  James  Mitchell,  s.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  (Curry) 

The   Eighth   Generation  907 

Mitchell.     He  was  b.  Sept.  7,  1856,  at  Rhinebeck,  N.  Y.     Resi- 
dence, Richfield  Springs,  N.  Y. 

Child    of    William    James    and    Lucia    Elizabeth     (Avery) 


i.  Grace  Isabelle",  b.  March  23,  1878,  at  New  Berlin;  m. 
George  Linn  Van  der  Veer;  residence  (1900),  Spring- 
field Center,  N.  Y. 

3055.  Frank  Hobart*  Avery  (Thomas  Henry7,  John6,  John5, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  26,  1866,  at 
New  Berlin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.,  1892,  at  Fonda,  N.  Y.,  Minnie  Eliza- 
beth Allen.  She  was  b.  May  25,  1866;  d.  Nov.  25,  1895,  at 
Gloversville,  N.  Y.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  28,  1897,  at  Utica,  N.  Y., 
Catharine  Anna  Conrad.  He  is  a  glove  maker  and  carpenter. 
Residence,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

3056.  Arthur  Almeron*  Avery  (Thomas  Henry7,  John*, 
John5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  26, 
1877,  at  New  Berlin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  20,  1901,  at  Tupper  Lake, 
N.  Y.,  Lucy  Katharine  LaDuke,  dau.  of  Antoine  and  Elizabeth 
(Herbert)  LaDuke.  She  was  b.  March  25,  1879,  at  Potsdam, 
N.  Y.     Residence,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Arthur  Almeron  and  Lucy  Katherine  (LaDuke) 
Avery : 

6324.  i.       Lucile  Ethlyn9,  b.  Aug.  22,  1902,  at  Tupper  Lake. 

6325.  ii.      Frank  John9,  b.  July  31,  1904,  at  Potsdam,  N.  Y. 

6326.  iii.     William    Mitchell9,    b.    March    3,    1909,    at    Schenectady, 

N.  Y. 

3058.  Charles  Thomas8  Avery  (Zelotus  William',  John6, 
John5,  William4,  John7',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  20, 
1854 ;  m.  July  2,  1874,  at  Middletown,  N.  Y.,  Agnes  Williams. 

Child  of  Charles  Thomas  and  Agnes   (Williams)   Avery: 

6330.  i.       Jennie  May9,  b.  June  26,  1875. 

3059.  John  Francis*  Avery  (Zelotus  William",  John6,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  27,  1856; 
m.  Sept.  26,  1883,  at  Crystal  Lake,  Fla.,  Ella  M.  Snow. 

Child  of  John  Francis  and  Ella  M.  (Snow)  Avery: 

6331.  i.   Percievelle9,  b.  Sept.  29,  1886. 

908  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3060.  Mary  Leila8  Avery  {Zelotus  William7,  John9,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  28,  1857; 
m.  May  10,  1878,  at  Lake  Como,  Fla.,  Horace  Prior. 

Children  of  Horace  and  Mary  Leila  (Avery)  Prior: 
i.      Ernest  Howard*,  b.  Sept.  20,  1879. 
ii.      Horace9,  b.  Nov.  18,  1883. 

3062.  Lucia  Elizabeth8  Avery  {Lucius1,  John9,  John5,  Will- 
iam*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  1,  1852,  at 
Charleston,  S.  C. ;  m.  Jan.  5,  1869,  at  New  Berlin,  N.  Y.,  George 
Littlewood,  s.  of  Henry  and  Eliza  (Bennett)  Littlewood.  He 
was  b.  March  3,  1848,  at  Franklin,  N.  Y.  He  is  in  the  creamery 
business.    Residence,  Lisle,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  George  and  Lucia  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Little- 
wood, b.  at  New  Berlin: 

i.       Elizabeth9,  b.  March  28,  1871;  d.  y. 
ii.      Nettie  A.9,  b.  Nov.  5,  1872. 

3063.  Robert  Bruce8  Avery  {Daniel  Clark1,  Robert9,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  1,  1824,  at 
Perryville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  27,  1849,  at  Perryville,  Augusta 
Marion  Lansing,  dau.  of  Abraham  Wendell  and  Sarah  (Holden) 
Lansing.  She  was  b.  Aug.  23,  1826,  at  Perryville.  He  was  a 
farmer.  She  d.  May  23,  1894;  he  d.  May  10,  1907,  both  at 

Children  of  Robert  Bruce  and  Augusta  Marion   (Lansing) 

Avery,  b.  at  Perryville: 

Wendell  Lansing9,  b.  Sept.  23,  1850. 

Marian  Elvira9,  b.  Oct.  26,  1852;  d.  April  26,  1869. 

Charles  Hudson9,  b.  June  11,  1854;  d.  Oct.  7,  1883. 

Caroline  Sarah9,  b.  May  26,  1858. 

Robert  Clark9,  b.  April  29,  1862. 

Helen  Louisa9,  b.  Dec.  17,  1870. 

3064.  Mary  Jane8  Avery  {Daniel  Clark1,  Robert9,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  11,  1832, 
at  Perryville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  29,  1864,  at  Perryville,  Franklin 
Hodge,  s.  of  Solomon  and  Mary  (Bradley)  Hodge.  He  was  b. 
Dec.  20,  1834,  at  Perryville,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  wagon  maker  and 
farmer.  She  d.  in  Oct.,  1892;  they  both  d.  at  Northfield,  Minn. 
No  children. 











The  Eighth  Generation  909 

3065.  Charles  Hudson  *  Avery  (Daniel  Clark7,  Robert0, 
John5,  William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  10, 
1834,  at  Perryville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  14,  1870,  at  Thompsonville, 
N.  Y.,  Pauline  Hughson,  dau.  of  William  Addison  and  Margaret 
(Day)  Hughson.  She  was  b.  May  11,  1848,  at  Thompsonville. 
He  was  a  graduate  of  the  Long  Island  College  Hospital;  for 
many  years  secretary  of  the  New  York  County  Medical  Society; 
a  physician  of  high  repute.  He  d.  Nov.  2,  1897,  at  New  York 
City,  where  his  widow  is  (1911)  living. 

Child  of  Charles  Hudson  and  Pauline  (Hughson)  Avery: 

6341.  i.       Alice9,  b.  Aug.  25,  1872,  at  New  York  City. 

3066.  Julia  Melissa8  Avery  (John  W7,  Robert6,  John5,  Will- 
iam*, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  1,  1819;  m. 
Sept.  12,  1844,  at  Morrisville,  N.  Y.,  Charles  Leander  Kellogg, 
s.  of  Calvin  and  Sophronia  (Hicox)  Kellogg.  He  was  b.  Nov. 
16,  1818.  He  was  a  commercial  agent;  d.  Nov.  2,  1893,  at  Clin- 
ton, la.     No  children. 

3068.  Thomas  Morris8  Avery  (Orin  Smith7,  Robert6,  John5, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  12,  1821,  at 
Perryville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  14,  1847,  at  Morrisville,  N.  Y., 
Margaret  Experience  Morris,  dau.  of  Harvey  and  Lovina  (Gur- 
ley)  Morris.  She  was  b.  Oct.  19,  1825,  at  Morrisville.  He  removed 
to  Chicago.  He  was  a  Congregationalist ;  a  Republican ;  a  mem- 
ber of  the  board  of  education ;  an  officer  in  the  Y.  M.  C.  A. ;  a 
director  of  the  board  of  trade;  president  of  the  Chicago  Brass 
Company,  and  president  of  the  Elgin  Watch  Company,  which 
company  he  organized.  She  d.  Nov.  20,  1870;  he  d.  May  26, 
1901,  both  at  Chicago. 

Children  of  Thomas  Morris  and  Margaret  Experience  (Mor- 
ris) Avery,  b.  at  Chicago,  111. : 

6342.  i.      Charles  Oren8,  b.  July  7,  1854. 

6343.  ii.      Frank  Morris",  b.  May  27,  1863. 

3069.  Henry8  Avery  (Robert  B.7,  Robert6,  John5,  William4, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  5,  1821,  in  Green  Co., 
111. ;  m.  May  8,  1842,  Mary  Mordock  Ogle.  She  was  b.  Jan.  28, 
1824;  d.  Sept.  12,  1864,  near  Burlington,  la.    He  m.  2d,  Nov.  14, 













910  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

1865,  at  Burlington,  Sophia  Albertina  Staff,  dau.  of  Charles  and 
Margaret  (Newburg)  Staff.  She  was  b.  June  7,  1838,  in  Swe- 
den. He  was  a  fruit  grower  and  nurseryman.  He  d.  Dec.  3, 
1888,  at  his  homestead,  seven  miles  southwest  of  Burlington, 
where  his  widow  and  two  sons  are  still  living. 

Children  of  Henry  and  Mary  Mordock  (Ogle)  Avery,  b.  in 
Des  Moines  Co.,  la. : 

Nancy  Alice1',  b.  Dec.  30,  1844. 

Robert  Lee9,  b.  Aug.  29,  1848;   d.  April  9,  1887,  at  New 

London,  la. 
Ella  Arvilla9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1853. 
Henry  Jay9,  b.   Dec.  28,  1855. 
D.  N.",  b.  July  3,  1859;  unm.  in  1911. 
Lora  May9,  b.  May  26,  1863. 

Children  of  Henry  and  Sophia  Albertina    (Staff)    Avery, 

b.  in  Des  Moines  Co. : 

Ivinia  M.9,  b.  Aug.  14,  1866;  d.  y. 

Ivan9,  b.  Oct.  31,  1868. 

Oren  Elmo9,  b.  Feb.  23,  1870. 

John  White9,  b.  Jan.  27,  1872;  unm.  in  1911. 

Alinda  Gilbert9,  b.  Nov.  10,  1876. 

Olive  Margaret9,  b.  Oct.  30,  1882. 

3070.  Clarissa8  Avery  (Robert  B.~,  Robert*,  John5,  Will- 
iam4, John2,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  7,  1824,  at  Jer- 
seyville,  111. ;  m.  July  9,  1843,  at  Des  Moines,  la.,  Calvin  Gamage, 
s.  of  Joshua  and  Priscilla  (Farrington)  Gamage.  He  was  b. 
June  20,  1811,  at  Fryeburg,  Me.  He  was  a  farmer  and  insurance 
agent.  He  d.  Aug.  29,  1885,  at  Mount  Pleasant,  la. ;  she  d.  Dec. 
31,  1906,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Calvin  and  Clarissa    (Avery)    Gamage,  b.  at 
Burlington,  la. : 

i.      Walter  Lee9,  b.  July  5,  1844;  m.  Mary  Eoff;  in  the  civil 
war,  he  was  a   soldier  in   Co.  E,  25th   Iowa   Inf.;   resi- 
dence, Kansas  City,  Mo. 
ii.      Emma9,  b.  Jan.  6,  1847;  m.  George  W.  Curfman. 
iii.     Clara9,  b.  April  20,  1850;  m.  Joseph  W.  Henderson, 
iv.     Della9,  b.  June  18,  1854;  m.  Oliver  P.  Kibben;   d.  Sept.  2, 

1890,  at   Curtis,   Neb. 
v.      Nelson  Henry9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1860;  m.  Hattie  . 












The  Eighth   Generation  911 

3071.  Sarah  Ann8  Avery  (Robert  B.\  Robert9,  John6,  Will- 
iam4, John3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  4,  1828,  in  Green 
Co.,  111. ;  m.  July  4,  1849,  at  Burlington,  la.,  Austin  Willey  Corn- 
stock,  s.  of  Joab  and  Jane  (Lemon)  Comstock.  He  was  b.  Dec. 
23,  1827,  at  New  Haven,  O.  He  was  the  inventor  of  the  Com- 
stock scale,  and  was  a  colonel  of  militia  in  the  civil  war.  He  d. 
July  12,  1889,  at  Mount  Pleasant,  la.;  she  d.  Nov.  8,  1906,  at 
Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Austin  Willey  and  Sarah  Ann   (Avery)    Com- 
stock, b.  at  Burlington,  la. : 

i.       Laura  Aurelia9,  b.   March  23,   1850;  m.  Horace  Clark;   d. 

Jan.  6,  1896,  at  Lyndon,  Kas. 
ii.      Stella  Loretta9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1851;  m.  Dumont  Saunders, 
iii.     Henry  Willey9,  b.  Oct.  26,  1854;  m.  Carrie  Sellers, 
iv.     Jennie  Brown9,  b.  Oct.  10,  1857;  m.  Ernest  Chapin  Cole, 
v.      Mary  Eunice9,  b.  Oct.  9,  1859;  m.  Charles  Jerome  Traxler. 
vi.     Alice  Avery9,  b.   Sept.  20,   1865. 

3072.  Orestes  Burton8  Avery  (Daniel  J.7,  Daniel6,  John5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  21,  1830, 
at  Sweden,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  7,  1856,  at  Brockport,  N.  Y.,  Elizabeth 
Joy,  dau.  of  Joseph  Ely  and  Sarah  Ann  (Crouch)  Joy.  She  was 
b.  Sept.  23,  1832,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  merchant ;  d. 
July  31,  1890,  at  Brockport,  where  his  widow  is  (1911)  living. 

Children  of  Orestes  Burton  and  Elizabeth  (Joy)  Avery,  b. 
at  Brockport: 

6370.  i.      Horace  Burton9,  b.  June  1,  1867. 

6371.  ii.      Fannie    Louise9,   b.    April    4,    1872;    a   teacher;    residence, 


3073.  Abigail  Caroline8  Avery  (Daniel  J.1,  Daniel*,  John*, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  6,  1832,  at 
Sweden,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  15,  1856,  at  Sweden,  Almond  Beadle, 
s.  of  John  and  Abigail  (Bently)  Beadle.  He  was  b.  May  4, 
1829,  at  Sweden.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  May  2,  1885,  at 

Children  of  Almond  and  Abigail  Caroline  (Avery)  Beadle, 
b.  at  Sweden,  N.  Y. : 

i.      Frances  Louise9,  b.  Aug.  4,  1857;  m.  Charles  B.  Sheldon. 

ii.     Lewis9,  b.  June  10,  1861. 

iii.     Sarah9,  b.  Nov.  14,  1863;  d.  Dec.  25,  1873. 

912  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

iv.     George",  b.  June  17,  1864. 

v.      Gertrude   Elizabeth",  b.   Nov.  28,   1869;   m.  Benjamin  W. 

3074.  Jane  Frances8  Avery  {Daniel  J.1,  Daniel*,  John*, 
William*,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1837,  at 
Sweden,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  1,  1868,  Daniel  W.  Conner.  He  was  a 
book-keeper.  He  d.  April  2,  1872 ;  she  d.  March  3,  1893,  both  at 
Brockport,  N.  Y.     No  children. 

3075.  Sarah8  Avery  (John  Rhodes7,  Daniel6,  John5,  Will- 
iam4, John3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  8,  1846,  at  Me- 
nomonie,  Wis.;  m.  April  11,  1871,  at  Fulton,  Mich.,  Byron 
Andrus  Hicks,  s.  of  Andrus  and  Bessie  (Tilton)  Hicks.  He  was 
b.  May  27,  1842,  at  St.  Lawrence,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  commission 
merchant.     Residence,  Pompeii,  Mich. 

Children  of  Byron  Andrus  and  Sarah  (Avery)  Hicks,  b.  at 
Bridgeville,  Mich. : 

i.       Bessie  Lovina9,  b.  Jan.  28,  1876;  m.  Homer  H.  Snider;  resi- 
dence, North  Star,  Mich, 
ii.      Clyde  Byron9,  b.  Dec.  31,  1877;  m.  Marie  Laird;  residence, 

Eastport,  Idaho, 
iii.     Leo   Morrice9,  b.  July  10,   1883;   m.   Eunice  McNett;    resi- 
dence, North  Star,  Mich. 

3076.  Mary8  Avery  (John  Rhodes1,  Daniel6,  John*,  Will- 
iam4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  22,  1849,  at  Bar- 
ton, Wis.;  m.  March  12,  1868,  at  Fulton,  Mich.,  Byron  Andrus 
Hicks,  s.  of  Andrus  and  Bessie  (Tilton)  Hicks.  He  was  b.  May 
27,  1842,  at  St.  Lawrence,  N.  Y.  They  had  one  child,  Altheda, 
who  d.  in  infancy.  She  d.  May  21,  1870,  at  Bridgeville,  Mich. 
He  m.  2d,  her  sister  Sarah  (No.  3075). 

3077.  Clara8  Avery  (John  Rhodes7,  Daniel6,  John5,  Will- 
iam4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  7,  1850,  at  Bar- 
ton, Wis.;  m.  at  Bradley,  So.  Dak.,  John  Nelson  Wood.  He 
was  b.  in  England.    She  d.  Oct.  13,  1897,  at  Joplin,  Mo. 

Children  of  John  Nelson  and  Clara  (Avery)  Wood: 
i.      Lovina  Sarah9,  b.  June  22,  1889. 
ii.      Ava   Clara9,   b.   April   28,    1894. 

The   Eighth   Generation  913 

3078.  John  Wallace8  Avery  (John  Rhodes7,  Daniel0,  John*, 
William*,  John"*,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  15,  1855,  at 
Barton,  Wis. ;  m.  at  Ithaca,  Mich.,  Lucy  Ettie  Wheeler,  dau.  of 
Henry  and  Nancy  Ann  (Barger)  Wheeler.  She  was  b.  Oct.  31, 
1863,  at  Breckridge,  Mich.     Residence,  Guthrie,  Oklahoma. 

Children  of  John  Wallace  and  Lucy  Ettie  (Wheeler)  Avery: 

6380.  i.       Floyd  Bertrand",  b.  July  2,  1881,  in  Mich. 

6381.  ii.      Fred  Howard',  b.  Jan.  9,  1884,  at  Andover,  So.  Dak. 

6382.  iii.     Jennie  Lovina9,  b.  Aug.  26,  1886,  at  Andover. 

6383.  iv.     John  Raymond9,  b.  Nov.  8,  1888,  at  Pierpoint,  So.  Dak. 

6384.  v.      Alice  Estella9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1890,  at  Pierpoint. 

6385.  vi.     Morrice  Irving9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1893,  at  Pierpoint. 

6386.  vii.    Albert  Earnest9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1900,  at  Guthrie,  Okla. 

6387.  viii.  Lucy  Lucile9,  b.  May  9,  1904,  at  Guthrie. 

3079.  Edwin8  Avery  (James  Christopher1 ',  James0,  Nathan- 
iel5, William*,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  6,  1836, 
at  Bath,  Summit  Co.,  O. ;  m.  Oct.  7,  1858,  at  Georgetown,  111., 
Julia  Ann  Stark,  dau.  of  James  and  Julia  (Park)  Stark.  She 
was  b.  March  15,  1836,  at  Georgetown;  d.  April  16,  1876,  at 
Sabetha,  Kas.  He  m.  2d,  Oct.  15,  1877,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo., 
Emily  Jane  Williams,  dau.  of  George  Williams.  She  was  b.  in 
1840 ;  cl.  in  1888,  at  Bellingham,  Wash.    He  m.  3d,  April  7,  1898, 

Susan  Margaret  Baldwin,  the  widow  of Ashton.     She 

d.  Nov.  9,  1909,  at  Sabetha,  Kas.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence, 
Sabetha,  Kas. 

Children  of  Edwin  and  Julia  Ann    (Stark)    Avery,  b.  at 
Sabetha : 

i.       Sarah   Frances9,  b.   April   16,   1860;    d.    Oct.   19,   1870,   at 

ii.     Emily  Josephine9,  b.  Sept.  20,  1864;  d.  y. 
iii.    James  E.  Willis9,  b.  Jan.  13,  1867;  d.  y. 

6400.  iv.     Edwin  Stanton9,  b.  May  21,  1869. 

6401.  v.      Myron  Alvin9,  b.  Jan.  24,  1872. 

6402.  vi.     Emma  Armilda9,  b.  July  12,  1874. 
vii.    Ida  May9,  b.  April  9,  1876;  d.  y. 

Child  of  Edwin  and  Emily  Jane  (Williams)  Avery: 

6403.  i.       Bessie9,  b.  July  23,  1878,  at  Sabetha. 

3080.  William  Hugh8  Avery  (James  Christopher'',  James0, 
Nathaniel5,  William1,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
4,  1838,  in  Summit  Co.,  O.;  m.  Sept.  15,  1859,  at  Ridge  Farm, 











914  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Vermilion  Co.,  111.,  Clarissa  Jane  Waggaman,  dau.  of  Andrew 
and  Tabitha  (Lyon)  Waggaman.  She  was  b.  June  30,  1842,  at 
Georgetown,  111.  They  lived  in  Illinois  until  1866  when  they 
journeyed  to  Nebraska  and  began  pioneer  life  near  where  the 
village  of  Reynolds  now  stands.  Later,  they  moved  to  Fair- 
bury  where  they  have  since  lived.  Their  golden  wedding  was 
a  joyous  occasion  wreathed  with  manifestations  of  the  love  and 
high  esteem  of  all  who  know  them.  He  is  a  retired  farmer. 
Residence,  Fairbury,  Neb. 

Children  of  William  Hugh  and  Clarissa  Jane  ( Waggaman) 
Avery : 

Edward  Willis9,  b.  June  3,  1862,  at  Perrysville,  Ind. 

Frank9,  b.  Oct.  3,  1867,  at  Seneca,  Kas. 

Florence9,  b.  Nov.  3,  1874,  at  MacZena,  Ashland  Co.,  O. 

William  Roy9,  b.  Sept.  30,  1879,  at  Reynolds,  Neb. 

Lelia  May",  b.  March  12,  1883,  at  Reynolds. 

3081.  Austin  Sawyer8  Avery  (James  Christopher7,  James6, 
Nathaniel5,  William4,  Johnz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
11,  1841 ;  m.  at  Stockton,  Kas.,  Luella  Coleman.  It  is  said  that 
he  lives  at  Woodston,  Kas.,  but  we  have  received  no  answer  to 
our  inquiries. 

Child  of  Austin  Sawyer  and  Luella  (Coleman)  Avery: 

6410.  i.      Judson9. 

3082.  Winfield  Scott8  Avery  (Daniel  Dake7,  James6,  Na- 
thaniel5, William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  23, 
1847;  m.  May  27,  1877,  at  Tobinsport,  Ind.,  Julia  Cockrell, 
dau.  of  Casper  Cockrell. 

Child  of  Winfield  Scott  and  Julia  (Cockrell)  Avery: 

6411.  i.       Elmer  Daniel0,  b.  Dec.  18,  1883. 

3083.  Emma  E.8  Avery  (Daniel  Dake7,  James6,  Nathaniel5, 
William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  26,  1852;  m. 
Aug.  15,  1882,  at  Tobinsport,  Ind.,  Dr.  W.  J.  Huff.     He  was  b. 

July  10,  1846. 

Children  of  W.  J.  and  Emma  E.  (Avery)  Huff: 
i.       Daniel  Avery9,  b.  March  22,  1884. 
ii.      Paul9,  b.   May  10,  1886. 
iii.     James  Karl9,  b.  July  28,  1887. 
iv.     Catharine   Maud',   b.   Nov.   13,   1889. 

The   Eighth  Generation  915 

3084.  Orrin  J,8  Avery  {Daniel  Dake7,  James*,  Nathaniel', 
William*,  John''-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  11,  1854;  m. 
June  17,  1882,  at  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  Laura  B.  Avery  (No.  1962), 
dau.  of  Oliver  and  Elizabeth  J.  (Atherton)  Avery.  She  was  b. 
July  27,  1867. 

Children  of  Orrin  J.  and  Laura  (Avery)  Avery: 
G413.     i.       Mary  Orena9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1883. 

6414.  ii.      Alice  Wenona9,  b.   Dec.   18,  1885. 

6415.  iii.     Edith9,  b.  March  9,  1888. 

3085.  Allen  Dake*  Avery  (Daniel  Dake7,  James*,  Nathan- 
iel*, William*,  John3,  James3,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  2,  1857; 
m.  March  2,  1882,  at  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  Anna  L.  Cotton,  dau. 
of  Cullen  C.  Cotton. 

Children  of  Allen  Dake  and  Anna  L.  (Cotton)  Avery: 

6420.  i.   Mabel  Kate9,  b.  May  31,  1883. 

6421.  ii.   William  D.9,  b.  July  21,  1886. 

6422.  iii.  Harry  Cullen9,  b.  1889. 

Editorial  Note. — The  record  of  Allen  Arvin7  Avery,  No. 
1462,  appears  on  page  565.  Since  that  record  was  printed,  we 
have  been  informed  by  his  daughter  that  he  died  June  19,  1877, 
at  Florence,  Ala.,  and  that  he  and  his  wife  had  children  as  fol- 
lows : 

Children  of  Allen  Arvin  and  Frances  Maria  (Babbitt) 
Avery : 

3086.  i.       Ellen  Adelia8,  b.  June  18,  1836,  at  Kirtland,  0. 

3087.  ii.      Homer  Austin8,  b.  Jan.  25,  1838,  at  Bath,  O. 

iii.    William  Lauren8,  b.  Sept.  30,  1839,  at  Loudonville,  O.;  d. 

Nov.  19,  1846,  at  Boonville,  Mo. 
iv.     Harrison  Orsons,  b.  July  24,  1841,  at  Loudonville;  was  a 

member  of  the  25th  reg't  of  Missouri  inf'y;  d.  May  30, 

1862,  at  Cincinnati,  O.,  of  wounds  received  at  the  battle 

of  Shiloh. 
v.     James  Ira8,  b.  Aug.  10,  1843,  at  Euclid,  O.;  d.  y. 
vi.     Leicester  Warren8,  b.  March  7,  1845,  at  Euclid,  O.;  d.  y. 
vii.    Frances   Mercy   Rebecca8,  b.   May  4,   1848,   at   Boonville, 

Mo.;  d.  Aug.  14,  1866,  at  Fillmore,  Mo. 

3086.  Ellen  Adelia8  Avery  (Allen  Arvin7,  James*,  Nathan- 
iel6, William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  in  1836,  at 
Kirtland,  O.;  m.  Aug.  15,  1860,    Henry  Nash.     He  was  b.  Jan. 

916  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

6,  1828,  in  Claiborne  Co.,  Tenn.     She  is  living   (1911)   at  San 
Jose,  Calif. 

Children  of  Henry  and  Ellen  Adelia   (Avery)   Nash,  b.  at 

St.  Joseph,  Mo. : 

i.      Florence  Adelaide9,  b.  June  13,  1861;  d.  y. 

ii.      Laura  Ellen9,  b.  April  25,  1863;  d.  y. 

iii.  Minnie  May9,  b.  April  16,  1865;  m.  George  Franklin  Ply- 

iv.  Charles  Henry11,  b.  Nov.  27,  1867;  m.  Ella  Dunn;  resi- 
dence, San  Francisco,  Calif. 

v.      George  Malcija9,  b.  March  23,  1870;  d.  y. 

3087.  Homer  Austin8  Avery  (Allen  Arvin7,  James6,  Na- 
thaniel5, William*,  John5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  25, 
1838,  at  Bath,  O. ;  m.  at  Maryville,  Mo.,  Letitia  Andrews,  dau.  of 
Arthur  and  Jane  (Andrews)  Andrews.  She  was  b.  Aug.  25, 
1838,  at  Lancaster,  Pa.  She  d.  Nov.  17,  1875,  at  Maryville.  He 
m.  2d,  Jan.  17,  1878,  at  Maryville,  Mo.,  Lottie  Van  Loon,  dau.  of 
Charles  and  Loseda  (Dohlerhyde)  Van  Loon.  She  was  b.  May 
8,  1850,  at  Wapola,  la. ;  d.  Sept.  22,  1896,  at  Maryville.  He  was 
a  member  of  Co.  H,  35th  Mo.  Inf'y,  and  served  for  four  years  in 
the  civil  war.  He  was  a  grain  dealer.  He  d.  April  30,  1903,  at 

Children  of  Homer  Austin  and  Letitia  (Andrews)  Avery, 
b.  at  Maryville: 

6423.  i.       Frances    Jane9,    b.    Nov.    13,    1872;    a    teacher;    residence, 

Denver,  Colo. 

6424.  ii.      Charles  Wents9,  b.  March  1,  1874. 

iii.     Corrinne  Belle9,  b.  Aug.  • — ,  1875;  d.  y. 

Children  of  Homer  Austin  and  Lottie  (Van  Loon)  Avery, 
b.  at  Maryville: 

6425.  i.       Grace  Ellen9,,  b.  Nov.  3,  1879. 

6426.  ii.     Edna  Losada9,  b.  Oct.  24,  1884. 

3091.  Emma  Leonora8  Avery  (William  Nathaniel7,  Daniel6, 
Nathaniel5,  William4',  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
10,  1856,  at  Wilmington,  Vt.;  m.  Dec.  12,  1881,  at  Cawnpore, 
British  India,  the  Rev,  Frank  Lawrence  Neeld,  D.  D.,  s.  of  Capt. 
George  and  Catherine  Louisa  (Hunt)  Neeld.  He  was  b.  April 
7,  1852,  at  West  Liberty,  Pa.  He  is  a  missionary  of  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  church  at  Naini  Tal,  in  British  India. 

The   Eighth   Generation  917 

Children  of  Frank  Lawrence  and  Emma  Leonora  (Avery) 
Neeld : 

i.      George  Avery',  b.  Oct.  28,  1882,  at  Cawnpore;   m.   Sarah 

Agnes  Scudder;  is  a  Methodist  minister, 
ii.      Warren  Hunt9,  b.  Aug.  12,  1884,  in  Almora,  British  India; 

d.  y. 
iii.     Frank  William9,  b.  June  4,  1887,  at  Naini  Tal;  d.  y. 
iv.     Lawrence  Bradford9,  b.  Dec.  28,  1891,  at  Madison,  N.  J. 

3092.  Herbert  Francis8  Avery  (William  Nathaniel7,  Dan- 
iel3, Nathaniel5,  William*,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  12,  1870,  at  Metuchen,  N.  J.;  m.  April  15,  1896,  at  New 
Market,  N.  J.,  Lucy  Emaline  Boice,  dau.  of  James  Martin  and 
Mercy  Ann  (Giles)  Boice.  She  was  b.  June  22,  1872,  at  South 
Plainfield,  N.  J.     He  is  an  electrician.     Residence,  Brooklyn, 

n.  y. 

Children  of  Herbert  Francis  and  Lucy  Emaline    (Boice) 
Avery : 

6430.  i.      Frances  Elizabeth9,  b.  Aug.  2,  1897,  at  Metuchen. 

6431.  ii.      Herbert  Warren9,  b.  Nov.  28,  1900,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

6432.  iii.     Elma9,   b.    Sept.   27,    1908. 

3093.  William  Wallace8  Avery  {Francis  Mo  flit7,  Daniel9, 
Nathaniel5,  William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
28,  1864,  at  Sublette,  111.;  m.  May  24,  1905,  at  Eugene,  Ore., 
Mary  Elizabeth  Burton,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Adolphus  and  Martha 
(Goodpasture)  Burton.  She  was  b.  July  10,  1862,  at  Eugene. 
He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Eugene,  Ore. 

3096.  Leland  Billings8  Avery  (Francis  Moffit7,  Daniel3,  Na- 
thaniel5, William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  17, 
1882,  at  Providence,  R.  I.;  m.  July  29,  1908,  at  Eugene,  Ore., 
Leona  Burton,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Adolphus  and  Martha  (Good- 
pasture) Burton.  She  was  b.  Aug.  9,  1884,  at  Eugene,  Ore.  He 
is  a  mining  engineer.    Residence,  Eugene,  Ore. 

Children  of  Leland  Billings  and  Leona  (Burton)  Avery: 

6445.  i.       Sibyl  Elizabeth',  b.  May  22,  1909,  at  Portland,  Ore. 

6446.  ii.     Lucille  Victoria9,  b.  Feb.  4,  1911,  at  Gold  Hill,  Ore. 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3097.     George  Smith8  Avery  (William7,  Elias  Packer6,  Abra- 
ham'", William4,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)   was  b.  April  16, 

1835,  at  Avery,  111.;  m. 
June  7,  1863,  at  Big  Rock, 
Kane  Co.,  111.,  Elizabeth 
Little,  dau.  of  John  and 
Agnes  (Rae)  Little.  She 
was  b.  Nov.  8,  1839,  in 
Oneida  County,  N.  Y.  She 
is  of  Scotch  parentage  and 
related  to  some  of  the  most 
illustrious  families  of  that 
land.  He  enlisted  in  Co. 
F,  12th  111.  Vol.  Inf.,  April 
19,  1861,  as  first  sergeant, 
for  the  three  month's  serv- 
ice ;  re-enlisted  in  Septem- 
ber of  the  same  year  in  Co. 
I,  3d  Mo.  Cav.,  and  was 
soon  made  first  lieutenant; 
captain  in  1862;  major  in 
1864;  served  until  the  end 
of  the  war.  He  has  been 
clerk  of  the  circuit  court; 
president  of  the  board  of  education ;  president  of  the  agricultu- 
ral society;  and  postmaster  of  Galena  for  eight  years.  He  is  a 
past  commander  of  his  post  of  the  G.  A.  R.  and  a  member  of  the 
Loyal  Legion.    Residence,  Galena,  111. 

Children  of  George  Smith  and  Elizabeth  (Little)  Avery: 

William  Cuyler9,  b.  Aug.  29,  1864,  in  Kane  Co.,  111. 

George  Wynne9,  b.  April  16,  1866,  at  Avery. 

Agnes  Rae9,  b.  Sept.  21,  1867,  at  Avery. 

Florence  Elizabeth9,  b.  March  4,  1870,  at  Avery;  a  grad- 
uate of  the  University  of  Chicago  and  a  teacher  in  the 
Wendell  Phillips  high  school  of  Chicago,  111. 

Alexandra9,  b.  Jan.  14,  1876,  at  Avery. 

Marie  Irving9,  b.  Feb.  9,  1883,  at  Galena;  a  graduate  of  the 
University  of  Chicago  and  a  teacher  in  the  high  school 
of  Aspen,   Colo. 














The   Eighth  Generation  919 

3098.  Sarah  Maria8  Avery  (William7,  Ellas  Packer*,  Abra- 
ham*, William*,  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  13, 
1838,  at  Avery,  111. ;  m.  Dec.  26,  1861,  at  Avery,  Timothy  Hallett, 
s.  of  Moses  and  Eunice  (Crowell)  Hallett.  He  was  b.  Nov.  7, 
1826,  at  Alton,  111.  He  d.  March  17,  1897,  at  Galena,  111. ;  she  is 
living  (1911)  at  Galena. 

Children   of  Timothy  and   Sarah   Maria    (Avery)    Hallett, 
b.  at  Galena : 

i.       Edgar  Avery9,  b.  Oct.  17,  1862;  m.  Mary  Hannah  Yeaman; 

d.  June  29,  1893,  at  Galena, 
ii.      Phebe  Eunice9,  b.  May  12,  1866;  d.  y. 
iii.     Bertha  Galena9,  b.  Oct.  5,  1870. 
iv.     Albert  Avery8,  b.  April  7,  1874;  m.  Evalena  Kreutz. 
v.      Herbert  Avery9,  b.  April  7,  1874;  m.  Alice  Maude  Snyder. 

3099.  Amos  William8  Avery  (William7,  Elias  Packer0,  Abra- 
ham6, William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  27, 
1841,  at  Avery,  HI.;  m.  Aug.  27,  1871,  at  Pioche,  Nev.,  Sarah 
Elenor  Baldwin,  dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Elizabeth  (Bovee)  Bald- 
win. She  was  b.  Oct.  31,  1848,  at  Galena,  111.;  d.  April  28,  1893, 
at  Stevensville,  Mont.  He  is  a  retired  engineer.  Residence, 
Missoula,  Mont. 

Children  of  Amos  William  and  Sarah   Elenor    (Baldwin) 
Avery : 

Charles  Earl9,  b.  June  25,  1872,  at  Galena,  111. 
Herbert  Bovee9,  b.  April  27,  1874,  at  Virginia  City,  Nev. 
Esther  Maria9,  b.  Feb.  7,  1876,  at  Virginia  City, 
iv.     Jessie  Maria9,  b.  Feb.  7,  1876;  d.  y. 

Phoebe  Alice9,  b.  Sept.  16,  1879,  at  Georgetown,  Calif. 
Amos  Miner9,  b.  Jan.  14,  1882,  at  Powersville,  Mo. 
vii.    Eliza  Hattie  Myrtle9,  b.  Oct.  8,  1883,  at  Powersville;  d.  y. 

3100.  Cyrus  Reed8  Avery  (William7,  Elias  Packer6,  Abra- 
ham5, William4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  25, 
1849,  at  Avery,  111.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1880,  at  Galena,  111.,  Julia  Naomi 
Roberts,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Grace  (Rowe)  Roberts.  She  was 
b.  Aug.  6,  1857,  at  Galena,  111.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence, 
Aurora,  111.    No  children. 












920  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3101.  Alonzo  Moffitt*  Avery  (William7,  Elias  Packer6,  Abra- 
ham'', William*,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  2,  1852, 
at  Avery,  111. ;  m.  April  1,  1879,  at  Union  Center,  la.,  Alice  V. 
Blakely,  dau.  of  David  and  Rebecca  (Marlow)  Blakely.  She 
was  b.  Nov.  20,  1854,  at  Union  Center;  d.  May  21,  1883,  at  Hud- 
son, So.  Dak.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  6,  1884,  at  Union  Center,  Florence 
Rebecca  Blakely,  the  sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was  b.  Sept. 
7,  1856,  at  Union  Center.  He  is  a  physician,  surgeon,  and  drug- 
gist.   Residence,  Maquoketa,  la. 

Child  of  Alonzo  Moffitt  and  Alice  V.  (Blakely)  Avery: 

6461.  i.       Earl  Blakely9,  b.  Feb.  6,  1882,  at  Hudson,  So.  Dak. 

Children  of  Alonzo  Moffitt  and  Florence  Rebecca  (Blakely) 

Avery : 

i.       Madge    Phoebe9,    b.    Oct.    14,    1885,    at    Canton,    So.    Dak.; 

d.  Aug.   1,  1888. 
ii.      Pauline5,  b.  Aug.  16,  1889,  at  Union  Center;  d.  y. 

6462.  iii.     Anna  Rebecca9,  b.  Oct.  12,  1891,  at  Union  Center. 

6463.  iv.     James  Elroy9,  b.  Sept.  7,  1894,  at  Maquoketa. 

3103.  Julia  Rebecca8  Avery  (David7,  Elias  Packer6,  Abra- 
ham5, William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  10, 
1844,  at  Guilford,  111. ;  m.  April  25,  1867,  at  Galena,  111.,  Arthur 
Ransom,  s.  of  Amasa  and  Polly  Maria  (Byington)  Ransom.  He 
was  b.  March  22,  1839,  at  Chatham,  111.     Residence,  Neola,  la. 

Children  of  Arthur  and  Julia  Rebecca  (Avery)  Ransom: 

i.  Effie  Lynd9,  b.  Nov.  21,  1868,  at  Lynd,  Minn.;  m.  James 
W.   Ransom;    residence,   Neola. 

ii.  Edie  Maria9,  b.  Feb.  21,  1871,  at  Lynd;  m.  Watson  How- 
land;    residence,   Neola. 

iii.  Clyde  Arthur9  b.  July  18,  1874,  at  Lynd;  m.  Fannie  Todd; 
residence,  Neola. 

iv.     Bonnie  Maud9,  b.  Feb.  11,  1878,  at  Lynd. 

v.      Dot  Florine9,  b.  Feb.  23,  1885,  at  Neola. 

vi.     Dollie  Florence9,  b.  Feb.  23,  1885,  at  Neola. 

3105.  Julia  Ann8  Avery  (Azel7,  Elias  Packer6,  Abraham5, 
William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1841,  at 
Guilford,  111. ;  m.  Oct.  3,  1864,  at  Chicago,  111.,  William   Ehrler, 

The   Eighth  Generation  921 

s.  of  John  and  Magdalena  Ehrler.  He  d.  March  12,  1868,  at 
Mineral  Point,  Wis.  She  m.  2d,  Nov.  9,  1871,  at  Galena,  111., 
Adam  Swenehart.  He  d.  about  1904,  at  Chicago.  She  lives  at 
Stockton,  111. 

Child  of  William  and  Julia  Ann  (Avery)  Ehrler: 

i.       Della  May0,  b.  Aug.  11,  1868,  at  Guilford  Tp.,  111.;  d.  y. 

3106.  Albert  Ira*  Avery  (Elias  Covill7,  Ellas  Packer*,  Abra- 
ham^, William*,  John9,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  18, 
1858,  at  Guilford  Tp.,  111. ;  m.  April  10,  1891,  at  Freeport,  111., 
Annie  McMahan,  dau.  of  William  and  Ann  (Gainer)  McMahan. 
She  was  b.  May  13,  1867,  at  Galena,  111.  He  was  an  agent  of  the 
Galena  Axle  Grease  Company.  He  d.  March  5,  1898,  at  East 
Galena,  111.,  where  his  widow  is  (1911)  living. 

Children  of  Albert  Ira  and  Annie  (McMahan)  Avery,  b.  at 

Galena : 

i.  Albert9,  b.  Dec.  19,  1891;  d.  y. 

6471.  ii.  John  Ray9,  b.  Aug.  27,  1893. 

6472.  iii.  Annie  Delia9,  b.  Aug.  12,  1896. 

3107.  George  Grant s  Avery  (Elias  Covill7,  Elias  Packer*, 
Abraham*,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
8,  1863,  at  Avery,  111.;  m.  Feb.  7,  1896,  at  Hazel  Green,  Wis., 
Blanch  Mabel  Allendorf,  dau.  of  Philip  Frederick  and  Lucretia 
King  (Dickson)  Allendorf.  She  was  b.  Nov.  27,  1872,  at  Galena, 
111.  He  is  an  electrician.  About  1910,  he  moved  from  Galena, 
111.,  to  Denver,  Colo.,  and  there  we  lose  trace  of  him. 

Child    of    George    Grant    and    Blanch    Mabel    (Allendorf) 
Avery : 

6473.  i.       Myrtle  Leone9,  b.  July  14,  1897,  at  Galena. 

3108.  Carrie8  Avery  (Elias  Covill1,  Elias  Packer*,  Abra- 
ham5, William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  23, 
1866,  at  Avery,  111. ;  m.  March  17,  1894,  at  Hazel  Green,  Wis., 
Robert  Annon  Knapp,  s.  of  Capt.  Robert  A.  and  Caroline  (Milli- 
gan)  Knapp.  He  was  b.  Feb.  5,  1863,  at  Racine,  Wis.  He  is  a 
telephone  manager.     Residence,  Fulton,  111. 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 


The  Eighth  Generation  923 

3111.  Vienna8  Avery  {Lafayette7,  Hubbard  Burrotvs",  Abra- 
ham5, William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  4, 
1848,  at  Prospect  Park,  111. ;  m.  May  1,  1870,  at  La  Grange,  Mo., 
Harold  Colton  Herrick,  s.  of  Ossias  B.  and  Eunice  (Ressaguie) 
Herrick.  He  was  b.  Jan.  30,  1846,  at  Naperville,  111.  He  d.  in 
1911,  at  La  Grange,  Mo.,  where  his  widow  is  living. 

Children  of  Harold  Colton  and  Vienna  (Avery)  Herrick : 

i.  Julian  Avery9,  b.  March  18,  1871,  at  La  Grange;  m.  Jen.  S. 
Morrill;  he  received  the  degree  of  Ph.  D.  from  the 
University  of  Chicago;  was  a  successful  Baptist  minis- 
ter; d.  Jan.  1,  1908,  at  Maryville,  Mo. 

ii.      Theodore  Leib9,  b.  Jan.  21,  1873,  at  Chicago;  d.  y. 

iii.  Nona  F.9,  b.  May  17,  1875,  at  Chicago,  111.;  m.  Charles 
Ernest   Freeman,   M.   D. 

iv.     Harold  Colton9,  b.  Nov.  9,  1880,  at  Chicago;  a  physician. 

v.      Helen  Cordelia9,  b.  June  13,  1883,  at  Chicago. 

vi.    Eugene  Ressaguie9,  b.  Dec.  7,  1886,  at  La  Grange. 

3112.  Elroy  McKendree8  Avery  {Caspar  Hugh1,  Amos 
Walker*,  Abraham'0,  William*,  Johnz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  14,  1844,  in  Erie  Tp.,  Monroe  Co.,  Mich. ;  m.  July  2,  1870, 
at  Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  Catherine  Hitchcock  Tilden,  the  elder 
dau.  of  the  Hon.  Junius  Tilden  of  Monroe,  Mich.,  and  his  wife 
Zeruah  (Rich)  Tilden.  She  was  b.  Dec.  13,  1844,  at  Dundee, 
Monroe  Co.,  Mich.  She  is  a  descendant  of  Elder  Nathaniel  Til- 
den (Scituate,  Mass.,  1634)  ;  of  five  "Mayflower"  Pilgrims,  Elder 
Brewster,  Stephen  and  Giles  Hopkins,  Richard  Warren  and 
Henry  Sampson;  of  four  New  England  colonial  governors, 
George  Wyllys  and  Richard  Treat  of  Connecticut,  Thomas 
Roberts  of  New  Hampshire,  and  Thomas  Prence,  of  Plymouth; 
of  William  Pynchon,  treasurer  of  the  original  Massachusetts 
Bay  Company  and  founder  of  Springfield ;  of  Urian  Oakes,  pres- 
ident of  Harvard  College  (1675)  ;  of  Samuel  Newman,  the 
author  of  the  first  concordance  of  the  Bible;  of  Dr.  William 
Ames,  the  learned  English  Puritan  divine,  one  of  the  exiles  in 
Holland,  professor  of  theology  at  Franeker  and  a  member  of  the 
synod  of  Dort  (1618)  ;  and  of  Dr.  William  Avery,  of  Dedham, 
Mass.  (1640),  the  founder  of  the  family  known  as  the  Dedham 
Averys  (see  page  24).     They  are  the  compilers  of  this  history 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 


The   Eighth  Generation  925 

of  the  Groton  Avery  clan  (see  title  page  and  preface).  Mr. 
Avery  is  of  unmixed  New  England  ancestry;  through  his  mother, 
he  is  a  descendant  of  two  "Mayflower"  Pilgrims,  Stephen 
Hopkins  and  his  dau.,  Constance,  and  of  Thomas  Dudley,  the 
second  governor  of  the  colony  of  Massachusetts  Bay.  Early  in 
1861,  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  the  4th  Mich.  vol.  inf.,  and,  at 
the  end  of  the  war  was  mustered  out  as  sergeant-major  of  the 
11th  Mich.  vol.  cavalry.  He  is,  of  course,  a  member  of  the 
Grand  Army  of  the  Republic.  He  was  graduated  from  the 
University  of  Michigan  in  1871.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Phi 
Beta  Kappa  society  and  has  received  the  academic  degrees  of 
Ph.  D.,  LL.  D.,  and  D.  C.  L.  He  is  a  Knight  Templar  and  a 
32  Mason,  a  Son  of  the  American  Revolution,  a  member  of  the 
Zeta  Psi  (college)  fraternity,  and  of  many  historical  and  scien- 
tific societies,  and  has  served  one  term  in  the  city  council  of 
Cleveland  and  four  years  in  the  state  senate  of  Ohio.  He  is  the 
author  of  the  "Avery  Physical  Science  Series"  of  text-books 
(physics  a^d  chemistry)  published  by  the  American  Book  Com- 
pany, and  of  Avery's  "History  of  the  United  States  and  its 
People"  (16  octavo  volumes),  of  which  seven  volumes  have  been 
published  (1911)  by  the  BurrowTs  Brothers  Company  of  Cleve- 
land, 0.  For  further  particulars,  see  Sweet's  "The  Averys  of 
Groton"  (pages  iv,  484  and  496-502),  "Who's  Who  in  Amer- 
ica," and  other  biographical  cyclopaedias.  Mr.  Avery  desires 
to  assure  the  members  of  the  clan  that  his  wife  is  a  much 
more  able  genealogist  than  he  is  and  that  to  her  they  owe 
the  successful  solution  of  many  puzzling  problems  relating  to 
their  ancestry.  She  has  also  been  untiring  in  her  efforts  to  make 
these  volumes  as  nearly  complete  and  accurate  as  possible.  For 
further  particulars  concerning  her,  see  "Who's  Who  in  America." 
They  have  no  children.    Residence,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

3113.  Susan  Adeliza8  Avery  (Caspar  Hugh7,  Amos  Walker9, 
Abraham5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
3,  1846,  at  Erie,  Mich.;  m.  March  6,  1875,  at  Monroe,  Mich., 
Sidney  Silas  Lewis,  s.  of  Shubael  and  Lovina  Celestia  (Ford) 
Lewis.  He  was  b.  Nov.  5,  1845,  at  Monroe  Tp.,  Mich.  He  was 
a  farmer;  d.  May  30,  1907,  at  Troy,  Ore. 

926  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Child  of  Sidney  Silas  and  Susan  Adeliza  (Avery)  Lewis: 

i.  Dorothy  Avery",  b.  Aug.  19,  1876,  at  Denison,  la.;  m.  Nov. 
29,  1894,  at  Cleveland,  O.,  George  Tilden  Hanchett,  s. 
of  George  William  and  Augusta  Lovia  (Tilden)  Han- 
chett, and  nephew  of  the  wife  of  Elroy  McKendree 
Avery  (No.  3112).  He  is  a  graduate  of  the  Massachu- 
setts Institute  of  Technology  and  a  consulting  electrical 
expert  in  New  York  City.  Children —  (a.)  Dorothy 
Tilden™,  b.  Feb.  7,  1896,  at  Hackensack,  N.  J.  (b.) 
Junia  Ford'0,  b.  Sept.  13,  1897;  d.  y. 

3114.  Charles  Hedding*  Avery  {Caspar  Hugh7,  Amos 
Walker6,  Abraham5,  William4,  John/-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  15,  1852,  at  Monroe,  Mich.;  m.  Oct.  22,  1878,  at 
Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Ada  Alphonson  Boys,  dau.  of  Almon  Ives  and 
Charlotte  (Covert)  Boys.  She  was  b.  March  29,  1857,  at  Ithaca, 
N.  Y.  After  graduation  by  the  Monroe  High  School,  Mr.  Avery 
entered  Cornell  University.  The  sudden  death  of  his  father 
forced  him  to  leave  college  and,  in  December,  1873,  he  began  the 
study  of  law  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where  he  soon  became  managing 
clerk  for  Lewis  and  Gurney  who  had  the  largest  general  practice 
of  any  law  firm  in  the  western  part  of  the  state.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  January,  1877.  He  began  his  career  as  a 
popular  political  speaker  in  the  presidential  campaign  of  1876 
and  was  soon  made  deputy  county  clerk.  In  1881,  he  was  the 
regular  Republican  candidate  to  represent  his  district  in  the 
state  legislature,  but  the  political  upheaval  of  that  year  blasted 
his  ambition.  He  has  represented  his  ward  (the  wealthiest  in 
the  city)  in  the  board  of  aldermen  and  has  served  several  terms 
as  a  member  of  the  Erie  County  Republican  executive  committee. 
He  is  now  cashier  in  the  office  of  the  Treasurer  of  the  city  of 
Buffalo.  He  knows  how  to  make  friends  and  to  hold  them.  At 
one  noon-day  function  it  was  announced  that  "Avery  knows 
everyone  in  Buffalo  except  those  who  came  in  on  the  11 :30 
train."  He  is  a  member  of  the  Buffalo  Historical  Society,  the 
Buffalo  Society  of  Natural  Sciences,  and  the  Erie  County  Bar 
Association.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity, 
and  of  the  B.  P.  0.  E. ;  he  is  a  past-master  of  De  Molay  Lodge, 


The  Eighth  Generation  927 

No.  498,  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  was  appointed  upon  the  staff  of  the 
grand  master  of  the  state  of  New  York.     He  has  been  grand 
president   (New  York  state)   of  the  Order  of  the  Iroquois,  was 
twice  unanimously  elected  as  grand  regent   (New  York  state) 
of  the  Royal  Arcanum,  and  was  twice  a  member  of  the  supreme 
council  of  that  order.     Many  of  his  addresses  have  been  pub- 
lished and,  in  fraternal  circles,  made  use  of  as  campaign  docu- 
ments.   Politics  always  had  a  fascination  for  him,  and,  while  in 
national  matters  a  strong  partisan,  his  action  in  civic  affairs 
is  regulated  more  by  his  own  judgment  than  by  any  stamp  of 
party  approval  or  regularity.     In  1893,  the  firm  of  Avery  and 
Murphy,   attorneys  and  counsellors  at   law,   was   formed.     An 
illness  that  continued  for  a  long  period  necessitated  a  dissolu- 
tion of  the  firm.     Subsequently,  Mr.  Avery  became  managing 
attorney  for  the  well-known  law  firm  of  Bissell,  Sicard,  Bissell 
and  Cary,  an  association  that  was  continued  until  the  dissolution 
of  the  firm.     This  firm  was  the  successor  to  that  of  Cleveland, 
Bissell  &  Sicard,  of  which  Grover  Cleveland  was  the  head.    Resi- 
dence, Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Charles  Hedding  and  Ada  Alphonson    (Boys) 
Avery,  b.  at  Buffalo : 

i.       Charles  Boys9,  b.  Jan.  18,  1881;  d.  Nov.  10,  1907,  at  Buffalo. 

6480.  ii.      Leila  Covert",  b.  March  27,  1884;  a  graduate  of  the  Uni- 

versity of  Michigan   ('07)   and  teacher  of  English  in  the 
West  High  School,  Cleveland,  O. 

6481.  iii.     Elroy  Putnam9,  b.  Oct.  25,  1887. 

3115.  Nancy  Janes  Avery  (Hubbard  Burrows',  Amos 
Walker6,  Abraham5,  William*,  Joliri'-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  August  27,  1850,  at  La  Salle,  Mich.;  m.  Feb.  14,  1866,  at 
Bedford,  Mich.,  David  Levi  Nelson,  son  of  Elias  and  Mary  Ann 
(Griffith)  Nelson.  He  was  b.  July  1,  1841,  at  Van  Buren,  N.  Y. 
She  d.  August  18,  1890,  at  West  Toledo,  Ohio. 

Children  of  David  Levi  and  Nancy  Jane  (Avery)  Nelson : 

i.       Myra  Lenora9,  b.  Nov.  12,  1869,  at  La  Salle. 

ii.      Ida  Jane9,  b.  April  13,  1872,  at  Erie,  Mich.;  d.  1886. 

iii.     Ella  Minerva9,  b.  March  27,  1874,  at  Ida,  Mich. 

iv.     Daniel9,  b.  Jan.  29,  1876,  at  Ida. 

928  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

v.      David  Elias",  b.  Feb.  23,  1879,  at  Ida;  d.  1882. 

vi.     Clara  May",  b.  July  12,  1881,  at  Ida. 

vii.    Mabel  Florence",  b.  Dec.  24,  1884,  at  West  Toledo,  O. 

viii.  Lovisa  Avery',  b.  Aug.  9,  1886,  at  Swifton,  Ark.;  d.  in  1892. 

3116.  Miranda8  Avery  {Hubbard  Burrows1,  Amos  Walker6, 
Abraham5,  William*,  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
5,  1853,  at  La  Salle,  Mich. ;  m.  Thomas  Berryman,  s.  of  William 
and  Margaret  (Freeland)  Berryman.  She  d.  Sept.  22,  1900,  at 
Monroe,  Mich. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Miranda   (Avery)  Berryman : 

i.  Hiram  Hubbard9,  b.  Sept.  30,  1872. 

ii.  Thomas3,  b.  Oct.  14,  1874. 

iii.  William9,  b.  in  1876. 

iv.  Charles",  b.  in  1878. 

v.  Nellie9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1881. 

vi.  Frank  Leslie",  b.  June  5,  1884. 

3117.  Evaline8  Avery  (Hubbard  Burrows7,  Amos  Walker6, 
Abraham5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
30,  1860,  at  La  Salle,  Mich.;  m.  June  30,  1881,  George  Nise- 
wender,  s.  of  Henry  and  Belinda  (Briutsmann)  Nisewender. 
She  d.  May  18,  1905,  at  Monroe,  Mich. 

Children  of  George  and  Evaline   (Avery)   Nisewender: 
i.       Charles  Franklin9,  b.  May  6,  1882. 
ii.     Viola  Adelah",  b.  Aug.  28,  1884. 

3118.  Frank  Leslie8  Avery  (Hubbard  Burrows7,  Amos 
Walker6,  Abraham5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  26,  1867,  at  La  Salle,  Mich.;  m.  March  21,  1895,  at 
Erie,  Mich.,  Mary  Adeline  Holser,  dau.  of  Christian  S.  and 
Esther  Ann  (Showalter)  Holser.  She  was  b.  May  6,  1873,  at 
Mechanic  Tp.,  Holmes  Co.,  O.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Erie, 
Monroe  Co.,  Mich. 

Children    of    Frank    Leslie    and    Mary    Adeline    (Holser) 
Avery,  b.  at  Erie: 

6482.  i.       Mary  Esther9,  b.  Aug.  17,  1897. 

6483.  ii.     Helen  Susan9,  b.  May  13,  1900. 

6484.  iii.    Laura  Elizabeth9,  b.  Sept.  17,  1903. 

6485.  iv.    Alice  Viola9,  b.  June  14,   1906. 

The  Eighth  Generation  929 

3119.  Viola8  Avery  (Hubbard  Burrows1,  Amos  Walke, 
Abraham*,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
29,  1874,  at  La  Salle,  Mich.;  m.  Feb.  24,  1892,  at  Erie,  Mich., 
George  Farner,  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  (Strouse)  Farner.  He 
was  b.  Dec.  6,  1861,  in  Ashland  Co.,  Ohio.  They  live  at  Erie, 

Children  of  George  and  Viola  (Avery)  Farner: 
i.       Etta  Mae9,  b.  Feb.  25,  1893,  at  La  Salle, 
ii.      Charles  Leon0,  b.  Dec.  17,  1894,  at  Erie,  Mich, 
iii.     Fay  Irene9,  b.  April  12,  1898,  at  Ida,  Mich. 
iv.     George  Calvin9,  b.  Jan.  9,  1901,  at  La  Salle, 
v.      Raymond  Wesley9,  b.  June  23,  1903,  at  La  Salle. 

3120.  Mary  Minerva8  Avery  (Amos  John7,  Amos  Walker*, 
Abraham5,  William4,  John',  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
1,  1850,  at  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. ;  m.  Dec.  24,  1874,  at  Monroe,  Mich., 
Lyman  Henry  Plues,  s.  of  John  and  Samantha  (Harrington) 
Plues.  He  was  b.  Nov.  25,  1846,  at  Raisinville,  Mich.  She  d. 
Oct.  7,  1882,  at  Monroe,  Mich.    He  lives  at  Saginaw,  Mich. 

Children   of   Lyman   Henry   and   Mary   Minerva    (Avery) 
Plues,  b.  at  Saginaw: 

i.      Blanche  Lou9,  b.  Oct.  6,  1875. 
ii.      Mae  Spafford9,  b.  Dec.  23,  1877. 

3121.  Saloma  Eveline8  Avery  (Amos  John1,  Amos  Walker*, 
Abraham5,  William*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
26,  1851,  at  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.;  m.  June  30,  1873,  at  Monroe, 
Mich.,  Samuel  Bartlett,  s.  of  Samuel  Meggs  and  Ann  Eliza 
(Combs)  Bartlett.  He  was  b.  June  22,  1849,  at  La  Salle,  Mon- 
roe Co.,  Mich.  He  is  a  Congregational  clergyman.  Residence, 
Oakford,  Ind. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Saloma  Eveline  (Avery)  Bartlett: 
i.       Tyra9,  b.  May  21,  1874,  at  Monroe,  Mich, 
ii.      Samuel  Meggs9,  b.  Sept.  30,   1876,  at  La   Salle;  m.   Pearl 
Alice  Drake. 

3138.  Elisha  Denison8  Avery  (Samuel7,  Joseph0,  Elisha5, 
Elisha*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  14,  1796,  at 
Westmoreland,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  7,  1827,  at  Chili,  N.  Y.,  Amoret 
Gridley,  dau.  of  Judah  and  Sarah  (Beach)  Gridley.  She  was 
b.  Dec.  11, 1803,  at  Farmington,  Conn.    He  was  a  farmer ;  d.  July 

930  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

30,  1832,  at  Bergen,  N.  Y.    In  1842,  she  m.  Ariel  Harmon  who  d. 
in  1855.    She  d.  March  6,  1880,  at  Wheatland,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Elisha  Denison  and  Amoret   (Gridley)   Avery, 

b.  at  Bergen : 

6490.  i.       Sarah  Rebecca",  b.  March  18,  1828. 

6491.  ii.      Chauncey  Porter",  b.  Nov.  13,  1830. 

3139.  Laura s  Avery  (Samuel7,  Joseph6,  Elisha5,  ElisJia*, 
John3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  5,  1798,  at  Westmore- 
land, N.  Y. ;  m.  in  Feb.,  1819,  at  Verona,  N.  Y.,  James  Whitney, 
s.  of  Aaron  and  Sarah  Whitney.  He  was  b.  at  Rome,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  farmer.  He  d.  May  21,  1863;  she  d.  Dec.  8,  1872,  both  at 
Hudson,  Ind. 

Children  of  James  and  Laura  (Avery)  Whitney: 
i.  Norman";  m.  a  Widow  Ripon;  d.  in  Nebraska, 
ii.      Seth". 

iii.     Emeline9;  m.  James  Champion. 
iv.     Mary";  m.  a  Mr.  Wright. 

3140.  Millicent8  Avery  (Samuel7,  Joseph6,  Elisha5,  Elisha*, 
Jolm?-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  18,  1802,  at  Verona, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  5,  1829,  at  Verona,  Nathaniel  Smith,  s.  of  James 
and  Mary  (Hyatt)  Smith.  He  was  b.  March  7,  1803,  at  Sharon, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  carpenter  and  contractor.  He  d.  July  14,  1850, 
at  Verona ;  she  d.  Nov.  2,  1887,  at  Morris,  111. 

Children  of  Nathaniel  and  Millicent   (Avery)    Smith : 

i.  Mary  Rebecca",  b.  Dec.  10,  1830,  at  Utica,  N.  Y.;  m.  Barney 
Castleman;  d.  Nov.  3,  1853,  at  Lisbon,  111. 

ii.  Amaret  Roseltha",  b.  July  2,  1833,  at  Utica,  N.  Y.;  d. 
Nov.  25,  1854,  at  Utica. 

iii.  George  Denison",  b.  Dec.  16,  1835,  at  Utica;  m.  Anne  Fell- 
ingham;  d.  Aug.  6,  1904.  Children:  (a.)  Mina  L.10,  d. 
unm.;  (b.)  Maud  A.10,  d.  y.;  (c.)  Mabel  B.1",  who  m. 
Emory  Burton  Waterman  and  lives  (1911)  at  Medford, 
Ore.;  (d.)  Millicent  Avery1",  who  m.  Edward  H.  Hyslop 
and  lives   (1911)   at  Verona,  111. 

iv.     Nathaniel  King9,  b.  Sept.  2,  1838,  at  Utica;  d.  y. 

v.  Elmina  Roseltha",  b.  Feb.  15,  1840,  at  Verona;  m.  Horace 
Hoyt;  d.  Oct.  19,  1873,  at  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

vi.  Julia  Henrietta9,  b.  May  2,  1842,  at  Verona;  m.  Samuel 
J.  Barber.  In  the  civil  war,  he  served  as  a  member  of 
Co.  D,  127th  reg't,  111.  inf'y.  He  d.  June  13,  1910.  She 
is  living  at  Joliet,  111.  Children:  (a.)  Cora  Marietta1", 
who  m.  George  P.  Washburn;  (b.)  Martin  Clarence1", 
who   m.    G.    R.    Osborne;    (c.)    Leonora   May10,   who   m. 

The  Eighth  Generation  931 

Edward  H.  Werner;  (d.)  Jessie  Elisabeth'",  who  m. 
Cornelius   Werle;    (e.)    Howard  Amon". 

vii.  Joseph  Elisha  Harmon",  b.  June  20,  1845,  at  Verona;  resi- 
dence,   Blocksburg,   Calif. 

viii.  Sarah  Aurelia9,  b.  Aug.  5,  1848,  at  Verona;  m.  George  P. 

3141.  Elmina*  Avery  (Samuel7,  Joseph",  Elisha'',  Elisha' , 
John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  17,  1807,  at  Verona, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  June  1,  1842,  at  Verona,  James  Rockwell  Combs, 
s.  of  John  and  Betsey  (Rockwell)  Combs.  He  was  b.  about 
1811,  at  Boonville,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  April  8, 
1844,  at  Boonville.  She  m.  2d,  March  6,  1845,  at  Boonville, 
Laurentius  Snow.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  July  28,  1875,  at 
Morris,  111.    She  d.  Feb.  21,  1882,  at  Ottawa,  111. 

Child  of  James  Rockwell  and  Elmina   (Avery)   Combs: 

i.  James  Rockwell",  b.  Nov.  11,  1843,  at  Boonville;  a  gradu- 
ate of  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy;  m.  Sarah  Tinkham. 

Children  of  Laurentius  and  Elmina  (Avery)   Snow : 
i.       Sarah  E.9,  b.  Sept.  20,  1846;  m.  Calvin  Leib. 
ii.      Samuel  Avery9,  b.  April,  1849;  m.  Molly  Van  Dusen. 

3142.  Samuel  King8  Avery  (Samuel7,  Joseph*,  Elisha7-, 
Elisha4,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  9,  1810,  at 
Verona,  111. ;  m.  Jan.  30,  1836,  at  Vernon,  N.  Y.,  Asenath  Wilder, 
dau.  of  Abel  and  Asenath  (Smith)  Wilder.  She  was  b.  Nov.  25, 
1814,  at  Vernon,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  Nov.  25,  1874, 
at  Lisbon,  111.  He  m.  2d,  April  3,  1876,  at  Dayton,  O.,  Mrs. 
Tirzah  Asenath  (Wilder)  Wissinger,  dau.  of  Barnabas  H.  and 
Amanda  (Ferre)  Wilder,  and  widow  of  Harvey  Wissinger.  She 
was  b.  May  19,  1843,  at  West  Union,  Ind.  He  d.  Dec.  15,  1880, 
at  Lisbon,  111.    She  is  living  at  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Samuel  King  and  Asenath  (Wilder)   Avery: 

6492.  i.       William  Boardman0,  b.  Nov.  13,  1838,  at  Verona. 

ii.  George  Edward9,  b.  July  20,  1840,  at  Verona;  d.  Sept.  10, 
1857,  at  Lisbon,  111. 

6493.  iii.  Elizabeth  Christiana9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1842,  at  Verona. 

6494.  iv.  Hubert  King9,  b.  Feb.  22,  1845,  at  Verona. 

6495.  v.  Elisha  Dennison0,  b.  Feb.  2,  1847,  at  Verona. 

6496.  vi.  Samuel  Porter9,  b.  Jan.  13,  1850,  at  Lisbon,  111. 

6497.  vii.  John  Charles  Fremont9,  b.  Aug.  15,  1857,  at  Lisbon. 

3143.  Mira  Melvina8  Avery  (Samuel7,  Joseph",  Elisha7-, 
Elisha*,  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1812,  at 

932  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Verona,  111.;  m.  Jan.  19,  1832,  in  Oneida  County,  N.  Y.,  John 
P.  Fritcher.  They  moved  to  Iowa,  where  he  d.  Oct.  8,  1888 ;  she 
d.  Jan.,  1899. 

Children  of  John  P.  and  Mira  Melvina   (Avery)   Fritcher, 
b.  at  Sharon,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Susan  M.9,  b.  March  3,  1833;  m.  John  Moremus. 

ii.      Mary  Elizabeth",  b.  June  13,  1835;  m.  George  Uttman. 

iii.     Sarah  L.9,  b.  Aug.  8,  1838;  m.  John  Young. 

3144.  Edwin  Barnes8  Avery  (Joseph  Bab  cock1 ,  Joseph?, 
Elishw',  Elishai,  John2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  21, 
1839,  at  Riga,  N.  Y.;  m.  March  4,  1861,  at  Bergen,  N.  Y.,  Ann 
Eliza  Cook,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Catherine  (Collins)  Cook.  She 
was  b.  April  6,  1843,  at  East  Niles,  N.  Y.  He  was  long  in  the 
employ  of  the  N.  Y.  Central  R.  R.,  and  all  his  sons  were  railroad 
men.  He  was  also  postmaster  at  Coldwater,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Oct. 
25,  1901,  at  Coldwater. 

Children  of  Edwin  Barnes  and  Ann  Eliza  (Cook)  Avery: 
Harriet  Louisa9,  b.  Dec.  1,  1861,  at  Bergen,  N.  Y. 
Albert  Edwin9,  b.  Jan.  19,  1864,  at  Coldwater. 
Frances  Ellen9,  b.  Aug.  20,  1865,  at  Coldwater;  d.  y. 
Myron  Porter9,  b.  Sept.  24,  1866,  at  Coldwater. 
Chauncey  Barnes9,  b.  Oct.  30,  1868,  at  Coldwater. 
Hiram  Joseph9,  b.  Jan.  19,  1870,  at  Coldwater. 
vii.    Catherine  Armena9,  b.  Sept.  18,  1873,  at  Coldwater. 
viii.  Maud  Elmina9,  b.  Oct.  19,  1875,  at  Coldwater. 

6505.  ix.     Frederick  Miner9,  b.  Jan.  10,  1878,  at  Coldwater. 

3149.  Jacob8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Samuel6,  Elisha7',  Elisha\ 
John2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  28,  1815,  at  Sharon, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  9,  1844,  at  Martinsburg,  N.  Y.,  Deborah  Peebles, 
dau.  of  Sanford  and  Sally  (Bowen)  Peebles.  She  was  b.  Aug. 
17,  1824,  at  Martinsburg.  He  was  a  miller  and  millwright.  He 
d.  Dec.  23,  1884;  she  d.  Jan.  18,  1892,  both  at  Greenbush,  Wis. 

Children  of  Jacob  and  Deborah  (Peebles)  Avery: 

i.       Newton9,  b.  Nov.  27,  1846,  at  Lyonsdale,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 

6506.  ii.      Helen  Julia9,  b.  Oct.  30,  1849,  at  Taycheedah,  Wis.;  resi- 

dence, Pipestone,  Minn, 
iii.     Jay9,  b.   Aug.  8,  1851,  at  Taycheedah;   d.  June  2,   1872,   at 
Fond  du  Lac,  Wis. 

6507.  iv.     Benjamin  Franklin9,  b.  Aug.  4,  1855,  at  Oakfield,  Wis. 

6508.  v.      Mary  Elizabeth9,  b.  Jan.  19,  1858,  at  Oakfield. 
















The   Eighth  Generation  933 

3150.  Lydia8  Avery  {Joseph'',  Samuel",  h'lisha*,  Elisha*, 
John3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  19,  1818,  at  Lowville, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  April,  1842,  at  Lowville,  Henry  Shaver,  s.  of  Andrew 
Shaver.  She  d.  Oct.  31,  1891;  he  d.  in  Oct.,  1894,  both  at 
Winneconne,  Wis. 

Children  of  Henry  and  Lydia  (Avery)   Shaver: 
i.      Juliette9,  b.  at  Lowville,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Anna9,  b.  at  Martinsburg,  N.  Y. 
iii.     Duane9;  d.  at  Winneconne,  Wis. 

3151.  Sally  Ann8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Samuel6,  Elisha1',  Elisha*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  3,  1820,  at  Lowville, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  24,  1838,  at  Lowville,  William  Hitchcock,  s.  of 
Jesse  and  Phoebe  Hitchcock.  He  d.  Aug.  20,  1864.  She  m.  2d, 
Dec.  21,  1875,  at  Le  Mars,  la.,  Richard  Kidson.  He  was  b.  in 
England.  She  d.  in  May,  1903,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif. ;  he  d.  in 
1908,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  William  and  Sally  Ann   (Avery)   Hitchcock,  b. 

at  Lowville: 

i.       Clarissa9,  b.  May  27,  1840. 

ii.      Daniel  B.b,  b.  July  6,  1842. 

iii.     Mary  A.9,  b.  May  14,  1844. 

iv.     Rufus  R.9,  b.  Oct.  7,  1846;  residence,  Lawndale,  Calif. 

v.      George  E.9,  b.  April  8,  1849. 

3152.  Mary  Etta8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Samuel*,  Elisha5,  Eli- 
sha4, John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1822,  at  Low- 
ville, N.  Y.;  m.  Feb.  20,  1844,  at  Lowville,  Egbert  Lanpher, 
s.  of  Pardon  and  Lucy  Lanpher.  He  was  b.  April  2,  1820,  at 
Lowville.  He  d.  March  7,  1898,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif.  She 
d.  Oct.  13,  1910,  at  Gardena,  Calif. 

Children  of  Egbert  and  Mary  Etta  (Avery)  Lanpher,  b.  at 

Clayton,  N.  Y.: 

i.       George  Orvill9,  b.  Nov.  13,  1847;  residence,  Gardena,  Calif, 
ii.      Clara  Celetta*,  b.  April  10,  1854. 

3153.  Samuel8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Samuel6,  Elisha5,  Elisha*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  13,  1824,  at  Lowville, 
N.  Y.;  m.  June  24,  1845,  at  West  Monroe,  N.  Y.,  Sarah  Rae, 
dau.  of  Phillip  and  Rebecca   (Millard)   Rae.     She  was  b.  June 

934  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

15,  1832,  at  West  Monroe;  d.  July  3,  1901,  at  Pipestone,  Minn. 
In  the  civil  war,  he  served  as  a  member  of  the  48th  reg't  of  Wis- 
consin inf'y.    He  d.  Oct.  23,  1909,  at  Covina,  Calif. 
Children  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Rae)  Avery: 

6509.  i.       Erwin  James9,  b.  Dec.  29,  1847,  at  West  Monroe,  N.  Y. 

6510.  ii.      Delciette  Elizabeth8,  b.  Jan.  3,  1851,  at  West  Monroe. 

iii.  Eugene  Melville9,  b.  May  20,  1853;  d.  May  6,  1882,  at 
Pipestone;  unm. 

3154.  Deborah8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Samuel6,  Elisha5,  Elisha*, 
John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  27,  1825,  in  Jefferson 
Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April,  1846,  at  Remsen,  N.  Y.,   Ezekiel  Jones, 

s.  of  Moses  and  Dinah  (Davis)  Jones.  He  was  b.  Sept.  8,  1824, 
at  Remsen,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Nov.  6,  1862,  at  Rome,  N.  Y.  She  d.  March 
20,  1909,  at  Detroit,  Mich. 

Children   of   Ezekiel   and   Deborah    (Avery)    Jones,   b.   at 
Remsen : 

i.       Avery  Davis9,  b.  Jan.  28,  1848;  m.  Loraine  L.  Stanbro. 

ii.      Flora   Amelia9,    b.    May    12,    1851;    m.    Dwight    Merriman 

iii.     Edwin  Dean9,  b.  Oct.  20,  1852;  m.  May  Stanbro. 
iv.     Elvira  M.9,  b.  Oct.  Oct.  23,  1854;  m.  Le  Roy  D.  Warren; 

2d,  Henry  W.  Johnson;   residence,   Detroit,  Mich. 
v.      Lulu   E.9,  b.   May  3,   1858;   m.   Herbert   Coan;   d.   Feb.   21, 

1886,  at  Springville,  N.  Y. 
vi.     George  Dawson9,  b.  Feb.  21,  1862;  m.  Frances  Morse. 

3155.  Martha  Maria*  Avery  (Joseph'',  Samuel*,  Elisha5, 
Elisha*,  John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  6,  1829,  at 
Lowville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  28,  1854,  at  Lowville,  William  Merrill, 
s.  of  Cornelius  and  Kate  (Truax)  Merrill.  He  was  b.  Nov.  29, 
1825,  at  Seneca,  N.  Y.    She  d.  April  17,  1909,  at  Oakfield,  Wis. 

Children  of  William  and  Martha  Maria  (Avery)  Merrill: 

i.  Clarence9,  b.  Jan.  17,  1855,  near  Sharon,  111.;  residence, 
Spokane,   Wash. 

ii.  Sedate9,  b.  July  9,  1857,  at  Oakfield,  Wis.;  l-esidence,  Oak- 

iii.  Elwin  Dee9,  b.  April  8,  1863,  at  Oakfield,  Wis.;  m.  Laura 
Sweet;  residence,  Waupun,  Wis. 

iv.  Jesse9,  b.  March  31,  1867,  at  Oakfield;  residence,  Oak  Cen- 
ter, Wis. 

The   Eighth  Generation  935 

3156.  John  Snell*  Avery  (Joseph7,  Samuel*,  ElishaJ',  Elisha*, 
John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  8,  1832,  at  Lowville, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1857,  at  Ausgar,  la.,   Cordelia  Maria  Allen, 

dau.  of  Jonathan  and  Caroline  (Burnham)  Allen.  She  was  b. 
Oct.  12,  1833;  d.  Nov.  22,  1865.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  27,  1866,  at 
Ripon,  Wis.,  Electa  Kinney,  dau.  of  Asa  and  Delia  Ann  (Raw- 
son)  Kinney.  She  was  b.  June  15,  1841,  at  South  Milwaukee, 
Wis.     He  d.  Oct.  9,  1907,  at  Covina,  Calif. 

Children  of  John  Snell  and  Cordelia  Maria  (Allen)  Avery: 

i.       Hattie  E.9,  b.  July  24,  1859,  at  Ripon;  d.  April  7,  1872. 

ii.      Chauncey  B.9,  b.  Sept.  4,  1861,  at  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis.;  d.  y. 

iii.     Freddie  E.9,  b.  March  11,  1865,  at  Fond  du  Lac;  d.  y. 

Children  of  John  Snell  and  Electa  (Kinney)  Avery: 
i.       Willie  Kinney9,  b.  Aug.  18,  1867,  at  Ripon;  d.  y. 
6511.     ii.      Neenah  Belle9,  b.  Nov.  4,   1869,  at  Ripon;   residence,  Los 
Angeles,   Calif. 
Charles  Kinney9,  b.  April  19,  1872,  at  Ripon. 
John  Tyler9,  b.  Aug.  12,  1874,  at  Ripon. 
Louis  Asa9,  b.  Sept.  2,  1877,  at  Eden,  Wis. 
Edna  Lydia9,  b.  April  22,  1879,  at  Eden. 

3157.  Elizabeth8  Avery  {Joseph7,  Samuel*,  Elisha*,  Elisha*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  8,  1838,  at  Lowville, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  June  5,  1857,  at  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis.,  Alonzo  Hicks, 
s.  of  John  W.  and  Susan  (Conant)  Hicks.  He  was  b.  Feb.  20, 
1832,  in  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Aug.  15,  1889,  at  Tacoma, 
Wash.    She  lives  at  Hermosa  Beach,  Calif. 

Children  of  Alonzo  and  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Hicks: 

i.       Arthur  Leland9,  b.  July  24,  1858,  at  Black  Wolf.  Wis. 

ii.      Addie9,  b.  Aug.  19,  1861,  at  Oakfield,  Wis;  m.  Mr.  Werren; 

residence,  Buckley,  Wasb. 
iii.     Callie9,  b.   Aug.   7,   1866,  at   Black  Wolf;   m.   Mr.   Martin; 

residence,  Hermosa  Beach. 
iv.     Charles9,  b.  Jan.  19,  1868,  at  Black  Wolf;  m.  Anna  Krug- 

ger;  residence,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

Editorial  Note. — On  page  576  of  this  work  appears  the  fam- 
ily record  of  George7  Avery  (No.  1508)  who  m.  Hannah  Arm- 
strong. When  that  section  of  the  book  was  printed  we  did  not 
know  of  any  living  descendant  of  this  George  Avery.  The  record 
as  printed  by  us  was  copied  from  the  record  as  printed  by  Mr. 
Sweet  in  1894  (page  462  of  his  history  of  The  Averys  of  Groton) . 






















936  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

We  subsequently  learned  that  both  of  the  children  thus  recorded 
by  us  died  young  and  that  there  were  several  other  children  who 
lived  to  have  families  of  their  own.  We  have  put  forth  our  best 
efforts  to  get  the  records  of  these  families,  but  are  now  obliged 
to  let  these  pages  go  to  press  with  some  of  them  incomplete.  As 
our  record  now  stands,  George7  Avery  was  b.  Aug.  8,  1803,  near 
Utica,  N.  Y.  Hannah  Armstrong  was  b.  in  Schoharie  or  Mont- 
gomery Co.,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  carpenter.  She  d.  March  6,  1863 ; 
he  d.  Feb.  6,  1866,  both  at  New  York  City. 

Children  of  George  and  Hannah  (Armstrong)  Avery: 

Margaret8,  b.  July  29,  1828;  d.  y. 

John  Sanborn8,  b.  June  13,  1830;  d.  y. 

Clarissa  Ann8,  b.  May  27,  1832. 

William  Mitchell  Shaw8,  b.  Aug.  29,  1836,  in  Montgomery 
Co.,  N.  Y. 

Louisa  Mariah8,  b.  Jan.  29,  1839,  in  Montgomery  Co. 

Emily8,  b.  May  18,  1841,  in  Montgomery  Co. 

Lucy  Jane8,  b.  Nov.  16,  1843,  in  Montgomery  Co. 

Lydia  Catherine8,  b.  July  17,  1846,  in  Montgomery  Co.;  d. 
Feb.  16,  1861. 

3165.  ix.     George8,  b.  Nov.  19,  1850,  at  Rural  Grove,  Montgomery  Co., 

N.  Y. 

3166.  x.      Julia8,  b.  Sept.  24,  1854,  in  Montgomery  Co. 

3161a.  William  Mitchell  Shaw8  Avery  (George7,  Samuel*, 
Elisha5,  Elisha4,  John*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  29, 
1836,  in  Montgomery  Co.,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  12,  1868,  at  Gra- 
ham, la.,  Nancy  Moore,  dau.  of  George  and  Terissa  (Parrott) 
Moore.  She  was  b.  July  27,  1849,  at  Zanesville,  O.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Burlingame,  Kas. 

Children  of  William  Mitchell  Shaw  and  Nancy  (Moore) 
Avery : 

6521.  i.       Aaron9,  b.  April  9,  1869,  at  Graham,  la.;  d.  June  10,  1884, 

at  Table  Rock,  Neb. 

6522.  ii.      Mertie  Lula9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1871,  at  Table  Rock. 

6523.  iii.     Owen  George9,  b.  Aug.  30,  1876,  at  Table  Rock. 

6524.  iv.     Hugh  Walter9,  b.  April  20,  1882,  at  Table  Rock. 

6525.  v.      Lillian  Estelle9,  b.  May  24,  1888,  at  Table  Rock;  residence, 

Burlingame,  Kas. 

6526.  vi.     Marion  Elvon9,  b.  May  24,  1888,  at  Table  Rock. 

3162.  Louisa  Mariah8  Avery  (George7,  Samuel9 ,  Elisha5, 
Elisha4,  John-,  James2,  Christopher1)   was  b.  Jan.  29,  1839,  in 

The  Eighth  Generation  937 

Montgomery  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  16,  1856,  John  Oathout,   s.  of 
Abram  and  Rosanna  (Chase)  Oathout.    He  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1837, 
in  Montgomery  Co.,  N.  Y.     He  was  a  farmer.     She  d.  in  April, 
1866,  at  Iowa  City,  la.;  he  d.  Feb.  5,  1898,  at  Shelby,  la. 
Child  of  John  and  Louisa  Mariah  (Avery)  Oathout: 

i.  William9,  b.  Dec.  18,  1857,  at  Iowa  City;  m.  Alice  Sarah 
Brink.  He  d.  Aug-.  3,  1901,  at  Shelby,  la.,  where  she  is 
living    (1912). 

3163.  Emily8  Avery  {George1,  Samuel6,  Elisha7',  Elisha*, 
John7-,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  May  18,  1841,  in  Montgom- 
ery Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  15,  1856,  Robert  Deneau.  She  d.  May  10, 
1894,  at  New  York  City.  It  is  said  that  he  is  living  (1912)  at 
Hackensack,  N.  J. 

Children  of  Robert  and  Emily  (Avery)   Deneau: 
i.       Maude*,  b.  July  1,  1874;   m.  Charles  Van   Riper, 
ii.     William8. 
iii.     John9;  d.  y. 
iv.     Eliza?;    m.    Seymour    Fancher. 

3164.  Lucy  Jane8  Avery  (George7,  Samuel6,  Elisha7',  Elisha\ 
John5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  16,  1843,  in  Montgom- 
ery Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  4,  1861,  Aaron  Wemple.  It  is  said  that 
he  lives  at  Wagner,  Neb. 

3165.  George8  Avery  (George7,  Samuel6,  Elisha7,  Elisha4, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1850,  at  Rural 
Grove,  Montgomery  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  8,  1896,  at  New  York 
City,  Jeannette  Smith,  dau.  of  James  and  Janet  (Martin)  Smith. 
She  was  b.  May  28,  1861,  at  New  York  City.  He  is  a  clerk.  No 
children.    Residence,  New  York  City. 

3166.  Julia8  Avery  (George7,  Samuel6,  Elisha7',  Elisha*, 
John3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  24,  1854,  at  Sprakers, 
Montgomery  Co.,  N.  Y.  She  m.  John  W.  Kinney  of  New  York 
City,  of  whom  we  have  not  yet  learned  more.  She  m.  2d,  May 
16,  1883,  at  Table  Rock,  Neb.,  Peter  Gold,  s.  of  Jacob  and  Eva 
(Breidinger)  Gold.  He  was  b.  July  1,  1840,  at  Belfast,  Pa.  He 
is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Table  Rock,  Neb. 

Children  of  John  W.  and  Julia  (Avery)  Kinney: 

i.       John  Quittson9,  b.  Aug.  18,  1871,  at  New  York  City;  d.  y. 
iL      Frank  Wesley9,  b.  Jan.  29,  1873,  at  New  York  City;  d.  y. 

938  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

iii.     George  Washington",  b.  Oct.  29,  1874,  at  New  York  City; 
m.   Effie  Agnes   Maxson;   residence,   Humboldt,   Neb. 

3175.  Maria*  Avery  (Joseph7,  Humphrey*,  Humphrey7', 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1813, 
at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  2,  1831,  at  Blue  Point,  Freeman 
P.  Stillman,  s.  of  Amos  and  Abbie  (Barteau)  Stillman.  He  was 
b.  Sept.,  1809.  She  d.  Oct.  6,  1836,  at  Blue  Point.  He  m.  2d,  her 
sister,  Sarah  (No.  3176). 

Child  of  Freeman  P.  and  Maria  (Avery)  Stillman: 
i.       Ann   Maria";   m.   Hudson   Still. 

3176.  Sarah8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Humphrey6,  Humphrey5, 
Humphrey1,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  22, 
1820,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  6,  1837,  at  Blue  Point, 
Freeman  P.  Stillman,  the  widower  of  her  sister  Maria  (No. 
3175) .  He  d.  Oct.,  1882 ;  she  d.  May  7,  1891,  both  at  Blue  Point. 
Children  of  Freeman  P.  and  Sarah  (Avery)   Stillman: 

i.       Sarah   Elizabeth";   m.   Robert  B.  Williams. 

ii.      Joseph  Amos9;  m.  Mary  Elizabeth  Smith   (No.  3193,  v.). 

iii.     Ella9;  m.  Stanley  A.  Spence. 

iv.     Georgianna9;    m.    Daniel    M.    Moore. 

v.      Magnolia". 

3177.  Eliza8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Humphrey6,  Humphrey5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  7,  1822,  at 
Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Warren  Hawkins,  s.  of  John  and  Jennie 
(Howell)   Hawkins.     She  d.  Nov.  9,  1859. 

3178.  Weldon8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Humphrey6,  Humphrey7', 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  8,  1825, 
at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  19,  1849,  Mary  Augusta  Bucking- 
ham, dau.  of  William  Herman  and  Levitta  (Smith)  Bucking- 
ham. She  was  b.  Dec.  1,  1828,  at  Smithtown,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Aug. 
12,  1865,  at  Blue  Point. 

Children  of  Weldon  and  Mary  Augusta  (Buckingham) 
Avery : 

6530.     i.       Anna  Elizabeth",  b.  Oct.  21,  1851,  at  Sayville,  N.  Y. 
ii.     Joseph  William9,  b.  Sept.  14,  1854;  d.  y. 

3179.  Rosella8  Avery  (Joseph7,  Humphrey6,  Humphrey7', 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  7, 
1830,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  William  C.  Rogers,  s.  of 
William  and  Sarah  Ann   (Smith)   Rogers.     He  was  b.  Aug.  25, 

The   Eighth  Generation  939 

1839,  at  Blue  Point.     She  d.  Oct.  27,  1886;  he  d.  Feb.  5,  1905, 
both  at  Blue  Point. 

Child  of  William  C.  and  Rosella  (Avery)  Rogers,  b.  at  Blue 


i.       Emma  Jane9,  b.  April  9,  1874;  m.  Clifford  Green;  residence, 
Bayport,  N.  Y. 

3180.  William  Nelson8  Avery  (William',  Humphrey*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
9,  1820,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Mary  Brewster,  dau.  of  Samuel 
and  Mary  (Phillips)  Brewster.  She  was  b.  Dec.  12,  1819,  at 
Mt.  Sinai,  Long  Island,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  sea  captain.  He  d. 
Nov.  29,  1875 ;  she  d.  March  25,  1902,  at  Port  Jefferson,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  William  Nelson  and  Mary   (Brewster)   Avery, 
b.  at  Port  Jefferson,  N.  Y. : 

6531.  i.   Nelson9,  b.  Jan'y,  1849;  d.  Nov.,  1879. 

6532.  ii.   Edward";  b.  Dec.  11,  1859. 

3181.  Walter  Norton8  Avery  (William7,  Humphrey6,  Hum- 
phrey5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
17,  1821,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y.;  m.  Feb.  11,  1851,  at  New  York 
City,  Mary  Weeks,  dau.  of  Stephen  and  Mary  (Waldron)  Weeks. 
She  was  b.  Oct.  14,  1829,  at  New  York  City.  He  was  a  sea 
captain ;  d.  June  3,  1900,  at  New  Haven. 

Children  of  Walter  Norton  and  Mary   (Weeks)   Avery,  b. 
at  New  Haven: 

6533.  i.      Emma  Harriet',  b.  May  8,  1855. 

6534.  ii.      Etta  Louise9,  b.  Sept.  22,  1860;  residence,  New  Haven. 

3182.  Josiah  Smith8  Avery  (William'',  Humphrey6,  Hum- 
phrey5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
5,  1823,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  8,  1851,  at  Fairmount,  Md., 
Martha  Ann  Muir,  dau.  of  William  E.  and  Elizabeth  (Howeth) 
Muir.  She  was  b.  Oct.  16,  1831.  at  Fairmount.  He  was  a 
farmer.  She  d.  Nov.  30,  1887,  at  Fairmount.  He  m.  2d,  Dec. 
5,  1888,  at  Baltimore,  Md.,  Josehpene  Shipley,  dau.  of  John 
Robert  and  Mary  (Owens)  Shipley.  She  was  b.  March  7,  1852, 
in  Matthews  Co.,  Va.  No  children.  He  d.  Nov.  2,  1909,  at  his 
residence  at  Landonville,  Md. 

Child  of  Josiah  Smith  and  Martha  (Muir)  Avery: 

6535.  i.      Walter  Edmund9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1851,  at  Fairmount. 

940  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3183.  Edward*  Avery  (William7,  Humphrey'',  Humphrey*, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel'',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  23, 
1825,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Janet  Stannard,  dau.  of  William 
Stannard.  He  was  a  sea  captain.  They  both  d.  at  New  Haven. 
Their  grave-stone  says  that  he  d.  at  the  age  of  32,  and  indicates 
that  she  was  b.  in  1832  and  d.  in  1890. 

Child  of  Edward  and  Janet  (Stannard)  Avery,  b.  at  New 
Haven,  Conn. : 

6536.  i.       Ella  J.1'.     It  is  said  that  she  m.  H.  A.  Flagg,  and  lived  at 

Stamford,    Conn. 

3185.  Harriet  Maria8  Avery  (William7,  Humphrey9,  Hum- 
phrey5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
28,  1830,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  George  Lane,  s.  of  Freeman 
Lane.  He  was  b.  Nov.  21,  1828,  at  Bayport,  N.  Y.  It  is  said 
that  they  live  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  George  and  Harriet  Maria  (Avery)  Lane,  b. 
at  Bayport: 

i.       Mary  Ann3,  b.  Jan.  24,  1853. 

ii.      Sarah  Janette9,  b.  Aug.  30,  1865;  d.  y. 

3186.  Salem8  Avery  (William7,  Humphrey*,  Humphrey*, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  4,  1831, 
at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1857,  at  West  River,  Md., 
Lucretia  Weedon,  dau.  of  Ely  and  Ann  Catharine  (Johnson) 
Weedon.  She  was  b.  July  16,  1828,  in  Ann  Arundel  County, 
Md.    He  was  a  mariner;  d.  July  5,  1887,  at  West  River. 

Children  of  Salem  and  Lucretia  (Weedon)  Avery: 

6537.  i.  Ella  Jeanette9,  b.  Nov.  13,  1857,  at  Fairmount,  Md. 

6538.  ii.  Alonzo  Jacob9,  b.  March  28,  1859,  at  Fairmount. 

6539.  iii.  William  Edward9,  b.  April  2,  1860,  at  West  River. 

6540.  iv.  Emma  Lucretia9,  b.  July  25,  1865,  at  West  River. 

6541.  v.  Walter  Salem9,  b.  April  11,  1867,  at  West  River. 

6542.  vi.  Andrew  Nelson9,  b.  June  7,  1868,  at  West  River. 

6543.  vii.  Mary  Lucinda9,  b.  Aug.  12,  1871,  at  West  River. 

3187.  Miami8  Avery  (William7,  Humphrey*,  Humphrey*, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  25, 
1837,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  9,  1866,  at  Blue  Point, 
Oliver  Clark  Smith,  s.  of  Clark  and  Sally  (Avery)  (No.  3193) 
Smith.  He  was  b.  Nov.  5,  1841.  She  d.  April  25,  1878,  at 
Bayport,  N.  Y.    He  m.  2d,  Anne  E.  Velsor. 

The   Eighth  Generation  941 

Child  of  Oliver  Clark  and  Miami   (Avery)   Smith: 

i.       Lewis9,  b.  Jan.  24,  1875,  at  Bayport;  residence,  Bayport. 
There  are  other  children,  names  not  known  to  us. 

3188.  Jacob  Wilson8  Avery  (William7,  Humphrey0,  Hum- 
phrey5, Humphrey*,  Samuel5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
6,  1839,  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  16,  1862,  at  Bayport, 
N.  Y.,  Harriet  Ellen  Smith,  dau.  of  Clark  and  Sally  Avery  (No. 
3193)  Smith.  She  was  b.  Nov.  20,  1843,  at  Bayport.  He  was  a 
farmer.  He  lived  at  Blue  Point,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died  April  15, 

Children  of  Jacob  Wilson  and  Harriet  Ellen  (Smith)  Avery, 
b.  at  Blue  Point : 

6544.  i.       George  Richard0,  b.  Nov.  2,  1865. 

6545.  ii.      Francis  Lord9,  b.  July  13,  1875. 

6546.  iii.     Grace  May9,  b.  Jan.   10,  1877. 

3189.  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Roger,  Roger6,  Humphrey7',  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1827,  at 
Pine  Neck  (now  Patchogue),  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  4,  1851,  at  Pine 
Neck,  Brewster  H.  Saxton,  s.  of  Richard  and  Polly  (Hammond) 
Saxton.  He  was  b.  March  27,  1822,  at  Patchogue.  He  d.  July 
9,  1888,  at  Patchogue ;  she  d.  Feb.  12,  1903,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Brewster  H.  and  Elizabeth  (Avery)   Saxton,  b. 

at  Pine  Neck: 

i.       George  William9,  b.  Dec.  26,  1854. 

ii.      Elizabeth  Foster9,  b.  March  16,  1856. 

iii.    Abraham  Lincoln9,  b.  Feb.  9,  1860. 

iv.     Roger9,  b.  Feb.  19,  1865;  m.  Lillian  D.  Post. 

3190.  William8  Avery  (John7,  Roger6,  Humphrey6,  Hum- 
phrey*, SamueV',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  3,  1814,  at 
Pine  Neck  (now  Patchogue) ,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  12,  1834,  Emeline 
Tuthill,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Sarah  (Wicks)  Tuthill  and  the 
widow  of  Clark  Robinson.  She  was  b.  Oct.  6,  1806,  at  Eastport, 
N.  Y.;  d.  Sept.  24,  1876,  at  Patchogue.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  12, 
1878,  at  East  Patchogue,  N.  Y.,  Prudence  Hawkins,  dau.  of 
David  and  Prudence  (Tuthill)  Hawkins.  She  was  b.  Aug.  21, 
1828,  at  Brookhaven,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  May  12„ 

942  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  William  and  Emeline  (Tuthill)  Avery: 

6547.  i.       Mary  Ellen9,  b.  March  16,  1836,  at  Patchogue,  N.  Y. 

6548.  ii.      Augusta  Tuthill3,  b.  Aug.  9,  1843,  at  Patchogue. 
Two  children,  Seth  and  Williams,  twins,  d.  y. 

3191.  Humphrey8  Avery  (John7,  Roger6,  Humphrey5,  Hum- 
phrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  2,  1816,  at 
Pine  Neck  (now  Patchogue),  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  21,  1845,  at 
Patchogue,  Susan  Miller  Case,  dau.  of  David  and  Anna  (Wick- 
ham)  Case.  She  was  b.  May  5,  1816,  at  Patchogue;  d.  May  19, 
1878,  at  Patchogue.  He  d.  Aug.  19,  1889,  at  Patchogue.  He 
was  a  farmer. 

Children  of  Humphrey  and  Susan  Miller  (Case)  Avery,  b. 
at  Patchogue: 

i.      John  Wickham8,  b.  Aug.  12,  1853;  d.  y. 

6549.  ii.      Charles  Washington9,  b.   Dec.   17,   1854. 

3192.  Susan8  Avery  (John7,  Roger'9,  Humphrey5,  Humphrey1, 
Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  1,  1819,  at  Pine  Neck 
(now  Patchogue),  N.  Y. ;  m.  July  4,  1843,  John  Woodhull,  s.  of 
Nathan  and  Sarah  (Smith)  Woodhull.  He  was  b.  Jan.  8,  1821, 
at  Sayville,  N.  Y.  She  d.  May  11,  1858,  at  Bayport,  N.  Y.  He  d. 
Jan.,  1903,  at  Patchogue. 

Children    of   John    and    Susan    (Avery)    Woodhull,    b.    at 
Patchogue : 

i.       Emeline0,  b.  Feb.  28,  1844;  m.  Elias  Hawkins;  d.  Dec.  29, 

1900,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Margaret9,  b.  Oct.  28,  1846;  d.  Oct.  3,  1856. 
iii.     Harriet9,  b.  May  24,  1849;  m.  Sylvanus  Elisha  Overton, 
iv.     Ellen9,  b.  Sept.  6,  1853;  m.  Knowlton  Barrett  Moseman. 

3193.  Sally8  Avery  (John7,  Roger*,  Humphrey5,  Humphrey1, 
Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  1,  1819,  at  Pine 
Neck  (now  Patchogue),  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  26,  1839,  Clark  Smith, 
s.  of  Jonah  and  Mary  Smith.  He  was  b.  Feb.  12,  1812 ;  d.  Oct. 
19,  1889.    She  d.  June  28,  1899,  at  Patchogue. 

Children  of  Clark  and  Sally  (Avery)  Smith,  b.  at  Bayport, 

N.  Y.: 

i.       Oliver    Clark9,    b.    Nov.    5,    1841;    m.    Miami    Avery    (No. 

3187) ;  2d,  Anne  E.  Velsor. 
ii.      Harriet  Ellen9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1843;  m.  Jacob  Wilson  Avery 
(No.  3188). 

The   Eighth  Generation  943 

iii.     Sarah  Jane",  b.  June  1,  1845;  m.  Clark  Smith,  s.  of  Uriah 
and  Anstrus    (Avery)    Smith    (No.  1540). 

iv.     Jonah  Wilson",  b.  Dec.  7,  1846;  m.  Sarah  . 

v.      Mary  Elizabeth",  b.  June  29,  1848;  m.  Joseph  Stillman. 
of  Freeman  and  Sarah    (Avery)    Stillman    (No.  3176). 

vi.     Esther  A.",  b.  March  12,  1850;  m.  Samuel  L'Hommedieu. 

vii.    Emily  B.9,  b.  Dec.  3,  1851;   m.  David  Cochran. 

viii.  Josephene',  b.  June  17,  1853;  d.  March  24,  1864. 

ix.     John  Avery9,  b.  Dec.  18,  1854;  m.  Alemand  V.  Terry;   2d, 
Frances  McGregor. 

x.      Charles  D.9,  b.  May  30,  1856;  d.  y. 

xi.     Margaret9,  b.  Oct.  29,  1857;  m.  Treadwell  Rogers. 

3194.  Harriet8  Avery  (John1,  Roger''',  Humphrey6,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  26,  1822,  at 
Pine  Neck  (now  Patchogue),  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  21,  1845,  at 
Patchogue,  George  Washington  Smith,  s.  of  Ananias  and  Betsey 
(Rose)  Smith.  He  was  b.  March  19,  1821,  at  Patchogue.  He 
was  a  merchant ;  d.  Dec.  22,  1896,  at  North  Huron,  N.  Y. 

Children    of    George    Washington    and    Harriet     (Avery) 

Smith : 

i.       Charles  Franklin9,  b.  Jan.  26,  1851;  m.  Elizabeth  Saxton; 

d.  Dec.  12,  1885,  in  England. 
ii.      Effie    Elaine",    b.   March    22,    1859,    at    North    Huron;    m. 

Charles  Weed. 

3200.  John  Candler*  Avery  (Samuel7,  Elisha*,  William5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  17, 
1823,  at  Marblehead,  Mass. ;  m.  about  1849,  at  Hingham,  Mass., 
Hulda  Maria  Allen.  She  d.  Sept.,  1857,  at  Andover,  Mass.  He 
m.  2d,  Sept.  6,  1864,  at  Plymouth,  Mass.,  Abi  Bartlett,  dau.  of 
Samuel  and  Olive  H.  Bartlett.  She  was  b.  May  3,  1822,  at 
Manomet,  Mass.  He  was  in  the  government  service.  He  d.  Dec. 
29,  1875,  at  Nassau,  New  Providence. 

Children  of  John  Candler  and  Hulda  Maria  (Allen)  Avery: 

6559.  i.       Mary  Ann9,  b.  March  10,  1851,  at  Barre,  Mass. 

6560.  ii.      Helen   Maria",  b.  Jan.,   1853,  at  Dedham,  Mass. 

6561.  iii.     Allen9,  b.  Feb.,  1854,  at  Essex,  Vt. 

3201.  Samuer  Avery  (Samuel7,  Elisha*,  William7',  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  1,  1825,  at 
Marblehead,  Mass.;  m.  Sept.  1,  1852,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  Susan 
Wheelwright  Candler,   dau.  of  John  and  Susan    (Wheelwright) 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Candler.     She   was   b.   Feb.    13,   1826,   at  Boston.     He   was   a 
broker.     No  children. 

3202.  Edward8  Av- 
ery (Samuel7,  Elisha6, 
William5,  Humphrey*, 
Samuel--,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  March 
12,1827,  at  Marblehead, 
Mass. ;  m.  Dec.  15,  1852, 
at  Boston,  Mass.,  Susan 
Caroline  Stetson,  dau. 
of  Caleb  and  Susannah 
(Hunt)  Stetson.  She 
was  b.  Dec.  20,  1830,  at 
Braintree,  Mass.  She 
d.  April  25,  1882,  at 
Braintree.  He  m.  2d, 
Aug.  14,  1883,  at  East 
Braintree,  Mass.,  Mrs. 
Margaret  (Greene)  Og- 
den,  dau.  of  David  and 
Anna  Maria  (Sumner) 
Greene,  and  the  widow 
of  William  M.  Ogden. 
She  was  b.  at  Baltimore 
about  1850.  He  was  a  lawyer;  a  Democrat  of  the  old  school; 
chairman  of  many  Democratic  state  conventions  and  member 
of  several  Democratic  national  conventions;  member  of  both 
houses  of  the  Massachusetts  general  court ;  an  eloquent  and  con- 
vincing orator ;  an  active  mason.  He  d.  Dec.  29,  1896,  at  Boston, 

Children  of  Edward  and  Susan  Caroline   (Stetson)   Avery, 

b.  at  Braintree: 

6562.  i.       Carrie  Stetson9,  b.  July   17,   1856. 

6563.  ii.      Albert  Everett9,  b.  July  8,  1858. 

iii.     Grace  Candler9,  b.  April  5,  1865;  d.  y. 

3203.      William  Bubier8  Avery   (Samuel7,  Elisha6,  William5, 
Humphrey*,   Samuel3,   James2,   Christopher^)    was   b.   May   13, 


The  Eighth  Generation  !ti:> 

1833,  at  Marblehead,  Mass.;  m.  May  13,  1865,  at  Deer  Island, 
Me.,  Sarah  Marshall,  dau.  of  Capt.  David  P.  and  Sarah  H. 
Marshall.  She  d.  Nov.  29,  1873,  on  ship-board,  near  Brooklyn. 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  ship  master,  at  Edgar,  Fla.  He  d.  Sept.  24, 
1910,  at  Johnson,  Fla. 

Children  of  William  Bubier  and  Sarah   (Marshall)   Avery: 

6564.  i.      William  Marshall9,  b.  Sept.  20,  1866,  at  Needham.  Mass.; 

probably  d.  unm. 

6565.  ii.      Grace  Candler9,  b.  May  13,  1868,  at  Manchester,  N.  H. 

6566.  iii.     Edward  Louis',  b.  Aug.  27,  1870,  at  Darien,  Conn.;  probably 

d.  unm. 

3204.  Helen  Sybil8  Avery  (Samuel7,  Elisha6,  William*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  19,  1840, 
at  Marblehead,  Mass. ;  m.  Feb.  9,  1864,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  George 
Rochford  Stetson,  s.  of  Caleb  and  Susannah  (Hunt)  Stetson. 
He  was  b.  Nov.  29,  1833,  at  Boston.  He  has  retired  from  busi- 
ness, and  lives  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

Children   of   George   Rochford   and    Helen    Sybil    (Avery) 

Stetson : 

i.       Susan  Hunt9,  b.  July  3,  1867,  at  East  Braintree,  Mass.;  m. 

Lieut.   Frank  Friday  Fletcher,  U.   S.   N. 
ii.      Caleb   Rochford9,  b.  April  16,   1871,  at   Boston;   Harvard, 

1894;   New  York   Theological   Seminary,   1898;   ordained 

by  Bishop   Satterlee,  1898. 

3207.  Benjamin  Booth'  Avery  (John  Humphrey7,  Elisha6, 
William5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b. 
Aug.  27,  1864,  at  Corry,  Pa. ;  m.  Sept.  12, 1893,  at  Mt.  Auburn,  O., 
Frances  Harris,  dau.  of  Dr.  J.  D.  Harris.  She  was  b.  Oct.  1, 
1873,  at  Franklin,  O.  He  is  a  lawyer;  practiced  at  Cleveland,  O., 
from  1889  to  1909,  when  he  removed  his  law  offices  to  New  York 
City,  where  he  is  now  practicing  his  profession. 

Child  of  Benjamin  Booth  and  Frances   (Harris)   Avery: 
6568.    i.      Mildred  Josephine9,  b.  July  2,  1894,  at  Cleveland,  O. 

3214.  Charles8  Avery  (John  Stewart7,  William9,  William7', 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  18, 
1854,  at  Granby,  province  of  Quebec,  Canada ;  m.  Sept.  18,  1871, 
at  Granby,  Marie  Rose  Bienvenue,  dau.  of  Pierre  and  Libert 
(Dufrine)  Bienvenue.  She  was  b.  June  9,  1857,  at  Roxton  Pond. 
He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Granby,  Quebec. 

946  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 
























Children  of  Charles  and  Marie  Rose  (Bienvenue)  Avery: 
Charles8,  b.  May  9,  1873,  at  Taunton,  Mass. 
Emma9,  b.  Sept.  2,  1875,  at  Granby. 
Minnie',  b.  July  18,  1876,  at  Granby. 
Henry",  b.  March  21,  1878,  at  Granby. 
William",  b.  May  13,  1880,  at  Granby. 
Victoria9,  b.  May  27,  1883,  at  Granby. 
Lucy9,  b.  April  11,  1885,  at  Granby. 
Clara9,  b.  Oct.  10,  1887,  at  Granby. 
Mary  Rose9,  b.  Jan.  1,  1889,  at  Granby. 
Mary  Jane9,  b.  Dec.  4,  1891,  at  Granby. 
Edy9,  b.  March  10,  1893,  at  Granby. 

3219.  Orin  Jefferson*  Avery  (Horace1,  Miles6,  Solomon*, 
Humphrey^,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  8,  1808, 
at  Great  Barrington.  Mass. ;  m.  June  25,  1826,  at  Macedon,  N.  Y., 
Drusella  Wells,  dau.  of  Rufus  and  Mary  (Phillips)  Wells.  She 
was  b.  Sept.  22,  1809,  at  North  Adams,  Mass.  He  was  a  farmer 
and  school  teacher.  He  d.  March  23,  1837,  at  Penfield  Tp., 
Calhoun  Co.,  Mich.;  she  d.  Sept.  14,  1873,  at  Emmet  Tp.,  Cal- 
houn Co.,  Mich. 

Children  of  Orin  Jefferson  and  Drusella  (Wells)  Avery: 

6596.  i.       Edwin  Franklin9,  b.  July  19,  1831,  in  Wayne  Co.,  N.  Y. 

6597.  ii.      Cynthia  Isadore9,  b.  June  29,  1836. 

3220.  Isabel  J.s  Avery  (Horace7,  Miles6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey^, Samuels,  James'1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  17,  1809,  at 
Great  Barrington,  Mass. ;  m.  Dec.  29,  1825,  at  Farming-ton, 
N.  Y.,  Jesse  Aldrich,  s.  of  Benajah  and  Huldah  (Metcalf)  Aid- 
rich.  He  was  b.  April  5,  1805,  at  Macedon,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Sept. 
10,  1865;  she  d.  July  6,  1884,  both  at  Northville,  Mich.  They 
had  no  children,  but  adopted  a  daughter  who  became  Mrs. 
Nathaniel  Philbrick. 

3221.  Erastus8  Avery  (Horace7,  Miles6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey'', Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  5,  1813,  at 
Chester,  Mass. ;  m.  Jan.  19,  1830,  at  Palmyra,  N.  Y.,  Minerva  C. 
Sherman,  dau.  of  Aaron  and  Prudence  (Thrasher)  Sherman. 
She  was  b.  Aug.  29,  1812,  at  Palmyra.  He  was  a  carpenter  and 
joiner.    He  d.  Feb.  9,  1850,  at  Fairfield,  Mich. 

Children  of  Erastus  and  Minerva  C.  (Sherman)  Avery: 

6600.  i.      Horace  Miles9,  b.  Sept.  11,  1832. 

6601.  ii.      Mary  Elizabeth8,  b.  July  25,  1839,  in  Lenawee  Co.,  Mich. 









The   Eighth   Generation  947 

Aaron  Petaphlace9,  b.  . 

Orrin  Jefferson',  b.  Sept.  27,  1841,  at  Fairfield. 
Alonzo9,  b.  July  3,  1844,  at  Fairfield;  d.  y. 
Harriet  Drucillia9,  b.  July  14,  1847,  at  Fairfield. 

Hannah  *  Avery  (Isaac7,  Miles",  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel2,  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  30,  1806;  m. 
Feb.  12,  1823,  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass.,  George  Harris.  She 
d.  before  1856  (the  date  of  her  father's  will)  ;  he  d.  May  28, 

Children  of  George  and  Hannah   (Avery)   Harris: 
i.      Avery  E.8,  b.  May  19,  1825. 

ii.      Esther  E.9,  b.  Sept.  14,  1830,  at  Great  Barrington;  m.  Elias 

3223.  Electa8  Avery  (Isaac7,  Miles6,  Solomon5,  Humphrey1, 
Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  22,  1809;  m.  Nov. 
19,  1839,  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass.,  Rufus  Townsend. 

Children  of  Rufus  and  Electa  (Avery)  Townsend: 
i.       Ebenezer  B.9,  b.  Aug.  22,  1842. 
ii.      Mary9,  b.   Sept.,  1844. 
iii.     John  V.9,  b.  March  4,  1846. 

3224.  Esther8  Avery  (Isaac7,  Miles6,  Solomon5,  Humphrey*, 
Samuelz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  13,  1811;  m.  Sept. 
15,  1832,  John  Sharpe  Van  Deusen,  s.  of  Robert  and  Barbara 
(Sharpe)  Van  Deusen.  He  was  b.  Feb.  13,  1807,  at  Great 
Barrington,  Mass. 

Child  of  John  Sharpe  and  Esther  (Avery)  Van  Deusen: 
i.      Egbert9. 

3225.  Miles8  Avery  (Isaac7,  Miles6,  Solomon7-,  Humphrey*, 
Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  9,  1813;  m.  June  12, 
1835,  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass.,  Mary  Day,  who  soon  died. 
He  m.  2d,  Feb.  27,  1840,  at  Great  Barrington,  Eleanor  Comstock, 
dau.  of  Lancaster  and  Mary  (Humphrey)  Comstock.  He  d. 
May  10,  1891 ;  she  d.  March  9,  1894,  both  at  Great  Barrington. 
In  his  will,  dated  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass.,  May  25,  1889,  and 
proved  June  2,  1891,  Miles  Avery  mentions,  as  his  grandchildren, 
the  three  children  of  his  son  Theodore,  and  Burdella  Parrott, 
Estella,  Rosella,  Samuel,  Emma,  Henry  and  William  Hamm,  all 
of  Pine  Meadow,  Mass.  We  have  no  further  information  con- 
cerning these  seven  grandchildren. 

948  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Child  of  Miles  and  Mary  (Day)  Avery: 

6650.  i.       Emily",  b.  at  Great  Barrington. 

Children  of  Miles  and  Eleanor  (Comstock)  Avery: 

6651.  i.       Theodore9,  b.   March  25,   1841,  at  Great  Barrington. 

6652.  ii.      Georgie",  b.  July  17,  1848,  at  Great  Barrington. 

3226.  Eunice  Miranda s  Avery  (Isaac7,  Miles9,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  25, 
1815;  m.  Benjamin  Franklin  Pixley.  He  d.  April,  1877,  at 
Great  Barrington,  Mass. 

Children    of    Benjamin    Franklin    and    Eunice    Miranda 
(Avery)   Pixley: 

i.       Alice  L.'j,  b.  Jan.  25,  1856;  d.  y. 

ii.      Carrie  E.9,  b.  Nov.  15,  1858. 

iii.     Millie  A.9,  b.  March  6,  1862;  d.  y. 

3227.  Allen  Henry8  Avery  (Harry7,  Miles8,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey1, Samuel3,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  21,  1815, 
at  Great  Barrington,  Mass. ;  m.  May  25,  1837,  at  Homer,  N.  Y., 
Almeda  Stone,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Stone.  She  was  b. 
July  28,  1817,  at  Homer,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Dec.  30,  1840,  at  Manlius, 
N.  Y.  He  m.  2d,  Feb.  16,  1843,  at  Manlius,  N.  Y.,  Jane  Amanda 
Smith,  dau.  of  Jesse  and  Arminda  (Munson)  Smith.  She  was 
b.  June  28,  1820,  at  Manlius;  d.  Oct.  6,  1844,  at  Manlius.  He 
m.  3d,  March  28,  1848,  at  Manlius,  Abigail  Piatt,  dau.  of  Daniel 
and  Betsy  (Higby)  Piatt.  She  was  b.  April  2,  1818,  at  Pros- 
pect, Conn.;  d.  Sept.  18,  1848,  at  Manlius.  He  m.  4th,  March 
22,  1849,  at  De  Witt,  N.  Y.,  Emeline  Gillette,  dau.  of  Nathaniel 
and  Eliza  (Smith)  Gillette.  She  was  b.  Feb.  18,  1818.  He  was 
a  farmer.  He  served  the  town  of  Manlius  as  assessor  for  sev- 
eral years.    He  d.  Sept.  13,  1894,  at  Manlius,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Allen  Henry  and  Almeda  (Stone)  Avery: 
i.       Henry  Allen",  b.  1838,  at  Manlius;  d.  y. 

Child  of  Allen  Henry  and  Jane  Amanda  (Smith)  Avery: 

6653.  i.       Mary  Jane*,  b.  Dec.  31,  1843,  at  Manlius. 

Children  of  Allen  Henry  and  Emeline   (Gillette)   Avery: 

6654.  i.       Corinne  Eliza9,  b.  April  9,  1853,  at  Manlius. 

6655.  ii.      Allen  Henry9,  b.  May  21,  1856,  at  Manlius. 

3228.  Darius   Chapman6  Avery   (Harry7,  Miles6,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey4,   Samuel3,   James2,   Christopher1)    was   b.   May   12, 

The   Eighth   Generation  949 

1817 ;  m.  Sept.  16,  1840,  at  Jamesville,  N.  Y.,  Pamelia  Keene, 
dau.  of  Samuel  A.  and  Pamelia  (Hibbard)  Keene.  She  d.  Sept. 
5,  1889.  He  m.  2d,  Laura  A.  Eggleston,  the  widow  of  G.  W. 
Wheeler.  He  d.  July  16,  1901;  she  d.  Nov.  11,  1901,  both  at 
Jamesville,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Darius  Chapman  and  Pamelia  (Keene)  Avery: 
i.      Grace8,  b.  Nov.  7,  1843;  d.  y. 
6676.     ii.      Hiram   Denison9,  b.  Aug.  24,  1846. 

3229.  Egbert  Isaac8  Avery  {Harry',  Miles9,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  27,  1819,  at 
Jamesville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  13,  1841,  at  Pompey,  N.  Y.,  Mercy 
Tiffany,  dau.  of  David  and  Anna  (Eldridge)  Tiffany.  She  was 
b.  Feb.  29,  1824,  at  Pompey.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Feb.  19, 
1908 ;  she  d.  Sept.  6,  1910,  both  at  Manlius,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Egbert  Isaac  and  Mercy  (Tiffany)  Avery,  b.  at 

Pompey : 

Ellen  Augusta9,  b.  April  26,  1847. 
Ida  Isadore9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1850. 
Eva  Rosalind9,  b.  Aug.  5,  1854. 
Squire  Egbert9,  b.  March  2    1856. 

3230.  Horace  Chapman"  Avery  (Harry7,  Miles'1,  Solomon7, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  9, 
1824 ;  m.  Feb.  12,  1852,  at  Onondaga  Valley,  N.  Y.,  Amelia  N. 
Searle,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  B.  and  Amelia  (Pomeroy)  Searle. 
She  was  b.  Aug.  28,  1827,  at  Otisco,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  physician. 
He  d.  March  18,  1857,  at  Fayetteville,  N.  Y.  She  d.  Nov.  10, 
1877,  at  Fayetteville. 

Children    of   Horace    Chapman    and    Amelia    N.    (Searle) 

Avery,  b.  at  Kirkville,  N.  Y. : 

6701.  i.      Euretta  Amelia9,  b.  May  30,  1853. 

6702.  ii.     William  Taylor9,  b.  April  1,  1856. 

3231.  Jennette  Caroline"  Avery  (Hamf,  Miles6,  Solomon', 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Oct.  9,  1826, 
at  Jamesville,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  17,  1844,  at  Jamesville,  Clark 
William  Adams,  s.  of  Simeon  and  Dorcas  (Olney)  Adams.  He 
was  b.  May  10,  1824,  near  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  physician. 
She  d.  March  8,  1877,  at  New  York  City ;  he  d.  March  17,  1882,  at 
Little  Valley,  Kas. 









950  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Child   of  Clark   William   and   Jennette   Caroline    (Avery) 
Adams,  b.  at  Jamesville: 

i.       Avery  Clark0,  b.  Aug.  15,  1850;  m.  Nettie  S.  Green;  resi- 
dence, Jamesville,  N.  Y. 

3232.  Miles  Diego8  Avery  (Harry7,  Miles*,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  26,  1829, 
at  Jamesville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  11,  1851,  at  Pompey,  N.  Y., 
Elizabeth  Reed,  dau.  of  Harvey  and  Harriet  (Kenyon)  Reed. 
He  d.  Jan.  3,  1881,  at  Jamesville.  He  lived  at  La  Fayette,  N.  Y. 
She  m.  2d,  George  Brown,  and  lives  at  Jamesville. 

Children  of  Miles  Diego  and  Elizabeth  (Reed)  Avery: 

6753.  i.  Henry  Miles9,  b.  June  25,  1852,  at  Jamesville. 

6754.  ii.  Frank  Augustus',  b.  Oct.  14,  1855,  at  La  Fayette, 
iii.  Eudora9,  b.  July  3,  1859;  d.  y. 

6755.  iv.  Elbert  George9,  b.  Nov.  21,  1866,  at  La  Fayette. 

3233.  Chapman  W.8  Avery  (Harry7,  Miles0,  Solomon*, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  13, 
1833,  at  La  Fayette,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  20,  1854,  at  Pompey,  N.  Y., 
Emeline  Cady,  dau.  of  Benajah  and  Polly  (Sweet)  Cady.  She 
was  b.  Feb.  7,  1837,  near  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer 
and  prominent  business  man.  He  lived  at  La  Fayette,  and 
later  at  Jamesville,  N.  Y.  At  one  time,  he  was  superintendent 
of  the  middle  division  of  the  Erie  canal.  He  represented  the 
town  of  De  Witt  in  the  Onondaga  County  board  of  supervisors, 
and  later  was  a  justice  of  the  peace  at  Jamesville.  She  d.  May 
5,  1885,  at  Chicago,  111.;  he  d.  Nov.  6,  1909,  at  Jamesville. 

Children  of  Chapman  W.  and  Emeline  (Cady)  Avery,  b.  at 
La  Fayette: 

i.       Effie  Elvira9,  b.  Dec.  30,  1855;  d.  y. 

6776.  ii.     Harry  Chapman9,  b.  May  12,  1857. 

6777.  iii.    Timothy  Mason9,  b.  May  7,  1859. 

3234.  Helen  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Harry7,  Miles6 ,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  27, 
1837,  at  La  Fayette,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  27,  1856,  at  Jamesville,  N.  Y., 
Charles  Coleman  Bush,  s.  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Ann  (Hunter) 
Bush.  He  was  b.  Dec.  31,  1826,  at  Pompey,  N.  Y.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Auburn,  N.  Y. 

The   Eighth  Generation  951 

Children  of  Charles  Coleman  and  Helen  Elizabeth  (Avery) 

Bush : 

i.       Lillian  Olivia",  b.  Nov.  16,  1857,  at  La  Fayette;  m.  Clar- 
ence Barnett  Osborn;  residence,  Union  Springs,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Charles    Avery9,   b.    March    24,    1860,   at    La    Fayette;    m. 

Minnie  L.  Sharpsteen;  residence,  Harbor  Springs,  Mich.; 

child,    (a.)    LeRoy10. 
iii.     Clark  W.9,  b.  March  27,  1863,  at  La  Fayette;  m.  Frances 

G.    Doty;    residence,    Auburn,    N.    Y. ;    child,    (a.)    Adrl- 

iv.     Elva  Gertrude9,  b.  April     6,  1868,  at  De  Witt,  N.  Y.;  m. 

Henry   Hull   Wood;    residence,    Syracuse,    N.    Y.;    child, 

(a.)    Mildred  Edna'". 
v.      Harry  Chapman9,  b.  Sept.  20,  1872,  at  Fleming,  N.  Y.;  m. 

Alice  Frantz   Fiester;   residence,   Auburn,  N.   Y.;   child, 

(a.)   Helen  Man/". 

3236.  Anson  David8  Avery  (Humphrey  E.\  Stephen*,  Sol- 
omon5, Humphrey4,  Samuel'-,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  June 
22,  1811,  at  Camillus,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  11,  1833,  at  Norway,  N.  Y., 
Lucy  Ann  Wilcox,  dau.  of  Peleg  and  Thankful  (Burdick)  Wilcox. 
She  was  b.  Sept.  11,  1811,  at  Westerly,  R.  I.;  d.  at  Norway, 
N.  Y.  He  m.  2d,  Mary  Marr  Carpenter,  dau.  of  Asel  and 
Deborah  (Carpenter)  Carpenter.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  March 
13,  1888,  at  Northville,  N.  Y.  She  d.  April  26,  1888,  at  Portland- 
ville,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Anson  David  and  Lucy  Ann  (Wilcox)   Avery, 

b.  at  Norway: 

6828.  i.      Russell  Smith9,  b.   Oct.  12,  1839. 

6829.  ii.     Anson  Jerome9,  b.  Aug.  4,  1842. 

3238.  Samuel  WillarcT  Avery  {Humphrey  E.\  Stephen^ 
Solomon5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  12,  1817,  at  Camillus,  N.  Y.;  m.  Maryetta  Buck,  dau.  of 
Enoch  and  Abigail  Buck.  She  d.  Dec.  10,  1893,  at  Genoa,  N.  Y. ; 
he  d.  Sept.  18,  1894,  at  Auburn,  N.  Y.    No  children. 

3239.  Jerome  Punderson8  Avery  (Humphrey  E.\  Stephen*, 
Solomon5.  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  22,  1820,  at  Fairfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  20,  1858,  at  Geneva, 
N.  Y.,  Phoebe  Jean  Hooper,  dau.  of  Robert  and  Sarah  (Hayes) 
Hooper.  She  was  b.  Dec.  14,  1833,  at  Seneca,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
graduate  of  the  Buffalo  Medical  University;  a  physician  and 

952  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

surgeon  of  note  in  Geneva.    He  d.  Aug.  4,  1893,  at  Geneva ;  she 
tl.  May  1,  1907,  at  the  same  place. 

Child   of   Jerome   Punderson   and   Phoebe   Jean    (Hooper) 
Avery : 

6917.     i.       Anna  Margaret9,  b.  Dec.  29,  1860,  at  Geneva. 

3240.  Zalmon  Davies*  Avery  (Humphrey  E.\  Stephen*,  Solo- 
vi on5,  Humphrey4,  SamueV\  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
14,  1822,  at  Fairfield,  N.  Y.;  m.  June  1,  1854,  at  Seneca  Falls, 
N.  Y.,  Lucretia  Chamberlain,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Jacob  Payson 
and  Catharine  (Kuney)  Chamberlain.  She  was  b.  July  3,  1834, 
at  Seneca  Falls.  He  was  a  teacher;  d.  Jan.  16,  1894,  at  Seneca 
Falls.    She  lives  at  Seneca  Falls. 

Children  of  Zalmon   Davies  and  Lucretia    (Chamberlain) 
Avery : 

i.       Hannah  Kate9,  b.  Oct.  15,  1855,  at  Fayette,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 

6931.  ii.      Frank  Chamberlain9,  b.  June  26,  1860,  at  Seneca  Falls. 

6932.  iii.     Mary  Lucretia9,  b.  Nov.  10,  1862,  at  Seneca  Falls. 

6933.  iv.     Edith   Virginia9,  b.  June  23,    1873,   at   Seneca   Falls;    resi- 

dence, Seneca  Falls. 

6934.  v.      Willard  Davies9,  b.  Nov.  6,  1875,  at  Seneca  Falls;  unm.  in 

1911;   residence,  Tyrone,  N.  Mex. 

3241.  William  *  Avery  (Solomon',  Stephen"'1,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  22,  1815, 
at  Salisbury,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  24,  1837,  at  Salisbury,  Cynthia 
Ann  Post.  She  was  b.  July  22,  1820,  at  Newport,  N.  Y.;  d. 
April  20,  1845,  at  Salisbury.  He  m.  2d,  March  16,  1846,  at 
Salisbury,  Rueilla  Emergene  Palmer,  dau.  of  Henry  Palmer. 
She  was  b.  April  4,  1826,  at  Palatine,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer. 
He  d.  in  Feb'y,  1905 ;  she  d.  June  26,  1908,  both  at  Salisbury. 

Children  of  William  and  Cynthia  Ann   (Post)  Avery,  b.  at 
Salisbury : 

i.       George  William9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1839;  d.  Jan.  27,  1853. 

6935.  ii.      Cynthia  Ann9,  b.   Nov.   19,   1841. 

6936.  iii.     Moses  Johnson9,  b.  Feb.  24,  1844. 

Children    of    William    and    Rueilla    Emergene     (Palmer) 
Avery,  b.  at  Salisbury: 

6937.  i.       Henry  John9,  b.  June  19,   1848. 

6938.  ii.      Fred9,  b.   March  30,  1861. 

The   Eighth  Generation  953 

3242.  Polly8  Avery  (Solomon7,  Stephen",  Solomon7',  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel'-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  19,  1817,  at 
Salisbury,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  27,  1837,  Calvin  Beach,  s.  of  Miles  and 
Anna  (Beach)  Beach.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  July  9,  1887,  at 
Edwards,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  Sept.  8,  1894,  at  Canton  Center,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Calvin  and  Polly  (Avery)  Beach,  b.  at  Ed- 
wards : 

i.  Anna  Maria9,  b.  Sept.  11,  1838;  d.  April  9,  1856,  at  Ed- 
wards; unm. 

ii.  Edward  Miles';  m.  Mariette  E.  Price;  d.  June  8,  1896,  at 
Ogdensburg,  N.  Y. 

iii.     Oscar  Martin8,  b.  Aug.  5,  1843.     Residence,  Fayette,  la. 

iv.     Lois  Janette9. 

v.      Cyrus  P.9;  m.  Emily  A.  Price;  residence,  Harrisville,  N.  Y. 

vi.  Lydia  Melinda9;  m.  Albert  Drappo;  d.  April  25,  1886,  at 
Harrisville,  N.  Y. 

vii.  William  Franklin9;  m.  Dora  Barnes;  d.  April  13,  1893,  at 

viii.  George  Washington9;  d.  June  26,  1893,  at  Pierrepont,  N.  Y. 

ix.     Francis  Elmer9;  is  said  to  live  at  Ludlow,  Vt. 

3244.  Cyrus  Punderson8  Avery  {Solomon1,  Stephen",  Sol- 
omon5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
4,  1824,  at  Salisbury,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  20,  1844,  at  Salisbury, 
Mariah  Congdon,  dau.  of  Willet  and  Annis  (Himes)  Congdon. 
She  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1826,  at  Salisbury;  d.  Dec.  19,  1896,  at 
Gloversville,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  Residence,  Gloversville, 
N.  Y. 

Children  of  Cyrus  Punderson  and  Mariah  (Congdon) 
Avery,  b.  at  Salisbury: 

6989.  i.      Charles  Willet9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1847. 

6990.  ii.      Martha    Ann9,   b.    May    11,    1849. 

6991.  iii.     Sarah   Maria9,  b.   May  16,  1852. 

3245.  Isaac8  Avery  (Solomon7,  Stephen9,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel9,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  30,  1826,  at 
Salisbury,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  20,  1849,  Eveline  Yerdon.  She  d. 
June  9,  1885;  he  d.  June  8,  1886. 

Children  of  Isaac  and  Eveline  (Yerdon)  Avery: 

6992.  i.       Rosina9,  b.  May  4,  1851;  m.  Alexander  Campbell, 
ii.      Gordon",  b.  June  5,  1853;  d.  Sept.  3,  1873. 

954  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3247.  Epha  Maria8  Avery  (Lathen7,  Stephen*,  Solomon*, 
Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James",  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  30, 
1813;  m.  Albert  Curtis,  of  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Albert  and  Epha  Maria  (Avery)   Curtis: 
i.      Caroline*. 
ii.      Sarah9. 
iii.    Wilbur9. 
iv.     Charles9. 
The  last  three  died  before  1893. 

3248.  Lucettaa  Avery  (Lathen7,  Stephen6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  9,  1816; 
m.  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass.,  John  Herrick.  They  lived  at 
Great  Barrington. 

Children  of  John  and  Lucetta   (Avery)   Herrick: 
i.      Jane9. 
ii.     Alida9. 
iii.     Adeline9. 
iv.     Mary9. 
v.     Frank9. 

3249.  Miles8  Avery  (Lathen7,  Stephen6,  Solomon",  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1818;  m. 
Cynthia  Knight.     He  d.  March  4,  1847. 

Children  of  Miles  and  Cynthia  (Knight)  Avery: 

7043.  i.      George9. 

There  were  also  three  daughters,  names  unknown  to  us. 

3250.  Emeline8  Avery  (Lathen7,  Stephen6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  12,  1825;  m. 
Harry  Lane.     She  d.  Sept.  3,  1860. 

Children  of  Harry  and  Emeline  (Avery)   Lane: 
i.      John9. 
ii.      Charles9. 
iii.    May9. 

3251.  Lathen8  Avery  (Lathen7,  Stephen6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  12,  1828;  m. 
Helen  Wagner. 

Children  of  Lathen  and  Helen   (Wagner)  Avery: 

7044.  i.       Ida9. 

7045.  ii.      Mary9. 

7046.  iii.     Kate9. 

7047.  iv.    Charles' 

The   Eighth  Generation  955 

3252.  George8  Avery  {Lathen7,  Stephen*,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  7,  1830;  m. 
Mary  Bashwood.     He  d.  Jan.  8,  1860. 

Children  of  George  and  Mary  (Bashwood)   Avery: 

7048.  i.      George8. 

7049.  ii.     Bashwood'. 

3253.  Robert8  Avery  (Lathen7,  Stephen*,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  wras  b.  April  8,  1834; 
name  of  wife  not  known  to  us.    He  d.  Oct.  15,  1861. 

Child  of  Robert  and ( )  Avery: 

7050.  i.      Sarah9. 

3254.  Truman8  Avery  {Stephen7,  Stephen*,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  10,  1816;  m. 
Mary  Ann  Davis,  probably  dau.  of  Myron  Davis.  She  was  b. 
March  19,  1812.  He  was  a  cheese  maker  and  farmer.  He  d. 
Sept.  7,  1884. 

Children  of  Truman  and  Mary  Ann  (Davis)  Avery: 

Sarah  Malissia9,  b.  June  14,  1841;  m.  Thomas  Topper. 

Alfred  Truman9,  b.  Feb.  10,  1843;  killed  in  action,  at  Get- 
tysburg, Pa.,  July  1,  1863. 

George",  b.  Jan.  16,  1845;  d.  y. 

Caroline  Almira9,  b.  July  20,  1846;  d.  y. 

William  Wallace9,  b.  Aug.  20,  1848,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y. 

Helen  Elizabeth9,  b.  April  16,  1851.  It  is  said  that  she 
m.   Thomas   McCann   and  lives  at  Erie,   Pa. 

3256.  Francis  Alphonso8  Avery  {Henry  Beright7,  Stephen6, 
Solomon*,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
March  12,  1841,  at  Auburn,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1860,  at  Waterport, 
N.  Y.,  Maryette  Ackerson,  dau.  of  Tunis  and  Anna  (Crandall) 
Ackerson.  She  was  b.  Oct.  28,  1841,  at  Ridgway,  N.  Y.  He  was 
a  wagon  maker  at  Waterport;  d.  Feb.  1,  1882.  She  m.  2d,  a  Mr. 

Children   of   Francis   Alphonso   and   Maryette    (Ackerson) 

Avery,  b.  at  Waterport: 

7060.     i.      Louise9,  b.  March  7,  1861. 

ii.      Tunis9,  b.  March  24,  1868;   d.  y. 










956  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

7061.  iii.     Alida9,  b.   Aug.   6,   1869. 

iv.  Maud  E.1',  b.  May  7,  1872;  d.  July  6,  1890,  at  Kenyonville, 
N.  Y. 

7062.  v.      Frank  B|\  b.  May  7,  1872. 

3258.  Frances  Louise*  Avery  (John1,  Stephen*,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  7,  1835, 
at  Syracuse,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  4,  1862,  at  Adrian,  Mich.,  William 
H.  Cook,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Catherine  Cook.  He  was  b.  Jan.  18, 
1833,  at  Hillsdale,  Mich.  He  d.  Feb.  10,  1877,  at  Adrian.  No 
children.     She  lived  at  Hudson,  Mich. 

3259.  Amelia  Finette8  Avery  (John7,  Stephen0,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey',  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  27, 
1838,  at  Loraine,  N.  Y.;  m.  Dec.  16,  1858,  at  Adrian,  Mich., 
Ralph  Loomis.  He  was  an  organist  at  New  York  City ;  d.  in  the 
South.    She  d.  March  20,  1895,  at  New  York  City.    No  children. 

3262.  Gaudentio  Hibbard*  Avery  (Cyrus7,  Ebenezer  Pun- 
derson*,  Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  8,  1830;  m.  Dec.  13,  1853,  Elizabeth  Hathaway. 
She  d.  Dec.  26,  1853.  He  m.  2d,  Oct.  5,  1855,  Margaret  Louns- 
berry.  She  d.  Sept.  9,  1861.  He  m.  3d,  Aug.  31,  1862,  at  Cuba, 
N.  Y.,  Eliza  Lounsberry.      No  children. 

3263.  Martha  Louisa"  Avery  (Cyrus7,  Ebenezer  Punder- 
son6,  Solomon5,  Humphrey1,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  19,  1833;  m.  April  5,  1861,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.,  the 
Rev.  Henry  D.  Bryant,  s.  of  William  and  Rachel  (Bidwell) 
Bryant.  He  was  b.  July  31,  1834,  in  Wayne  County,  Pa.  He 
was  a  Methodist  minister;  d.  May  4,  1877,  at  Calistoga,  Calif. 
She  d.  Sept.  2,  1911,  at  Calistoga. 

Children  of  Henry  D.  and  Martha  Louisa  (Avery)  Bryant: 

i.  Ella  L.9,  b.  June  28,  1862,  near  Stockton,  Calif.;  d.  Nov. 
3,  1877,  at  Calistoga. 

ii.  Cyrus  H.9,  b.  April  3,  1866,  at  San  Andreas,  Calif.;  mar- 

iii.    William  H.9,  b.  April  3,  1866. 

iv.     Minnie  T.9,  b.  April  25,  1868,  at  Kelsey,  Calif.;  married. 

v.      Arthur  C.9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1872,  at  Calistoga;  married. 








The   Eighth   Generation  957 

3264.  Florello  Punderson8  Avery  (Cyrus7,  Ebenezer  Pun- 
derson6, Solomon5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher') 
was  b.  Sept.  24,  1835,  at  Pompey,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  6,  1862,  at 
Tunkhannock,  Pa.,  Sarah  Jane  Evans,  dau.  of  George  and  Ar- 
menia (Fellows)  Evans.  She  was  b.  June  3,  1840,  at  Union, 
N.  Y.;  d.  Oct.  30,  1877,  at  Tunkhannock.  He  m.  2d,  July  19, 
1879,  at  Tunkhannock,  Armenia  Evans,  widow  of  Theodore  L. 
Ross,  and  sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was  b.  Nov.,  1844,  at 
Green,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  machinist.  Residence,  Tunkhannock, 

Children  of  Florello  Punderson  and  Sarah  Jane    (Evans) 
Avery : 

7069.    i.      Francis  Clarence  Bement',  b.  Oct.  19,  1863,  at  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 
Armenia9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1865,  at  Philadelphia;  d.  y. 
Charles  Florello9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1865,  at  Philadelphia. 
Mary  Elizabeth9,  b.  June  18,  1870,  at  Tunkhannock. 
George  Evans9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1875,  at  Tunkhannock. 

Child  of  Florello  Punderson  and  Armenia   (Evans)  Avery: 
7073.     i.       Victor  McDonald9,  b.  Nov.  8,  1880,  at  Tunkhannock. 

3235.  Lucy  Ann8  Avery  (Cyrus7,  Ebenezer  Punderson*, 
Solomon5,  Humphrey4.  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  4,  1842,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa. ;  m.  March  5,  1867,  at  Tunk- 
hannock, Morris  Roberts  Newman,  s.  of  Daniel  and  Maria  (Fer- 
guson) Newman.  He  was  b.  Dec.  12,  1840,  at  La  Grange,  Pa. 
He  is  a  farmer  and  fruit  grower.    Residence,  Spokane,  Wash. 

Children  of  Morris  Roberts  and  Lucy  Ann  (Avery)  New- 
man, b.  at  Chatsworth,  111. : 

i.       Carrie  Genevia9,  b.  Feb.  19,  1868;   m.  John   Charles  Gess; 

residence,  Mullan,  Idaho, 
ii.      Susan  Rowena9,  b.  March  23,  1869. 
iii.     Bessie  May9,  b.  May  1,  1872;  m.  Elmer  Lincoln  Hoisington; 

residence,  Harrison,  Idaho, 
iv.     Daniel  Arthur9,  b.  Jan.  23,  1875;  m.  Mary  Zysset. 

3265a.  Sally  Eleanor8  Avery  (Cyrus7,  Ebenezer  Punder- 
son6, Solomon5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  9,  1844,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.;  m.  March  24,  1865,  at 
Tunkhannock,  Clark  Harrison  Vosburg,  s.  of  Amos  and  Sally 
Ann  Vosburg.     He  was  b.  March  24,  1840,  at  Russell  Hill,  Pa. 

958  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

She  d.  March  13,  1877,  at  Calistoga,  Napa  Co.,  Calif. ;  he  d.  Feb. 
11,  1905,  in  the  state  of  Washington.    No  children. 

3266.  William  Isaac8  Avery  {Cyrus1,  Ebenezer  Punderson6, 
Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  7,  1847,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.;  m.  Jan.  14,  1871,  at  Tunk- 
hannock,  Susan  Robinson,  dau.  of  Russell  and  Polly  (Whipple) 
Robinson.  She  was  b.  March  17,  1850,  at  Forkston,  Pa.;  d. 
Sept.  12,  1910,  at  Tunkhannock.  He  m.  2d,  March  1,  1911,  at 
Russell  Hill,  Pa.,  Sarah  Labar  Bartran,  dau.  of  Benjamin  and 
Mary  Anna  (Jayne)  Bartran,  and  widow  of  Edward  Bruce 
Avery  of  the  Edward  Avery  Clan  (see  p.  25).  She  was  b.  April 
11,  1848,  at  Russell  Hill.  He  is  a  farmer  and  gardener,  and  has 
been  county  treasurer.     Residence,  Tunkhannock,  Pa. 

Child  of  William  Isaac  and  Susan  (Robinson)  Avery: 
7074.     i.       Harry  Theodore",  b.  Sept.  27,  1872,  at  Wehoopany,  Pa. 

3266a.  Lois  Delphine8  Avery  {Cyrus1,  Ebenezer  Punder- 
son6,  Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  19,  1849,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.;  m.  April  3,  1873,  at 
Tunkhannock,  Thomas  Wellington  Flickner,  s.  of  William  and 
Sarah  (MacDarmont)  Flickner.  He  was  b.  March  31,  1845,  at 
Wilkesbarre,  Pa.  She  d.  Feb.  13,  1884,  at  Tunkhannock.  He 
lives  at  Chicora,  Butler  Co.,  Pa. 

Children  of  Thomas  Wellington  and  Lois  Delphine  (Avery) 
Flickner : 

i.       Samuel  Burton9,  b.  April  10,  1875,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

ii.      Walter9,  b.  Feb.,  1881,  at  Tunkhannock;  d.  Sept.,  1881. 

iii.     Eva  Lois9,  b.  April  20,  1883,  at  Great  Bend,  Pa. 

3267.  Cyrus  Henry8  Avery  (Cyrus1,  Ebenezer  PundersonG, 
Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  19,  1851,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa. ;  m.  April  19,  1874,  at  Bing- 
hamton,  N.  Y.,  Emma  Rounds,  dau.  of  Martin  and  Harriet 
(Brummer)  Rounds.  She  was  b.  Dec.  8,  1854,  at  Tracy  Creek, 
N.  Y.    He  was  a  machinist.    He  d.  Jan.  2,  1896,  at  Tunkhannock. 

Child  of  Cyrus  Henry  and  Emma   (Rounds)  Avery: 
7075.     i.       Tracy  Gaudentio9,  b.  Jan.  18,  1881,  at  Binghamton. 

3268,  Samuel  Willard8  Avery  (Cyrus1,  Ebenezer  Punder- 
sonQ,  Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James3,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Dec.  14,  1854,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.;  m.  Sept.  22,  1874,  at 

The   Eighth  Generation  959 

Nickelson,  Pa.,  E.  May  Baird,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  A. 
(Gifford)  Baird.  She  was  b.  Oct.  26,  1860,  at  Binghamton, 
N.  Y.  She  d.  Oct.  18,  1902,  at  Spokane,  Wash.  She  was  a 
member  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  the  order  of  the  Eastern 
Star  and  of  the  Rebekahs.  He  is  proprietor  of  a  shingle  mill. 
Residence,  Harrison,  Idaho. 

Children  of  Samuel  Willard  and  E.  May  (Baird)  Avery,  b. 
at  Binghamton : 

7076.  i.   Joseph  Cyrus',  b.  Feb.  4,  1878. 

7077.  ii.  William  Floyd1',  b.  Oct.  24,  1882. 

3269.  Melissa  Ann*  Avery  (Samuel7,  Ebenezer  Punderson9, 
Solomon*,  Humphrey*,  Samuel*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  28,  1832;  m.  Oct.  29,  1854,  at  Phcenix,  N.  Y.,  Samuel 
Flynn.  He  was  b.  Jan.  21,  1819,  at  Half  Moon,  N.  Y.  She  d. 
Aug.  3,  1865. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Melissa  Ann  (Avery)  Flynn : 
i.      William  Avery9,  b.  Sept.  24,  1855;  d.  y. 
ii.      Charles  Henry1',  b.  July  14,  1857;  residence,  Postville,  la. 
iii.     Mary  Lucinda9,  b.  May  11,  1859;  m.  C.  K.  Williams;  resi- 
dence, Phoenix,  N.  Y. 
iv.     Herman  Webster1',  b.  Oct.  4,  1860;  d.  Aug.  5,  1868. 
v.      Ellen  Wilson9,  b.  Aug.  31,  1862. 
vi.     Eliza  Lovina9,  b.  July  26,  1864;  d.  y. 

3270.  Henry  Morton8  Avery  (Samuel',  Ebenezer  Punder- 
son9, Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  18,  1835,  at  Amboy,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  26,  1862,  at  South 
Haven,  Mich.,  Ellen  R.  Conger,  dau.  of  Uzziah  and  Wealthy 
(Spencer)  Conger.  She  was  b.  June  3,  1844,  at  Phoenix,  N.  Y. 
He  was  a  jeweler.  He  d.  April  13,  1910,  at  South  Haven,  where 
she  is  living  (1911). 

Children  of  Henry  Morton  and  Ellen  R.  (Conger)  Avery: 

7078.  i.       Louise9,  b.  Aug.  8,  1864,  at  Aurora,  111. 

7079.  ii.      Anna  Eliza9,  b.  Nov.  11,  1867,  at  Aurora. 

7080.  iii.     Samuel  Edson9,  b.  Oct.  26,  1873,  at  South  Haven. 

3272.  Peter  Henry8  Avery  (Henry  Cyrus',  Henry9,  Solo- 
mon5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
23, 1824,  at  Livingston,  N.  Y. ;  m.  July  19, 1845,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y., 
Marie  Mesick,    dau.  of  Peter  Henry  and   Madaline    (Trueax) 














960  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Mesick.    She  was  b.  March  18,  1827,  at  Mellenville,  N.  Y.     He 
was  an  architect. 

Children  of  Peter  Henry  and  Marie  (Mesick)  Avery,  b.  at 
Hudson : 

Elizabeth9,  b.  June  18,  1846. 

Charles8,  b.  Nov.  6,  1848. 

Edith9,  b.  Oct.  31,  1850. 

Estella9,  b.  March  7,  1854;  d.  y. 

Philip  Henry9,  b.  Aug.  1,  1856. 

Madaline9,  b.   April   19,   1859. 

Arthur  Cyrus9,  b.  May  15,  1868. 

3273.  William  Alonzo8  Avery  (Henry  Cyrus1,  Henry6,  Solo- 
monr\  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  4, 
1828,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  27,  1858,  at  Hudson,  Sarah 
Whitfield  Powell,  dau.  of  Richard  and  Anna  (Whitfield)  Powell. 
She  was  b.  May  3,  1833,  in  Ireland.  He  was  a  carpenter  and 
builder.  He  d.  Jan.  6,  1899,  at  Chicago,  111. ;  she  d.  Dec.  5,  1903,. 
at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  William  Alonzo  and  Sarah  Whitfield   (Powell) 
Avery,  b.  at  Hudson: 

7087.  i.      Henry  Cyrus9,  b.  July  18,  1859. 

ii.  Richard  Powell9,  b.  July  12,  1861;  d.  y. 

iii.  William  Alonzo9,  b.  Feb.  6,  1863;  d.  y. 

iv.  Albert  Hoysrat9,  b.  Feb.  16,  1865;  d.  y. 

7088.  v.  Frank  Crofts9,  b.  Aug.  19,  1867;  unm.  in  1911. 

7089.  vi.  William9,  b.  Feb.  12,   1870. 

7090.  vii.  Samuel  Powell9,  b.  April  24,  1872. 

7091.  viii.  Frederick  Hague9,  b.  Jan.  14,  1875. 

3275.  Augusta  Frances8  Avery  (Henry  Cyrus1,  Henry6,  Sol- 
omon5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
23,  1837,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  20,  1860,  at  Hudson,  Peter 
Myres  Dederick,  s.  of  Peter  and  Sarah  (Lewis)  Dederick.  He 
was  b.  Jan.  3,  1832,  at  Hunter,  N.  Y.  Residence,  Hudson,  N.  Y. 
Children  of  Peter  Myres  and  Augusta  Frances  (Avery) 
Dederick,  b.  at  Hudson: 

i.       Edward  Avery9,  b.  Nov.  24,  1862;  m.  Rosa  Elizabeth  Myers; 

residence,  Hudson,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Henry  Cyrus9,  b.  Nov.  29,  1863;  d.  July  1,  1874. 
iii.     Henry  Cyrus9,  b.  July  26,  1876;  residence,  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

The   Eighth  Generation  961 

3276.  Herbert  Glenn*  Avery  (Henry  Curtis',  Henry'1,  Solo- 
mon*, Humphrey4,  Samuel'',  James-,  Christopher*)  was  b.  Nov. 
1,  1845,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  26,  1868,  at  Greenbush,  N.  Y., 
Mary  Elizabeth  Blair,  dau.  of  John  and  Caroline  Elizabeth 
(Wemple)  Blair.  She  was  b.  Nov.  13,  1848,  at  Greenbush;  d. 
Feb.  14,  1908.  He  is  a  mechanical  expert  and  engineer.  Resi- 
dence, Albany,  N.  Y. 

Children   of  Herbert   Glenn   and   Mary   Elizabeth    (Blair) 

Avery : 

i.       Clara  Augusta",  b.  Dec.  7,  1872,  at  Albany;   d.  March  17, 
1883,  at  Greenbush. 

7092.  ii.      Bertha  Glenn9,  b.  Oct.  7,  1874,  at  Albany. 

iii.     Edna  Phoebe9,  b.  Jan.  27,  1877,  at  Albany;   d.   March   19, 

1883,  at  Greenbush. 
iv.     Raymond  Blair9,  b.  July  7,  1880,  at  Albany;   d.  March  7, 

1883,  at   Greenbush. 

7093.  v.      Parker  Woodward9,  b.  Nov.  15,  1881,  at  Bath,  N.  Y. 

7094.  vi.     Elizabeth  Caroline9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1884,  at  Greenbush. 

3277.  Theodore  Percy  Worth8  Avery  (Henry  Cyrus7,  Henry6, 
Solomon5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  18,  1848,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y.;  m.  April  6,  1872,  at  Hudson, 
Catharine  Cripps,  dau.  of  James  and  Myria  (Shaurman)  Cripps. 
She  was  b.  in  1852,  at  Hudson;  d.  March  24,  1873,  at  Hudson. 
He  m.  2d,  Oct.  2,  1876,  Rose  Elizabeth  Sexton,  dau.  of  John  and 
Kittie  A.  (Cripps)  Sexton.  She  was  b.  Jan.  14,  1860,  at  New 
York  City.  He  was  a  painter  and  decorator.  He  d.  Jan.  2, 
1909,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Theodore  Percy  Worth  and  Catharine    (Cripps) 

Avery : 

7095.  i.       Herbert  Percy9,  b.  March  24,  1873,  at  Hudson. 

3278.  Mary**  Avery  (Peter  R.~,  Henry6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  3,  1831;  m. 
Cunningham  Case.  After  his  death,  she  m.  Mark  Johnson. 
She  d.  Dec.  16,  1877. 

Child  of  Cunningham  and  Mary  (Avery)  Case: 

i.       Esther  Jane9;  m.  Myron  F.  Pierson,  of  Seneca  Castle,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Mark  and  Mary  (Avery)  Johnson: 

i.       Bertha9;  m.  Barlow  Baggerly,  of  Clifton  Springs,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Carrie9;  not  living. 

962  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3279.  Asahel  Blakeman8  Avery  (Peter  R1,  Henry6,  Solo- 
mon*, Humphrey*,  Samuel',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
16,  1834,  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass.;  m.  Feb.  6,  1863,  at 
Phelps,  N.  Y.,  Julia  Hosford,  dau.  of  Ashbel  and  Emily  (Bur- 
nette)  Hosford.  She  was  b.  Sept.  14,  1840,  at  Phelps.  He  was 
a  farmer;  d.  Sept.  19,  1894,  at  Phelps. 

Children  of  Asahel  Blakeman  and  Julia  (Hosford)  Avery: 

i.  Minnie  Louise9,  b.  Feb.  28,  1864;  d.  Feb.  12,  1884. 

7096.  ii.  Elizabeth  E.9,  b.  March  1,  1873;  m.  Elmer  G.  Miller. 

7097.  iii.  Willis  P.8,  b.  Oct.  28,  1875. 

7098.  iv.  Asahel  Francis9,  b.  Aug.  20,  1877. 

3280.  Esther8  Avery  (Peter  R.1,  Henry*,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  23,  1836;  m. 
Nelson  E.  Newman.  He  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1839,  at  Chatham,  N.  Y. 
He  d.  June  2,  1901,  at  Phelps,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Nelson  E.  and  Esther  (Avery)   Newman : 

i.  Libbie9,  d.  Aug.  1,  1883,  aged  19  years, 

ii.  Morton". 

iii.  Avery9. 

iv.  Ray'. 

3281.  Henry8  Avery  (Solomon1,  Henry*,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  5,  1841,  at 
Gallatinville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  12, 1868,  at  West  Taghkanic,  N.  Y., 
Catherine  Hermance,  dau.  of  Derick  and  Christina  (Holsapple) 
Hermance.  She  was  b.  Dec.  21,  1836,  at  Claverack,  N.  Y.  He 
is  a  farmer;  a  knight  templar;  has  held  several  town  offices. 
Residence,  Claverack,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Henry  and  Catherine  (Hermance)  Avery: 

7099.  i.       Solomon9,  b.  June  17,  1871,  at  Fremont,  Neb. 

7100.  ii.     Anna  Henderson8,  b.  Oct.  7,  1874,  at  West  Taghkanic. 
iii.     Henry9,  b.  June  6,  1877,  at  Scipio,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 

3282.  Christina8  Avery  (Solomon1,  Henry0,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  16,  1843,  at 
West  Taghkanic,  N.  Y.;  m.  July  6,  1864,  at  West  Taghkanic, 
Norman  Weaver,  s.  of  Peter  Adam  and  Emma  (Barnard) 
Weaver.  He  was  b.  March  12,  1840,  at  Gallatinville,  N.  Y.  He 
is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Gallatinville,  N.  Y. 











The   Eighth  Generation  963 

Children  of  Norman  and  Christina   (Avery)   Weaver: 

i.       Henry  Avery',  b.  April  19,   1867,  at  West  Taghkanic;   m. 

Kate  Lasher  Hinsdale;  d.  Nov.  6,  1893,  at  Gallatinville. 
ii.      Fred   Bain9,  b.   April   12,   1875,   at   Gallatinville;   residence, 

Hyde  Park,  N.  Y. 

3283.  Andrew8  Avery  (Solomon7,  Henry9,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  29,  1845,  at 
West  Taghkanic,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  16,  1867,  at  Taghkanic,  N.  Y., 
Mary  Myers,  dau.  of  Samuel  L.  and  Ervyette  (Miller)  Myers. 
She  was  b.  Oct.  8,  1847,  at  Taghkanic ;  d.  Dec.  28,  1903.  He  is 
a  farmer.     Residence,  West  Taghkanic,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Andrew  and  Mary  (Myers)  Avery,  b.  at  West 
Taghkanic : 

Caroline9,  b.  July  8,  1869. 

Minnie  Etta",  b.  Aug.  25,  1875. 

Samuel  L.9,  b.  Nov.  15,  1876;  d.  March,  1889. 

Jennie  Rockefeller9,  b.  March  22,  1879;  d.  Aug.,  1894. 

Richard  Macy3,  b.  Sept.  25,  1881. 

3284.  Stephen  F.s  Avery  (Solomon7,  Henry9,  Solomon*, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  31, 
1849,  at  West  Taghkanic,  N.  Y.;  m.  June  13,  1882,  at  Glencoe 
Mills,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Schermerhorn,  dau.  of  John  Henry  and 
Christina  (Hawver)  Schermerhorn.  She  was  b.  Sept.  23,  1858, 
at  Glencoe  Mills.  He  is  a  counselor-at-law.  Residence,  West 
Taghkanic,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Stephen  F.  and  Mary  (Schermerhorn)  Avery: 

7106.  i.       Harry  Bain9,  b.  July  8,  1883,  at  Glencoe  Mills. 

7107.  ii.     Christine  Schermerhorn8,  b.  March  14,  1887,  at  Glencoe 


7108.  iii.     Madeleine  Sallie",  b.  March  27,  1890,  at  West  Taghkanic. 

7109.  iv.     Stephen  Fred*,  b.  Jan.  20,  1894,  at  West  Taghkanic. 

3285.  Anna8  Avery  (Jacob7,  Henry6,  Solomon5,  Humphrey*, 
Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  10,  1847,  at  Oakhill, 
N.  Y.;  m.  Oct.  6,  1866,  at  Kingston,  N.  Y.,  Charles  Jacob  Masten, 
s.  of  David  and  Eliza  Catherine  (Bush)  Masten.  He  was  b.  Feb. 
23,  1841,  at  Kingston.  He  is  a  druggist.  Residence,  Denver, 

964  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Charles  Jacob  and  Anna  (Avery)  Masten: 

i.       Annie",  b.  Jan.  31,  1868,  at  Kingston;  m.  Harry  A.  Miller, 
ii.      Fannie9,  b.  July  7,  1878,  at  Cheyenne,  Wy.;  m.  Herman  D. 

iii.     Charles  Jacob  Avery9,  b.  June  7,  1889,  at  Denver,  Colo. 

3286.  Frances  *  Avery  (Jacob7,  Henry6,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  27,  1849,  at 
Kingston,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  22,  1869,  at  New  York  City,  James  H. 
Berdan.     She  d.  Aug.  22,  1872,  at  Kingston,  N.  Y. 

3288.  Lydia  Ann8  Avery  (Miles',  Cyrus6,  Solomon'',  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  1,  1813,  at 
Falls  Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Feb.  24,  1836, 
at  Falls  Tp.,  Horatio  Taylor,  s.  of  Thaddeus  and  Mabel  (Morgan) 
Taylor.  He  was  b.  July  25,  1812,  in  Wyoming  Co.  He  d.  May 
7,  1852,  in  Wyoming  Co.;  she  d.  June  18,  1892,  at  Tunkhannock, 

Child  of  Horatio  and  Lydia  Ann  (Avery)  Taylor,  b.  at 
Falls  Tp.: 

i.  Sarah',  b.  July  16,  1840;  m.  Dr.  Reuben  Holgate  Little;  d. 
July  1,  1883,  at  Tunkhannock. 

3289.  Zipporah8  Avery  (Miles7,  Cyrus6,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  29,  1814,  at 
Falls  Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa. ;  m.  Dec.  28,  1837, 
at  Falls  Tp.,  Milton  Warren,  s.  of  Henry  and  Tryphcena  (Phoe- 
nix) Warren.  He  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1816,  in  Wyoming  Co.;  d. 
March  11,  1864,  at  Buda,  111. ;  she  d.  Oct.  26,  1870,  at  Neponset, 

Children  of  Milton  and  Zipporah  (Avery)  Warren,  b.  in 
Wyoming  Co.: 

i.  Elizabeth9,  b.  April  15,  1839;  m.  Oliver  Gold  Smith;  resi- 
dence, Mt.  Pleasant,  la. 

ii.  Courtney9,  b.  April  13,  1842;  m.  Rebecca  Kirkpatrick;  resi- 
dence, Buda,  111. 

iii.  Stella9,  b.  July  7,  1844;  m.  Oct.  4,  1861,  at  Buda,  111., 
Albert  Brewster  Avery,  s.  of  Lyman  and  Laura  Maria 
(Edwards)  Avery.  He  was  b.  Dec.  12,  1833,  at  Spring- 
ville,  Pa.  He  is  of  the  Edward  Avery  Clan  (see  page 
25).  Residence,  Springfield,  Mo.  Children: — (a.)  Dol- 
lie",  b.  April  8,  1864.  (b.)  Douglass  L.10,  b.  Oct.  15, 
1866;  both  at  Neponset,  111. 

The  Eighth  Generation  965 

3290.  Esther8  Avery  (Miles7,  Cyrus9,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  17,  1818,  at 
Falls  Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Dec.  31,  1840, 
in  Wyoming  Co.,  John  C.  DeWitt,  s.  of  Charick  and  Esther 
(Decker)  DeWitt.  He  was  b.  at  Deckerton,  N.  J.;  d.  about 
1847.  She  m.  2d,  June  15,  1849,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.,  Alexander 
Van  Tuyl,  s.  of  Walter  and  Elizabeth  (Graham)  Van  Tuyl.  He 
was  b.  May  11,  1802,  in  Orange  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Jan.  8,  1881,  at 
South  Eaton,  Pa.  He  was  a  farmer,  and,  for  30  years,  a  justice 
of  the  peace.    She  d.  July  17,  1881,  at  South  Eaton. 

Child  of  John  C.  and  Esther  (Avery)   DeWitt,  b.  at  South 

Eaton : 

i.  Moses  Talleyrand',  b.  March  5,  1842;  m.  Emily  L.  Rex- 
ford;  d.  Feb.  10,  1874,  at  Blue  Island,   111. 

Children  of  Alexander  and  Esther  (Avery)  Van  Tuyl,  b.  at 
South  Eaton: 

i.  Margaret  Elizabeth9,  b.  March  8,  1850;  residence,  Tunk- 
hannock, Pa.  She  has  been  very  helpful  in  gathering 
information  concerning  her  mother's  family. 

ii.  Miles  Avery9,  b.  Oct.  26,  1851;  m.  Mary  Elizabeth  Free- 
man; residence,  South  Eaton. 

iii.  Edward  Alexander',  b.  July  3,  1853;  m.  Evah  Warren; 
d.  Oct.  26,  1899,  at  Denver,  Colo. 

iv.  Kate9,  b.  July  23,  1858;  m.  Stephen  Harris  Harrington; 
d.  Feb.  20,  1895,  at  Chicago,  111. 

3291.  Cyrus8  Avery  (Miles7,  Cyrus9,  Solomon'',  Humphrey*, 
Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  8,  1821,  at  Falls 
Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Dec.  23,  1841,  at 
Eaton,  Pa.,  Caroline  Amelia  Brown,  dau.  of  James  and  Amelia 
(Harding)  Brown.  She  was  b.  Oct.  18,  1818,  at  Eaton;  d. 
March  4,  1852,  at  Camptown,  Pa.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  9,  1852,  at 
Camptown,  Mary  Perry  Ingham,  dau.  of  John  and  Marinda 
(Stone)  Ingham.  She  was  b.  Feb.  29,  1824,  at  Camptown. 
He  was  major  in  the  116th  Pennsylvania  militia;  postmaster 
under  Pierce  and  Buchanan;  a  merchant;  a  progressive  and 
honored  citizen.  She  d.  April  11,  1901;  he  d.  March  23,  1906, 
both  at  Camptown. 


The  Groton   Avery  Clan 

y(£U>-W      ^V 








Children  of  Cyrus  and  Caroline  Amelia  (Brown)  Avery: 
James  Alexander9,  b.  May  14,  1843,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa. 
Edward  Fayett9,  b.  May  28,  1846,  at  White's  Ferry,  Falls 

Tp.,  Wyoming  Co.,  Pa. 
Cyrus  Lawrence9,  b.  Sept.  30,  1848,  at  Camptown. 
Washington  Brown9,  b.  May  7,  1851,  at  Camptown;  d.  y. 

Children  of  Cyrus  and  Mary  Perry  (Ingham)  Avery,  b.  at 
Camptown : 

i.      John  Miles9,  b.  June  23,  1855;  d.  Feb.  9,  1862. 
ii.     Joseph  Charles9,  b.  Sept.  12,  1859;  d.  Nov.  8,  1878. 
7118.    iii.    Mary  Elizabeth9,  b.  Dec.  2,  1861. 

3292.  Miles8  Avery  (Miles7,  Cyrus6,  Solomon6,  Humphrey*, 
Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  30,  1823,  at  Falls 
Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Feb.  22,  1849,  at 
Falls  Tp.,  Jane  Leonard,  dau.  of  John  Leonard.  She  d.  May  24, 
1849,  at  Lemon,  Pa.  He  m.  2d,  Oct,  12,  1851,  at  Lemon,  Jane 
Ann  Smith,   dau.  of  Ziba  and  Sarah    (Stephens)    Smith.     She 

The  Eighth   Generation  967 

was  b.  Sept.  25,  1832,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa. ;  d.  July  5,  1872,  at 
Lemon.  He  m.  3d,  Feb.  20,  1874,  at  Lemon,  Martha  Ann  Bouse, 
dau.  of  John  W.  and  Lydia  C.  (Vananken)  Bouse  and  widow  of 
Nathan  Parker  Hallock.  She  was  b.  July  27,  1840,  at  Niles, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Oct.  10,  1884,  at  Lemon.  She  d. 
May  9,  1904,  at  South  Eaton,  Pa. 

Children   of   Miles   and   Jane  Ann    (Smith)    Avery,   b.   at 
Lemon : 

i.       Sarah  Jane9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1852;  d.  y. 

7119.  ii.     Isabel  Antoinette9,  b.  Nov.  6,  1854. 
iii.     Caroline9,  b.  March  4,  1857;  d.  y. 

iv.     Rosamond  Amelia",  b.  March  19,  1859;   d.  Nov.  28,  1888, 
at  Nicholson,  Pa.;   unm. 

7120.  v.      Courtney  Chandos9,  b.  July  30,  1861. 
vi.     Edson  Forest9,  b.  May  15,  1864;  d.  y. 

7121.  vii.    Robert  Burns9,  b.  Oct.  17,  1865. 
viii.  George  Smith*,  b.  Dec.  7,  1869;  d.  y. 

Children  of  Miles  and  Martha  Ann    (Bouse)   Avery,  b.  at 
Lemon : 

7122.  i.      Amon  Bouse9,  b.  July  12,  1876. 

7123.  ii.     Jane  Smith9,  b.  Oct.  15,  1878. 

3293.  Humphrey8  Avery  (Miles',  Cijrus*,  Solomon*,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  4,  1825,  at 
Falls  Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Aug.  8,  1858, 
in  Stark  Co.,  111.,  Emma  Jane  Davison,  dau.  of  Chauncey  and 
Eliza  Ellen  (Wheeler)  Davison.  She  was  b.  Oct.  20,  1841,  at 
Penfield,  O.  He  bought,  in  Stark  Co.,  what  proved  to  be  fine 
coal  lands ;  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits ;  later  moved  to 
Wichita,  Kas.,  where  he  d.  July  1,  1896.  His  widow  lives  at 

Children  of  Humphrey  and  Emma  Jane  (Davison)  Avery, 
b.  at  Castleton,  111. : 

Clinton9,  b.  Dec.  5,  1859. 

Etta  May9,  b.  May  7,  1862. 

Sherman9,  b.  May  25,  1864;  d.  y. 

Milo9,  b.  April  30,  1868. 

Viola  Virginia9,  b.  July  9,  1872. 

Lorrance9,  b.  Dec.  21,  1874. 
vii.    Myron9,  b.  Aug.  7,  1879;  d.  y. 












968  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

















3294.  Samuel  Gates"  Avery  (Miles7,  Cyrus0,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  3,  1829,  at 
Falls  Tp.,  Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa. ;  m.  Oct.  23,  1851, 
at  Princeville,  111.,  Maryetta  Day,  dau.  of  Adam  and  Sarah 
(Padden)  Day.  She  was  b.  Jan.  9,  1831,  at  Niles,  Mich.  He 
was  a  farmer.  She  d.  March  11,  1892;  he  d.  March  26,  1894, 
both  at  Lamar,  Mo. 

Children  of  Samuel  Gates  and  Maryetta   (Day)  Avery: 

Alwilda9,  b.  July  20,  1852,  in  Stark  Co.,  111. 

Udella9,  b.  Jan.  31,  1854,  in  Stark  Co. 

Gates9,  b.  Dec.  12,  1855,  in  Stark  Co. 

Jerome9,  b.  Aug.  21,  1857,  at  Toulon,  111. 

George  Day9,  b.  July  20,  1860,  in  Stark  Co. 

Minnehaha9,  b.  Sept.  5,  1862,  in  Stark  Co. 

Lillie  Gale9,  b.  April  4,  1865,  in  Stark  Co. 
viii.  Bertrand  Cyrus',  b.  July  1,  1867,  in  Stark  Co. 
ix.     Beatrice9,  b.  July  14,  1869;  d.  y. 
7137.     x.      Talleyrand9,  b.  July  30,  1873,  at  Lamar,  Mo. 

3295.  Anna8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus*,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  6,  1822,  in 
Luzerne  (now  Wyoming)  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Jan.  12,  1841,  in  Stark 
Co.,  111.,  Miles  Avery  Fuller,  s.  of  Orange  and  Hepsibah  (Mon- 
roe) Fuller.  He  was  b.  April  25,  1822,  in  Luzerne  Co.,  Pa.  He 
was  a  lawyer.  She  d.  July  3,  1849,  at  Modena,  Stark  Co.,  111. 
He  m.  a  second  time  and  d.  April  21,  1895,  at  Toulon,  111. 

Children  of  Miles  Avery  and  Anna   (Avery)   Fuller,  b.  at 

Modena,  111.: 

i.      Caroline  Lucy9,  b.  in  1843;  d.  y. 

ii.      Delia  Matilda9,  b.  Aug.  12,  1845;  m.  William  Isaac  Cross: 
residence,  Guthrie,  Okla. 

3296.  Lydia8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus5,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  19,  1824, 
at  Falls  Tp.,  Luzerne  Co.,  Pa. ;  m.  Jan.  7,  1841,  at  Franklin,  111., 
Chauncey  Day  Fuller,  s.  of  Orange  and  Hepsibah  (Monroe) 
Fuller.  He  was  b.  May  5,  1817,  at  Northmoreland,  Luzerne  Co., 
Pa.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  July  3,  1849,  at  Modena,  111.  He 
m.  a  second  time  and  d.  July  7,  1890,  near  Eldorado  Springs,  Mo. 

Children  of  Chauncey  Day  and  Lydia  (Avery)  Fuller,  b.  at 
Modena.  111.: 

The   Eighth  Generation  969 

i.  Alice',  b.  April  3,  1842;  m.  George  Washington  Gharrett; 
residence,  Eldorado  Springs,  Mo. 

ii.      Orange',  b.  April  24,  1845;  residence,  Wagoner,  Okla. 

iii.  Zura',  b.  Dec.  21,  1848;  m.  Fannie  Clark;  residence,  Hast- 
ings, Neb. 

3297.  Asher  W. 8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus",  Solomon'',  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher^)  was  b.  Oct.  24,  1828,  in 
Luzerne  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Feb.  7,  1858,  in  Stark  Co.,  111.,  Martha 
Rickey,  dau.  of  John  and  Clarissa  (Sweet)  Rickey.  She  was 
b.  May  27,  1843,  in  Stark  Co.,  111.  He  was  a  blacksmith.  His 
widow  is  living  (1912)  at  Plains,  Mont. 

Children  of  Asher  W.  and  Martha  (Rickey)  Avery: 

i.  Algernon  W.9,  b.  Nov.  13,  1858,  at  Modena,  Stark  Co.,  111.; 
d.  Sept.  11,  1863,  at  Pleasant  Green,  111. 

7138.  ii.      Grant  Herbert',  b.  Feb.  1,  1863,  at  Pleasant  Green. 

7139.  iii.     Otis  Lois9,  b.  April  22,  1865,  at  Pleasant  Green. 

iv.  Agnes  Daisy9,  b.  Feb.  22,  1872,  at  Wyoming,  111.;  d.  April 
7,   1880,  at  Elmira,  111. 

7140.  v.      Maggie  Belle9,  b.  Sept.  22,  1878,  at  Wyoming. 

3298.  Frances  Slocum8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus*,  Solomon*, 
Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  13, 
1830,  in  Luzerne  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1856,  at  Toulon,  111., 
Morgan  Risedorph,  s.  of  George  and  Lucy  A.  (Hultshopple) 
Risedorph.  He  was  b.  Oct.  14,  1832,  in  Columbia  Co.,  N.  Y. 
He  is  a  farmer.    She  d.  Sept.  22,  1889,  at  Elmira,  111. 

Child  of  Morgan  and  Frances  Slocum  (Avery)   Risedorph: 
i.      George  Slocum',  b.  Jan.  6,  1868,  at  Bradford,  111. 

3299.  Sarah  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus6,  Solomonr,r 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  14, 
1834,  in  Luzerne  Co.,  Pa. ;  m.  John  R.  Rosa;  after  his  death,  she 
m.  2d,  John  Skinner.  It  is  said  that  she  is  living  (1912)  at 
Astoria,  111. 

3300.  Cyrus8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus6,  Solomo?r,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher-1)  was  b.  April  1,  1837,  at 
Pleasant  Green,  111. ;  m.  Nov.  21,  1867,  at  Modena,  111.,  Clarinda 
Pike,  dau.  of  Virgil  and  Hannah  (Fuller)  Pike.  She  was  b. 
May  7,  1840,  at  Modena.  He  served  in  the  civil  war ;  was  a  car- 
penter. He  d.  Sept.  6,  1890;  she  d.  July  5,  1905,  both  at 
Kewanee,  111. 

970  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Cyrus  and  Clarinda  (Pike)  Avery: 

7141.  i.   Mary  Hannah",  b.  Feb.  4,  1869,  at  Modena. 

7142.  ii.   Caroline9,  b  July  21,  1874,  at  Bradford,  111. 

7143.  iii.  Rose9,  b.  May  8,  1876,  at  Bradford. 

7144.  iv.  Gertrude",  b.  March  10,  1878,  at  Bradford. 

7145.  v.   Byron  0.°,  b.  Sept.  14,  1883,  at  Bradford. 

3301.  Miles  Jerome8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus*,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  11,1839, 
at  Pleasant  Green,  111. ;  m.  April  1,  1865,  at  Rock  Island,  111., 
Sarah  Elizabeth  Cowen,  dau.  of  William  and  Nancy  Campbell 
Cowen.  She  was  b.  Dec.  6,  1845,  at  Monmouth,  111.  He  was  a 
sign-painter  and  paper-hanger.  He  d.  Nov.  29,  1897,  at 
Kewanee,  111. ;  she  d.  Oct.  16,  1905,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Miles  Jerome  and  Sarah  Elizabeth    (Cowen) 
Avery : 

7146.  i.  Minnie  Bell9,  b.  Jan.  17,  1866,  at  Monmouth,  111. 
ii.  Gertrude9,  b.  Feb.  — ,  1867,  at  Toulon,  111.;  d.  y. 

7147.  iii.  Inez9,  b.  Sept.  28,  1868,  at  Toulon. 

7148.  iv.  William  Frank9,  b.  Feb.  1,  1880,  at  Macomb,  111. 

7149.  v.  Claude  Cleveland9,  b.  Oct.  25,  1886,  at  Kewanee,  111. 

3302.  Smith8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus9,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey4, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  8,  1842,  at 
Pleasant  Green,  111. ;  m.  Elizabeth  Winter.  He  d.  May  14,  1871. 
She  married  a  Mr.  Campbell  and  is  living   (1912)   at  Sterling, 


Child  of  Smith  and  Elizabeth  (Winter)  Avery: 
7151.     i.       Eva0,  b.  Sept.  6,  1868. 

3303.  Candace8  Avery  (Zebulon7,  Cyrus6,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  31,  1844,  at 
Pleasant  Green,  111. ;  m.  Edward  Hughes.  She  d.  Aug.  29,  1877, 
at  Lewiston,  111.    We  have  no  further  information. 

3304.  Myron  Kasson8  Avery  (Cyrus  Henry7,  Cyrus6,  Solo- 
mon5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
20,  1826,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.;  m.  June  1,  1854,  at  Garden 
Prairie,  111.,  Abigail  Mariah  Tongue,  dau.  of  Orrin  and  Amy 
(Taylor)  Tongue.  She  was  b.  Dec.  9,  1830,  at  Cortland,  N.  Y.; 
d.  Dec.  9,  1898,  at  Mason  City,  la.  He  was  one  of  those  who,  in 
1849,  crossed  the  plains  to  California ;  in  four  years  he  returned 
to  Garden  Prairie,  111.  He  was  elected  to  the  Illinois  legislature 
in  1874,  and  has  held  many  town  and  county  offices.  He  is  a 
breeder  of  short-horn  cattle.    Residence,  Mason  City,  la. 












The   Eighth  Generation  971 

Children  of  Myron  Kasson  and  Abigail  Mariah   (Tongue) 
Avery,  b.  at  Garden  Prarie: 

Cyrus  Henry9,  b.  Nov.  17,  1856. 
Florence  Luella9,  b.  Oct.  4,  1857. 
Stella  Ellen8,  b.  Aug.  26,  1862. 
Clara  Imogene9,  b.  July  18,  1864. 
Almeron  Myron9,  b.  June  8,  1868. 

Mabel  Eva9,  b.  Aug.  10,  1871;   d.  Jan.  11,  1892,  at  Mason 
City;  unm. 

3305.  Elizabeth8  Avery  (Cyrus  Henry7,  Cyrus6,  Solomon'1, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  16, 
1828,  at  Auburn,  Pa. ;  m.  Oct.  25,  1849,  at  Garden  Prairie,  III, 
Myron  Willard  Poyer,  s.  of  John  and  Alma  (Simons)  Poyer. 
He  was  b.  July  28,  1824,  at  Berlin,  O.  He  was  a  farmer.  She 
d.  April  26,  1865,  at  Garden  Prairie.    He  d.  at  Marengo,  111. 

Children  of  Myron  Willard  and  Elizabeth   (Avery)   Poyer, 
b.  at  Garden  Prairie: 

i.       Sarah  Clarinda9,  b.  Oct.  18,  1850;  m.  Leander  N.  Edson; 

d.  March  5,  1882,  at  Marengo,  111. 
ii.     John  Avery9,  b.  Jan.  19,  1853;  m.  Emma  Vogal;  d.  in  New 

3306.  Reliance8  Avery  (Cyrus  Henry7,  Cyrus6,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James"-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  18, 
1832,  at  Auburn,  Pa. ;  m.  Dec.  4,  1855,  at  Garden  Prairie,  111.,  the 
Rev.  Benjamin  Monroe  Amsden,  s.  of  Benjamin  Cummings  and 
Achsah  (Nichols)  Amsden.  He  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1818,  at  West- 
field,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  student  in  Western  Reserve  College;  a 
graduate  of  Williams  College;  a  graduate  of  the  Oberlin  Theo- 
logical College ;  a  Congregational  minister  over  various  charges, 
the  last  being  Manchester,  la.,  where  he  was  a  large  real  estate 
owner.  He  d.  Jan.  28,  1903,  at  Manchester.  She  is  living  (1911) 
at  Manchester,  la. 

Children  of  Benjamin  Monroe  and  Reliance  (Avery)  Ams- 

i.      Charles  Finney9,  b.  Sept.  28,  1856,  at  Belvidere,  111.;  m. 
Hattie    Eliza    Magill;    was   a    commission   merchant;    d. 
Dec.  22,  1888,  at  Manchester, 
ii.      Clara9,   b.   May  17,   1858,   at   Garden   Prairie;    d.   Feb.   13, 

972  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

iii.  Avery  Monroe8,  b.  Nov.  7,  1860,  at  Manchester;  m.  Marcella 
Agnes  Price;  founder,  vice-president,  and  cashier  of  the 
First  National  Bank  of  Farmington,  New  Mex.  Resi- 
dence, Farmington.  Children:  (a.)  Charles  Avery10,  b. 
Aug.  18,  1899;  (b.)  William  Monroex\  b.  July  15,  1902; 
(c.)  Theodore  Price10,  b.  Oct.  18,  1904;  (d.)  Otto  Kas- 
son19, b.  Feb.  11,  1907;  (e.)  George  Harry10,  b.  May  28, 

iv.     Kasson  Nichols',  b.  Dec.  1,  1862,  at  Garden  Prairie;  d.  y. 

v.  George  Sidney',  b.  Nov.  30,  1864,  at  Crete,  111.;  was  a  gradu- 
ate of  Philadelphia  Pharmacy  School. 

vi.  William  Cummings9,  b.  March  15,  1867;  a  graduate  of  the 
Philadelphia  Pharmacy  School;  m.  Cora  Cruise;  resi- 
dence, Garner,  la. 

vii.  Carrie',  b.  May  3,  1870,  at  Dubuque,  la.;  m.  Asa  Obediah 
Stanger;  he  is  superintendent  of  schools,  Falmouth, 

viii.  Harriet  Belle',  b.  Nov.  8,  1873,  at  Manchester;  m.  George 
Whittenhall  Sammons,  M.  D.;  residence,  Wattsburg,  Pa. 

3307.  William  HartlyH  Avery  {Cyrus  Henry7,  Cyrus6,  Solo- 
mon5, Humphrey*,  Samuel*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
1,  1836,  at  Auburn,  Pa. ;  m.  May  5,  1868,  at  Garden  Prairie,  111., 
Nellie  Townsend  Fox,  dau.  of  Hazen  Eliaza  and  Lydia  (Vary) 
Fox.  She  was  b.  June  1,  1847,  at  Holland  Patent,  N.  Y.  He  was 
a  lawyer  and  banker.  He  d.  Jan.  20,  1912,  at  Los  Angeles,  Cal., 
where  his  widow  is  living. 

Children  of  William  Hartly  and  Nellie  Townsend    (Fox) 
Avery : 

7165.  i.       Xora',  b.  Sept.  27,  1870,  at  Garden  Prairie,  111. 

7166.  ii.      Russ9,  b.  Aug.  23,  1872,  at  Olympia,  Wash.;  University  of 

California,  1894;  Harvard  Law  School,  1897;  residence, 
Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

7167.  iii.     Kasson9,  b.  Nov.  1,  1883,  at  Lamar,  Mo. 

7168.  iv.     Yerva',  b.  Sept.  8,  1886,  at  Los  Angeles. 

3308.  Robert  *  Avery  (Abel  Marcy7,  Cyrus0,  Solomon5,  Hum- 
phrey*, Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  22,  1839, 
at  Tunkhannock,  Pa.;  m.  July  4,  1874,  at  New  York  City,  Mrs. 
Virginia  Constance  Berry,  dau.  of  Richard  Arms  and  Emily 
(Sargeant)  Risley,  and  widow  of  Stephen  Wallace  Berry.  She 
was  b.  Sept.  21,  1845,  at  Wilmington,  N.  C.  Robert  Avery 
entered  the  Union  army  in  September,  1861,  as  captain  of  an 
independent  company,  first  attached  to  the  12th  N.  Y.  Vols.; 

The   Eighth   Generation 


second,  to  the  102d  N.  Y.  Vols.;  was  in  the  battles  of  Cedar 
Mountain,  Second  Bull  Run,  Antietam;  commanded  a  brigade 


at  Chancellorsville  where  he  was  severely  wounded;  after  his 
recovery,  he  was  sent  to  Tennessee  where  he  led  the  assaulting 
column  at  Lookout  Mountain,  was  wounded,  and  lost  his  right 

974  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

leg;  was  brevetted  as  brigadier-general  and  later  as  major- 
general  of  volunteers;  in  1866-1868,  was  inspector-general  and 
judge-advocate  of  North  Carolina,  a  part  of  the  second  military- 
district;  in  1868,  was  given  sick  leave;  December  31,  1870,  was 
placed  on  retired  list,  U.  S.  A.,  with  rank  of  colonel.  In  Decem- 
ber, 1870,  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar  of  the  supreme  court  of 
New  York  and,  in  1871,  to  that  of  the  U.  S.  supreme  court;  had 
the  financial  management  of  a  great  railroad  in  Texas  in  1871- 
1874;  special  deputy  attorney-general,  State  of  New  York,  in 
1877;  now  vice-president  of  the  Burlington  and  Southeastern 
R.  R.  Co.,  the  Virginias  Railway  Co.,  president  of  the  Union 
Loan  and  Investment  Co.,  and  of  the  Threadless  Lock-Nut  and 
Bolt  Co.    Residence,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Robert  and  Virginia  Constance  (Risley)  Avery: 

7169.  i.       Hugo9,  b.  March  15,  1875,  at  Teaneck,  N.  J. 

ii.     James  Hudson9,  b.  Oct.  10,  1877,  at  Nyack,  N.  Y.;  d.  Aug. 

7,  1881,  at  Nyack. 
iii.    Virginia  Constance9,  b.  Feb.  25,  1880,  at  Nyack;  d.  March 

25,  1890,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
iv.     Euphemia  Pell9,  b.  March  29,  1882,  at  Brooklyn;  d.  March 

16,  1890,  at  Brooklyn. 

7170.  v.      Theodore  Morris9,  b.  Dec.  5,  1884,  at  Brooklyn. 

vi.     Abel  Marcy9,  b.  April  4,  1886,  at  Brooklyn;   d.  March  22, 
1890,  at  Brooklyn. 

7171.  vii.    Walter9,  b.  Nov.  22,  1887,  at  Brooklyn. 

3310.  Sarah  Lydia8  Avery  (Punderson7,  Cyrus*,  Solomo?i5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  15, 
1843,  at  Tunkhannock,  Pa. ;  m.  June  15,  1865,  at  Randolph  Cen- 
ter, N.  Y.,  Oliver  A.  Wilsey.  She  m.  2d,  a  Mr.  Rothrock.  We 
are  told  that  she  is  living  at  Cedar  Rapids,  la.,  but  our  inquiries 
have  not  been  answered. 

Children  of  Oliver  A.  and  Sarah  Lydia  (Avery)  Wilsey: 
i.       Mary9,  b.  March  12,  1866,  at  Petroleum  Center,  Pa.;  d.  in 

Nov.,  1893,  at  Conklin,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Olive9,  b.  Sept.  12,  1868,  at  Petroleum  Center;  d.  y. 
iii.     Josephine  Violette9,  b.  Sept.  2,  1876,  at  Windsor,  N.  Y. 

3311.  Punderson8  Avery  {Joseph  Conant1,  Cyrus9,  Solo- 
mon5, Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
22, 1843, in  Stark  County,  111.;  m.  Nov.  13,1864,  at  Corvallis,  Ore., 

The  Eighth   Generation  975 

Martha  Elizabeth  Mobley,  dau.  of  William  and  Caroline 
(Klinger)  Mobley.  She  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1845,  in  Holt  County, 
Mo.  He  is  a  farmer  and  is  engaged  in  the  flour  mill  business. 
Residence,  Corvallis,  Ore. 

Children   of   Punderson   and   Martha   Elizabeth    (Mobley) 
Avery : 

i.       Judson9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1865,  at  Corvallis;  d.  Aug.  22,  1883,  at 

Paisley,  Ore. 
ii.      Frankie9,  b.  Sept.  28,  1867,  at  Corvallis;  d.  July  31,  1878, 

at  Paisley. 

7183.  iii.     Chester  Punderson9,  b.  May  3,  1869,  at  Corvallis. 

7184.  iv.     Clarence  W.9,  b.  June  24,  1871,  at  Corvallis. 

7185.  v.     Martha  Caroline',  b.  Nov.  1,  1873,  at  Paisley. 

vi.    Joseph  Conant9,  b.  Nov.  3,  1875,  at  Paisley;  d.  March  24, 
1889,  at  Corvallis. 

7186.  vii.    Grover  Cleveland9,  b.  Nov.  10,  1883,  at  Jacksonville,  Ore. 

7187.  viii.  Virgil  Bennett9,  b.  Nov.  27,  1890,  at  Corvallis. 

3312.  Florence8  Avery  (Joseph  Conant7,  Cyrus9,  Solomon*, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  5, 
1845,  in  Stark  Co.,  111.;  m.  April  8,  1863,  at  Corvallis,  Ore., 
Richard  Cummins  Johnson,  s.  of  Robert  and  Bridget  (Murphy) 
Johnson.  He  was  b.  March  29,  1833,  at  Independence,  Mo.  He 
was  a  physician ;  d.  July  26,  1870,  at  Corvallis.  She  m.  2d,  July 
9,  1878,  at  Lakeview,  Ore.,  George  Madison  Jones,  s.  of  Abraham 
and  Matilda  (Crum)  Jones.  He  was  b.  July  3,  1838,  in  Cooper 
Co.,  Mo.    He  is  a  stock  breeder.    Residence,  Paisley,  Ore. 

Children  of  Richard  Cummins  and  Florence  (Avery)  John- 

i.       Robert  Cummins9,  b.  July  2,  1864,  at  Dallas,  Ore.;  m.  Mar- 
garet Petterson;  residence,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah, 
ii.     Ethel  Margaret9,  b.  July  20,  1867,  at  Dallas;  m.  James 

Hunt  Harris;  residence,  Corvallis. 
iii.    George  Washington",  b.  Aug.  27,  1868,  at  Corvallis;   m. 

Alazana  Woodcock;  residence,  Lakeview,  Ore. 
iv.     Esther  Luesia9,  b.  March  7,  1870,  at  Corvallis;  m.  William 
Reid;  m.  2d,  W.  J.  McDonald;  residence,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Children  of  George  Madison  and  Florence  (Avery)  Jones, 
b.  at  Chewancon  Valley,  Ore. : 

i.       Frances  Matilda8,  b.  Oct.  9,  1880;  m.  Warner  B.  Snider; 

residence,  Lakeview,  Ore. 
ii.      Anna  Florence9,  b.  Sept.  24,  1882;  residence,  Paisley,  Ore. 

976  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3313.  Frances8  Avery  (Joseph  ConanV,  Cyrus6,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey*,  Samuel',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  1,  1849, 
at  Corvallis,  Ore.;  m.  Nov.  8,  1868,  at  Corvallis,  George  Rea 
Helm,  s.  of  Lawrence  Stearn  and  Susannah  (Rea)  Helm.  He 
was  b.  Jan.  14,  1840,  at  Decatur,  111.  He  was  a  lawyer;  d.  Oct. 
28,  1876,  at  Albany,  Ore.  She  was  post-mistress  at  Corvallis 
under  President  Cleveland.     Residence,  Corvallis,  Ore. 

Child  of  George  Rea  and  Frances  (Avery)  Helm,  b.  at  Cor- 

i.       Lawrence  Avery9,  b.  Sept.  16,  1870;  m.  Agenia  Darby  Stan- 
ley; residence,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

3314.  George  Washington8  Avery  (Joseph  ConanV,  Cyrus*, 
Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.21,1850,  at  Corvallis,  Ore.;  m.Oct.8,1871,  in  Linn  Co.,Ore., 
Mary  Elizabeth  Wheeler,  dau.  of  Martin  and  Susan  (Owens) 
Wheeler.  She  was  b.  Nov.  15,  1851,  at  Burlington,  la.  He  is  a 
stock  raiser.    Residence,  Corvallis,  Ore. 

Children  of  George  Washington  and  Mary  Elizabeth 
(Wheeler)  Avery: 

Ocie9,  b.  Dec.  5,  1872,  in  Lake  Co.,  Ore. 
Royal9,  b.  March  15,  1875,  in  Lake  Co. 
Edwinna  Martha9,  b.  Feb.  14,  1878,  in  Lake  Co. 
Lodie8,  b.  Oct.  14,  1880,  at  Corvallis;   d.  Sept.  21,  1890,  at 

7191.  v.      Ernest9,  b.  July  13,  1888,  at  Paisley,  Ore.;  residence,  Port- 

land, Ore. 

3315.  Napoleon  Bonaparte8  Avery  (Joseph  ConanV,  Cyrus6, 
Solomon5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  16,  1859,  at  Corvallis,  Ore.;  m.  Sept.  7,  1879,  at  Browns- 
town,  Ind.,  Lodierisco  Jones  Applewhite,  dau.  of  John  Ragan 
and  Margaret  (Bonney)  Applewhite.  She  was  b.  July  2,  1859, 
in  Carrol  Co.,  Miss.  He  is  a  graduate  of  the  Philadelphia  Dental 
College.    Residence,  Corvallis,  Ore. 

Child  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte  and  Lodierisco  Jones  (Apple- 
white) Avery: 

7192.  i.       Esther9,  b.  June  5,  1880,  at  Corvallis. 

3316.  Gertrude8  Avery  (Joseph  ConanV,  Cyrus0,  Solomon5, 
Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  8,  1867, 
at  Corvallis,  Ore.;  m.  Oct.  27,    1883,  at  Corvallis,    Benjamin 








The   Eighth   Generation  977 

Franklin  Irvine,  s.  of  Jesse  B.  and  Emeline  (Humphreys)  Irvine. 

He  was  b.  July  22,  1857,  at  Scio,  Ore.    He  is  the  associate  editor 

of  the  Portland  Journal.     Residence,  Portland,  Ore. 

Children    of    Benjamin    Franklin    and    Gertrude    (Avery) 


i.       Edna  Gertrude9,  b.  June  15,  1884,  at  Corvallis. 
ii.      Ward  Avery9,  b.  May  14,  1895,  at  Corvallis. 

3320.  Charles  Humphrey8  Avery  (Daniel  Humphrey7,  Sam- 
uel William6,  Samuel5,  Humphrey4',  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher'1) was  b.  March  21,  1850,  at  Tuscaloosa,  Ala.;  m.  Oct.  17, 
1888,  at  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  Minnie  Lizzelle  Metcalf,  dau.  of  James 
Latimer  and  Nancy  Mary  (Casterin)  Metcalf.  She  was  b.  Aug. 
12,  1862,  at  Varick,  N.  Y.  He  was  an  electrical  engineer.  He 
d.  in  May,  1893,  at  Geneva.  No  children.  She  m.  Levi  I. 
Schreffler  and  lives  at  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

3321.  Edwin  Morgan8  Avery  (Daniel  Humphrey7,  Samuel 
William6,  Samuel5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James'2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  29,  1855,  at  Tuscaloosa,  Ala. ;  m.  April  16,  1884,  at 
Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  Maggie  Luella  Campbell,  dau.  of  Stephen 
and  Cynthia  Cecil  (Loofbourrow)  Campbell.  She  was  b.  April 
2,  1861,  at  Varick,  N.  Y.;  d.  Nov.  20,  1892,  at  Geneva,  N.  Y. 
He  d.  Jan.  15,  1908,  at  Geneva,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Edwin  Morgan  and  Maggie  Luella  (Campbell) 
Avery,  b.  at  Chattanooga,  Tenn. : 

i.      Julia  Catherine9,  b.  Aug.  2,  1885;  d.  y. 
7218.     ii.      Louise  Morgan9,  b.  Oct.  20,  1887;  residence,  Aurora,  N.  Y. 

3322.  Charles  Hooker8  Avery  (Francis  Smith7,  James6, 
James5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
20,  1847,  at  Norwich,  Conn.;  m.  Feb.  20,  1872,  at  New  Haven, 
Conn.,  Estelle  Costar,  dau.  of  Henry  R.  and  Julia  Estelle 
(Chalker)  Costar.  She  was  b.  in  June,  1851,  at  New  York  City ; 
d.  March  25,  1879,  at  New  Britain,  Conn.  He  m.  2d,  Dec.  15, 
1880,  at  Westfield,  Mass.,  Alice  Eliza  Bates,  dau.  of  Sherman  and 
Eliza  Ann  (Hamlin)  Bates.  She  was  b.  Feb.  10,  1856,  at  Hart- 
ford.   He  is  a  poultry  fancier.    Residence,  New  Britain,  Conn. 

Child  of  Charles  Hooker  and  Estelle   (Costar)   Avery: 
7220.     i.       Henry  Costar9,  b.  Nov.  11,  1876,  at  New  Britain. 

978  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Charles  Hooker  and  Alice  Eliza  (Bates)  Avery, 

b.  at  New  Britain : 

7221.  i.      Sherman  Francis',  b.  Oct.  4,  1881. 

7222.  ii.     Marguerite  Judd',  b.  Jan.  28,  1884. 

7223.  iii.     Nathan  Carlos',  b.  Feb.  7,  1893. 

7224.  iv.     Leora  Maria8,  b.  June  18,  1894. 

3323.  Martha  Pride8  Avery  (Francis  Smith7,  James9, 
James6,  Humphrey',  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
17,  1854,  at  Bridgeport,  Conn. ;  m.  May  22,  1878,  at  Stratford, 
Conn.,  De  Witt  Clinton  Beardsley,  s.  of  Charles  Beardsley.  He 
is  a  carpenter.    Residence,  New  Haven,  Conn. 

Children  of  De  Witt  Clinton  and  Martha  Pride  (Avery) 
Beardsley : 

i.       Medora  Hubbell',  b.   May  12,   1879;   m.  Alexander  Troup; 

residence,  New  Haven, 
ii.     Stanley  Avery',  b.  Dec.  22,  1880. 
iii.     Maud  Clinton9,  b.  Aug.  14,  1882;  m.  Horace  B.  Webster,  Jr. 

Child,  Virginia  Beardsley'0.     Residence,  Tarpon  Springs, 

iv.     Ida  Frances0,  b.  June  4,  1893. 

3324.  Sarah  E valine8  Avery  (Benjamin  Franklin7,  Benja- 
min6, James5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  1,  1850,  at  Petersburg,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  17,  1871,  at  Peters- 
burg, Almon  Denison  Hakes,  s.  of  Samuel  Jones  and  Almira 
(Lewis)  Hakes.  He  was  b.  Oct.  30,  1846,  at  Petersburg.  He  is 
a  painter.    No  children.    Residence,  Petersburg,  N.  Y. 

3325.  Annie  Harriet8  Avery  (William  Waightstill7,  Isaac 
Thomas3,  Waightstill5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Nov.  6,  1848,  at  Morganton,  N.  C;  m.  Oct.  29, 
1868,  at  Morganton,  Joseph  Henry  Scales,  s.  of  Peter  Perkins 
and  Mary  Lucretia  (Morehead)  Scales.  He  was  b.  May  9,  1842, 
in  Henry  Co.,  Va.  He  is  a  farmer.  He  lives  at  Cascade,  Va., 
on  the  place  granted  his  ancestor  in  1768,  by  King  George  III. 
He  has  the  original  parchment. 

Children   of   Joseph   Henry   and   Annie   Harriet    (Avery) 

Scales,  b.  in  Henry  Co.,  Va. : 

i.      Waightstill  Avery8,  b.  Dec.  5,  1870;  d.  Nov.  7,  1886. 
ii.     Joseph  Henry*,  b.  April  12,  1874;  m.  Emma  Galloway;  res- 
idence, Sault  St.  Marie,  Mich. 

The  Eighth  Generation  979 

iii.     Annie  Perkins9,  b.  Nov.  29,  1875;  m.  Dr.  Francis  Rogers; 

residence,  Winston,  N.  C. 
iv.     John  Walker',  b.  Dec.  3,  1883;  d.  y. 
v.     Waightstill  Morehead',  b.  May  8,  1890. 

3326.  Corinna  Iredell8  Avery  (William  Waightstill7,  Isaac 
Thomas6,  Waightstill5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel*,  James-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  27,  1850,  at  Morganton,  N.  C;  m.  Oct.  20, 
1875,  at  Morganton,  George  Phifer  Erwin,  s.  of  Edward  Jones 
and  Ann  Elizabeth  (Phifer)  Erwin.  He  was  b.  Aug.  27,  1840, 
at  Morganton.    He  is  a  lawyer.    Residence,  Morganton,  N.  C. 

Children  of  George  Phifer  and  Corinna  Iredell    (Avery) 
Erwin,  b.  at  Morganton : 

i.  Annie  Phifer9,  b.  Aug.  12,  1876. 

ii.  Corinna  Morehead9,  b.  Aug.  26,  1879;  m.  Derr  Roger. 

iii.  Addie  Avery9,  b.  July  9,  1884. 

iv.  Edward  Jones9,  b.  Oct.  10,  1886. 

v.  Eloise  McCurdy9,  b.  Aug.  1,  1888. 

3327.  Adelaide  Matilda8  Avery  (William  Waightstill7,  Isaac 
Thomas*,  Waightstill5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Feb.  6, 1855,  at  Morganton,  N.  C. ;  m.  Nov.  7,  1883, 
at  Morganton,  John  James  Hemphill,  s.  of  James  and  Rachel 
(Brawley)  Hemphill.  He  was  b.  Aug.  25,  1849,  at  Chester, 
S.  C.  He  is  a  lawyer ;  was  a  member  of  the  South  Carolina  legis- 
lature, 1876-1882;  a  member  of  congress,  1882-1892.  He  is 
author  of  "Why  the  Solid  South?"  She  d.  April  29,  1884,  at 
Morganton.  No  children.  He  m.  2d,  Dec.  23,  1891,  Elizabeth 
S.  Henry.    Residence,  Washington,  D.  C. 

3330.  Martha  Matilda8  Avery  (Clark  Moulton7,  Isaac 
Thomas*,  Waightstill5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Feb.  17,  1844,  at  Morganton,  N.  C. ;  m.  June  8, 
1870,  at  Morganton,  Capt.  George  Loundes  Phifer,  s.  of  John 
Fulenwider  and  Elizabeth  Caroline  (Ramseur)  Phifer.  He  was 
b.  Feb.  10,  1841,  in  Loundes  Co.,  Ala.  He  was  (for  twenty 
years)  a  manufacturer  at  Lincolnton,  N.  C,  and  later  the  secre- 
tary and  treasurer  of  the  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Dumb  at 
Morganton.  He  d.  Dec.  13,  1908,  at  Morganton,  N.  C.  She  is 
living  (1911)  at  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

980  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  George  Loundes  and  Martha  Matilda  (Avery) 
Phif  er : 

i.       John  Fulenwider",  b.  April  2,  1871,  at  Jefferson,  Tex.;  m. 

Maria  Newbold;  residence,  Columbia,  S.  C. 
ii.      Moulton  Avery",  b.  Dec.  3,  1872,  at  Lincolnton,  N.  C;  m. 

Mary  Moore  Hardy;  residence,  Saluda,  N.  C. 
iii.     George  Erwin",  b.  Feb.  10,  1875,  at  Lincolnton;   d.  March 

23,  1895;  unm. 
iv.     Edward  William",  b.  Sept.  12,  1876,  at  Lincolnton;  m.  Sudie 

Presnell;  is  a  physician;  residence,  Morganton,  N.  C. 
v.      Isaac  Avery",  b.  Dec.  26,  1877,  at  Lincolnton;  m.  Mary  Kate 

Allen;  is  a  lawyer;  residence,  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 
vi.     Walton  Lenoir",  b.  Oct.  7,  1879,  at  Lincolnton;  m.  Carrie 

Gist  Graham;  is  a  pharmacist;   residence,  Spartanburg, 
vii.    Maude",  b.  July  27,   1881,   at   Lincolnton;   m.   Dr.   Fletcher 

Locke  Brown;  residence,  Southport  N.  C. 
viii.  Waightstill  Winthrop",  b.  June  21,  1883,  at  Lincolnton; 

residence,   Spartanburg, 
ix.     Lenoir",  b.  July  9,  1884,  at  Lincolnton;  d.  Feb.  9,  1885. 
x.      Robert  Fulenwider",  b.  March  6,   1886,  at  Lincolnton;  m. 

Marie  McClain;  is  a  banker;  residence,  Spartanburg, 
xi.     Mary  Wilfong",  b.  Nov.  13,  1888,  at  Lincolnton;  m.  Donald 

Witherspoon;  d.  March  8,  1910,  at  Newton,  N.  C. 

3331.  Harriet  Eloise8  Avery  (Clark  Moulton7,  Isaac 
Thomas6,  Waightstill5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  April  5,  1846,  at  Morganton,  N.  C. ;  m.  Oct.  20, 
1870,  at  Morganton,  the  Rev.  James  Hooper  Colton,  s.  of  Simeon 
and  Susan  (Chapman)  Colton.  He  was  b.  March  22,  1834,  at 
Amherst,  Mass.  He  was  a  graduate  of  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  and  of  the  Columbia  (S.  C.)  Theological  Seminary;  a 
Presbyterian  minister;  chaplain  in  the  Confederate  army.  He 
d.  Feb.  14,  1893,  at  Burksville,  Ky.;  she  d.  Oct.  19,  1903,  at 
Campbellsville,  Ky. 

Children  of  James  Hooper  and  Harriet  Eloise  (Avery) 
Colton : 

i.  Moulton  Avery",  b.  Oct.  23,  1871,  at  Spencer  Academy, 
Choctaw  Nation,  Indian  Territory;  Yale,  1898;  division 
superintendent  of  education  in  the  Philippines,  1900- 
1904;  University  of  Paris,  1909;  instructor  in  Romance 
languages,  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  1909 — . 

The  Eighth  Generation  981 

ii.  Elizabeth0,  b.  Dec.  30,  1872,  at  Choctaw  Nation;  B.  S.,  Co- 
lumbia University,  1903;  M.  A.,  1905;  instructor  in 
English,  Wellesley  College,  1905-08;  professor  of  Eng- 
lish, Meredith  College,  Raleigh,  N.  C,  1908—. 

iii.  James  Hooper9,  b.  Jan.  30,  1875,  at  Morganton;  m.  Charlotte 
Maydwell;  residence,  Cement,  Calif. 

iv.  Susan9,  b.  Feb.  10,  1878,  at  Morganton;  Presbyterian  Col- 
lege, 1900;  teacher  in  the  Philippines,  1901-1904;  student 
at  University  of  Paris,  1904-06;  instructor  in  Spanish, 
Wellesley  College,  1906-07;  professor  of  Romance  lan- 
guages, Agnes  Scott  College,  Decatur,  Ga.,  1907-1911; 
missionary  to   Korea. 

v.  Henry  Eliot9,  b.  Dec.  7,  1879,  near  Morganton;  Yale,  1902; 
Columbia  University  Law  School,  1908;  assistant  to 
the  attorney-general  of  the  United  States,  1909 — . 

vi.  Clara9,  b.  Sept.  16,  1881,  near  Morganton;  Presbyterian  Col- 
lege, 1902;  Virginia  State  Normal  School,  1907. 

vii.  Willoughby  Francis9,  b.  Aug.  29,  1883,  at  Pine  Creek, 
S.  C;  Yale,  1907;  instructor  in  Willson  School  (1910), 
New  York  City. 

viii.  Roger  Baldwin9,  b.  Dec.  15,  1886,  at  Jonesboro,  N.  C;  Shef- 
field Scientific  School  (Yale),  1908;  lieut.  in  coast  artil- 
lery, U.  S.  A. 

3332.  Laura  Pairo*  Avery  (Clark  Moulton',  Isaac  Thomas*, 
WaightstiW,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  27,  1864,  at  Morganton,  N.  C. ;  m.  June  17,  1884,  at  Mor- 
ganton, the  Rev.  John  Adams  Gilmer,  s.  of  Joseph  Whitfield  and 
Nancy  (McLean)  Gilmer.  He  was  b.  Jan.  4,  1857,  at  Greens- 
boro, N.  C.  He  is  a  Presbyterian  clergyman.  No  children. 
Residence,  Mount  Airy,  N.  C. 

3333,  Isaac  Thomas  8  Avery  (Clark  Moulton7,  Isaac  Thomas*, 
Waightstill5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 

Jan.  30,  1856,  at  Morganton,  N.  C.;  m.  June  — ,  1891,  at , 

Lillian  Walton,  dau.  of  Stanley  and  Kate  (Blackwell)  Walton, 
and  widow  of  Frederick  Burr.  She  d.  in  March,  1905,  at  Mor- 
ganton. He  m.  2d,  Oct.  12,  1908,  at  Morganton,  Margaret 
Rosalie  DuBose,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  McNeeley  DuBose.  It  is  said 
that  he  lives  at  Morganton,  N.  C.,  but  he  has  not  answered  our 
request  for  fuller  information. 

Children  of  Isaac  Thomas  and  Lillian   (Walton)   Avery,  b. 
at  Morganton: 

982  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

7230.  i.      Walton9,  b.  July  9,  1892. 

ii.  Isaac  Thomas',  b.  Oct.  1,  1894;  d.  y. 

7231.  iii.  Lillian8,  b.  May  8,  1896. 

7232.  iv.  Edward  Stanley9,  b.  April  2,  1902. 
v.  Elizabeth9,  b.  March  13,  1905;  d.  y. 

Child  of  Isaac  Thomas  and  Margaret  Rosalie    (DuBose) 

Avery : 

7233.  i.       Rosaline  McNeeley9,  b.  Dec.  31,  1909,  at  Morganton. 

3334.  Harriet  Eloise*  Avery  (Alphonso  Calhoun7,  Isaac 
Thomas0,  Waightstill*,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Aug.  16,  1864,  at  Swan  Ponds,  N.  C;  m.  Aug.  12, 
1885,  at  Morganton,  N.  C,  Gilmer  Brenizer,  M.  D.,  s.  of  Capt. 
Addison  G.  and  Fannie  (Gilmer)  Brenizer.  He  was  b.  March 
27,  1864,  at  Greensboro,  N.  C.  She  d.  Sept.  7,  1886,  at  Morgan- 
ton.    He  m.  2d,  Nellie  Waddell.    Residence,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Child  of  Gilmer  and  Harriet  Eloise  (Avery)  Brenizer : 

i.  Sudie  Avery9,  b.  May  18,  1886,  at  Morganton;  m.  Clarence 
Naff;  residence,  Los  Angeles,  Calif.  Children:  (a.) 
Clarence  Raymond1";  (b.)  Addison  Brenizer10;  (c.)  Fran- 
ces   Gilmer10. 

3335.  Isaac  Erwin*  Avery  (Alphonso  Calhoun7,  Isaac 
Thomas6,  Waightstill6,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Dec.  1,  1871,  at  Swan  Ponds,  N.  C.  He  was  a 
graduate  of  Trinity  College,  Durham,  N.  C. ;  admitted  to  the  bar 
in  1893;  vice  consul  general  to  Shanghai,  China,  from  1894  to 
1897,  during  which  time  he  delighted  and  instructed  his  country- 
men by  his  pen  pictures  of  the  Orient.  In  1900,  he  became  the 
city  editor  of  the  Charlotte  (N.  C.)  Daily  Observer.  In  this 
journal,  he  established  a  department  that  he  called  "A  Variety 
of  Idle  Comments,"  and  became  a  popular  commentator  upon 
the  virtues  and  vices  of  men,  their  merits  and  their  weaknesses. 
He  brought  to  every  discussion  the  subtlest  analysis,  and,  with 
a  fidelity  that  was  perfect  and  sometimes  startling,  "held  the 
mirror  up  to  nature."  His  vocabulary  was  rich;  his  humor, 
exquisite;  his  pathos,  tear-compelling.  He  had  no  superior 
among  contemporaneous  newspaper  writers  for  original 
thought,  power,  and  felicity  of  expression.  While  upon  the 
threshold  of  a  career  marked  for  greatness,  surrounded  by  affec- 

The  Eighth  Generation 



984  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

tionate  friends,  in  love  with  life  and  with  every  incentive  to 
live,  "the  pallid  messenger  with  the  inverted  torch  beckoned  and 
he  went  to  the  undiscovered  country,"  April  2,  1904. 

3336.  Susan  Washington8  Avery  (Alphonso  Calhoun7,  Isaac 
Thomas9,  Waightstill5,  Humphrey4,  Samuel*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Jan.  23,  1873,  at  Swan  Ponds,  N.  C;  m.  Oct.  12, 
1892,  at  Morganton,  N.  C,  Thomas  McBee,  s.  of  Vardry  Alex- 
ander and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Sumner)  McBee.  He  was  b.  Dec. 
10,  1866,  at  Lincolnton,  N.  C.    Residence,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Susan  Washington   (Avery)    Mc- 

i.       Vardry9,  b.  July  31,  1893,  at  Morganton;  d.  y. 

ii.     Elizabeth  Hunt9,  b.  April  9,  1895,  at  Asheville,  N.  C. 

3337.  Alphonso  Calhoun8  Avery  (Alphonso  Calhoun7,  Isaac 
Thomas6,  Waightstill*,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Sept.  16,  1874,  at  Swan  Ponds,  N.  C. ;  m.  March 
6,  1900,  at  Birmingham,  Ala.,  Mary  Patterson  Johnston,  dau.  of 
Dr.  William  Henry  and  Kathleen  (Gage)  Johnston.  She  was 
b.  March  6,  1877,  at  Selma,  Ala.  He  was  educated  at  Trinity 
College;  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1895.  During  the  war  with 
Spain,  he  served  as  1st  lieut.  of  Co.  C,  2d  North  Carolina  vol- 
unteers. He  is  a  lawyer,  in  partnership  with  his  father.  He  has 
twice  been  mayor  of  Morganton  and  is  (1911)  city  attorney  and 
county  attorney.    Residence,  Morganton,  N.  C. 

Child  of  Alphonso  Calhoun  and  Mary  Patterson  (Johnston) 
Avery : 

7240.     i.      William  Johnston9,  b.  May  12,  1901,  at  Morganton. 

3341.  Willoughby  Moulton8  Avery  (Willoughby  Francis7, 
Isaac  Thomas9,  Waightstill*,  Humphrey4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  May  10,  1876,  in  Johnston  Co.,  N.  C. ;  m.  June 
26,  1906,  at  Greensboro,  N.  C,  Emma  Sharpe,  dau.  of  Ben  and 
Mary  (Settle)  Sharpe.  She  was  b.  Aug.  24,  1885,  at  Greensboro. 
He  is  an  engineer.    Residence,  Greenesboro,  N.  C. 

Children  of  Willoughby  Moulton  and  Emma  (Sharpe) 
Avery : 

7248.  i.      Willoughby  Moulton9,  b.  April  1,  1907,  at  Selma,  N.  C. 

7249.  ii.      Thomas  Settle',  b.  Aug.  27,  1909,  at  Greensboro. 

The   Eighth    Generation  985 

3353.  William  Harrison8  Avery  (William  Brown1,  James*, 
Isaac5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
26,  1873,  in  Burke  Co.,  N.  C. ;  m.  Feb.  26,  1908,  at  Swan  Ponds, 
N.  C,  Mary  Addie  Warlick,  dau.  of  Pinckney  and  Catharine 
(Ramsaur)  Warlick.  She  was  b.  Feb.  24,  1883,  near  Lenoir, 
N.  C.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Morganton,  N.  C. 

Children  of  William  Harrison  and  Mary  Addie  (Warlick) 
Avery : 

7268.  i.      Pinckney  Warlick9,  b.  Dec.  15,  1908,  at  Swan  Ponds. 

7269.  ii.      Waightstill  Harrison9,  b.  Nov.  15,  1910. 

3355.  Laura  Ophelia8  Avery  (William  Brown',  James*, 
Isaac5,  Humphrey4',  Samuel-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
30,  1877,  in  Burke  Co.,  N.  C;  m.  Nov.  1,  1905,  in  Burke  Co., 
Walter  Whitener  Wilfong,  s.  of  Sidney  Theodore  and  Belle  (Gill) 
Wilfong.  He  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1874,  at  South  Fork  River,  N.  C. 
He  is  a  stock  raiser.    Residence,  Vilas,  N.  C. 

Children  of  Walter  Whitener  and  Laura  Ophelia  (Avery) 
Wilfong : 

i.       Cornelia9,  b.  Aug.  22,  1906,  at  Newton,  N.  C. 

ii.     Joseph  Avery9,  b.  March  4,  1908,  at  Bushy  Fork  Valley,, 

Vilas,    N.    C. 
iii.     William  Sidney9,  b.  Nov.  11,  1909,  at  Vilas, 
iv.     Belle  Gill9,  b.  Aug.  29,  1911,  at  Vilas. 

3357.  Alexander  Leighton8  Avery  (William  Brown1,  James*, 
Isaac5,  Humphrey*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
29,  1883,  in  Burke  County,  N.  C. ;  m.  Sept.  18,  1907,  in  Burke  Co., 
Margaret  Louise  McConnaughey,  dau.  of  William  Erwin  and 
Shelton  (Putnam)  McConnaughey.  She  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1887, 
at  Morganton,  N.  C.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Morganton, 
N.  C. 

Children  of  Alexander  Leighton  and  Margaret  Louise  (Mc- 
Connaughey) Avery,  b.  in  Burke  Co.,  N.  C. : 

7271.  i.      William  McConnaughey9,  b.  June  23,  1908. 

7272.  ii.      Louise  Shelton9,  b.  Oct.  3,  1909. 

7273.  iii.     Nannie  Erwin9,  b.  Nov.  6,  1910. 

3358.        Electa     Matildy8     Avery     (WaitstiW,     Waitstill9, 

Charles5,  Waitstill*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  April 
23,   1820,   at   West   Stockbridge,   Mass.;   m.   Dec.   30,   1843.   at 

986  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Brooklyn,  0.,  Ashael  Brainard,  s.  of  Seth  and  Delilah  (Brainard) 
Brainard.  He  was  b.  Jan.  6,  1816,  at  Brooklyn.  She  d.  May  16, 
1850,  at  Brighton  (now  Brooklyn),  0.;  he  d.  Jan.  6,  1899,  at 

Children  of  Ashael  and  Electa  Matildy  (Avery)  Brainard: 
i.  Arysta9,  b.  Oct.  19,  1845,  at  Brooklyn;  d.  y. 
ii.  Electa  Matildy9,  b.  May  8,  1850,  at  Brooklyn;  m.  Edwin 
H.  Foster;  children,  (a.)  Clarence  Lovell;  (b.)  Howard 
Milton;  (c.)  Levi  Asahel;  (d.)  Royce  Reuben.  Mr. 
Foster  d.  Nov.  1,  1908;  his  widow  is  living  at  Brooklyn 
(Cleveland),  O. 

3359.  Harriet  Jane8  Avery  ( WaitstiW,  Waitstill6,  Charles5, 
Waitstill4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  14,  1821, 
at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass.;  m.  June,  1841,  at  Wellington,  0., 
Reuben  Gates,  s.  of  Jeremiah  and  Phoebe  (Deming)  Gates.  He 
was  b.  Aug.  29,  1821,  at  Brooklyn,  O.  He  d.  April  21,  1899,  at 
Parma,  0. ;  she  d.  May  18,  1900,  at  the  same  place. 

Child  of  Reuben  and  Harriet  Jane  (Avery)  Gates,  b.  at 
Parma : 

i.       Lydia  Ann9,  b.  Nov.  22,  1845;  m.  Henry  S.  Fuller;  residence, 
Middleburg,  O. 

3360.  Sanford  Waitstill8  Avery  {WaitstiW,  Waitstill6, 
Charles*,  Waitstill4,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
13,  1823,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1851,  at  North 
Eaton,  O.,  Eliza  Young,  dau.  of  Ansel  and  Elizabeth  (Brainard) 
Young.  She  was  b.  Sept.  12,  1821,  at  Brooklyn,  O.  He  was  an 
engineer  and  farmer.  She  d.  May  22,  1902 ;  he  d.  Sept.  25,  1903, 
both  at  Wellington,  O. 

Children  of  Sanford  Waitstill  and  Eliza  (Young)  Avery,  b. 
at  Brooklyn,  O. : 

7278.  i.      Lucy  Matilda9,  b.  Dec.  26,  1854. 

ii.     Adelia  Jane9,  b.  Oct.  2,  1856;  d.  Jan.  20,  1875,  at  Welling- 

7279.  iii.    Walter  Sanford9,  b.  March  29,  1858. 

7280.  iv.     Sarah  Leonora9,  b.  Oct.  26,  1859. 

3361.  Eliza  Ann8  Avery  (Waitstill7,  Waitstill6,  Charles5, 
Waitstill*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  9,  1830, 
at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass.;  m.  Aug.  22,  1848,  at  Laporte,  O., 

The   Eighth    Generation  987 

Hiram  Tripp,  s.  of  Charles  and  Sarah  (Cook)  Tripp.    He  was 
b.  Dec.  23,  1823,  at  Warsaw,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Oct.  9,  1899,  at  Oberlin, 

0.  She  d.  Feb.  6,  1908 ;  buried  at  Wellington,  O. 

Children  of  Hiram  and  Eliza  Ann  (Avery)  Tripp,  b.  at 
Wellington : 

i.      Wilson  Vivian9,  b.  Nov.  27,  1858;  m.  Mrs.  Lucy  Winchell; 

2d,  Mattie  Louise  Butterfield. 
ii.      Frank  Edgar*,  b.  Dec.  3,  1861;  m.  Sarah  A.  Weaver;   d. 

Nov.  16,  1909,  at  Wellington. 
iii.     Fred  H.°,  b.  July  25,  1865;  m.  Hattie  Mandeville. 

3362.  Alfred  Philander8  Avery  (WaitstiW,  WaitstiW, 
Charles5,  WaitstiW,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
March  3,  1832,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass.;  m.  Dec.  31,  1856, 
at  Elyria,  O.,  Lucinda  Cecilia  Wheeler,  dau.  of  Archibald  and 
Narcissus  (Gardner)  Wheeler.  She  was  b.  April  10,  1834,  at 
Potsdam,  N.  Y.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Oberlin,  0. 

Children  of  Alfred  Philander  and  Lucinda  Cecilia  (Wheeler) 
Avery : 

Sarah  Elmina9,  b.  Oct.  1,  1857,  at  Wellington,  O. 
Inah  Elloy*,  b.  July  19,  1859,  at  Wellington. 
Irene  Cecille9,  b.  June  10,  1861,  at  La  Grange,  O. 
Frank  Wheeler9,  b.  Nov.  19,  1864,  at  Henrietta,  O. 
Berton  Henry9,  b.  Dec.  8,  1868,  at  Henrietta;  d.  y. 
Frederick  Alfred9,  b.  Jan.  6,  1872,  at  Henrietta. 
Curtis  Buell9,  b.  Jan.  26,  1874,  at  Henrietta. 

3363.  George  Oscar8  Avery  (WaitstiW ,  WaitstiW,  Charles5, 
WaitstiW,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  15,  1836, 
at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  30,  1858,  at  Kipton,  O., 
Caroline  Almira  Tuttle,  dau.  of  John  Mills  and  Mary  (Magraugh) 
Tuttle.  She  was  b.  Jan.  6,  1840,  at  Wellington.  He  is  a  black- 
smith.   Residence,  Wellington,  O. 

Children  of  George  Oscar  and  Caroline  Almira  (Tuttle) 
Avery : 

7287.  i.       George  Whiting9,  b.  Dec.  15,  1859,  at  Wellington. 

7288.  ii.      Charles  Roswell9,  b.  Aug.  5,  1861,  at  Wellington. 

3364.  Martin  Hendrix8  Avery  (WaitstiW,  WaitstiW, 
Charles5,  WaitstiW,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 

1,  1840,  at  Wellington,  O. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1860,  at  Wellington,  O., 














988  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Annie  Mariah  Odell,  dau.  of  Asa  Woodworth  and  Caroline  (Liv- 
ingston) Odell.  She  was  b.  July  4,  1842,  at  Tyre,  N.  Y.  He 
enlisted  in  Co.  H,  2d  reg't  of  Ohio  cav.,  Aug.  25,  1861 ;  was  hon- 
orably discharged  Sept.  16,  1864.  He  is  a  farmer  and  black- 
smith.   Residence,  Durand,  Mich. 

Children   of   Martin   Hendrix   and  Annie   Mariah    (Odell) 

Avery : 

7289.  i.       Carrie  De  Ette'-*,  b.  March  24,  1864,  at  Wellington. 

7290.  ii.      Albert  Martin9,  b.  June  7,  1868,  at  Olivet,  Mich. 

3365.  Henry  Milon8  Avery  (WaitstiW,  Waitstill6,  Charles5, 
WaitstiW,  Samuel5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  6,  1843, 
at  Wellington,  0.;  m.  Sept.  22,  1870,  at  Oberlin,  O.,  Emma 
Frances  Glover,  dau.  of  George  and  Emily  (Quigley)  Glover. 
She  was  b.  Sept.  9,  1849,  at  Russia,  0.  He  is  a  farmer  and 
blacksmith.    Residence,  Oberlin,  0. 

Children  of  Henry  Milon  and  Emma  Frances  (Glover) 
Avery,  b.  at  Wellington : 

7291.  i.      Henry  Harrison9,  b.  July  24,  1871. 

7292.  ii.     Joseph  Bruce3,  b.  May  16,  1873. 

7293.  iii.     Howard  Carl9,  b.  Dec.  25,  1876. 

3366.  Mary  Caroline8  Avery  {Frederick",  WaitstiW, 
Charles5,  WaitstiW,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
10,  1824,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. ;  m.  Jan.  24,  1841,  at  New 
Lebanon,  N.  Y.,  Luther  Gilbert  Millard,  s.  of  Jonathan  and 
Amelia  (Jackson)  Millard.  He  was  b.  Nov.  24,  1817,  at  "Ox- 
bridge, Mass.  He  d.  April  25,  1880,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  she  d. 
Aug.  13,  1892,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Luther  Gilbert  and  Mary  Caroline  (Avery) 
Millard : 

i.       Mary9,  b.  July  24,  1847,  at  Maple  Grove,  Mass.;  m.  Walter 

C.  Humstone;  residence,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Alice  Amelia9,  b.   May  27,   1855,  at   Pittsfield,  Mass.;   m. 
William  Gilbert  Cumming;  d.  Nov.  22,  1886,  at  Brooklyn. 

3367.  Julia  Buddington8  Avery  (Frederick7,  WaitstiW, 
Charles5,  WaitstiW,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
17,  1825,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass.  It  is  said  that  she  m. 
Joseph    Miller,      and  that,  after  his  death  in  Colorado,  she  m. 

The   Eighth  Generation  989 

2d,  Dec.  21,  1864,  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.,  Daniel  Harbaugh, 
s.  of  Yost  Harbaugh.  He  was  b.  Jan.  16,  1814,  at  Harbaugh 
Valley,  Frederick  Co.,  Md.  He  d.  Jan.  31,  1894,  at  Mendota,  111.; 
she  d.  May  6,  1911,  at  Peoria,  111.    No  children. 

3368.  Amy  Maria8  Avery  (Frederick7,  Waitstill*,  Charles6, 
Waitstill\  Samuel*,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Oct.  28,  1829, 
at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. ;  m.  Oct.  7,  1850,  at  Baraboo,  Wis., 
Royal  Charles  Gould.  She  d.  June  14,  1854,  at  Baraboo.  Con- 
cerning him  all  that  we  can  learn  is  that  "he  has  been  dead  a 
good  many  years." 

Child  of  Royal  Charles  and  Amy  Maria  (Avery)  Gould: 
i.       Fred  Erastus9,  b.  Sept.  4,  1853,  at  Baraboo. 

3369.  Gilbert  Milligan*  Avery  {Frederick1,  Waitstill*, 
Charles6,  Waitstill*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
28,  1834,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. ;  m.  1863,  at  Lawrence,  Kas., 
Laura  Ann  Sinclair,  dau.  of  William  and  Laura  (Adams)  Sin- 
clair. She  was  b.  at  Delaware,  0.  He  d.  Dec.  3,  1907.  It  is  said 
that  she  is  living  (1911)  at  Idaho  Springs,  Colo. 

Child  of  Gilbert  Milligan  and  Laura  Ann  (Sinclair)  Avery: 
7294.     i.      William  Ernest9.     It  is  said  that  this  son,  W.  E.  Avery, 
lives   at   Empire,    Colo.,   but   we   have  not   been   able   to 
get  any  further  information  concerning  the  family. 

3370.  Ximena  Hannah8  Avery  (Frederick7,  Waitstill*, 
Charles5,  Waitstill*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
18,  1836,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. ;  m.  Feb.  5,  1865,  at  Clin- 
ton, Kas.,  Fordyce  Eugene  Foster,  s.  of  William  Henry  and 
Lydia  (Clark)  Foster.  He  was  b.  July  1,  1836,  at  Prattsburg, 
N.  Y.  He  is  a  retired  merchant.  No  children.  Residence, 
Portland,  Ore. 

3371.  Emily  Frances8  Avery  (Frederick',  WaitstiW, 
Charles6,  WaitstiW,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
1,  1838,  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. ;  m.  Sept.  7,  1859,  at  Law- 
rence, Kas.,  Lawrence  Case,  s.  of  Chester  Noble  and  Marilla 
(Clark)  Case.  He  was  b.  Aug.  27,  1834,  at  Harwington,  Conn. 
She  d.  Dec.  26,  1891,  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.  He  d.  Aug.  15, 
1911,  at  Center  Harbor,  N.  H. 

990  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Lawrence  and  Emily  Frances  (Avery)  Case, 
b.  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis. : 

i.       Edmund  Lawrence",  b.  July  27,   1863;   m.  Julia  Witt;   d. 

April  1,  1911,  at  Prairie  du  Chien. 
ii.      Louis',  b.  June  26,  1865;  d.  Nov.  25,  1875. 
iii.     Carrie',  b.  Jan.  1,  1867;  m.  William  Gilchrist;  2d,  Charles 

Sanford  Rogers;  residence,  Duluth,  Minn, 
iv.     Charles  Chester9,  b.  Nov.  20,  1870;  m.  Katherine  Wright 

Paris;  residence,  Prairie  du  Chien. 
v.      Laura  Avery8,  b.  Dec.  1,  1873;  m.  Edward  Paddock  Sherry; 

residence,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
vi.     Willie  Avery9,  b.  May  21,  1875;  d.  y. 
vii.    Clarence  Clark9,  b.  Aug.  9,  1877;  d.  y. 

3378.  Frederick8  Avery  {Edwin1,  Frederick6,  Charles5, 
Waitstill*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  9,  1830, 
at  Rochester,  N.  Y. ;  m.  in  Jan'y,  1858,  at  Adrian,  Mich.,  Mary 
Jane  Garey,  dau.  of  George  and  Sarah  A.  (Scribener)  Garey. 
She  was  b.  Sept.  12,  1841,  at  Penfield,  N.  Y.  He  d.  May  18, 
1888,  at  Adrian;  she  d.  April  20,  1910. 

Children  of  Frederick  and  Mary  Jane  (Garey)  Avery: 

7300.  i.       George  Edwin9,  b.  Nov.  16,  1858,  at  Michigan  City,  Ind. 
ii.      Fred  Elias9,  b.  March  9,  1860,  at  La  Porte,  Ind.;  d.  y. 

7301.  iii.     Edward  Garey9,  b.  May  11,  1873,  at  Adrian,  Mich.     He  is 

married,  but  we  have  not  been  able  to  get  any  further 
information  concerning  him. 

3380.  Edwin8  Avery  {Edwin1,  Frederick6,  Charles5,  Wait- 
still*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  in  1838,  at  Roches- 
ter, N.  Y.  We  are  informed  that  he  is  married  and  that  he  lives 
at  Toledo,  O.,  but  we  have  not  been  able  to  get  any  word  from 

3382.  Mariah8  Avery  {Edwin1,  Frederick6,  Charles5,  Wait- 
still*,  Samuel3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  in  1842.  at  Roches- 
ter, N.  Y.  It  is  said  that  she  m.  James  Canniff,  and  that  she  lives 
at  Toledo,  O. 














3400.  Charles  Smith0  Avery  (David8,  Rufus\  James*, 
James6,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  7, 
1808,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  2,  1836,  at  Clinton,  Miss.,  Mary- 
Jane  Perry,  dau.  of  Judge  James  Perry.  She  was  b.  in  1817,  in 
Giles  Co.,  Tenn.  He  was  a  merchant  at  Paris,  Tex.,  where  they 
died;  she  in  1855;  he  in  1866. 

Children  of  Charles  Smith  and  Mary  Jane  (Perry)  Avery: 
Maria  Louise10,  b.  May  11,  1839,  at  Clinton,  Miss. 
Sarah  Elizabeth'0,  b.  Aug.  24,  1842,  in  Henry  Co.,  la. 
Mary10,  b.  March  25,  1843,  in  Henry  Co. 
James10,  b.  about  1845;  d.  Aug.  6,  1854. 
Charles  Perry10,  b.  in  1846,  in  Henry  Co. 
Edwards10,  b.  in  1849,  in  Henry  Co. 

3401.  Curtis  Lord9  Avery  (David8,  Rufus7,  James*,  James5, 
James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  1,  1810,  at 
Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Oct.  7,  1835,  at  Putnam,  O.,  Sarah  Sturges 
Buckingham,  dau.  of  Milton  and  Belinda  (Cooley)  Buckingham. 
She  was  b.  March  15,  1817,  in  Athens  Co.,  O. ;  d.  Feb.  24,  1851, 
at  Mansfield,  O.  He  m.  2d,  June  9,  1852,  at  Springfield,  O., 
Belinda  Esther  Buckingham,  sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was 
b.  Dec.  27,  1829,  in  Athens  Co.  He  was  a  successful  merchant 
and  one  of  the  most  prominent  citizens  of  Mansfield.  He  early 
espoused  the  anti-slavery  cause  and  was  one  of  the  founders  of 
the  First  Congregational  Church  of  Mansfield.  Soon  after  the 
civil  war,  he  retired  from  business ;  he  d.  at  Wayne,  Pa.,  Sept.  14, 
1903.    His  widow  lives  at  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Children  of  Curtis  Lord  and  Sarah  Sturges  (Buckingham) 
Avery,  b.  at  Mansfield: 


.       Rufus  Lord10,  b.  April  16,  1838. 
i.     Belinda10,  b.  Aug.  14,  1840. 
ii.     Ellen10,  b.  Feb.  28,  1844. 

3402.  Marcus  Stewart9  Avery  (David8,  Rufus7,  James*, 
James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  22, 
1812,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  May  29,  1836,  at  New  Canaan,  Conn., 









992  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Hannah  Benedict,  dau.  of  Caleb  and  Elice  (St.  John)  Benedict. 
She  was  b.  July  8,  1816,  at  New  Canaan.  He  was  a  tailor  in 
New  York  City;  moved  to  Groton,  Conn.;  later  to  a  farm  near 
Mt.  Pleasant,  la.  He  d.  Aug.  8,  1854,  at  Mt.  Pleasant.  His 
widow  returned  to  New  Canaan,  where  she  d.  Feb.  4,  1902. 

Children    of    Marcus    Stewart    and    Hannah     (Benedict) 
Avery : 

7333.     i.       Hannah   Lord10,  b.  March   5,  1837,  at  Groton;   unm.;   resi- 
dence, New  Canaan. 
David  Marcus10,  b.  Sept.  2,  1839,  at  Groton. 
Alice  Iowa10,  b.  Nov.  12,  1842,  near  Mt.  Pleasant. 
Mary  Eliza10,  b.  March  16,  1844,  near  Mt.  Pleasant. 
Benjamin  Benedict1",  b.  Dec.  15,  1849,  near  Mt.  Pleasant. 

3403.  Erasmus  Darwin9  Avery  (Asa  Lord8,  Rufus7,  James*, 
James5,  James4,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  12, 
1808,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Aug.  7,  1844,  at  Plainfield,  Conn., 
Sarah  Hinckley,  dau.  of  Vincent  and  Surviah  (Cook)  Hinckley. 
She  was  b.  Feb.  5,  1817,  at  Plainfield.  He  became  a  New  York 
City  merchant  at  the  age  of  eighteen  and  was  very  successful, 
but  health  failing,  he  engaged  in  business  at  Pensacola,  Fla. 
At  the  breaking  out  of  the  war  in  1861,  he  returned  to  Groton. 
He  represented  Groton  three  times  in  the  house  and  three  times 
in  the  senate  of  the  state  legislature.  A  member  of  the  war 
committee  of  Groton  during  the  civil  war  and  too  old  for  active 
military  service,  he  gave  freely  of  his  money,  influence,  and 
time.  A  friend  of  temperance,  he  helped  to  make  Groton  a 
no-license  town  and  lived  to  see  it  so  for  twenty-one  years. 
Judicious  and  trusted,  he  settled  many  estates  for  widows  and 
orphans  to  the  great  satisfaction  of  all.  He  was  closely  identified 
with  the  banking  operations  of  New  London,  and  was  one  of 
the  most  prominent  citizens  of  the  community.  He  d.  Feb.  3, 
1893;  she  d.  April  14,  1911,  both  at  Groton,  universally  loved 
and  respected. 

Children  of  Erasmus  Darwin  and  Sarah  (Hinckley)  Avery, 
b.  at  Groton: 

i.       Herman  Hinckley10,  b.  May  2,  1845;  d.  July  11,  1865. 

7338.  ii.      Elizabeth  Miner10,  b.  March  17,  1851. 

7339.  iii.     Julia  Owen10,  b.  April  2,  1854. 

7340.  iv.     Cora  Vincent10,  b.  Jan.  10,  1857;  residence,  Groton. 

The   Ninth  Generation  993 

3404.  Owen  Miner9  Avery  (Asa  Lord8,  Ru  fits',  Jamesa, 
James5,  James4,  James-,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  March  5, 
1815,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  30,  1846,  at  Pensacola,  Fla., 
Martha  E.  Jones.  He  was  one  of  the  promoters  of  the  Ala.  and 
Fla.  R.  R. ;  its  superintendent;  later,  for  years,  its  president. 
He  was  a  lawyer;  represented  his  county  in  the  state  legisla- 
ture eight  years,  serving  in  both  branches ;  he  was  county  j  udge 
and  judge  of  probate  at  the  time  of  his  death,  Aug.  4,  1880,  at 
Pensacola.     She  d.  June  6,  1900,  aged  84  years,  at  Pensacola. 

Children  of  Owen  Miner  and  Martha  E.  (Jones)  Avery,  b. 

at  Pensacola : 

i.      Ann  Elizabeth   Catlin10,  b.  April  16,  1848;   d.   Sept.  28, 

1883,  at  Pensacola;  unm. 
ii.      Miner10,  b.  July  10,  1850;  d.  y. 
iii.     Sarah  Jones10,  b.  Aug.  16,  1852;  d.  y. 

3405.  Albert  Lord9  Avery  (Asa  Lord?,  Rufus",  James6, 
James6,  James4,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  16, 
1817,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  11,  1844,  at  Pensacola,  Fla., 
Marian  B.  Campbell,  She  d.  May  26,  1848,  at  Pensacola.  He 
m.  2d,   Emily  Campbell,   He  d.  May  21,  1901,  at  Pensacola. 

Children  of  Albert  Lord  and  Marian  B.  (Campbell)  Avery, 
b.  at  Pensacola : 

7342.  i.      Emily  Campbell10,  b.  Dec.  6,  1846. 

7343.  ii.     Helen  Florida10,  b.  March  23,  1848. 

Children  of  Albert  Lord  and  Emily  (Campbell)  Avery,  b. 
at  Pensacola : 

7344.  i.      Marian  Elizabeth10,  b.  May  7,  1850. 

7345.  ii.     John  Campbell10,  b.  May  4,  1851. 

7346.  iii.    Albert  Miner10,  b.  Aug.  30,  1853. 

7347.  iv.     Richard  McCord10,  b.  Aug.  24,  1859. 

3407.  Luke  Williams9  Avery  (Rufus8,  Rufits7,  James*, 
James5,  James4,  James5,  James1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  1, 
1810;  m.  Sept.  5,  1835,  Hannah  Morgan  Mitchell  (No.  1716,  vi), 
dau.  of  David  and  Lucy  (Avery)  Mitchell.  She  was  b.  Dec.  18, 
1814,  at  Groton,  Conn.  He  was  killed  by  a  whale,  Aug.  15,  1846. 
No  children.  She  m.  2d,  Charles  W.  Eldridge,  and  d.  Nov.  17, 
1903,  at  Groton. 

994  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 









3408.  James  Augustus'-'  Avery  {James  M8,  Caleb7,  James'', 
James1',  James*,  James-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  16, 
1816,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  June  11,  1843,  at  New  York 
City,  Eunice  Harris  Steward,  dau.  of  Ira  Rogers  and  Mary 
(Harris)  Steward.  She  was  b.  April  12,  1820,  at  New  London, 
Conn.  He  was  a  ship-owner  and  sea  captain.  He  d.  Aug.  1, 
1870,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif. ;  she  d.  Nov.  28,  1889,  at  the  same 

Children  of  James  Augustus  and  Eunice  Harris  (Steward) 
Avery,  b.  at  New  York  City: 

Jambs  Emerson"',  b.  Oct.  10,  1847;  d.  y. 

Sarah  Rogers'",  b.  June  30,  1850;  d.  Feb.  4,  1902,  at  San 

Ella  Harris10,  b.  Feb.  1,  1854;  d.  y. 
Emma10,  b.  March  2,  1857;  d.  Nov.  2,  1883. 
James  Oliver10,  b.  Sept.  21,  1859. 

3409.  Mary  Matilda9  Avery  {James  M8,  Caleb7,  James*, 
James*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  4, 
1818,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  June  24,  1836,  at  Groton,  William 
Latham,  s.  of  Moses  and  Sally  (Burtis)  Latham.  He  was  b. 
Nov.  1,  1807,  at  New  York  City.  He  was  a  merchant.  He  d. 
Jan.  23,  1878,  at  Groton ;  she  d.  May  5,  1891,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  William  and  Mary  Matilda  (Avery)  Latham, 
b.  at  Groton: 

i.       James  William10,  b.  June  4,  1840;  m.  Mary  Emma  Ashley; 

d.  Sept.  29,  1870,  at  Groton. 
ii.      Sarah  Matilda10,  b.  Sept.  18,  1847;  m.  George  M.  Owen; 
d.  Dec.  24,  1885,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

3410.  Louisa  Latham"  Avery  {Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7, 
James6,  James*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  9,  1825,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Nov.  24,  1848,  at  Groton, 
Judson  Daniel  Fish.      She  d.  Jan.  1,  1910,  at  Providence,  R.  I. 

Children  of  Judson  Daniel  and  Louisa  Latham  (Avery) 

i.       Nellie  Emma10,  b.  May  19,  1858. 
ii.      Frank  Dean10,  b.  Aug.  28,  1860. 

3411.  Elihu0  Avery  {Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7,  James". 
James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  8. 
1827,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  6,  1848,  at  Groton,  Julia  Melinda 

The   Ninth  Generation  995 

Bailey,  dau.  of  Orlando  and  Deborah  Avery  (Latham)  Bailey. 
She  was  b.  June  21,  1829,  at  Groton.  He  was  a  ship-owner  and 
sea  captain.  He  d.  Dec.  25,  1891,  at  Berkeley,  Calif. ;  she  d. 
July  7,  1898,  at  Groton,  Conn. 

Child  of  Elihu  and  Julia  Melinda  (Bailey)  Avery,  b.  at 
San  Francisco,  Calif.: 

7353.  i.       Edgar   Orlando'0,   b.   Oct.    12,   1854;    m.   Louisa   Beasly;    d. 

July  21,  1890,  at  Port  Townsend,  Wash. 

3412.  Giles  Williams'-'  Avery  {Robert  Austins,  Caleb7,  James9, 
James5,  James\  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  1, 
1829,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  March  26,  1866,  at  Groton,  Charlotte 
Amelia  Ferguson,  dau.  of  William  Pool  and  Priscilla  Amelia 
(Smith)  Ferguson.  She  was  b.  June  27,  1847,  at  New  London, 
Conn.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  July  25,  1867,  at  Groton,  where  she 

Child  of  Giles  Williams  and  Charlotte  Amelia  (Ferguson) 
Avery : 

7354.  i.       Giles  Austin10,  b.  June  9,  1867,  at  Groton;  unm.  in  1911; 

residence,  Groton. 

3413.  Dean  Richmond'  Avery  {Robert  Austin*,  Caleb', 
James6,  James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  25,  1833,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  March  22,  1866,  at  San  Fran- 
cisco, Marian  Carmen  Pierson,  She  was  b.  Dec.  15,  1839, 
at  New  York  City;  d.  Sept.  30,  1885,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
He  m.  2cl,  Sept.  4,  1888,  at  San  Francisco,  Carrie  Rexford 
Bunker,  dau.  of  Paul  and  Sarah  B.  (Smith)  Bunker.  She  was 
b.  Aug.  18,  1858,  at  San  Francisco.  He  was  in  the  wholesale 
fruit  and  produce  business.  He  d.  April  2,  1901,  at  Alameda, 
Calif.    His  widow  is  living  at  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Children  of  Dean  Richmond  and  Marian  Carmen  (Pierson) 
Avery,  b.  at  San  Francisco: 

7355.  i.      Dean  Austin10,  b.  March  23,  1867. 

7356.  ii.     Julia  Marian10,  b.  Nov.  8,  1868. 

7357.  iii.     Lily  Emma10,  b.  Jan.  29,  1871. 

iv.     Walter  Robert10,  b.  April  1,  1877;  d.  y. 

7358.  v.      William  Carmen10,  b.  Dec.  1,  1879. 

Child  of  Dean  Richmond  and  Carrie  Rexford  (Bunker) 
Avery : 

7359.  i.       Robert  Eldridge",  b.  March  27,  1892,  at  San  Francisco. 

996  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3414.  Delia  Frances"  Avery  (Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7, 
James6,  James5,  James4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  25,  1833,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  13,  1863,  at  Groton, 
Allen  Prentice  Williams,  s.  of  Prentice  and  Roxanna  (Williams) 
Williams.  He  was  b.  March  27,  1821,  at  Stonington,  Conn.  He 
was  a  farmer ;  d.  May  9,  1894,  at  Stonington.  She  lives  at  Old 
Mystic,  Conn. 

Children  of  Allen  Prentice  and  Delia  Frances  (Avery) 
Williams,  b.  at  Stonington: 

i.       Sarah  Annie10,  b.  Aug.  17,  1864. 

ii.      Prentice   Allen10,   b.   Feb.   28,   1866;    m.   Charlotte   Helen 

3415.  William  Caleb9  Avery  (Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7. 
James6,  James*,  James4,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  4,  1836,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  May  2,  1858,  at  Rockville, 
Conn.,  Adeline  Antoinette  Sparks,  dau.  of  John  and  Clorinda 
(Greene)  Sparks.  She  was  b.  March  10,  1840,  at  Manchester, 
Conn.  He  was  a  manufacturer;  superintendent  and  designer 
of  the  Middlesex  mills  at  Lowell,  Mass. ;  later,  agent  thereof ;  at 
the  time  of  his  death,  he  was  president  of  the  Warren  Woolen 
Co.  at  Stafford  Springs,  Conn.  He  d.  March  26,  1897;  she  d. 
Oct.  9,  1908,  both  at  Stafford  Springs. 

Child  of  William  Caleb  and  Adeline  Antoinette    (Sparks) 

Avery : 

7360.     i.       George  William10,  b.  Jan.  12,  1861,  at  Rockville,  Conn. 

3416.  Nancy  Matilda9  Avery  (Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7, 
James6,  James5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  16,  1837,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Nov.  27,  1862,  at  Groton, 
John  Orrin  Spicer,  s.  of  John  Grant  and  Clarissa  (Kimball) 
Spicer.  He  was  b.  Sept.  19,  1835,  at  Groton.  He  is  a  ship 
master.    Residence,  Groton,  Conn. 

Child  of  John  Orrin  and  Nancy  Matilda  (Avery)  Spicer : 
i.       Robert  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  12,  1873,  at  Groton;  d.  y. 

3417.  Judson9  Avery  (Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7,  James6, 
James5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  11, 
1840,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  June  7,  1874,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif., 
Maria    Lay    Avery,    dau.    of   Albert    Lay   and   Joanna    Brown 

(Wheeler)    Avery    (No.   1710).     She  was  b.  Feb.   5,   1844,  at 

The  Ninth  Generation  997 

Groton.  He  was  a  fruit  and  produce  dealer  and  lived  at  Oak- 
land, Calif.  He  d.  July  10,  1907,  at  Oakland;  she  d.  March  8, 
1911,  at  Berkeley,  Calif. 

Children  of  Judson  and  Maria  Lay   (Avery)   Avery,  b.  at 

San  Francisco: 

7361.  i.       Rebekah  Wheeler1",  b.  April  9,  1875;  she  is  a  kindergarten 

director  in  the  public  schools  of  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

7362.  ii.      Grace  Marie10,  b.  Sept.  7,  1879. 

3418.  Emma  Jane9  Avery  (Robert  Austin8,  Caleb7,  James6, 
James5,  James4,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  14, 
1842,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  23,  1863,  at  Groton,  Patrick 
Henry  Griswold,  s.  of  Abel  and  Ruth  (Billings)  Griswold.  He 
was  b.  Jan.  27,  1835,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  He  was  a  mariner.  He 
d.  May  22,  1868,  at  Cumberland  Inlet,  British  America.  She 
m.  2d,  May  16,  1876,  at  Groton,  Abel  Henry  Simmons,  s.  of  Alva 
and  Tryphena  (Burnham)  Simmons.  He  was  b.  March  14, 
1824,  at  Ashford,  Conn.  He  was  a  banker.  He  d.  May  17,  1902, 
at  Mystic,  Conn.    She  is  living  (1911)  at  Providence,  R.  I. 

Child  of  Abel  Henry  and  Emma  Jane  (Avery)  Simmons: 

i.       Henry  Avery]u,  b.  Jan.  7,  1878,  at  Mystic,  Conn.;  m.  Mary 
Emma  Barnes;   residence,  Providence,  R.  I. 

3420.  Kate  Maria9  Avery  (Eleazar  James*,  Eleazar'' ', 
James6,  James5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  27,  1869,  at  Springfield,  Mass. ;  m.  Jan.  26,  1901,  at  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.,  Fred  Moses  Rogers,  s.  of  John  Wesley  and  Anna 
(Videan)  Rogers.  He  was  b.  March  24,  1869,  at  Forksville, 
Pa.    He  is  a  lawyer.    Residence,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

3422,  George  Washington9  Avery  (Washington8,  George 
Washington7,  James6,  James5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher'1) was  b.  Oct.  9,  1824,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Mercy  Davis. 
He  was  an  iron  moulder;  d.  Dec.  16,  1905,  at  Groton. 

Children  of  George  Washington  and  Mercy  (Davis)  Avery, 
b.  at  Groton : 

7363.  i.       George10.    It  is  said  that  he  lives  at  Hope  Valley,  R.  1. 

7364.  ii.      Charles10.     It  is  said  that  he  lives  at  Mystic,  Conn. 

7365.  iii.     Herbert10.     It  is  said  that  he  lives  at  New  London,  Conn. 

7366.  iv.     Frances  H10,  b.  June  4,  1854,  at  Mystic;  d.  March  20,  1912; 


998  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3424.  Park11  Avery  (Washington8,  George  Washington7, 
James",  James7',  James4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  1,  1829,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  18,  1852,  at  Ashaway, 
R.  I.,  Hannah  Melissa  Davis,  dau.  of  Ichabod  and  Elizabeth 
(Whipple)  Davis.  She  was  b.  Dec.  15,  1832,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.; 
d.  Feb.  29,  1911,  at  Ledyard.  He  was  a  carpenter  and  ship 
builder.    Residence,  Niantic,  Conn. 

Children  of  Park  and  Hannah  Melissa   (Davis)   Avery,  b. 
at  Mystic: 

7370.  i.      Edgar  Linton10,  b.  April  23,  1854. 

ii.  Fannie  Elizabeth10,  b.  March  21,  1858;  d.  y. 

7371.  iii.  Lucie  Ellen10,  b.  Feb.  1,  1863. 

7372.  iv.  Alice  Melissa10,  b.  Nov.  9,  1865. 

7373.  v.  Nelson  Park10,  b.  Feb.  18,  1868. 

7374.  vi.  Clarence   Morgan10,   b.    Feb.    5,    1870;    residence,   Norwich, 

(Ledyard),  Conn.;  unm.  in  1911. 

7375.  vii.    Arthur  Louis10,  b.  June  24,  1876;   residence,  Groton;  unm. 

3425.  Mary  Ellen '  Avery  (Washington8,  George  Washing- 
ton7, James6,  James5,  James*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  in  June,  1831,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  in  Nov.,  1855,  Thomas 
Byrnes.     She  d.  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  at  New  London,  Conn. 

Child  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ellen   (Avery)   Byrnes: 

i.       Louise10;  m.  Joseph  Boss.     It  is  said  that  she  lives  at  New 
London,  Conn.,  but  our  inquiries  have  not  been  answered. 
Perhaps  there  were  other  children. 

3427.  Timothy  Allyn1'  Avery  (Washington8,  George  Wash- 
ington7, James6,  James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  8,  1834,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  April  24,  1859,  at 
Ledyard,  Harriet  Perkins  Comstock,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Delia 
(Perkins)  Comstock,  and  widow  of  Enos  Lester.  She  was  b. 
March  17,  1840,  at  Ledyard.  In  the  civil  war,  he  was  lieut.  in  Co. 
D,  26th  Conn,  volunteers.  He  d.  Feb.  10,  1885,  at  Ledyard.  She 
is  living  (1911)  at  Mystic,  Conn. 

Children  of  Timothy  Allyn  and  Harriet  Perkins  (Comstock) 
Avery : 

7378.  i.      Walter  Irving10,  b.  March  6,  1860. 
ii.      Lillian10,  b.  June  22,  1864;  d.  y. 

7379.  iii.     Charles  Henry1",  b.  July  23,  1866,  at  Gales  Ferry,  Conn. 

7380.  iv.     Emma10,  b.  Oct.  7,  1870,  at  Gales  Ferry. 

The   Ninth  Generation  999 

3429.  Horace0  Avery  (Washington8,  George  Washington7, 
James*,  James5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  7,  1844,  at  Ledyard,  Conn. ;  m.  March  25,  1868,  at  Low- 
ville,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Louise  Pierce,  dau.  of  William  and  Harriet 
(Wright)  Pierce.  She  was  b.  June  11,  1850,  at  Lowville.  He 
served  in  Co.  K,  12th  Conn,  volunteers  in  the  civil  war.  He  d. 
July  1,  1875,  at  Ledyard;  she  d.  March  24,  1884,  at  Gales  Ferry, 

Children  of  Horace  and  Mary  Louise  (Pierce)  Avery,  b.  at 
Ledyard : 

7381.  i.      Jennie  Amelia10,  b.  Nov.  27,  1868. 
ii.      Nellie  Irene1",  b.  about  1870;  d.  y. 

iii.     Albert  Pierce10,  b.  March  9,  1872;  d.  y. 

7382.  iv.     Alice  Adelia10,  b.  Jan.  3,  1874. 

v.      Lucy  Palmer10,  b.  April  24,  1875;  d.  Feb.  17,  1891. 

Editorial  Note. — Since  printing  the  record  of  Allyn8  Avery 
(No.  1689)  on  page  635,  we  have  been  informed  that  his  wife, 
Sarah  Chapman,  was  b.  Oct.  2,  1807,  that  she  d.  Aug.  16,  1853, 
and  that  they  had  the  children  named  below : 

Robert  Allyn9,  b.  Oct.  8,  1830. 

George  Washington9,  b.  Sept.  1,  1832. 

Sarah  Maria3,  b.  Sept.  13,  1834;  d.  Oct.  24,  1865. 

Harriet  Bedent9,  b.  June  15,  1836;  d.  Nov.  6,  1855. 

Mary9,  b.  Jan.  14,  1839;  d.  Sept.  24,  1839. 

Eliza  Ann6,  b.  March  25,  1841;  d.  Nov.  27,  1841. 

Elizabeth  Roxanna9,  b.  Sept.  4,  1846. 

3430.  Robert  Allyn9  Avery  (Allyn8,  George  Washington7, 
James6,  James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  8,  1830,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  April  5,  1853,  at  Norwich, 
Conn.,  Anne  Griffith,  dau.  of  James  and  Margaret  (White) 
Griffith.  She  was  b.  Sept.  7,  1831,  at  Moore  Park,  Ireland.  He 
was  an  engineer.  He  d.  July  29,  1894,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.  She 
d.  June  17,  1903,  at  New  London,  Conn. 

Children  of  Robert  Allyn  and  Anne  (Griffith)  Avery,  b.  at 
Ledyard,  Conn. : 

i.      James  Austin10,  b.  Feb.  12,  1854;  d.  Jan.  21,  1878;  unm. 

7392.  ii      Belton  Allyn10,  b.  Feb.  29,  1856. 

7393.  iii,     Elizabeth  Anne10,  b.  April  19,  1858. 

7394.  iv.     Amelia10,  b.  July  18,  1860. 

7395.  v.     John  Robert10,  b.  Aug.  10,  1862. 













1000  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

vi.     George  Bedent10,  b.  Oct.  5,  1864;  d.  Oct.  25,  1883. 

7396.  vii.    Jennette  Malvina10,  b.  Dec.  7,  1867. 

7397.  viii.  William  Henry1",  b.  Nov.  16,  1870. 

3431a.  Sarah  Maria9  Avery  (Allyns,  George  Washington'. 
James0,  James'0,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  13,  1834 ;  m.  John  Lewis  and  2d,  John  Kerr.  Mr.  Kerr  d. 
in  1864;  she  d.  Oct.  24,  1865.  It  is  said  that  they  moved  from 
Greenville,  Conn.,  to  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Children  of  John  and  Sarah  Maria  (Avery)  Lewis: 
i.      William10. 
ii.     Augusta10. 

3431b.  Harriet  Bedent9  Avery  (Allyn8,  George  Washing- 
ton7, James*,  James'',  James*,  Jamesz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  15,  1836 ;  m.  Orrin  Bushnell;  d.  Nov.  6,  1855.  Concern- 
ing her,  we  have  no  further  information. 

3432.  Elizabeth  Roxanna9  Avery  (Allyns,  George  Wash- 
ington7, James",  James*,  James*,  James7-,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  4,  1846,  at  Preston,  Conn.;  m.  June  10,  1869,  at 
Norwich,  Conn.,  William  Henry  Kinney,  s.  of  Ralph  and  Ann 
Maria  (Frost)  Kinney.  He  was  b.  Nov.  10,  1845,  at  Norwich 
Town,  Conn.  He  was  a  carpenter.  In  the  civil  war,  he  served 
from  1861  to  1865,  as  a  member  of  Co.  F,  18th  reg't,  Conn. 
inf  y.  He  d.  Oct.  20.  1878,  at  North  Madison,  Conn. ;  she  is  living 
at  Norwich  Town. 

Children  of  William  Henry  and  Elizabeth  Roxanna  (Avery) 

Kinney : 

i.       Lillian  Augusta10,  b.  March  26,  1870,  at  Greenville,  Conn.; 
d.  Aug.  6,  1905,  at  Norwich  Town. 

ii.      Ralph    Allen10,   b.   June   28,   1871,   at   Norwich   Town;    m. 
Harriet  Louisa  Robbins;  residence,  Norwich  Town. 

iii.     William  Henry10,  b.  Nov.  24,  1872,  at  Norwich;  m.  Annie 
Amelia   Sheppard;   residence,  Norwich  Town. 

iv.     Flora   Belle10,  b.   Nov.   14,   1874,  at   Norwich;    d.   in   May, 
1879,  at  Waterford,  Conn. 

v.      James   Morgan10,   b.    Oct.    16,    1876,   at   North   Madison;    d. 
June  8,  1877,  at  North  Madison. 

vi.     George  Robert  Chapman10,  b.  May  8,  1878,  at  North  Madi- 
son; m.  Bessie  Benham;  residence,  New  London,  Conn. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1001 

3433.  Charlotte  Virginia'  Avery  (Joseph  Allyn",  George 
Washington7,  James9,  James'',  James*,  James-,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Dec.  24,  1841,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  March  7. 
1866,  at  Ledyard,  Isaac  Albert  Chapman,  s.  of  Jesse  and  Lydia 
(Allyn)  Chapman.  He  was  b.  Feb.  9,  1837,  at  Ledyard.  He  is 
a  teacher.    Residence,  Ledyard,  Conn. 

Children  of  Isaac  Albert  and  Charlotte  Virginia  (Avery) 
Chapman,  b.  at  Ledyard: 

i.       Ira10,  b.   Sept.  3,  1867;   m.  Julia  Ann   Morgan;   d.  Oct.   17, 

ii.      Everett  Percy10,  b.  Sept.  4,  1869;  m.  Lena  Risley;  d.  July 
6,  1911. 

3434.  Florence9  Avery  {Joseph  Allyns,  George  Washing- 
ton7, James6,  James7',  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
h.  March  29,  1850,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  14,  1875,  at 
Ledyard,  Henry  Martin  Randall,  s.  of  Austin  Dearborn  and 
Mary  Elizabeth  (Ritch)  Randall.  He  was  b.  July  21,  1844,  at 
Middle  Island,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  banker.  She  d.  April  6,  1882, 
at  Jacksonville,  Fla.    No  children.    He  lives  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

3436.  Lillian  Gertrude9  Avery  (James  Edwin8,  Georg< 
Washington1,  James6,  James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Nov.  27,  1856,  at  Bristol,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  10,  1878, 
Lewis  D.  Greene.     She  d.  April  30,  1881,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Lewis  D.  and  Lillian  Gertrude  (Avery)  Greene : 
i.       Ethel  Sarah1",  b.  Dec.  21,  1879;  d.  March  18,  1894. 
ii.      Lillian  Gertrude10,  b.  April  22,  1881 ;  d.  y. 

3437.  Simeon  Peter9  Avery  (John  Parke8,  Peter7,  John6., 
James5 ;  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  1, 
1813,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  27,  1835,  at  Dundaff,  Pa., 
Ann  Mariah  Snyder,  dau.  of  Adam  and  Hannah  (Carr)  Snyder. 
She  was  b.  May  5,  1812,  at  Oswego,  N.  Y. ;  d.  July  29,  1851,  at 
Mittineague,  Mass.     He  m.  2d,  July  3,   1853,   at   Mittineague, 

Samantha  Matilda  Dayton,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Matilda  ( ) 

Dayton.  She  was  b.  April  18,  1826,  at  Potsdam,  N.  Y.  He  was 
a  farmer  and  merchant,  at  Groton,  Dundaff,  Mittineague,  and 
at  Onarga,  111.  He  was  a  Whig  and  a  Congregationalist.  He 
was  3d  lieut.,  3d  Co.,  2d  reg't  Conn,  artillery,  in   1835    (Ms. 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

State  Papers,  Hartford,  Conn.)  and  captain  of  the  Dundaff 
artillery  in  1838  and  later.  He  d.  March  10,  1876;  she  d.  June 
8,  1891,  both  at  Onarga. 


Children    of    Simeon    Peter    and    Ann    Mariah     (Snyder) 
Avery : 

Charles  Robert1",  b.  July  20,  1836,  at  Dundaff. 
Celestia  Phelps10,  b.  Oct.  5,  1838,  at  Dundaff. 
John  Hart10,  b.  Dec.  15,  1841,  at  Dundaff. 
Harriet  Ann"',  b.  Jan.  9,  1845,  at  Carbondale,  Pa. 
Hannah  Lucy10,  b.  March  10,  1847,  at  Groton,  Conn. 
Jayman  Peter10,  b.  June  4,  1849,  at  Groton. 

Children  of  Simeon  Peter  and  Samantha  Matilda  (Dayton) 
Avery : 

7411.  i.      Isaac  Dayton10,  b.  April  9,  1855,  at  Groton. 

ii.      Francis  Perry10,  b.  Sept.  5,  1865,  at  Onarga;  d.  y. 

7412.  iii.     William  Ross10,  b.  Jan.  20,  1872,  at  Onarga. 













The   Ninth  Generation  1003 

3438.  Robert  Thomas"  Avery   (John  Parke8,  Peter7,  John9, 

James5,  James*,  James8,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  2, 

1815,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Aug.  28,  1839,  at  Ashaway,  R.  I., 
Lucy  Esther  Wells,  dau.  of  Russell  and  Lydia  Rogers  (Crandall) 
Wells.  She  was  b.  Feb.  26,  1823,  at  Hopkinton,  R.  I.;  d.  Aug. 
9,  1854,  at  Groton.  He  m.  2d,  Aug.  24,  1855,  at  Springfield, 
Mass.,  Avis  Rose  Smead,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Patty  (Rose) 
Smead.  She  was  b.  Feb.  18,  1828;  d.  July  5,  1870,  at  Ashaway. 
He  m.  3d,  March  18,  1871,  at  North  Stonington,  Conn.,  the  widow- 
Mary  Main.  He  was  lieut.,  3d  Co.,  2d  reg't  horse  artillery,  1836 ; 
major,  1838;  lieut.-col.,  1839  (Ms.  State  Papers,  Hartford, 
Conn.).  He  d.  March  18,  1885,  at  North  Stonington,  where  it 
is  said  his  widow  was  living  in  1911. 

Children    of    Robert    Thomas    and    Lucy    Esther    (Wells) 
Avery : 

7413.  i.       Harriet  Elizabeth10,  b.  March  30,  1842,  at  Groton. 

7414.  ii.      Russell  Wells10,  b.  Feb.  11,  1847,  at  Ashaway. 

7415.  iii.     Eliza  Mary10,  b.  April  2,  1849,  at  Groton. 

7416.  iv.     Sarah  Fellows10,  b.  June  20,  1851,  at  Groton. 

v.      Silas  Randall10,  b.  July  — ,  1854,  at  Mystic,  Conn.;  d.  y. 

Children  of  Robert  Thomas  and  Avis  Rose  (Smead)  Avery: 
i.      Charles  Francis10,  b.  at  Ashaway;  d.  y. 

7417.  ii.      Martha  Estelle10,  b.  Aug.  17,  1863,  at  Ashaway. 

7418.  iii.     Arthur  Thomas10,  b.  July  2,  1867,  at  Ashaway. 

3439.  Betsey  Adaline11  Avery    (John  Parke8,  Peter',  John6, 
James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  21, 

1816,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  March  14,  1834,  at  Groton,  Nehemiah 
Dodge  Perry,  s.  of  Rowland  and  Mariamne  (Tarbell)  Perry.  He 
was  b.  Nov.  17,  1810,  at  Colchester,  Conn.  He  d.  Nov.  20,  1855, 
at  New  London,  Conn. ;  she  d.  Aug.  29,  1899,  at  Groton. 

Children  of  Nehemiah  Dodge  and  Betsey  Adaline  (Avery) 

Perry : 

i.  Thomas  Avery10,  b.  Feb.  14,  1835,  at  South  Hadley  Falls, 
Mass.;  d.  Aug.  12,  1837. 

ii.  Thomas  Avery10,  b.  July  20,  1838,  at  South  Hadley  Falls; 
m.  Ellen  May  Williams. 

iii.  Adelaide10,  b.  Dec.  13,  1841,  at  West  Springfield,  Mass.;  m. 
Prentice  Park  Avery  (No.  3596). 

iv.  Edward  Southworth10,  b.  Aug.  16,  1843,  at  West  Spring- 
field; m.  Helena  Cowdry  Howe;  d.  Nov.  8,  1909,  at 
Springfield,  Mass. 

1004  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

v.      Francis  Ledyard10,  b.  Jan.  3,  1846,  at  West  Springfield;  d. 

Oct.  28,  1858. 
vi.     Mumford10,  b.  March  20,  1853,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  d.  y. 
vii.    Ann  Mumford10,  b.  March  20,  1853,  at  New  London;  d.  y. 

3440.  Lucy  Ann5'  Avery  {John  Parke*,  Peter7,  John", 
James*,  James*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  22, 
1820,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1843,  at  Groton,  Lodowic 
Herman  Edwards,  s.  of  John  and  Deborah  (Penny)  Edwards. 
He  was  b.  March  17,  1821,  at  Bridgehampton,  Long  Island, 
N.  Y. ;  d.  Sept.  6,  1850,  at  Bridgehampton.  She  m.  2d,  Aug.  13, 
1856,  at  Groton,   Albert  Francis  Avery  (No.  3587,  q.  v.). 

Children  of  Lodowic  Herman  and  Lucy  Ann  (Avery)  Ed- 
wards, b.  at  Bridgehampton,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Mariah  Jane10,  b.  Sept.  17,  1844;  m.  William  David  Conk- 

lin;  residence,  East  Hampton,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Deborah  Hale10,  b.  Feb.  1,  1847;  m.  John  Quincy  Goodrich; 
2d,  Elijah  Marden  Keane;  residence,  Glastonbury,  Conn, 
iii.     Herman  Lodowic10,  b.  Jan.  23,  1849;  m.  Hattie  Perkins;  res- 
idence, Noank,  Conn. 

3441.  John  Harrison9  Avery  (Franklin  Niles8,  Jonas  Bel- 
ton7,  John6,  James5,  James* ,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  10,  1817,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  March  1,  1852,  in 
La  Salle  Co.,  111.,  Margarette  Hudson,  dau.  of  Elijah  and  Eliza 
Ann  Hudson.  She  was  b.  Dec.  3,  1833.  He  was  a  farmer.  He 
d.  July  4,  1884,  at  Lostant,  111.,  where  his  widow  is  living  (1912). 

Children    of    John    Harrison    and    Margarette     (Hudson) 
Avery,  b.  at  Magnolia,  111. : 

7419.  i.       Clara  Josephine10,  b.  March  15,  1855. 

7420.  ii.      Anna  Belle10,  b.  Feb.  7,  1859. 

7421.  iii.     Monitor10,  b.  July  8,  1863. 

7422.  iv.     Dewitt  Petroleum10,  b.  Feb.  9,  1866;  unm.  in  1912. 

7423.  v.      Park  Jesse"1,  b.  July  14,  1869. 

3442.  Amanda9  Avery  (Franklin  Niles8,  Jonas  Belton7, 
John6,  James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,   Christopher1)    was   b. 

Sept.  26,  1819,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. ;  m.  June  21,  1840,  at , 

Horace  Seymour.      He  d.  Feb.  27,  1872 ;  she  d.  Nov.  27,  1908. 

Children  of  Horace  and  Amanda  (Avery)  Seymour: 

i.       Franklin10,  b.  Sept.  6,  1841;  d.  April  8,  1909.     He  was  mar- 
ried.    Children:    (a.)    Horace  S.u;    (b.)    Mary  H.u. 

The  Ninth   Generation  1005 

ii.      Jane10,  b.  Nov.  5,  1844;   she  m.  Dr.   Frank  Green;   d.   Dec. 

12,  1903. 
iii.     Alvin  Judd1",  b.  June  9,  1849. 
iv.     Reuben  P.10,  b.  June  29,  1854. 

3443.  Cornelia9  Avery  (Franklin  NilesH,  Jonas  Belton7, 
John6,  James5,  James*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  15,  1821,  at  Hartford,  Pa. ;  m.  May  25,  1843,  at  New  Mil- 
ford,  Pa.,  Warren  Mason  Tingley,  s.  of  the  Hon.  Charles  and 
Sally  (Wilmarth)  Tingley.  He  was  b.  April  24,  1820,  at  Har- 
ford. He  was  a  farmer;  surveyor;  justice  of  the  peace.  She  d. 
Aug.  5,  1866,  at  Lenox,  Pa. ;  he  d.  Aug.  15,  1892,  at  Great  Bend, 


Children  of  Warren  Mason  and  Cornelia  (Avery)  Tingley: 

i.  Morris10,  b.  Feb.  8,  1845,  at  Jackson,  Pa.;  m.  Mary  Eliza- 
beth Jackson.  He  is  a  civil  engineer;  county  surveyor; 
past  master  F.  and  A.  M.;  past  high  priest,  R.  A.  M.; 
past  eminent  commander,  K.  T.;  residence,  Hop  Bottom, 

ii.  Alice  Hope10,  b.  June  9,  1846,  at  Harford;  m.  Edward 
Albert  Shook;  d.  Aug.  15,  1910,  at  Richmond,  Ind.  He 
was  a  soldier  in  the  civil  war,  1st  N.  J.  cav. ;  residence, 
Montpelier,  Ind.  Children:  (a.)  Lydia  Cornelia11;  (b.) 
Ida  Amanda11',  (c.)  Jane  Lobedia11;  (d.)  Katie  Pear?1; 
(e.)   DeEtta  Wijland11',    (f.)   John  Tingley11. 

iii.  Burt10,  b.  April  27,  1849,  at  Lenox;  m.  Charlotte  Nichols; 
R.  R.  engineer;  a  mason;  past  officer  of  Brotherhood 
of  R.  R.  Engineers;  residence,  Scranton,  Pa. 

iv.  Kate  Jane10,  b.  March  13,  1851,  at  Lenox;  m.  George  Win- 
slow  Smith;  residence,  Snohomish,  Wash. 

v.  Julius  Peter  Avery10,  b.  Oct.  20,  1854,  at  Lenox;  m.  Candace 
Carpenter.  He  was  a  druggist;  past  eminent  com- 
mander, K.  T.;  a  member  of  the  state  Democratic  com- 
mittee.    He  d.  Dec.  16,  1902,  at  Carbondale,  Pa. 

vi.  Charles  Warren10,  b.  June  10,  1857,  at  Lenox;  m.  Myra 
Mapes.     He  is  an  engineer;  residence,  Dalton,  Pa. 

vii.  James  Franklin10,  b.  Sept.  11,  1860,  at  Lenox;  m.  Nellie 
Jackson;  an  engineer;  past  master  F.  and  A.  M.;  school 
director;  secretary  of  the  Brotherhood  of  R.  R.  Engi- 
neers; residence,  Hallstead,  Pa. 

viii.  Gaylord  Niles10,  b.  March  21,  1863,  at  Lenox;  m.  Alice 
Travis;  d.  Aug.  7,  1891,  at  Dayton,  Tenn. 

ix.  Rosemay10,  b.  May  27,  1866,  at  Lenox;  m.  Bloomfield  How- 
ard; residence,  Aspinwall,  Pa. 

1006  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3444.  Denison  Starr '  Avery  (Franklin  Niless,  Jonas  Bel- 
ton7,  John*,  James5,  James1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher-1)  was 
b.  April  12,  1823,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  Feb.  5,  1854,  in 
LaSalle  Co.,  111.,  Emma  Reid.  She  was  b.  June  1,  1836,  in 
Muskingum  Co.,  O.  He  was  a  farmer  and  stock  raiser.  He  d. 
Sept.  6,  1892,  at  Lostant,  111. ;  she  d.  March  14,  1908. 

Children  of  Denison  Starr  and  Emma  (Reid)  Avery,  b.  at 
Lostant : 

7424.  i.      Florence  May10,  b.  Aug.  23,  1855. 

7425.  ii.      Nora  Isadora10,  b.  Nov.  26,  1857. 

7426.  iii.     Franklin  Niles10,  b.  June  6,  1859;  unm.  in  1912. 

3446.  Frances  Maria11  Avery  (George  A7isons,  John  J.', 
Elijah6,  John*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  16,  1832,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  19,  1857,  at  Chi- 
cago, 111.,  Daniel  Levi  Boone,  s.  of  Levi  Day  and  Mary  Matilda 
(Smith)  Boone.  He  was  b.  July  12,  1834,  at  Edwardsville,  111. 
He  was  a  real  estate  dealer.  She  d.  Nov.  27,  1904 ;  he  d.  March 
11,  1898,  both  at  Chicago. 

Children    of    Daniel    Levi    and    Frances    Maria     (Avery) 
Boone : 

i.       Fannie  Louise10,  b.  Sept.  11,  1858,  at  Chicago;   m.  Tilbee 

Drummond  Gray;   residence,  Chicago, 
ii.      Levi  Griswold10,  b.  Oct.  31,  1861,  at  Oberlin,  0.;  m.  Hattie 

Campbell   Hyde;    residence,   Chicago, 
iii.     Henry  Crocker10,  b.  June  18,  1868,  at  Chicago;   residence, 

iv.     Samuel   Oscar10,  b.   Oct.   1,   1870,  at  Chicago;   m.  Dorothea 

Agnes  Keyes;  d.  Jan.  31,  1900,  at  Chicago. 

3447.  Susan  Humphrey9  Avery  (George  Ansons,  John  J.\ 
Elijah6,  James5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  12,  1839,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  3,  1865,  at  Chi- 
cago, 111.,  jNicholas  Davis  Jenney,  s.  of  Benjamin  and  Anna 
(Birdsall)  Jenney.  He  was  b.  Jan.  18,  1841,  at  Greenwich,  0. 
He  was  an  express  messenger,  and  railway  clerk,  and  lived  for 
several  years  at  Cleveland,  O.  It  is  said  that  both  are  dead. 
No  children. 

3453.  Charles  Denison9  Avery  (Erastus3,  John  J.7,  Elijah'-, 
John5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  5. 
1846,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  8,  1882,  at  New  London,  Conn., 

The   Ninth   Generation  1007 

Mary  Augusta  Corbett,  clau.  of  James  and  Bridget  (Moroney) 
Corbett.  She  was  b.  Nov.  3,  1858,  at  Limerick,  Ireland.  He  is 
a  retired  farmer.    Residence,  Eastern  Point,  Groton,  Conn. 

Children  of  Charles  Denison  and  Mary  Augusta  (Corbett) 

Avery,  b.  at  Groton: 

i.       Bessie  Anne10,  b.  April  29,  1884;  d.  Dec.  15,  1907;  unm. 

7428.  ii.      Mary  Lucretia10,  b.  Aug.  23,  1885. 

7429.  iii.     Lucy  Denison10,  b.  July  10,  1889. 

3455.  Marianna''  Avery  (E  vastus9,  John  J.',  Elijah*,  John', 
James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  10,  1853,  at 
Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Oct.  22,  1879,  at  Groton,  John  Allyn,  s.  of 
Amos  M.  and  Julia  (Gray)  Allyn.  He  was  b.  June  7,  1844,  at 
Ledyard,  Conn.;  d.  Jan.  26,  1894,  at  Stamford,  Conn.  She  d. 
Nov.  3,  1905,  at  Groton. 

Children  of  John  and  Marianna  (Avery)  Allyn,  b.  at  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. : 

i.       Julia  Gray"',  b.  July  26,  1880;  m.  Clarence  Augustus  Boyd; 

residence,  Coscob,  Conn, 
ii.      Mary  Elizabeth10,  b.  Oct.  1,  1883;   residence,  New  Haven, 

iii.     Robert10,  b.  July  16,  1885;  m.  Bernice  Emerson. 

3457.  George  Albert9  Avery  (Albert  Lay8,  John  J.7,  Elijah*, 
John5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  4, 
1840,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Feb.  24,  1869,  at  North  Stoning- 
ton,  Conn.,  Mary  Abby  Maine,  dau.  of  Richard  Holmes  and 
Abby  (Crandall-Hewitt)  Maine.  She  was  b.  July  26,  1844,  at 
North  Stonington.  He  d.  March  14,  1893,  at  North  Stonington. 
No  children. 

3460.  Augustus  Pomeroy"  Avery  (Albert  Lay*,  John  J.7, 
Elijah",  John5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  11,  1849,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  14,  1885,  at  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  Clara  Noyes  Weed,  dau.  of  Charles  Nathan  and 
Sarah  Elizabeth  (Clowes)  Weed.  She  was  b.  Sept.  25,  1856, 
at  New  York  City.  He  is  an  insurance  agent.  Residence,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Child    of    Augustus    Pomeroy    and    Clara    Noyes    (Weed) 

Avery : 

7430.     i.       Clara  Louise10,  b.  Oct.  28,  1891,  at  Brooklyn. 

1008  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3461.  John  Dean9  Avery  (Albert  Lay*,  John  J.7,  Elijah", 
John7',  James*,  James7-,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  6, 
1852,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  2,  1884,  at  Meriden,  Conn., 
Mary  Ann  Rice,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Halsey  and  Abigail  Cecilia 
(Harvey)  Rice.  She  was  b.  Feb.  10,  1857,  at  Meriden.  He  is 
a  graduate  of  the  state  normal  school  at  New  Britain,  Conn. ;  a 
farmer.  Residence,  North  Stonington,  Conn.  They  have  an 
adopted  daughter,  Emma  Alice,  b.  Nov.  2,  1890,  at  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

3462.  Jerusha  Pomeroy9  Avery  (Albert  Lay8,  John  J.7, 
Elijah''1,  John'',  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  15,  1855.  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  27,  1880,  at  Groton, 
William  Albert  Farren,  s.  of  William  Dunham  and  Caroline 
(Denton)  Farren.  He  was  b.  Jan.  30,  1852,  at  Somerville,  Mass. 
He  is  a  Baptist  clergyman.     Residence,  North  Attleboro,  Mass. 

Children  of  William  Albert  and  Jerusha  Pomeroy  (Avery) 
Farren : 

i.      Alice  Pomeroy10,  b.  Sept.  7,  1881,  at  North  Billerica,  Mass. 
ii.      Carrie  Louise10,  b.  Oct.  6,  1883,  at  North  Billerica. 

3463.  Thomas  Wheeler"  Avery  (Albert  Lay8,  John  J.7,  Eli- 
jah0, John5,  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
26,  1858,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  March  6,  1883,  at  North  Stoning- 
ton, Conn.,  Mary  Alice  Maine,  dau.  of  Charles  Henry  and 
Louisa  (Miner)  Maine.  She  was  b.  Aug.  16,  1861,  at  Stoning- 
ton.   He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Eastern  Point,  Groton,  Conn. 

Children   of   Thomas   Wheeler   and    Mary   Alice    (Maine) 
Avery,  b.  at  Groton: 

7432.  i.      Albert  Thomas10,  b.  June  25,  1890. 
ii.      Elsa  Alice10,  b.  July  7,  1893;  d.  y. 

7433.  iii.    John   Dean10,  b.  Dec.  29,   1895. 

iv.     Morton  Maine10,  b.  Dec.  1,  1902;  d.  y. 

3466.  Mary  Augusta9  Avery  (Oscar  Fitzalens,  John  J.7, 
Elijah6,  John5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  27,  1843,  at  Lyme,  Conn. ;  m.  April  30,  1867,  at  Chicago,  111., 
Henry  Payson  Merriman,  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Taylor  (Bodur- 
tha)  Merriman.  He  was  b.  Aug.  25,  1838,  at  Hinsdale,  Mass. 
She  d.  Jan.  28,  1879,  at  Chicago.  No  children.  He  is  a  physi- 
cian.    Residence,  Chicago,  111. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1009 

3469.  Juliet  Eliza9  Avery  (Ellsworth8,  Aaron7,  Amos6. 
John7',  James*,  James*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  2, 
1831,  at  Tallmadge,  0.;  m.  June  13,  1849,  at  Arcadia,  Wayne 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  George  Washington  Pierson,  s.  of  David  and  Rowene 
(Dakin)  Pierson.  He  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1826,  at  Hillsdale,  Colum- 
bia Co.,  N.  Y.  She  d.  April  10,  1901,  at  Clifton  Springs,  N.  Y. ; 
he  resides  at  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

The  ancestry  of  Juliet  Eliza1'  Avery,  and  of  all  the  other 
descendants  of  her  grandfather,  Aaron7  Avery,  runs  back  to 
Capt.  James-  Avery  by  a  triple  line.  First  is  the  line  printed 
at  the  head  of  this  record.  The  second  runs  back  through 
Ellsworth*  (who  did  not  die  unmarried  as  stated  in  our  record 
of  his  father's  family)  and  through  Aaron7  who  married  Anne 
Kinne.  Anne  Kinne  was  the  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Aaron  Kinne 
who  married  Anne  Morgan,  as  recorded  on  page  386.  Anne 
Morgan  was  the  daughter  of  Solomon  Morgan  who  married 
Mary  Walworth  (or  Walsworth),  as  recorded  on  page  153. 
Mary  Walworth  was  the  daughter  of  William  Walworth  who 
married  Mary4  Avery  (No.  46).  Mary4  Avery  was  the  daughter 
of  Samuel3  Avery  who  married  Susannah  Palmes.  As  to  the 
third  ancestral  line,  the  Solomon  Morgan  wrho  married  Mary 
Walworth  was  the  seventh  child  of  William  Morgan  who  married 
Margaret4  Avery,  as  recorded  on  pages  119  and  120.  Margaret* 
Avery  was  the  daughter  of  James::  Avery.  The  three  lines  unite 
in  Capt.  James-  Avery,  the  father  of  James;  Avery  and  of 
Samuel"  Avery.  It  is  said  that  the  Rev.  Aaron  Kinne  above 
mentioned  was  acting  chaplain  at  Fort  Griswold  at  the  time  of 
the  massacre  in  1781.    See  page  374. 

Children  of  George  Washington  and  Juliet  Eliza   (Avery) 
Pierson : 

i.       Mary    Clara"',   b.    April    16,    1852,   at   Arcadia,    N.    Y.;    m. 
Austin    Curtis    Barley.      Child:    Ralph   Pierson".      Resi- 
dence, La  Salle,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Emma  Frances10,  b.  April  8,  1854,  at  Clifton  Springs,  N.  Y.; 

d.  Jan.  12,  1887;  unm. 
iii.     Frank  Herbert10,  b.  Sept.  29,  1858,  at  Clifton  Springs;  d. 

Dec.   16,   1878;   unm. 
iv.     Willie   George1",   b.   Jan.   11,    1865,   at   Clifton    Springs;    d. 
May  26,  1877. 

1010  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

v.  Albert  Waring10,  b.  June  3,  1867,  at  Clifton  Springs;  m. 
Meda  Ann  Miller.  Children:  (a.)  Marion  Miller11;  (b.) 
Ellsworth  Avery";  (c.)  Edward  Grosvenorn.  Residence, 
Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

3470.  Louise  Collins9  Avery  (Amos9,  Aaron7,  Amos6,  John6, 
James1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  25,  1828,  at 
Tallmadge,  0. ;  m.  Jan.  21,  1852,  at  Middleburg,  O.,  Linus  Austin, 
s.  of  Linus  and  Temperance  (Parmely)  Austin.  He  was  b.  Dec. 
15,  1817,  at  Wilmington,  Vt.  He  was  a  powder-manufacturer. 
He  d.  April  19,  1887,  at  Asheville,  N.  C.  She  lives  at  Cleveland, 
0.    No  children. 

3471.  Mary  Ann"  Avery  (Amoss,  Aaron7,  Amos6,  John7', 
James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  15,  1829,  at 
Tallmadge,  O. ;  m.  Nov.  6,  1850,  at  Tallmadge,  Edward  B.  Isbell. 
He  was  b.  about  1826;  was  a  farmer;  d.  at  Tallmadge  about 
1858.    She  d.  Feb.  23,  1861,  at  Akron,  O.    No  children. 

3476.  Charles  Denison9  Avery  (Ebenezer8,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer*,  James1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  4,  1813,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  March  6,  1838,  at  Ledyard, 
N.  Y.,  Harriet  Elizabeth  Avery  (No.  1729),  dau.  of  Hezekiah 
and  Mary  (Avery)  Avery.  She  was  b.  Dec.  19,  1815,  at  Led- 
yard, N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer;  post-master  of  Ledyard  for 
twenty  years.  She  d.  June  21,  1898,  at  Ledyard.  The  settlement 
of  her  estate  showed  that  she  left  a  husband,  Charles  D.  Avery, 
and  the  following  kin:  Frances  M.  Corwin  (niece,  No.  3485) 
and  Henry  W.  Avery  (nephew,  No.  3484).  Charles  Denison 
Avery  d.  Nov.  8,  1903,  at  Ledyard.  The  settlement  of  his  estate 
showed  that  he  left  no  wife,  and  the  following  kin :  Mary  E. 
Gillespie  (sister,  No.  3481)  ;  Henry  W.  Avery  (half-brother,  No. 
3484)  ;  James  Avery  (nephew,  No.  7435)  ;  Alma  J.  Estabrook 
(niece)  ;  Eugene  Corwin  (nephew,  No.  3485,  i)  ;  Lida  Corwin 
(niece,  No.  3485,  ii) .  These  identifications  have  been  of  assist- 
ance in  the  correction  and  amplification  of  the  previously  printed 
history  of  the  family.  Charles  Denison  Avery  and  his  wife  had 
no  children. 

3477.  Jonas  Edward 9  Avery  (Ebenezer3,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer6,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  4,  1816;  m.  Aug.  8,  1837,  at  Sherburne,  N.  Y.,    Eleanor 

The  Ninth  Generation  1011 

Jane  Murray,  dau.  of  James  and  Aurelia  (Dakin)  Murray.  She 
was  b.  Dec.  17,  1819,  at  New  Berlin,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  carpenter 
and  builder.  She  d.  June  9,  1893;  he  d.  Sept.  4,  1901,  both  at 
Grand  Haven,  Mich. 

Children  of  Jonas   Edward   and   Eleanor  Jane    (Murray) 
Avery : 

7434.  i.       Ellen  Cornelia10,  b.  Aug.  2,  1841,  at  New  Berlin,  N.  Y. 

7435.  ii.      James  Colby10,  b.  Dec.  1,  1842,  at  Sherburne,  N.  Y. 

3478.  Alonzo  Morgan"  Avery  (Ebenezer8,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer*,  James*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  26,  1818 ;  m.  July  20,  1845,  Mary  Ann  Teeter.  She  d.  Aug. 
10,  1853,  at  Elmira,  N.  Y.  He  m.  2d,  Oct.  3,  1857,  at  Vin- 
cennes,  Ind.,  Charlotta  Holland,  dau.  of  William  Hardy  and 
Nancy  (Bryan)  Holland.  She  was  b.  April  10,  1836,  at  Pales- 
tine, 111.  He  was  a  railway  car  inspector  and  sup't  of  car  repairs. 
He  d.  Dec.  27,  1869,  at  St.  Charles,  Mo.;  she  is  living  (1911)  at 
Vincennes,  Ind. 

Children  of  Alonzo  Morgan  and  Mary  Ann  (Teeter)  Avery, 
b.  at  Elmira,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Alonzo  Frank10,  b.  May  12,  1847;  d.  Aug.  19,  1886,  at  Vin- 
cennes, Ind.;  unm. 
ii.      Mary10,  b.  Aug.  4,  1853;  d.  y. 

Children  of  Alonzo  Morgan  and  Charlotta  (Holland)  Avery, 
b.  at  Vincennes,  Ind. : 

7436.  i.       Hattie10,  b.  Dec.  19,  1861. 

7437.  ii.      May10,  b.  June  21,  1863;  residence,  Vincennes,  Ind. 

7438.  iii.     Nettie10,  b.   Sept.   19,   1865. 

3481.  Mary  Esther9  Avery  {Ebenezer8,  Ebenezer,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  21,  1826,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. ;  m.  Nov.  12,  1846,  at  New 
Milford,  Andrew  Gillespie,  s.  of  Jonathan  and  Leah  (Dunning) 
Gillespie.  He  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1824.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  June 
29,  1899,  at  Binghamton,  N.  Y. ;  she  d.  Oct.  19,  1909,  at  the  same 

Children  of  Andrew  and  Mary  Esther   (Avery)    Gillespie, 

b.  at  Harford,  Pa.: 

i.      Robert  Alanson10,  b.  Aug.  8,  1847;  d.  y. 
ii.      Almira  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  22,  1851;  m.  Lawrence  Moses  Low; 
residence,  Ardsley,  N.  Y. 

1012  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

iii.  Charles  Edward10,  b.  Oct.  30,  1854;  m.  Mary  Penny;  2d, 
Harriet  Bagley;  residence,  Binghamton,  N.  Y. 

iv.  Hattie  Elizabeth'0,  b.  March  15,  1860;  m.  Charles  H. 
Monell;  residence,  Binghamton,  N.  Y. 

3482.  Hezekiah"  Avery  {Ebenezer8,  Ebenezer7,  Ebenezer6, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
29,  1835,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. ;  m.  Oct.  20,  1859,  at  Harford,  Pa., 
Eudora  Verry,  dau.  of  Zera  Verry.  He  d.  May  7,  1869,  at  Union, 
N.  Y.;  she  d.  about  1901. 

Child  of  Hezekiah  and  Eudora  (Verry)  Avery,  b.  at  Har- 
ford : 

7439.  i.   Ella10,  b.  Feb.  6,  1861;  d.  about  1897. 

3484.  Henry  William9  Avery  (Ebenezer8,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer*,  James*  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  12;  1838,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  Dec.  25,  1864,  at  Har- 
ford, Pa.,  Ellen  Evelyn  Hawley,  dau.  of  John  and  Permelia 
(Harding)  Hawley.  She  was  b.  Dec.  29,  1846,  at  New  Milford. 
He  served  for  three  years  in  Co.  B,  15th  111.  inf.,  in  the  civil 
war;  he  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Orchard,  la. 

Child  of  Henry  William  and  Ellen  Evelyn  (Hawley)  Avery: 

7440.  i.       Ebenezer10,  b.  May  18,  1867,  in  Mitchell  Co.,  la.;  residence, 

Orchard,  la. 

3485.  Fanny  Maria9  Avery  (Ebenezer8,  Ebenezer1,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer'0,  James*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  29,  1840,  at  Moxley  Town  (now  Milford),  Pa.;  m.  Oct.  4, 
1859,  at  Moxley  Town,  Eli  Egbert  Corwin,  s.  of  Isaac  Schultz 
and  Valoria  Emma  (Crane)  Corwin.  He  was  b.  May  16,  1834, 
at  Wallkill,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  carpenter.  She  d.  July  21,  1899, 
at  Scranton,  Pa. ;  he  d.  April  3,  1906,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Eli  Egbert  and  Fanny  Maria  (Avery)  Corwin, 
b.  at  New  Milford,  Pa.: 

i.       Lida1",  b.  Feb.  1,  1861;  residence,  New  Milford. 
ii.      Eugene  D.1",  b.  May  5,  1862;  m.  Catherine  Alice  Carwardine; 
residence,  Scranton. 

3486.  Egbert  Hamilton9  Avery  (Egbert8,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer*,  Ebenezer0,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  1,  1816,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  9,  1840,  at  New  London, 
Conn.,    Sarah  Coggeshall,  dau.  of  William  Holden  and   Sarah 

The  Ninth  Generation  1013 

Latham  (Ashby)  Coggeshall.  She  was  b.  Sept.  16,  1820,  at 
North  Stonington,  Conn.  He  was  a  contractor  and  bridge- 
builder.  He  was  captain  of  the  3rd  Co.,  2d  reg't,  Conn,  horse 
artillery  in  1837  (Ms.  State  Papers,  Hartford).  He  d.  Jan.  31, 
1899,  at  Rock  Island,  111. 

Children    of    Egbert    Hamilton    and    Sarah     (Coggeshall) 
Avery : 



Mary  Ann1",  b.  Aug.  16,  1843,  at  Norwich,  Conn, 
i.      Sarah  Louise'0,  b.  Sept.  30,  1846,  at  New  London,  Conn. 
ii.     Ella  Coggeshall10,  b.  June  16,  1849,  at  New  London, 
v.     Charles  Hamilton10,  b.  Dec.  24,  1851,  at  New  London. 

7445.  v.      Colby  Mitchell10,  b.  Jan.  18,  1858,  at  Belvidere,  111. 

3487.  Charles  Eldridge9  Avery  (Charles  Eldridge8,  Eb> en- 
ezer,  Ebenezer6,  EbenezerJ,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Jan.  20,  1823,  at  Columbus,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  17, 
1856,  at  Marshall,  Mich.,  Levantia  Cook,  dau.  of  Benjamin  C. 
and  Harriet  (Todd)  Cook.  She  was  b.  May  9,  1827,  at  Dans- 
ville,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  successful  druggist ;  a  member  of  the 
school  board  of  Lafayette,  Ind.  She  d.  July  26,  1871,  at  Lafay- 
ette; he  d.  Dec.  27,  1896,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Charles  Eldridge  and  Levantia   (Cook)  Avery, 
b.  at  Lafayette: 

7446.  i.      Jennie  Louise10,  b.  Dec.  1,  1856. 

ii.      Charles  Eldridge10,  b.  April  12,  1858;  d.  May  14,  1884,  at 
Lafayette;  unm. 

7447.  iii.     Mary  Elizabeth1",  b.  Nov.  11,  1861. 

7448.  iv.     Harriet  Levantia10,  b.  Aug.  19,  1865. 

7449.  v.      Charlotte  Minerva1",  b.  Jan.  20,  1870. 

3488.  Edward    Henry9    Avery    (Charles  Eldridge8,  Eb<  n- 

ezer" ,  Ebenezer*,  Ebenezer*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Aug.  18,  1824,  at  Columbus,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  5, 
1852,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Susan  Sophia  Taylor,  dau.  of  Najah 
and  Susan  (Carrington)  Taylor.  She  was  b.  March  1,  1821,  at 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Yale,  1844;  a  lawyer: 
lieut.-col.  in  the  national  guard ;  president  of  the  Auburn  (N.  Y.) 
Water  Works,  of  the  Auburn  Gas  Company,  and  of  the  National 
Bank  of  Auburn ;  director  of  the  Empire  Telephone  Company, 
of  the  Cayuga  County  Savings  Bank,  of  the  Auburn  Paper 
Company,  and  of  the  Auburn  Wagon  Works;  also  a  trustee  of 

1014  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

the  First  Presbyterian  Church.    He  d.  May  5,  1908 ;  she  d.  April 
2,  1890,  both  at  Auburn. 

Children   of  Edward   Henry  and   Susan   Sophia    (Taylor) 
Avery,  b.  at  Auburn  : 

i.       Gustavus  Taylor10,  b.  June  2,  1853;  d.  y. 

7450.  ii.      Martha  Read1",  b.  Feb.  23,  1855. 

7451.  iii.     James  Carrington"',  b.  March   10,   1859. 

7452.  iv.     Charles  Irving10,  b.  March  10,  1859. 

3489.  Maria  Lauriana9  Avery  (Charles  Eldridge8,  Eben- 
ezer7,  Ebenezer0,  Ebenezer5,  James\  James2,  James2,  Christo- 
pher') was  b.  July  10,  1828;  m.  May  12,  1864,  the  Rev.  Allyn 
Stanley  Kellogg1,  s.  of  Allen  and  Eliza  (White)  Kellogg.  He 
was  b.  Oct.  15,  1824,  at  Vernon,  Conn.  He  was  a  graduate  of 
Williams  College,  1846;  Yale  Theological  College,  1850.  She  d. 
Sept.  16,  1880,  at  Hartford,  Conn. ;  he  d.  April  3,  1893,  at  New- 
tonville,  Mass. 

Children  of  Allyn   Stanley  and  Maria  Lauriana    (Avery) 
Kellogg : 

i.       Charles  Allyn10,  b.   March   8,   1865,  at   Vernon;   m.   Nina 
Fales   Pierce.     He  is   a   solicitor  of  patents;    residence, 
Boston,  Mass. 
ii.      Marion  Chedell10,  b.  Sept.  4,  1875;  d.  y. 

3490.  Charlotte  Amelia9  Avery  (Charles  Eldridge8,  Eben- 
ezer7,  Ebenezer*,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  15,  1830,  at  Scipio,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  21,  1855, 
at  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  William  Henderson,  s.  of  Manning  and  Har- 
riet (Williams)  Henderson.  He  was  b.  Feb.  26,  1829,  at  Weeds- 
port,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  banker  and  commission  merchant.  She 
d.  Nov.  4,  1883 ;  he  d.  Nov.  26,  1889,  both  at  Weedsport. 

Children  of  William  and  Charlotte  Amelia   (Avery)    Hen- 
derson, b.  at  Weedsport: 

i.       Charles    Manning10,    b.    June    17,    1858;    m.    Alida    Booth 

Page;   residence,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
ii.     William  Edward10,  b.  May  8,  1860;  d.  April  12,  1869. 
iii.     Samuel  Jerome10,  b.  Jan.  20,  1863;  d.  Aug.  13,  1871. 
iv.     Mary10,  b.  April  22,  1864;  d.  y. 

v.      Harriet  Asenath10,  b.  March  23,  1865;  d.  Dec.  16,  1909. 
vi.     Charlotte  Louise10,  b.  June  13,  1871;  m.  Harry  Chadder- 

don;  residence,  Wellesley,  Mass.     He  d.  March  8,  1899. 

The   Ninth  Generation 


vii.    Frances  Jane'",  b.  Jan.  10,  1874;   residence,  Mamaroneck, 

N.  Y. 
viii.  Jennie   Avery10,   b.   June   24,   1877;    residence,   Ridgewood, 

N.  J. 

3491.     Irving  Montgomery9  Avery  (Charles  Eldridge8,  Eben- 
ezer,  Ebenezer'\  Ebenezcr7',  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 


1016  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

pher1)  was  b.  July  1,  1832,  at  Scipio,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  10,  1856, 
at  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  Jane  Sabrina  Orton,  dau.  of  Gerrit  Van  Zant 
and  Rosamond  (Cook)  Orton.  She  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1835,  at 
Auburn.  In  1861,  he,  with  William  B.  Barton,  raised  and  largely 
equipped  the  48th  regiment  of  New  York  volunteers; 
he  went  to  the  front  as  regimental  quartermaster;  was  soon 
made  quartermaster  of  the  second  brigade,  tenth  army  corps; 
was  with  Admiral  Dupont  at  Port  Royal ;  was  with  Grant  before 
Petersburg  as  quartermaster  of  the  tenth  army  corps,  having 
been  promoted  to  the  rank  of  colonel.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
Loyal  Legion,  of  the  Military  Order  of  Foreign  Wars,  and  of 
the  Society  of  the  Army  of  the  Potomac.  On  his  mother's  sid^ 
he  was  descended  from  Elder  Brewster  of  the  ''Mayflower."  He 
was  president  of  a  commercial  agency,  New  York  City.  His 
wife  d.  Oct.  11,  1894,  at  Harrison,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  Aug.  10,  1909, 
at  the  summer  home  of  his  son  at  Sparta,  N.  J. 

Children  of  Irving  Montgomery  and  Jane  Sabrina  (Orton) 
Avery : 

7453.     i.       Frank  Montgomery1",  b.  Nov.  22,  1857,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Edward   Chedell1";   d.   in   infancy. 

3492.  Frederick  Denison9  Avery  (Henry  William8,  Eben- 
ezer' ,  Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer*,  James4,  James3,  James-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  30,  1818,  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  March  12,  1849, 
at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  Julia  Sophia  Smith,  dau.  of  Roswell  and 
Phebe  (Harrison)  Smith.  She  was  b.  Feb.  22,  1823,  at  Nauga- 
tuck,  Conn.;  d.  June  24,  1855,  at  Columbia,  Conn.  He  m.  2d, 
May  18,  ±857,  at  Hagaman's  Mills,  N.  Y.,  Charlotte  Manny, 
dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Barbara  (De  Graff)  Manny.  She  was 
b.  Aug.  19,  1822,  at  Amsterdam,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  graduate  of 
Yale  College,  1844 ;  Yale  Theological  School,  1847 ;  ordained  at 
Columbia,  1850 ;  preached  at  Eden,  N.  Y.,  a  short  time ;  assumed 
the  pastorate  of  the  Columbia  Congregational  church,  June, 
1850,  where  he  remained  forty-five  consecutive  years ;  retired 
from  active  service  in  1895.  He  d.  at  East  Hartford,  Conn., 
Feb.  26,  1908;  his  widow  d.  Jan.  14,  1911. 

Child    of   Frederick    Denison    and    Julia    Sophia    (Smith) 
Avery,  b.  at  Columbia,  Conn. : 

i.       Julia   Sophia1",  b.   June   11,   1855;   a  teacher;    d.   Sept.   20, 
1904,  at  New  York,  N.  Y. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1017 

Child  of  Frederick  Denison  and  Charlotte  (Manny)  Avery: 
7154.     i.       Frederick  Henry1",  b.  June  10,  1863,  at  Columbia. 

3493.  Henry  William9  Avery  (Henry  William8,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer9,  Ebenezer',  James*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  31,  1823,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  10,  1844,  at 
Sherburne,  N.  Y.,  Lydia  Goodelle  Avery,  dau.  of  Sidney  and 
Mary  (Dickey)  Avery  (No.  1723).  She  was  b.  Jan.  1,  1825,  at 
Columbus,  N.  Y.  She  d.  May  1,  1847,  at  Belvidere,  111.  He  m. 
2d,  Nov.  16,  1848,  at  Rockford,  111.,  'Rachel  Patterson  McCord, 
dau.  of  Robert  and  Lacey  (Davidson)  McCord.  She  was  b.  July 
28,  1822,  at  Carlisle,  Pa.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  in  Dec, 
1907,  at  Belvidere,  111. 

Child  of  Henry  William  and  Lydia  Goodelle  (Avery) 
Avery : 

7455.     i.       Elizabeth  Denison1",  b.  June  24,  1846,  at  Belvidere. 

3495.  Frances  Maria9  Avery  (Sidney-,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer',  James*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b. 
March  27,  1830,  at  Columbus,  N.  Y. ;  m.  March  26,  1857,  at 
Belvidere,  111.,  David  Dickey  Sabin,  s.  of  Joel  and  Eliza  (Gleason) 
Sabin.  He  was  b.  Dec.  31,  1830,  at  Columbus,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
merchant.  She  d.  Oct.  8,  1894,  at  Belvidere.  He  m.  2d,  Harriet 
Foote.    He  d.  Dec.  13,  1909,  at  Belvidere. 

Children    of   David   Dickey   and    Frances   Maria    (Avery) 

Sabin : 

i.  Eugene  Francis1",  b.  June  17,  1858,  at  New  Oregon,  la.; 
m.  Mary  Adeline  Potter;   residence,   Belvidere. 

ii.      Luther  Gleason1",  b.  Oct.  8,  1861,  at  New  Oregon;  d.  y. 

iii.  Sidney  Avery1",  b.  Nov.  10,  1863,  at  New  Oregon;  m.  Stella 
E.  Palmer;  d.  Sept.  28,  1909,  at  Denver,  Col. 

iv.  Helen  Louise1",  b.  Aug.  29,  1865,  at  Belvidere;  m.  Charles 
E.  Brown;  2d,  Joseph  Clary  Anderson;  residence,  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

v.  Mary  Asenath1",  b.  Sept.  15,  1867,  at  Belvidere;  m.  Fred 
Keeler  Houston;   residence,   Evanston,  111. 

3496.  William  Dickey9  Avery  (Sidney-,  Ebenezer',  Eben- 
ezer^, Ebenezer5,  James*,  James",  James2,  Christopiier')  was  b. 
May  27,  1835,  at  Sherburne,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  20,  1856,  at  Belvi- 
dere, 111.,  Fannie  Elizabeth  Hale,  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Eunice 
(Wood)  Hale.     She  was  b.  June  7,  1837,  at  Smithfield,  Pa.    He 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

was  an  advertising  solicitor.    She  d.  Sept.  24,  1895,  at  Chicago, 
111.    Residence,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Children  of  William  Dickey  and  Fannie  Elizabeth   (Hale) 

Avery : 

7456.     i.  Mary  Sophia1",  b.  Feb.  9,  1860,  at  Belvidere. 

ii.  Clara  Belle1",  b.  July  9,  1866,  at  Belvidere;  d.  y. 

iii.  Blanche"';  b.  Oct.  9,  1871,  at  Belvidere;  d.  y. 

iv.  Alice  Hale10,  b.  May  26,  1874,  at  Belvidere. 


7458.     v.      Sidney1",  b.  June  9,  1878,  at  Chicago,  111. 

3497.  Eugene  Henry9  Avery,  D.  D.  (Sidneys,  Ebenezer7, 
■Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  15,  1837,  at  Sherburne,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  20,  1862,  at 


The   Ninth   Generation  1019 

Belvidere,  111.,  Helen  Mary  Nichols,  dau.  of  Jonathan  and  Eliza- 
beth (Dick)  Nichols.  She  was  b.  May  11,  1837,  at  Westfield, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Beloit  College,  Wis.,  1858,  and  of 
the  Union  Theological  Seminary;  was  pastor  at  Sioux  City,  la., 
for  twelve  years;  was  pastor  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church 
at  Vinton,  la.,  and  of  Westminster  Church  at  San  Francisco, 
Calif.,  and  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  at  Pleasanton, 
Calif.;  was  president  of  the  board  of  trustees  of  Coe  College, 
at  Cedar  Rapids,  la.  He  d.  April  11,  1907,  at  Pleasanton,  Calif. 
His  widow  is  living  (1912)  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

Children    of    Eugene   Henry    and    Helen    Mary    (Nichols) 

Avery : 

i.       Fannie  Eugenia10,  b.  Sept.  7,  1865,  at  Warren,  111.;  d.  Nov. 

6,  1882,  at  Glenwood,  la. 

7459.  ii.      Jennie10,  b.  Oct.  19,  1866,  at  Warren, 
iii.     A  Son10,  b.  in  Aug.,  1874;  d.  y. 

3498.  David  Aiken9  Avery'  {Amasa8,  Ebenezer7,  Ebenezer6, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
5,  1837,  at  Burlington,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  23,  1858,  at  Burlington, 
Sarah  Louise  Babcock,  dau.  of  Orlonzo  and  Mary  Ann  (Russell) 
Babcock.  She  was  b.  March  27,  1838,  at  Burlington.  He  is  a 
banker.     Residence,  Cooperstown,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  David  Aiken  and  Sarah  Louise  (Babcock)  Avery: 

7460.  i.      Jennie  Louise10,  b.  May  5,  1859,  at  Burlington. 

3499.  Ellen  Louisa9  Avery  {Amasa8,  Ebenezer,  Ebenezer6, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
16,  1843,  at  Burlington,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  21,  1862,  at  Otego,  N.  Y., 
Charles  Dorr  Pope,  s.  of  Marcus  and  Meribah  Brownell  (Nich- 
ols) Pope.  He  was  b.  May  7,  1832,  at  West  Burlington,  N.  Y. ; 
d.  May  10,  1910,  at  Oneonta,  N.  Y.,  where  she  d.  Feb.  8,  1912. 

Children  of  Charles  Dorr  and  Ellen  Louisa  (Avery)   Pope, 
b.  at  Garrattsville,  N.  Y. : 

i.      Ida  Louisa10,  b.  Sept.  8,  1863;  d.  y. 
ii.      Ella  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  20,  1867. 

3500.  George  Skidmore9  Avery  (Jared  Reids,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  April  19,  1836,  at  Ledyard,  Conn. ;  m.  Sept.  30.  1886,  at 










1020  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Groton,  Conn.,  Lucy  Ann  Larkin,  dau.  of  Henry  Levi  and  Alma 
(Young)  Larkin.  She  was  b.  Sept.  24,  1860,  at  Griswold,  Conn. 
He  was  a  merchant  at  Groton.  He  d.  Feb.  15,  1903,  at  Groton. 
She  is  living  at  Groton. 

Children    of   George    Skidmore   and   Lucy   Ann    (Larkin) 
Avery,  b.  at  Groton : 

Lucy  Bill1",  b.  Oct.  5,  1887. 

Sarah  Alma1",  b.  March  5,  1889. 

Mary  Mildred"',  b.  March  19,  1891. 

Winfred  Bill1",  b.  Dec.  26,  1892;  d.  y. 

Ruth   Elizabeth'",  b.   Sept.   5,   1894. 

3501.  William  Burrill!'  Avery  (Jared  Reids,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer^,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James-,  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  April  16,  1838,  at  New  Britain,  Conn. ;  m.  Sept.  25,  1860, 
at  Mansfield,  Conn.,  Helen  Mar  Baldwin,  dau.  of  Raymond  and 
Amanda  (Lull)  Baldwin.  She  was  b.  Nov.  8,  1841,  at  Mansfield. 
He  was  station  agent  at  Willimantic,  Conn. ;  was  a  member  of 
Company  C,  21st  reg't  Conn,  inf'y,  in  the  civil  war.  He  d.  June 
30,  1896,  at  Willimantic.  She  is  living  (1911)  at  Willimantic, 

Children   of  William   Burrill   and   Helen    Mar    (Baldwin) 

Avery : 

Helen  Baldwin1",  b.  Oct.  12,  1862;  d.  y. 
Helen  Baldwin1",  b.  Sept.  3,  1864,  at  Groton,  Conn. 
William    Frederick1",    b.    Feb.    11,    1869,    at    Willimantic; 
book  keeper;  unm.  in  1912;  residence,  Waterbury,  Conn. 
Mary  Amelia1",  b.  Dec.  1,  1871,  at  Willimantic. 

Nathan  Fish  Denison9  Avery  {Jared  Reid8,  Eben- 
ezer7, Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James'\  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Feb.  25,  1840,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  in  1862,  at 
Franklin,  Conn.,  Julia  Permelia  Hyde,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  and 
Ruth  P.  (Taylor)  Hyde.  She  was  b.  Sept.  5,  1840,  at  Franklin. 
He  enlisted  in  Co.  F,  18th  reg't  of  Conn.  Inf.,  as  sergeant,  July 
16,  1862;  mustered  out  at  close  of  war,  June  27,  1865;  d.  Jan. 
14,  1871,  at  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  from  disease  contracted  in  the  serv- 
ice.   His  widow  is  said  to  be  living  at  Hartford,  Conn. 

Children    of    Nathan    Fish    Denison    and    Julia    Permelia 
(Hyde)  Avery: 

7468.     i.       Albert  Ramsdell10,  b.  April  23,  1864,  at  Franklin. 

ii.      Frederic  Nathan10,  b.  Nov.  17,  1867,  at  Franklin;  d.  y. 
iii.     Charles  Brown10,  b.  Dec.  20,  1869,  at  Groton;  d.  y. 









The  Ninth  Generation  1021 

3503.  Jared  Reid9  Avery  (Jared  Reid8,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer',  James*,  James-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  23,  1845,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Aug.  8,  1866,  at  Groton, 
Josephine  Alice  Lamb,  dau.  of  Alfred  and  Lydia  Ann  (Whipple) 
Lamb.  She  was  b.  March  13,  1846,  at  Groton.  He  was  a  veteran 
of  the  civil  war,  and  junior  vice-commander  of  department  of 
Conn.,  G.  A.  R.  She  d.  Dec.  9,  1903 ;  he  d.  June  2,  1904,  both  at 
New  London,  Conn. 

Children  of  Jared  Reid  and  Josephine  Alice  (Lamb)  Avery: 

7469.  i.       Josephine  Lamb1',  b.  Nov.  2,  1867,  at  Groton. 

7470.  ii.      Lydia  Ann10,  b.  March  29,  1869,  at  New  London. 

7471.  iii.     George  Skidmore1",  b.  Feb.  6,  1874,  at  New  London. 

7472.  iv.     Edith  Olivia10,  b.  Sept.  3,  1886,  at  New  London. 

3504.  Mary  Sabina9  Avery  (Jared  Reid*,  Ebenezer,  Eben- 
ezer6, Ebenezer'-' ,  James*,  James7",  James-,  Christopher')  was  b. 
March  17,  1847,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  May  1,  1867,  at  Groton, 
Lavias  Robinson,  s.  of  Arad  and  Lura  (Able)  Robinson.  He 
was  b.  Oct.  6,  1834,  at  Franklin,  Conn.  She  d.  May  20,  1870,  at 
Franklin,  where  he  is  living. 

Child  of  Lavias  and  Mary  Sabina  (Avery)  Robinson : 
i.       Mary  Elizabeth1",  b.  May  20,  1870,  at  Franklin;  d.  y. 

3505.  Ebenezer9  Avery  (Jared  Reid8,  Ebenezer7,  Ebenezer*, 
Ebenezer*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Oct.  30, 
1849,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  5,  1871,  at  New  London,  Conn., 
Kate  Harris  Hobron,  dau.  of  John  Howard  and  Adeline  Tinker 

(Rogers)  Hobron.     She  was  b.  April  30,  1852,  at  New  London. 
He  is  an  automobile  dealer.     Residence,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Children  of  Ebenezer  and  Kate  Harris  (Hobron)  Avery: 

Henry  Hobron10,  b.  Nov.  15,  1871,  at  New  London. 

Alice  Louise10,  b.  July  24,  1873,  at  New  London. 

Florence  Etta10,  b.  July  3,  1876,  at  New  London;  d.  y. 

Lizzie10,  b.  Aug.  30,  1878,  at  New  London;  d.  y. 

Ebenezer10,  b.  Aug.  15,  1880,  at  New  London. 

Isabel10,  b.  Oct.  31,  1882,  at  New  London. 

Mattie1",  b.  April  18,  1884,  at  Groton;  d.  y. 

Arthur  Wolcott10,  b.  July  31,  1886,  at  New  London. 

Besue  Agnew10,  b.  July  24,  1888,  at  New  London. 

Edward  Milton10,  b.  May  19,  1890,  at  New  London. 

Daniel  Hobron10,  b.  Jan.  8,  1892,  at  New  London;  d.  y. 



















1022  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3510.  Rosaline  Rosette"  Avery  {Alexander  Hamilton8, 
Henry7,  Ebenezer*,  Ebenezer*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  May  2,  1836,  at  Salem,  Pa. ;  m.  April  1,  1866,  at 
Mendota,  111.,  Jonas  Fulmer,  s.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  (Ruff) 
Fulmer.  He  was  b.  June  25,  1825,  on  a  farm  in  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 
He  was  a  wagon-maker.     Residence,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Child  of  Jonas  and  Rosaline  Rosette   (Avery)   Fulmer: 

i.       Lulu    Belle1",    b.    May    19,    1871,    at    Mendota;    m.    Joseph 
Vaughn;  residence,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

3511.  Phineas  Orlando;',  Avery  (Alexander  Hamilton*, 
Henry7,  Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Aug.  30,  1838,  at  Salem,  Pa.;  m.  May  26,  1867, 
near  Humboldt,  Neb.,  Angeline  Dalbey,  dau.  of  Abner  and 
Mary  Esther  (Sheeler)  Dalbey.  She  was  b.  Jan.  26,  1843,  near 
Ravner,  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.  He  enlisted  in  Co.  I,  4th  111.  cav., 
in  August,  1861 ;  was  in  the  battles  of  Fort  Henry,  Fort  Donel- 
son,  Shiloh  (Pittsburg  Landing),  Corinth,  and  other  engage- 
ments. After  the  war,  he  removed  to  the  vicinity  of  Humboldt, 
Neb.,  became  the  owner  of  a  thousand  acres  of  fine  farming  land, 
and  kept  a  large  herd  of  Hereford  cattle.  As  his  sons  became 
of  age,  he  practically  retired  from  business,  but,  in  1911,  yielding 
probably  to  "the  call  of  the  wild,"  he  bought  720  acres  of  rich 
wheat  land  in  western  Canada.  He  intends  to  set  up  a  new 
farming  enterprise  there,  beginning  with  a  gas-engine  tractor, 
a  gang-plow  outfit,  and  hired  help.  He  will,  however,  continue 
to  live  on  his  farm  near  Humboldt,  Neb. 

Children  of  Phineas  Orlando  and  Angeline  (Dalbey) 
Avery,  b.  on  Pleasant  View  Farm,  near  Humboldt. 

7481.  i.      Charlie  Orlando10,  b.  Aug.  17,  1868. 

ii.  Jennie10,  b.  May  28,  1871;  d.  March  23,  1875. 

7482.  iii.  Harry  Hamilton10,  b.  March  2,  1876. 

7483.  iv.  Arthur  Ross10,  b.  March  22,  1878. 
v.  Infant10,  b.  March  5,  1880;   d.  y. 

7484.  vi.  Rolla  Oscar10,  b.  June  13,  1881. 

3512.  Alice  Amelia''  Avery  (Alexander  Hamilton*,  Henry7, 
Ebenezer0,  Ebenezer5,  James1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  29,  1841,  at  Salem,  Pa.;  m.  Oct.  5,  1859,  at  Muli- 
gens   Grove,   Lee  Co.,   111.,    Daniel   Depew   Van   Campen,   s.   of 

The   Ninth  Generation  1023 

Abraham  and  Mary  (Depew)  Van  Campen.  He  was  b.  April 
26,  1832,  in  Sussex  Co.,  N.  J.  He  was  a  farmer  and  carpenter. 
She  d.  Nov.  22,  1889,  at  Boone,  la. ;  he  d.  Aug.  20,  1897,  at  the 
same  place. 

Children  of  Daniel  Depew  and  Alice  Amelia   (Avery)   Van 
Campen : 

i.  Anson  Cyrus"',  b.  March  22,  1861,  at  Muligens  Grove;  m. 
Marian  Kelley. 

ii.  Elmer  Melvin10,  b.  Nov.  5,  1862,  at  Muligens  Grove;  resi- 
dence, Boone,  la. 

iii.  Rosette  May1",  b.  May  25,  1866,  at  Muligens  Grove;  m.  Fred 
Hughes;  d.  June  19,  1894,  at  Boone,  la. 

iv.  Charley  Wilber1",  b.  Nov.  5,  1867,  at  Muligens  Grove;  m. 
May  Davis;  residence,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

v.  Mary  Alice1",  b.  May  23,  1869,  at  Ames,  la.;  d.  July  1, 
1891,  at  Boone. 

vi.  Clara  Estella10,  b.  June  9,  1871,  at  Ames;  m.  Arnzie  J. 
Blair;  2d,  W.  M.  Commings;  residence,  Des  Moines,  la. 

vii.    Maitland10,  b.  June  13,  1873,  at  Ames. 

viii.  Ida  Emma1",  b.  April  9,  1875,  at  Ames;  m.  Alford  0.  Hart. 

ix.     Della10,  b.  April  30,  1877,  at  Ames;  d.  y. 

x.      Edna  Pearl10,  b.  Jan.  20,  1880,  at  Ames;  d.  y. 

3513.  Minor  Mahlon9  Avery  (Alexander  Hamilton8,  Henry7, 
Ebenezer®,  Ebenezer'%  James*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  31,  1845,  at  Salem,  Pa. ;  m.  Feb.  17,  1867,  at  Comp- 
ton,  111.,  Angelina  Argraves,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Martha  (Miller) 
Argraves.  She  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1849,  at  Muligens  Grove,  Lee  Co., 
111.  He  enlisted  in  Co.  I,  15th  reg't  Illinois  inf'y,  and  was  at 
Raleigh,  N.  C,  when  Johnson  surrendered  to  Sherman.  He  is 
a  merchant  and  real  estate  agent,    Residence,  Dixon,  111. 

Children    of    Minor    Mahlon    and    Angelina     (Argraves) 
Avery : 

7485.  i.       Olive  Angelina1",  b.  Jan.  5,  1868,  near  Compton. 

ii.      Zelmo  Undine10,  b-.  March  18,  1870,  near  Humboldt,  Neb.; 

d.  Oct.  1,  1881,  at  Compton. 
iii.     Winnie  Miner10,  b.  Sept.  27,  1872,  near  Humboldt;  d.  y. 

7486.  iv.     Wilbur  Minor10,  b.  June  9,  1876,  at  Compton;  a  graduatc- 

of  Rush   Medical   College;   residence,   Pawpaw,   Lee  Co., 

7487.  v.      Minnie  Leone10,  b.  March  14,  1877,  at  Compton. 

7488.  vi.     Martha  Alice10,  b.  Feb.  22,  1885,  at  Compton. 

7489.  vii.    Ferris  Gale10,  b.  July  13,  1893,  at  Compton. 

7490.  viii.  P.uth  Winifred10,  b.  May  30,  1895,  at  Compton. 











1024  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

3514.  John  Henry"  Avery  {Henry  Thomas*,  Henry7,  Eben- 
ezer6,  Ebenezcr,  James1,  James',  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  10,  1868,  in  Delaware  Co.,  la.;  m.  Dec.  21,  1893,  near 
Ozark,  Ark.,  Mary  Eliza  Cartwright,  dau.  of  George  Washington 
and  Selena  Catherine  (Hooper)  Cartwright.  She  was  b.  Dec. 
9,  1875,  at  Blackville,  Ark.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Ozark, 


Children   of   John   Henry   and   Mary   Eliza    (Cartwright) 
Avery,  b   near  Ozark : 

Carry  Belle1",  b.  Sept.  19,  1894. 
Alfred  William1",  b.  Dec.  7,  1896. 
Henry  Thomas1",  b.  March  4,  1899. 
Catherine  Ann1",  b.  Aug.  29,  1901. 
Minnie  Jane1",  b.  Jan.  10,  1904. 
7496.     vi.     Mary  Lee1",  b.  March  10,  1910. 

3515.  Emily  Jane9  Avery  {Henry  Thomas*,  Henry7,  Eben- 
ezerQ,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  8,  1872,  in  Taylor  Co.,  la. ;  m.  Nov.  19,  1890,  at  Ozark,  Ark., 
Robert  Rummage,  s.  of  George  and  Polly  (Webb)  Rummage. 
He  was  b.  March  5,  1870,  at  Trezevant,  Tenn.  He  is  a  farmer 
and  fruit  raiser.    Residence,  Denning,  Ark. 

Children  of  Robert  and  Emily  Jane  (Avery)   Rummage,  b. 
at  Ozark: 

i.       Tennie  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  19,  1891;  m.  Thomas  Otho  Tower. 

ii.      Robert  Roy'",  b.  May  30,  1894. 

iii.     Charlie  Levoett10,  b.  April  2,  1896. 

iv.     Beulah  Ann1",  b.  Feb.  3,  1898. 

v.      Twins10,  b.  May  24,  1900;  d.  y. 

vi.     George  Wagner1",  b.  July  13,  1901;  d.  y. 

vii.    William  Claud1",  b.  July  23,  1909. 

3516.  Charles  Wagner'  Avery  {Henry  Thomas*,  Henry7, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  27,  1875,  in  Taylor  Co.,  la.;  m.  Aug.  2,  1903,  at 
Turn,  Ark.,  Telia  Edwards,  dau.  of  Andrew  J.  and  Henrietta 
(Matthews)  Edwards.  She  was  b.  June  5,  1887,  in  Johnson  Co., 
Ark.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Linville,  Johnson  Co.,  Ark. 

Child  of  Charles  Wagner  and  Telia  (Edwards)  Avery: 

7498.  i.       Floyd10,  b.  March  18,  1905,  at  Turn,  Ark. 

7499.  ii.      Wilber  Jackson10,  b.  Jan.  16,  1911,  at  Linville. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1025 

3517.  James  Edward"  Avery  (Henry  T)iomas8,  Henry', 
Ebenezer*,  Ebenezer*,  James*,  James'6,  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  7,  1878,  in  Otoe  Co.,  Neb.;  m.  July  13,  1902,  at 
Linville,  Ark.,  Delia  Sears,  dau.  of  George  W.  and  Dora 
(McPereson)  Sears.  She  was  b.  May  — ,  1885,  in  Indiana.  He 
is  a  farmer.     Residence,  Ozark,  Ark. 

Child  of  James  Edward  and  Delia  (Sears)  Avery: 
7504.     i.       George  Edward10,  b.  Feb.  4,  1904,  at  Ozark. 

3518.  Joseph  George9  Avery  (Henry  Thomas9,  Henry7, 
Ebenezer0,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  24,  1883,  in  Johnson  Co.,  Ark. ;  m.  Aug.  23,  1905,  at 
Turn,  Johnson  Co.,  Ark.,  Mabel  Cooper,  dau.  of  Henry  and 
Rosetta  (Westgate)  Cooper.  She  was  b.  June  30,  1881,  near 
Currie,  Minn.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Linville,  Ark. 

Children  of  Joseph  George  and  Mabel  (Cooper)  Avery: 

7508.  i.       Henry  Earl'",  b.  June  12,  1906,  in  Johnson  Co.,  Ark. 

7509.  ii.      Clifford  Kenneth10,  b.  Oct.  7,  1910,  in  Johnson  Co. 

3519.  Griswold  George9  Avery  (George  Miller8,  Oris  wold1, 
Griswold9,  Ebenezer*,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  24,  1831,  at  Waterford,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  14,  1855,  at 
Waterford,  Cornelia  Cavarly  Chappell  (No.  1739,  vii),  dau.  of 
the  Rev.  Guerdon  Tracy  and  Mary  Ann  (Avery)  Chappell.  She 
was  b.  Feb.  18,  1838,  at  Waterford.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d. 
Sept.  9,  1894,  at  Montville,  Conn.;  she  d.  Feb.  7,  1909,  at  New 
London,  Conn. 

Children  of  Griswold  George  and  Cornelia  Cavarly  (Chap- 
pell)  Avery: 

7512.  i.       George  Griswold10,  b.  July  4,  1861,  at  Montville. 

7513.  ii.     Mamie  Elizabeth10,  b.  Dec.  25,  1862,  at  Montville. 

7514.  iii.     Gurdon  Chappell10,  b.  Dec.  4,  1873,  at  Montville. 

7515.  iv.     Genevieve  Franklin10,  b.  Dec.  9,  1875,  at  New  London. 

3520.  Matilda  Waite"  Avery  (George  Miller8,  Griswold1, 
Griswold9,  Ebenezer',  James4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  7,  1833,  at  Waterford,  Conn.;  m.  March  — ,  1853,  at 
Montville,  Conn.,  John  Marcus  Morgan,  s.  of  Philip  and  Sarah 
Ann  (Lord)  Morgan.  He  was  b.  Sept.  8,  1826,  at  Waterford. 
He  was  a  farmer  at  Waterford.  She  d.  Oct.  19,  1859,  at  Los 
Angeles,  Calif.     No  children. 

1026  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3521.  Charles9  Avery  (GurdonH,  Charles1,  Griswold*,  Eben- 
ezer',  James*,  James'-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  7,  1823, 
at  Waterford,  Conn.;  m.  May  17,  1854,  at  Greenfield,  Pa., 
Lurinda  Young,  dau.  of  James  and  Rebecca  (Simmons)  Young. 
She  was  b.  April  15,  1838,  at  Greenfield;  d.  Dec.  26,  1859,  at 
Greenfield.  He  m.  2d,  April  30,  1862,  at  Greenfield,  Louisa 
Shippy  Moon,  dau.  of  Leroy  and  Lennie  (Shippy)  Moon.  She 
was  b.  Sept.  25,  1841,  at  Carbondale,  Pa.  He  d.  Aug.  26,  1897, 
at  Carbondale,  where  his  widow  lives. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Lurinda  (Young)  Avery,  b.  at 
Greenfield : 

7516.  i.       Maria  Eveline1",  b.  April  29,  1855. 

7517.  ii.      Hannah  Rebecca10,  b.  Oct.  25,  1856. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Louisa  Shippy  (Moon)  Avery,  b. 
at  Greenfield : 

7518.  i.       May  Lennie1",  b.  Jan.  12,  1863;  residence,  Carbondale,  Pa. 

7519.  ii.      Charles  Gurdon10,  b.  Oct.  28,  1864. 

3523.  Joseph  Ledyard''  Avery  (Gurdon*,  Charles1,  Gris- 
wolda,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  Jamesz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  16,  1827,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  26,  1855,  at 
Clifford,  Pa.,  Almira  Burdick,  dau.  of  Simeon  and  Katharine 
(Broughton)  Burdick.  She  was  b.  Dec.  31,  1827,  at  Clifford. 
He  was  connected  with  the  car  shops  at  Carbondale,  Pa.  He 
d.  Jan.  7,  1909,  at  Carbondale. 

Children  of  Joseph  Ledyard  and  Almira  (Burdick)  Avery, 
b.  at  Greenfield,  Pa. : 


Lucy  Anna1",  b.  June  29,  1856. 
i.      Gabriel  Joseph10,  b.  Sept.  12,  1859. 
ii.     Elmer  Broughton10,  b.  July  26,  1862. 
v.     Delbert  Burdick10,  b.  Nov.  10,  1866. 

7524.    v.     Cora  Etta10,  b.  Sept.  1,  1872. 

3524.  John  Leander9  Avery  (Gurdon9,  Charles1,  Grisivold6, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James9-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  3, 
1829,  at  Waterford,  Conn. ;  m.  May  18,  1854,  at  Carbondale,  Pa., 
Armena  Harford,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Bethiah  (Gardner)  Har- 
ford. She  was  b.  Aug.  13,  1833,  at  Salem,  Pa.  He  d.  July  31, 
1911,  at  Jermyn,  Pa.,  where  his  widow  is  living. 

The   Ninth    Generation  1027 

Children  of  John  Leander  and  Armena   (Harford)   Avery, 

b.  at  Greenfield,  Pa. : 

i.       Ida  Bethiah10.  b.  May  18,  1855;  d.  y. 

ii.      Marietta  b.  Jan.  18,  1857;  d.  Oct.  16,  1871. 

7525.  iii.     Gurdon  Leander1",  b.  April  7,  1859. 

7526.  iv.     John  Fremont1",  b.  July  30,  1861;  unm.  in  1911;  residence, 


7527.  v.      Jesse  Gardner1",  b.  June  26,  1863. 

7528.  vi.     Isaac  Douglass1",  b.  July  29,  1865. 

7529.  vii.    Stephen  Eugene1",  b.  July  22,  1867. 

7530.  viii.  Nettie  Almira10,  b.  Nov.  17,  1874. 

3525.  Nancy  Adeline"  Avery  (Gurdon9,  Charles',  GriswoW, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
6,  1841,  at  Waterford,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  14,  1863,  at  Fell  Tp.,  Pa., 
George  Walter  Reynolds,  s.  of  Henry  G.  G.  and  Louisa  (Burdick) 
Reynolds.  He  was  b.  Jan.  31,  1837,  at  Fell  Tp.;  d.  March  1, 
1900,  at  Carbondale,  Pa.     She  is  living  (1911)   at  Carbondale, 


Children  of  George  Walter  and   Nancy  Adeline    (Avery) 

Reynolds,  b.  at  Carbondale: 

i.  Avery  Walter10,  b.  Nov.  19,  1863;  m.  Helen  I.  Pascoe;  resi- 
dence, Carbondale. 

ii.  Raymond  Henry10,  b.  Nov.  19,  1865;  m.  Daisy  Alice  Chap- 
man;  residence,  Carbondale. 

iii.  Minnie  Nancy10,  b.  May  9,  1874;  m.  Lyman  M.  Smith; 
residence,   Carbondale. 

iv.  Maurice  Kimball10,  b.  April  13,  1881;  m.  Cora  Giles;  resi- 
dence, Carbondale. 

3527.  Ellen"  Avery  (Joseph9,  Charles7,  Griswold*,  Eben- 
ezer5, James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  1, 
1839,  at  Waterford,  Conn.;  m.  Nov.  27,  1862,  at  Waterford, 
John   Isham   Chappell,     s.   of   Guerdon   Tracy   and    Mary   Ann 

(Avery)    Chappell   (No.  1739).     He  was  b.  July  23,  1830,  at 
Waterford.    She  d.  Sept.  2,  1906,  at  Waterford. 

Child  of  John  Isham  and  Ellen    (Avery)    Chappell,  b.  at 

Waterford : 

i.       Nellie  Edna10,  b.  June  2,  1872;  m.  Frank  Bowen  Rose. 

3528.  John  Henry1'  Avery  (Ledyard9,  Charles1,  Griswold*, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
17,  1836,  at  New  York  City;  m.  June  26,  1859,  at  Fort  Lee,  N.  J., 

1028  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Rachel    Hawes,     dau.    of    George    Washington    and    Elizabeth 
(Dutcher)  Hawes.    He  was  a  wholesale  fish  dealer  in  New  York 
City.    She  d.  in  1872 ;  he  d.  May  27,  1886,  at  Fort  Lee,  N.  J. 
Children  of  John  Henry  and  Rachel  (Hawes)  Avery: 

7535.  i.       George"',  b.  June  23,  1862. 

7536.  ii.      Henrietta10,  b.  Nov.  23,  1867. 

7537.  iii.     Ledyard10,  b.  Jan.  22,  1871,  at  New  York  City. 

3529.  Lucy"  Avery  (Isaac  Raymond8,  Charles7,  Griswold*, 
Ebenezer5,  James*,  James'6,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
8,  1837,  at  New  York  City;  m.  April  10,  1855,  at  Waterford, 
Conn.,  John  Gardner,  s.  of  John  and  Hannah  (Brooks)  Gardner. 
He  was  b.  March  27,  1826,  at  New  London,  Conn.  He  was  a 
farmer.  He  d.  April  27,  1907.  She  is  living  (1912)  at  New 
London,  Conn. 

Children  of  John  and  Lucy  (Avery)  Gardner,  b.  at  Water- 
ford  : 

i.       Isaac  Avery10,  b.  Oct.  21,  1856;  m.  Jennie  Louise  Lyon, 
ii.      Charles  Elmer10,  b.  Sept.  22,  1860;  m.  Rosa  Belle  Lamb, 
iii.     Elouise1",  b.  March  9,  1867;  m.  Fred  William  Shipman. 
iv.     Lucy  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  29,  1869. 

3530.  Charles  Phillips9  Avery  (Isaac  Raymond8,  Charles', 
Griswold''',  Ebenezer5,  James4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  1,  1842,  at  Hackensack,  N.  J. ;  m.  Dec.  30,  1867,  at 
New  York  City,  Hattie  Amelia  Lyman,  dau.  of  William  and 
Hattie  (Baker)  Lyman.  She  was  b.  Nov.  7,  1849,  at  New  York 
City.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Waterford,  Conn. 

Children  of  Charles  Phillips  and  Hattie  Amelia   (Lyman) 
Avery,  b.  at  Waterford: 

7538.  i.       Charles  Lyman1",  b.  Oct.  5,  1868. 

7539.  ii.      Isabelle10,  b.  Sept.  23,  1870. 

7540.  iii.     Lucy  Griffing10,  b.  Nov.  26,  1876. 

3531.  Mary  Louise9  Avery  (Isaac  Raymond8,  Charles7, 
Griswold6,  Ebenezer5,  James*,  James-,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  8,  1843,  at  New  York  City;  m.  Jan.  28,  1866,  at 
Waterford,  William  Henry  Harrison  Hawes,  s.  of  George  Wash- 
ington and  Elizabeth  (Dutcher)  Hawes  and  brother  of  the  wife 
of  John  Henry  Avery  (No.  3528) ).  He  was  b.  in  1841,  at  Fort 
Lee,  N.  J.  He  was  an  engineer.  He  d.  June  23,  1901,  at  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.    She  is  living  (1911)  at  New  London,  Conn. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1029 

Children    of   William    Henry   Harrison    and    Mary   Louise 

(Avery)   Hawes: 

i.       Annie   Avery1",   b.    Dec.   18,   1866,   at   Waterford;    m.   John 

Allison    Wood, 
ii.      Elizabeth   Dutcher1",  b.  April  5,  1869,  at  Waterford;   m. 

Fred  Bulkeley  Howell, 
iii.     Richard  Paulison1",  b.  July  28,  1873,  at  New  York  City; 

m.  Edith  Markle  Smith;  residence,  Washington,  D.  C. 
iv.     Minnie  Paulison10,  b.  Nov.  29,  1875,  at  New   York  City; 

m.  Reuben  Henry  Hilton, 
v.      Harry10,  b.  Nov.  7,  1879,  at  New  London;  d.  y. 
vi.     John    Gardner10,    b.    Dec.    29,    1881,    at    New    London;    m. 

Rebecca  Sulivane  Henry. 

3536.  James  Billings9  Avery  (Billings*,  Theophilus7, 
James*,  Theophilus-',  Edward*,  James7-,  James1,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  27,  1826,  at  Ledyard,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  14,  1848,  near 
Greenville,  O.,  Marcella  Earhart,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth 
(Scribner)  Earhart.  She  was  b.  Jan.  10,  1827,  at  Greenville, 
0.    He  d.  Sept.  1,  1905,  at  Greenville,  where  she  is  living  (1911) . 

Children  of  James  Billings  and  Marcella  (Earhart)  Avery, 
b.  near  Greenville: 

7541.  i.      Prudence  Mary10,  b.  Sept.  20,  1849. 

ii.  Franklin  Putnam10,  b.  Jan.  21,  1852;  d.  May  20,  1869. 

7542.  iii.  Emily  Margery10,  b.  Oct.  8,  1858. 

7543.  iv.  Lizzie  Marcella10,  b.  July  28,  1862. 

7544.  v.  Ira  James10,  b.  Feb.  28,  1869. 

3537.  Theophilus9  Avery  (Billings9,  Theophilus7,  James6, 
Theophilus5,  Edward",  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  30,  1827,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  13,  1852,  at  Pres- 
ton, Conn.,  Mary  Lydia  Corning,  dau.  of  Jedediah  and  Lydia 
(Hazen)  Corning.  She  was  b.  Oct.  4,  1831,  at  Preston.  He 
was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Oct.  6,  1880,  at  Ledyard ;  she  d.  Aug.  26, 
1896,  at  New  London,  Conn. 

Children  of  Theophilus  and  Mary  Lydia  (Corning)  Avery, 
b.  at  Ledyard: 

7546.  i.  Mary  Emily10,  b.  July  1,  1853. 

7547.  ii.  Billings  Theophilus10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1856. 

7548.  iii.  Ella  Lydia10,  b.  March  22,  1862. 

7549.  iv.  Anna  Elizabeth10,  b.  March  16,  1866. 

7550.  v.  Irving  James10,  b.  Dec.  14,  1873. 

1030  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3538.  Amos  Geer"  Avery  (Billings8,  Theophilus7,  James6, 
Theophilus5,  Edward*,  James5,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  4,  1829,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  April  23,  I860,  at  Groton, 
Conn.,  Sarah  Brewster  Chapman,  dau.  of  Solomon  and  Sarah 
Eliza  (Hazen)  Chapman.  She  was  b.  July  1,  1837,  at  Ledyard. 
He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  April  29,  1903 ;  he  d.  May  1,  1904,  both 
at  Ledyard. 

Children  of  Amos  Geer  and  Sarah  Brewster    (Chapman) 
Avery,  b.  at  Ledyard: 

7551.  i.       Sarah  Margery10,  b.  April  3,  1861;  unm.  in  1910. 

ii.      Elmina  Brewster10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1862;  d.  Jan.  29,  1867. 

7552.  iii.     Julia    Geer10,   b.    March    14,    1865;    m.    Billings   Theophilus 

Avery   (No.  7547). 

7553.  iv.     Amos  Geer10,  b.  Sept.  23,  1868. 

7554.  v.      Ursula    Eliza10,   b.   July   26,    1871;    m.   Billings   Theophilus 

Avery    (No.  7547),  as  his  second  wife. 

3539.  Julia  Elizabeth"  Avery  (James8,  Joshua',  James6, 
Theophilus5,  Edward*,  James",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  13,  1834,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.;  m.  Sept.  15,  1853,  at  Green- 
field, Royal  Church  Graves,  s.  of  Cephas  and  Miranda  (Church) 
Graves.  He  was  b.  Dec.  19,  1827,  at  Sunderland,  Mass.  She  d. 
Jan.  31,  1867,  at  Melrose,  Mass.    He  lives  at  Greenfield. 

Children   of   Royal   Church   and   Julia   Elizabeth    (Avery) 

Graves : 

i.       Mary  Frances10,  b.  Dec.  14,  1856,  at  Greenfield;  d.  Jan.  14, 

ii.      Harriet  Lavinia10,  b.  Oct.  9,  1858. 
iii.     Catharine  Alice10,  b.  Jan.  22,  1860;  m.  Levi  Jewett  Gunn; 

residence,  Greenfield,  Mass. 

3540.  Hannah  Amelia9  Avery  (James8,  Joshua7,  James6, 
Theophilus5,  Edward*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  28,  1836,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  29,  1857,  at  Mon- 
tague, Mass.,  Edward  Everett  Pratt,  s.  of  Ambrose  and  Joanna 
(Haskell)  Pratt.  He  was  b.  Aug.  1,  1834,  at  Montague.  He 
was  a  watchmaker.  She  d.  Nov.  14,  1881 ;  he  d.  Oct.  29,  1910, 
both  at  Limona,  Fla. 

Children  of  Edward  Everett  and  Hannah  Amelia   (Avery) 

Pratt : 

i.       Elizabeth  Augusta10,  b.  Jan.  2,  1859,  at  Springfield,  Mo.; 
d.  May  14,  1884,  at  Limona. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1031 

ii.      Helen10,  b.  March  5,  1860,  at  Fayetteville,  Ark.;  d.  Jan.  12, 

1861,  at  Fayetteville. 
iii.     Edward  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  11,  1870,  at  Elgin,  111.;  m.  Flora 

Julia  Corbett;  residence,  Greenfield,  Mass. 
iv.     Harriet  Joanna"',  b.  Sept.  27,  1871,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.; 

m.  Burton  E.  Coe;  d.  July  26,  1895,  at  Limona. 
v.      Florita",  b.  Oct.  20,  1879;  d.  y. 

3542.  Emily  Morrison"  Avery  (James8,  Joshua7,  James*, 
Tkeophilus5,  Edward*,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
14,  1842,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.;  m.  Aug.  31,  1861,  at  Colerain, 
Mass.,  James  Henry  Davis,  s.  of  Amiel  Keyes  and  Betsey  (San- 
ders) Davis.  He  was  b.  May  6,  1843,  at  Whitingham,  Vt.  He 
was  a  miller.  She  d.  March  21,  1900 ;  he  d.  Dec.  9,  1907,  both 
at  Gibbon,  Neb. 

Children   of  James   Henry   and   Emily   Morrison    (Avery) 
Davis : 

i.  Emma  Lucy1",  b.  Sept.  29,  1867,  at  Colerain;  m.  Charles 
Andrew  Galloway;   residence,  Holdrege,  Neb. 

ii.  Roy  Avery10,  b.  June  22,  1876,  at  Gibbon;  m.  Maud  Edna 
Thomas;   residence,   Gibbon,  Neb. 

3543.  James  Thomas11  Avery  {James8,  Joshua',  James*, 
Tkeophilus5,  Edward*,  James5,  James2,  CJwistopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
22,  1843,  at  Greenfield,  Mass. ;  m.  Feb.  10,  1873,  at  South  Haven, 
Mich.,  Emma  Louisa  Smith,  dau.  of  Edwin  Stanley  and  Emily 
Acenith  (Mead)  Smith.  She  was  b.  June  22,  1853,  at  Paw  Paw, 
Mich.  He  was  a  commercial  traveler;  d.  Jan.  27,  1896,  at  South 
Haven.     She  is  living  (1911)  at  South  Haven,  Mich. 

Children   of   James   Thomas   and   Emma   Louisa    (Smith) 
Avery : 

7555.     i.       Nettie  Eva10,  b.  Dec.  2,  1873,  at  Elgin,  111. 

ii.      Henry  Greenleaf10,  b.  March  19,  1876;  d.  y. 

3545.  George  Washington1'  Avery  (James8,  Joshua',  James9, 
Tkeophilus5,  Edward*,  James",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  13,  1849,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.;  m.  Feb.  12,  1873,  at  Gill, 
Mass.,  Martha  Hosley,  dau.  of  Adolphus  Lorenzo  and  Elvira 
(Severance)  Hosley.  She  was  b.  April  15,  1850,  at  Gill,  Mass. 
He  was  a  grocer ;  d.  March  28,  1909,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.,  where 
his  widow  is  living  (1911). 

1032  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children    of    George    Washington    and    Martha    (Hosley) 
Avery,  b.  at  Greenfield : 

7556.  i.       Sarah  Evelyn10,  b.  Oct.  23,  1874. 

7557.  ii.      Jennie  Melinda10,  b.  March  7,  1877. 

7558.  iii.     Helen  Martha10,  b.  Feb.  21,  1883. 

3546.  Franklin  Leverett9  Avery  (Ichabod8,  Erastus7,  Theo- 
phihts8,  Theophilus-',  Edward*,  James*,  James'-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  31,  1843,  at  Durham,  Conn.;  m.  June  13,  1877,  at 
Hartford,  Conn.,  Kittie  O'Donnell,  of  Middlebury,  Vt.  She  was 
b.  at  Middlebury,  Vt. ;  d.  in  July,  1894,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
He  m.  2d,  in  Feb.,  1896,  at  Hartford,  Rose  Neibert,  dau.  of 
George  Neibert  of  Dayton,  0.  She  was  b.  Sept.  26,  1866.  He  d. 
June  21,  1910,  at  Hartford. 

Child  of  Franklin  Leverett  and  Kittie  (O'Donnell)   Avery: 
i.       Frank  Lester10,  b.  Feb.  3,  1879,  at  Hartford;  d.  y. 

3547.  Eliza  Jane9  Avery  (Ichabod8,  Erastus7,  Theophilus6, 
Theophilus*,  Edward*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  31,  1845,  at  Durham,  Conn.;  m.  April  22,  1875,  at  Tres 
Palacios,  Texas,  Arthur  Montgomery  Pelton,  s.  of  John  O.  and 
Lydia  (Wood)  Pelton.  He  was  b.  Feb.  7,  1844,  at  Ovid,  Mich. 
She  was  his  second  wife.  She  d.  Oct.  23,  1894,  at  Matagorda, 
Tex.  He  m.  again  and  his  third  wife  is  dead.  He  is  a  retired 
physician  and  is  living  (1911)  at  Matagorda,  Tex.    No  children. 

3548.  Ellen  Coe9  Avery  {Ichabod8,  Erastus7,  Theophilus6, 
Theophilus5,  Edward*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
28,  1848,  at  Durham,  Conn. ;  m.  May  29,  1872,  at  Glastonbury, 
Conn.,  Julius  Marble  Lester,  s.  of  Chauncey  and  Abbie  (Wood) 
Lester.  He  was  b.  June  5,  1843,  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.  He 
was  in  the  employ  of  the  Veeder  Manufacturing  Company.    He 

d.  Dec.  19,  1908,  at  Hartford,  Conn.     She  is  living  at  Hartford, 

Child  of  Julius  Marble  and  Ellen  Coe  (Avery)  Lester: 

i.  Howard  Wood10,  b.  June  30,  1873,  at  East  Hartford;  m.  May 
Blossom  Whipple;  residence,  Hartford,  Conn.  Children: 
(a.)  John  Whipple11,  b.  Sept.  6,  1907;  (b.)  Helen  Eliza- 
beth", b.  Nov.  13,  1909;  d.  y. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1033 

3549.  Rosella  Maria9  Avery  (Ichabod8,  Erastus7,  Theophi- 
lus6,  Theophilus'%  Edward',  James'-,  James-,  Chiistopher1)  was 
b.  July  29,  1851,  at  Durham,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  30,  1875,  at  Glas- 
tonbury, Conn.,  Joseph  Albiston,  s.  of  Roger  and  Lavania  (Bow- 
ker)  Albiston.  He  was  b.  April  14,  1849,  at  Mansfield,  Conn. 
He  is  a  farmer.  She  d.  Aug.  28,  1885,  at  South  Manchester, 
Conn.    He  is  living  (1911)  at  South  Manchester,  Conn. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Rosella  Maria  (Avery)  Albiston, 
b.  at  South  Manchester: 

i.       Gertrude  Lavinia10,  b.  Aug.   13,   1876;   m.   Dr.   LeRoy   Kil- 

bourne  Hagenow;   residence,  Hills  Grove,  R.  I. 
ii.      Martha   Avery10,   b.    Aug.   4,    1878;    m.    Henry   Ben   Helm; 

residence,  New  York  City, 
iii.     Alice  Louise10,  b.  April  24,  1885;  d.  y. 

3550.  Minnie  Louise :<  Avery  (Ichabod8,  Erastus7,  Theophi- 
lus6,  Theophilus*,  Edivard*,  Jamesz,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Aug.  3,  1858,  at  Durham,  Conn. ;  m.  Aug.  12,  1878,  at  Glaston- 
bury, Conn.,  George  Ellery  Darlin,  s.  of  George  Washington  and 
Martha  (Marcy)  Darlin.  He  was  b.  Oct.  19,  1856,  at  East  Hart- 
ford, Conn.  He  is  a  retired  merchant.  Residence,  East  Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

Children    of   George    Ellery   and    Minnie   Louise    (Avery) 

Darlin : 

i.       Florence  Lucinda10,  b.  June  14,  1883,  at  East  Hartford;  d. 

July  26,  1888,  at  East  Hartford, 
ii.      Helen  Mildred10,  b.  Jan.  3.  1886,  at  East  Hartford;  d.  July 

7,  1891,  at  East  Hartford, 
iii.     Maybelle  Arline10,  b.  May  1,  1894,  at  East  Hartford. 

3556.  Lucy  Latham9  Avery  (Augustus*,  Anson7,  Daniel9, 
Asa5,  Edward',  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  27, 
1862,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  27, 1883,  at  Syracuse,  Clarence 
Eurick  Sherwood,  s.  of  Thomas  Mallory  and  Alvina  (Adams) 
Sherwood.  He  was  b.  Sept.  6,  1860,  at  North  Manlius,  N.  Y. ;  d. 
Dec.  10,  1884,  at  Syracuse. 

Child  of  Clarence  Eurick  and  Lucy  Latham  (Akry)  Sher- 
wood : 

i.       Avery  Clarence10,  b.  March  3,  1884,  at  Syracuse. 

1034  The  Groton   Avery   Clan 

3557.  Mary  Augusta9  Avery  (Augustus8,  Anson7,  Daniel", 
Asa'',  Edward*,  James''-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  10, 
1864,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.;  m.  Sept.  30,  1891,  at  Syracuse,  Charles 
Frederick  O'Donnell,  s.  of  Bryan  Joseph  and  Mary  (Byrne) 
O'Donnell.  He  was  b.  March  11,  1864,  at  Syracuse.  Residence, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Charles   Frederick   and   Mary  Augusta    (Avery) 

O'Donnell : 

i.       Harriet10,  b.  Dec.  24,  1892,  at  Syracuse. 

3566.  Cyrus  Miller''  Avery  (Cyrus8,  Alfred7,  David6,  Asa% 
Edward4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  4,  1854,  at 
Cleveland,  0.;  m.  Nov.  8,  1888,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.:  Rachel 
Foster,  dau.  of  J.  Heron  and  Julia  (Manuel)  Foster.  She  was 
b.  Dec.  30,  1858,  at  Pittsburg,  Pa.  He  is  a  hardware  factor  and 
commission  merchant,  and  a  firm  believer  in  the  principles 
advocated  by  his  mother.  His  wife  has  been  active  from  girl- 
hood in  the  woman  suffrage  movement;  see  "Who's  Who  in 

Children  of  Cyrus  Miller  and  Rachel  (Foster)  Avery: 
i.       Miriam  Alice  Foster10,  b.  Jan.  10,  1887  (adopted). 

7568.  ii.      Rose  Foster10,  b.  May  31,  1890,  at  Philadelphia. 

7569.  iii.     Julia  Foster1",  b.  Jan.  5,  1892,  at  Philadelphia. 

3567.  Albert  Allyn9  Avery  (Egbert8,  Alfred7,  David6,  Asa", 
Edward*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  21,  1864, 
at  Tabor,  la. ;  m.  March  22,  1890,  at  McCook,  Neb.,  Anna  Jane 
Scott,  dau.  of  Enoch  and  Piety  (Haworth)  Scott.  She  was  b. 
Nov.  20,  1869,  at  Bangor,  la.  He  is  an  expert  machinist.  Resi- 
dence, Saint  Paul,  Minn. 

Children  of  Albert  Allyn  and  Anna  Jane  (Scott)  Avery: 
Edith  Scott10,  b.  Jan.  25,  1892,  at  Orleans,  Neb. 
Harriet  Elizabeth1',  b.  Sept.  29,  1893,  at  Red  Cloud,  Neb. 
Alice  May10,  b.  Nov.  20,  1894,  at  Republican  City,  Neb. 
Dorothy  Ellen10,  b.  Dec.  8,  1895,  at  Tabor,  la.;  d.  y. 
Marcella  Louisa10,  b.  Sept.  30,  1905,  at  Brainard,  Minn. 

3569.  Lewis  Burtis''  Avery  (Henry8,  Alfred7,  David",  Asa*, 
Edward*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  28,  1859, 
at  Stevens  Point,  Wis.;  m.  Aug.  18,  1886,  at  Tabor,  la.,  Marie 
Louise  Tolman,    dau.  of  Daniel  Locke  and  Mary  Maria   (Reed) 




















The  Ninth   Generation  1035 

Tolman.  She  was  b.  May  6,  1860,  at  Marlboro,  N.  H.  He  was 
graduated  from  Tabor  College  in  1883 ;  studied  at  the  University 
of  Minnesota;  engaged  in  teaching;  had  charge  of  the  science 
department  in  the  state  normal  school  at  St.  Cloud,  Minn. ;  was 
president  of  the  state  normal  school  at  Mayville,  No.  Dak. ; 
superintendent  of  the  public  schools  of  Redlands,  Calif.,  and 
principal  of  the  high  school  for  thirteen  years ;  president  of  the 
board  of  education  of  San  Bernardino  County,  Calif. ;  president 
of  the  Southern  California  Teachers'  Association.  He  is  now 
(1911)  principal  of  the  high  school  at  San  Jose,  Calif.,  a  school 
numbering  1,150  pupils. 

Children  of  Lewis  Burtis  and  Marie  Louise  (Tolman) 
Avery : 

Louise10,  b.  March  19,  1891,  at  St.  Cloud. 
Harold  Tolman10,  b.  Oct.  24,  1892,  at  St.  Cloud. 
Marion10,  b.  Jan.  12,  1896,  at  Redlands. 
Priscilla  Irene1",  b.  June  12,  1899,  at  Redlands. 
Margaret  Eleanor1",  b.  Dec.  11,  1900,  at  Redlands. 

3570.  Harry  Coleman"  Avery  (Henry8,  Alfred',  David6, 
Asa*,  Edward*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  25, 
1875,  at  Tonica,  111.;  m.  June  3,  1903,  at  Des  Moines,  la.,  Lura 
Whittlesy  Riddle,  dau.  of  Oscar  Charles  and  Mary  Elizabeth 
(Campbell)  Riddle.  She  was  b.  May  25,  1879,  at  Gowrie,  la.  He 
is  a  traveling  salesman.     Residence,  Oklahoma  City,  Okla. 

Child  of  Harry  Coleman  and  Lura  Whittlesy  (Riddle) 
Avery : 

7583.     i.       Ruth1",  b.  June  30,  1908,  at  Oklahoma  City. 

3572.  Eleanor  Grace"  Avery  (Henry8,  Alfred7,  David6,  Asa5. 
Edward*,  James",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  13,  1881, 
at  College  Springs,  la.;  m.  Dec.  20,  1905,  at  Des  Moines,  la., 
Jesse  Erwin  Riddle,  s.  of  Oscar  Charles  and  Mary  Elizabeth 
(Campbell)  Riddle.  He  was  b.  Feb.  7,  1882,  at  Farnhamville, 
la.    Residence,  Des  Moines,  la. 

Child  of  Jesse  Erwin  and  Eleanor  Grace  (Avery)  Riddle: 
i.       Caroline  Mary1",  b.  Nov.  27,  1906,  at  Oelwein,  la. 

3586.  Caroline11  Avery  (Park  William*,  Youngs",  Parke6, 
Parke"',  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
12,  1815,    at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  Dec.  13,  1835,  in  the  "Hive" 

1036  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

at  Groton,  Conn.,  Hiram  Allyn,  s.  of  Rufus  and  Freelove  (Mor- 
gan) Allyn.  He  was  b.  March  30,  1812,  at  Groton.  He  was  a 
carpenter  and  builder  at  Webster,  Mass.;  justice  of  the  peace; 
trial  justice;  selectman;  a  mason,  and  a  Congregationalist.  She 
d.  April  30,  1891 ;  he  d.  Sept.  4,  1891,  both  at  Webster,  and  in 
the  house  in  which  they  had  lived  for  fifty  years. 

Children  of  Hiram  and  Caroline  (Avery)  Allyn: 

i.       Laura  Jane10,  b.  Oct.  19,  1838,  at  Hampton,  Conn.;  m.  Justin 
Byron  Holman.     Residence,  Saybrook,  Conn. 

ii.      Emma  Frances10,  b.  Oct.  16,  1843,  at  Webster,  Mass. 

iii.     Carrie  Inez10,  b.  July  10,  1856,  at  Webster;  d.  y. 

3587.  Albert  Francis9  Avery  (Park  William9,  Youngs7, 
Parke6,  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  21,  1817,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  Dec.  24,  1844,  at 
Groton,  Conn.,  Aurelia  Ashby,  dau.  of  Prentice  and  Hannah 
(Morgan)  Ashby.  She  was  b.  Aug.  28,  1824,  at  Groton;  d. 
Aug.  4,  1855,  at  Groton.  He  m.  2d,  Aug.  13,  1856,  at  Groton, 
Lucy  Ann  Avery  (No.  3440),  dau.  of  John  Parke  and  Lucy 
(Avery)  Avery,  and  widow  of  Lodowic  Herman  Edwards.  She 
was  b.  Aug.  22,  1820,  at  Groton.  He  was  a  carpenter.  He  d. 
Jan.  21,  1890,  at  Groton;  she  d.  Sept.  10,  1901,  at  Glastonbury, 

Child  of  Albert  Francis  and  Aurelia   (Ashby)   Avery: 

i.       Alice10,  b.  June   16,   1845,  at  Groton;   d.   Sept.  10,  1859,  at 

Child  of  Albert  Francis  and  Lucy  Ann  (Avery)  Avery: 
i.       Frank10,  b.  Feb.  20,  1858,  at  Groton;  d.  y. 

3588.  Jefferson '•'  Avery  (Park  Williams,  Youngs7,  Parke9, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
14,  1818,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. ;  m.  Oct.  27,  1844,  at  New  London, 
Conn.,  Hester  Morrison,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Hester  Morrison 
and  widow  of  Nathaniel  Holt.  She  d.  May  21,  1864,  at  New 
London.  He  m.  2d,  July  4,  1865,  at  New  London,  Jane  Babcock, 
dau.  of  Orville  M.  and  Almira  (Tillotson)  Babcock.  He  was  a 
merchant ;  cornet,  1840 ;  lieutenant,  1842,  in  2d  reg't  Conn,  horse 
artillery  (Ms.  State  Papers,  Hartford).  He  d.  Aug.  3,  1884,  at 
New  London. 

Child  of  Jefferson  and  Hester  (Morrison)  Avery: 
7593.     i.       Adelaide  Lockwood10,  b.  June  16,  1845,  at  New  London. 

The   Ninth  Generation 


Child  of  Jefferson  and  Jane  (Babcock)  Avery: 
7594.     i.       Mary  Evelyn"',  b.  Sept.  11,  1869,  at  New  London. 

3589.  James  Deni«on!'  Avery  (Park  William8,  Youngs7, 
Parke6,  Parke*,  Ebenezer\  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  22,  1820,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  May  26,  1850,  at 
Groton,  Conn.,  Caroline   Maconda   Morgan,  dau.  of  Elisha  and 


1038  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Caroline  (Morgan)  Morgan.  She  was  b.  Sept.  16,  1821,  at 
Groton,  Conn.  She  d.  March  23,  1862,  at  Northampton,  Mass. 
He  m.  2d,  April  16,  1866,  at  Groton,  Emelaide  Tiffany  Stone, 
dau.  of  Hezekiah  Olney  and  Ruth  (Borden)  Stone.  She  was  b. 
Nov.  13,  1843,  at  Sutton,  Mass.  In  his  youth,  Mr.  Avery  followed 
the  sea  and  was  one  of  the  California  "Forty-niners."  OmJiis 
return  to  Groton,  he  took  up  his  home  in  the  "Hive  of  the 
Averys"  where  he  lived  until  it  was  burned  in  1894.  (See 
frontispiece  and  pages  47-52.)  He  was  town  clerk  for  twenty 
years  and  kept  the  records  in  the  old  home.  He  gave  the  land 
on  which  the  Avery  memorial  stands  and  was  deeply  interested 
in  the  project  of  an  Avery  Memorial  Association.  He  was  an 
authority  on  the  early  history  of  the  town.  He  d.  Jan.  26,  1897, 
at  Groton;  she  d.  Nov.  29,  1910,  at  Whitman,  Mass. 

Children  of  James  Denison  and  Caroline  Maconda    (Mor- 
gan) Avery: 

7595.  i.       Julian  Morgan10,  b.  July  15,  1853,  at  Groton. 
ii.      Flora  B.10,  b.  June  22,  1855,  at  Groton;  d.  y. 

7596.  iii.     Helen  Morgan10,  b.  Oct.  4,  1856,  at  Caughdenoy,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  James  Denison  and  Emelaide  Tiffany   (Stone) 

Avery : 

7597.  i.       Carrie  Emma10,  b.  July  8,  1870,  in  the  "Hive  of  the  Averys"; 

unm.  in  1911. 

7598.  ii.      Park    Denison10,   b.    Sept.    4,    1883,    in    the    "Hive   of   the 

Averys";   residence,  Whitman,  Mass. 

3590.  Eunice  Latham9  Avery  (Park  William8,  Youngs7, 
Parke6,  Parke7',  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  31,  1822,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  April  3,  1846,  at 
Groton,  John  Albert  Morgan,  s.  of  Elisha  and  Caroline  (Mor- 
gan) Morgan.  He  was  b.  April  27,  1823,  at  Groton.  He  d.  Dec. 
27,  1895;  she  d.  Sept.  15,  1900,  both  at  Willits,  Calif. 

Children  of  John  Albert  and  Eunice  Latham  (Avery)  Mor- 

i.       Lauriston  Avery10,  b.  April  10,  1847,  at  Groton;  m.  Cath- 
erine Denslow;  d.  Oct.  26,  1899,  at  Mendocino,  Cal. 
ii.      Caroline10,  b.  Feb.  15,  1859,  at  San  Francisco;  d.  y. 
iii.     Ora   Emma10,   b.   May   24,    1864,   at   Noyo,   Calif.;    m.   John 
Adam  Blosser. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1039 

3591.  Young's5'  Avery  {Park  William8,  Youngs7,  Parke9, 
Parke6,  Ebenezer*,  James-,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Feb.  8, 
1824,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. ;  m.  Dec.  12,  1847,  at  Groton,  Conn., 
Maria  Louisa  Haley,  dau.  of  Jabez  D.  and  Priscilla  (Morgan) 
Haley.  She  was  b.  Nov.  30,  1824,  at  Springport,  N.  Y.  He  was 
a  farmer.  He  d.  April  22,  1870;  she  d.  Oct.  7,  1891,  both  at 

Children  of  Youngs  and  Maria  Louisa  (Haley)  Avery,  b. 
at  Groton : 

7599.  i.      Hubbard  Daniel"1,  b.  Feb.  22,  1849. 

7600.  ii.      Luther  Dean10,  b.  Oct.  22,  1854,  in  the  "Hive." 

iii.     Frank  Haley10,  b.  Feb.  27,  1858,  in  the  "Hive";  d.  y. 

7601.  iv.     Stella  Maria10,  b.  Oct.  31,  1864. 

3592.  Lucy  Ann9  Avery  (Park  William3,  Youngs7,  Parke*, 
Parke3,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
14,  1825,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. ;  m.  Aug.  7,  1844,  in  the  "Hive," 
Hubbard  Daniel  Morgan,  s.  of  Daniel  and  Priscilla  (Burrows) 
Morgan.  Priscilla  Burrows  was  the  dau.  of  Hubbard  and  Sarah 
(Avery)  Burrows  (No.  100).  He  was  b.  May  12,  1804,  at 
Groton.  She  d.  Nov.  25,  1851;  he  d.  July  17,  1894,  both  at 
Groton.     No  children. 

3594.  Adelia  Esther9  Avery  (Park  William3,  Youngs1, 
Parke*,  Parke3,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  May  11,  1832,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  April  16,  1856,  at 
Groton,  Conn.,  in  the  "Hive  of  the  Averys,"  Elisha  Seabury 
Thomas,  of  Canisteo,  N.  Y.,  s.  of  Seabury  and  Hannah  Avery 
(Haley)  Thomas.  He  was  a  descendant  of  Hubbard  and  Sarah 
(Avery)  Burrows  (No.  100).  He  was  b.  Aug.  9,  1826,  at  Led- 
yard,  Conn.  He  was  an  extensive  farmer,  selectman,  tax  col- 
lector, member  of  the  legislature,  and  held  other  offices  of  trust 
and  honor.  He  d.  Aug.  25,  1908,  at  Groton,  where  he  had  lived 
more  than  forty  years,  universally  esteemed  for  both  his  public 
and  his  private  life.  The  family  is  living  (1912)  at  "High  Rock 
Place,"  which,  since  the  time  of  James2  Avery,  has  been  owned 
by  some  of  his  descendants. 

Children  of  Elisha  Seabury  and  Adelia  Esther  (Avery) 
Thomas : 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Residence    of  Elisha   Seabury   Thomas. 

Called  "High  Rock  Place,"  and  situated  at  the  head  of  the  Eastern  Point  and  lower 
Poquonock  Road.  Mr.  Thomas  purchased  this  land  in  1805  of  Park  William  Avery, 
being  the  southern  portion  of  the  farm  known  as  "Birch  Plains"  and  named  it  from 
the    ledge   on   the    rise   of   ground   at    the    north    of   the    farm. 




Ida  Eliza10,   b.  Feb.  6,  1857,  at  Canisteo,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 

William  Seabury1"^. Aug.  26,1862,  in  "The  Hive";  m. March 
10,  1898,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.,  Harriet  Eunice  Fanning, 
dau.  of  Judge  George  and  Mary  Abbey  (Spicer)  Fanning 
(No.  1702,  i).  She  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1872,  at  Ledyard; 
d.  Dec.  18,  1907,  at  Groton.     He  is  living  at  Groton. 

Addie  Avery"',  b.  Nov.  29,  1866,  at  Groton,  in  the  "Hive  of 
the  Averys."  She  is  (1911)  regent  of  the  Anne  Warner 
Bailey  Chapter  of  the  D.  A.  R.,  and  a  member  of  the 
state  commission  for  the  care  of  Fort  Griswold.  Resi- 
dence. Groton,  Conn. 

3595.  Ellen  Nancy"  Avery  (Park  William*,  Youngs1 ,  Parke*, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
18,  1834,  at  New  Milford,  Pa.;  m.  Feb.  18,  1856,  at  Groton, 
Conn.,  in  the  "Hive  of  the  Averys,"  Benedict  Wells  Morgan, 
s.  of  Isaac  and  Abby  (Wells)  Morgan.  He  was  b.  March  7,  1830, 
at  Old  Mystic,  Conn.  He  was  a  merchant;  an  extensive  holder 
of  real  estate ;  a  soldier  in  the  civil  war,  Co.  E,  21st  reg't  Conn, 
inf 'y ;  a  member  of  Williams  Post,  G.  A.  R.  and  of  the  Legion  of 

The  Ninth   Generation  1041 

Honor.     He  d.  May  15,   1901;  she  d.  April  27,   1908,  both  at 
Mystic,  Conn. 

Children  of  Benedict  Wells  and  Ellen  Nancy  (Avery)  Mor- 
gan, b.  at  Old  Mystic: 

i.       Walter    Clifford1",    b.    Nov.    1,    1856;    m.    Martha    Wilbur 

Wheeler;  residence,  Mystic,  Conn. 
ii.      Harriet  Avery11',  b.  April  11,  1858;  m.  William   C.   Benja- 

3596.  Prentice  Park9  Avery  (Park  William6,  Youngs7, 
Parke6,  Parke:',  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  6,  1836,  in  the  "Hive"  at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  April  16, 
1858,  at  Groton,  Adelaide  Perry,  dau.  of  Nehemiah  Dodge  and 
Betsy  Adaline  (Avery)  Perry  (No.  3439).  She  was  b.  Dec.  13, 
1841,  at  Springfield,  Mass.  He  was  a  ship  chandler.  He  d.  Aug. 
19,  1884,  at  Milford,  Conn.  She  is  living  (1911)  at  New  Haven, 

Child  of  Prentice  Park  and  Adelaide  (Perry)  Avery: 
7602.     i.       Edward  Perry10,  b.  July  10,  1860,  at  Webster,  Mass. 

3597.  Moses  Rogers9  Avery  (Latham  Youngs8,  Youngs7, 
Parke0,  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  12,  1823,  at  Groton ;  m.  Feb.  6,  1849,  at  Groton,  Julia  Emily 
Avery  (No.  3593),  dau.  of  Park  William  and  Clarissa  Belton 
(Avery)  Avery.  She  was  b.  Feb.  6,  1828,  at  New  Milford,  Pa. 
She  d.  Aug.  20,  1886;  he  d.  March  13,  1899,  both  at  Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

Children  of  Moses  Rogers  and  Julia  Emily  (Avery)  Avery, 

b.  at  Syracuse: 

Theodore  Barton'0,  b.  May  12,  1850;  d.  Nov.  8,  1855. 

Latham  Dean10,  b.  May  13,  1854. 

Laura10,  b.  Jan.  9,  1857. 

Alfred10,  b.  July  12,  1858;  d.  y. 

Edward10,  b.  July  12,  1858. 

Ora10,  b.  Dec.  21,  1860. 

Lucy10,  b.  Dec.  13,  1862. 

3598.  Thomas  Youngs9  Avery  (Latham  Youngs8,  Youngs7, 
Parke'-,  Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  14,  1831,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  May  10,  1853,  at  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y.,  Georgianna  Lyon  Allen,  dau.  of  Henry  Watkins  and 
Laura  (Hall)  Allen.     She  was  b.  July  21,  1835,  at  Skaneateles, 













1042  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

N.  Y.  He  was  a  salt  manufacturer;  d.  Dec.  2,  1898,  at  New  York 
City.  He  was  buried  at  Skaneateles,  where  his  widow  resides 

Children  of  Thomas  Youngs  and  Georgianna  Lyon  (Allen) 

Avery : 

Laura  Augusta10,  b.  Sept.  27,  1854,  at  Oswego,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 
Fannie  Hannah10,  b.  Nov.  25,  1855,  at  Oswego,  N.  Y.;  d.  y. 
Henry  Latham1",  b.  Sept.  7,  1858,  at  Oswego;  d.  March  2, 

1886,  at  Piffard,  N.  Y.;  unm. 
Frederick  Thomas'",  b.  Aug.  31,  1862,  at  Albany. 
Mary  Alice10,  b.  May  30,  1865;  d.  y. 
William  Allen10,  b.  Dec.  4,  1867,  at  New  York  City. 
Mabel  Allen10,  b.  Sept.  19,  1875,  at  Skaneateles;  author  of 

"Mother  Goose  on  Bridge";  residence,  Skaneateles. 

3599.  Thomas  Edward1'  Avery  (Thomas  Jefferson*,  Thomas7, 
Parke6,  Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  3,  1837;  m.  Dec.  31,  1870,  at  New  York  City,  Cornelia  Mott 
Roder.  He  served  during  the  civil  war  in  the  22d  reg't  of  New 
York  inf 'y ;  was  an  architect ;  at  the  time  of  his  death,  he  had  been 
for  a  quarter  of  a  century  employed  in  the  office  of  the  supervis- 
ing architect  of  the  U.  S.  treasury  department.  He  d.  Nov.  19, 
1905,  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

Children  of  Thomas  Edward  and  Cornelia  Mott  (Roder) 
Avery : 












Austin  Theodore10,  b.  Nov.  1,  1872 

ii.  Edward  R.10;  d.  y. 

7612.  iii.  Sarah  Latimer10,  b.  Sept.  12,  1876. 
iv.  Henry  Dillenbeck10;  d.  y. 

v.  Ednelia  Knapp10,  b.  March  21,  1880;  d.  y. 

7613.  vi.  Morris  Vernon10,  b.  Jan.,  1884. 

3602.  Sarah  Rogers9  Avery  (Park  Stephen9,  Thomas7, Parke*, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  13, 
1847 ;  m.  Dec.  13,  1866,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  Welton  B.  Ostrander. 

Children  of  Welton  B.  and  Sarah  Rogers  (Avery)  Ostran- 

i.      Lucy10. 
ii.      Ethel10, 

3603.  John  Murray9  Avery  (Park  Stephen* , Thomas7 ,  Parke6, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  3, 
1850;  m.  Nov.  19,  1873,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,   Dora  E.  Huntley, 

The   Ninth  Generation  1043 

dau.  of  George  W.  and  Cordelia  E.  (Goodrich)  Huntley.  She  was 
b.  Feb.  14,  1853. 

Child  of  John  Murray  and  Dora  E.  (Huntley)  Avery: 

7620.  i.       Sarah  O.10,  b.  Oct.  5,  1876. 

3604.  George  May9  Avery  (Park  Stephen*,  Thomas7.  Parke9, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  19, 
1862;  m.  Sept.  5,  1885,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  Augusta  Chandler, 
dau.  of  John  W.  and  Grace  (Colvin)  Chandler.  She  was  b.  March 
16,  1866. 

Children  of  George  May  and  Augusta  (Chandler)  Avery: 

7621.  i.      Carroll  Chandler10,  b.  Oct.  5,  1886. 
ii.      Welton  B.'°,  b.  1891;  d.  y. 

3605.  Ellen  Frances9  Avery  {Marvin  Bailey*,  Cyrus1,  Jasper", 
Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  28, 
1828,  at  Springfield,  Mass.;  m.  Aug.  10,  1848,  at  Mystic,  Conn., 
Elias  Franklin  Coates,  s.  of  Elias  and  Maria  (Phillips)  Coates. 
He  was  b.  Aug.  21,  1820,  at  Plainfield,  Conn.  He  was  a  physician 
and  surgeon.  He  d.  Dec.  5,  1886;  she  d.  July  28,  1888,  both  at 
Mystic,  Conn. 

Children  of  Elias  Franklin  and  Ellen  Frances  (Avery) 
Coates,  b.  at  Mystic : 

i.       Frank  Avery10,  b.  July  15,  1851;  m.  Julia  Beebe;  residence, 

ii.      Mary  Ella10,  b.  March  31,  1857;  residence,  Mystic. 

3606.  Ann  Maria9  Avery  {Urbane8,  Cyrus' ,  Jasper*,  Parke' , 
Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  27,  1830, 
at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Oct.  23,  1854,  at  Groton,  Benjamin  Burrows, 

s.  of  Benjamin  and  Rebecca  (Thompson)  Burrows,  He  was  b. 
Feb.  6,  1815,  at  Mystic,  Conn.  She  d.  April  12,  1860 ;  he  d.  Aug. 
3,  1894,  both  at  Mystic. 

Children  of  Benjamin  and  Ann  Maria  (Avery)  Burrows,  b. 
at  Mystic : 

i.       Elizabeth  Avery10,  b.  April  20,  1856;  residence,  Mystic, 
ii.      Benjamin  Franklin10,  b.  April  14,  1859;  m.  Annie  B.  Green; 
residence,  Mystic. 

3607.  Frances  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Urbane*,  Cyrus1,  Jasper'', 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
26,  1833,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  May  8,  1853,  at  San  Francisco, 

1044  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Calif.,  Osmar  Hale  Morgan,  s.  of  Elisha  and  Caroline  Maconda 
(Morgan)  Morgan.  He  was  b.  July  10,  1826,  at  Groton.  He  was 
one  of  the  California  "Forty-niners."  They  moved  to  Port  Town- 
send,  Wash.  He  was  a  sea  captain ;  later  a  farmer ;  light-house 
keeper  at  Narrowstone  Point,  Wash. ;  representative  to  the  state 
legislature.  She  d.  Feb.  13,  1899,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif.  He  was 
living  at  Fort  Flagler,  Wash.,  when  we  last  heard  from  him. 

Children  of  Osmar  and  Frances  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Morgan: 

i.       Clarence  Osmar10,  b.  Feb.  3,  1855,  at  Sacramento,  Calif, 
ii.      Emma  Frances10,  b.  Aug.  7,  1857,  at  Sacramento;  d.  Aug.  1, 

1868,  at  Whidby  Island,  Wash. 
iii.     Carrie  Malvina10,  b.  Jan.  10,  1860,  at  San  Francisco;  d.  y. 
iv.     Annette  Elizabeth1",  b.  Oct.  7,  1861,  at  San  Francisco;  m. 
v.      Henry  Elisha10,  b.  Aug.  20,  1863,  at  San  Francisco;  d.  Nov. 

5,  1883,  at  San  Francisco. 
vi.     Katie  Amelia3",  b.  Aug.  27,  1865,  at  Whidby  Island;  m. 
vii.    Elisha10,  b.  April  20,  1870,  at  Whidby  Island;  m. 
viii.  Frederick  William   Avery10,  b.  Oct.  23,  1872,  at  Whidby 

Island;  d.  y. 
ix.     Albert  Arthur10,  b.  April  18,  1875,  at  Whidby  Island;  m. 

3608.  Amanda  Malvina9  Avery  (Urbane*,  Cyrus7,  Jasper6, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  14, 
1835,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Aug.  17,  1856,  at  Groton,  Timothy 
Watrous,  s.  of  Joseph  and  Rebecca  Watrous.  He  was  b.  Sept.  26, 
1830,  at  Groton.  He  d.  March  25,  1863,  at  Suffolk,  Va.,  in  the 
army ;  she  d.  June  29,  1866,  at  Groton. 

Children  of  Timothy  and  Amanda  Malvina  (Avery)  Wat- 

i.       Sarah10,  b.  July  18,  1858;  m.  Richard  Bentley  Morse, 
ii.      William10,  b.  July  20,  1860;  m.  Elizabeth  Lavergne  Dockrey. 
iii.     Robert   Elmer10,  b.  July  9,   1862;   m.  Idella  Electa   Lang- 

3609.  Mary  Helen9  Avery  (Urbane8,  Cyrus7,  Jasper6,  Parke5, 
Ebenezer4,  Jamess,  James2,  Christopher'1)  was  b.  April  17,  1837, 
at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1861,  George  T.  Spink. 

Children  of  George  T.  and  Mary  Helen  (Avery)  Spink : 
i.       Boone  A.10,  b.  July  21,  1862;  residence,  Noank,  Conn, 
ii.     Forest10,  b.  Dec.  12,  1864. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1045 

3610.  Urbane9  Avery  (Urbane8,  Cyrus7,  Jasper*,  Parke5, 
Ebenezer\  Jamesz,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  24,  1839,  at 
Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Aug  19,  1863,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  Jannette 
Crandall,  dau.  of  John  and  Jerusha  (Bates)  Crandall.  She  was 
b.  Oct.  29,  1844,  at  Groton.    Residence,  Noank,  Conn. 

Children  of  Urbane  and  Jannette  (Crandall)  Avery,  b.  at 
Groton : 


Carrie  Belle'0,  b.  Jan.  25,  1867. 
i.      Winnie  Bird10,  b.  Nov.  14,  1871. 
ii.     Addie  Luella10,  b.  Jan.  17,  1873. 
v.     Fred  E.1",  b.  Aug.  26,  1875;  d.  y. 

3611.  Cyrus9  Avery  (Urbane8,  Cyrus7,  Jasper1',  Parke7',  Eben- 
ezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  13,  1843,  at 
Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  Dec.  3,  1868,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.,  Jane  Rosetta 
Perkins,  dau.  of  John  Elias  and  Sarah  Maria  (Chapman)  Per- 
kins. She  was  b.  April  13,  1849,  at  Ledyard.  He  is  a  farmer; 
vice-president  of  the  Avery  Memorial  Association  (see  page  49). 
Residence,  Poquonock  Bridge,  Conn. 

Children  of  Cyrus  and  Jane  Rosetta  (Perkins)  Avery: 
7625.     i.       Frances  Elizabeth10,  b.  June  23,  1873,  at  Groton. 
ii.      John  Sanford10,  b.  July  30,  1878,  at  Groton;  d.  y. 

3612.  Charles  Stoddard9  Avery  (Urbane8,  Cyrus7,  Jasper6, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  21, 
1845,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  May  20,  1877,  at  Westerly,  R.  I., 
Ann  Maria  Frink,  dau.  of  William  and  Sarah  (Chapel)  Frink. 
She  was  b.  Aug.  30,  1843,  at  East  Lyme,  Conn.  He  is  a  mer- 
chant and  a  member  of  the  state  senate  (1911-1912).  No  chil- 
dren.   Residence,  Norwich,  Conn. 

3613.  Henry9  Avery  ( Urbane8,  Cyrus7,  Jasper6,  Parke5,  Eben- 
ezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  21,  1845,  at 
Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  March  29, 1879,  at  Groton,  Louise  Ellen  Ebbets, 

dau.  of  William  Henry  and  Catharine  (Hassett)  Ebbets.  She 
was  b.  March  25,  1853,  at  New  York  City.  He  was  a  steamboat 
engineer,  the  oldest  in  the  employ  of  the  N.  Y.,  N.  H.  and  N.  E. 
R.  R.  Co.  He  d.  March  29,  1904,  at  Newburg,  N.  Y.,  where  his 
widow  is  living  (1911). 

Children  of  Henry  and  Louise  Ellen  (Ebbets)  Avery: 

7627.  i.       Florence  Louise10,  b.  Jan.  11,  1881,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 

7628.  ii.      Mary  Edith10,  b.  Dec.  11,  1885,  at  Norwich. 

1046  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3614.  Addison9  Avery  (Urbane*,  Cyrus7,  Jasper*,  Parke'', 
Ebenezeri,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  17,  1849, 
at  Groton,  Conn. ;  m.  June  3,  1874,  at  Groton,  Eliza  Jane  Crom- 
well, dau.  of  Henry  Austin  and  Harriet  Ann  (Crandall)  Crom- 
well. She  was  b.  April  25,  1852,  at  Groton.  He  is  a  steamboat 
engineer.    Residence,  Norwich,  Conn. 

Child  of  Addison  and  Eliza  Jane  (Cromwell)  Avery: 
7629.     i.       George  Carlisle10,  b.  Jan.  29,  1890,  at  Preston,  Conn. 

3615.  Catharine  Almaria9  Avery  (Frederick8,  Jasper',  Jas- 
per6, Pdrkes,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  28,  1819,  at  Delaware,  0. ;  m.  June  27,  1848,  at  Delaware, 
Edward  Pratt,  s.  of  Robert  and  Hannah  (Attrell)  Pratt.  He  was 
b.  March  27,  1820,  at  Devonshire,  England.  He  d.  Feb.  18,  1895 ; 
she  d.  June  15,  1903,  both  at  Delaware,  O. 

Children  of  Edward  and  Catharine  Almaria  (Avery)  Pratt: 
i.       Elizabeth10,  b.  Aug.  18,  1850,  at  Mt.  Vernon,  O.;  d.  March 

25,  1870,  at  Maumee  City,  O. 
ii.      Clara  Avery10,  b.  April  3,  1854,  at  Delaware,  O.;  residence, 

Asheville,  N.  C. 
iii.     Margaret   Copp10,  b.   Oct.   14,   1857,  at   Delaware,  O.;   resi- 
dence, Asheville. 

3616.  Charlotte  Elizabeth0  Avery  (Frederick*,  Jasper1,  Jas- 
per6, Pa?'ke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  18,  1822,  at  Delaware,  O.;  m.  Nov.  2,  1841,  at  Delaware, 
Dr.  Edward  Rowland,  s.  of  the  Rev.  Henry  Augustus  and  Frances 
(Bliss)  Rowland.  He  was  b.  Nov.  18,  1809,  at  Windsor,  Conn.; 
d.  Aug.  1,  1845,  at  Sunbury,  O.  She  m.  2d,  Oct.  26,  1853,  at 
Delaware,  Anson  Trowbridge,  s.  of  Willard  and  Amy  (Sprague) 
Trowbridge.  He  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1822,  in  Lewis  Co.,  N.  Y.  She 
d.  Aug.  19,  1864 ;  he  d.  Aug.  17,  1888,  both  at  Toledo,  O. 

Child  of  Edward  and  Charlotte  Elizabeth    (Avery)    Row- 

i.  Fannie  Bliss'0,  b.  Aug.  20,  1842,  at  Sunbury,  O.;  m.  John 
Milton  Bibbins;  she  d.  May  31,  1877,  at  Williamsport, 

Child  of  Anson   and   Charlotte   Elizabeth    (Avery)    Trow- 
bridge : 

i.  Mary  Robertson10,  b.  Sept.  24,  1858,  at  Toledo;  residence, 
Toledo,  O. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1047 

3617.  Jasper  Copp9  Avery  {Frederick*,  Jasper,  Jasper*, 
Parke'-,  Ebenezer4,  James7",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  12, 
1827,  at  Delaware,  O. ;  m.  Nov.  10,  1853,  at  Delaware,  Elmora 
Sylvia  Hills,  dau.  of  Dr.  James  Harvey  and  Beulah  (Andrews) 
Hills.  She  was  b.  Sept,  25,  1826,  at  Delaware.  She  d.  Oct.  11, 
1892 ;  he  d.  Oct.  8,  1901,  both  at  Delaware,  0. 

Children  of  Jasper  Copp  and  Elmora  Sylvia  (Hills)  Avery, 
b.  at  Delaware: 

7630.  i.  Estella10,  b.  Jan.  5,  1854. 

7631.  ii.  Frederick  Hills10,  b.  Oct.  24,  1857. 

7632.  iii.  James  Willard10,  b.  March  30,  1859. 

7633.  iv.  Ralph  Murray10,  b.  March  2,  1871. 

3619.  Edwin  Griswold9  Avery  (Frederick*,  Jasper,  Jasper6, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  12, 
1839,  at  Delaware,  O.;  m.  Aug.  29,  1869,  Fanny  Myers,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Myers.    It  is  said  that  he  is  living  at  Delaware,  O. 

Child  of  Edwin  Griswold  and  Fanny  (Myers)  Avery: 

7634.  i.      Rowland  M.10,  b.  April  25,  1870. 

3620.  David  Rosseter9  Avery  (Asher  Rosseter8,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer6,  Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  22,  1820,  at  Scipio,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  1,  1846,  at  Collins,  N.Y., 
Abbie  Loraine  Bryant,  dau.  of  Caleb  and  Abbie  (Cushman) 
Bryant.  She  was  b.  June,  1821,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass. ;  d.  Sept. 
6,  1874,  at  North  Collins,  N.  Y.  He  m.  2d,  March  7,  1875,  at 
North  Collins,  Elizabeth  Cummings,  dau.  of  John  and  Althea 
(Howell)  Cummings,  and  widow  of  Nelson  Fields.  She  was  b. 
July  10,  1830,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  painter.  He  d.  March  1, 
1899,  at  North  Collins.    No  children. 

3621.  Albert  Morgan9  Avery  (Asher  Rosseter8,  Ebenezer, 
Ebenezer6.  Parke%  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  7, 1823,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  8,  1846,  at  Collins,  N.  Y., 
Evaline  Clark,  dau.  of  Erastus  and  Rhoda  Clark.  She  was  b. 
June  8,  1826,  at  Collins.  He  was  a  carpenter  and  builder;  d. 
March  6,  1894,  at  Evans,  N.  Y.  She  is  living  (1911)  at  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. 

Children  of  Albert  Morgan  and  Evaline  (Clark)  Avery: 

7635.  i.      Lorenzo  Erastus10,  b.  Aug.  26,  1847,  at  Collins. 

ii.      Adda  Leetta10,  b.  Dec.  15,  1855,  at  Brant,  N.  Y.;  d.  Dec.  31, 
1862,  at  Brant,  N.  Y. 

1048  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

iii.     Burt  Adelbert10,  b.  April  25,  1858,  at  Brant;  d.  y. 
iv.     Ami  Merchant10,  b.  Jan.  1,  1860,  at  Brant;  d.  y. 

3622.  Eliza  Lucretia"  Avery  (Asher  Rosseter8,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer*,  Parke*,  Ebenezer" ,  James',  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  7,  1828,  at  Collins,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  26,  1848,  at  Collins, 
Lewis  Rogers,  s.  of  Richard  and  Maria  (Brinkerhooff)  Rogers. 
He  was  b.  Sept.  19,  1824,  at  Collins.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d. 
Jan.  29,  1877 ;  she  d.  May  24,  1879,  both  at  North  Collins. 

Children  of  Lewis  and  Eliza  Lucretia  (Avery)  Rogers,  b.  at 

Collins : 

i.       Charles  Lewis'",  b.  Sept.  8,  1857;  d.  y. 

ii.      Mary    Maria10,    b.    April    8,    1866;    m.    Charles    Flomerfelt; 
residence,  East  Aurora,  N.  Y. 

3623.  Amanda  Maria9  Avery  (Asher  Rosseter3,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer*,  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  5,  1830,  at  Collins,  N.  Y.;  m.  Oct.  29,  1851,  at  Collins, 
Samuel  Knowles  Baker,  s.  of  John  and  Ruth  (Corbin)  Baker. 
He  was  b.  Jan.  1,  1829,  at  Hamburg,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer;  d. 
May  28,  1864,  in  the  Union  army.  She  m.  2d,  Aug.  20,  1868, 
at  Hamburg,  Benjamin  Franklin  Innis,  s.  of  Benjamin  and  Sally 
(Rider)  Innis.  He  was  b.  Feb.  20,  1831,  at  Whitins,  Mass.  He 
was  a  machinist,  steam  and  gas-fitter.  He  d.  July  20,  1887,  at 
Oil  City,  Pa.,  where  she  d.  March  7,  1912. 

Child   of   Samuel    Knowles   and   Amanda   Maria    (Avery) 
Baker,  b.  at  North  Collins : 

i.       Oscar  Winfield10,  b.  Sept.  21,  1852;  m.  Sarah  Alice  Voor- 
hies;  residence,  Oil  City,  Pa. 

Child  of  Benjamin  Franklin  and  Amanda  Maria   (Avery) 
Innis,  b.  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ; 

i.       Charles  Franklin1",  b.  April  10,  1869;  m.  Maude  Margaret 
Bailey;  residence,  Coatesville,  Pa. 

3624.  Alma  Sherman9  Avery  (Asher  Rosseter3,  Ebenezer7, 
Ebenezer'\  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  18,  1836,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  6,  1858,  at  Brant,  N.  Y., 
Jonathan  Russell,  s.  of  Timothy  and  Hannah  Minerva  (Warner) 
Russell.  He  was  b.  Sept.  30,  1835,  at  Collins.  She  d.  March  31, 
1899,  at  Fenton,  N.  Y.    He  lives  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1049 

Children  of  Jonathan  and  Alma  Sherman  (Avery)  Russell, 

b.  at  Brant : 

i.       Ruby  Hannah10,  b.  June  8,  1873;   m.  Albert  Milon  Brown. 

He  d.  Oct.  23,  1911,  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Lucy  Alma10,  b.  Jan.  13,  1877;  d.  Dec.  28,  1886,  at  Brant. 

3625.  Edwin9  Avery  (Asher  Rosseter*,  Ebenezer" ',  Ebenezer1', 
Parke'a,  Ebenezer1,  James7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  9, 
1838,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  4,  1860,  at  Brant,  N.  Y., 
Prudence  Flint,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Almira  (Palmer)  Flint.  She 
was  b.  Dec.  8,  1840.    He  is  a  farmer.    From  Sept.,  1862,  to  June, 

1865,  he  was  a  member  of  the  116th  reg't  of  N.  Y.  inf'y.  She  d. 
March  10,  1887,  at  Brant.    He  lives  at  Silver  Creek,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Edwin  and  Prudence  (Flint)  Avery: 

7636.  i.       Orra  Maria10,  b.  March  19,  1866,  at  Brant. 

3627.  Mary  Charlotte9  Avery  (Parke9,  Ebenezer1,  Ebenezer1', 
Parke6,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
5,  1829,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  24,  1849,  at  Collins,  Silas 
Ford  Taylor,  s.  of  John  and  Anna  (Andrews)  Taylor.  He  was 
b.  Dec.  18,  1827,  at  Sodus,  N.  Y.    He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Feb.  6, 

1866,  at  North  Collins,  N.  Y.  She  m.  2d,  Isaac  Wilcox,  s.  of  Will- 
iam Wilcox  of  North  Collins.  She  d.  Feb.  21,  1883,  at  North 
Collins.    He  d.  about  1890,  at  the  same  place. 

Children  of  Silas  Ford  and  Mary  Charlotte  (Avery)  Taylor, 
b.  at  North  Collins : 

i.       Delia  Maria10,  b.  Aug.  28,  1852;  m.  Hart  Lee  Bebee. 

ii.  John  Parke10,  b.  Jan.  19,  1855;  m.  Lottie  Fanny  Davis; 
residence,  North  Collins. 

iii.     James  Eugene10,  b.  Feb.  14,  1857;  d.  y. 

iv.  Byron  Avery10,  b.  July  31,  1859;  m.  Phoebe  Potter;  2d,  Hat- 
tie  Harkness. 

v.      Mary  Isabella10,  b.  Nov.  9,  1861;  m.  Leander  Hussey. 

vi.     Lucy  Anna10,  b.  July  29,  1863;  m.  Clarence  Eugene  White. 

3628.  William  Bird9  Avery  (Parke9,  Ebenezer,  Ebenezer", 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James\  James",  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  14, 
1831,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  2,  1855,  at  Forestville,  N.  Y., 
Jennette  Kimble,  dau.  of  James  Riley  and  Julia  (Bartow)  Kim- 
ble. She  was  b.  Feb.  20,  1839,  at  Brant,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  North  Collins,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  William  Bird  and  Jennette  (Kimble)  Avery: 

7637.  i.       Clara10,  b.  Oct.  3,  1873,  at  North  Collins. 

1050  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3629.  Julia  Maria9  Avery  (Parke8,  Ebenezer7,  Ebenezer6, 
Parke5,  Ebeneze?*4,  James7",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  2, 
1833,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  19,  1852,  at  Collins,  Benoni 
Whittemore,  s.  of  Josiah  and  Alma  (Briggs)  Whittemore.  He 
was  b.  April  25,  1831,  at  North  Collins,  N.  Y.  She  d.  June  16, 
1857,  at  Collins.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Auburn,  Neb. 

Child  of  Benoni  and  Julia  Maria  (Avery)  Whittemore: 

i.       Ellen  Violetta10,  b.  Dec.  6,  1855,  at  Eden,  N.  Y.;  m.  John 
Craigon  Baird;  residence,  Armour,  S.  Dak. 

3630.  Helen  Elizabeth9  Avery  {Parke6,  Ebenezer,  Ebenezer6, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
18,  1837,  at  Collins.  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  24,  1863,  at  Evans,  N.  Y., 
Harrison  Bartoff  Christy,  s.  of  Joseph  Lockwood  and  Dianna 
(Thompson)  Christy.  He  was  b.  Feb.  25,  1842,  at  Hanover, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  July,  1906;  he  d.  Sept.  20,  1908, 
both  at  Brant,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Harrison   Bartoff  and  Helen   Elizabeth    (Avery) 

Christy : 

i.       Norris  Joseph10,  b.  Sept.  9,  1865,  at  Brant;  d.  May  18,  1883, 
at  Colorado  Springs,  Col. 

3631.  Mariam  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Latham8,  Ebenezer7,  Eben- 
ezer6, Parke5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  12,  1827,  at  Clarence,  N.  Y.;  m.  March  3,  1850,  at  Col- 
lins, N.  Y.,  John  J.  Jennings,  s.  of  John  and  Polly  (Sherman) 
Jennings.  He  was  b.  July  18,  1825,  at  North  Collins,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  farmer.    She  d.  Oct.  22,  1880,  at  Council  Bluffs,  la. 

Children  of  John  J.  and  Mariam  Elizabeth    (Avery)    Jen- 
nings, b.  at  North  Collins : 

i.       Victor10,  b.  Oct.  26,  1853;  m.  M.  Anna  Graham;  residence, 

Council  Bluffs,  la.,  of  which  city  he  has  been  mayor, 
ii.      Alma10,  b.  Oct.  7,  1856;  m.  Charles  Dodge;  residence,  Coun- 
cil Bluffs. 

3632.  Hislop  Latham9  Avery  (Latham8,  Ebenezer7.  Ebene- 
zer6, Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  30,  1835,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  2,  1858,  at  Ham- 
burg, N.  Y.,  Nancy  White,  dau.  of  David  and  Phebe  (Hathaway) 
White.  She  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1836,  at  Collins;  d.  Aug.  19,  1863, 
at  North  Collins,  N.  Y.     He  m.  2d,  Sept.  20,  1864,  at  North 

The    Ninth   Generation  1051 

Collins,  Oshe  Ann  White,  sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was  b. 
Aug.  24,  1844,  at  Collins;  d.  Feb.  8,  1883,  at  North  Collins.  He 
m.  3d,  Nov.  20,  1883,  at  North  Collins,  Amelia  Sophia  Bardwell, 
dau.  of  Lysander  and  Fanny  (Skinner)  Bardwell,  and  widow  of 
Rodney  Richmond  (No.  1837,  iii).  She  was  b.  Nov.  20,  1836,  at 
Brant,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Jan.  13,  1910,  at  North 
Collins.    She  is  living  (1911)  at  Hamburg,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Hislop  Latham  and  Nancy  (White)  Avery: 
7638.     i.       Oland  Jay1",  b.  July  1,  1861,  at  North  Collins. 

Children  of  Hislop  Latham  and  Oshe  Ann  (White)  Avery, 
b.  at  North  Collins: 

Orra  Phebe1",  b.  Sept.  16,  1865. 

Amy  Julia10,  b.  March  24,  1867. 

Nora  Rebecca10,  b.  Feb.  28,  1870. 

Millard  Fowler10,  b.  Aug.  31,  1872. 

Alice  Libbie1",  b.  June  30,  1876. 

Clarence  Everett10,  b.  June  15,  1879. 

Charles  D.1",  b.  April  9,  1882;  d.  July  16,  1890. 

3634.  Millard  Sidney '  Avery  (Latham8,  Ebenezer7,  Ebene- 
zer6, Parke*,  Ebenezer4,  James",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  2,  1844,  at  Collins,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  30,  1868,  at  North 
Collins,  Nancy  M.  Jennings,  dau.  of  Asa  and  Sally  (Morrison) 
Jennings.  She  was  b.  Jan.  17,  1842,  at  Collins;  d.  March  28, 
1870,  at  North  Collins.  He  m.  2d,  April  16,  1873,  at  North 
Collins,  Catharine  Gertrude  Hussey,  dau.  of  George  and  Catha- 
rine (Kerr)  Hussey  and  widow  of  George  Harkness.  She  was 
b.  April  16,  1848,  at  North  Collins.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence, 
North  Collins,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Millard  Sidney  and  Catharine  Gertrude  (Hus- 
sey) Avery,  b.  at  North  Collins: 
















Flora  M.1",  b.  Aug.  22,  1876. 
i.      Frank  Emerson10,  b.  Oct.  8,  1878. 
ii.     Mary  C.10,  b.  Feb.  27,  1881;  d.  June  4,  1892. 
v.     Harry  Jay10,  b.  April  27,  1885. 
t.      Fred  W.1",  b.  Sept.  21,  1887;  d.  y. 

3635.  Alice9  Avery  (Charles  L'Hommedieu8,  John  Coleman7, 
Ebenezer*,  Parke*,  Ebenezer*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Aug.  30,  1850,  at  Cincinnati,  O.;  m.  Oct.  16,  1873,  at  College 
Hill,  O.,  Col.  Charles  Jesup  Arms,  s.  of  the  Rev.  Hiram  Phelps, 

1052  The   Groton   Avery  Clan 

D.  D.,  and  Abby  Jane  (Baker)  Arms.  He  was  b.  June  9,  1841, 
at  Norwich,  Conn. ;  Yale,  '63 ;  in  the  civil  war  he  was  a  member 
of  Co.  B,  16th  reg't  Conn,  inf  y.  He  was  a  lawyer,  state  senator, 
and  journalist.  He  d.  March  9,  1901,  at  Providence,  R.  I.;  she  is 
living  (1911)  at  Englewood,  N.  J. 

Children  of  Charles  Jesup  and  Alice  (Avery)  Arms: 

i.       Lily  Avery10,  b.  May  29,  1875,  at  Allegheny  City,  Pa.;  m. 

Harry  Brooks  Beck;  residence,  Philadelphia,  Pa.     Child: 

Charles  Washington11. 
ii.      Audubon10,   b.   July   19,   1876,   at   Philadelphia,   Pa.;    Brown 

University,  '98;   Philadelphia  Episcopal  Divinity  School, 

'01;  d.  Feb.  21,  1902,  at  Providence,  R.  I. 
iii.     Natalie10,  b.   Nov.   3,   1877,  at  Lancaster,   Pa.;   m.   Carlton 

Bayley  Bunce;  residence,  New  York  City, 
iv.     Elsie   Nevin10,  b.   Dec.   1,   1878,   at  Lancaster;   m.   Wallace 

Kenneth  Wiley;  residence,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
v.      Frank  Hiram10,  b.  July  14,  1891,  at  East  Greenwich,  R.  I. 

3637.  Charles  Hammond9  Avery  (Charles  L'Hommedieu*, 
John  Coleman',  Ebenezer6,  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James',  James2, 
Christopher1)  was  b.  April  8,  1854,  at  Cincinnati,  0.;  m.  June 
28,  1882,  at  South  Acton,  Mass.,  Nettie  Barker,  dau.  of  Jonathan 
Hosmer  and  Antoinette  (Ammidown)  Barker.  She  was  b.  July 
18,  1859,  at  Cincinnati ;  d.  July  6,  1883,  at  Cincinnati,  He  m.  2d, 
June  26,  1890,  at  College  Hill,  O.,  Alice  Cordelia  Aiken,  dau.  of 
Charles  and  Martha  Stanley  (Merrill)  Aiken.  She  was  b.  March 
8,  1863,  at  Cincinnati.  He  is  a  graduate  of  Yale,  1875 ;  a  lawyer. 
Residence,  College  Hill,  O. 

Children  of  Charles  Hammond  and  Alice  Cordelia  (Aiken) 
Avery,  b.  at  College  Hill: 

7655.  i.       Olivia10,  b.  Aug.  31,  1894. 

7656.  ii.      Charles  Hammond10,  b.  Dec.  27,  1896. 

3639.  Lucy  Bakewell9  Avery  (Charles  L'Hommedieu*,  John 
Coleman7,  Ebenezer6,  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1)  was  b.  Sept.  1,  1862,  at  Cincinnati,  O. ;  m.  Aug.  1,  1888, 
at  College  Hill,  O.,  Walter  Harris  Aiken,  s.  of  Charles  and 
Martha  Stanley  (Merrill)  Aiken.  He  was  b.  Sept.  27,  1856,  at 
Cincinnati.  He  is  supervisor  of  music  in  the  Cincinnati  schools; 
residence,  College  Hill. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1053 

Children   of  Walter   Harris   and   Lucy   Bakewell    (Avery) 
Aiken,  b.  at  College  Hill : 

i.      Gwendolyn  Bakewell1",  b.  July  18,  1889. 
ii.      Walter  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  18,  1891. 
iii.     Victor  Audubon"',  b.  July  6,  1897. 

3640.  Ethel5'  Avery  (William  Ledyard8,  John  Coleman', 
Ebenezer*,  Parke5,  Ebenezi  r*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  3,  1878,  at  Boston,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  4,  1905.  at  Cincin- 
nati, 0.,  Percy  Madison  Cochran,  s.  of  Melville  Augustus  and 
Katharine  (Madison)  Cochran.  He  was  b.  Aug.  19,  1873,  at 
St.  Augustine,  Fla.  He  is  captain  in  the  17th  inf'y;  U.  S.  A. 
Residence,  Ft.  McPherson,  Ga. 

Children  of  Percy  Madison  and  Ethel  (Avery)  Cochran : 

i.      Johanna  Katharine10,  b.  Oct.  2,  1907,  at  Cincinnati, 
ii.      Avery  Madison10,  b.  Jan.  21,  1910,  at  Fort  McPherson. 

3641.  Coleman •'  Avery  (William  Ledyard8,  John  Coleman1, 
Ebenezer*,  Parke'',  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  22,  1880,  at  Cincinnati,  O.;  m.  June  7,  1904,  at  Balti- 
more, Md.,  Elinor  Coates  Baer,  dau.  of  George  Hildt  and  Rebecca 
(Charron)  Baer.  She  was  b.  Dec.  15,  1882,  at  Baltimore.  He 
is  a  graduate  of  the  University  of  Cincinnati,  1902 ;  of  the  Cin- 
cinnati Law  School.  1905;  an  attorney-at-law ;  assistant  prose- 
cuting attorney  of  Hamilton  County,  O.,  1909;  assistant  city 
solicitor  of  Cincinnati,  1912.    Residence,  Cincinnati.  O. 

Children  of  Coleman  and  Elinor  Coates  (Baer)  Avery: 

7657.  i.       John  Coleman10,  b.  July  1,  1907,  at  Cincinnati. 

7658.  ii.      Ledyard10,  b.  July  5,  1908,  at  Cincinnati. 

7659.  iii.     Elinor  Louise10,  b.  Jan.  4,  1910,  at  Cincinnati. 

3649.  Mary  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Edwin  Miner8,  Elisha7,  Sim- 
eon*, Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  8,  1842,  at  Jackson,  Miss.;  m.  April  29,  1868,  at  Mem- 
phis. Tenn.,  Lee  Harrison  Pearce,  s.  of  Collin  Clay  and  Elizabeth 
Stone  (Hanna)  Pearce.  He  was  b.  June  9,  1841,  at  Camden, 
Miss.  He  was  a  planter  and  hotel  proprietor.  She  d.  April  23, 
1887;  he  d.  Oct.  10,  1887,  both  at  Memphis. 

Children   of   Lee   Harrison   and   Mary   Elizabeth    (Avery) 
Pearce,  b.  at  Canton,  Miss. : 

1054  The   Groton   Avery  Clan 

i.      Susan  Elizabeth1",  b.  March  19,  1869;  d.  y. 

ii.  Leila  Harrison10,  b.  Sept.  18,  1871;  residence,  Memphis, 

iii.  Edwin  Avery"',  b.  Dec.  29,  1872;  d.  Dec.  24,  1895,  at  Mem- 
phis; unm. 

iv.  Austin  William10;  b.  Jan.  29,  1875;  m.  Anne  Lyndon 
Johnston;   residence,  Memphis. 

3651.  Julia  Tracy !l  Avery  (Ediuin  Miner8,  Elisha',  Simeon*, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
11,  1850,  at  Jackson,  Miss.;  m.  Sept.  10,  1868,  at  Norwich,  Conn., 
Cleaveland  Briscoe  Clarke,  s.  of  Ebenezer  Edwards  and  Martha 
Ann  (Briscoe)  Clarke.  He  was  b.  Jan.  20,  1847,  at  Memphis, 
Tenn.  He  was  a  cotton  merchant ;  d.  Oct.  14,  1896,  at  Clarketon, 
Ark.    She  lives  at  Memphis. 

Children  of  Cleaveland  Briscoe  and  Julia  Tracy    (Avery) 

Clarke : 

i.       Anne  Briscoe10,  b.  April  16,  1872,  at  Memphis;  m.  .Robert 

Grattan  Brown;  residence,  Memphis, 
ii.      Cleaveland   Briscoe10,   b.   Oct.   20,   1874,   at   Memphis;    m. 

Evelyn   Gwyn  Tate;   residence,  Memphis, 
iii.     Avery  Miner1",  b.  July  25,  1876,  at  Memphis;  m.   Corinne 

Stevens;  residence,  Memphis, 
iv.     Ebenezer   Edwards10,  b.  Aug.   16,   1878,  in  Crittenden  Co., 

Ark.;  residence,  Memphis, 
v.      Susan   Tracy10,   b.   Feb.   22,   1883,   at   Memphis;    m.   Arthur 

Kenon  Taylor;  residence,  Memphis, 
vi.     Julia  Tracy'",  b.  Oct.  23,  1889,  at  Memphis;  d.  y. 

3652.  Kate  Murray9  Avery  (Edwin  Miner8,  Elisha7,  Sim- 
eon6, Parke5,  Ebenezer* ,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  24,  1852,  at  Memphis,  Tenn.;  m.  Nov.  12,  1873,  at  Can- 
ton, Miss.,  William  Joseph  Booker,  s.  of  Edmund  Jackson  and 
Mary  Ann  (White)  Booker.  He  was  b.  Dec.  4,  1848,  at  Memphis. 
He  was  a  sugar  merchant.  She  d.  June  12,  1897 ;  he  d.  Jan.  6, 
1911,  both  at  Memphis. 

Children   of  William   Joseph   and   Kate   Murray    (Avery) 
Booker,  b.  at  Memphis : 

i.      William  Joseph10,  b.  Nov.  30,  1874;  d.  y. 
ii.      Susan  Tracy10,  b.  June  11,  1876;  residence,  Memphis, 
iii.     Mary  Treadwell10,  b.  April  11,  1881;  m.  Lucius  Pinckney 
Cook;  residence,  Memphis. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1055 

3653.  Ida  Morgan9  Avery  {Edwin  Miner9,  Elisha7,  Simeon*, 
Parke*,  Ebenezer*,  James',  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  13, 
1854,  at  Jackson,  Miss. ;  m.  April  13,  1882,  at  Memphis,  Tenn., 
William  Henry  Allen,  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  (Tracy)  Allen.  He 
was  b.  June  26,  1852,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  They  live  at  Norwich, 

Child  of  William  Henry  and  Ida  Morgan  (Avery)  Allen: 
i.       George  Henry10,  b.  Nov.  25,  1885,  at  Norwich;  d.  y. 

3655.  Frederick  Tracy9  Avery  (Orrin  Williams8,  Elisha7, 
Simeon0,  Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James";  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  7,  1845,  at  Colchester,  Conn. ;  m.  April  19,  1871,  at  Nor- 
wich, Conn.,  Lucy  Elizabeth  Wentworth,  dau.  of  Noyes  States 
and  Sarah  Huntington  (Cooke)  Wentworth.  She  was  b.  Feb. 
10,  1845,  at  Norwich.  He  is  a  merchant.  Residence.  Colchester, 

Children  of  Frederick  Tracy  and  Lucy  Elizabeth  (Went- 
worth) Avery: 

7660.  i.       Anna  Wentworth10,  b.  June  27,  1877,  at  Colchester. 

7661.  ii.      Matilda  Leffingwell1",  b.  Oct.  8,  1879,  at  Colchester. 

3657.  Linda''  Avery  (E  vastus8,  Ebenezer  Allyn7,  Simeon0, 
Parke5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  26, 
1857,  near  Urbana,  O. ;  m.  May  25,  1883,  at  Charleston,  W.  Va., 
William  Greenway  Russell,  s.  of  William  and  Sarah  Catharine 
(Wolfe)  Russell.  He  was  b.  Oct.  23,  1842,  at  Winchester,  Va. 
He  d.  Jan.  10,  1907,  at  Washington,  D.  C.  She  d.  Dec.  22,  1908, 
at  Durham,  N.  C.    No  children. 

3658.  Allen9  Avery  (Asa  Allen3,  Asa7,  Ebenezer0,  Ebenezer5, 
Ebenezer*.  James7;  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1838,  at 
Old  Mystic,  Conn.:  m.  Aug.  19,  1862,  at  Old  Mystic,  Conn., 
Alice  Babcock  Hinckley,  dau.  of  Abel  and  Abbie  Eliza  (Babcock) 
Hinckley.  She  was  b.  July  31,  1845,  at  Stonington.  He  has 
retired  from  business.    Residence,  Mystic,  Conn. 

Child  of  Allen  and  Alice  Babcock  (Hinckley)  Avery: 

i.       Viola  Genevieve10,  b.  Oct.  31,  1871,  at  Mystic;  d.  Dec.  29, 

3659.  Parmenas9  Avery  (Asa  Allen8,  Asa7,  Ebenezer0,  Eben- 
ezer5, Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  1, 
1841,  at  Old  Mystic,  Conn.;  m.  March  9,  1865,  at  Mystic,  Conn., 

1056  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Betsey  Smith,  dau.  of  Barney  and  Sarah  Maria  (Dan)  Smith. 
She  was  b.  May  18,  1848.  at  Patchouge,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  dealer 
in  hardware;  a  soldier  in  Co.  C,  21st  reg't  Conn,  inf'y  in  the  civil 
war;  representative  to  the  general  assembly  from  Groton.  He 
d.  Dec.  12,  1886,  at  Mystic.  No  children.  She  m.  2d,  William 
Williams;  d.  Feb.,  1908,  at  Stonington,  Conn. 

3661.  Abbie  Carrie'1  Avery  (Asa  Allen*,  Asa7,  Ebenezer6, 
Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
30,  1871,  at  Mystic,  Conn. ;  m.  Sept.  17,  1895,  at  Mystic,  Dwight 
Walter  Backus,  s.  of  Albert  Henry  and  Cornelia  Jane  (Welch) 
Backus.  He  was  b.  Jan.  3,  1867,  at  North  Windham,  Conn.  He 
is  a  mechanical  draughtsman.  No  children.  Residence,  South 
Windham,  Conn. 

3662.  Joseph  Benjamin9  Avery  (Joseph8,  Asa7,  Ebenezer*, 
Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
10,  1841,  at  Old  Mystic,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  25,  1864,  at  Old  Mystic, 
Anna  Eliza  Chapman,  dau.  of  Capt.  John  and  Nancy  (Myers) 
Chapman.  She  was  b.  March  4,  1842,  at  Old  Mystic.  He  was  a 
merchant.  He  d.  June  26,  1886,  at  Old  Mystic,  where  she  is  living 

Children  of  Joseph  Benjamin  and  Anna  Eliza  (Chapman) 
Avery,  b.  at  Old  Mystic : 

John  Jepthah1",  b.  Oct.  8,  1865;  d.  y. 
Joseph  Ebenezer10,  b.  Oct.  7,  1866. 
Laura  Nancy10,  b.  June  29,  1868. 
Carrie  Pearl"',  b.  Jan.  16,  1875;  d.  y. 
Ethel  Eliza10,  b.  Feb.  4,  1878. 

3663.  Edward  William9  Avery  (William  Cleveland8,  Asa7, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer1',  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  28,  1858,  at  South  Windham,  Conn. ;  m.  Jan.  14,  1883, 
at  South  Windham,  Minnie  Watson  Woodworth,  dau.  of  Charles 
Steadman  and  Mary  Ann  (Armstrong)  Woodworth.  She  was  b. 
Nov.  3.  1861,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  He  is  a  merchant  Residence, 
South  Windham,  Conn. 

Children  of  Edward  William  and  Minnie  Watson  (Wood- 
worth)  Avery,  b.  at  South  Windham: 

7665.  i.       Clarence  Everett10,  b.  May  24,  1884. 

7666.  ii.      Harry    Woodworth10,    b.    Oct.    30,    1886;    residence,    South 

Windham,  Conn. 









The   Ninth  Generation  1057 

3664.  Josephine  Abbie1'  Avery  (William  Cleveland?,  Asa1, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  20,  1862,  at  South  Windham,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1885, 
at  Willimantic,  Conn.,  Frank  Sherman  Backus,  s.  of  Albert  Henry 
and  Jane  Cornelia  (Welch)  Backus.  He  was  b.  1865  at  North 
Windham,  Conn.  He  was  a  pattern-maker.  He  d.  May  23, 
1907,  at  South  Winham,  Conn. 

Children  of  Frank  Sherman  and  Josephine  Abbie  (Avery) 
Backus,  b.  at  South  Windham: 

i.       Herbert10,  b.  April  1,  1887;  d.  y. 

ii.      Frank  Raymond10,  b.  June  30,  1888;  m.  Ethel  Brock. 

iii.     Gertrude  Evelyn10,  b.  March  15,  1890. 

iv.     Ruth  Christine10,  b.  Nov.  8,  1891. 

v.      Frederick  Wendell10,  b.  July  3,  1893. 

vi.     Everett  Russell10,  b.  Jan.   17,   1895. 

vii.    Helen  Pauline10,  b.  April  9,  1898. 

3665.  Emma9  Avery  (Daniel  Solomons,  Solomo?i  Story7, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  ; 
m.  William  Evans.  It  is  said  that  they  lived  at  San  Francisco, 

Child  of  William  and  Emma  (Avery)  Evans: 
i.      Florence10. 

3666.  Melvin  Delos!  Avery  (Albert  Allen-,  Solomon  Story7, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James:\  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  19,  1845,  at  Hartwick,  N.  Y. ;  m.  at  Hartwick, 
Roby  Gage.  He  was  a  miller.  He  d.  May  1,  1909.  at  Lansing, 

Child  of  Melvin  Delos  and  Roby  (Gage)  Avery: 
7667.     i.       Carrie  May10,  b.  May  1,  1871,  at  Hartwick,  N.  Y. 

3667.  Marietta  Stevens1'  Avery  (Albert  Allen8,  Solomon 
Story7,  Ebenezer0,  Ebe?iezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Sept.  3,  1848,  at  Hartwick,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  22, 
1867,  at  Hartwick,  Edmund  Woolsey  Lockwood,  s.  of  Edmund 
Smith  and  Mary  Ann  (Newman)  Lockwood.  He  was  b.  March 
1,  1845,  at  Greenwich,  Conn.  He  is  a  lawyer.  She  d.  July  8, 
1909,  at  Hartwick,  N.  Y.,  where  he  is  living  (1911) . 

1058  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Child  of  Edmund  Woolsey  and  Marietta  Stevens   (Avery) 

Lockwood,  b.  at  Hartwick: 

i.       Edmund  Avery10,  b.  April  29,  1870;  m.  Minnie  Best;   resi- 
dence, Oneonta,  N.  Y. 

3668.  Harriet  Amanda1'  Avery  {Ebe7iezer  Oscar6,  Solomo7i 
Story7,  Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Dec.  17,  1844,  at  Hartwick,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Robert  W. 
Gardner,  He  is  dead.  No  children.  It  is  said  that  she  is  living 
(1911)  at  Hartwick,  N.  Y. 

3670.  Allyn  J."  Avery  (Elisha  Benjamin8,  Benjamin  Frank- 
lin7, EbenezerG,  Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Feb.  7,  1860,  at  Glastonbury,  Conn.;  m.  Aug.  1, 
1892,  at  Lebanon,  Conn.,  Annie  Amelia  Albertin,  dau.  of  Ernest 
Theodore  and  Ann  (Cockell)  Albertin.  She  was  b.  June  12,  1869, 
at  Hanover,  Conn.    Residence,  Hartford,  Conn. 

3684.  Gage  Hughes1'  Avery  (Frank  Herbert8,  George  S.7, 
Ebenezer6,  Ebenezer5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James1,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  6,  1880,  at  Bellevue,  Mich.;  m.  June  27,  1905,  at 
Onekama,  Mich,  Ethel  Farr,  dau.  of  Augustine  Washington  and 
Jessie  (Telford)  Farr.  She  was  b.  March  10,  1880,  at  Onekama, 
Mich.  He  was  a  member  of  the  34th  reg't  Mich,  inf'y  in  the 
Spanish-American  war;  served  in  Cuba  before  Santiago;  a  law- 
yer.   Residence,  La  Grange,  111. 

Child  of  Gage  Hughes  and  Ethel  (Farr)  Avery: 
7670.     i.       Margaret  Farr10,  b.  Oct.  24,  1906,  at  Chicago. 

3690.  Loriette9  Avery  (Eben8,  Nathan7,  Nathan6,  Simeon5, 
Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  27,  1843, 
at  South  Reading,  now  Wakefield,  Mass. ;  m.  Jan.  23,  1871,  at 
Cambridge,  Mass.,  Eugene  Edgar  Eaton,  s.  of  David  and  Sarah 
(Perry)  Eaton.  He  was  b.  June  23,  1843,  at  Rochester,  Vt.  He 
is  a  lawyer.    No  children.    Residence,  Maiden,  Mass. 

3691.  Samuel  Ayers1'  Avery  (Samuel  Powers8,  Nathan7, 
Nathan6,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 

b.  March  22,  1831,  at  Wakefield,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  17,  1853,  at 

Boston,  Mass.,  Elizabeth  Ripley,  dau.  of  George  Coates  and  Ann 

(Nolan)   Ripley.     She  was  b.  Nov.  28,  1834,  at  Boston.     He  d. 

March  24,  1872,  at  Bath,  Me. 

The   Ninth   Generation  1059 

Children  of  Samuel  Ayers  and  Elizabeth  (Ripley)  Avery: 

7671.  i.       Lizzie  Ayers10,  b.  July  18,  1854,  at  Wakefield;  m.  

Joslyn;  d.  April  23,  1910,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Mary   Lydia   Gertrude10,  b.   April  28,   1857,  at  Wakefield; 

d.  Jan.  25,  1870. 
iii.     Emma  Mayo10,  b.  June  24,  1862,  at  Portsmouth,  N.  H.;  d. 

Jan.  28,  1870. 

7672.  iv.     Walter  Everett10,  b.  Feb.  6,  1868,  at  Portsmouth. 

3692.  Mary  Elizabeth'1  Avery  (Samuel  Potvers8,  Nathan7, 
Nathan0,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James*.  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  2,  1835,  at  South  Reading  (now  Wakefield),  Mass.;  m. 
July  9,  1851,  at  Nashua,  N.  H.,  Benjamin  Franklin  Slack, 
s.  of  George  and  Louisa  (Kenney)  Slack.  He  was  b.  April 
9,  1830,  at  Wilmington,  Mass.  He  d.  April  16,  1906;  she  d. 
April  18,  1911. 

Children  of  Benjamin  Franklin  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Avery) 
Slack : 

i.       Mary  Emma10,  b.  April  29,  1852,  at  Wilmington;  m.  Freder- 
ick  G.   Harnden;   he   d.   July  8,    1911;    she   is   living  at 
Wakefield,    Mass. 
ii.      Hattie  Ella10,  b.   Sept.  9,   1855,  at  Wakefield;   m.  Warren 

Hoi  den;  residence,  Billerica,  Mass. 
iii.     Lydia  Corinne10,  b.  Jan.  30,  1861,  at  Wakefield;   m.  John 

Henry  Baker;  residence,  Billerica,  Mass. 
iv.     Minnie  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  19,  1863,  at  Woburn,  Mass.;  d.  y. 
v.      Bertha  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  27,  1867,  at  Portsmouth,  N.  H.;  m. 

Charles  Stocks;  residence,  Brockton,  Mass. 
vi.     Chester  Frank10,  b.  Aug.  18,  1870,  at  Wakefield;  d.  y. 
vii.    Samuel  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  18,  1870,  at  Wakefield;  d.  y. 

3695.  William  Alphonso''  Avery  (Park*,  George  Washing- 
ton1, Nathan9,  Simeon*,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  18,  1846,  at  Newbury,  Vt.;  m.  May  6,  1886,  at 
Girard,  Kas.,  Sadie  Caroline  Konkle,  dau.  of  Christian  and 
Elvina  (Cimmerman)  Konkle.  She  was  b.  Jan.  15,  1866,  at 
Des  Moines,  la.  He  d.  Feb.  5,  1908,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  where 
she  is  living  (1911). 

Children  of  William  Alphonso  and  Sadie  Caroline  (Konkle) 
Avery,  b.  at  Santa  Monica,  Calif. : 

7682.  i.       William  Wirt10,  b.  March  23,  1887. 

7683.  ii.     Auraetta  Pearl10,  b.  Aug.  26,  1888. 

1060  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3696.  Garaphelia  Burnhanv  Avery  {Park6,  George  Wash- 
ington1, Nathan0,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  12,  1847,  at  Newbury,  Vt.;  m.  Nov.  25,  1876, 
at  Concordia,  Kas.,  David  La  Moureux,  s.  of  Julien  and  Marie 
(Cyr)  La  Moureux.  He  was  b.  March  13,  1849,  at  Henryville, 
Canada.  He  d.  Sept.  8,  1906,  at  Clay  Center,  Kas.,  where  she  is 
living  (1912). 

Children  of  David  and  Garaphelia  Burnham    (Avery)    La 
Moureux,  b.  at  Clay  Center: 

i.       Edith   May10,  b.   Oct.   15,   1878;   m.   William   Loren   Miller; 

residence,  Strassburg,  Canada, 
ii.      George  Washington  Avery10,  b.  March  12,  1881;  residence, 

Clay  Center,  Kas. 
iii.     Frances   Marceline10,   b.    Sept.   30,   1887;    residence,   Clay- 

3697.  Henri  Elmore"  Avery  {Park8,  George  Washington7, 
Nathan0,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  14,  1850,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Jan.  31,  1876,  at  Clay 
Center,  Kas.,  Celestia  Lucia  Ruth  Victorine  Butler,  dau.  of  John 
and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Frazelle)  Butler.  She  was  b.  Sept.  7,  1851, 
at  Ashland,  la.  He  is  a  carpenter  and  house  builder.  Residence, 
Clay  Center,  Kas. 

Children  of  Henri  Elmore  and  Celestia  Lucia  Ruth  Victorine 
(Butler)  Avery,  b.  at  Clay  Center: 

7684.  i.      Nellie  Blanche10,  b.  Dec.  10,  1876. 

7685.  ii.      Carrie  Ethelin10,  b.  April  3,  1879. 

7686.  iii.     Mary  Angelus  Eliza10,  b.  July  28,  1890. 

3698.  Frances  Basford9  Avery  (Park8,  George  Washington7, 
Nathan0,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  8,  1852,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  June  15,  1875,  at  Exe- 
ter, Kas.,  Henry  Clay  Angel,  s.  of  William  H.  and  Harriet  (War- 
ner) Angel.  He  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1841,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y.  Resi- 
dence, Lincoln,  Kas. 

Children  of  Henry  Clay  and  Frances  Basford  (Avery)  An- 

i.       William  Ober10,  b.  May  5,  1877,  at  Lincoln;  d.  y. 
ii.      Harriet  Warner10,  b.  March  28,  1881,  at  Lincoln. 

3699.  Ella  Jane51  Avery  (Park8,  George  Washington7,  Na- 
than0, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1061 

Dec.  22,  1854,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  25,  1882,  at  Minneapo- 
lis, Kas.,  Carl  Lathrop,  s.  of  Myron  and  Margret  Elizabeth  (Car- 
roll) Lathrop.  He  was  b.  Oct.  23,  1859,  at  Union  City,  Pa.  He 
is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Clay  Center,  Kas. 

Children  of  Carl  and  Ella  Jane  (Avery)  Lathrop: 

i.      Fred  Carroll10,  b.  Sept.  29,  1884,  at  Clay  Center. 

ii.      Bird  Ella10,  b.  Nov.  15,  1886,  at  Clay  Center. 

iii.     Frank  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  28,  1889,  at  Clay  Center;  m.  Beulah 
Marie  Hutchinson. 

iv.     Gara  Margaret10,  b.  Aug.  13,  1892,  at  Miltonvale,  Kas. 

v.      Ceola  Gladys10,  b.  Nov.  28,  1895,  at  Miltonvale;  d.  y. 

3700.  Anna  May9  Avery  (Park8,  George  Washington7,  Na- 
than9, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  15, 1862,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Feb.  25, 1879,  at  Exeter,  Kas., 
Charles  Henry  Rowland,  s.  of  John  and  Charlotte  (Warner) 
Rowland.  He  was  b.  Aug.  20,  1852,  at  Brunswick,  Shelby  Co.,  111. 
Residence,  Broughton,  Kas. 

Children  of  Charles  Henry  and  Anna  May   (Avery)   Row- 

i.       Harry  Alphonso10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1881,  at  Rosetta,  111.;  d.  Feb. 

15,  1902,  at  Broughton,  Kas. 
ii.      Frank10,  b.  Feb.  1,  1884,  at  Bedford,  la.;  m.  Mary  Caldwell, 
iii.     Ethel  Edmon10,  b.  Oct.  13,  1889,  at  Bedford. 
iv.     Hazel  Anna10,  b.  Feb.  27,  1900,  at  Broughton. 

3702.  Horace  Ayers  *  Avery  (Austin  Ayers8,  Simeon7,  Na- 
than6, Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James8,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  18,  1843,  at  Newbury,  Vt.;  m.  Sept.  20,  1865,  Clara  A. 
Emmons.  He  served  in  a  New  York  reg't  during  the  civil  war. 
Residence,  New  York  City. 

Children  of  Horace  Ayers  and  Clara  A.  (Emmons)  Avery: 

7687.  i.       Edgar  Leon10,  b.  July  7,  1867. 

7688.  ii.      Austin",  b.  Nov.  25,  1869. 

7689.  iii.     Joseph10,  b.  Feb.  3,  1871. 

7690.  iv.     Clara10,  b.  May  6,  1873. 

3703,  Herbert  Allen''  Avery  (Austin  Ayers8,  Simeon7,  Na- 
than6, Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James8,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  16,  1846,  at  Newbury,  Vt.;  m.  Nov.  16,  1877,  Addie  A. 
Summer.  She  d.  Nov.  14,  1899,  aged  54  years.  He  m.  2d,  Dec. 
3,  1900,  Mrs.  Lupren.  He  has  adopted  a  child,  Gertrude,  b. 
March  22,  1882. 

1062  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3704.  Marshall  Johnson9  Avery  (Austin  Ayers8,  Simeon7, 
Nathan6,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  18,  1848,  at  Newbury,  Vt.;  m.  Nov.  19,  1878,  Delia 
Perkins.  Had  one  child  who  d.  young.  It  is  said  that  they  live 
at  Newbury. 

3705.  Lucy  Graham9  Avery  (Austin  Ayers6,  Simeon7,  Na- 
than0, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  22,  1851,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Joseph  Le  Mate. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Lucy  Graham  (Avery)  Le  Mate: 
i.       Sarah10,  b.  Sept.  4,  1879,  at  Newbury, 
ii.      Fred10,  b.  at  Boston,  Mass. 
iii.     Joseph10,  b.  at  Boston, 
iv.     Marshall10,  b.  at  Boston. 

3706.  Etta  Chapin9  Avery  (Austin  Ayers6,  Simeon7,  Na- 
than0, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4",  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  21,  1853,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Henry  Houseman.  She  d. 
Sept.  1,  1882,  at  Boston,  Mass. 

Child  of  Henry  and  Etta  Chapin  (Avery)  Houseman : 
i.       Etta  L.10,  b.  Jan.  15,  1882,  at  Boston,  Mass. 

3707.  Herman  Austin9  Avery  (Austin  Ayers8,  Simeon1,  Na- 
than0, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  28,  1855,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  April  21,  1887,  at  Jack- 
son, Mich.,  Mrs.  Jennie  D.  Jones.  It  is  said  that  they  live  at 
Belmont,  N.  H. 

3708.  John  Ely9  Avery  (Austin  Ayers8,  Simeon7,  Nathan0, 
Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
3,  1861,  at  Newbury,  Vt.;  m.  Oct.  27,  1892,  at  North  Haver- 
nill,  N.  H.,  Martha  Ann  Stebbins,  dau.  of  Edward  and  Martha 
Ann  (Townsend)  Stebbins.  She  was  b.  in  1872,  at  Newbury. 
Residence,  Newbury,  Vt. 

Children  of  John  Ely  and  Martha  Ann  (Stebbins)  Avery: 

7700.  i.      Gladys  Hyacinth10,  b.  Oct.  3,  1899,  at  Newbury. 

7701.  ii.      Alice  May10,  b.  Jan.  24,  1903,  at  Newbury. 

3709.  Henry  Martindale9  Avery  (Simeon8,  Simeon7,  Na- 
than0, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  2,   1849,   at   Newbury,   Vt.;   m.   Oct.   14,    1873,   at   Sioux 

The   Ninth  Generation  1063 

Falls,  S.  Dak.,  Lucina  Adelia  Benton,  dau.  of  Porter  Webster 
and  Harriet  Azubah  (Phelps)  Benton.  She  was  b.  Feb.  28,  1854, 
at  Westerville,  O.    Residence,  Bakersfield,  Calif. 

Children  of  Henry  Martindale  and  Lucina  Adelia  (Benton) 
Avery,  b.  at  Jackson,  Minn. : 

7710.  i.      Harrison  Porter10,  b.  Jan.  7,  1875. 

7711.  ii.      Roy  Simeon10,  b.  Aug.  26,  1876. 

iii.     Verne  Walts10,  b.  Jan.  7,  1879 ;  d.  Dec.  13,  1889. 

3710.  Virgil  Watkins'  Avery  (Simeon8,  Simeon7,  Nathan0, 
Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
7,  1858,  at  Burlington,  Wis.;  m.  Sept.  11,  1888,  at  Sioux  Falls, 
So.  Dak.,  Grace  Del  vine  Sharp,  dau.  of  Andrew  Jackson  and 
Ann  Frances  (Gallion)  Sharp.  She  was  b.  at  Mt  Morris,  111. 
He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Jackson,  Minn. 

Child  of  Virgil  Watkins  and  Grace  Delvine  (Sharp)  Avery: 

7712.  i.       Eloise10,  b.  July  23,  1889,  at  Sioux  Falls,  So.  Dak. 

3711.  Martha  Hazeltine'  Avery  (Simeon8,  Simeon7,  Na- 
than*1, Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  27,  1863,  at  Burlington,  Wis.;  m.  March  21,  1883,  at  Jack- 
son, Minn.,  Samuel  Fernando  Erskine,  s.  of  David  and  Lucia 
(Harris)  Erskine.  He  was  b.  Feb.  10,  1859,  at  Granby,  Quebec. 
He  is  a  traveling  salesman.    Residence,  Norfolk,  Neb. 

Children  of  Samuel  Fernando  and  Martha  Hazeltine 
(Avery)    Erskine: 

i.       Samuel  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  17,  1888,  at  Sioux  Falls,  So.  Dak.; 

m.  Mary  Augusta  Odiorne;   residence,  Norfolk,  Neb. 
ii.      Lowell  Chamberlin10,  b.  Dec.  9,  1891,  at  Sioux  Falls. 

3714.  Ethelin  Eone'  Avery  (Bailey8,  Simeon7,  Nathan6, 
Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
29,  1860,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  April  30,  1884,  at  Newbury, 
Frank  W.  Powers,  s.  of  Henry  Brigham  and  Hannah  (King) 
Powers.  He  was  b.  Jan.  21,  1860,  at  Brattleboro,  Vt.  He  is  a 
farmer.  She  d.  Oct.  4,  1891,  at  Newbury;  he  is  living  (1911)  at 
Wells  River,  Vt. 

Child  of  Frank  W.  and  Ethelin  Eone   (Avery)   Powers: 
i.       Frank  Karl",  b.  June  19,  1888;  residence,  Wells  River,  Vt. 

1064  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3715.  Elmer  Ellsworth11  Avery  (Bailey3,  Simeon7,  Nathan0, 
Simeon*,  Ebenezer\  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
26,  1861,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  April  7,  1886,  at  Warden,  Quebec, 
Elizabeth  Anne  Carter,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Anne  (Osborne) 
Carter.  She  was  b.  June  17,  1865,  at  Sherbrooke,  Quebec.  He  is 
a  carpenter.     Residence,  Newbury,  Vt. 

3716.  Byron  Fred9  Avery  (Bailey8,  Simeon7,  Nathan*,  Sim- 
eon-', Ebenezer\  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  13, 
1864,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  June  22,  1887,  at  Moline,  111.,  Sarah 
Alice  Appleton,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Susannah  (Teal)  Apple- 
ton.  She  was  b.  Feb.  2,  1863,  at  McGillivary,  Ont. ;  d.  June  24, 
1890,  at  Moline.  He  m.  2d,  Oct.  30,  1894,  at  Moline,  Phebe 
Appleton,  sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was  b.  Feb.  9,  1868,  at 
McGillivary.    Residence,  Moline,  111. 

Child  of  Byron  Fred  and  Sarah  A.  (Appleton)  Avery: 

7716.  i.       Persis10,  b.  May  9,  1889,  at  Moline. 

Children  of  Byron  Fred  and  Phebe  (Appleton)  Avery: 

7717.  i.      Elmer  Appleton10,  b.  Nov.  26,  1897,  at  Moline. 
ii.      Dorothea10,  b.  Dec.  28,  1900,  at  Moline;  d.  y. 

3718.  Bailey  Wilson1'  Avery  (Bailey8,  Simeon7,  Nathan0, 
Simeon5,  Ebenezer*,  James3,  James3,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
29,  1873,  at  Newbury,  Vt. ;  m.  Oct.  17,  1894,  at  Moline,  111., 
Florence  Walter,  dau.  of  James  Milton  and  Cornelia  (NeaD 
Walter.  She  was  b.  Jan.  30,  1874,  at  Moline.  He  is  manager 
of  traffic  and  shipping  department  of  the  Deere  and  Mansur  Co., 
at  Moline.     No  children.     Residence,  Moline,  111. 

3725.  John  Leek0  Avery  (John  Plutarch3,  John  Leek7,  Sim- 
eon Hyde*,  Simeon5,  Ebenezer4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  April  22,  1888,  at  Indianapolis,  Ind. ;  m.  June  1,  1910,  at 
Indianapolis,  Anna  Veronica  Bartsch,  dau.  of  Frank  and  Appel- 
onia  (Hohmann)  Bartsch.  She  was  b.  Nov.  30,  1888,  at  Kings- 
burg,  Germany.  He  is  a  real  estate  dealer.  Residence,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 

3735.  John  Watson1'  Avery  (John3,  John7,  John*,  John5, 
Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  24, 
1813,  at  Griswrold,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  14,  1842,  at  Voluntown.  Conn., 

The  Ninth  Generation  1065 

Louisa  Campbell,  dau.  of  Dr.  Harvey  and  Sarah  (Cook)  Camp- 
bell. She  was  b.  Feb.  10,  1823,  at  Voluntown.  He  lived  at 
Groton,  Conn.,  sixteen  years;  a  hat  manufacturer.  In  1858, 
he  went,  with  his  brother,  the  Rev.  William  Pitt  Avery,  to 
Chapin,  la.  He  assisted  in  the  organization  of  the  Congrega- 
tional church  at  that  place  and  was  deeply  interested  in  the 
moral  and  religious  development  of  the  community  in  which 
he  lived.  After  23  years,  he  removed  to  Mason  City,  la.,  then 
to  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  and  returned  in  1891  to  Groton,  where  he 
d.  March  11,  1895.     She  d.  Jan.  16,  1909,  at  New  York  City. 

Children  of  John  Watson  and  Louisa   (Campbell)   Avery: 

7735.  i.      John  Campbell10,  b.  July  27,  1844,  at  Groton. 

ii.      Edwaro10,  b.   Aug.   13,   1846,   at   Groton;   d.   May   10,   1875, 
in  Wyoming;   unm. 

7736.  iii.     Frances  Louisa10,  b.  March  4,  1848,  at  Groton. 

7737.  iv.     Sarah  Maria10,  b.  April  5,  1850,  at  Groton;  residence,  New- 

York  City. 

7738.  v.      James  Harvey10,  b.  June  6,  1852,  at  Groton. 

vi.     William  Henry10,  b.  April  18,  1857,  at  Groton;   d.  y. 
vii.    Henry!0,  b.  March  7,  1860,  at  Chapin,  la.;  d.  y. 

7739.  viii.  Susan  Elizabeth10,  b.  Aug.  7,  1863,  at  Chapin. 

7740.  ix.     Charles  Edwin1',  b.  Feb.  25,  1865,  at  Chapin. 

3736.  Susan"  Avery  (John3,  John7,  John*,  John*,  Christo- 
pher*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  30,  1814,  at 
Griswold,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  12,  1833,  at  Griswold,  William  Palmer 
Harris,  s.  of  Daniel  and  Sabrina  (Brown)  Harris.  He  was  b. 
Nov.  12,  1811,  at  Bozrah,  Conn.  She  d.  Sept.  24,  1845;  he  d. 
June  27,  1884,  both  at  Groton,  Conn. 

Children  of  William  Palmer  and  Susan  (Avery)  Harris : 
i.  Louisa  Clarina10,  b.  Oct.  27,  1834,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m. 
Henry  W.  Manning,  Jr.,  and  had  children:  (a.)  George 
Hart1';  (b.)  Susan  Avery11,  who  m.  Charles  E.  Williams 
and  lives  (1911)  at  Groton,  Conn.  Mr.  Manning  d.  in 
1863,  and  his  widow  m.  John  C.  Mills,  who  d.  in  1891; 
she  d.  Feb.  14,  1912. 
ii.  William  Denison10,  b.  Sept.  23,  1837,  at  Ledyard;  m. 
Ellen  Chester;  d.  Aug.  28,  1878. 

3737.  William  Pitt"  Avery  (John8,  John7,  Johna,  John5, 
Christopher*,  James*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  2,  1816, 
at  Griswold,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  2,  1844,  at  Griswold,   Olivia  Hunt- 

1066  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

ington,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Lord)  Huntington.  She 
was  b.  Jan.  19,  1817,  at  Griswold.  He  was  graduated  from 
Amherst  in  1839;  Hartford  Theological  seminary,  1842;  was 
a  Congregational  minister.  He  d.  Jan.  23,  1885,  at  Chapin, 
la. ;  she  d.  March  8,  1897,  at  Hampton,  la. 

Children  of  William  Pitt  and  Olivia   (Huntington)   Avery: 

7741.  i.       William10,  b.  July  7,  1845,  at  Griswold. 

7742.  ii.      Elizabeth  Huntington10,  b.  July  3,  1851,  at  Bozrah,  Conn.; 

was  graduated  from  Iowa  College,  in  1873;  received 
degree  of  Ph.  D.  from  the  University  of  Minnesota  in 
1895;  is  professor  of  English  literature  in  Redfield  Col- 
lege, Redfield,  So.  Dak. 

3738.  Henry9  Avery  (John8,  John7,  John*,  John5,  Christo- 
pher4, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  20,  1818,  at 
Griswold,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  15,  1847,  at  Springfield,  Mass.,  Sarah 
Hills  Taylor,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Miriam  (Warner)  Taylor.  She 
was  b.  Jan.  23,  1824,  at  Springfield.  He  was  a  merchant  tailor 
and  clothier.  She  d.  Sept.  9,  1900,  at  Springfield.  No  children. 
He  d.  May  21,  1912,  at  Springfield,  Mass. 

3739.  Seth  Williams1'  Avery  (John6,  John7,  John6,  John5, 
Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  29, 
1825,  at  Griswold,  Conn. ;  m.  April  29,  1857,  at  Springfield, 
Mass.,  Elizabeth  Miller  Taylor,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Miriam 
(Warner)  Taylor.  She  was  b.  June  3,  1830,  at  Springfield;  d. 
March  26,  1887,  at  Springfield.  He  m.  2d,  Oct.  29,  1901,  Mrs. 
Abbie  B.  Moore.  He  was  a  merchant.  He  d.  Nov.  4,  1904;  she 
d.  March  27,  1908,  both  at  Springfield.    No  children. 

3740.  Dwight"  Avery  (John6,  John7,  John*,  John5,  Christo- 
pher4, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  10,  1828,  at 
Griswold,  Conn.;  m.  March  24,  1858,  at  Bozrah,  Conn.,  Harriet 
Chamberlain  Stark,  dau.  of  Lathrop  and  Fanny  Abbie  (Saxton) 
Stark.  She  was  b.  Jan.  8,  1838,  at  Bozrah.  He  was  a  farmer 
and  a  market  gardener.  He  d.  Feb.  8,  1907,  at  Norwich  Town, 
Conn.,  where  she  is  living. 

Children  of  Dwight  and  Harriet  Chamberlain  (Stark) 
Avery : 

7743.  i.       Frank  Stark10,  b.  Feb.  8,  1863,  at  Griswold. 

7744.  ii.      Mary10,  b.  Jan.  30,  1865,  at  Griswold. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1067 

7745.     iii.     Dwight  Williams10,  b.  Sept.  26,  1869,  at  Plainfield. 

iv.     Helen  Saxton10,  b.  March  22,  1878,  at  Plainfield;  d.  y. 

3741.  Lucy0  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John*,  John*,  Christo- 
pher4, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  18,  1813, 
at  Cato,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  11,  1838,  at  Defiance,  O.,  William  Castle 
Herrick,  s.  of  James  and  Abigail  (Castle)  Herrick.  He  was  b. 
Jan.  1,  1812,  in  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d. 
April  7,  1872,  in  Steuben  Co.,  Ind. ;  she  d.  April  3,  1882,  in  the 
same  county. 

Children  of  William  Castle  and  Lucy   (Avery)   Herrick,  b. 
in  Steuben  Co. : 

i.       Melinda",  b.   May  7,   1845;   d.  y. 

ii.      Rufus10,  b.  July  2,  1848;  m.  Evana  Freed;  d.  Sept.  30,  1879. 

in  Riley  Co.,  Kas. 
iii.     Richard10,  b.  June  10,  1854;  m.  Margaret  Willennar;   resi- 
dence, Pleasant  Lake,  Ind. 

3742.  Cynthia0  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John*,  John*,  Chris- 
toph(  r\  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  27,  1814,  at 
Cato,  N.  Y.;  m.  July  4,  1836,  at  York  Tp.,  Sandusky  Co.,  O., 
Hiram  Haff,  s.  of  Simeon  and  Betsy  (Lyons)  Haff.  He  was  b. 
Dec.  16,  1812,  at  Livonia,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d. 
Nov.  28,  1876,  at  York  Tp.,  0. ;  he  d.  July  3,  1883,  near  Clyde,  0. 

Children  of  Hiram  and  Cynthia   (Avery)   Haff: 

i.       Sanford10,   b.    Sept.   15,   1837,   at   Townsend,   O.;   m.   Eunice 

E.  Lewis;  2d,  Mary  Garrett  Gillifred.     In  the  civil  war, 

he  was  1st  lieut.,  Co.   K,   100th  Ohio  inf'y.     He  was  a 

lawyer;  a  member  of  both  houses  of  the  state  legislature 

of  Kansas. 
ii.      Edwin10,    b.    March    7,    1840,    at    Townsend,    O.;    m.    Libbie 

Deran.     In  the  civil  war,  he  was  lieut.,  Co.  F,  49th  Ohio 

inf'y  and  was  wounded;  residence,  Hudson,  Mich, 
iii.     Simeon10,  b.  July  22,  1842,  at  Townsend;  d.  y. 
iv.     Elisha  Avery10,  b.   Feb.  26,  1844,  at  Otsego  Tp.,  Steuben 

Co.,  Ind.;  m.  Eliza  Fuller;  residence,  Clyde,  O. 
v.      Reuben10,    b.    April    4,    1846,    at    Townsend,    O.;    m.    Laura 

Crippes;  residence,  Clyde,  O. 
vi.     Melinda10,  b.   Feb.   25,  1848,  at   Clyde,   O.;   m.   Almenas  J. 

Lewis;   residence,   Clyde,   O. 
vii.    Betsy10,  b.  April  15,  1850,  at  Clyde,  O.;  m.  William  Whit- 

aker;    residence,   Liberty   Center,   O. 

1068  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

viii.  Fred10,  b.  June  30,  1852,  at  Clyde,  0.;  m.  Eva  L.   Plumb; 

residence,  Clyde,  O. 
ix.     Isabel10,  b.  May  15,  1855,  at  Clyde,  O.;  m.  David  A.  Heff- 

ner;  d.  Oct.  16,  1893,  at  Clyde, 
x.      Hiram    Bird10,   b.   May   24,   1857,   at   Clyde,   0.;    m.   Libbie 

Ticknor;   residence,  Lorain,   O. 

3743.  Elisha9  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John9,  John5,  Chris- 
topher*, James7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  12,  1816,  at 
Cato,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  8,  1846,  Nancy  Hurtt,  dau.  of  Zachariah 
and  Sarah  (Donely)  Hurtt.  She  was  b.  Aug.  6,  1816,  in  Ross 
Co.,  O.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d.  Dec.  7,  1892;  he  d.  July  4, 
1893,  both  in  Steuben  Co.,  Ind. 

Children  of  Elisha  and  Nancy   (Hurtt)   Avery: 
i.       George10,  b.  Feb.  1,  1848;  d.  y. 

7746.  ii.      Seth  Williams10,  b.  May  28,  1850,  in  Williams  Co.,  0. 

7747.  iii.     Ellen1",  b.  May  21,  1853,  in  Steuben  Co.,  Ind.;   residence, 

Pleasant  Lake,  Ind. 

3745.  James9  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John9,  John*,  Chris- 
topher4-, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  19,  1821,  at 
Ira,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  17,  1861,  at  Auburn,  Ind.,  Mary  Winters, 
dau.  of  Jacob  and  Catharine  (Gamber)  Winters.  She  was  b. 
April  30,  1842,  in  Stark  Co.,  O.  He  was  a  farmer.  She  d. 
Jan.  27,  1892,  in  Steuben  Co.,  Ind.;  he  d.  Jan.  12,  1896,  in  the 
same  county,  on  the  farm  inherited  from  his  father. 

Children  of  James  and  Mary  (Winters)  Avery,  b.  in  Steu- 
ben Co.,  Ind. : 

7748.  i.       Chancy10,  b.  May  19,   1863. 
John10,  b.  June  4,  1865;  d.  May  1890,  in  Steuben  Co.;  unm. 
Sarah10,  b.  June  21,  1871. 
Lora10,  b.  Dec.  16,  1873. 
Lydia10,  b.  July  12,  1881;   d.  y. 

3746.  Maria''  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John6,  John*,  Chris- 
topher4, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  10.  1823,  at 
Camillus,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  6,  1847,  Murlin  Hammil.  She  d.  July 
17,  1861,  in  Defiance  Co.,  O. 

Children  of  Murlin  and  Maria   (Avery)   Hammil : 
i.       Catharine10;    m.    Matthew    Bassett. 
ii.      Russell10;  m.  a  Miss  Baker. 







The  Ninth   Generation  1069 

iii.     Avery10;  it  is  said  that  he  is  living  at  Ree  Heights,  Hand 

Co.,  So.  Dak. 
iv.     Cynthia10;  m.  Charles  Rawls.     She  is  dead.     It  is  said  that 

he  is  living  at  Brushy  Prairie,  Ind. 

3747.  John9  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John*,  John5,  Christo- 
pher*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  8,  1829,  at 
York,  O.;  m.  Feb.  9,  1856,  at  Hillsdale,  Mich.,  Lydia  Doty, 
dau.  of  John  Doty.  She  was  b.  Aug.  1,  1840.  He  was  a  farmer. 
In  the  civil  war,  he  was  a  private  in  Co.  K,  182d  reg't  Ohio 
inf 'y,  and  d.  of  fever,  April  28,  1865,  at  Nashville,  Tenn. ;  buried 
in  the  national  cemetery  there. 

Children  of  John  and  Lydia  (Doty)  Avery: 

i.       Hiram  H.10,  b.  Feb.  8,  1857;  d.  Dec.  13,  1865. 
ii.      Melinda10,  b.  Oct.  16,  1861;  d.  unm. 

3748.  Zillah9  Avery  (Elisha8,  John7,  John6,  John5,  Chris- 
topher*, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  19,  1833,  at 
York,  0.;  m.  March  1,  1855,  at  Hamilton,  Ind.,  'Richard  Fee, 
s.  of  William  and  Margret  (Collins)  Fee.  He  was  b.  Jan.  4, 
1828,  in  Gallia  Co.,  0.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  Jan.  25,  1870,  in 
Steuben  Co.,  Ind.     She  is  living  (1911)   at  Pleasant  Lake,  Ind. 

Children  of  Richard  and  Zillah   (Avery)   Fee,  b.  in  Otsego 
Tp.,  Steuben  Co.,  Ind. : 

i.  Maria10,  b.  Dec.  5,  1855;  m.  David  Days, 

ii.  Almina10,  b.  July  22,  1857;  m.  Oscar  Goldsmith  Clark, 

iii.  Dwight10,  b.  March  24,  1859;  m.  Lillie  May  Fee. 

iv.  Clarinda10,  b.  Sept.  18,  1860;  m.  James  Days, 

v.  Horace  Greely10,  b.  Oct.  9,  1863;  m.  Frances  Potter, 

vi.  Melinda10,  b.  Feb.  28,  1866;   m.  John   Burt  Lemmon;   resi- 
dence, Pleasant  Lake,  Ind. 

3749.  Mary  Louise9  Avery  {Austin8,  Samuel7,  John6,  John5, 
Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  29, 
1828,  at  Franklin,  Conn. ;  m.  Jan.  17,  1854,  at  Franklin,  Dwight 
Ripley  Smith,  s.  of  Harvey  and  Achsah  (Burnham)  Smith. 
He  was  b.  May  30,  1826,  at  Hampton,  Conn.  He  was  a  mer- 
chant and,  for  many  years,  the  president  of  the  Springfield  Fire 
and  Marine  Insurance  Co.  He  d.  April  15,  1880,  at  Springfield, 
Mass.    She  d.  Sept.  23,  1911,  at  Westerly,  R.  I. 

1070  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children    of    Dwight    Ripley    and    Mary    Louise    (Avery) 


Cornelia  Achsah10,  b.  Nov.  17,  1854,  at  Colchester,  Conn.; 
m.   Samuel   Allen   Bangs;   residence,   Springfield. 

Charles  Dwight10,  b.  Nov.  26,  1861,  at  Hampton;  m.  Jen- 
nie Amorita  Bunnell;   residence,  Springfield, 
iii.     Mary   Louisa10,   b.   Nov.   25,   1866,   at   Windham,   Conn.;    d. 
Jan.  19,  1876,  at  Springfield. 

George  Freeman10,  b.  July  17,  1870,  at  Springfield;  Amherst 
College,  1894;  drowned  at  Block  Island,  R.  I.,  Aug.  1, 

3750.  Sarah  Fuller''  Avery  (Austin8,  Samuel7,  John*,  John5, 
Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  11, 
1830,  at  Franklin,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  6,  1853,  at  Franklin,  Thomas 
Murdock  Jewett,  s.  of  Thomas  Murdock  and  Eliza  (Godfrey) 
Jewett.  He  was  b.  Oct.  10,  1830,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  He  was  a 
farmer.  He  d.  Oct.  19,  1880,  at  Faribault,  Minn. ;  she  d.  Nov.  11, 
1911,  at  Cleveland,  O. 

Children  of  Thomas  Murdock  and  Sarah  Fuller   (Avery) 

Jewett : 

i.       Frank   Austin10,   b.   Nov.   7,   1855,   at   Elmira,   N.   Y.;   m. 

Maude  Fiske;  d.  June  30,  1911,  at  Minneapolis,  Minn, 
ii.     Jennie  Eliza10,  b.  Oct.   17,   1860,  at  Faribault,  Minn.;   m. 
William  Henry  Nichols;   residence,   Cleveland,  O. 

3751.  Lucy  Ellen9  Avery  (Austin8,  Samuel7,  John*,  John6, 
Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  22, 
1834,  at  Franklin,  Conn.;  m.  May  10,  1857,  at  Franklin,  John 
Randolph  Abbe,  s.  of  Moses  Cleaveland  and  Tabitha  (Waldo) 
Abbe.  He  was  b.  July  12,  1833,  at  Windham,  Conn.  She  d. 
Dec.  23,  1860,  at  South  Windham,  Conn.  He  m.  2d,  Josephene 
Louise  Robbins,  and  d.  April  17,  1904,  at  Willimantic,  Conn. 

Child  of  John  Randolph  and  Lucy  Ellen  (Avery)  Abbe: 
i.       Charles  Smith10,  b.  May  22,  1859,  at  South  Windham;  m. 
Emily  A.  Bruce;  residence,  Darien,  Conn. 

3752.  Hannah  Alzina9  Avery  (Austin8,  Samuel7,  John6, 
John5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
10,  1840,  at  Franklin,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  16,  1872,  at  Stoning- 
ton,  Conn.,  Samuel  Dunster  Townsend,  s.  of  Lyman  Townsend. 
He  was  b.  Feb.  15,  1842,  at  West  Charleston,  Vt.     He  was  a 

The  Ninth   Generation  1071 

railway  freight  auditor.  He  d.  Feb.  13,  1889,  at  Westerly, 
R.  I.  She  m.  2d,  April  12,  1893,  at  Covington,  Ky.,  William 
Miller,  s.  of  Charles  V.  and  Mary  (Haynes)  Miller.  He  was 
b.  April  2,  1835,  at  New  York  City.  She  d.  Nov.  21,  1909,  at 
Westerly,  R.  I.     No  children. 

3754.  Lucy  Althea"  Avery  (Ulysses8,  Robert  Stanton7, 
John*,  John5,  Christopher',  James1,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  19,  1856,  at  Preston,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  17,  1879,  at 
Preston,  Mason  Stanton  Hewitt,  s.  of  Charles  and  Eliza  (Stan- 
ton) Hewitt.  He  was  b.  Feb.  24,  1856,  at  Preston.  He  is  a 
farmer.     Residence,  Westerly,  R.  I. 

Child  of  Mason  Stanton  and  Lucy  Althea  (Avery)  Hewitt: 
i.       Florence  May10,  b.  July  16,  1887,  at  Preston. 

3755.  Harriette  Lillian9  Avery  (Ulysses8,  Robert  Stan- 
ton~,  John6,  John5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  3,  1859,  at  Preston,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  24,  1883,  at 
Preston,  George  Henry  Loring,  s.  of  William  and  Harriet  (Mor- 
gan) Loring.  He  was  b.  Sept.  1,  1851,  at  Preston.  She  d.  June 
27,  1903,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Nor- 
wich, Conn. 

Children  of  George  Henry  and  Harriette  Lillian  (Avery) 
Loring,  b.  at  Norwich: 

i.       Nellie  Avery10,  b.  Dec.  2,  1884. 

ii.      Frederick  William10,  b.  May  30,  1886;  d.  March  1,  1897. 

iii.     Sarah  Lillian10,  b.  Dec.  11,  1891. 

iv.     Lucy  Williams10,  b.  Sept.  3,   1894. 

v.      Ruth  Lester10,  b.  April  17,  1901. 

3756.  Josie  Emma9  Avery  (Ulysses8,  Robert  Stanton1, 
John*,  John5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  4,  1864,  at  Preston,  Conn. ;  m.  Oct.  8,  1889,  at  Preston, 
Fernando  Wheeler,  s.  of  Nelson  Hewitt  and  Melinda  (Gallup) 
Wheeler.  He  was  b.  June  16,  1863,  at  Stonington.  He  is  a 
farmer  and  produce  dealer.     Residence,  Stonington,  Conn. 

3757.  Isaac  Edwin9  Avery  (Isaac8,  Robert  Stanton1,  John6, 
John5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov. 
18,  1851,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  25,  1886,  at  Lima,  O., 

1072  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Mary  Esther  Lynch,   dau.  of  Charles  A.  and  Emma  (Metheany) 

Lynch.    She  was  b.  Sept.  6,  1864,  at  Connersville,  Ind.    He  is  a 

manufacturer  of  proprietary  remedies.     Residence,  Toledo,  0. 

Children  of  Isaac  Edwin  and  Mary  Esther  (Lynch)  Avery, 

b.  at  Lima : 

7760.  i.  Irene  Clara1",  b.   Sept.   18,  1887. 

7761.  ii.  Florence  Julia10,  b.  June  29,  1892. 

7762.  iii.  Herbert  Edwin10,  b.  June  26,  1895. 

3758.  Annette"  Avery  (Isaac8,  Robert  Stanton1,  John9, 
John5,  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
30,  1855,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  12,  1887,  at  Ledyard, 
Ebenezer  Baldwin  Young,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Cook)  Young. 
He  was  b.  June  8,  1844,  at  Aquebogue,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer. 
He  d.  June  23,  1909,  at  Aquebogue;  she  is  living  (1911)  at 
Riverhead,  N.  Y. 

Children    of    Ebenezer    Baldwin    and    Annette     (Avery) 

Young : 

i.       Jane  Avery10,  b.  Jan.   19,   1891,  at  Aquebogue. 

ii.      Harold  Edwin1',  b.  Aug.  29,  1893,  at  Aquebogue. 

3759.  Julia  Niles9  Avery  (Isaac8,  Robert  Stanton7,  John*, 
John5,  Christopher4,  James-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
7,  1862,  at  Ledyard,  Conn. ;  m.  Aug.  4,  1900,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
Ambrose  H.  Chase,  s.  of  Jesse  and  Sallie  (Haight)  Chase.  He 
was  b.  July  4,  1837,  at  Peekskill,  N.  Y.  He  is  an  editor.  No 
children.     Residence,  Washington,  D.  C. 

3761.  Mary  Ella9  Avery  (Erasmus8,  Robert  Stanton1,  John6, 
John5,  Christopher4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
3,  1847,  at  Ledyard,  Conn.;  m.  May  24,  1870,  at  Ledyard, 
James  Young  Thomas,  s.  of  Peleg  George  and  Mary  (Cady) 
Thomas.  He  was  b.  March  23,  1846,  at  Lebanon,  Conn.  He  is 
a  farmer;  has  represented  Lebanon  in  the  legislature;  deacon 
of  the  Goshen  Congregational  Church.  She  d.  Aug.  3,  1906,  at 
Lebanon,  where  he  is  living  (1911). 

Children  of  James  Young  and  Mary  Ella  (Avery)  Thomas, 
b.  at  Lebanon: 

i.      James  Avery10,  b.  Oct.  24,  1871;  m.  Vera  Nancy  Harris; 
2d,  Annie  Porter  Mills. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1073 

ii.      Ella  Cady10,  b.  March  23,  1873;  m.  Edward  Kelsey  Jones. 
iii.     Eunice  Williams10,  b.  Oct.  15,  1877;  m.  Edward  Wright 
Jones;   residence,  Leonard   Bridge,  Conn. 

3762.  Eunice  Huntington9  Avery  (Erasmus8,  Robert  Stan- 
ton7, John6,  John5,  Christopher*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  18,  1850.  at  Ledyard,  Conn. ;  m.  June  25,  1884,  at 
Ledyard,  Walter  Fish,  s.  of  William  R.  and  Lydia  Wheeler 
(Williams)  Fish.  He  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1854,  at  Mystic,  Conn. 
He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  June  9,  1908,  at  Mystic,  where  she  is 
living  (1912). 

Child  of  Walter  and  Eunice  Huntington  (Avery)  Fish: 
i.       Fannie  Ella"',  b.  Nov.  14,  1888,  at  Mystic. 

3763.  Fanny  Augusta"  Avery  (Erasmus8,  Robert  Stanton1, 
John6,  John5,  Christopher*,  James5,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  May  20,  1857,  at  Ledyard,  Conn. ;  m.  Oct.  28,  1879,  at  Ledyard, 
James  Carlos  Foote,  s.  of  William  and  Emeline  (Brown)  Foote. 
He  is  a  merchant.    It  is  said  that  they  live  at  Athol,  Mass. 

Children   of  James   Carlos  and   Fanny  Augusta    (Avery) 

Foote : 

i.      Grace  Avery10,  b.  July  9,  1881. 

ii.      Fanny  Annette10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1883. 

iii.     William  Erasmus10,  b.  Aug.  23,  1885,  at  Colchester,  Conn.; 

d.  Jan.  5,  1891,  at  Colchester, 
iv.     Edith10,  b.  Feb.  9,  1893,  at  Colchester. 

3764.  Frances  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Amos8,  Amos7,  John6, 
John5,  Christopher*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
19,  1829,  at  Preston,  Conn. ;  m.  April  5,  1853,  at  Albany,  N.  Y., 
Benjamin  Walworth  Arnold,  s.  of  Israel  and  Penelope  (Brown) 
Arnold.  He  was  b.  April  24,  1821,  at  Benton,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
lumber  manufacturer.  She  d.  Feb.  6,  1876,  at  Albany.  He  m. 
2d,  her  sister,  Jane  Treat  Avery  (No.  3765).  He  d.  Jan.  24, 
1891,  at  Albany. 

Children    of   Benjamin   Walworth   and    Frances   Elizabeth 
(Avery)  Arnold,  b.  at  Albany: 

i.       Amos10,  b.  July  5,  1860;  d.  y. 

ii.  Benjamin  Walworth19,  b.  April  30,  1865;  m.  Harriet  Alice 
Thomas;  2d,  Katharine  Westerlo  Van  Rensselaer;  3d, 
Elizabeth   Van   Rensselaer;    residence,   Albany,   N.   Y. 

1074  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3765.  Jane  Treat9  Avery  (Amos8,  Amos7,  John*,  John5, 
Christopher*,  James* ,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  5,  1834, 
at  Stockbridge,  Mass.;  m.  Nov.  21,  1877,  at  Albany,  N.  Y., 
Benjamin  Walworth  Arnold,  s.  of  Israel  and  Penelope  (Brown) 
Arnold,  and  widower  of  her  sister,  Frances  Elizabeth  (No. 
3764).  He  was  b.  April  24,  1821,  at  Benton,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Jan. 
24,  1891,  at  Albany,  N.  Y.,  where  she  is  living  (1911).  No 

3766.  Delia9  Avery  (Andrew8,  Amos7,  John*,  John-',  Chris- 
topher*, Jamesz,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  15,  1855, 
at  Preston,  Conn. ;  m.  Aug.  18,  1886,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  Louis 
Rhodes  Southworth,  s.  of  the  Rev.  Alden  and  Hannah  Elizabeth 
(Arnold)  Southworth.  He  was  b.  Dec.  7,  1856,  at  South  Wood- 
stock, Conn.  He  is  connected  with  the  New  York  World.  No 
children.     She  d.  in  Oct.,  1909. 

3767.  Amos9  Avery  (Andrew8,  Amos7,  John*,  John5,  Chris- 
topher4, James*,  James-,  Christopher' )  was  b.  March  6,  1868, 
at  North  Stonington,  Conn. ;  m.  June  6,  1899,  at  Hatfield,  Mass., 
Harriet  Elizabeth  Byrne,  dau.  of  Samuel  Gray  and  Emma  Clark 
(Armstrong)  Byrne.  She  was  b.  Feb.  4,  1868,  at  Windham, 
Conn.    He  is  a  physician.    Residence,  The  Dalles,  Oregon. 

Children  of  Amos  and  Harriet  Elizabeth   (Byrne)   Avery: 

7765.  i.       Delia  Stanton10,  b.  April  16,  1900,  at  Hampton,  Conn. 

7766.  ii.      Charlotte  Elderkin10,  b.  July  13,  1901,  at  Hampton. 

7767.  iii.     Harriet  Gray10,  b.  Jan.  16,  1904,  at  Northampton,  Mass. 

7768.  iv.     Catherine  Helen10,  b.  March  16,  1906,  at  Sapulpa,  Okla. 

3768.  Oliver  Perry1'  Avery  (Andreiv8,  Amos7,  John*,  John*, 
Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  21, 
1871,  at  North  Stonington,  Conn. ;  m.  Dec.  12,  1901,  at  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo.,  Emma  Miller  Dickinson,  dau.  of  Samuel  Fowler 
and  Ella  Amelia  (Massey)  Dickinson.  She  was  b.  Dec.  12, 
1880,  at  Cambridge,  111.  She  is  descended  from  Dr.  William 
Avery,  the  founder  of  the  Dedham  Avery  Clan  (see  page  24). 
He  is  a  Congregational  minister ;  a  graduate  of  Colorado  College, 
'97,  and  of  Yale  Divinity  School,  1900.  Residence,  Blaine, 

The  Ninth  Generation  1075 

Children  of  Oliver  Perry  and   Emma   Miller    (Dickinson) 
Avery : 

7775.  i.       Perry  Dickinson10,  b.  April  3,  1904,  at  Deadwood,  So.  Dak. 

7776.  ii.      Ray  Stanton10,  b.  Jan.  13,   1907,  at  Oklahoma   City,   Okla. 

3779.  Margaret  Olivia9  Avery  {George*,  Christopher,  John6, 
John5,  Christopher1,  James*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
2,  1840,  at  Jewett  City,  Conn. ;  m.  May  16,  1863,  at  Waukau,  Wis., 
Asa  D.  Packard,  s.  of  Lewis  and  Emeline  (Crane)  Packard.  He 
was  b.  at  Genesee,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  dealer  in  machinery,  coal,  and 
grain.    It  is  said  that  they  live  at  Sherburn,  Minn. 

Children  of  Asa  D.  and  Margaret  Olivia  (Avery)  Packard, 
b.  at  Waukau,  Wis. : 

i.       George   Dalton10;   m.   Ida   M.   Sherman. 

ii.      Lillie   Belle10;   m.   Clark   E.   Bagley. 

iii.     Maggie  E.10;  m.  Reid  C.  Alsworth. 

3782.  Isabella9  Avery  {George*,  Christopher1,  John6,  John5, 
Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  7, 
1848,  at  Norwich,  Conn.;  m.  March  8,  1871,  at  Berlin,  Wis., 
Henry  Clark,  s.  of  Job  and  Lucia  (Ainsworth)  Clark.  He  was 
b.  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.     Residence,  Bellington,  Wis. 

Child  of  Henry  and  Isabella  (Avery)  Clark : 

i.       Julius  Webb10,  b.  June  10,  1873,  at  Cresco,  la. 

3783.  Nellie  Tyler9  Avery  {George8,  Christopher,  John6, 
John5,  Christopher1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher^)  was  b.  Jan. 
12,  1865,  at  Waukau,  Wis. ;  m.  Oct.  18,  1882,  at  Ledyard,  Wis., 
Lewis  Elisha  Neff,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Ann  (Pratt)  Neff. 
He  was  b.  July  4,  1844,  at  Spring  Prairie,  Wis.  He  d.  June  14, 
1893,  at  West  Menasha,  Wis.  She  m.  2d,  Oct.  25,  1893,  at 
Neenah.  Wis.,  Joseph  Byron  Neff,  s.  of  Abel  and  Philena  (Stork) 
Neff.  He  was  b.  Feb.  12,  1843.  He  d.  Feb.  11,  1902,  at  West 
Menasha.  She  m.  3d,  Sept.  9,  1903,  at  West  Menasha,  Jonathan 
Neff,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Martha  Ann  (Miller)  Neff.  He  was  b. 
June  18,  1870,  at  West  Menasha.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence, 
Withee,  Wis. 

Children  of  Lewis  Elisha  and  Nellie  Tyler   (Avery)   Neff: 
i.       Frank  Clark10,  b.  Dec.  30,  1883,  at  Ledyard,  Wis. 
ii.      Margie  Bell10,  b.  May  30,  1885,  at  Stafford,  Ala.;  m.  Charles 
Foster  McNitt;   residence,  Whitewater,  Wis. 

1076  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Child  of  Joseph  Byron  and  Nellie  Tyler  (Avery)   Neff : 
i.       Earl  Lester10,  b.  Nov.  20,  1894,  at  West  Menasha. 

3791.  Lucius  Lathrop1'  Avery  (Lucius  Goodwin8,  Christo- 
pher7, John0,  John5,  Christopher*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  25,  1870,  at  Waukau,  Wis.;  m.  Nov.  13,  1895,  at 
Vinland  Township,  Wis.,  Sarah  Hallgarth,  dau.  of  Joseph  and 
Caroline  (Thompson)  Hallgarth.  She  was  b.  Nov.  19,  1866,  at 
Vinland,  Wis.  He  is  a  farmer.  No  children.  Residence,  Omro, 

3795.  William  Williams9  Avery  {John  Stanton8,  Amos1, 
Isaac0,  John5,  Christopher'1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  9,  1818,  at  Litchfield,  N.  Y.;  m.  Feb.  25,  1846,  at 
Scriba,  N.  Y.,  Emeline  Hopson,  dau.  of  Simeon  and  Ruth 
(Cowan)  Hopson.  She  was  b.  June  18,  1824,  at  Mexico,  N.  Y. 
He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  March  5,  1894;  she  d.  Sept.  9,  1895, 
both  at  Litchfield. 

Children  of  William  Williams  and  Emeline  (Hopson) 
Avery : 

7796.  i.  Apphia  Jane10,  b.  Jan.  15,  1847,  at  Scriba. 

7797.  ii.  Elva  Florence10,  b.  March  18,  1849,  at  Scriba. 

7798.  iii.  Frances  Elizabeth10,  b.  June  2,  1851,  at  Scriba. 

7799.  iv.  Erford  Baras10,  b.  April  5,  1853,  at  Scriba. 

7800.  v.  William  Marshall10,  b.  June  6,  1855,  at  Scriba. 

7801.  vi.  Edwin  Hopson10,  b.  March  21,  1857,  at  Fort  Atkinson,  Wis.; 

residence,  Ilion,  N.  Y. 

7802.  vii.    Annette  Letitia1",  b.  Aug.  27,  1859,  at  Fort  Atkinson. 

7803.  viii.  John  Simeon1",  b.  April  5,  1862,  at  Fort  Atkinson. 

7804.  ix.     Helen   Maria1",  b.   July  22,   1864,  at   Fort  Atkinson;   resi- 

dence, Ilion. 

7805.  x.      Nancy  Adell10,  b.  Aug.   19,  1866,  at  Fort  Atkinson;   resi- 

dence, Ilion. 

3796.  Thetis9  Avery  (John  Stanton8,  Amos7,  Isaac0,  John5, 
Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  31, 
1820,  at  Litchfield,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  10,  1844,  at  Burlington 
Flats,  N.  Y.,  Loren  True,  s.  of  Jacob  Loren  and  Patience 
(Mitchell)  True.  He  was  b.  June  19,  1819,  at  Litchfield.  He 
was  a  farmer.  He  d.  July  3,  1883;  she  d.  July  5,  1894,  both  at 
Ilion,  N.  Y. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1077 

Children  of  Loren  and  Thetis  (Avery)  True: 

i.       William  Henry10,  b.  Oct.  21,  1845,  at  Litchfield;  m.  Emma 

Holdridge;  d.  June,  1908,  at  Chicago,  111. 
ii.      Wallace  Edwin10,  b.  May  4,  1848,  at  Litchfield;  m.  Rhoda 

Estelle  Gorton;   residence,  Ilion,  N.  Y. 
iii.     Flora   Elizabeth10,  b.   March   24,   1851,   at   German   Flats, 

N.  Y.;  m.  William  S.  King;  d.  March  13,  1895,  at  Red- 
field,  So.  Dak. 
iv.     Jenny  Viola10,  b.  Dec.  28,  1853,  at  German  Flats;  d.  Nov. 

24,  1878,  at  Ilion;  unm. 
v.      Charles  Arthur10,  b.  June  21,  1857,  at  Frankfort,  N.  Y.; 

m.  Lura  Sunderland;  d.  June  16,  1888,  at  Ilion. 
vi.     Lucy  Jessie10,   b.   June   7,   1860,   at   Frankfort;    m.    Elmer 

Williams;  d.  May  17,  1889,  at  Ilion. 

3797.  Sanford"  Avery  {John  Stanton5,  Amos7,  Isaac6,  John5, 
Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  20, 
1825,  at  Litchfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  19,  1860,  at  Winfield,  N.  Y., 
Clara  Davis,  dau.  of  Stephen  and  Esther  Ann  (Gorton)  Davis. 
She  was  b.  June  16,  1842,  at  Plainfield,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer. 
She  d.  April  5,  1864 ;  he  d.  June  24,  1905,  both  at  Litchfield. 

Children  of  Sanford  and  Clara  (Davis)  Avery,  b.  at  Litch- 

7806.  i.       Ella   May10,   b.   March   4,   1861;   d.   Oct.   3,   1895,  at  Ilion, 

N.   Y.;   unm. 

7807.  ii.      Albert    Frank10,    b.    July   25,    1862;    a    farmer;    residence, 

Ilion,  N.  Y.;  unm.  in  1912. 

3798.  Alonzo  Leo9  Avery  (John  Stanton*,  Amos7,  Isaac0, 
John5,  Christopher-,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
12,  1831,  at  Litchfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1862,  at  Litchfield, 
Nancy  Cornelia  Wheelock,  dau.  of  Danforth  and  Margaret 
(Cummings)  Wheelock.  She  was  b.  Aug.  6,  1837,  at  Litchfield. 
He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  July  15,  1880,  at  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  She 
is  living  (1911)  at  Ilion,  N.  Y. 

7808.  i.       Sheridan  L.10,  b.  Jan.  12,  1864;  a  farmer;  unm.  in  1910. 

7809.  ii.      Grace  Rosette10,  b.  May  19,  1866;  unm.  in  1910. 

3799.  Samuel9  Avery  {John  Stanton*,  Amos7,  Isaac9,  John5, 
Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  8,  1833, 
at  Litchfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  19,  1859,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Louisa 
Angeline  Holmes,  dau.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Millet)  Holmes. 

1078  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

She  was  b.  Dec.  29,  1828,  at  Manchester,  Vt.  He  was  a  horti- 
culturist. She  d.  Dec.  31,  1883,  at  Omaha,  Neb. ;  he  d.  Aug.  20, 
1905,  at  Council  Bluffs,  la. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Louisa  Angeline  (Holmes)  Avery: 

7810.  i.       Kittie   Clyde'",   b.   Feb.   8,   1861,  at   Chicago,   111.;   unra.   in 

1912;   residence,  Omaha,  Neb. 

7811.  ii.      Minnehaha10,  b.  Aug.  30,  1863,  at  Bloomingdale,  111.;  unm. 

in   1912;   residence,  Council   Bluffs,  la. 

7812.  iii.     Alice  May10,  b.  March  19,   1866,  at  Bloomingdale. 

3800.  Mary  Maria9  Avery  (John  Stanton8,  Amos1,  Isaac11, 
John*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
30,  1837,  at  Litchfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  27,  1861,  at  West  Win- 
field,  N.  Y.,  Thomas  Davis,  s.  of  Stephen  and  Esther  Ann  (Gor- 
ton) Davis,  and  brother  of  the  wife  of  Sanford  Avery  (No. 
3797).  He  was  b.  Nov.  4,  1839,  at  Plainfield,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
farmer.  She  d.  March  16,  1896,  at  Ilion,  N.  Y.  He  is  living 
(1911)   at  Ilion: 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Maria  (Avery)  Davis,  b.  at 

Frankfort : 

i.  Mary   Bertha10,  b.   Oct.   6,   1863;   m.   Augustus   Schonefeld. 

He  d.  April  12,  1898;  she  d.  June  12,  1902. 

ii.  Flora  Esther10,  b.  Sept.  7,  1867. 

iii.  Lora  Elizabeth10,  b.  March  9,  1875. 

iv.  Thetis  Emeline10,  b.  Dec.  25,  1877. 

v.  Thomas  Stephen10,  b.  Feb.  22,  1882;  d.  y. 

3801.  Lucy  Louisa0  Avery  {John  Stanton8,  Amos7,  Isaac6, 
John*,  Christopher'',  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
25,  1840,  at  Litchfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  15,  1873,  at  Ilion,  N.  Y., 
Joseph  La  Veck,  s.  of  Martin  and  Mary  (Knapp)  La  Veck.  He 
was  b.  April  12,  1849,  at  Brasher  Iron  Works,  N.  Y.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Ilion,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Joseph  and  Lucy  Louisa  (Avery)  La  Veck: 

i.       Bessie  Mabel10,  b.  Jan.  16,  1875,  at  Litchfield;  m.  Benjamin 
Franklin   Russell;   residence,   Ilion,   N.   Y. 

3802.  Margaret  Willadins9  Avery  {Orlando  Hopkins*, 
Amos',  Isaac0,  John*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  5.  1821,  at  Plainfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  16, 
1842,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  Franklin  Cheesbro,  s.  of  Christopher 
and  Sally   (Hecock)    Cheesbro.     He  was  b.  July  4,  1821,  near 

The  Ninth  Generation  1079 

Lake  Champlain,  in  Vt.     He  was  a  farmer.     She  d.  Sept.  4, 
1896;  he  d.  June  17,  1900,  both  at  Devils  Lake,  Mich. 

Children    of    Franklin    and    Margaret    Willadins    (Avery) 
Cheesbro,  b.  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Mortimer  Duane10,  b.  June  23,  1844;  m.  Susan  Reynolds. 

He  was  a  Union  soldier;  d.  March  14,  1899. 
ii.      Sarah10,  b.  April  5,  1846;  m.  William  Hamilton;  2d,  Clarke 

iii.     Andrew  Jackson10,  b.   Nov.  28,  1848;  m.  Rose  Macentyre; 

d.  Feb.  14,  1896,  at  Devils  Lake;  a  Union  soldier, 
iv.     Albert10,  b.  Feb.  14,  1850;  m.  Olive  Bates, 
v.      William10,  b.  May  26,  1852;  m.  Elizabeth  Angeline  Pierce. 
vi.     Lillie10,  b.  July  18,  1854;  d.  Aug.  18,  1862. 
vii.    Roswell10,  b.  Aug.  5,  1856;  d.  Aug.  19,  1862. 
viii.  Irvin10,  b.   Sept.  8,  1858;  d.  Aug.   10,  1862. 
ix.     Frederick10,  b.  Dec.  15,  1864;  m.  Maggie  Norton. 

3804.  Amy  Harriette"  Avery  (Orlando  Hopkins*,  Amos1, 
Isaac6,  John5,  Christopher*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Aug.  13,  1825,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y.;  m.  May  18,  1842,  at 
Brookfield,  Horace  Drake,  s.  of  Noah  and  Lucinda  (Nobles) 
Drake.  He  was  b.  July  16,  1821.  He  was  a  farmer;  d.  June  24, 
1864,  at  Cambria,  Mich. 

Child  of  Horace  and  Amy  Harriette  (Avery)  Drake:- 

i.       George  Francis10,  b.  Feb.  12,  1843,  at  New  Berlin,  N.  Y.; 

m.  Helen  Mitchel. 
Four  other  children  died  in  infancy. 

3805.  DeLafayette9  Avery  (Orlando  Hopkins9,  Amos1, 
Isaac0,  John5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  29,  1828,  at  Fish  Creek,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  11,  1852,  at 
Sugar  Grove,  Pa.,  Sarah  Maria  Nobles,  dau.  of  Timothy  Buell 
and  Joanna  (Rathbun)  Nobles.  She  was  b.  May  22,  1829,  at 
Howard,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Oct.  16,  1905;  she  d. 
Jan.  17,  1908,  both  at  Beaver  Tp.,  Pa. 

Children  of  DeLafayette  and  Sarah  Maria  (Nobles)  Avery: 

7813.  i.       De  Forest10,  b.  April  25,  1853,  at  Spring  Tp.,  Pa. 

7814.  ii.      Fred10,  b.  Dec.  20,  1854,  at  Spring  Tp. 

7815.  iii.     Eugene50,  b.  July  25,  1856,  at  Sugar  Grove. 

3806.  Julia  Elizabeth"  Avery  (Orlando  Hopkins8,  Amos1, 
Isaac6,  John5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  9,  1833,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  William  Hall,  s.  of  Collins 

1080  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Hall.    He  was  b.  July  13,  1823.    He  was  a  miller.    She  d.  Aug. 
9,  1867,  at  Woodbridge,  Mich.;  he  d.  Feb.  21,  1889,  at  Ouray, 


Child  of  William  and  Julia  Elizabeth   (Avery)   Hall: 

i.      William    Avery10,    b.    June    30,    1858,    at    Woodbridge;    m. 
Challie   R.   Marchand;    residence,   Howard,   So.   Dak. 

3807.  Isaac  Park''  Avery  (Orlando  Hopkins*,  Amos7,  Isaac*, 
John*,  Christopher1,  James*,  James*,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
18,  1835,  at  Brookfield,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Mary  Jane  Dawley,  dau.  of 
William  and  Sarah  (Kipp)  Dawley.  He  d.  July  3,  1868,  at  Cale- 
donia, Minn. 

Child  of  Isaac  Park  and  Mary  Jane  (Dawley)   Avery: 
7816.     i.       Gertrude10,  b.  June  22,  1862,  at  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

3812.  James  M.9  Avery  (Timothy8,  Christopher7,  Christo- 
pher9, Christopher5,  Christopher4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  1,  1820;  m.  March  1,  1841,  at  Preston,  Conn., 
Eliza  Brewster  Fitch,  dau.  of  John  C.  and  Patty  (Bromley) 
Fitch.  She  was  b.  Feb.  2,  1823,  at  Griswold,  Conn.  He  d.  March 
9,  1874. 

Children  of  James  M.  and  Eliza  Brewster   (Fitch)   Avery, 
b.  at  Preston,  Conn.  : 

Charles  Monroe10,  b.  Jan.  30,  1842. 

James  Henry10,  b.  June  20,  1843. 

Emily  Frances10,  b.  Jan.  4,  1845;  d.  April  17,  1862. 

George  Fitch10,  b.  July  2,  1846;  d.  Marcb  7,  1864. 

Lucy  Ann10,  b.  Jan.  6,  1848. 

Edward  Leviah10,  b.  Jan.  22,  1850. 

Daniel  Austin10,  b.  Nov.  21,  1851. 

3815.  Edwin  Prentice !l  Avery  (Nathan  Prentice8,  Prentice1 
Nathan®,  Christopher5,  Christopher*,  James*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  26,  1836,  at  Norwich,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  16,  1866, 
at  East  Lyme,  Conn.,  Adelaide  Louisa  Smith,  dau.  of  Simeon 
and  Mary  Ann  (Morgan)  Smith.  She  was  b.  Jan.  16,  1842,  at 
East  Lyme.  In  the  civil  war,  he  was  a  member  of  Co.  A,  18th 
reg't  Conn,  infy;  was  taken  prisoner  and  sent  to  Libby  prison. 
She  d.  May  24,  1897 ;  he  d.  Oct.  1,  1902,  both  at  Holyoke,  Mass. 
Children  of  Edwin  Prentice  and  Adelaide  Louisa  (Smith) 
Avery,  b.  at  Norwich: 

7830.  i.      Nathan   Prentice10,  b.  May  13,  1869. 

7831.  ii.      Sybil  Louisa10,  b.  June  18,  1873;  unm.  in  1912. 













The   Ninth   Generation  1081 

3818.  Abigail9  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas*,  Samuel7,  Samuel0, 
Christopher,  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  30,  1833,  at  South  Windsor,  Conn. ;  m.  March  23,  1859, 
at  South  Windsor,  Henry  Wells  Sadd,  s.  of  William  and  Maronet 
(Allen)  Sadd.  He  was  b.  Aug.  17,  1834,  at  South  Windsor.  He 
was  a  farmer.  She  d.  June  20,  1866;  he  d.  May  2,  1910;  both 
at  South  Windsor. 

Children  of  Henry  Wells  and  Abigail   (Avery)   Sadd,  b.  at 
South  Windsor : 

i.       Arthur  Henry10,  b.  Feb.  12,  1860;  m.  Helen  S.  Dewey;  2d, 

Mrs.   Isabella    Smith    Clemens;    residence,   Broad   Brook, 

ii.      Elmer  Avery1",  b.  May  6,  1861;  m.  Nellie  Louise  Farnham; 

residence,    New    Haven,    Conn, 
iii.     Walter   Avery10,   b.    March    29,    1863;    m.    Caroline   Terry; 

residence,  Ansonia,  Conn, 
iv.     William  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  26,  1864;   adopted  by  his  uncle, 

Henry  Avery    (No.   3819). 

3819.  Henry11  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas*,  Samuel1,  Samuel*, 
Christopher* ,  Christopher*,  James* ,  James1,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  16,  1835,  at  South  Windsor,  Conn. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1862,  at 
South  Windsor,  Charlotte  Hannah  Sadd,  dau.  of  Frederick 
Henry  and  Hannah  (Collins)  Sadd.  She  was  b.  Aug.  30,  1842, 
at  South  Windsor.  He  was  a  farmer ;  was  a  soldier  in  the  25th 
reg't  Conn,  inf'y,  during  the  civil  war.  He  d.  April  7,  1900,  at 
South  Windsor.  They  had  no  children,  but  they  adopted  Will- 
iam Avery  Sadd,  son  of  his  sister,  Abigail  (No.  3818).  He 
writes  his  name  William  Sadd  Avery. 

7841.     i.       William  Sadd10,  b.  Sept.  26,  1864.     (See  No.  3818,  iv.) 

3820.  Charles9  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas*,  Samuel7,  Samuel6, 
Christopher3,  Christopher*,  James7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  20,  1838,  at  East  Windsor,  Conn.;  m.  May  9,  1865,  at 
Enfield,  Conn.,  Tressa  Milsop,  dau.  of  George  and  Deborah 
(Flavell)  Milsop.  She  was  b.  March  9,  1841,  ar  Belfast,  Ire- 
land. He  is  a  boot  and  shoe  dealer.  He  was  a  lieutenant  in  the 
25th  reg't  Conn,  inf'y  in  the  civil  war.  Residence,  Hartford, 

1082  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Charles  and  Tressa  (Milsop)  Avery,  b.  at  Hart- 
ford : 

7842.  i.       Samuel  Charles'0,  b.  July  10,  1869. 

7843.  ii.     Frank  Herbert10,  b.  April  23,  1875. 

3822.  Elizabeth0  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas*,  Samuel7,  Sam- 
uel6, Christopher5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  6,  1843,  at  South  Windsor,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  26, 
1864,  at  South  Windsor,  Roman  Albert  Crane,  s.  of  Hezekiah 
Backus  and  Angeline  (Gowdy)  Crane.  He  was  b.  Feb.  19, 
1842,  at  Enfield,  Conn.  He  is  a  real  estate  dealer  at  Spring- 
field, Mass.,  where  she  d.  Oct.  25,  1909. 

Children  of  Roman  Albert  and  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Crane, 
b.  at  East  Longmeadow,  Mass. : 

i.  Frank  Albert1",  b.  Sept.  9,  1865;  m.  Bertha  Maria  Cad- 

ii.      Howard  Walter10,  b.  May  8,  1867;  d.  y. 

iii.  Arthur  Gowdy10,  b.  July  18,  1871;  m.  Lute  Marks  Hans- 

iv.     Walter  Avery10,  b.  June  6,  1876;  d.  April  2,  1882. 

v.  Robert  Samuel10,  b.  Dec.  6,  1886;  m.  May  L.  Herring;  resi- 
dence, Evanston,  111. 

3823.  Francis1'  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas8,  Samuel7,  Samuel6, 
Christopher5,  Christopher'1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  12,  1847,  at  South  Windsor,  Conn.;  m.  June  8,  1869, 
at  Talcottville,  Conn.,  Laura  Maria  Grant,  dau.  of  Horace  and 
Lucina  (Grant)  Grant.  She  was  b.  Oct.  16,  1847,  at  South  Wind- 
sor. He  was  superintendent  and  treasurer  of  the  Wapping 
Creamery  Co. ;  was  a  farmer ;  represented  the  town  in  the  legis- 
lature in  1884.  He  d.  Feb.  11,  1902,  at  Manchester,  Conn.;  she 
is  living   (1912)   at  East  Hartford,  Conn. 

Children  of  Francis  and  Laura  Maria  (Grant)  Avery,  b. 
at  South  Windsor: 

Frederick  Horace10,  b.  Oct.  13,  1870. 
Gertrude  Amelia10,  b.  April  11,  1874. 
Adelle  Eliza10,  b.  June  27,  1876;   d.  y. 
Mabel  Elizabeth10,  b.  April  21,  1878. 
Emma  Frances10,  b.  Oct.  3,  1881. 
Edith  Lottie10,  b.  Aug.  5,  1886. 
Ralph  Bunce1",  b.  Nov.  29,  1891. 














The  Ninth  Generation  1083 

3824.  George1'  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas8,  Samuel7,  Samuel", 
Christopher^,  Christopher*,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  29,  1849,  at  South  Windsor,  Conn.;  m.  May  2,  1871,  at 
Talcottville,  Conn.,  Emma  Jane  Talcott,  adopted  dau.  of  A.  K. 
Talcott.  She  was  b.  Dec.  15,  1852,  at  Providence,  R.  I. ;  d.  Jan. 
3,  1877,  at  Hartford,  Conn.  He  m.  2d,  Jan.  26,  1880,  at  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  Mary  Hedges  Beale,  dau.  of  William  Clark  and 
Phebe  Ann  (Marvin)  Beale.  She  was  b.  Dec.  22,  1847,  near 
Bellport,  N.  Y.;  d.  March  23,  1884,  at  Hartford.  He  m.  3d, 
Sept.  17,  1891,  at  Port  Jefferson,  N.  Y.,  Lodema  Luella  Bayles, 
dau.  of  Charles  Alfred  and  Lodema  (Dickinson)  Bayles.  She 
was  b.  Oct.  31,  1870,  at  Port  Jefferson,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  mer- 
chant.   Residence,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Children  of  George  and  Emma  Jane  (Talcott)  Avery,  b.  at 
Talcottville : 

i.      Alfred  Talcott1",  b.  June  2,  1872;  d.  y. 

7850.  ii.      Abbie  Lucretia10,  b.  Jan.  22,  1874. 

Children  of  George  and  Mary  Hedges  (Beale)  Avery,  b.  at 
Hartford : 

7851.  i.       George  Ernest10  b.  Dec.  24,  1880. 

ii.      Louis  Edward10,  b.  June  2,  1882;  d.  y. 
iii.     Mary  Elsie10,  b.  Feb.  17,  1884;  d.  y. 

Children  of  George  and  Lodema  Luella   (Bayles)  Avery,  b. 

at  Hartford : 

7852.  i.       Sherman  Bayles10,  b.  Jan.  8,  1893. 

7853.  ii.     Westell  Russell10,  b.  Oct.  8,  1894. 

7854.  iii.     Lelah  May10,  b.  Aug.  11,  1898. 

3825.  Mary9  Avery  (Samuel  Thomas8,  Samuel7,  Samuel6, 
Christopher',  Christopher*,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  20,  1853,  at  South  Windsor,  Conn. ;  m.  May  15,  1878,  at 
South  Windsor,  Frank  Smith  Taylor,  s.  of  Oliver  Brewster  and 
Jane  Elizabeth  (Smith)  Taylor.  He  was  b.  May  2,  1853,  at 
Manchester,  Conn.  She  d.  Sept.  10,  1888,  at  South  Windsor, 
Conn.     He  is  living  at  Hartford,  Conn. 

Children  of  Frank  Smith  and  Mary  (Avery)   Taylor,  b.  at 

Manchester : 

i.       Howard  Frank11,  b.  Feb.  26,  1879;  m.  Wilhelmine  Catherine 

Klostermier ;    residence,   Indianapolis,   Ind. 
ii.     Jennie  Brewster10,  b.  March  9,  1880;  d.  y. 
iii.     Edward  Oliver1",  b.  Nov.  19,  1881 ;  d.  y. 

1084  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3826.  Ellie9  Avery  (Francis8,  Henry1,  Samuel*,  Christo- 
pher*, Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
28,  1858,  at  Cincinnati,  O. ;  m.  May  26,  1885,  at  Sausalito,  Calif., 
Frederick  Wilcox  Reed,  s.  of  Lafayette  and  Frances  Eliza  (Wil- 
cox) Reed.  He  was  b.  April  17,  1860,  at  Sacramento,  Calif.  He 
was  an  Episcopal  clergymen;  d.  May  25,  1890,  at  New  York 
City.  She  m.  2d,  Oct.  29,  1892,  at  Mill  Valley,  Calif.,  Henry 
Cook  Campbell,  s.  of  Alexander  and  Susan  Eliza  (Millikin) 
Campbell.  He  was  b.  July  2,  1840,  at  New  Brunswick,  Canada. 
He  was  an  attorney.  He  d.  Jan.  2,  1905,  at  Sausalito,  Calif., 
where  she  resides. 

Child  of  Frederick  Wilcox  and  Ellie   (Avery)   Reed,  b.  at 


i.       Frances  Cecilia10,  b.  April  6,  1887;  m.  Henry  Milner  Ride- 

3827.  Russell0  Avery  [Francis*,  Henry1,  Samuel9,  Christo- 
pher'', Christopher1 ,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
17,  1866,  at  Great  Barrington,  Mass. ;  m.  May  27,  1888,  at  Jersey 
City,  N.  J.,  Anita  Corsini,  b.  in  Italy.  He  was  an  inventor  and 
promoter;  d.  Aug.  25,  1903,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif.  Two  chil- 
dren died  in  infancy. 

3828.  Howard  Stanbery9  Avery  (Francis8,  Henry1,  Sam- 
uel0, Christopher5,  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  22,  1876,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif. ;  m.  Feb.  21,  1900, 
at  Oakland,  Calif.,  Caroline  Hamilton  Coit,  dau.  of  Henry  Ham- 
ilton and  Matilda  Reese  (Moffat)  Coit.  She  was  b.  Aug.  22, 
1878,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  He  left  college  to  enlist  in  Co.  I,  14th 
reg't,  U.  S.  inf 'y ;  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Manila ;  was  promoted 
to  second  lieutenant;  wounded  at  Zapote;  assigned  to  duty  at 
Fort  Wayne,  Detroit,  Mich.;  made  first  lieutenant  and  adjutant; 
placed  on  the  honor  roll  of  California  University;  accidentally 
drowned  in  the  Detroit  River,  April  3.  1902.  She  is  living  at 
Plainfield,  N.  J. 

Child  of  Howard  Stanbery  and  Caroline  Hamilton   (Coit) 
Avery : 

7855      i.       Caroline  Howard10,  b.  Dec.  18,  1900. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1085 

3850.  Mary  Ann9  Avery  (Elias  Babcock8,  Nathan7,  Isaac0, 
Nathan*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  20,  1835,  at  Preston,  Conn. ;  m.  March  24,  1857,  at  Preston, 
William  Geer,  s.  of  Amos  and  Eunice  (Morgan)  Geer.  He  was 
b.  May  5,  1830,  at  Goshen,  Conn.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  Jan. 
25,  1859,  at  Torrington,  Conn.  No  children.  She  lives  at 
Poquetannock,  Conn. 

3851.  Sarah  Ardelia1'  Avery  (Elias  Babcock8,  Nathan7, 
Isaac*,  Nathan5,  Christopher,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  2,  1839,  at  Lebanon,  Conn.;  m.  March  1,  1862,  at 
Lebanon,  John  Williams,  s.  of  James  Clarke  and  Harriet  Ann 
(Kingsley)  Williams.  He  was  b.  April  10,  1842,  at  Lebanon. 
He  is  a  farmer.  She  d.  Jan.  23,  1884,  at  Lebanon.  He  lives  at 
Lebanon,  Conn. 

Child  of  John  and  Sarah  Ardelia  (Avery)  Williams,  b.  at 
Lebanon : 

i.       Charles  Chester10,  b.  June  14,  1869;  m.  Mabel  Grundy. 

3852.  Isaac  Gallup11  Avery  (Elias  Babcock8,  Nathan7, 
Isaac6,  Nathan5,  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  4,  1841,  at  Lebanon,  Conn.;  m.  March  1,  1862,  at 
Lebanon,  Eliza  Maria  Williams,  dau.  of  James  Clarke  and  Har- 
riet Ann  (Kingsley)  Williams.  She  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1844,  at 
Lebanon.  He  is  a  farmer.  She  d.  Feb.  26,  1906,  at  Lebanon. 
He  enlisted  in  Co.  H,  21st  reg't  Conn,  inf'y;  was  at  Fredericks- 
burg, Drury's  Bluff,  Cold  Harbor,  Petersburg,  and  other  battles, 
and  was  mustered  out  at  end  of  war;  represented  his  town  in 
the  legislature  in  1890.    Residence,  Bozrahville,  Conn. 

Children  of  Isaac  Gallup  and  Eliza  Maria  (Williams)  Avery, 
b.  at  Lebanon : 

i.      Anna  Gallup1",  b.  April  21,  1863;  d.  y. 

ii.      Albert  Elias10,  b.  March  18,  1866;  d.  Feb.  13,  1872. 

7860.  iii.     Amorette  Eliza10,  b.  April  4,  1868. 

iv.     Arthur  Dutton10,  b.  Feb.  15,  1870 ;  d.  Jan.  24,  1884. 

7861.  v.     Alice  Louise10,  b.  July  23,  1872. 

7862.  vi.     Addie  Nancie10,  b.  Nov.  3,  1874. 

3853.  Nancy  Matilda1'  Avery  (Elias  Babcock8,  Nathan7, 
Isaac6,  Nathan5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  23, 1843,  at  Lebanon,  Conn. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1866,  at  Lebanon, 

1086  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Everett  Nelson  Stark,  s.  of  Lathrop  and  Fanny  Abby  (Saxton) 
Stark.  He  was  b.  Dec.  5,  1842,  at  Bozrah,  Conn.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Bozrah,  Conn. 

Children   of  Everett  Nelson  and  Nancy  Matilda    (Avery) 
Stark,  b.  at  Bozrah : 

i.       Hattie  Avery10,  b.  April  17,  1869;  m.  William  Dale  Thacher. 

ii.      Fannie  Elizabeth10,  b.  Oct.  8,  1874;  m.  Charles  F.  Cole. 

iii.     Nelson  Lathrop10,  b.  Nov.  27,  1876;  unm.  in  1910. 

3854.  Francis  Geer9  Avery  (Albert  Gallatin8,  Nathan7, 
Isaac6,  Natha?i5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  16,  1839,  at  Salina,  N.  Y.;  m.  March  24,  1863,  at 
West  Barre,  N.  Y.,  Sarah  Jane  Bliss,  dau.  of  Clement  and 
Savilla  (Edgerton)  Bliss.  She  was  b.  Oct.  25,  1844,  at  West 
Barre.  He  is  a  retired  farmer.  Was  a  private  in  Co.  K,  27th 
reg't  N.  Y.  infy,  in  1861.    Residence,  Oakfield,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Francis  Geer  and  Sarah  Jane  (Bliss)  Avery: 

Emily  Ruth10,  b.  March  15,  1864,  at  West  Barre. 
Lillian  Isadore10,  b.  Feb.  18,  1867,  at  West  Barre. 
Helen  Adelle10,  b.  Sept.  11,  1868,  at  West  Barre. 
Albert  Ralph10,  b.  Sept.  30,  1870,  at  West  Barre. 
Charles  Clement10,  b.  May  27,  1875,  at  West  Barre. 

3855.  Lura  Matilda9  Avery  (Albert  Gallatin*,  Nathan1, 
Isaac6,  Nathan5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  23,  1842,  at  Yates,  N.  Y.;  m.  Nov.  1,  1863,  at 
Barre,  N.  Y.,  Willis  Amos  Grinnell,  s.  of  Ezra  and  Lucretia 
(Leonard)  Grinnell.  He  was  b.  Feb.  12,  1841,  at  Barre.  He 
was  a  farmer.  She  d.  Sept.  25,  1865,  at  Shelby,  N.  Y. ;  he  d. 
April  8,  1907,  at  Medina,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Willis  Amos  and  Lura  Matilda  (Avery)  Grinnell: 
i.       Albert  Avery10,  b.  June  12,  1865,  at  Shelby;  m.  Helen  Adelle 
Avery    (No.  7865,  q.  v.). 

3856.  John  Fletcher9  Avery  (Albert  Gallatins,  Nathan7, 
Isaac6,  Nathan5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  16,  1847,  at  Yates,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  20,  1874,  at 
Ypsilanti,  Mich.,  Lois  Anna  LeBaron,  dau.  of  Col.  Uriah  and 
Lois  (Shepard)  LeBaron.  She  was  b.  Feb.  18,  1851,  at  York. 
Mich.    Residence,  Saratoga,  Calif. 











The   Ninth  Generation  1087 

Children  of  John  Fletcher  and  Lois  Anna  (LeBaron)  Avery: 
i.       Lura1",  b.  June  2,  1875,  at  Adrian,  Mich.;  d.  Aug.  17,  1895, 
at  York. 

7868.  ii.      Lois  LeBaron10,  b.  Jan.  19,  1877,  at  York. 

7869.  iii.     John10,  b.  Feb.  15,  1883,  at  York. 

3857.  Charles  B.9  Avery  (Albert  Gallatin*,  Nathan7, 
Isaac5,  Nathan'',  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  12,  1853,  at  Yates,  N.  Y.;  m.  Feb.  9,  1876,  at 
Elba,  N.  Y.,  Phebe  Jane  Baldwin,  dau.  of  William  H.  and  Jane 
Melvina  (Edgerton)  Baldwin.  She  was  b.  May  21,  1857,  at 
Oakfield.  He  was  a  travelling  salesman.  He  d.  Feb.  12,  1912,  at 
Batavia,  N.  Y.    His  widow  is  living  at  Plasterco,  Va. 

Child  of  Charles  B.  and  Phebe  Jane  (Baldwin)  Avery: 

7870.  \.       Fern  Lila1",  b.  May  28,  1883,  at  Elba. 

3858.  Ralph  Hurlbut '  Avery  {James  Babcocks,  Nathan1, 
Isaac*,  Nathan7',  Christopher*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  6,  1841,  at  Yates,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  14,  1885,  at  San 
Diego,  Calif.,  Prudence  Ellison,  dau.  of  Annias  and  Mary  Jane 
(McCarty)  Ellison.  She  was  b.  June  23,  1848,  at  Williamsburg, 
Ind.  In  1861,  he  enlisted  in  the  6th  reg't  Wis.  inf'y;  re-enlisted 
in  49th  reg't  Wis.  inf'y ;  was  second  lieutenant  and  was  wounded. 
He  was  a  miner  and  farmer;  d.  Dec.  9,  1890,  at  San  Jose,  Calif. 
At  our  last  report,  she  was  living  at  San  Diego,  Calif. 

Child  of  Ralph  Hurlbut  and  Prudence   (Ellison)   Avery: 

7871.  i.       Ray  Holland10,  b.  June  3,  1887,  at  Albuquerque,  New  Mex- 


3860.  John  Howard 9  Avery  (James  Babcock8,  Nathan1, 
Isaac*,  Nathan5,  Christopher'1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  5,  1850,  at  Baraboo,  Wis.;  m.  April  18,  1872,  at 
Platteville,  Wis.,  Lucy  Jane  Washburn,  dau.  of  Joseph  S.  and 
Elizabeth  (Cline)  Washburn.  She  was  b.  Sept.  18,  1851,  at 
Greenville,  111.  He  is  a  Methodist  minister.  Residence  (1912), 
Burbank,  Calif. 

Children    of   John   Howard   and   Lucy   Jane    (Washburn) 
Avery,  b.  at  Sumner,  Wash. 

7880.  i.      Leora  Washburn10,  b.  Aug.  2,  1871. 

7881.  ii.     Ralph  Washburn1",  b.  April  2,  1876. 

iii.     Ollie  Washburn10,  b.  Nov.  25,  1878;  d.  March  3,  1887. 

1088  The  Groton   Avery  Clan 

3861.  Ella"  Avery  (James  Babcock8,  Nathan',  Isaac0,  Na- 
than5, Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
3,  1855,  at  Baraboo,  Wis.;  m.  Nov.  4,  1886,  at  Denver,  Colo., 
Levi   Thompson    Durbin,    s.   of  the   Rev.   Jesse  and  Lucy  Ann 

(Cain)  Durbin.    He  was  b.  May  5,  1858,  at  Wooster,  O.    He  is 

a  physician  and  surgeon.    Residence,  Denver,  Colo. 

Children  of  Levi  Thompson  and  Ella  (Avery)  Durbin. 

i.      Jessie  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  13,  1888,  at  Villa  Grove,  Colo. 
ii.      Mary10,  b.  Dec.  8,  1892,  at  Denver;  d.  y. 
iii.     Helen  Avery10,  b.  June  2,  1894,  at  Denver. 

3862.  Carrie9  Avery  (James  Babcock8,  Nathan' ,  Isaac6,  Na- 
than5, Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
1,  1865,  at  Baraboo,  Wis. ;  m.  April  15,  1890,  at  Denver,  Colo., 
Willis  Augustine  Crandall,  s.  of  Ira  Clinton  and  Sarah  Jane 
(Duncan)  Crandall.  He  was  b.  Sept.  15,  1857,  at  Mansfield, 
N.  Y.  He  is  a  physician.  She  is  the  author  of  a  book  of  poems 
called  "Fragments  of  Verse,"  published  by  Floyd-Genthner,  of 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.  This  volume  has  received  high  commendations. 
Residence,  Whittier,  Calif. 

Children  of  Willis  Augustine  and  Carrie  (Avery)  Crandall: 

i.  Frances  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  20,  1892,  at  Sturgis,  Mich, 

ii.  Ruth  Marion10,  b.  Feb.  22,  1893,  at  Centerville,  Mich, 

iii.  Avery  Dale10,  b.  Dec.  19,  1897,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

iv.  Ralph  Willis10,  b.  April  20,  1900,  at  Buffalo. 

3863.  Fredrika  Louise9  Avery  (Amos  Geers,  Nathan7, 
Isaac0,  Nathan5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  April  13,  1871,  at  Jersey  City,  N.  J. ;  m.  Sept.  17,  1893, 
at  Great  Bend,  N.  Y.,  Bertis  Eugene  Vrooman,  s.  of  Loren  J. 
and  Ellen  Eliza  (Peeler)  Vrooman.  He  was  b.  Oct.  7,  1870,  at 
Great  Bend.  He  is  a  merchant.  It  is  said  that  they  live  at 
Watertown,  N.  Y. 

3864.  Isaac  Wheeler9  Avery  (Isaac  Wheeler8,  Isaac7,  Isaac6, 
Nathan5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  2,  1837,  at  St.  Augustine,  Fla.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1868,  at  Dal- 
ton,  Ga.,  Emma  Bivings,  dau.  of  Dr.  Albert  and  Elizabeth 
(Cleveland)  Bivings.  She  was  b.  Oct.  17,  1851,  at  Spartan- 
burg,  S.    C.     He   was   a   graduate   of  Oglethorpe   University, 

The  Ninth  Generation  1089 

1854 ;  admitted  to  the  bar,  1860 ;  enlisted  in  the  Oglethorpe  Light 
Infantry,  a  part  of  the  8th  reg't  Ga,.  inf'y;  served  until  the  end 
of  the  war;  captain,  major,  lieutenant-colonel,  colonel  of  cav- 
alry ;  commanded  a  brigade  the  last  year  of  the  war ;  was 
wounded  at  the  battle  of  Good  Hope  and  went  on  crutches  for 
more  than  twenty-five  years.  After  the  war,  he  began  the 
practice  of  law  at  Dalton,  Ga. ;  in  May,  1869,  he  became  editor 
of  the  Atlanta  Constitution,  which  he  managed  for  years;  was 
a  delegate  to  the  first  Democratic  state  convention  after  the 
war;  delegate  to  the  Democratic  national  convention  in  1872, 
and  a  member  of  the  committee  on  platform;  secretary  of  the 
Georgia  Democratic  executive  committee  from  1877  to  1883 ; 
was  appointed  chief  of  the  public  debt  division  in  the  U.  S. 
treasury  department,  by  President  Cleveland.  Besides  jour- 
nalistic work  for  many  leading  papers,  he  wrote  a  digest  of 
the  supreme  court  reports  of  Ga. ;  a  History  of  Georgia ;  a 
memorial  life  of  Alexander  H.  Stephens,  and  was  associate  edi- 
tor of  "The  National  Cyclopedia  of  American  Biography."  He 
was  a  devoted  Methodist  and  an  ardent  church  worker.  He  was 
foreign  commissioner  from  the  cotton  states  to  the  international 
exposition  of  Mexico  and  the  South  American  Republics  in  1895. 
He  d.  Sept.  8,  1897,  at  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Children  of  Isaac  Wheeler  and  Emma  (Bivings)   Avery: 

7882.  i.       May10,  b.  Nov.  1,  1872,  at  Atlanta. 

7883.  ii.      Albert  Wheeler10,  b.  June  2,  1876,  at  Atlanta. 

3865.  Susan  Margaret1'  Avery  {Horatio  Nelsons,  William 
Wheeler,  Isaac6,  Nathan5,  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  July  23,  1840,  at  Windham,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  12, 
1861,  at  Scotland,  Conn.,  Dwight  Ripley  Keigwin,  s.  of  Ezra 
Withey  and  Catharine  Delia  (Howe)  Keigwin.  He  was  b.  July 
16,  1837,  at  Griswold,  Conn.  He  was  a  carpenter;  d.  Dec.  1, 
1889,  at  Colchester,  Conn.     She  resides  at  Colchester,  Conn. 

Children  of  Dwight  Ripley  and  Susan  Margaret    (Avery) 
Keigwin : 

i.       Ida  Mabel10,  b.  Jan.  14,  1866,  at  Scotland;  principal  of  the 

Johnson   School  at  Middletown,   Conn, 
ii.      Flora  Edith10,  b.  March  16,  1869,  at  Griswold;  m.  Wilbert 
Henry  Marvin. 

1090  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3867.  George  Watson1'  Avery  (Christopher  Watson*,  Will- 
iam Wheeler,  Isaac",  Nathan*,  Christopher*,  James*,  James2, 
Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  24,  1849,  at  Willimantic,  Conn.;  m. 
April  8,  1873,  at  Waldron,  Ind.,  Lilly  Roxanna  Ferran,  dau.  of 
John  and  Mary  (MacKeehan)  Ferran.  She  was  b.  May  8,  1856, 
at  Queensville,  Ind.  No  children.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence, 
Yantic,  Conn. 

3868.  Lucy  Maria1'  Avery  (Christopher  Watson*,  William 
Wheeler,  Isaac1',  Nathan*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher') was  b.  Nov.  14,  1852,  af  Willimantic,  Conn.;  m.  Dec. 
5,  1871,  at  Mansfield,  Conn.,  Edgar  Llewellyn  Ferran,  s.  of  John 
and  Nancy  (Smith)  Ferran.  He  was  b.  Nov.  21,  1846,  at 
Queensville,  Ind.    He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Eustis,  Fla. 

Children   of   Edgar   Llewellyn   and   Lucy   Maria    (Avery) 

Ferran : 

i.       Clarence   Harper10,   b.   June  7,   1873,   at   Sardinia,   Ind.;   a 

Presbyterian  minister;   m.  Mrs.   Bessie  Fallen, 
ii.      Inez    May1",   b.    Dec.    11,    1875,   at    Sardinia;    m.    David    L. 

Thrasher;    residence,   Sanford,   Fla. 
iii.     Herbert    Ray1",   b.   June    14,    1880,    at    Sardinia;    m.    Julia 

Hubbs.     Residence,   Eustis,  Fla. 
iv.     Harry  Avery1",  b.   Sept.   1,   1882,  at   Sardinia;   m.   Frances 

Jean  Pendleton.     Residence,  Eustis,  Fla. 
v.      Carl  Llewellyn10,  b.  Oct.  30,  1891,  at  Eustis. 

3869.  John  Fremont9  Avery  (Christopher  Watson*,  Will- 
iam Wheeler1,  Isaac*'1,  Nathan7',  Christopher*,  James3,  James2, 
Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  14,  1856,  at  Willimantic,  Conn.;  m. 
Nov.  20,  1889,  at  Liberty,  N.  C,  Mary  Elizabeth  Lane,  dau.  of 
Fields  and  Jeannett  (Sapp)  Lane.  She  was  b.  Feb.  19,  1851, 
at  Reed  Creek,  Ga.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Ramseur,  N.  C. 
No  children. 

3871.  Mary  Eliza9  Avery  (Christopher  Watson*,  William 
Wheeler-7,  Isaac6,  Nathan5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Aug.  30,  1865,  at  Willimantic,  Conn.;  m.  Sept. 
15,  1884,  at  Sardinia,  Ind.,  William  M.  Moore,  s.  of  Jacob  and 
Nancy  (Mahaffy)  Moore.  He  was  b.  March  26,  1851,  at  Sar- 
dinia. She  d.  Aug.  21,  1893,  at  Eustis,  Fla.  He  is  living  at 
Daytona,  Fla. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1091 

Children  of  William  M.  and  Mary  Eliza  (Avery)  Moore: 

i.       Gail  Avery10,  b.  July  22,  1885,  at  Eustis. 

ii.      Florence  Louise10,  b.  March  6,  1888,  at  Eustis. 

3891.  Rebecca  Wheeler'  Avery  (Hosea  Wheeler*,  Stephen 
Lyman7,  Stephen*,  Nathan',  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Jan.  18,  1844,  at  Norwich,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June 
18,  1869,  W.  H.  Longwell.    She  d.  March  17,  1870. 

Child  of  W.  H.  and  Rebecca  Wheeler  (Avery)  Longwell: 
i.       Rebecca  Avery1",  b.  March  11,  1870;  m.  David  Kirkpatrick 
James;  residence,  Oil  City,  Pa. 

3892.  Nancy"  Avery  (Hosea  Wheeler*,  Stephen  Lyman7, 
Stephen*,  Nathan*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  25,  1846,  at  Norwich,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  16,  1870, 
Charles  L.  Ferry.  It  is  said  that  he  is  dead  and  that  she  lives 
at  Oil  City,  Pa. 

3893.  Edwin  Dwight9  Avery  (Hosea  Wheeler*,  Stephen 
Lyman7,  Stephen6,  Nathan*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James'2,  Chris- 
topher1)  was  b.  July  1,  1848,  at  Norwich,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  6, 

1877,  at  Norwich,  Adelaide  Louise  Berry,  dau.  of  Edwin  R.  and 
Rebecca  W.  (Harris)  Berry.  She  was  b.  Aug.  29,  1857,  at  Nor- 
wich.   He  is  a  hotel  keeper.    Residence,  Earlville,  N.  Y. 

Child    of    Edwin    D wight    and    Adelaide    Louise    (Berry) 
Avery : 

7890.     i.       Charles  Edwin1",  b.  July  7,  1880,  at  Norwich,  N.  Y. 

3900.  Florence  Gertrude1'  Avery  (Stephen8.,  Ralph  Hurl- 
but7,  Stephen*,  Nathan*,  Christopher* ,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  July  22,  1878,  at  Canastota,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1, 
1901,  at  Canastota,  Chauncey  Edgar  Barott,  s.  of  William  Edwin 
and  Rhoda  Gertrude    (Williams)    Barott.     He  was  b.  May  24, 

1878,  at  Westmoreland,  N.  Y. ;  d.  May  2,  1910,  at  Boston,  Mass. 
She  is  living  (1912)  at  Canastota,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Chauncey  Edgar  and  Florence  Gertrude   (Avery) 

Barott : 

i.       Anna  Avery10,  b.  Feb.  7,  1906,  at  Boston. 

1092  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3915.  George  Sidney !l  Avery  (Dudley  Austin8,  Prudence7, 
Jacob6,  Jacob7',  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Dec.  21,  1846,  in  New  London  Co.,  Conn.;  m.  Nov.  24,  1870, 
in  Wood  County,  0.,  Sidney  Harper,  dau.  of  William  and  Martha 
J.  (Stafford)  Harper.  She  was  b.  July  8,  1846,  in  Wood  Co.; 
d.  Oct.  19,  1874,  in  Wood  Co.  He  m.  2d,  Jan.  27,  1876,  at 
Weston,  O.,  Fanny  Johnson,  dau.  of  John  Rufus  and  Lucinda 
(Edwards)  Johnson.  She  was  b.  June  1,  1853,  in  Wake  Co., 
N.  C.  He  was  a  passenger  conductor.  He  d.  Jan.  28,  1889,  at 
Des  Moines,  la.     She  is  living  (1912)  at  Des  Moines. 

Child  of  George  Sidney  and  Sidney  (Harper)  Avery,  b.  in 
Wood  Co.: 

7900.     i.      William  Dudley10,  b.  July  12,  1872. 

Children  of  George  Sidney  and  Fanny  (Johnson)  Avery : 

Earl10,  b.  Nov.  1,  1876,  at  Ottumwa,  la.;  d.  y. 

Frank  Sidney10,  b.  May  24,  1878,  at  Ottumwa;  d.  Jan.  29, 

1899,  at  Des  Moines,  la. 
Mertia  Ageleis1",    b.  Dec.  13,  1879,  at  Ottumwa. 
Edna    Madge10,   b.    Aug.    12,    1882,   at    Ottumwa;    residence, 

Des  Moines. 
7903.     v.      George  Bernard10,  b.  March  19,  1884,  at  Chariton,  la. 

3919.  William  Hiram'  Avery  (Hiram8,  Prudence7,  Jacob*, 
Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  CJuistopher1)  was  b. 
March  29,  1844,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Nov.  19,  1868,  at  Led- 
yard,  Conn.,  Agnes  Webster  Pettigrew,  dau.  of  George  Henry 
and  Sarah  (McKeag)  Pettigrew.  She  was  b.  Nov.  8,  1849,  at 
Wellfleet,  Mass.  He  is  a  steam-boat  pilot.  Residence,  Groton, 

Children  of  William  Hiram  and  Agnes  Webster  (Pettigrew) 
Avery,  b.  at  Groton  : 

Frank  Hiram10,  b.  Aug.  4,  1870. 

Edith  Louisa"',  b.  Oct.  1,  1872. 

George  Pettigrew10,  b.  April  24,  1875. 

Arthur  William10,  b.  Oct.  21,  1877;  d.  Aug.  28,  1897. 

Fannie  Agnes10,  b.  Jan.  17,  1884;  d.  y. 

Nellie  Mary10,  b.  July  6,  1886;  residence,  Orange,  N.  J. 

3920.  Henry  Augustus"  Avery  (Luther8,  Prudence7,  Ja- 
cob6, Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  8,  1847,  at  Lyme,  O. ;  m.  April  5,  1884,  at  Lake  City,  Col., 




























The  Ninth  Generation  1093 

Mary  Evelyn  Watson,  dau.  of  Thomas  H.  and  Sophia  (Dimbleby) 
Watson.  She  was  b.  April  12,  1861,  at  Wilmington,  111.  He  is 
a  lawyer;  county  judge,  Hinsdale  Co.,  Colo.;  a  successful  busi- 
ness man.     Residence,  Lake  City,  Colo. 

Children  of  Henry  Augustus  and  Mary  Evelyn    (Watson) 
Avery : 

7918.     i.       Charles  Luther10,  b.  March  15,  1886,  at  Wilmington,  111. 

Mary  Emily10,  b.  Oct.  15,  1887,  at  Lake  City;  d.  y. 

William  Watson10,  b.  Jan.  19,  1890,  at  Lake  City. 

Harriet  Augusta1",  b.  March  1,  1892,  at  Lake  City. 

Charlotte  Adeline10,  b.  Oct.  20,  1893,  at  Lake  City. 

Helen  Ford10,  b.  April  9,  1896,  at  Delta,  Colo. 

Marian  Alice10,  b.  Jan.  3,  1901,  at  Lake  City,  Colo. 

3921.  Mary1'  Avery  {Luther8,  Prudence1,  Jacob6,  Jacob5,  Chris- 
topher*, James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  26,  1849,  at 
Lyme  Tp.,  O.;  m.  March  16,  1869,  at  Lyme,  O.,  Henry  Chase 
Rushton,  s.  of  Benjamin  Grimshaw  and  Harriette  (Coon)  Rush- 
ton.  He  was  b.  Oct.  4,  1844,  at  New  York  City.  She  d.  June  6, 
1906,  at  Bellevue,  O.    He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Bellevue,  O. 

Children  of  Henry  Chase  and  Mary  (Avery)  Rushton,  b.  at 


i.  George  Henry10,  b.  July  11,  1870;  d.  Jan.  2,  1893. 

ii.  Alice  May10,  b.  April  6,  1872. 

iii.  Grace  Lillian10,  b.  Feb.  8,  1874. 

iv.  Gertrude  Augusta10,  b.  Dec.  11,  1877;  m.  H.  M.  Blossom. 

3922.  George  Luther9  Avery  (Luther8,  Prudence7,  Jacob6, 
Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
19,  1851,  at  Lyme  Tp.,  O. ;  m.  Oct.  9,  1878,  at  Bellevue,  O., 
Nellie  Cornelia  Eaton,  dau.  of  Delos  and  Calista  (Stebbins) 
Eaton.  She  was  b.  June  15,  1858,  at  West  Union,  la.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Bellevue,  O. 

Children   of  George   Luther  and   Nellie   Cornelia    (Eaton) 
Avery,  b.  at  Bellevue: 

7928.  i.      Ethel  La  Dora10,  b.  Nov.  24,  1885. 

7929.  ii.      Ralph  Wilbur10,  b.  July  13,  1890. 

3924.  Edmund  Weber9  Avery  (Luther8,  Prudence1,  Jacob6, 
Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
13,  1857,  at  Lyme  Tp.,  0.;  m.  June  17,  1896,  at  Groton,  0., 
Nettie   Cornelia   Nims,     dau.   of   Samuel   and   Julia    (Stebbins) 

1094  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Nims.    She  was  b.  July  5.  1864,  in  Erie  Co.,  O.    He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Bellevue,  O. 

Children  of  Edmund  Weber  and  Nettie  Cornelia    (Nims) 
Avery,  b.  in  Erie  Co.,  0. : 

i.       Helen  Ruth10,  b.  May  14,  1897;  d.  Feb.  17,  1910. 

7936.  ii.      Leland   Ford"',  b.   Feb.   16,   1899. 

7937.  iii.     Myron  Nims1",  b.  July  21,  1901. 

3925.  Adeline  R.!'  Avery  (Luther8,  Prudence',  Jacob6,  Ja- 
cob*, Christopher*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
31,  1863,  at  Lyme  Tp.,  O. ;  m.  Dec.  4,  1884,  at  Groton  Tp.,  0., 
Samuel  Ellis  Bemiss,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Augusta  (Nims)  Bemiss. 
He  was  b.  Nov.  30,  1859,  at  Groton  Tp.,  O.  He  is  a  farmer. 
No  children.    Residence,  Bellevue,  O. 

3926.  Dudley  Hiram9  Avery  (Joshua  Orlando*,  Prudence7 , 
Jacob6,  Jacob*,  Christopher* ,  Jamesz,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  11,  1857,  at  Sherman  Tp.,  O.;  m.  Aug.  2,  1879,  at 
Toledo,  O.,  Ettie  Mary  Wiley,  dau.  of  Enoch  Burt  and  Malona 
(Bloomfield)  Wiley.  She  was  b.  Sept.  23,  1857,  at  Perrysburg, 
O.    He  is  a  hardware  merchant.    Residence,  Bowling  Green,  0. 

Child  of  Dudley  Hiram  and  Ettie  M.  (Wiley)  Avery: 
7940.     i.       Ray  Dudley"',  b.  Aug.  23,  1886,  at  Bowling  Green;  a  lawyer; 
unm.  in  1912;  residence,  Bowling  Green. 

3927.  Harriet  Jane9  Avery  (Joshua  Orlando8,  Prudence7, 
Jacob6,  Jacob*,  Christopher*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  6,  1859,  at  Plain  Tp.,  0.;  m.  March  11,  1879,  at 
Plain  Tp.,  Benjamin  Price  Stratton,  s.  of  Nathan  and  Jennie 
(Smith)  Stratton.  He  was  b.  Aug.  18,  1858,  in  Huron  Co.,  O. 
Residence,  Bowling  Green,  0. 

Children   of   Benjamin   Price   and   Harriet   Jane    (Avery) 
Stratton : 

i.       Pearle  Blanche10,  b.  Jan.  3,  1882,  at  Liberty,  O.;  m.  Will- 
iam  Welcome   Browning;    residence,   Wellsville,   N.   Y. 
ii.      Harold  Benjamin10,  b.   May  28,   1888,  at  Bowling  Green; 
d.  Oct.  4,  1908. 

3929.  Florence  Susanna9  Avery  (Joshua  Orlando*,  Pru- 
dence1, Jacob6,  Jacob*,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  March  17,  1864,  at  Plain  Tp.,  O.;  m.  Nov.  9,  1883, 

The   Ninth   Generation  1095 

at  Findlay,  O.,  George  Washington  Chaney,  s.  of  David  and 
Rebecca  (Powell)  Chaney.  He  was  b.  Sept.  5,  1858,  in  Hancock 
Co.,  0.    Residence,  Bowling  Green,  O. 

3941.  Margaret0  Avery  (Cornelius*,  Alanson",  Frederick*, 
Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
10,  1859,  at  St.  Mary's,  Ont.;  m.  Dec.  22,  1886,  at  Saginaw,  Mich., 
Erwin  Davenport,  s.  of  William  Henry  and  Louise  (Cheney) 
Davenport.  He  was  b.  Sept.  24,  1852,  at  Denmark,  Lewis  Co., 
N.  Y.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Western,  Ottertail  Co., 

Children  of  Erwin  and  Margaret  (Avery)  Davenport: 

i.  Alice  Maud10,  b.  July  10,  1888,  at  Western, 

ii.  William  Henry10,  b.  Dec.  28,  1889,  at  Western, 

iii.  Lucy  Edna10,  b.  March  14,  1893,  at  Western, 

iv.  Avery  Erwin10,  b.  March  12,  1896,  at  Western, 

v.  Eleanor  Louise1",  b.  July  8,  1900,  at  Western, 

vi.  John  Russell1",  b.  July  9,  1904,  at  Western. 

3942.  Cornelia9  Avery  (Cornelius8,  Alanson',  Frederick*, 
Jacob7',  Christopher4',  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
8,  1862,  at  Thamesford,  Ont.;  m.  Jan.  23,  1888,  at  Saginaw, 
Mich.,  Wyman  Lucien  Paxson,  s.  of  William  Pierson  and  Mary 
Jane  (Baker)  Paxson.  He  was  b.  July  19,  1861,  at  East  Ham- 
burg, Erie  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  bank  cashier.  Residence,  Sagi- 
naw West  Side,  Mich. 

Children  of  Wyman  Lucien  and  Cornelia  (Avery)  Paxson: 
i.       William  Avery1",  b.  Dec.  25,  1888,  at  Saginaw  West  Side, 
ii.      Ethel  Mae10,  b.  Sept.  16,  1890,  at  Saginaw  West  Side, 
iii.     Maud  Eleanor10,  b.  Dec.  26,  1891,  at  Saginaw  West  Side, 
iv.     Wyman  Junior10,  b.  Aug.  11,  1901,  at  Saginaw  West  Side. 

3943.  Eliza  Jane9  Avery  (Silas  Wood*,  Alanson1,  Frederick*, 
Jacob7',  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
3,  1850,  at  Oxford,  Ontario;  m.  Oct.  3,  1872,  at  Chatham,  Ont., 
Peter  Franklin.      Residence,  Detroit,  Mich. 

3944.  Nancy  Victoria9  Avery  (Silas  Wood8,  Alanson7,  Fred- 
erick* ,  Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  23,  1852,  at  Oxford,  Ontario;  m.  Dec.  24,  1874,  at 
Brantford,  Ont.,  Robert  Grigor.  She  d.  Dec.  19,  1875,  at  Brant- 

1096  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

3945.  Mary  Ann"  Avery  (Silas  Wood*,  Alanson7,  Frederick*, 
Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
24,  1855,  at  Oxford,  Ontario;  m.  April  24,  1882,  at  Brantford, 
Ont.,  James  McEwen.    She  d.  Oct.  8,  1890,  at  Gait,  Ont. 

3946.  Alanson  Henry9  Avery  (Silas  Wood8,  Alanson7,  Fred- 
erick6, Jacob%  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Aug.  27,  1857,  at  Ingersoll,  Ont. ;  m.  April  13,  1883,  at  Oak- 
land, Ont.,  Elizabeth  Ellen  Grantham,  dau.  of  Robinson  and 
Mary  Ann  (Bowran)  Grantham.  She  was  b.  Feb.  12,  1861,  at 
Delaware,  Ont.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Brantford,  Ont. 

Children  of  Alanson  Henry  and  Elizabeth  Ellen  (Grantham) 

Avery : 

7960.  i.  Mary  Elizabeth  Laura10,  b.  Dec.  7,  1884,  at  Brantford. 

7961.  ii.  Gladys  Ella10,  b.  July  13,  1893,  at  Melbourne,  Australia. 

7962.  iii.  Alanson  Cornelius10,  b.  Nov.  26,  1897,  at  Melbourne. 

3947.  Cornelius  Eglin9  Avery  (Silas  Wood8,  Alanson7,  Fred- 
erick0, Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  9,  1862,  at  Brantford,  Ontario;  m.  June  19,  1901,  at  St. 
George,  Ont.,  Mary  Corletta  Clinton,  dau.  of  John  and  Elizabeth 
(McCrimmon)  Clinton.  She  was  b.  Dec.  7,  1864,  at  St.  George. 
He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Brantford,  Ont. 

Children  of  Cornelius  Eglin  and  Mary  Corletta   (Clinton) 
Avery : 

7964.  i.      Mary  Kathleen  Elizabeth10,  b.  Jan.  3,  1903. 

7965.  ii.     Silas  Clinton10,  b.  Sept.  18,  1905. 

3948.  Orin  Frederick9  Avery  (Silas  Wood8,  Alanson7,  Fred- 
erick6, Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  9,  1865,  at  Brantford,  Ontario;  m.  April  10,  1889, 
at  Hamilton,  Ont.,  Elizabeth  Donn,  dau.  of  Jacob  and  Mary 
(Woods)  Donn.  She  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1865,  at  Harley,  Ont.  He 
is  a  farmer.     Residence.  Brantford,  Ont. 

Child  of  Orin  Frederick  and  Elizabeth  (Donn)  Avery: 

7966.  i.       Earle  Wood10,  b.  May  1,  1891,  at  Brantford. 

3949.  Daniel  Robert9  Avery  (Silas  Wood8,  Alanson7,  Fred- 
erick6, Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Dec.  27,  1868,  at  Brantford,  Ontario;  m.  April  9,  1885,  at 
Brantford,  Nelly  Oren. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1097 

3950.  John9  Avery  (Orin8,  Alanson7,  Frederick*,  Jacob7', 
Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  7, 
1861,  at  Oxford,  Ontario;  m.  Nov.  12,  1881,  at  Lexington,  Mich., 
Margery  Avery,  dau.  of  Alexander  and  Deborah  (Spencer) 
Avery.  She  was  b.  Aug.  29,  1859,  at  Lexington.  This  Alexander 
Avery,  b.  Jan.  12,  1817,  at  Pickering,  Ont.,  was  the  s.  of  Ebenezer 
Avery,  who  was  born  in  England.  John  Avery  was  a  farmer. 
He  d.  Aug.  1,  1895,  at  Lexington;  his  widow  is  living  (1912) 
at  Bad  Axe,  Mich. 

Children  of  John  and  Margery   (Avery)   Avery,  b.  at  Lex- 
ington : 

7975.  i.       Earl10,  b.  Jan.  24,  1884. 

7976.  ii.      Claude10,  b.  Aug.  18,  1886. 

3951.  Eliza  Gee9  Avery  (Orin8,  Alanson7,  Frederick*,  Ja- 
cob5, Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  14, 
1864,  at  Oxford,  Ontario;  m.  June  11,  1890,  at  Lexington,  Mich., 
Dr.  George  Robert  Martin,  s.  of  Robert  and  Jane  (Rusk)  Mar- 
tin. He  was  b.  Feb.  11,  1861,  at  Paisley,  Ont.  Residence,  Cros- 
well,  Mich. 

Child  of  George  Robert  and  Eliza  Gee  (Avery)  Martin : 
i.       Avery  Gee10,  b.  March  25,  1891,  at  Croswell. 

3960.  Alice  Maud9  Avery  (Daniel  Stoddard8,  Alanson7, 
Frederick0,  Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher'1) 
was  b.  Nov.  25,  1869,  at  Ingersoll,  Ont.;  m.  July  5,  1900,  at 
Croswell,  Mich.,  Francis  Shannon,  s.  of  David  and  Mary  (Coche- 
nour)  Shannon.  He  was  b.  Sept.  25,  1861,  at  Eden  Mills,  Ont. 
He  is  a  lumberman.     Residence,  Traverse  City,  Mich. 

Children  of  Francis  and  Alice  Maud  (Avery)  Shannon : 
i.       Ross  Avery10,  b.  April  25,  1901,  at  Rapid  City,  Mich, 
ii.      Ralph  Scott10,  b.  Jan.  17,  1910,  at  Traverse  City. 

3961.  Frederick  Scott9  Avery  (Daniel  Stoddard8,  Alanson7, 
Frederick*,  Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  14,  1876,  at  Lexington,  Mich. ;  m.  June  20,  1898,  at 
Ithaca,  Mich.,  Jennie  Edith  Page,  dau.  of  George  Winneld  and 
Mary  Johanna  (Frise)  Page.  She  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1880,  in 
Gratiot  Co.,  Mich.  He  is  a  physician.  Residence,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

1098  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

3963.  Baltus9  Avery  (James  Benedict8,  Frederick7 ,  Fred- 
erick?, Jacob7',  Christopher*,  James-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  25,  1864,  at  North  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1885, 
at  Mayfield,  N.  Y.,  Addie  Elizabeth  Dennie,  dau.  of  Dennis  and 
Abbie  (Jackson)  Dennie.  She  was  b.  in  1867,  at  Mayfield.  He 
m.  2d,  Sept.  17,  1899,  at  Hoffman's  Ferry,  N.  Y.,  Hattie  Van 
Denburgh,  dau.  of  Abram  and  Eliza  (McDerby)  Van  Denburgh, 
and  widow  of  George  Weller.  She  was  b.  at  Glenville,  Schenec- 
tady Co.,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  North  Broadalbin, 
N.  Y. 

Child  of  Baltus  and  Addie  Elizabeth  (Dennie)  Avery: 

i.       Edna1",  b.  Nov.  19,  1888,  at  North  Broadalbin;   d.  Aug.  3, 

Child  of  Baltus  and  Hattie  (Van  Denburg)  Avery: 

i.       Elliston  James"',  b.   Sept.  11,   1901,  at   North   Broadalbin; 
d.  Nov.,  1904. 

3964.  Frederick9  Avery  {James  Benedict8,  Frederick" ,  Fred- 
erick6, Jacob5,  Christopher4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  17,  1871,  at  North  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  29,  1890, 
at  Benedict  Corners,  N.  Y.,  Mildred  Chase,  dau.  of  George  and 
Emeline  (Landers)  Chase.  She  was  b.  Nov.  11,  1872,  at  Bene- 
dict Corners.  He  is  a  carpenter.  Residence,  North  Broadalbin, 
N.  Y. 

Child  of  Frederick  and  Mildred  (Chase)  Avery: 
7980.     i.       Ralph10,  b.  Dec.  12,  1900,  at  North  Broadalbin. 

3965.  Eliza  Gertrude9  Avery  (James  Benedict8,  Frederick1 ', 
Frederick6,  Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept,  8,  1874,  at  North  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  8, 
1905,  at  North  Broadalbin,  William  James  Lingenfelter,  s.  of 
John  and  Rachel  Eliza  (Leroy)  Lingenfelter.  He  was  b.  Oct. 
22,  1860,  at  Perth,  N.  Y.    Residence,  Vail  Mills,  N.  Y. 

3966.  Sarah  Angeline9  Avery  (James  Benedict8,  Frederick', 
Frederick6,  Jacob5,  Christopher*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  9,  1876,  at  North  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  15, 
1905,  at  Amsterdam,  N.  Y.,  William  Merriam,  s.  of  George 
Frank  and  Belle  (Shaw)  Merriam.  He  was  b.  Dec.  8,  1884,  at 
Broadalbin,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  North  Broadal- 
bin, N.  Y. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1099 

3988.  Lyman !'  Avery  (Walter*,  Walter,  Oliver6,  Jonathan;' r 
Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  1,1830;  m. 
Mrs.  Mary  Hoven. 

Children  of  Lyman  and  Mary  (Hoven)  Avery: 

7990.  i.      Emma10. 

7991.  ii.      Ida   May1". 

4001.  Henry  Austin9  Avery  (Elisha  Pease*,  Elisha1,  Jona- 
than6, Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  10,  1846,  at  Oberlin,  O. ;  m.  Jan.  10,  1872,  at  Oberlin, 
Josephine  W.  Williams,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Martha  (Sabin) 
Williams.  She  was  b.  July  6,  1852,  at  Cleveland,  O.  He  was  a 
druggist;  d.  June  26,  1883,  at  Reading,  Mich.  She  m.  2d, 
Worlin  Lee  Smith,  and  is  living  at  Concord,  Mich. 

Children  of  Henry  Austin  and  Josephine  W.    (Williams) 
Avery : 

8000.  i.       Ernest  Charles10,  b.  Oct.  4,  1873,  at  Oberlin. 

8001.  ii.      Louis  Austin10,  b.  June  21,  1875,  at  Oberlin. 

8002.  iii.     Henry  Raymond10,  b.  Dec.  31,  1880,  at  Reading,  Mich. 

4002.  Mary  Augusta1'  Avery  (Charles  Austin*,  Elisha1,  Jon- 
athan6, Abner'',  Jonathan1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  20,  1844,  at  Hartford,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  21,  1870,  at 
Painesville,  O.,  Norris  Parmly  Stockwell,  s.  of  Brutus  and  Eliza- 
beth (Burridge)  Stockwell.  He  was  b.  Feb.  4,  1844,  at  Paines- 
ville. He  was  foreign  manager  for  the  Howe  Sewing  Machine 
Co.  He  d.  Jan.  8,  1887,  at  Cleveland,  O.  She  lives  at  Paines- 
ville, O. 

Children   of  Norris   Parmly   and   Mary   Augusta    (Avery) 
Stockwell,  b.  at  London,  England : 

i.  Charles  Norris10,  b.  Oct.  18,  1871;  m.  Sylvia  May  Perrault; 
residence,  Portland,  Ore.     Child,  Charles  Norris11. 

ii.  Norris  Parmly10,  b.  July  2,  1873;  m.  Anna  Amelia  Sprague; 
residence,  Woodhaven,  Long  Island,  N.  Y.  Children: 
(a.)    Florence  Anita";    (b.)    Norris  Parmly". 

iii.  Florence  Mary10,  b.  Nov.  1,  1876;  m.  Percy  Kendall  Smith; 
residence,  Painesville.  Children:  (a.)  Frances  Mary11', 
(b.)  Margaret  Stockwell";  (c.)  Norris  Wilbur";  (d.) 
Chester  Kendall". 

1100  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

4003.  Harry  Ward"  Avery  (Charles  Austin*,  Elisha7,  Jona- 
than*, Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  24,  1857,  at  Painesville,  0. ;  m.  Nov.  10,  1881,  at  Peoria,  111., 
Sara  Frederica   Cohrs,  dau.  of  John  Benson  and  Anna  Elizabeth 

(Rider)   Cohrs.     She  was  b.  Oct.  8,  1859,  at  Bloomington,  111. 
He'd.  June  21,  1900,  at  Painesville;  she  d.  Oct.  9,  1909. 

Child  of  Harry  Ward  and  Sara  Frederica   (Cohrs)  Avery, 
b.  at  Painesville : 

8003.  i.       Geraldine  Sylvia10,  b.  Oct.  4,  1882. 

4004.  Fred  Havens9  Avery  (James  Harvey8,  Elisha1,  Jona- 
than6, Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  3,  1855,  at  Painesville,  O.;  m.  July  9,  1882,  at  New  York 
City,  Mary  Frances  Parsons,  dau.  of  Frederick  Joseph  and  Har- 
riet (Pope)  Parsons.  She  was  b.  Dec.  7,  1863,  at  New  York 
City.    He  d.  Aug.  5,  1887,  at  Painesville. 

Children   of   Fred   Havens   and   Mary   Frances    (Parsons) 

Avery : 

i.       Harry10,  b.  April  20,  1883,  at  New  York  City;  d.  y. 

8004.  ii.      Fred  Parsons10,  b.  Jan.  24,  1885,  at  New  York  City. 

iii.     Arthur  Havens10,  b.  Jan.  7,  1887,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;   d. 
Aug.  6,  1894. 

4006.  Fannie  Brockway1'  Avery  (James  Harvey8,  Elisha7, 
Jonathan®,  Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  9,  1859,  at  Painesville,  O.;  m.  Dec.  7,  1882,  at 
Painesville,  Charles  Edmund  Russell,  s.  of  Anson  Henry  and 
Elizabeth  (Lockard)  Russell.  He  was  b.  Nov.  1,  1857,  at  Han- 
overton,  O.    Residence,  Laporte,  Ind. 

Children  of  Charles  Edmund  and  Fannie  Brockway  (Avery) 

Russell : 

i.       Carl  Lockard10  b.  Aug.  17,  1884,  at  Painesville;  m.  Emily 


ii.      Robert  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  14,  1885,  at  Ottawa,  111. 

iii.     James  Anson10,  b.  Jan.  24,  1887,  at  Ottawa;  d.  y. 

iv.     Helen  Estelle10,  b.  April  2,  1889,  at  Painesville. 

v.      John  Richard10,  b.  July  12,  1900,  at  Laporte,  Ind. 

4007.  Henry  Thayer9  Avery  (Stephen  Bates8,  Samuel7,  Jon- 
athan*,  Abner5,  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  6,  1860,  at  Lamoille,  111. ;  m.  Jan.  14,  1897,  at  Unadilla,  Neb., 

The   Ninth  Generation  1101 

Nellie  Jane  Nash,  dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Anne  (Saunders) 
Nash.  She  was  b.  Dec.  4,  1871,  at  Unadilla.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Unadilla,  Neb. 

Child  of  Henry  Thayer  and  Nellie  Jane  (Nash)  Avery: 
8005.     i.       Mary  Myrtle10,  b.  Feb.  5,  1905,  at  Unadilla. 

4009.  Samuel11  Avery  (Stephen  Bates8,  Samuel",  Jonathan*, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
19,  1865,  at  Lamoille,  111.;  m.  Aug.  4,  1897,  at  Crete,  Neb., 
May  Belle  Bennett,  dau.  of  William  Parmenter  and  Harriet 
Irene  (Blodgett)  Bennett.  She  was  b.  March  25,  1870,  at 
Bradford,  la.  He  was  graduated  A.  B.  by  Doane  College,  1887 ; 
B.  Sc.  by  the  University  of  Nebraska,  1892;  Ph.  D.  by  Heidel- 
berg, 1896.  He  has  seen  much  service  as  a  college  professor  of 
chemistry,  and  in  connection  with  agricultural  experiment  sta- 
tions, and  has  written  much  on  scientific  subjects.  He  is  a 
popular  lecturer  on  educational  topics,  and,  since  May,  1909, 
has  been  chancellor  (i.  e.,  president)  of  the  University  of  Ne- 
braska.    Residence,  Lincoln,  Neb.     No  children. 

4010.  Carrie  Ellen9  Avery  (Sanford8,  Amos1,  Jonathan*, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
5,  1859,  at  Wilmington,  N.  Y.;  m.  March  28,1883,  at  Wilmington, 
Thomas  Benham,  s.  of  Anson  and  Fanny  (Brewster)  Benham. 
He  was  b.  March  15,  1854,  at  Jay,  N.  Y.  Residence,  Salisbury, 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Carrie  Ellen  (Avery)  Benham : 
i.       Catherine   Avery"1,   b.    Oct.   24,   1884,   at  Wilmington;    m. 

Irwin  H.   Hussey. 
ii.      Harry  Sanford10,  b.  Oct.  11,  1887,  at  Jay. 

4011.  Lucius  Evans0  Avery  (Sanford8,  Amos7,  Jonathan*, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
7,  1863,  at  Wilmington,  N.  Y.;  m.  June  20,  1890,  at  Forest- 
dale,  Vt.,  [Cora  Avaline  Baker,  dau.  of  Loren  Melvin  and  Ella 
Pamelia  (Chamberlain)  Baker.  She  was  b.  Feb.  7,  1870,  at 
Forestdale.     Residence,  Ferrisburg,  Vt. 

Children  of  Lucius  Evans  and  Cora  Avaline  (Baker)  Avery, 
b.  at  Ferrisburg: 

8010.  i.       Bernecia  Ella1",  b.  May  11,  1892. 

8011.  ii.     Lucius  Melvin10,  b.  July  27,  1893. 

1102  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

8012.     iii.     Volney  Amos  Sanford10,  b.  Dec.   14,  1896. 
iv.     Carrie  Edna1",  b.  Nov.  11,  1898;  d.  y. 

4013.  Reuben  Sanford9  Avery  (Fletcher  James8,  Amos", 
Jonathan",  Abner5,  Jonathan4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  19,  1882,  at  Whallonsburg,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  8,  1908, 
at  Bristol,  Vt.,  Frances  LaFayette,  dau.  of  Edward  Paul  and 
Augusta  (Jacques)  LaFayette.  She  was  b.  Feb.  14,  1884,  at 
Lincoln,  Vt.    He  is  a  book-keeper.    Residence,  Dinuba,  Calif. 

4020.  Holmes  Mayhew9  Avery  (William  Barnard9,  Abner7, 
Amos6,  Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  26,  1846,  at  Boston,  Mass.;  m.  Aug.  26,  1884,  at  Atlantic 
City,  N.  J.,  Mary  Elizabeth  Brand,  dau.  of  Alexander  Hay  and 
Mary  (Chew)  Brand.  She  was  b.  July  19,  1851,  in  Woodford 
County,  Ky.  He  d.  Dec.  31,  1891,  at  Marietta,  Ga.  She  d.  June 
7,  1907,  at  Lexington,  Ky. 

Children  of  Holmes  Mayhew  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Brand) 

Avery : 

8030.  i.       Anna  Jeffords10,  b.  Oct.  29,  1885,  at  Atlanta,  Ga. 

8031.  ii.      Mary  Brand10,  b.  Feb.  28,  1887,  at  Atlanta. 

4021.  Oscar  Carter9  Avery  (Amos  Lawrence8,  Abner7, 
Amos''-,  Abner'0,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  5,  1860,  at  Hawley,  Mass.;  m.  Jan.  29,  1885,  at  Charle- 
mont,  Mass.,  Henrietta  Maria  Eldridge,  dau.  of  Roswell  Hall 
and  Eliza  (Longley)  Eldridge.  She  was  b.  Nov.  16,  1863,  at 
Hawley;  d.  Oct.  20,  1901.  He  m.  2d,  March  21,  1906,  at  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  Mary  Parsons  Upson,  dau.  of  Edwin  and  Amanda 
(Parsons)  Upson.  She  was  b.  Oct.  9,  1869,  at  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
He  is  a  merchant.     Residence,  Charlemont,  Mass. 

Child   of  Oscar   Carter   and   Henrietta   Maria    (Eldridge) 

Avery : 

8032.  i.       Henry  Lawrence10,  b.  April  29,  1888,  at  Charlemont. 

4022.  Altie  Rosella9  Avery  (John  Dean8,  Abner,  Amos*, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
22,  1868,  at  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  11,  1891,  at  Shel- 
burne  Falls,  Louis  Thomas  Haigis,  s.  of  Louis  Thomas  and 
Emma  (Calvert)  Haigis.  He  was  b.  July  10,  1865,  at  Buck- 
land,  Mass.     Residence,  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass. 

The  Ninth   Generation  1103 

Children  of  Louis  Thomas  and  Altie  Rosella   (Avery)  Hai- 


i.       Carleton  Deane'",  b.  Jan.  26,  1893,  at  Shelburne  Falls, 
ii.      Marjorie  Avery1",  b.  June  5,  1899,  at  Shelburne  Falls. 

4023.  Francis  Dean'1  Avery  (John  Dean*,  Abner7,  Amos", 
Abner7',  Jonathan4,  James'-,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  5, 
1872,  at  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  8,  1894,  at  Shelburne 
Falls,  Mass.,  Mary  Koch,  dau.  of  Simon  and  Caroline  (Calvert) 
Koch.  She  was  b.  Oct.  8,  1876,  at  Shelburne  Falls.  He  is  a 
steel  forger.    Residence,  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass. 

Children  of  Francis  Dean  and  Mary  (Koch)  Avery: 

8035.  i.       Creston  Dean1",  b.  Dec.  23,  1896,  at  Shelburne  Falls. 

8036.  ii.      Doris  Irene"1,  b.  June  1,   1901,  at  Shelburne  Falls. 

4026.  William  Marcus9  Avery  (Frederick8,  Oliver7,  Amos*, 
Abner3,  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
16,  1859;  m.  April  15,  1885,  at  Groton,  N.  Y.,  Jennie  Adell 
Corning,  dau.  of  Lockwood  and  Harriet  (Backus)  Corning.  She 
was  b.  Aug.  8,  1860,  at  Groton.  No  children.  He  is  a  merchant. 
Residence,  Groton,  N.  Y. 

4027.  Delta  Alean  '  Avery  (Marcus  Albert8,  Oliver',  Amos6, 
Abner7',  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
11,  1863,  at  Grotoi:  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  20,  1882,  at  Groton,  N.  Y., 
Bion   Samuel  Whitman,   s.  of  Henry  Niver  and  Isadore  Maria 

(Cleveland)  Whitman.  He  was  b.  Oct.  6,  1857,  at  Hannibal, 
N.  Y.  He  is  treasurer  of  the  Groton  Bridge  Co.  Residence, 
Groton,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Bion  Samuel  and  Delta  Alean   (Avery)   Whit- 
man : 

i.       Marcus  Henry1",  b.  May  6,  1887,  at  Auburn,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Clifton  Bion1",  b.  Nov.  29,  1893,  at  Groton,  N.  Y. 

4028.  Alta  Fronia"  Avery  (Marcus  Albert8,  Oliver,  Amos6, 
Abner*,  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
23,  1865,  at  Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  11,  1886,  at  Groton,  Frank 
Anderson  Townley,  s.  of  Charles  Anderson  and  Susan  (Fulker- 
son)  Townley.  He  was  b.  May  12,  1860,  at  Groton.  He  is  a 
mechanic.    Residence,  Groton,  N.  Y.    No  children. 

1104  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

4031.  Mabel9  Avery  (Oliver8,  Olive?-7,  Amos0,  Abnerr',  Jona- 
than4, James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  29,  1877,  at 
Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  25,  1904,  at  Groton,  N.  Y.,  Julian  Thome 
Hilts,  s.  of  George  and  Julia  (Thome)  Hilts.  He  was  b.  Sept. 
1,  1881,  at  Groton,  N.  Y.    Residence,  Cowiche,  Wash. 

4032.  Floyd  Oliver"  Avery  (Oliver8,  Oliver1,  Amos6,  Abner5, 
Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  12,  1878, 
at  Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  24,  1902,  at  Marinette.  Wis.,  Alida 
Frink,  dau.  of  William  and  Jane  (Buress)  Frink.  She  was  b. 
April  3,  1879,  at  Marinette.    Residence,  Dunbar,  Wis. 

Children  of  Floyd  Oliver  and  Alida  (Frink)  Avery: 

8050.  i.       Blanche  Marion10,  b.  Sept.  29,  1903,  at  Marinette. 

8051.  ii.      Floyd  Andrus10,  b.  July  10,  1905,  at  Marinette. 

8052.  iii.     Helen  Jane10,  b.  Oct.  6,  1907,  at  Marinette. 

4033.  Agnes  Helen"  Avery  (Oliver8,  Oliver1,  Amos6,  Abner5 , 
Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  6,  1883, 
at  Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  14,  1906,  at  Groton,  Edwin  Reuthven 
Millen,  s.  of  Deuane  and  Harriet  Ellen  (Poole)  Millen.  He  was 
b.  Oct.  27,  1882,  at  South  Bend,  Ind.    Residence,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Edwin  Reuthven  and  Agnes  Helen  (Avery)  Millen : 
i.     Harriet  Avery1",  b.  May  21,  1909,  at  Syracuse. 

4034.  Allen9  Avery  (Oliver8,  Oliver1,  Amos6,  Abner5,  Jona- 
than4, James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  27,  1889,  at 
Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  11,  1911,  at  Waterloo,  N.  Y.,  Clara  Louise 
Wells,  dau.  of  William  H.  and  Hattie  (Petrie)  Wells.  She  was 
b.  Aug.  30,  1889,  at  Cortland,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  typewriter 
mechanic.     Residence,  Groton,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Allen  and  Clara  Louise  (Wells)  Avery: 
8054.     i.       Louis  Henry10,  b.  March  3,  1912,  at  Groton,  N.  Y. 

4035.  Henry  Gardner9  Avery  (Edward  Mortimer8,  Oliver1, 
Amos6,  Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  27,  1878,  at  Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  7,  1903,  at  Balti- 
more, Md.,  Beulah  Epps  Parham,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Ava  (Jack- 
son) Parham.  She  was  b.  June  4,  1883,  at  Warrenton,  N.  C; 
d.  July  23,  1909,  at  Richmond,  Va.     Residence,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Child  of  Henry  Gardner  and  Beulah  Epps  (Parham)  Avery: 
8060.     i.       Louise  Field  Hughes10,  b.  June  12,  1909,  at  Richmond,  Va. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1105 

4036.  Harold  Field0  Avery  (Edward  Mortimer6,  Oliver, 
Amos0,  Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  2,  1880,  at  Groton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  26,  1907,  at  Hall- 
stead,  Pa.,  Sara  Kathryn  Watkins,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Morgan 
Jones  and  Sarah  Catherine  (Neiger)  Watkins.  She  was  b. 
March  29,  1880,  at  Taylor,  Pa.  He  is  a  graduate  of  Cornell 
University,  '04 ;  a  teacher.     Residence,  Tarrytown,  N.  Y. 

4037.  Herbert  Amos9  Avery  (Amos  Warren6,  Abel7,  AmosG, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
1,  1857,  at  South  Dansville,  N.  Y.;  m.  Dec.  22,  1880,  at  Hor- 
nell,  N.  Y.,  Clara  Loretta  Pierce,  dau.  of  James  Rivers  and 
Elizabeth  (Wirt)  Pierce.  She  was  b.  Sept.  20,  1857,  at  Burns, 
N.  Y.    He  is  a  lumberman.     Residence,  Coudersport,  Pa. 

Children    of   Herbert   Amos   and    Clara    Loretta    (Pierce) 

Avery : 

i.       Ethel  Carrie"',  b.  Jan.  20,  1883,  at  Hornell,  N.  Y.;  d.  May 
30,  1893,  at  Keating  Summit,  Pa. 

8064.  ii.      LuciLE10,  b.  April  27,  1887,  at  Keating  Summit. 

8065.  iii.     Edwin  Pierce10,  b.  Feb.  11,  1896,  at  Keating  Summit. 

8066.  iv.     Robert  Amos1",  b.  Sept.  5,  1898,  at  Keating  Summit. 

4039.  Clella  May9  Avery  (Horace  Andrus8,  Abel7,  Amos6, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  3, 
1862,  at  Cohocton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  20,  1886,  at  Keating  Summit, 
Potter  Co.,  Pa.,  Charles  Selwyn  Briggs,  s.  of  Joseph  Benson 
and  Altha  (Wilbor)  Briggs.  He  was  b.  Sept.  6,  1860,  at  Elma, 
N.  Y.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Elma,  N.  Y. 

Children    of    Charles    Selwyn    and    Clella    May     (Avery) 

Briggs : 

i.       Avery  Wilbor10,  b.  Jan.  29,  1888,  at  Keating  Summit, 
ii.      Horace  Avery10,  b.  Feb.  7,  1898,  at  Elma. 

4040.  Emogene1'  Avery  (Horace  Andruss,  Abel7,  Amos6, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
10,  1865,  at  Wayland,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  22,  1891,  at  Keating 
Summit,  Pa.,  George  Albert  Wilbor,  s.  of  Albert  Dutton  and 
Mary  Ann  (Sleeper)  Wilbor.  He  was  b.  Feb.  2,  1861,  at  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y.    He  is  a  merchant.     Residence,  Elma  Center,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  George  Albert  and  Emogene  (Avery)  Wilbor: 
i.       Helen1",  b.  Sept.  23,  1892,  at  Elma,  N.  Y. 

1106  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

4042.  Mercedes  Louise9  Avery  (Horace  Andrus8,  Abel1, 
Amos",  Abner7',  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  31,  1872,  at  Canaseraga,  N.  Y.;  m.  Sept.  20,  1900,  at 
Keating  Summit,  Pa.,  Fred  Jasper  Cooper,  s.  of  Ira  Jasper  and 
Annette  (Pire)  Cooper.  He  was  b.  Feb.  29,  1876,  at  Bolivar, 
N.  Y.    He  is  a  merchant.    Residence,  Austin,  Pa. 

Children   of   Fred   Jasper   and   Mercedes   Louise    (Avery) 

Cooper : 

i.       Arthur  Sheldon10,  b.  Sept.  1,  1902,  at  Keating  Summit, 
ii.      Marian  Pauline10,  b.  July  21,  1904,  at  Keating  Summit. 

4043.  Eugene  Adelbert9  Avery  (Lucius  Abel8,  Abel7,  Amos6, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
3,  1859,  at  Wayland,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  22,  1893,  at  North  Bay,  Ont., 
Agnes  Falby,  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Leticia  (Sheridan)  Falby. 
She  was  b.  Dec.  18,  1869,  at  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia.  He  was  a 
weaver  at  Sherman,  Mich. ;  d.  June  30,  1903,  at  Alanson,  Mich. 
No  children.  His  widow  married  Thomas  Byron,  and  is  living 
(1912)  at  Boyne  Falls,  Mich. 

4044.  Sarah  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Lucius  Abel8,  Abel",  Amos6, 
Abner7\  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
23,  1861,  at  Wayland,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  22,  1882,  at  Manton,  Mich., 
Edwin  Bailey  Stanley,  s.  of  Bailey  James  and  Cornelia  Ann 
(Skinner)  Stanley.  He  was  b.  Feb.  1,  1857,  at  Waverly,  Mich. 
He  is  in  the  lumber  business.     Residence,  Spokane,  Wash. 

Children   of  Edwin  Bailey  and   Sarah   Elizabeth    (Avery) 

Stanley : 

i.  Cornelia  Elizabeth10,  b.  April  20,  1884,  at  Sherman,  Mich, 

ii.  Maqueston10,  b.  May  27,  1887,  at  Sherman, 

iii.  Glen  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  18,  1889,  at  Sherman, 

iv.  Lucile  Edwina10,  b.  April  28,  1899,  at  Sherman. 

4045.  Mary  Augusta9  Avery  (Lucius  Abel8,  Abel7,  Amos6, 
Abner7',  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
30,  1864,  at  Monroe  Center,  Mich.;  m.  July  3,  1890,  at  Sher- 
man, Mich.,  Charles  Sherman  Johnson,  s.  of  Charles  and  Eliza- 
beth (Campbell)  Johnson.  He  was  b.  June  17,  1867,  at  Way- 
land,  Mich.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Mackinaw,  Mich. 

Children  of  Charles  Sherman  and  Mary  Augusta   (Avery) 
Johnson : 

The  Ninth  Generation  1107 

i.       Leta  E.10,  b.  Dec.  14,  1892,  at  Battle  Creek,  Mich.;  m.  Lee 

Merrill  Stanton.     Child,  Lloyd  Kent11. 
ii.      Fern  L.10,  b.  Sept.  10,  1894,  at  Sonoma,  Mich, 
iii.     Lynn  Burneze10,  b.  Jan.  17,   1900,  at  Alba,  Mich.;   d.  Oct. 

20,   1905. 

4046.  Walter  Raymond"  Avery  {Lucius  Abels,  Abel7,  Amos9, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
26,  1867,  at  Monroe  Center,  Mich.;  m.  Oct.  26,  1898,  at  Sher- 
man, Mich.,  Tena  Elenor  Youker,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Ella  Elenor 
(Bartlett)  Youker.  She  was  b.  March  4,  1878,  at  Bartlett, 
Mich.     Residence,  Cadillac,  Mich. 

Children  of  Walter  Raymond  and  Tena  Elenor   (Youker) 
Avery : 

8070.  i.       Elton  B.10. 

8071.  ii.      Raymond10. 

4047.  Fred  Lucius9  Avery  (Lucius  Abel8,  Abel',  Amos9, 
Abner5,  Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
18,  1870,  at  Monroe  Center,  Mich.;  m.  April  8,  1896,  at  Deca- 
tur, Ind.,  Verna  Mae  McBarnes,  dau.  of  William  Madwell  and 
Emma  Amelia  (Wand)  McBarnes.  She  was  b.  Aug.  9,  1877, 
at  Decatur.    He  is  a  harness  maker.    Residence,  Decatur,  Ind. 

Children  of  Fred  Lucius  and  Verna  (McBarnes)  Avery: 
i.       Floyd  Neil10,  b.  May  8,  1898,  at  Decatur;  d.  April  27,  1911. 
ii.      Donald  Glenwood10,  b.  Sept.  24,  1903,  at  Decatur;  d.  y. 

4049.      Nellie  Augusta9  Avery    (Joel  Grant8,  Abel7,  Amos*, 

Abner5,  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  25, 
1875,  at  Monroe  Center,  Mich.;  m.  Sept.  30,  1895,  at  Grawn, 
Mich.,  William  Leon  Turcott.  He  was  b.  Oct.  14,  1872 ;  d.  Sept. 
12,  1899,  at  Minneapolis,  Minn.  She  m.  2d,  July  4,  1909,  at 
Portland,  Ore.,  Lester  Herbert  Lung.  He  was  b.  Dec.  14,  1871. 
He  is  a  farmer. 

Child  of  Lester  Herbert  and  Nellie  Augusta  (Avery)  Lung: 
i.       Joel  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  22,  1910,  at  Ballard,  Wash. 

4051.  Hattie  May9  Avery  (Joel  Grant8,  Abel7,  Amos6,  Ab- 
ner5, Jonathan*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher*)  was  b.  May  11, 
1879,  at  Monroe  Center,  Mich.;  m.  July  20,  1902,  at  Olympia, 
Wash.,  Frank   Edwin   Monroe,   s.  of  Henry  and  Matilda  Sarah 









1108  The   Groton  Avery   Clan 

(Avery)    Monroe    (No.  2227).     He  was  b.   Sept.   11,   1876,  at 
Monroe  Center,  Mich.    Residence,  Darrington,  Wash. 

Children  of  Frank  Edwin  and  Hattie  May  (Avery)  Monroe: 

i.       Gloria  Helen10,  b.  March  6,  1911,  at  Hazel,  Wash. 

ii.      Clare  Edwin10,  b.  Feb.  6,  1912,  at  Darrington. 

4053.  Francis  Deane9  Avery  (James  Deane8,  David7,  Amos9, 
Abner5,  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
24,  1876,  at  Buckland,  Mass.;  m.  June  21,  1904,  at  Shelburne 
Falls,  Mass.,  Mabelle  Claire  Johnson,  dau.  of  William  and  Carrie 
(Swan)  Johnson.  She  was  b.  March  2,  1881,  at  Shelburne 
Falls.    He  is  a  civil  engineer.     Residence,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Francis  Deane  and  Mabelle  Claire   (Johnson) 
Avery : 

Blanche  Deane10,  b.  April  10,  1905,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Irene  Johnson10,  b.  Dec.  6,  1906,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y. 

Carolyn  Frances10,  b.  Nov.  1,  1908,  at  Watertown. 

James  Deane10,  b.  Feb.  12,  1911,  at  Richland,  N.  Y. 

4056.  Wilber  Melville9  Avery  (Amos  Duane8,  Amos7,  Amos6, 
Abner'',  Jonathan4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
18,  1861,  at  Evans,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  14,  1885,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y., 
Sarah  Hannon,  dau.  of  John  Y.  and  Henrietta  (Garrison)  Han- 
non.  She  was  b.  June  7,  1858,  at  Glanford,  Ont. ;  d.  Oct.  1,  1887, 
at  Buffalo.  He  m.  2d,  Oct.  18,  1890,  at  Buffalo,  Hattie  Hannon, 
sister  of  his  first  wife.  She  was  b.  March  4,  1870,  at  Glanford. 
He  is  a  railway  conductor.  Residence,  West  Seneca,  N.  Y. 
Child  of  Wilber  Melville  and  Hattie  (Hannon)  Avery: 
8100.     i.      John  Melville10,  b.  Jan.  1,  1902,  at  Buffalo. 

4066.  Edward  Bligh"  Avery  (Eli8,  Gardner7,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin5, Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  17, 
1844,  at  Utica,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  17,  1869,  at  Sauquoit,  N.  Y., 
Henrietta  Frances  Rogers,  dau.  of  Solomon  and  Harriet  (Gil- 
bert) Rogers.  She  cl.  Jan.  15,  1880,  at  Clayville,  N.  Y.  He  m. 
2d,  May  12,  1887,  at  Clayville,  Mary  Alice  Jones,  dau.  of  Richard 
and  Mary  (Griffiths)  Jones.  She  was  b.  June  7,  1857,  at  Utica, 
N.  Y.    He  was  a  farmer.    He  d.  June  17,  1909,  at  Clayville. 

Child  of  Edward  Bligh  and   Henrietta   Frances    (Rogers) 
Avery : 

8120.     i.       Harriet  Eliza1",  b.  Oct.  13,  1870,  at  Pleasant  Hill,  Mo. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1109 

4067.  Emily  Cornelia'1  Avery  (Elis,  Gardner'',  Gardner0, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James'1,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
13,  1855,  at  Clayville,  N.  Y.;  m.  May  13,  1879,  at  Clayville, 
Charles  Franklin  Cooper,  s.  of  Charles  Henry  and  Catherine 
Lodina  (Knickerbocker)  Cooper.  He  was  b.  July  1,  1850,  at 
Clayville.    He  is  a  manufacturer.    Residence,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Charles  Franklin  and  Emily  Cornelia  (Avery) 
Cooper,  b.  at  Clayville: 

i.       Charles  Avery10,  b.  June  27,  1881;  d.  Dec.  21,  1891. 
ii.      Katherine  Eleanor10,  b.  Oct.  7,  1885. 
iii.     Stuart  Merrifield10,  b.  July  31,  1887. 

4068.  Jared  Sage!*  Avery  (James8,  Gardner7,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin5., Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  24, 
1842,  at  Clayville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  18,  1864,  at  Whitesboro,  N.  Y., 
Sarah  Louise  Johnson,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Phoebe  J.  (Cross) 
Johnson.  She  was  b.  Oct.  23,  1843,  at  Amsterdam,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  lieutenant  in  Co.  K,  146th  reg't  N.  Y.  inf'y,  in  the  Civil 
War.  He  d.  Sept.  14,  1883,  at  St.  Johnsville,  N.  Y.  She  is 
living  (1912)  at  Seneca  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Children    of    Jared    Sage    and    Sarah    Louise     (Johnson) 

Avery : 

8121.  i.       Lewis  James1",  \  July  2,  1865,  at  Claville. 

8122.  ii.      Charles  Willard10,  b.  Feb.  2,  1867,  at  Clayville. 

4069.  Adaline  Louisa"  Avery  (James8,  Gardner",  Gardner0, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James",  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
2,  1847,  at  Clayville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  4,  1864,  at  Waterville,  N.  Y., 
Jabez  Darwin  Dennison,  s.  of  Charles  and  Desire  Dilley  (Hol- 
yoke)  Dennison.  He  was  b.  April  23,  1843,  at  Cassville,  N.  Y. 
He  enlisted  in  the  Union  army,  Sept.  5,  1861 ;  re-enlisted  Aug. 
24,  1864.     Residence,  Ionia,  Mich. 

Children   of   Jabez   Darwin   and   Adaline   Louisa    (Avery) 

i.       James  Avery10,  b.  April  9,  1866,  at  Clayville;  m.  Cecelia  May 

Brown;   residence,  Grand   Rapids,   Mich, 
ii.      Alice   Maude11,   b.   Jan.   28,    1868,   at   Cassville;    m.    Emory 

Allen   Smith;    residence,   Chapel,   Mich, 
iii.     Claude  Edward10,  b.  Oct.  18,  1880,  at  Waterville;  m.  Cora 
Bell  McOmber;  residence,  Ionia,  Mich. 

1110  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

4070.  Alice  Caroline''  Avery  (James8,  Gardner,  Gardner6, 
Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
17,  1852,  at  Clayville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  14,  1869,  at  Clayville, 
Edward   Delavan   Smalley,    s.  of  Reuben  Ransom  and  Caroline 

(Coggle)  Smalley.  He  was  b.  Aug.  24,  1842,  at  Burnt  Hills, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  civil  engineer  and  served  for  six  years  as  deputy 
state  engineer  of  New  York.  He  d.  March  17,  1912,  at  Syracuse. 
No  children.    She  is  living  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

4071.  Mary  Ada!>  Avery  (Lyman8,  Gardner7,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin*, Jose2)h\  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  6, 
1852,  at  Clayville,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  9,  1885,  at  Saybrook,  Conn., 
Frank  Marcus  Benjamin,  s.  of  Marcus  0.  and  Mary  (Hooker) 
Benjamin.  He  was  b.  Jan.  24,  1851,  at  Alden,  N.  Y.  He  is 
ticket  and  freight  agent.    Residence,  Wampsville,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Frank  Marcus  and  Mary  Ada  (Avery)  Benjamin: 
i.       Ruth  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  12,  1889,  at  Wampsville. 

4081.  Sarah9  Avery  (Benjamin8,  Benjamin1 ,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin*, Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  13, 
1842,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1869,  at  Lebceuf,  Pa., 
Thomas  Mulvin,  s.  of  Simeon  Benton  and  Christina  (Pierce) 
Mulvin.  He  was  b.  Sept.  30,  1849,  at  Waterford,  Pa.  He  is  a 
book-keeper.     Residence,  Inglewood,  Calif. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Avery)  Mulvin : 

i.       Chester  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  25,  1872,  at  Union  City,  Pa.;  m. 

Mary  Bethune;  residence,  Los  Angeles,  Calif, 
ii.      Georgie  Emily10,  b.  Jan.  20,  1877,  at  Union  City;  m.  Fred 

William   Bethune;   residence,  Inglewood. 
iii.     Thomas  Ray10,  b.  Nov.  4,  1878,  at  Union  City;   d.  Feb.  1, 

iv.     De  Forest   Simeon10,  b.  March  3,  1880,  at  Union  City;  m. 

Isabel    Boehman;    residence,    Pasadena,   Calif, 
v.      Leonard  Benjamin10,  b.  Dec.  8,  1889,  at  Union  City. 

4082.  Margaret  Emily9  Avery  (Benjamin8,  Benjamin7, 
Gardner6,  Benjamin*,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  6,  1847,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  March  13,  1864,  at 
Waterford,  Sidney  Benton  Stranahan,  s.  of  James  and  Cynthia 
E.  (Taylor)  Stranahan.  He  was  b.  April  1,  1841,  at  Concord, 
Pa.    Residence,  Union  City,  Pa. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1111 

Children  of  Sidney  Benton  and  Margaret  Emily   (Avery) 

Stranahan : 

i.       Perry  Grant10,  b.  Feb.  14,  1866,  at  Lebceuf,  Pa.;  m.  Edith 

Creese;  residence,  Union  City,  Pa. 
ii.      Benjamin  James10,  b.  Aug.  26,  1867,  at  Waterford. 
iii.     Leonard    Avery10,   b.    Nov.    2,    1869,   at    Lebceuf;    m.    Maud 

Adams;    residence,    Sullivan,    Ind. 
iv.     Dorothe10,  b.  June  7,  1878,  at  Lebceuf. 

4083.  Calvin  Scott"  Avery  (Benjamin8,  Benjamin',  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  21,  1852,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  Nov.  27,  1873,  at  Waterford, 
Alva  Phillips,  dau.  of  Andrew  Jackson  and  Mary  Ann  (Hisom) 
Phillips.  She  was  b.  Oct.  26,  1854,  at  Elmira,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
carpenter.  He  d.  April  30,  1891,  at  Corry,  Pa.,  where  his  widow 
lives  (1912). 

Child  of  Calvin  Scott  and  Alva  (Phillips)  Avery: 

i.      Mildred  Phillips10,  b.  Aug.  3,  1889;  d.  May  28,  1891. 

4084.  Rosalind"  Avery  (Benjamin8,  Benjamin",  Gardner6, 
Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
4,  1855,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  Nov.  27,  1888,  at  Sherman,  N.  Y., 
Charles  E.  Hill,  s.  of  John  and  Charlotte  (Ploss)  Hill.  He  was 
b.  Dec.  7,  1858,  at  Harmony,  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  is  a 
farmer.     Residence,  Sherman,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Charles  E.  and  Rosalind   (Avery)   Hill: 
i.       Ruth10,  b.  Sept.  16,  1891,  at  Sherman,  N.  Y. 

4085.  Elizabeth"  Avery  (Benjamin8,  Benjamin1,  Gardner", 
Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
15,  1858,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  April  15,  1888,  at  James- 
town, N.  Y.,  Charles  A.  Law,  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (Rice) 
Law.  He  was  b.  Sept.  4,  1857,  at  Greenville,  Pa.  Residence, 
Union  City,  Pa. 

4090.  Benjamin  Gardner9  Avery  (Gardner8,  Benjamin7, 
Gardner6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher") 
was  b.  April  7,  1832,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  Nov.  16,  1856,  at 
Berlin,  Wis.,  Mary  Ann  Devinney.  She  was  b.  Dec.  26,  1837; 
d.  March  2,  1868,  at  Oshkosh,  Wis.  He  m.  2d,  Feb.  11,  1873,  at 
Neodesha,  Kas.,  Julia  Huntley  Crocker,    dau.  of  Daniel  Wolcott 

1112  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

and  Julia  Ann  (Huntley)  Crocker.  She  was  b.  April  27,  1835, 
at  Montville,  Conn.  He  was  a  carpenter  and  contractor;  a  sol- 
dier in  the  Civil  War  in  21st  Wis.  inf  y.  Residence,  Fort  Dodge, 

Children  of  Benjamin  Gardner  and  Mary  Ann  (Devinney) 
Avery,  b.  at  Oshkosh : 

8153.  i.       Charles  Montdell10,  b.  Oct.  28,  1857. 

8154.  ii.      Eugene  Dwight10,  b.  June  5,   1859. 

8155.  iii.     Myrtle  Anne10,  b.  Dec.  9,  1861. 

8156.  iv.     Franklin  Gardner10,  b.  May  7,  1867. 

Children  of  Benjamin  Gardner  and  Julia  Huntley  (Crocker) 
Avery : 

8157.  i.       Lucy  Meylert1",  b.  Feb.  22,  1874,  at  Hutchinson,  Kas. 

8158.  ii.      William   Huntley10,  b.   Nov.   17,  1876,  at  Jordan   Springs, 

iii.     Benjamin  Julian10,  b.  Aug.  6,  1879,  at  Jordan  Springs;  d. 
July  4,  1894,  at  Oklahoma  City,  Okla. 

4091.  Nancy  Sophia9  Avery  (Gardner8,  Benjamin7,  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  30,  1833,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  in  Dec,  1854,  at  Waterford, 
John  Peter  Honeker.  He  was  b.  June  12,  1833,  at  Erie,  Pa.  He 
was  a  carpenter.  She  d.  April  18,  1868,  at  Oshkosh,  Wis.;  he  d. 
Feb.  7,  1910,  at  Milwaukee,  Wis.  He  enlisted  Nov.  26,  1861,  in 
Co.  F,  18th  reg't  Wisconsin  inf'y;  was  discharged  as  orderly 
sergeant,  May  16,  1865. 

Child  of  John  Peter  and  Nancy  Sophia  (Avery)   Honeker: 

i.       Alta  Lee10,  b.  Aug.  20,  1856,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  he  lives  at 
Wallace,  Idaho;  unm. 

4092.  Sarah  Jane9  Avery  (Gardner8,  Benjamin7,  Gardner6, 
Benjamin*,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher'1)  was  b.  Feb. 
20,  1835,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  June  25,  1866,  at  Waterford, 
Dering  Lewis  Dorman,  s.  of  Dering  and  Betsy  (Kingsley)  Dor- 
man.  He  was  b.  March  13,  1829,  at  Sherman,  N.  Y.  She  d. 
Sept.  29.  1895,  at  Belfast,  N.  Y. ;  he  d.  May  20,  1897,  at  the 
same  place. 

Children  of  Dering  Lewis  and  Sarah  Jane  (Avery)  Dor- 
man  : 

i.       Burnett10,  b.  Aug.  30,  1868,  at  Mill  Village,  Pa. 
ii.      Ward10,  b.  Aug.  15,  1870,  at  Mill  Village;  m.  Bertha  Will- 

The   Ninth    Generation  1113 

iii.     Clella10,    b.    April    23,    1872,    at    Allen,    N.    Y.;    m.    James 

Knox.     Residence,  Belfast,  N.  Y. 
iv.     Lewie",  b.  Jan.  30,  1874,  at  Caneadea,  N.  Y. 
v.      Grace'",  b.  June  22,  1879,  at  Caneadea. 

4093.  Mary  Ette9  Avery  (Gardner*,  Benjamin",  Gardner*, 
Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James*,  James-,  Christopher')  was  b.  Aug. 
3,  1836,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  Dec.  1,  1860,  at  Omro,  Wis., 
Benjamin  Rouns.  He  was  a  carpenter.  They  both  died  at 
Omro,  Wis.,  "a  good  many  years  ago." 

4094.  John  Gideon9  Avery  (Gardner6,  Benjamin',  Gardner6, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James-,  James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
30,  1838,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  March  6,  1858,  at  Waterford, 
Martha  Lunger,  dau.  of  Jacob  and  Nancy  (King)  Lunger.  She 
was  b.  March  6,  1839,  in  Erie  Co.,  Pa.  She  d.  Feb.  2,  1908,  in 
Oklahoma.  He  m.  2d,  July  27,  1909,  at  Syracuse,  Kas.,  Margaret 
Page,  dau.  of  John  G.  and  Sarah  D.  (Beeby)  Page.  She  was  b. 
March  11,  1848,  at  French  Creek,  111.  Residence,  Syracuse, 

Children  of  John  Gideon  and  Martha   (Lunger)   Avery,  b. 
in  Erie  Co.,  Pa. : 

8159.  i.      Jennie  Gertrude1",  b.   Dec.  2,   1858. 

8160.  ii.      Charles  Mandell10,  b.  Nov.  11,  1861. 

8161.  iii.     Mary  A.10,  b.  Dec.  17,  1867. 

8162.  iv.     William  Gardner1",  b.  Oct.  19,  1871. 

4095.  Eliza''  Avery  (Gardner*,  Benjamin1,  Gardner*,  Ben- 
jamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  26, 
1839,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1856,  at  Waterford,  Joseph 
Dennington,  s.  of  John  and  Margaret  (Holister)  Dennington. 
He  was  b.  March  18,  1833.  He  was  a  farmer.  He  d.  April  15, 
1894,  at  Waterford,  where  she  is  living  (1912). 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Eliza  (Avery)  Dennington,  b.  at 
Waterford : 

i.       Walter  Marion1",  b.  Oct.  11,  1857;  d.  y. 
ii.      William  Francis1",  b.  Jan.  3,  1859;  m.  Etta  Colwell;   resi- 
dence, Waterford. 
iii.     Charles   Renfrew10,   b.    Feb.    12,   1861;    m.   Stella   Pringle; 

residence,  Oil  City,  Pa. 
iv.     John  Gardner10,  b.  March  24,  1868;  m.  Nora  P.  Abbott;  resi- 
dence,  Oil   City,   Pa. 

1114  The   Groton  Avery  Cian 

v.      Albert  Nuel10,  b.  Jan.  26,  1870;  m.  Anna  Rice;   residence, 

vi.     Maggie  May10,  b.  Jan.  6,  1873;  m.  Samuel  Thomas  J.  Taylor; 

residence,  Waterford. 

4096.  Charles  Lynn"  Avery  (Gardner8,  Benjamin7,  Gardner*, 
Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
18,  1841,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  Aug.  12,  1872,  at  South  Oil  City, 
Pa.,  Alabama  Foutz,  dau.  of  John  and  Susanna  (Fronk)  Foutz. 
She  was  b.  in  1851,  at  Cherry  Tree,  Pa.  He  was  field  foreman 
for  the  South  Penn  Oil  Co.  He  d.  Sept.  9,  1911,  at  Noblestown, 
Pa.,  where  his  widow  is  living  (1912). 

Children  of  Charles  Lynn  and  Alabama   (Foutz)  Avery: 

8163.  i.       William  Bert10,  b.  Sept.  28,  1874,  at  Cherry  Tree,  Pa. 

8164.  ii.      Floyd10,  b.  Jan.  19,  1879,  at  Bradford. 

8165.  iii.     Goldie10,  b.  March  17,  1882,  at  Bradford. 

4098.  Henry"  Avery  (Gardner6,  Benjamin1,  Gardner*,  Ben- 
jamin5, Joseph*,  James3.  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  28, 
1846,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  July  3,  1870,  at  Mill  Village,  Pa., 
Ella  Kimball,  dau.  of  William  Barzilla  and  Sabrina  (Chandler) 
Kimball.  She  was  b.  April  9,  1852,  at  Union  Tp.,  Pa.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Waterford,  Pa. 

Children  of  Henry  and  Ella  (Kimball)  Avery: 
Alva  Lynne10,  b.  Nov.  13,  1873,  at  Union,  Pa. 
Clifton  Wayne10,  b.  Sept.  28,  1876;  d.  y. 
Anna   Sabrina10,  b.   Oct.  22,   1878,  at  Kendall   Creek,   Pa.; 

d.  Dec.  24,  1904,  at  Waterford. 
Mabel  Maude10,  b.  Aug.  9,  1882,  at  Kendall  Creek. 
Clarence  Charles10,  b.  May  6,  1890,  at  Waterford. 

4099.  Amos  L.9  Avery  (Gardner8,  Benjamin7,  Gardner*, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*.  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
4,  1847,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  Jan.  13,  1875,  at  Waterford, 
Marie  Eugenie  Skinner,  dau.  of  Col.  Charles  and  Mary  Ann 
(Culbertson)  Skinner.  She  was  b.  Dec.  2,  1850,  at  Waterford. 
He  is  a  contractor. 

Children  of  Amos  L.  and  Marie  Eugenie  (Skinner)  Avery, 
b.  at  Bradford,  Pa. : 

8173.  i.       Shirley  Gardner10,  b.  May  17,   1877. 

8174.  ii.      Nina  Muriel10,  b.  May  12,  1882. 

8175.  iii.     Ama  Marian10,  b.  June  1,  1883. 









The   Ninth  Generation  1115 

5000.  Amy  Katherine1  Avery  (Gardner*,  Benjamin1,  Gard- 
ner'', Benjamin'',  Joseph4,  James-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Nov.  24,  1850,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  Dec.  25,  1871,  at  Venango, 
Pa.,  William  Alonsing  Blackmer,  s.  of  Hiram  and  Mary  Ann 
(Smith)  Blackmer.  He  was  b.  Jan.  16,  1849,  at  Mill  Village, 
Pa.    She  d.  Jan.  23,  1896,  at  Waterford. 

Children  of  William  Alonsing  and  Amy  Katherine  (Avery) 
Blackmer,  b.  at  Waterford : 

i.       Claude  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  17,  1872. 

ii.      Frank  Lynn10,  b.  July  30,  1874;  m.  Eva  May  Wealsh. 

iii.     Clyde  Hiram10,  b.  May  9,  1881. 

iv.     Iva10,  b.  April  2,  1888. 

v.      Flossie  May10,  b.  Oct.  11,  1890. 

vi.     Hazel  Ann10,  b.  Aug.  8,  1895. 

5001.  Clementine  Alwilda"  Avery  (Gardner*,  Benjamin7, 
Gardner6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  11,  1855,  at  Waterford,  Pa.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1885,  at  Water- 
ford, Thomas  Smith,  s.  of  William  and  Lura  (Matson)  Smith. 
He  was  b.  Dec.  16,  1844,  at  Mill  Village,  Pa.  No  children. 
Residence,  Mill  Village,  Pa. 

5002.  Herriott  Park"  Avery  (Gardner*,  Benjamin7,  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  29,  1876,  at  Waterford,  Pa. ;  m.  T/Iay  5,  1900,  at  Canton,  0., 
Ellanora  A.  Bernhard,  dau.  of  Zachar'ah  and  Josephene  (Show- 
ers) Bernhard.    She  was  b.  Dec.  2,  1866,  at  Canton,  O. 

5003.  Sarah  Helen9  Avery  (William*,  Benjamin1,  Gardner6, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
26,  1839,  at  Milton,  O.;  m.  April  15,  1858,  at  Ellsworth,  O., 
Samuel  McNeil,  s.  of  Alexander  and  Isabel  (Ross)  McNeil.  He 
was  b.  Nov.  7,  1832,  at  North  Jackson,  O.  He  was  a  farmer ;  d. 
Aug.  14,  1895,  at  Vassar,  Kas.  It  is  said  that  she  lives  at 
Pomona,  Kas. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Helen  (Avery)  McNeil: 
i.       Minnie  Estell10,  b.  Sept.  9,  1860,  at  North  Jackson, 
ii.      Lehon  Holmes10,  b.  Feb.   17,  1863,  at  Newport,  Minn.;   m. 

Louise  Middleton. 
iii.     Frederick  Warren10,  b.  March  7,  1865,  at  North  Jackson. 

1116  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

iv.     Hannah   Sophia"',  b.  April   14,  1868,  at  Westport,  O.;  m. 

Timothy  James  Reohane. 
v.      Luluella  May'",  b.  May  25,  1870,  at  Homer,  O.;  m.  Grant 

W.  Kepner. 
vi.     Kathartne  Lind'",  b.  April   17,  1874,  at  Pomona,  Kas.;  m. 

Benjamin  F.  Green, 
vii.    Samuel  Truman'",  b.  April  5,  1878,  at  Pomona;  d.  Nov.  7, 

1893,  at  Dover,  Kas. 
viii.  Effie    Christobell'",    b.    March    5,    1880,    at    Pomona;    m. 

Charles  Arthur  Overly. 

5004.  Sophia  Hannah9  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin7,  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  18,  1844,  at  Milton,  O. ;  m.  Oct.  15,  1868,  at  Canton,  O., 
Oliver  Wise,  s.  of  Michael  and  Elizabeth  (Cramer)  Wise.  He 
was  b.  Feb.  15,  1836,  at  Greentown,  0.  She  d.  May  21,  1895,  at 
Otsego,  Mich. 

Children  of  Oliver  and  Sophia  Hannah  (Avery)  Wise: 
i.       Ralph10,  b.  Sept.  11,  1869,  at  Canton,  O. 
ii.      Ernest10,  b.  July  23,  1872,  at  Pomona,  Kas.;  m.  Elizabeth 

iii.     Lorin10,  b.  Jan.  28,  1876,  at  Normal,  111. 
iv.     Daisy10,  b.  Feb.  19,  1878,  at  Otsego,  Mich.;  residence,  Otsego, 
v.      Fred10,  b.  Jan.  18,  1880,  at  Otsego;  residence,  Otsego, 
vi.     Clarence10,  b.  Jan.  1,  1884,  at  Otsego;  residence,  Otsego. 

5006.  William  Hinbaugh0  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin1, 
Gardner6,  Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher^) 
was  b.  May  2,  1853,  at  New  York  City;  m.  June  10,  1877,  at 
Wan  pun,  Wis.,  Maria  Ann  Foulkes,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Maria 
(Davis)  Foulkes.  She  was  b.  Oct.  20,  1852,  at  Utica  Tp.,  Wis. 
He  was  a  merchant;  d.  June  3,  1888,  at  Barron,  Wis.  She  is 
living  (1912)  at  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  William  Hinbaugh  and  Maria  Ann    (Foulkes) 

Avery : 

8183.  i.  John  Foulkes1'1,  b.  Feb.  26,  1879,  at  Merrillan,  Wis. 

8184.  ii.  Jessie  Maria1",  b.  April  30,  1880,  at  Stevens  Point,  Wis. 

8185.  iii.  Catherine  May10,  b.  Oct.  26,  1881,  at  Merrillan. 

5007.  Katie'-'  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin' ,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin*, Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  19, 
1857,  at  Neshkoro,  Wis.;  m.  Dec.  25,  1877,  at  Oshkosh,  Wis., 

The    Ninth    Generation  1117 

Frank  Leslie  Brown,  s.  of  Whitman  and  Fanny  (Brown)  Brown. 
He  was  b.  Jan.  1,  1855,  at  Hartfield,  N.  Y.  He  is  secretary  of 
the  Menominee  River  Sugar  Company.     Residence,  Menominee, 


Children  of  Frank  Leslie  and  Katie  (Avery)  Brown: 

i.       Monte   Frank1",   b.   June   31,    1880,   at   Hastings,   Neb.;    m. 

Nettie  Curran. 
ii.      William  Wayne10,  b.  Aug.  4,  1882,  at  Hastings, 
iii.     Amy  Mary10,  b.  March  1,  1887,  at  McCook,  Neb. 
iv.     Edgar  Avery1",  b.  Aug.  8,  1893,  at  Menominee,  Mich. 

5008.  Fanny9  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin7,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin7', Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  9, 
1860,  at  Stevens  Point,  Wis.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1884,  at  Spearfish, 
So.  Dak.,  James  W.  Van  Horn,  s.  of  Joseph  Wilson  and  Hannah 
(Mather)  Van  Horn.  He  was  b.  Jan.  3,  1852,  at  Rohrsburg, 
Columbia  Co.,  Pa.  He  is  a  miller,  and  has  served  as  county 
auditor  and  as  register  of  deeds.  Residence,  Bellefourche, 
So.  Dak. 

Children  of  James  W.  and  Fanny  (Avery)  Van  Horn: 

i.       Frank   Avery'",   b.   Sept.   14,   1884,  at  Spearfish,   So.   Dak.; 

residence,  Livingston,  Mont. 
ii.      Marguerita    Emma1",    b.    Aug.    6,    1887,    at    Spearfish;    m. 

Arthur  Honnold;  residence,  Denver,  Colo, 
iii.     Kathryn  Verna1",  b.  June  4,  1895,  at  Bellefourche. 

5009.  Emma9  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin7,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin7', Joseph*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  21, 
1865,  at  Stevens  Point,  Wis.;  m.  Aug.  3,  1882,  at  Spearfish, 
So.  Dak.,  David  Lewis  Hawkins,  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
(Faulkner)  Hawkins.  He  was  b.  Aug.  29,  1855,  at  Carmel, 
Ind. ;  d.  May  25,  1910,  at  Anderson,  Ind.  He  was  a  druggist. 
She  is  matron  of  the  Page  Orphans'  Home  at  Sand  Springs, 
near  Tulsa,  Okla.  She  has  an  adopted  daughter,  Agnes,  b.  Apr. 
6,  1894. 

5010.  Amy9  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin7,  Garthnr,  Ben- 
jamin7', Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  14, 
1867,  at  Stevens  Point,  Wis.;  m.  Oct.  14,  1889,  at  Spearfish, 
So.  Dak.,  Joseph  David  Robb,  s.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Elizabeth 
(McAllister)    Robb.     He  was  b.  Jan.  30,  1860,  at  Montezuma, 

1118  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

la.     She  d.  Feb.  6,  1892,  at  McCook,  Neb.     He  is  a  merchant. 
Residence,  Lincoln,  Neb.    No  children. 

5011.  John  Wesley9  Avery  (William8,  Benjamin7,  Gardner0, 
Benjamin*,  Joseph4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
6,  1870,  at  Stevens  Point,  Wis. ;  m.  at  Spearfish,  So.  Dak.,  Flora 
McEveny,  widow  of  a  Mr.  Barber.  He  is  a  dairy  farmer.  Resi- 
dence, Spearfish,  So.  Dak. 

Child  of  John  Wesley  and  Flora  (McEveny)  Avery: 
8190.     i.       Amy",  b.  at  Spearfish. 

Editorial  Note. — When  the  record  of  Benjamin7  Avery 
(No.  970)  on  pages  451  and  452  was  printed,  we  supposed  that 
his  son,  Charles8  Avery  (No.  2278),  died  unm.  We  have  been 
informed  that  about  the  middle  of  the  last  century,  in  Jefferson 
Co.,  Ky.,  he  m.  Susan  Wilson  Camp,  dau.  of  Thomas  Pollard 
and  Susan  (McGruda)  Camp.  She  was  b.  in  1826,  in  Jefferson 
Co.,  Ky.  He  was  an  architect.  He  d.  Sept.  11,  1857;  she  d. 
Nov.  27,  1882,  both  at  Louisville,  Ky. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Susan  Wilson   (Camp)   Avery: 

5012.  1.       Susan",  b.  Dec.  7,  1851,  in  Jefferson  Co.,  Ky. 

5013.  ii.      Clemmie  Newell9,  b.  Aug.  18,  1854,  in  Jefferson  Co. 

5014.  iii.     Mary  Charles9,  b.  Dec.  14,  1856,  in  Jefferson  Co. 

5012.  Susan9  Avery  (Charles*,  Benjamin' ,  Gardner6,  Ben- 
jamin5, Joseph4,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  7, 
1851,  in  Jefferson  Co.,  Ky. ;  m.  Nov.  7,  1872,  at  Valley  Station, 
Ky.,  Alvin  Alexander  Checkering,  s.  of  Alvin  Alexander  and 
Helen  Mars  (Hale)  Chickering.  He  was  b.  Sept.  6,  1850,  at 
Louisville,  Ky.  He  was  a  merchant.  He  d.  Aug.  23,  1905,  at 
Louisville;  she  d.  Oct.  31,  1909,  at  Valley  Station. 

Children  of  Alvin  Alexander  and  Susan  (Avery)  Chicker- 

i.       Susan    Camp10,   b.    Aug.    14,    1873,   at    Louisville;    m.    Fred 

Charles  Smith;   residence,  Duquesne,  Pa. 
ii.      Alvin   Edward10,  b.  Jan.   25,   1875,  at  Louisville;   m.   Mary 

Keene;   residence,   Louisville,   Ky. 
iii.     Alice  Dudley10,  b.  April  16,  1877,  at  Louisville;  m.  Frank 

Berlin  Speer;  residence,  Duquesne,  Pa. 
iv.     Helen  Isabell10,  b.  Dec.  23,  1879,  at  Louisville;  m.  Samuel 

A.   Scott;   residence,  Prudence,  W.  Va. 
v.      Charles  Demolay10,  b.  May  28,  1883,  at  Louisville. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1119 

5013.  Clemmie  Newell'1  Avery  (Charles8,  Benjamin7,  Gard- 
ner*. Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  18,  1854,  in  Jefferson  Co.,  Ky. ;  m.  Oct.  29,  1876,  at  Mill 
Village,  Pa.,  William  Robinson  Ford,  s.  of  Ewing  and  Elizabeth 
(Williamson)  Ford.  He  was  b.  Aug.  14,  1853,  at  Mill  Village. 
He  is  an  insurance  agent.     Residence,  Dubois,  Pa. 

Children  of  William  Robinson  and  Clemmie  Newell  (Avery) 


i.       Frances   Estelle10,   b.    Aug.   2,    1877,   at    Mill    Village;    m. 

Daniel   S.  Watkins. 
ii.      Worthington    Ewing10,    b.    Dec.    23,    1882,    at    Allegheny, 

N.   Y.;   d.   May   10,   1901. 

5014.  Mary  Charles''  Avery  {Charles8,  Benjamin1 ,  Gard- 
ner*, Benjamin*,  Joseph1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  14,  1856,  in  Jefferson  Co.,  Ky. ;  m.  May  15,  1884,  at  Olean, 
N.  Y.,  Francis  Marion  Wagner,  s.  of  George  E.  and  Caroline 
L.  (Bennett)  Wagner.  He  was  b.  Oct.  27,  1853,  at  South 
Canaan,  Pa.  He  is  an  oil  well  operator.  Residence.  Oakdale, 

Children   of   Francis   Marion  and   Mary   Charles    (Avery) 

Wagner : 

i.  George  Edwin1",  b.  March  10,  1885;  d.  Aug.  17,  1888. 

ii.  Lee  Smith10,  b.  Sept.  22,  1887. 

iii.  Otho  Newell10,  b.  May  30,   1890. 

iv.  Earl  Reed"',  b.  Nov.  30,  1892. 

5016.  Clara  Aurilla-'  Avery  (Jared  Newel8,  Benjamin7, 
Gardner6,  Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  11,  1871,  at  Oshkosh,  Wis.;  m.  Oct.  8,  1902,  at 
Palo  Alto,  Calif.,  William  Jansen  Woods,  s.  of  Thomas  and 
Sarah  Maria  (Jansen)  Woods.  He  was  b.  April  16,  1854,  at 
Union  City,  Pa.  She  is  a  graduate  of  Stanford  University. 
He  is  in  the  insurance  business.    Residence,  Chicago,  111. 

5017.  Lucy  Sophia3  Avery  (Jared  Newel8,  Benjamin7,  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin*,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Feb.  9,  1875,  at  Stevens  Point,  Wis.;  m.  May  10,  1899,  at 
Santa  Cruz,  Calif.,  Joseph  Ellery  Robertson,  s.  of  Andrew  and 
Elizabeth  (Newman)  Robertson.  He  was  b.  Feb.  9,  1871,  at 
Lexington,  111.    He  is  a  grocer.    Residence,  Watsonville,  Calif. 

1120  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Joseph  Ellery  and  Lucy  Sophia  (Avery)  Robert- 
son : 

i.       Avery'",  b.  May  26,  1900,  at  Santa  Cruz. 

ii.      Carlton  Ellery10,  b.  Nov.  8,  1902,  at  Watsonville. 

5018.  Mary  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Lyman  RayH,  John7,  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  14,  1842,  at  Troy,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  23,  1863,  at  Troy, 
George  Bates  Thompson,  s.  of  John  and  Ruth  Bateman  (Fosdick) 
Thompson.  He  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1839,  at  Middle  Granville,  N.  Y. 
She  d.  Sept.  17,  1892,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  George  Bates  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Avery) 
Thompson : 

i.       George  Lyman1",  b.  Dec.  9,  1864,  at  Troy;  d.  y. 

ii.  Mary  Ruth10  b.  June  16,  1867,  at  Troy;  m.  Andrew  L. 

iii.  Gertrude  Elizabeth1",  b.  Aug.  10,  1869,  at  Troy;  m.  How- 
ard M.  Witbeek. 

iv.     Grace  Mackay10,  b.  Nov.  11,  1871,  at  Troy;  d.  y. 

v.  Annie  Sophia10,  b.  Aug.  21,  1873,  at  Lansingburgh,  N.  Y. ; 
m.  Arthur  T.  Poole. 

vi.     Christine10,  b.  Dec.  25,  1874,  at  Lansingburgh. 

5019.  John  Mackey9  Avery  (Lyman  Ray6,  John7,  Gardner*, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*.  James7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
26,  1844,  at  Troy,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  10,  1868,  at  Troy,  Henrietta 
Bigelow  Wager,  dau.  of  Paul  and  Eliza  Ann  (Vosburgh)  Wager. 
She  was  b.  April  23,  1850,  at  Troy.  She  d.  April  3,  1897,  at 
Troy.    He  is  a  lumber  merchant.    Residence,  Troy,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  John  Mackey  and  Henrietta  Bigelow   (Wager) 
Avery,  b.  at  Troy: 

8203.     i.       Eva  Elizabeth1",  b.  Oct.  30,  1870;  residence,  Troy,  N.  Y. 
ii.      Josephine  Ide10,  b.  June  26,  1872;  d.  July  27,  1885. 

5021.  Frederick  Wells9  Avery  (Lyman  Ray8,  John7,  Gard- 
ner*, Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  19,  1852,  at  Troy,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  6,  1875,  at  Troy,  Annie 
Vaughn  Stratton,  dau.  of  Norman  and  Rebecca  (Marvin)  Strat- 
ton.  She  was  b.  March  27,  1852 ;  d.  Jan.  25,  1890,  at  Ottawa, 
Ont.  He  m.  2d,  April  3,  1893,  at  Ottawa,  Ottilie  Graeme,  dau. 
of  James  and  Janet   (Hill)   Graeme.     She  was  b.  July  31,  1866, 

The  Ninth  Generation  1121 

at  Vaughn,  Canada.  He  is  a  lumber  merchant.  Residence, 
Ottawa,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Children  of  Frederick  Wells  and  Annie  Vaughn  (Stratton) 
Avery,  b.  at  Ottawa : 

8204.  i.       Elizabeth1",  b.  June  6,  1881;  m.  Arthur  J.  Price. 

8205.  ii.      Lyman  Ray,u,  b.  April  26,  1884. 

8206.  iii.     Annie  Vaughn10,  b.  Dec.  31,   1889. 

Children  of  Frederick  Wells  and  Ottilie  (Graeme)  Avery: 

8207.  i.  Marian  Wright10,  b.  May  10,  1894,  at  Ottawa. 

8208.  ii.  Frederick  Graeme10,  b.  April  24,  1896,  at  Ottawa. 

8209.  iii.  Janet  Ottilie10,  b.  Aug.  3,  1898,  at  Ottawa. 

8210.  iv.  Ottilie  Wells10,  b.  Oct.  13,  1901,  at  Ottawa. 

8211.  v.  Kathleen  Ruth10,  b.  April  5,  1903,  at  Ottawa. 

8212.  vi.  Barbara  White10,  b.  Nov.  9,  1908,  at  Ottawa. 

5022.  Clara  Louise1'  Avery  {Lyman  Rays,  John7,  Gardner*, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
14,  1858,  at  Troy,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  23,  1878,  at  Troy,  George 
Clinton  Gault,  s.  of  George  and  Margaret  (Kane)  Gault.  He 
was  b.  about  1857,  at  Sand  Lake,  N.  Y.  She  d.  July  14,  1905,  at 
Troy,  N.  Y.    No  children.    He  is  living  (1912)  at  Troy,  N.  Y. 

5023.  Ellen  Saxe9  Avery  (Lyman  Ray*,  John1,  Gardner*, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph* ,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)   was  b.  Oct. 

26,  1862,  at  Troy,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  10,  1886,  at  Troy,  William 
Hadley  Mann,  s.  of  Alexander  and  Anna  Maria  (Klock)  Mann. 
He  was  b.  May  24,  1859,  at  Warnerville,  N.  Y.  She  d.  Jan.  20, 
1911,  at  Troy.    No  children. 

5024.  Isabella9  Avery  {Joseph  Strong8,  Charles7,  Gardner6, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
11,  1861,  at  Clinton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  25,  1885,  at  Clinton, 
Theodore  Hand  Allen,  s.  of  George  Edward  and  Lydia  D. 
(Rhodes)  Allen.  He  was  b.  June  9,  1856,  at  Utica,  N.  Y.  He 
was  a  Presbyterian  minister.    She  d.  March  9,  1911 ;  he  d.  Jan. 

27,  1912,  both  at  Peoria,  111. 

Children  of  Theodore  Hand  and  Isabella  (Avery)  Allen: 
i.       Joseph  Strong10,  b.  March  2,  1886,  at  Chicago.  111. 
ii.      Dorothy10,  b.  Nov.  30,  1887,  at  Chicago;  m.  George  Milton 

iii.     Ruth10,  b.  Aug.  28,  1890,  at  Chicago, 
iv.     George  Edward10,  b.  Nov.  12,  1893,  at  Mendota,  111. 
v.      Isabel10,  b.  March  7,  1898,  at  Mendota. 

1122  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

5025.  William  Henry"  Avery  (Charles  D  wight8,  Charles", 
Gardner0,  Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1 )  was 
b.  Nov.  21,  1860,  at  Chicago,  111. ;  m.  Aug.  29,  1885,  at  St.  Paul, 
Minn.,  Ella  Amelia  Dodge,  dau.  of  Abel  White  and  Angeline 
Angela  (Mead)  Dodge.  She  was  b.  Feb.  23,  1853,  at  Odessa, 
N.  Y.  He  was  graduated  at  Hamilton  College,  1883,  and  is 
engaged  in  the  express  business.  Residence,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Children  of  William  Henry  and  Ella  Amelia  (Dodge)  Avery, 
b.  at  Minneapolis: 

8215.  i.       Margaret  Elizabeth10,  b.  Jan.  24,  1892. 

8216.  ii.      Clinton  Dodge10,  b.  July  6,  1895. 

8217.  iii.     Alice  Amelia10,  b.  Jan.  22,  1897. 

5028.  Delia  Elizabeth9  Avery  {Charles  D wight8,  Charles7, 
Gardner0,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  Jamesz,  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  4,  1866,  at  Chicago,  111. ;  m.  H.  N.  Newland. 

5031.  Mary  Lincoln9  Avery  {Theodore*,  Charles',  Gard- 
ner0, Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  29,  1863,  at  Clinton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  24,  1912,  at  Utica,  N.  Y., 
Malvin  Carr  Burrell,  s.  of  Isaac  and  Emily  Sarah  (Miller) 
Burrell.  He  was  b.  at  Chicago,  111.  He  is  a  manufacturer. 
Residence,  Utica,  N.  Y. 

5032.  Grace  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Theodore8,  Charles',  Gard- 
ner0, Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James5,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  11. 1867,  at  Clinton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  20,  1893,  at  Utica,  N.  Y., 
Walter  Dexter  Middleton,  s.  of  Robert  and  Lucy  Ann  (Cum- 
mings)  Middleton.  He  was  b.  Dec.  23,  1850,  at  Dracut,  Mass. 
He  is  a  manufacturer  of  woolen  goods.    Residence,  Utica,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Walter  Dexter  and  Grace  Elizabeth  (Avery) 
Middleton : 

i.       Robert  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  1,  1894,  at  Utica. 
ii.      Marjorie1",  b.  May  30,  1896;  d.  Oct.  13,  1903. 
iii.     Grace  Theodora10,  b.  Nov.  10,  1904,  at  Utica. 

5034.  Henry  Brinckerhoff9  Avery  (Henry  Newell8,  Charles1, 
Gardner0,  Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  June  30,  1869,  at  Newburgh,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  18,  1909,  at 
Minneapolis,  Elisabeth  Wailes  McElroy,  dau.  of  John  Henry  and 
Mary  Jane  (Wilkinson)   McElroy.     She  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1873,  at 

The    Ninth  Generation  1123 

Pittsburg,  Pa.  He  is  a  graduate  of  the  College  of  Engineering, 
University  of  Minnesota,  1893;  member  of  Beta  Theta  Pi  Fra- 
ternity. He  is  proprietor  and  manager  of  the  Avery  Steel  and 
Iron  Co.,  at  Minneapolis.  Residence,  Christmas  Lake,  Excelsior, 

5035.  Edward  Strong"  Avery  (Henry  Newell8,  Charles', 
Gardner6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  May  15,  1871,  at  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  3,  1909,  at 
Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Rebecca  Janet  Gilfillan,  dau.  of  the  Hon. 
John  Bachop  and  Rebecca  Corse  (Oliphant)  Gilfillan.  She  was 
b.  Oct.  12,  1880,  at  Minneapolis.  He  was  graduated  from  the 
law  department  of  the  University  of  Minnesota,  1893 ;  a  lawyer 
and  banker.  She  is  a  graduate  of  Smith  College.  Residence, 
New  York  City. 

Child   of   Edward   Strong   and   Rebecca   Janet    (Gilfillan) 
Avery : 

8226.     i.       Gilfillan'0,  b.  March  15,  1911,  at  New  York  City. 

5036.  Jacob  Fowler'  Avery  (Henry  Newell8,  Charles7,  Gard- 
ner*, Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  wras  b. 
Jan.  19,  1873,  at  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  4,  1902,  at 
Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Mary  Esmond,  dau.  of  George  and  Katharine 
(Wilt)  Esmond.  She  was  b.  March  8,  1872,  at  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. 
He  was  graduated  from  medical  department  of  University  of 
Minnesota,  1899 ;  member  of  Beta  Theta  Pi  Fraternity.  He  is  a 
physician.     Residence,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Child  of  Jacob  Fowler  and  Mary  (Esmond)  Avery: 
8229.     i.      John  Esmond10,  b.  March  31,  1906,  at  Aitkin,  Minn. 

5040.  Clinton  Van  Benschoten '■'  Avery  (Henry  Newell8, 
Charles1,  Gardner6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Aug.  2,  1883,  at  Minneapolis,  Minn.;  m.  Jan.  26, 
1912,  at  Minneapolis,  Evelyn  Van  Strum,  dau.  of  Frederick 
Theodore  and  Mary  (Munson)  Van  Strum.  She  was  b.  Nov.  14, 
1888,  at  Minneapolis.  He  is  a  dealer  in  building  materials. 
Residence,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

5045.  Frank  Newell9  Avery  (Spencer8,  Jared  Newell1,  Gard- 
ner6, Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  2,  1873,  at  Effingham,  111. ;  m.  Oct.  5,  1894,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo., 










1124  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Clara  May  Winslow,  dau.  of  Paul  Emile  and  Elizabeth  (Mock) 
Winslow.  She  was  b.  May  16,  1875,  at  Wilmington,  Del.  He  is 
a  printer.    Residence,  East  St.  Louis,  111. 

Children  of  Frank  Newell  and  Clara  May  (Winslow)  Avery, 
b.  at  East  St.  Louis: 

Frank  Trueman10,  b.  March  9,  1896;  d.  y. 

Franklin  Spencer10,  b.  April  5,  1897. 

Lyda   May10,   b.   Nov.   25,   1902. 

Alma  Mary10,  b.  Dec.  6,  1905. 

Joseph  Howard"',  b.  Oct.  13,  1908. 

5047.  Edward  Hodgson9  Avery  (Cyrus  Benjamin8,  Joseph7, 
Benjamin6,  Benjamin*,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  14,  1860,  at  New  York  City;  m.  Nov.  16,  1887,  at 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Elizabeth  Whitney,  dau.  of  William  and  Mar- 
garet (Ryan)  Whitney.  She  was  b.  Sept.  3,  1861,  at  Philadel- 
phia.   He  is  a  salesman.    Residence,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Edward  Hodgson  and  Elizabeth  (Whitney)  Avery: 
8247.     i.       Edward  Whitney50,  b.  Oct.  11,  1888,  at  Brooklyn. 

5048.  Emma  May9  Avery  (Cyrus  Benjamin8,  Joseph7,  Ben- 
jamin6, Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  28,  1862,  at  New  York  City;  m.  June  1,  1887,  at 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Charles  Hutton  Pendleton,  s.  of  Capt.  Benjamin 
F.  and  Mary  Jane  (Cook)  Pendleton.  He  was  b.  Dec.  22,  1862, 
at  Stonington,  Conn.  He  d.  Nov.  1,  1911,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y., 
where  she  is  living. 

Children  of  Charles  Hutton  and  Emma  May  (Avery)  Pen- 
dleton, b.  at  Brooklyn : 

i.       Frank  Avery10,  b.  March  29,  1888. 
ii.      Enid10,  b.  March  1,  1892. 

5080.  Charles  Daniel9  Avery  (Charles  Daniel8,  Daniel7, 
Roger6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  27,  1869,  at  Tompkins,  Jackson  Co.,  Mich.;  m.  April 
27,  1892,  at  Concordia,  Kas.,  Luella  Almira  Geiger,  dau.  of  John 
Henry  and  Aurelia  Dowd  (Wells)  Geiger.  She  was  b.  Aug.  17, 
1870,  at  Waterville,  Kas.  He  is  a  photographer.  Residence, 
Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1125 

5081.  Arthur  Augustus9  Avery  (Charles  Daniel",  Daniel1, 
Roger",  Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  23,  1870,  at  Tompkins,  Jackson  Co.,  Mich.;  m.  Nov.  21, 
1894,  at  Concordia,  Kas.,  Mary  Anna  Iversen,  dau.  of  Louis 
Lawrence  and  Christine  (Hansen)  Iversen.  She  was  b.  Nov. 
21,  1874,  at  Concordia.  He  is  a  merchant  (1911)  and  post- 
master.   Residence,  El  Toro,  Calif. 

Children  of  Arthur  Augustus  and  Mary  Anna    (Iversen) 

Avery,  b.  at  Concordia : 

8250.  i.      Lloyd  Lawrence10,  b.  Nov.  8,  1895. 

8251.  ii.      Helen  Christine10,  b.  Jan.  18,  1898. 

5082.  George  Lewis9  Avery  (Charles  Daniel8,  Daniel7, 
Roger*.  Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  20,  1872,  at  Tompkins,  Jackson  Co.,  Mich.;  m.  Feb.  24, 
1897,  in  Republic  Co.,  Kas.,  Aletha  Bell  Smith,  dau.  of  Lorentus 
Z.  and  Josephine  (Taggert)  Smith.  She  was  b.  Oct.  21,  1878, 
in  Cloud  Co.,  Kas.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Concordia,  Kas. 

Child  of  George  Lewis  and  Aletha  Bell  (Smith)   Avery,  b. 

in  Cloud  Co. : 

8254.  i.       Merrill  Smith1",  b.  April  10,  1898. 

8255.  ii.      Hazel  Josephine10,  b.   Aug.   20,   1900. 

5083.  Myrtle  Maria9  Avery  (Charles  Daniel9,  Daniel1, 
Roger6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Aug.  3,  1874,  at  Concordia,  Kas.;  m.  Nov.  25,  1896,  at  Con- 
cordia, John  William  Taylor,  s.  of  James  Daniel  and  Eliza 
Arabelle  (Nickerson)  Taylor.  He  was  b.  Nov.  21,  1867,  at 
Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.    Residence,  Concordia,  Kas. 

Children  of  John  William  and  Myrtle  Maria  (Avery)  Tay- 

i.  Earl  Daniel10,  b.  Dec.  13,  1897,  at  Sprague,  Neb. 

ii.  Edith  Mabel10,  b.  May  10,  1900,  at  Sprague. 

iii.  Margaret  Ethel1",  b.  Dec.  10,  1902,  at  Sprague. 

iv.  Dorothy  Ruth10,  b.  Oct.  11,  1904,  at  Sprague. 

v.  Wayne  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  2,  1911,  at  Concordia,  Kas. 

5084.  Guy  Herbert9  Avery  (Charles  Daniel6,  Daniel1,  Roger", 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
2,  1876,  in  Cloud  Co.,  Kas.;  m.  Jan.  14,  1903,  at  Glasco,  Kas., 
Lila  Esther  Hillhouse,   dau.  of  Robert  and  Eliza  Esther  (Brow- 

1126  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

nell)  Hillhouse.  She  was  b.  June  27,  1880,  at  Oak  Creek,  Utah. 
He  is  a  jeweler.    Residence,  Stigler,  Okla. 

Child  of  Guy  Herbert  and  Lila  Esther  (Hillhouse)  Avery: 
8258.     i.       Alexine  Virginia1",  b.  Nov.  19,  1903,  at  Hanover,  Kas. 

5085.  Cecil  Grant9  Avery  {Charles  Daniel8,  Daniel7,  Roger6, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
14,  1879,  in  Cloud  Co.,  Kas.;  m.  Dec.  25,  1902,  at  Vicksburg, 
Mich.,  Emma  Mae  Prolo,  dau.  of  Philip  and  Celia  (Corwin) 
Prolo.     She  was  b.  Oct.  14,  1883,  at  Vicksburg,  Mich. ;  d.  Sept. 

16,  1906,  at  Concordia,  Kas.  He  m.  2d,  June  26,  1910,  at 
Concordia,  Georgia  Beatrice  Cool,  dau.  of  Mark  Shirk  and  Tacy 
Catherine  (Murdock)  Cool.  She  was  b.  Feb.  22,  1883,  at  Con- 
cordia.   He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Concordia,  Kas. 

Child  of  Cecil  Grant  and  Emma  Mae  (Prolo)  Avery: 
8260.     i.       Lucile  Mae10,  b.  March  7,  l..x06,  at  Concordia. 

5086.  Lulu  Edith"  Avery  (Charles  Daniel8,  Daniel7,  Roger6, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 

17,  1880,  at  Concordia,  Kas.;  m.  Dec.  17,  1902,  at  Concordia, 
William    Templeton   Clark,    s.    of   James    William    and    Hattie 

(Prolo)  Clark.  He  was  b.  Aug.  31,  1882,  at  Concordia.  He  is 
a  farmer     Residence,  Concordia,  Kas. 

Child  of  William  Templeton  and  Lulu  Edith  (Avery)  Clark: 
i.       James  Raymond1",  b.  Aug.  31,  1904,  at  Concordia. 

5087.  Ralph  Emmet'1  Avery  (Charles  Daniel8,  Daniel7, 
Roger6,  Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  20,  1882,  at  Concordia,  Kas.;  m.  Jan.  1,  1907,  at 
Concordia,  Mollie  Julia  Messall,  dau.  of  Edward  J.  and  Karolina 
(Stettnich)  Messall.  She  was  b.  March  4,  1884,  at  Concordia. 
He  is  an  advertising  expert.  Residence,  Panama  City,  Republic 
of  Panama  (1912),  and  Concordia,  Kas. 

5088.  Roy  Francis9  Avery  (Charles  Daniel8,  Daniel7,  Roger6, 
Benjamin5,  Joseph4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec. 
22,  1887,  at  Concordia,  Kas.;  m.  Nov.  10,  1909,  at  Concordia, 
Mary  Katharine  Stallings,  dau.  of  William  and  Florence  (Ben- 
nett) Stallings.  She  was  b.  July  2,  1887,  at  Concordia.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Concordia,  Kas. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1127 

5096.  Alfred"  Avery  (Edwin  Allen8,  Alfred7,  Benjamin6, 
Benjamin5,  Benjamin*,  James2,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
July  8,  1873,  at  King  Ferry,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  23,  1899,  at  Old 
Forge,  Pa.,  Jennie  Cornelia  Drake,  dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Arabella 
Jane  (Safford)  Drake.  She  was  b.  Dec.  21,  1876,  at  Old  Forge. 
He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  King  Ferry,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Alfred  and  Jennie  Cornelia  (Drake)  Avery,  b. 

at  King  Ferry: 

8265.  i.       Elizabeth'",  b.  May  8,  1902. 

8266.  ii.      Bryant   Drake10,  b.   Feb.   5,   1904. 

5097.  Edgar  Delano"  Avery  (Franklin  Capens,  Edgar,  Ben- 
jamin6, Benjamin*,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher'1) 
was  b.  Feb.  9,  1877,  at  Fort  Collins,  Colo. ;  m.  Aug.  22,  1901,  at 
Vandalia,  111.,  Mabel  Gordon,  dau.  of  Joseph  Allen  and  Mary 
Abbie  (Hinckley)  Gordon.  She  was  b.  July  13,  1877,  at  Van- 
dalia. He  is  assistant  cashier  First  National  Bank,  Fort  Collins. 
Residence,  Fort  Collins,  Colo. 

Children  of  Edgar  Delano  and  Mabel   (Gordon)   Avery,  b. 

at  Fort  Collins: 

8269.  i.      Franklin  Gordon10,  b.  July  7,  1902. 

8270.  ii.      Gordon  Edson10,  b.  July  8,  1905. 

8271.  iii.     Florence10,  b.  Sept.  11,  1908. 

5098.  Ethel  Elizabeth0  Avery  (Franklin  Capen8,  Edgar7 r 
Benjamin6,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  April  29,  1878,  at  Fort  Collins,  Colo. ;  m.  June  23,  1909, 
at  Fort  Collins,  Edward  James  Woodworth,  s.  of  James  Clinton 
and  Martha  (Morris)  Woodworth.  He  was  b.  July  19,  1870,  at 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind.  He  is  a  merchant.  Residence,  Fort  Collins, 

5099.  Marietta  Louise"  Avery  (Franklin  Capen8,  Edgar7, 
Benjamin6,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  29,  1882,  at  Fort  Collins,  Colo. ;  m.  Oct.  10,  1906,  at 
Fort  Collins,  Newton  William  Crose,  s.  of  Reuben  Brooks  and 
Clara  (Penn)  Crose.  He  was  b.  March  22,  1877,  at  Shenandoah, 
Iowa.    He  is  an  attorney.    Residence,  Fort  Collins,  Colo. 

5105.  May  Elizabeth"  Avery  (George  Porter8,  Edgar7,  Ben- 
jamin6, Benjamin5.  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  19,  1888,  at  Cortland,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  28,  1910,  at 

1128  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Fort  Collins,  Colo.,  Edwin  Stanton  Bice,  s.  of  Benjamin  Franklin 

and  Chloe  Bertha   (Owen)    Bice.     He  was  b.  July  9,  1887,  at 

Elkhart,  111.    He  is  a  civil  engineer.    Residence,  Loveland,  Colo. 

Child  of  Edwin  Stanton  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Bice: 

i.       Stanton  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  10,  1911,  at  Loveland. 

5109.  Pearle'*  Avery  (William  Henry8,  Edgar7,  Benjamin9, 
Benjamin6,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  2,  1877,  at  Ledyard,  N.  Y.;  m.  May  17,  1899,  at  Cripple 
Creek,  Colo.,  Chat  Gallante,  s.  of  John  Adams  and  Mary  Jane 
(Suter)  Gallante.  He  was  b.  April  18,  1873,  at  Evanston,  111. 
He  is  assistant  general  manager  of  The  Victor  American  Fuel 
Co.    Residence,  Denver.  Colo. 

5110.  Horace  Weston"  Avery  (George  Benjamin8,  Charles7, 
Benjamin9,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1 ) 
was  b.  April  9,  1875,  at  Ledyard,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Feb.  12,  1901,  at 
Denver,  Colo.,  Edith  Sophia  Plested,  dau.  of  William  and  Alice 
(Gordon)  Plested.  She  was  b.  Sept.  21,  1876,  at  New  York  City. 
He  is  a  lawyer,  farmer;  and  breeder  of  registered,  short-horn, 
dairy  cattle.    Residence,  Ledyard,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Horace  Weston  and  Edith   Sophia    (Plested) 
Avery,  b.  at  Ledyard: 

i.      Horace  Weston1",  b.  May  4,  1902;  d.  y. 
ii.     Gordon  Stark10,  b.  Aug.  23,  1904;  d.  y. 

8274.  iii.    Paul  Hamilton10,  b.  Aug.  5,  1906. 

8275.  iv.    Howard  Malcolm10,  b.  Sept.  15,  1908. 

5111.  Frederick  Walter^  Avery  (George Benjamin8, Charles7, 
Benjamin9,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  14,  1877,  at  Ledyard,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  27,  1909,  at 
Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  Lula  Gates  Baldwin,  dau.  of  William  Barton 
and  Anna  (Gates)  Baldwin.  She  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1884,  at  Mont- 
rose, Pa.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Ledyard,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Frederick  Walter  and  Lula  Gates    (Baldwin) 

Avery : 

8278.  i.      William  Frederick10,  b.  July  14,  1910,  at  Ledyard. 

8279.  ii.     John  Everett10,  b.  Aug.  3,  1911,  at  Ledyard. 

5112.  Charles  Benjamin9  Avery  (George Benjamin8, Charles7, 
Benjamin9,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher' ) 
was  b.  April  21,  1881,  at  Ledyard,  N.  Y.;  m.  Sept.  16,  1903,  at 

The   Ninth  Generation  1129 

King  Ferry,  N.  Y.,  Jennie  Dudley  Mitchell,!  dau.  of  George 
Henry  and  Josephine  (Gunn)  Mitchell.  She  was  b.  July  31, 
1882,  at  King  Ferry.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  8th  U.  S.  Inf.  in 
the  Spanish-American  war;  was  stationed  at  Havana,  Cuba,  in 
1899.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  King  Ferry,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Charles  Benjamin  and  Jennie  Dudley  (Mitchell) 
Avery,  b.  at  King  Ferry: 

8280.  i.      George  Benjamin10,  b.  July  24,  1905. 

8281.  ii.      Charles  Montgomery"',  b.  March  31,  1907. 

8282.  iii.    Weston  Mitchell10,  b.  Aug.  7,  1910. 

5115.  Mary  Bertha'1  Avery  (David  Charles9,  Hamilton7, 
David6,  Benjamin5  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  18,  1870,  at  Easton,  Md.;  m.  Sept.  19,  1895,  at 
Baltimore,  Md.,  William  Alexander  Dean,  s.  of  Alexander  and 
Emily  Eliza  (Roscoe)  Dean.  He  was  b.  Sept.  23,  1849,  at 
Esperance,  N.  Y.  His  first  wife  was  Lucy  Emily  Avery  (No. 
2336).  He  was  a  druggist.  She  d.  March  23,  1897 ;  he  d.  June 
23,  1907,  both  at  Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Child   of  William   Alexander   and   Mary   Bertha    (Avery) 


i.       Bertha  Avery10,  b.  Feb.  20,  1897,  at  Auburn. 

5117.  Charles  Sidney''  Avery  (David  Charles8,  Hamilton7, 
David6,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  20,  1875,  at  Easton,  Md. ;  m.  Sept.  3,  1902,  at  Balti- 
more, Md.,  Eleanor  Augusta  Smith,  dau.  of  William  and  Anna 
Augusta  Smith  and  legally  adopted  child  of  the  Rev.  Samuel  M. 
Ridout.  She  was  b.  April  28,  1878,  at  Staunton,  Va.  He  is  a 
manufacturer's  agent  for  vehicles.    Residence,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Children  of  Charles  Sidney  and  Eleanor  Augusta   (Smith) 

Avery : 

8285.  i.  Eleanor  Mineah10,  b.   May  23,  1903,  at  Baltimore. 

8286.  ii.  Dorothy  Sidney10,  b.  May  16,  1904,  at  Baltimore. 

8287.  iii.  David  Charles10,  b.  Aug.  10,  1908,  at  Baltimore. 

5118.  Hermon  Emmons'  Avery  (David  Charles9,  Hamil- 
ton7, David6,  Benjamin5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  July  25,  1881,  at  Easton,  Md.;  m.  Aug.  15,  1907, 
at  Baltimore,  Md.,  Elizabeth  Alexander  Edwards,  dau.  of  Francis 

1130  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

and  Ida  Charlotte  (Wilson)  Edwards.  She  was  b.  March  23, 
1881,  at  Baltimore.  He  is  a  manufacturer's  agent.  Residence, 
Baltimore,  Md. 

5119.  Ann  Elizabeth''  Avery  (Henry8,  Alfred7,  Daniel1',  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin1,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  2, 
1848,  at  Genoa,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  26,  1866,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y., 
George  Slocum  Wood,  s.  of  Jonas  and  Sarah  Ann  (Slocum) 
Wood.  He  was  b.  Sept.  28,  1841,  at  Venice,  N.  Y.  She  d.  Feb. 
1,  1901,  at  Auburn,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  miller,  and  has  served  as 
sheriff  of  his  (Cayuga)  county.    Residence,  Scipio,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  George   Slocum  and  Ann   Elizabeth    (Avery) 

Wood,  b.  at  Scipio : 

i.       Lillian  Avery1",  b.  Sept.  12,  1867;  m.  George  M.  Hull. 

ii.      Lottie  Pearl10,  b.  June  16,  1869;  m.  Edwin  Beebe  Mosher; 

d.  Dec.  14,  1898. 
iii.     Fred  Arthur1",  b.  Oct.  11,  1873;  m.  Clara  Mae  Adams, 
iv.     Franklin  Henry1",  b.  Feb.  1,  1875;  m.  Sarah  M.  Van  Liew. 

5120.  Franklin  Henry1'  Avery  (Henry6,  Alfred7,  Daniel6, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
27,  1851,  at  Genoa,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  4,  1878,  at  Genoa,  Mary 
Hannah  Rose,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Hannah  (Sampson)  Rose.  He 
was  a  merchant;  town  clerk.  He  d.  Feb.  13,  1880,  at  Genoa. 
No  children.    She  is  living  at  Cortland,  N.  Y. 

5121.  Charlotte  Augusta9  Avery  (Henry8,  Alfred7,  Daniel6, 
Daniel-',  Benjamin' ,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
8,  1854,  at  Genoa,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  28,  1874,  at  Genoa,  William 
Edson  Green,  s.  of  James  Fay  and  Emily  (Conklin)  Green.  He 
was  b.  April  27,  1851,  at  Genoa;  d.  Oct.  22,  1899,  at  Moravia, 
N.  Y.    She  lives  at  Moravia,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  William  Edson  and  Charlotte  Augusta  (Avery) 

Green : 

i.       Minnie  Avery1",  b.  Feb.  9,  1877,  at  Genoa. 

ii.      Florence  Elizabeth1",  b.  Jan.  1,  1883,  at  Moravia. 

5122.  Helen  Rogers9  Avery  (Alfred8,  Alfred7,  Daniel6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May  14, 
1861,  at  Keokuk,  Iowa;  m.  Jan.  5,  1887,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo., 
Jon  Eaton  Gorse,  s.  of  John  Winters  and  Agnes  Calista  (Vroo- 

The  Ninth  Generation  1131 

man)  Gorse.    He  was  b.  Feb.  9,  1861,  at  Watertown,  N.  Y.    He 
is  an  editor.    Residence,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Child  of  Jon  Eaton  and  Helen  Rogers  (Avery)  Gorse: 
i.       Helen10,  b.  Dec.  7,  1887,  at  St.  Louis. 

5124.  Julia  Lamoureux  '  Avery  (Edwin8,  Edwin7,  Daniel", 
Daniel5,  Benjamin4',  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  6, 
1864,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. ;  m.  Dec.  20,  1888,  at  Grand  Rapids, 
Charles  Urban.     No  children.     Residence,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

5127.  John  Gilman"  Avery  (Edwin8,  Edwin1,  Daniel',  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  17, 
1873,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.;  m.  July  20,  1911,  at  London, 
England.  Victoria  Wilhelmina  Dorathea  Sievers,  dau.  of  Gustave 
August  and  Wilhelmina  (Schmutz)  Sievers.  She  was  b.  June 
20,  1887,  at  Westminster,  London,  England.  He  is  in  the  employ 
of  the  Natural  Color  Kinematograph  Co.  Residence,  London, 

5128.  Lillian  Fairchild"  Avery  (Sidney  Smith8,  Edwin1, 
Daniel''',  Daniel*,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  1,  1861,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  29,  1897,  at 
Rochester,  Milton  Knapp  Merwin,  s.  of  the  Hon.  Milton  and 
Helen  (Knapp)  Merwin.  He  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1861,  at  Water- 
town,  N.  Y.  She  d.  April  25,  1908,  at  Nunda,  N.  Y.  He  is  a 
Presbyterian  minister.     Residence,  Nunda,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Milton  Knapp  and  Lillian  Fairchild    (Avery) 
Merwin : 

i.       Helen  Laurene10,  b.  April  6,  1900,  at  Pompey,  N.  Y. 
ii.     John  Avery10,  b.  Dec.  26,  1903,  at  Nunda. 
iii.     Allen  Knapp10,  b.  Sept.  3,  1905,  at  Nunda. 

5130.  Sidney  Morgan"  Avery  (Sidney  Smith8,  Edwin' ,  Dan- 
iel6, Daniel*,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
May  1,  1870,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  16,  1899,  at  New  York 
City,  Blanche  Margaret  Parker,  dau.  of  Gilford  Forbes  and 
Alice  (Hemsworth)  Parker.  She  was  b.  Dec.  9,  1870,  at  Can- 
statt,  Germany.  He  is  buyer  for  the  publishing  firm  of  Dodd, 
Mead  &  Co.,  New  York  City.    Residence,  New  York  City. 

1132  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5139.  Eleanor  Hamilton''  Avery  {Samuel  Look9,  Benjamin 
Franklin7,  Daniel*,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Nov.  24,  1882,  at  Louisville,  Ky.;  m.  Dec.  7,  1904, 
at  Louisville,  Edgar  Birdsall,  s.  of  Dr.  Stephen  and  Josephine 
(Haviland)  Birdsall.  He  was  b.  Aug.  21,  1876,  at  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.    He  is  a  physician.    Residence,  Glens  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Edgar  and  Eleanor  Hamilton  (Avery)  Birdsall: 
i.       Stephen  Taber10,  b.  July  1,  1908,  at  Glens  Falls, 
ii.      Samuel  Avery10,  b.  May  25,  1911,  at  Glens  Falls. 

5141.  Sarah  Belle 6  Avery  (Orlando  Miner8,  Ashbel7,  Dan- 
iel6, Daniel5,  Benjamin*.  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  15,  1871,  at  Danby,  N.  Y. ,  m.  Sept.  25,1896,  at  Genoa, N.Y., 

Eugene  White,  s.  of  James  and (McLaughlin)  White. 

He  was  b.  near  Cortland,  N.  Y.    He  is  a  lawyer.     No  children. 
Residence,  Phoenix,  N.  Y. 

5142.  Vance  Eldridge1'  Avery  (Orlando  Miner8,  Ashbel7, 
Daniel6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  6,  1879,  at  Peterborough,  N.  Y.;  m.  June  24,  1908,  at 
Earlville,  N.  Y.,  Benna  Vincent,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Lena  (Rich- 
ardson) Vincent.  She  was  b.  Oct.  8,  1885,  at  South  Dayton, 
N.  Y.  He  is  in  the  hardware  business.  Residence,  Earlville, 
N.  Y. 

Children  of  Vance  Eldridge  and  Benna  (Vincent)  Avery: 

8296.  i.       Eldridge  Vincent10,  b.  Sept.  10,  1909,  at  Earlville. 

8297.  ii.      Jean  Winifred10,  b.  Nov.  14,  1911,  at  Earlville. 

5145.  James0  Avery  (William  Byron8,  James7,  Daniel6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July  18, 
1881,  at  Aurora,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  3,  1912,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y., 
Pearl  Woodworth  Barnes,  dau.  of  Asa  Randall  and  Elizabeth 
Cooley  (Manro)  Barnes.  She  was  b.  Sept.  14,  1887,  at  Auburn, 
N.  Y.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Aurora,  N.  Y. 

5146.  Mary  Elizabeth s  Avery  (William  Byron8,  James7, 
Daniel6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  6,  1883,  at  Aurora,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec.  31,  1907,  at  Aurora, 
William  Heazlit  Gould,  s.  of  Charles  Benjamin  and  Cornelia 
Abby  (Avery)  Gould  (No.  2364).  He  was  b.  Oct.  27,  1874,  at 
Aurora.     She  is  a  graduate  of  Wells  College;  he  is  a  graduate 

The  Ninth  Generation  1133 

of  Yale  University,  '97.  He  is  a  dairyman  and  breeder  of  regis- 
tered Guernsey  cattle.  Residence,  Prospect  Hill  Farm,  Essex, 

Children  of  William  Heazlit  and  Mary  Elizabeth   (Avery) 

Gould : 

i.       William  Avery"1,  b.  Aug.  25,  1909,  at  Beverly,  Mass. 

ii.      Cornelia  Brownell1",  b.  Aug.  6,  1911,  at  Essex,  Mass. 

5147.  William  Byron"  Avery  (William  Byron*,  James1,  Dan- 
iel*, Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Jan.  19,  1886,  at  Aurora,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  21,  1910,  at  Montclair, 
N.  J.,  Imogen  Peake,  dau.  of  William  and  Margaret  (Cuthell) 
Peake.  She  was  b.  May  2,  1880,  at  Montclair.  He  is  a  farmer. 
Residence,  Aurora,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  William  Byron  and  Imogen  (Peake)  Avery: 
8298.     i.       William  Byron1",  b.  Sept.  3,  1911,  at  Aurora. 

ii.      Margaret  Cuthell1",  b.  Sept.  3,  1911,  at  Aurora;  d.  y. 

5154.  Arthur  Noyes0  Avery  (Albert  Noyes8,  John  Barber7, 
Elias6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Aug.  28,  1876,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.;  m.  June  7,  1905,  at 
Grand  Rapids,  Edna  May  Adams,  dau.  of  William  Franklin 
and  Ella  Gertrude  (Fuller)  Adams.  She  was  b.  Dec.  29,  1885, 
at  Greenville,  Mich.    Residence,  La  Porte,  Ind. 

Child  of  Arthur  Noyes  and  Edna  May  (Adams)  Avery: 
8300.     i.       Arthur  Hill10,  b.  May  19,  1906,  at  Detroit,  Mich. 

5156,  Noyes  Latham"  Avery  (Noyes  Frederick8,  Noyes 
Latham7,  Elias6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  8,  1881,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.;  m.  June  5, 
1907,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Evelyn  Leonard,  dau.  of  Frank  E. 
and  Sarah  (Pierce)  Leonard.  She  was  b.  Feb.  28,  1883,  at 
Grand  Rapids.  He  is  a  banker.  Residence,  Grand  Rapids. 
Child  of  Noyes  Latham  and  Evelyn  (Leonard)  Avery: 
8303.     i.       Noyes  Latham10,  b.  May  31,  1909,  at  Grand  Rapids. 

5159.  Mary  Elizabeth fi  Avery  (Elias8,  Barton  Frederick7, 
Dudley6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  13,  1857,  at  Chardon,  O.;  m.  Dec.  23,  1880,  at  Dunkirk, 
N.  Y.,  Edmund  Chandler  Cooley,  s.  of  Charles  and  Lucy  Louisa 

1134  The   Groton  Avery  Clan 

(Martell)  Cooley.    He  was  b.  Nov.  25,  1851,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
He  is  an  engineer.    Residence,  Dunkirk,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Edmund  Chandler  and  Mary  Elizabeth  (Avery) 
Cooley,  b.  at  Dunkirk: 

i.       Edmund  Avery10,  b.  July  17,  1883;   residence,  Schenectady, 

N.  Y. 
ii.      Florence  Martell10,  b.  Sept.  7,  1885;  m.  Howard  Kennard 

Soper;  residence,  Northport,  N.  Y. 
iii.     Chester  George10,  b.  March  3,  1890;  residence,  Dunkirk. 

5160.  Harriet  Ellen !'  Avery  {Elias8,  Barton  Frederick7,  Dud- 
ley6, Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  31,  1861,  at  Chardon,  O.;  m.  April  13,  1881,  at  Dunkirk, 
N.  Y.,  Frederick  Farnham  Jewell,  s.  of  Robert  Barker  and  Helen 
Ann  (Johnson)  Jewell.  He  was  b.  Aug.  26,  1858,  at  Dunkirk. 
Residence,  Dunkirk,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Frederick  Farnham  and  Harriet  Ellen  (Avery) 

Jewell : 

i.       Helen  Edith10,  b.  July  27,  1890,  at  Dunkirk. 
ii.      Robert  McKay10,  b.  June  28,  1893,  at  Dunkirk. 

5161.  Minnie  Florence0  Avery  (Eliass,  Barton  Frederick7, 
Dudley6,  Daniel*,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  April  4,  1867,  at  Dunkirk,  N.  Y.;  m.  Feb.  5,  1891,  at  Dunkirk, 
George  Rogers  Corwin,  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Rogers) 
Corwin.  He  was  b.  March  19,  1867,  at  Dunkirk.  She  d.  Oct.  25, 
1900,  at  Dunkirk.    He  is  living  (1912)  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  George  Rogers  and  Minnie  Florence  (Avery)  Cor- 

i.      Josephine  Avery10,  b.  Oct.  26,  1895,  at  Buffalo. 

5162.  Florence  May''  Avery  {Dudley  Frederick9,  Barton 
Frederick7 ,  Dudley6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  May  28,  1864,  at  Chardon,  O. ;  m.  Oct.  15,  1884, 
at  Chardon,  Mortimer  Coe  Eldridge,  s.  of  Seth  and  Polly  (Robi- 
son)  Eldridge.  He  was  b.  May  7,  1862,  at  Monson,  Mass.  She 
m.  2d,  July  3,  1902,  Dr.  Charles  William  Dean.  When  last  heard 
from,  she  was  living  at  Chardon,  O. 

5163.  Daniel  Dudley9  Avery  {Dudley8,  Daniel  Dudley7, 
Dudley6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  5.  1866,  at  Avery  Island,  La. ;  m.  Jan.  12,  1893,  at  New 













The  Ninth  Generation  1135 

Orleans,  La.,  Katharine  Buckner,  dau.  of  Newton  and  Parmelia 
G.  (Norton)  Buckner.  She  was  b.  Sept.  4,  1869,  at  New  Orleans. 
He  is  a  lawyer;  graduate  of  Tulane  University.  Residences, 
New  Orleans  and  Avery  Island,  La. 

Children  of  Daniel  Dudley  and  Katharine  (Buckner)  Avery: 

Sarah  Leeds11,  b.  Nov.  23,  1893,  at  New  Orleans. 

Katharine  Buckner10,  b.  May  17,  1895,  at  New  Orleans. 

Edith  Buckner1'1,  b.  Nov.  5,  1898,  at  Avery  Island. 

Dudley10,  b.  Oct.  13,  1901,  at  Avery  Island. 

Louise  Richardson10,  b.  June  16,  1904,  at  Avery  Island. 

Margaret  Johnston10,  b.  Aug.  4,  1907,  at  Avery  Island. 

5164.  Kate  Richardson9  Avery  (Dudley9,  Daniel  Dudley7, 
Dudley9,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James*,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  10,  1868,  at  Avery  Island,  La.;  m.  Nov.  26,  1896,  at 
Avery  Island,  Joseph  Sill  Clark,  s.  of  Edward  White  and  Mary 
Todhunter  (Sill)  Clark.  He  was  b.  Nov.  30,  1861,  at  Philadel- 
phia, Pa.  He  is  a  graduate  of  Harvard  University,  1883;  Law 
School  of  University  of  Pennsylvania,  1885.  He  is  a  lawyer. 
Residence,  Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Children    of   Joseph    Sill    and    Kate    Richardson    (Avery) 


i.       Joseph  Sill10,  b.  Oct.  21,  1901,  at  Philadelphia. 

ii.      Avery  Borodell10,  b.  March  2,  1904,  at  Philadelphia. 

5166.  Dudley^  Avery  (Dudley3,  Daniel  Dudley7,  Dudley1', 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
9,  1874,  at  Avery  Island,  La. ;  m.  June  8,  1904,  at  Greenwood, 
Miss.,  Elizabeth  Mary  Coleman,  dau.  of  Samuel  Ratliff  and 
Lucy  (Wadlington)  Coleman.  She  was  b.  May  29,  1884,  at 
Greenwood.  He  was  a  cotton  merchant.  He  d.  Feb.  20,  1906, 
at  Greenwood.  His  widow  married  again  and  lives  (1912)  at 
Greenwood,  Miss. 

Child  of  Dudley  and  Elizabeth  Mary  (Coleman)  Avery: 
8317.     i.       Samuel  Coleman10,  b.  Feb.  19,  1905,  at  Greenwood. 

5167.  Herman''  Avery  (Daniel  Wilson8,  Herman7,  Isaac*, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
7,  1854,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Nov.  11,  1875,  at  Waldron,  Ind., 
Ruth  Matilda  Bowen,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Montgomery  and  Mel- 
vina  Hamilton   (Gregg)   Bowen.     She  was  b.  Dec.  25,  1859,  at 

1136  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Waldron.    He  is  a  contractor  and  carpenter.    Residence,  Shelby- 
ville,  Ind. 

Children  of  Herman  and  Ruth  Matilda  (Bowen)  Avery: 

8320.  i.       Nora  Edith10,  b.  Aug.  6,  1876,  at  Waldron. 

8321.  ii.      Daniel  Wilson10,  b.  Feb.  3,  1878,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

8322.  iii.     Walter  Scott10,  b.  Feb.  29,  1880,  at  St.  Paul. 

8323.  iv.     Lena  Melvina10,  b.  Feb.  5,  1888,  at  St.  Paul. 

8324.  v.      Joseph  Errol10,  b.  May  21,  1896,  at  Shelbyville,  Ind. 

5169.  Henrietta5'  Avery  {Daniel  Wilson*,  Herman",  Isaac6, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin* ,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
28,  1869,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Sept.  23,  1891,  at  St.  Paul, 
Anthony  Barrett  Mulroy,  s.  of  Richard  and  Bridget  (Barrett) 
Mulroy.  He  was  b.  Oct.  12,  1859,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.  Residence, 
St.  Paul,  Ind. 

Child  of  Anthony  Barrett  and  Henrietta  (Avery)   Mulroy: 
i.      John  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  1,  1899,  at  St.  Paul. 

5170.  John  Feaster9  Avery  (Daniel  Wilson8,  Herman7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin'1,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  16,  1871,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Aug.  1,  1910,  at  Glovers- 
ville,  N.  Y.,  Rhoda  Ann  Hadsell,  dau.  of  Lester  and  Alice 
(Dutcher)  Hadsell.  She  was  b.  June  19,  1880,  at  South  Valley, 
N.  Y.  He  is  foreman  of  the  fitting  and  shipping  department  of 
the  Atlantic  Terra-cotta  Company  at  Perth  Amboy,  N.  J.  Resi- 
dence, Tottenville,  Staten  Island,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  John  Feaster  and  Rhoda  Ann  (Hadsell)  Avery: 

8325.  i.      Alice  Rhoda10,  b.  Aug.  9,  1911,  at  Tottenville. 

5171.  Albert"  Avery  (Daniel  Wilson8,  Herman7,  Isaac6, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April 
12,  1873,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind. ;  m.  July  14,  1901,  at  St.  Paul,  Mary 
Maud  Leffler,  dau.  of  George  Thomas  and  Serena  (Starks) 
Leffler.  She  was  b.  Oct.  14,  1874,  at  St.  Paul.  He  is  an  engi- 
neer.   Residence,  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

Child  of  Albert  and  Mary  Maud  (Leffler)  Avery: 
8328.     i.       Melissa  Serena10,  b.  Jan.  1,  1905,  at  St.  Paul. 

5173.  Lewis  Pence9  Avery  (Daniel  Wilson8,  Herman7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  29,  1876,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Sept.  28,  1911,  at  St. 

The   Ninth   Generation  1137 

Joseph,  Mich.,  Lena  Critser  dau.  of  George  and  Mary  Elizabeth 
(Barnes)  Critser,  and  widow  of  Albert  Thornburg.  She  was 
b.  April  20,  1886,  at  Milford,  Ind.    Residence,  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

5174.  Frederick  William9  Avery  {Daniel  Wilson8,  Herman7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel*,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christophei*1)  was  b. 
June  28,  1878,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Sept.  24,  1906,  at  Indian- 
apolis, Ind.,  Rosa  Higenbotham,  dau.  of  Jacob  and  Louisa  (Will- 
iams) Higenbotham,  and  widow  of Perkins.    She  was 

b.  Feb.  8,  1877,  in  Hancock  Co.,  Ind.  He  was  an  undertaker. 
He  d.  Dec.  5,  1911,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.  No  children.  She  is  living 
(1912)  at  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

5175.  Ralph  Whittledge0  Avery  (Daniel  Wilson8,  Herman7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  10,  1880,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Oct.  19,  1905,  at  Rocky 
Hill,  N.  J.,  Edna  May  Wright,  dau.  of  Smith  and  Mary  Madaline 
(Hawkins)  Wright.  She  was  b.  June  14,  1878,  at  Hightston, 
N.  J.  He  is  foreman  in  a  terra-cotta  plant.  Residence,  Rocky 
Hill,  N.  J. 

Child  of  Ralph  Whittledge  and  Edna  May  (Wright)  Avery: 
8332.     i.       Edker  Smith10,  b.  Aug.  14,  1907,  at  Rocky  Hill. 

5177.  William  Herman9  Avery  (Matthias  Van  Pelt8,  Her- 
man7, Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  28,  1860,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Nov.  12,  1885,  at 
Indianapolis,  Ind.,  Mary  Ann  Grey,  dau.  of  James  and  Catherine 
(Shannon)  Grey.  She  was  b.  Oct.  20,  1867,  at  Evansville,  Ind. 
He  d.  July  29,  1897,  at  Indianapolis. 

Child  of  William  Herman  and  Mary  Ann  (Grey)  Avery: 
8341.     i.       Henry  Francis1",  b.  Jan.  30,  1887,  at  Indianapolis. 

5179.  Charlotte  Mahala9  Avery  (Matthias  Van  Pelt8,  Her- 
man7, Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  14,  1870,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  March  12,  1890,  at 
Indianapolis,  Ind.,  John  M.  Roth,  s.  of  Matthias  and  Frances 
Roth.  He  was  b.  Nov.  25,  1865,  at  Indianapolis.  She  is  dead; 
he  lives  at  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Children  of  John  M.  and  Charlotte  Mahala  (Avery)   Roth : 
i.       Maurice  Matthias1",  b.  Jan.  2,  1892,  at  Indianapolis, 
ii.      Charlotte  Marea10,  b.  April  10,  1893,  at  Indianapolis;  d.  y. 











1138  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5182.  William  Isaac0  Avery  (Homer  Towner9,  Guy  Carle- 
ton1,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James'-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  29,  1854,  at  Curtisville,  Ind.;  m.  May  10,  1880,  at 
Lafontain,  Ind.,  Philura  Ellen  Frame,  dau.  of  Joseph  Hall  and 
Margaret  Ann  (White)  Frame.  She  was  b.  Dec.  4,  1860,  at 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Curtisville,  Ind. 

Children    of   William    Isaac   and   Philura    Ellen    (Frame) 
Avery : 

Clarence  Rosel1",  b.  Sept.  28,  1881,  at  Curtisville. 
Elsie10,  b.  Sept.  20,  1884,  at  Curtisville. 
Clara10,  b.  July  14,  1887,  at  Curtisville. 
Gail10,  b.  Ma.-h  29,  1890,  at  Curtisville. 
Hazel10,  b.  Aug.  9,  1894,  at  Curtisville. 

5183.  Homer  Marshall1'  Avery  (Homer  Towner8,  Guy  Carle- 
ton7,  Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  4,  1857,  at  Curtisville,  Ind. ;  m.  Oct.  25,  1885,  at 
Sycamore,  Ind.,  Frances  Cranor,  dau.  of  Moses  and  Mary  (Cate) 
Cranor.  She  was  b.  June  27,  1864,  at  Sycamore.  He  d.  April  4, 
1905,  at  Sycamore,  where  his  widow  was  living  in  1910. 

Children  of  Homer  Marshall  and  Frances  (Cranor)  Avery: 

8353.  i.       Edna10,  b.  July  27,  1886,  at  Sycamore. 

8354.  ii.      Homer  Ward10,  b.  Sept.  18,  1891,  at  Sycamore. 

8355.  iii.     Helen10,  b.  Jan.  23,  1900,  at  Sycamore. 

5184.  Mary  Helen9  Avery  (Homer  Towner8,  Guy  Carleton1, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Dec.  10,  1859,  at  Curtisville,  Ind. ;  m.  April  8,  1880,  at  St.  Paul, 
Ind.,  Alvin  Leslie  Bailey,  s.  of  Peter  J.  and  Phebe  Ann  (Feester) 
Bailey.  He  was  b.  Aug.  12,  1859,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.  He  is  a 
physician.    Residence,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Children  of  Alvin  Leslie  and  Mary  Helen  (Avery)  Bailey, 
b.  at  St.  Paul: 

i.       Clarence  Wright10,  b.  July  23,  1881;  d.  June  30,  1901. 
ii.      Ernest  Leslie10,  b.  Aug.  23,  1888. 

5185.  John  Wesley9  Avery  (Homer  Towner8,  Guy  Carieton7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James-,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  16,  1862,  at  Curtisville,  Ind. ;  m.  Oct.  29,  1886,  at  Curtis- 
ville, Mary  Etta  Colvin,  dau.  of  Levi  Bennett  and  Harriett 
(Hatfield)  Colvin.  She  was  b.  March  28,  1868,  at  Curtisville. 
He  is  a  teacher.    Residence,  Curtisville,  Ind. 













The  Ninth  Generation  1139 

Children  of  John  Wesley  and  Mary  Etta  (Colvin)  Avery: 
Maury  Gladys10,  b.  July  15,  1887,  at  Curtisville. 
Myra  Gail10,  b.  April  21,  1889,  at  Curtisville. 
Ray10,  b.  Jan.  23,  1891,  at  Curtisville. 
Wayne10,  b.  Aug.  9,  1893,  at  Curtisville. 
Lucille10,  b.  June  12,  1897,  at  Curtisville. 
Byron  Wendal10,  b.  Jan.  7,  1905,  at  Curtisville. 

5186,  Edward1'  Avery  {Homer  Towner8,  Guy  Carleton7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James'2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Nov.  12,  1874,  at  Anderson,  Ind. ;  m.  Nov.  29,  1898,  at  Ander- 
son, Cora  Victoria  Chapman,  dau.  of  John  and  Eliza  (Keatan) 
Chapman.  She  was  b.  March  20,  1878,  at  Anderson.  He  is  a 
foundryman.     Residence,  Anderson,  Ind. 

Children  of  Edward  and  Cora  Victoria  (Chapman)  Avery: 

8367.  i.       Laura  Mearl10,  b.  March  18,  1901,  at  Anderson. 

8368.  ii.      Clarence  Everett10,  b.  July  4,  1903,  at  Anderson. 

5190.  Susan  Almira9  Avery  (Edward  Ely8,  Dudley7,  Isaac5, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
15,  1873,  in  Shannon  Co.,  Mo.;  m.  a  Mr.  Kite.  We  have  no 
further  record. 

5191.  Eliza  Thedora9  Avery  (Milton  Herman8,  Dudley7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
April  16,  1856,  at  Luray,  O. ;  m.  Nov.  1,  1874,  at  Pataskala,  O., 
Frank  Milton   Abbott,   s.  of  William  Lamont  and  Rachel  Ann 

(Nickols)    Abbott.     He  was  b.  Oct.   31,   1853,  at  Newark,   O. 
Residence,  Columbus,  O. 

Children  of  Frank  Milton  and  Eliza  Thedora  (Avery)  Ab- 

i.       Eliza  Thedora10,  b.  Aug.  28,  1875,  at  Hebron,  O.;  d.  y. 

ii.      Indiana  Newell10,  b.  Oct.  12,  1877,  at  Hebron;  m.  Benjamin 

Franklin  Rose;  d.  Sept.  24,  1899,  at  Columbus, 
iii.     Nellie  Verne10,  b.  July  20,  1881,  at  Hebron;  m.  Charles  W. 

iv.     Mary   Alma10,   b.    Jan.    28,    1883,   at   Hebron;    m.   John    A. 

v.      George  Raymond10,  b.  March  29,  1885,  in  Fairfield  Co.,  O. 
vi.     Charles  Watkins10,  b.  July  2,  1886,  in   Fairfield  Co.;   m. 

Pearl  Richardson, 
vii.    Minnie  Hazel10,  b.  Oct.  24,  1888,  in  Fairfield  Co.;  m.  Frank 

St.  Aubin. 
viii.  Stanley  Franklin10,  b.  April  23,  1892,  at  Newark,  O.;  d.  y. 
ix.     Frank  William10,  b.  June  3,  1897,  at  Columbus,  O. 

1140  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5192.  Oscar  Eugene9  Avery  (Milton  Herman8,  Dudley7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel;',  Benjamin*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Oct.  9,  1858,  at  Luray,  O. ;  m.  April  14,  1883,  at  Hebron,  O., 
Delia  Watson  Minor,  dau.  of  Frederick  and  Catherine  (Miller) 
Minor.  She  was  b.  Oct.  9,  1863,  at  Hebron,  O.  He  m.  2d,  Sept. 
27,  1899,  at  Columbus,  O.,  Anna  May  Justis,  dau.  of  John  Justis. 

Children    of    Oscar    Eugene    and    Delia    Watson    (Minor) 
Avery : 

8371.  i.       Clarence  Keorcycle10,  b.  Aug.  18,  1885. 

8372.  ii.      Lawrence  Eugene10,  b.  May  28,  1888. 

8373.  iii.     Ada  May10,  k     Nov.  8,  1891. 

Child  of  Oscar  Eugene  and  Anna  May  (Justis)  Avery: 

8374.  i.       Anna  Vietta1",  b.  Aug.  17,  1900,  at  Columbus,  0. 

5193.  Edward  Albert9  Avery  (Milton  Herman8,  Dudley"1, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  June  3,  1861,  at  Pataskala,  O. ;  m.  Jan.  14,  1883,  at  Hebron,  O., 
Arther  Belle  Wharton,  dau.  of  Arthur  and  Samantha  Jane 
(Harter)  Wharton.  She  was  b.  April  23,  1863,  at  Hebron.  He 
is  a  carpenter.    Residence,  Hebron,  0. 

Children  of  Edward  Albert  and  Arther  Belle    (Wharton) 
Avery : 

8376.  i.       Herman1",  b.  Oct.  3,  1883,  at  Hebron. 

8377.  ii.     Walter  Philip10,  b.  April  24,  1897,  at  Hebron. 

5194.  Edna  Virginia9  Avery  (Milton  Herman8,  Dudley1, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  May  26,  1863,  at  Luray,  O. ;  m.  March  25,  1885,  at  Hebron,  O., 
William  Stephen  Edwards,  s.  of  Elias  Ostin  and  Rachel  (Miles) 
Edwards.  He  was  b.  May  31,  1859,  at  Homer,  O.  He  is  a 
farmer.    Residence,  Johnstown,  O. 

Children  of  William  Stephen  and  Edna  Virginia  (Avery) 
Edwards : 

i.       Ernest  Earl10,  b.  Feb.  4,  1886,  at  Thurston,  O. 

ii.      George   Kiger10,   b.   April    28,   1888,   at   Hebron;    m.    Bessie 

iii.     Dessy  Auburn1",  b.  March  25,  1892,  at  Alexandria,  0.;  d.  y. 
iv.     Friend  Clyde10,  b.  Nov.  10,  1895,  at  Alexandria. 

5195.  Isaac  Dudley9  Avery  (Milton  Herman8,  Dudley7,  Isaac6, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  May 
11.  1866,  at  Hebron,  O. ;  m.  Jan.  25,  1893,  at  Hebron,   Isa  Flor- 

The  Ninth  Generation  1141 

ence  Slocumb,  dau.  of  Jonathan  and  Lucy  Jane  (Dunlap) 
Slocumb.  She  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1873,  at  Hebron.  Residence, 
Hebron,  O. 

Children    of    Isaac    Dudley    and    Isa    Florence    (Slocumb) 

Avery,  b.  at  Hebron : 

i.  Russell  Allen10,  b.  Oct.  30,  1893;  d.  April  26,  1910. 
ii.  Charles  Wilbur1",  b.  Feb.  7,  1896;  d.  Jan.  14,  1897. 
iii.     Florence  Naomi10,  b.  Dec.  14,  1898;  d.  Dec.  5,  1901. 

8380.  iv.     Elmer  Milton10,  b.  June  1,  1906. 

8381.  v.      Harry  Edwin10,  b.  Sept.  26,  1908. 

5196.  Edwin  Leslie9  Avery  (Oscar*,  Dudley7,  Isaac",  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  23, 
1855,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. ;  m.  April  6,  1875,  at  Greensburg,  Ind., 
Emma  Lucinda  Bodine,  dau.  of  Dr.  Milton  Sidney  and  Nancy 
Paton  (Tuell)  Bodine.  She  was  b.  Jan.  9,  1858,  in  Shelby  Co. 
He  is  a  farmer.  He  has  been  of  great  assistance  in  supplying 
information  for  this  family  history.    Residence,  Rockport,  Tex. 

Children   of  Edwin   Leslie   and   Emma   Lucinda    (Bodine) 
Avery : 


.  Edna  Florine10,  b.  Feb.  18,  1876,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

i.  Elfie  Dell10,  b.  Sept.  5,  1877,  in  Shelby  Co. 

ii.  Mary  Ethel1",  b.  Sept.  8,  1881,  at  Connersville,  Ind. 

v.  Ely  Scott10,  b.  Nov.  16,  1886,  at  Waldron,  Ind. 

5197.  Edna  Maria0  Avery  (Oscar8,  Dudley1,  Isaac",  Daniel5, 
Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept.  7,  1856, 
in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind.;  m.  Sept.  18,  1875,  in  Shelby  Co.,  William 
Alonzo  Brooks,  s.  of  William  and  Sarah  (Peek)  Brooks.  He 
was  b.  Sept.  20,  1853,  in  Brown  Co.,  Ind.  She  d.  April  18,  1880, 
near  St.  Paul,  Ind. 

Children    of   William    Alonzo    and    Edna    Maria    (Avery) 

Brooks : 

i.       Frances  Elizabeth10,  b.  March  7,  1877,  in  Shelby  Co.;  m. 

John  Groll ;  residence,  Greensburg,  Ind. 
ii.     Manford  Estle10,  b.  Feb.  5,  1880,  in  Decatur  Co.,  Ind. 

5198.  Nancy  Helen9  Avery  (Oscar8,  Dudley1,  Isaac",  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  13, 
1858,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. ;  m.  Oct.  14,  1875,  at  Shelbyville,  Ind., 
William  Edward  Gray,  s.  of  Edward  William  and  Margrett 
(Lavallee)   Gray.     He  was  b.  April  7,  1854,  at  Michigan  City, 

1142  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Ind.    He  was  a  stone  work  contractor.    She  d.  March  15,  1888,  at 
St.  Paul;  he  d.  in  1901,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. 

Children  of  William  Edward  and  Nancy  Helen    (Avery) 

Gray,  b.  at  St.  Paul : 

i.       Lewis  Lesly10,  b.  July  10,  1876;  d.  March  15,  1890. 
ii.      Edward  Earl1",  b.  July  7,  1879;  m.  Elizabeth  Sheid;  d.  May 
16,  1912. 

5199.  William  Pitt9  Avery  (Oscar8,  Dudley7,  Isaac6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin4,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  17, 
1860,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.:  m.  Sept.  4,  1881,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind., 
Ella  McNeely,  dau.  of  Burwell  and  Delilah  (Trees)  McNeely. 
She  was  b.  Sept.  17,  1857,  in  Shelby  Co.  He  m.  2d,  Dec.  25, 
1897,  at  Indianapolis,  Ida  Hyatt,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Nancy 
Elizabeth  (Maffett)  Hyatt  and  widow  of  Talbert  Marshall.  She 
was  b.  July  5,  1866,  at  Lexington,  Ky.  He  is  a  farmer  and 
stone-work  contractor.    Residence,  Waldron,  Ind. 

Children  of  William  Pitt  and  Ella  (McNeely)  Avery: 

8388.  i.       Clyde10,  b.  Aug.  9,  1883,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. 
ii.      Carson10,  b.  Nov.,  1884,  in  Shelby  Co.;  d.  y. 

8389.  iii.     Stella10,  b.  Aug.  10,  1886,  in  Shelby  Co. 

Child  of  William  Pitt  and  Ida  (Hyatt)  Avery: 

8390.  i.       Lois  Bernice10,  b.  June  22,  1899,  at  Waldron. 

5200.  Harriet  Amelia9  Avery  (Oscar8,  Dudley1,  Isaac6, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
17,  1862,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind.;  m.  May  8,  1881,  in  Shelby  Co., 
George  Washington  McNeely,  s.  of  Burwell  and  Delilah  (Trees) 
McNeely.  He  was  b.  Oct.  21,  1859,  in  Shelby  Co.  He  is  a  stone 
mason.    She  d.  June  23,  1896,  at  Waldron,  Ind. 

Children    of    George    Washington    and    Harriet    Amelia 

( Avery )   McNeely : 

i.       Morgan  Estel10,  b.  June  10,  1882,  at  Waldron. 

ii.      Myrtie  Dale10,  b.  Dec.  13,  1883,  at  Waldron;  m.  Earl  Hay- 

iii.     Forest  William10,  b.  July  15,  1889,  at  Waldron. 

5201.  Dudley  Louis9  Avery  (Oscar8,  Dudley7,  Isaac6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  2, 
1867,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. ;  m.  Sept.  23,  1901,  Gertie  Lauden.  He 
is  a  farmer.    It  is  said  that  he  lives  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1143 

Child  of  Dudley  Louis  and  Gertie  (Lauden)  Avery: 
8392.     i.       Ralph1",  b.  Dec.  6,  1903. 

5202.  Oscar  Eugene9  Avery  (Oscar6,  Dudley'',  Isaac",  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James2,  James2,  Christopher')  was  b.  Jan.  20, 
1872,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind. ;  m.  Feb.  18,  1896,  at  Indianapolis,  Ind., 
Nellie  Catherine  Gorman,  dau.  of  Michael  and  Mary  Ann 
(Foley)  Gorman.  She  was  b.  June  22,  1876,  at  Wellsboro,  Ind. 
He  is  a  conductor  on  the  Chicago  and  Alton  railway  line.  Resi- 
dence, Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  Oscar  Eugene  and  Nellie  Catherine  (Gorman) 

Avery : 

i.       Norman  Daniel10,  b.  Aug.  22,  1897,  at  Indianapolis;  d.  y. 

8396.     ii.      Elizabeth  Alice10,  b.  Sept.  18,  1898,  at  Indianapolis. 

5203.  Ralph  Lester9  Avery  (Oscar*,  Dudley7,  Isaac0,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin4,  James3.  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  21, 
1874,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind.;  m.  April  11,  1894,  at  Indianapolis, 
Carrie  Maud  Hulsizer,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Alzora  (Ransdell) 
Hulsizer.  She  was  b.  Oct.  1,  1873,  in  Hendricks  Co.,  Ind.  It 
is  said  that  she  died  and  that  he  married  a  second  time.  At  last 
reports,  he  was  superintendent  of  the  terminal  railway  at  Salis- 
bury, N.  C. 

Child  of  Ralph  Lester  and  Carrie  Maud  (Hulsizer)  Avery: 
8399.     i.       Ralph  Harold10,  b.  July  17,  1895,  at  Indianapolis. 

5204.  Sylvia  Leone9  Avery  (Oscar6,  Dudley",  Isaac6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  26, 
1878,  at  St.  Paul,  Ind.;  m.  Feb.  8,  1896,  at  Shelbyville,  Ind., 
Ora  Allen  McCauley,  s.  of  John  and  Margaret  Ann  (Steel) 
McCauley.  He  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1874,  in  Shelby  Co.,  Ind.  She 
d.  July  8,  1907,  at  Waldron,  Ind. 

Children  of  Ora  Allen  and  Sylvia  Leone  (Avery)  McCauley: 
i.       Freda10,  b.  Feb.  10,  1898,  in  Shelby  County;  d.  y. 
ii.      Dudley  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  31,  1901,  at  Waldron. 

5205.  Clara  Alice9  Avery  (Oscar6,  Dudley',  Isaac6,  Daniel6, 
Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  28,  1882, 
at  Louisville,  Ky. ;  m.  Edward  P.  Elzy.  It  is  said  that  they  live 
at  Louisville,  Ky. 

1144  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5206.  Osie  May9  Avery  (Oscar*,  Dudley7,  Isaac6,  Daniel*, 
Benjamin4,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  18,  1885, 
at  New  Albany,  Ind. ;  m.  Bert  Dale.     She  d.  Oct.  21,  1904. 

5210.  Joseph  Reginald1'  Avery  (Daniel*,  Daniel1,  Isaac*, 
Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Sept. 
22,  1883,  at  Lebanon,  Mo.;  m.  Sept.  14,  1900,  at  Rolla,  Mo., 
Mable  Elvira  Whitworth,   dau.  of  James  Allen  and  Alice  Jay 

(Gillis)  Whitworth.  She  was  b.  Nov.  22,  1880,  at  Dry  Creek, 
Saline  Co.,  Kas.  He  is  by  occupation  a  rancher.  Residence, 
Powder  River,  Wyo. 

Children  of  Joseph  Reginald  and  Mable  Elvira  (Whitworth) 
Avery : 

8406.  i.       Paul  Reginald10,  b.  Jan.  2,  1902,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

8407.  ii.      Daniel  Whitworth10,  b.  Nov.  18,  1903,  at  Lebanon,  Mo. 

5211.  James  Herbert9  Avery  (Daniel*,  Daniel7,  Isaac6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  24, 
1884,  at  Lebanon,  Mo.;  m.  Sept.  21,  1907,  at  Lincoln,  Neb., 
Helen  Lawrence  Laws,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Gilbert  Lafayette  and 
Josephine  (Lawrence)  Laws.  She  was  b.  Sept.  22,  1886,  at 
McCook,  Neb.    He  is  an  advertiser.    Residence,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

Child    of    James    Herbert    and    Helen    Lawrence    (Laws) 

Avery : 

i.       Gilbert  Laws10,  b.  March  18,  1909,  at  Wahoo,  Neb.;  d.  y. 

5212.  Maud9  Avery  (Henry  Stewart*,  Daniel1,  Isaac6,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  2, 
1880,  at  White  Hall,  111.;  m.  April  8,  1901,  at  White  Hall., 
Guy  Morrison  Eilenberger,  s.  of  Theodore  and  Elizabeth  B. 
(Hess)  Eilenberger.  He  was  b.  May  1,  1863,  at  Bradford,  Pa. 
He  is  sales  manager  of  the  Plymouth  Clay  Products  Co.  Resi- 
dence, Fort  Dodge,  la. 

Child  of  Guy  Morrison  and  Maud  (Avery)  Eilenberger: 
i.       Avery10,  b.  Feb.  10,  1902,  at  Roodhouse,  111. 

5213.  Edna9  Avery  (Henry  Stewart*,  Daniel1,  Isaac5,  Dan- 
iel5, Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  April  9, 
1882,  at  White  Hall,  Til.;  m.  Oct.  4,  1904,  at  White  Hall,  Hal 
Amos  MacFarland,  s.  of  Hubert  La  Mont  and  Mary  Jane  (Amos) 

The  Ninth  Generation  1145 

MacFarland.    He  was  b.  July  10,  1881,  at  White  Hall.    He  is  a 
book-keeper.    Residence,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Child  of  Hal  and  Edna  (Avery)  MacFarland: 

i.       Gordon  Avery",  b.  June  14,  1906,  at  White  Hall. 

5214.  Frances  Grace0  Avery  (Henry  Stewart*,  Daniel7, 
Isaac6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Jan.  14,  1884,  at  White  Hall,  111. ;  m.  Oct.  10,  1906,  at  White 
Hall,  Hal  Worcester  Galhuly,  s.  of  Michael  John  and  Lucy  Emily 
(Worcester)  Galhuly.  He  was  b.  July  12,  1883,  at  White  Hall, 
111.  He  is  asst.  treasurer  of  the  White  Hall  Sewer  Pipe  and 
Stoneware  Co.     Residence,  White  Hall,  111. 

5216.  Ira  Smith'1  Avery  (Latham*,  Christopher  Lester7, 
Latham6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Feb.  4,  1882,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  7,  1907,  at  Groton, 
Katharine  Adelia  Manier,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Franklin  and  Julia 
Gates  (Burrows)  Manier.  She  was  b.  Nov.  30,  1888,  at  Provi- 
dence, R.  I.  He  is  asst.  cashier  of  the  New  London  City  National 
Bank.    Residence,  Groton,  Conn. 

Child  of  Ira  Smith  and  Katharine  Adelia  (Manier)  Avery: 
8415.     i.       Latham10,  b.  Feb.  13,  1910,  at  Groton. 

5218.  Nathaniel  Hillyer9  Avery  (Latham*,  Christopher  Les- 
ter7, Latham6,  Daniel5,  Benjamin*,  James3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  10,  1887,  at  Groton,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  15,  1910,  at 
Mystic,  Conn.,  Martha  Beckwith,  dau.  of  William  David  and 
Mary  E.  (Johnson)  Beckwith.  She  was  b.  Nov.  18,  1890,  at 
Mystic.  He  is  paying  teller  of  the  National  Whaling  Bank  of 
New  London,  Conn.     Residence,  Groton,  Conn. 

5244.  Ann  Delia9  Avery  (Isaac  Allyn*,  Isaac7,  John6,  John5, 
Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug.  10,  1837, 
at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  10,  1857,  at  New  London, 
Horatio  Orne  Dexter,  s.  of  Horatio  Singer  and  Mary  Ann 
(Mitchell)  Dexter.  He  was  b.  May  14,  1837,  at  Pawtucket, 
R.  I.  He  was  a  gun  contractor.  He  d.  Aug.  26,  1882;  she  d. 
Jan.  25,  1904,  both  at  Barrington,  R.  I. 

Children  of  Horatio  Orne  and  Ann  Delia  (Avery)  Dexter: 
i.  Florence  Estelle'",  b.  March  13,  1858,  at  New  London;  m. 
Jesse  Lewis  Bowden;   residence,  Warren,  R.  I. 

1146  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

ii.  Lizzie  Emeline10,  b.  Feb.  19,  1860,  at  New  London;  resi- 
dence, Barrington. 

iii.  Louis  Burnside10,  b.  March  24,  1862,  at  New  London;  m. 
Ida  Lettia  Peck;   residence,  Barrington. 

iv.  Jennie  Mitchell1",  b.  Nov.  11,  1863,  at  Providence,  R.  I.; 
residence,  Providence. 

5246.  Charles  Stanton1'  Avery  (Gilbei*t  Button8,  Isaac7, 
John6,  John*,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  10,  1836,  at  Pawcatuck,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  8,  1882,  at  Bell 
Mills,  Tehama  Co.,  Calif.,  Ellen  Thompson.  She  d.  at  Madeline 
Plains,  Calif.  In  the  civil  war  he  was  a  member  of  Co.  I,  2d 
Calif,  cavalry.    He  is  a  carpenter.    Residence,  Lyonsville,  Calif. 

Child  of  Charles  Stanton  and  Ellen   (Thompson)  Avery: 
8423.     i.       Charles  Edward10,  b.  Dec.  12,  1883,  at  Lyonsville. 

5247.  Elizabeth9  Avery  (Gilbert  Button",  Isaac7,  John6, 
Johnu,  Samuel*,  Thomas7-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March 
9,  1838,  at  Pawcatuck,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  29,  1881,  at  Chicago,  111., 
Charles  Henry  Low,  s.  of  Jeremiah  Day  and  Mercy  S.  (Lyman) 
Low.  He  was  b.  Oct.  30,  1848,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.  She  opened  the 
old  home  at  Avery,  Mich.,  as  a  fresh-air  home  for  poor  children 
from  Chicago.  He  is  a  horticulturist  and  banker.  No  children. 
Residence,  Riverside,  Calif. 

5248.  Isaac  Allyn9  Avery  (Gilbert  Button8,  Isaac7,  John6, 
John-',  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Dec.  23, 
1840,  at  Berrien  Springs,  Mich. ;  m.  Aug.  8,  1864,  at  Aurora,  111., 
Matilda  Clark  Newman,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Alice  (Clark)  New- 
man. She  was  b.  Oct.  11,  1846,  at  Detroit,  Mich.  Residence, 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Children    of   Isaac   Allyn   and   Matilda   Clark    (Newman) 
Avery : 


Alice  Marion10,  b.  Aug.  30,  1865,  at  Aurora,  111. 
i.     William  Edward10,  b.  Feb.  16,  1868,  at  Aurora, 
ii.     Charles  Stanton10,  b.  Sept.  20,  1870,  at  Aurora, 
v.     Harry  Gilbert10,  b.  Oct.  9,  1877,  at  Aurora, 
v.      George  Button10,  b.  Aug.  8,  1881,  at  Aurora;  d.  y. 

5249.  Edward  Allyn9  Avery  (Gilbert  Button8,  Isaac7,  John6, 
John-',  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  25, 
1845,  at  Berrien  Springs,  Mich.;  m.  at  Chelsea,  Mich.,  Alice 
Congdon.      He  was  a  master  car  builder  on  the  Rock   Island 

The  Ninth  Generation  1147 

R.  R. ;  mayor  of  Grand  Junction,  la.,  and  member  of  the  school 
board.    He  d.  Nov.  8,  1887,  at  Grand  Junction. 

Children  of  Edward  Allyn  and  Alice  (Congdon)   Avery: 

8430.  i.       Edward  Allyn1",  b.  Oct.  10,  1875. 

8431.  ii.      Edith   S.10,  b.  April,  1878. 

5250.  Charles  Henry"  Avery  (John  Coit8,  Thomas  Ledyard7, 
Amos*,  John5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
June  24,  1859,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  22,  1886,  at 
Ellenville,  N.  Y.,  Ella  Eudora  Bradford,  dau.  of  John  Riley  and 
Mary  (McDonough)  Bradford.  She  was  b.  Aug.  3,  1859,  at 
Ellenville ;  d.  Dec.  2,  1905,  at  Binghamton,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Nov.  15. 
1907,  at  Binghamton. 

Children  of  Charles  Henry  and  Ella  Eudora    (Bradford) 
Avery  : 

8432.  i.       Hattie  Bradford10,  b.  Nov.  16,  1887,  at  Binghamton. 

8433.  ii.      Helen  Lucile10,  b.  Dec.  3,  1897,  at  Binghamton. 

5251.  John  Coit9  Avery  (John  Coit8,  Thomas  Ledyard1. 
Amos*,  John5,  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Oct.  23,  1861,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  22,  1894,  at 
Elgin,  Kas.,  Mary  Westren  Thompson,  dau.  of  Charles  Robert 
and  Elizabeth  Allen  (Sears)  Thompson.  She  was  b.  Nov.  1, 
1861,  in  Jasper  Co.,  Mo.  She  is  a  graduate  of  the  Kansas 
State  Normal  School.  He  is  a  photographer.  Residence,  Sedan, 

5252.  Hattie  Josephene9  Avery  (John  Coit8,  Thomas  Led- 
yard1, Amos6,  John5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  9,  1866,  at  New  London,  Conn. ;  m.  Nov.  26,  1891,  at 
Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  George  Washington  Turner,  s.  of  Calvin  and 
Jane  (Eldridge)  Turner.  He  was  b.  Oct.  18,  1850,  near  Maine, 
N.  Y.     No  children.     Residence,  New  London,  Conn. 

5253.  Susan  Mary9  Avery  (John  Coit8,  Thomas  Ledyard1, 
Amos*,  John5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b. 
Sept.  23,  1869,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  July  26,  1893,  at 
Arkansas  City,  Kas.,  Daniel  Hopes.  He  is  a  farmer.  She  d. 
June  6,  1895,  at  Pawnee,  Okla. 

Child  of  Daniel  and  Susan  Mary  (Avery)  Hopes: 
i.       Susan  Mary10,  b.  June  5,  1895;  d.  y. 

1148  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5254.  Katherine  Rose9  Avery  (Joseph  Manwaring9,  Thomas 
Ledyard7,  Amos6,  John-',  Samuel4,  Thomas'",  James'-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  July  29,  1859,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  28, 
1910,  at  Mystic,  Conn.,  Charles  Albert  Fairbanks,  s.  of  Leonard 
and  Lydia  Ann  (Kimball)  Fairbanks.  He  was  b.  Sept.  28,  1851, 
at  Mystic  River,  Conn.  He  is  a  machinist.  Residence,  Mystic, 

5255.  Lucretia  Manwaring9  Avery  (Joseph  Manwaring9, 
Thomas  Ledyard7,  Amos®,  John*,  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James2, 
Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  28,  1861,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m. 
March  26,  1892,  at  New  London,  Jerome  Schenck  Anderson, 
s.  of  Jerome  Schenck  and  Emma  Jane  (Horn)  Anderson.  He 
was  b.  Sept.  22,  1867,  at  Indianapolis,  Ind.  He  is  a  printer. 
She  d.  May  28,  1895,  at  Stonington,  where  he  lives  (1912). 

Child  of  Jerome  Schenck  and  Lucretia  Manwaring  (Avery) 
Anderson : 

i.      Lucretia  Manwaring1",  b.  Nov.  7,  1892,  at  Stonington;  d. 
Aug.  10,  1893,  at  Stonington. 

5256.  Thomas  Henry9  Avery  (Joseph  Manwaring*,  Thomas 
Ledyard7,  Amos6,  John5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Sept.  11,  1865,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  June 
28,  1888,  at  South  Coventry,  Conn.,  Agnes  Kingsbury,  dau.  of 
Eleazer  Bingham  and  Julia  Adelia  (Carpenter)  Kingsbury. 
She  was  b.  July  14,  1864,  at  South  Coventry.  He  was  a  druggist. 
He  d.  Nov.  14,  1892,  at  South  Coventry.  No  children.  She  later 
m.  William  Armstrong  and  is  living  (1912)  at  South  Coventry, 

5257.  Carrie  Smith9  Avery  (Joseph  Manwaring9,  Thomas 
Ledyard,7,  Amos'',  John5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Nov.  7,  1868,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Dec.  6, 
1899,  at  New  London,  Merrill  Everett  Brown,  s.  of  Walter 
Clark  and  Abby  Martha  Sumner  (Wheeler)  Brown.  He  was  b. 
May  3,  1871,  at  Eastford,  Conn.  He  is  the  general  secretary 
of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.    No  children.    Residence,  Derby,  Conn. 

5258.  Mary  Morgan9  Avery  (Joseph  Manwaring9,  Thomas 
Ledyard7,  Amos6,  John5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  July  21,  1871,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  Sept.  26, 

The  Ninth  Generation  1149 

1901,  at  New  London,  Charles  Warren  Foote,  s.  of  Salmon  Cone 

and  Julia  Ann  Gallup   (Williams)   Foote.     He  was  b.  Dec.  10, 

1871,  at  Mystic,  Conn.     He  is  a  machinist.     Residence,  Mystic, 


Children  of  Charles  Warren  and   Mary   Morgan    (Avery) 

Foote : 

i.       Oscar  Avery1",  b.  April  19,  1903,  at  Mystic. 

ii.  Dorothy1",  b.  Aug.  10,  1904,  at  Mystic;  d.  y. 

iii.  Josephine  Stanton1",  b.  July  9,  1905,  at  Mystic. 

iv.  Charles  Morgan1",  b.  Oct.  10,  1906,  at  Mystic. 

v.  Merrill  Holmes10,  b.  Feb.  17,  1908,  at  Mystic. 

vi.  Julius  Williams1",  b.  July  19,  1911,  at  Mystic. 

5259.  Julia  Park9  Avery  (Joseph  Manwaring*,  Thomas 
Ledyard7,  Amos*,  John\  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher^) was  b.  May  19,  1875,  at  New  London,  Conn.;  m.  June 
14,  1905,  at  Mystic,  Conn.,  Jeremiah  Holmes,  s.  of  William  Kemp 
and  Caroline  (Tift)  Holmes.  He  was  b.  April  20,  1873,  at 
Mystic.  He  is  religious  secretary  of  the  naval  branch  of  the 
Young  Men's  Christian  Association.  Residence,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Child  of  Jeremiah  and  Julia  Park  (Avery)   Holmes: 

i.      Jeremiah  Avery1",  b.  June  11,  1910,  at  Bridgeport,  Conn. 

5275.  Nellie  Frances9  Avery  (Rowland  Dewey*,  Rowland7, 
William6,  Ephraimr\  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  9,  1863,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. ;  m.  Oct.  24,  1882,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.,  Andrew  Leander  Bailey,  s.  of  Henry  and 
Sarah  Rosanna  (Cowles)  Bailey.  He  was  b.  March  30,  1856,  at 
Westfield.     Residence,  Westfield,  Mass. 

Children  of  Andrew  Leander  and  Nellie  Frances   (Avery) 

Bailey : 

i.       Arthur  Dewey10,  b.  July  3,  1884,  at  Westfield. 

ii.      Leslie  Andrew10,  b.  Nov.  20,  1886,  at  Westfield. 

5276.  Arthur  Dewey9  Avery  (Rowland  Dewey6,  Rowland7, 
William6,  Ephraim-',  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  9,  1865,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  m.  Aug.  9,  1886, 
at  Montgomery,  Mary  Patterson,  dau.  of  Chauncey  W.  and 
Miranda  Jane  (Colburn)  Patterson.  She  was  b.  March  24, 
1865,  at  Norwood,  Mass.    He  is  a  farmer;  selectman;  assessor; 

1150  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

overseer  of  the  poor;  superintendent  of  Sabbath  school  and 
president  of  the  Christian  Endeavor  Society  of  the  Second  Ad- 
vent Church.    Residence,  Montgomery,  Mass. 

Children  of  Arthur  Dewey  and  Mary  (Patterson)  Avery: 

8436.  i.       Mabel  Miranda10,  b.  Sept.  3,  1887,  at  Montgomery. 

8437.  ii.      Albert  Willard10,  b.  May  7,  1896,  at  Montgomery. 

8438.  iii.     Margaret  Lillian10,  b.  Nov.  3,  1901,  at  Montgomery. 

5277.  Maryetta9  Avery  (Rowland  Dewey8,  Rowland7,  Will- 
iam6, Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher*)  was 
b.  Nov.  22,  1867,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  m.  Sept.  17,  1887,  at 
Chatham,  N.  Y.,  Henry  Lyman  Herrick,  s.  of  Lyman  and  Sarah 
Ostella  (Stiles)  Herrick.  He  was  b.  June  25,  1861,  at  Blandford, 
Mass.    Residence,  Montgomery,  Mass. 

Children  of  Henry  Lyman  and  Maryetta  (Avery)  Herrick : 
i.       Glenn  Alfonso10,  b.  Jan.  16,  1892,  at  Blandford. 
ii.      Viola  Mae10,  b.  May  14,  1896,  at  Blandford. 

5278.  Alice  Maria9  Avery  (Rowland  Dewey8,  Rowland7, 
William6,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  22,  1874,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. ;  m.  Oct.  25,  1893, 
at  Montgomery,  Henry  Albert  Day,  s.  of  William  Henry  and 
Martha  Sophia  (Brewer)  Day.  He  was  b.  June  17,  1869,  at 
Wilbraham,  Mass.  He  is  an  expressman.  Residence,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

Child  of  Henry  Albert  and  Alice  Maria  (Avery)  Day: 
i.       Martha  Lillian10,  b.  June  13,  1897,  at  Springfield. 

5279.  Myron  Burtis9  Avery  (Rowland  Dewey8,  Rowland7, 
William6,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  28,  1880,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. ;  m.  December,  1902, 
at  Huntington,  Mass.,  Milinda  Sarah  Bishop,  dau.  of  Edwin 
Franklin  Bishop.  She  was  b.  March  4,  1879,  at  Russell,  Mass. 
He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Montgomery,  Mass. 

Children   of   Myron   Burtis   and   Milinda   Sarah    (Bishop) 

8439.  i.       Raymond  Burtis10,  b.  Oct.  5,  1903,  at  Montgomery. 

8440.  ii.      Harold  Kenneth10,  b.  Nov.  6,  1905,  at  Montgomery. 

5282.  Elisha  Lewrens9  Avery  (William  Dewey8,  Thomas 
Bill7,  William6,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Nov.  20,  1870,  at  Montgomery,  Mass. ;  m.  Emma 

The  Ninth   Generation  1151 

Knight,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Delia  Knight.  It  is  said  that  they 
live  at  Montgomery,  Mass.,  and  that  they  have  children  as 
named  below. 

Children  of  Elisha  Levvrens  and  Emma  (Knight)   Avery: 




























5300.  George  Howland"  Avery  (William  Harrison*,  Elisha7, 
Ephraim®,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  11,  1839,  at  Montgomery,  Mass.;  m.  Nov.  28,  1867,  at 
Worthington,  Mass.,  Camilla  Nancy  Chapman,  dau.  of  Vinson 
and  Arvilla  (Avery)  Chapman  (No.  2461).  She  was  b.  March 
9,  1846,  at  North  Leverett,  Mass.  No  children.  Residence, 
Easthampton,  Mass. 


5301.  Orril  Eliza11  Avery  (William  Harrison*,  Elisha1, 
Ephraim*,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  June  2,  1849,  at  Easthampton,  Mass.;  m.  Dec.  25,  1873, 

at  Easthampton,  Paul  L.  Levis,    s.   of and  Rebecca 

(McDowell)  Levis.  He  was  b.  about  1841,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
He  was  a  soldier  in  the  civil  war.  She  m.  2d,  Jan.  3,  1885,  at 
Batavia,  N.  Y.,  Charles  Henry  Norton,  s.  of  Edward  Harrison 
and  Mary  E.  (Lyman)  Norton.  He  was  b.  Sept.  4,  1859,  at 
Batavia,  N.  Y.    She  d.  April  23,  1908,  at  Easthampton. 

Child  of  Paul  L.  and  Orril  Eliza  (Avery)  Levis: 

i.       Orril    Rebecca10,    b.    Oct.    12,    1876,    at    Easthampton;    m. 
Sherman  A.  Clark;   residence,  Newark,  N.  J. 

5310.  Nancy  Elmina9  Avery  (Horace  Whitneif,  Elisha", 
Ephraim*,  Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  15,  1842,  at  Granby,  Conn.;  m.  May  28,  1863,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.,  Horace  Willard  Munson,  s.  of  Garry  and  Har- 
riet (Lyman)  Munson.  He  was  b.  Dec.  24,  1840,  at  Huntington, 
Mass.    He  is  a  farmer.     Residence,  Huntington,  Mass. 

1152  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Children  of  Horace  Willard  and  Nancy  Elmina    (Avery) 
Munson : 

i.       Wilson  Avery10,  b.  Sept.  29,  1864,  at  Huntington;  m.  Bertha 

ii.      Emma  Harriet10,  b.  Jan.  19,  1868,  at  Liberty,  Pa.;  d.  Sept. 

25,  1876,  at  Huntington, 
iii.     Garry    Whitney1",    b.    Aug.    31,    1871,    at    Huntington;    m. 

Clara   Luella   Kellogg. 
iv.     Maud    Elvina10,   b.    Feb.    13,    1874,   at    Huntington;    m.    Dr. 

George  William  Hubbard, 
v.      Mark  Hayes10,  b.  March  10,  1880,  at  Huntington;  m.  Etta 

vi.     Mabel10,  b.  Sept.  2,  1881;  m.  Walter  Guy  Wood. 

5311.  Frank  Horace9  Avery  (Horace  Whitney*,  Elisha1, 
Ephraimr>,  Ephraim*,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  5,  1850,  at  Southwick,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  7,  1873,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.,  Ellen  Almira  Marvin,  dau.  of  Jackson  and 
Emeline  (Gillett)  Marvin.  She  was  b.  Sept.  8,  1849,  at  West- 
field.  He  is  a  lash  maker  and  leather  tanner.  Residence,  West- 
field,  Mass. 

Child  of  Frank  Horace  and  Ellen  Almira  (Marvin)  Avery: 

8450.  i.       Horace  Whitney10,  b.  July  29,  1879,  at  Westfield. 

5340.  Charles  Edward9  Avery  (Adnah8,  Adnalv,  Abel6, 
Ephraim-',  Samuel* ,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
3,  1856,  at  Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  Nov.  27,  1880,  at  Westfield, 
Olive  Maxwell,  dau.  of  William  and  Eunice  (Rugg)  Maxwell 
and  widow  of  Russell  Smith.  She  was  b.  April  5,  1846,  at 
Heath,  Mass.     Residence,  Westfield,  Mass. 

Children  of  Charles  Edward  and  Olive  (Maxwell)  Avery,  b. 
at  Westfield: 

i.       Maud  Estelle10,  b.  Dec.  11,  1883;  d.  May  13,  1904. 

8451.  ii.      Florence  Mabel10,  b.  March  4,  1885. 

8452.  iii.     Renah  Priscilla10,  b.  Feb.  6,  1888. 

5341.  Lizzie  Esther9  Avery  {Adnah*,  Adnalv,  Abel6, 
Ephraim;',  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct. 
1,  1860,  at  Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  May  13,  1885,  at  Westfield, 
Herbert  Timothy  Snow,  s.  of  Timothy  and  Elizabeth  (Emery) 
Snow.  He  was  b.  Nov.  4,  1850,  at  Westfield.  He  was  superin- 
tendent of  water  works,  at  Westfield.  She  d.  Oct.  26,  1900 ;  he 
d.  May  12,  1904 ;  both  at  Westfield. 

The  Ninth  Generation  1153 

Children  of  Herbert  Timothy  and  Lizzie  Esther    (Avery) 
Snow :  J ' 

i.       Dexter  Avery"1,  b.  Jan.  3,  1890,  at  Westfield 
11.     John  Brooks10,  b.  Oct.  25,  1892,  at  Westfield. 
in.     Adnah10,  b.  Dec.  25,  1893,  at  Westfield. 

5350.  Robert  Nathan9  Avery  {Nathan  Chapman*,  Walter', 
Abel-  Ephraim*,  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James*,  Christopher*)  was 
«  H  ;,'  1866,  at  Westfield'  Mass.;  m.  Feb.  24,  1897,  at  Spring- 
field, Mass  Louisa  Gretchen  Baurle,  dau.  of  John  and  Anna 
Maria  (Huck)  Baurle.  She  was  b.  May  16,  1871.  at  Wurtem- 
burg,  Germany.     Residence,  Springfield,  Mass. 

Children  of  Robert  Nathan  and  Louisa  Gretchen   (Baurle) 
Avery : 

8453.  i.       Harry  Robert1",  b.  Dec.  27,  1897,  at  Springfield 

8454.  ii.      George  William1",  b.  Sept.  17,  1900,  at  Springfield 
8454a.  in.     Marion  Louise1",  b.  June   1,   1902,  at  Springfield. 

5351.  Harry  Howard  '  Avery  (Nathan  Chapman8,  Walter' 
Abel*,  Ephraim;  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James*,  Christopher*)   was 

I' I  J'  1-87^'  at  Westfield'  Mas*-;  m.  Feb.  23,  1910,  at  West- 
field,  Minnie  Betters,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Maria  (Laremy)  Bet- 
ters. She  was  b.  in  1872,  at  Blackbrook,  N.  Y.  He  is  an  ice 
dealer.     Residence,  Westfield,  Mass. 

5354,  Ida  Deborah1'  Avery  (Sidney  John*,  Isaac',  Abel*, 
Ephraim*,  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James*,  Christopher*)  was  b.  July 
14,    1855,   at   Rome,   N.   Y. ;   m.   June   23,    1881,   at   Erie    Pa 

fwT  ^  NICh0lS'    S-    °f   Chester   WilIiam   and    Mahala 
(Weeks)  Nichols.    He  was  b.  June  12,  1850,  at  Rochester   N  Y 
He  is  a  gun  smith.     Residence,  Erie,  Pa. 

Children  of  Marcus  Conrad  and  Ida  Deborah  (Averv) 
Nichols,  b.  at  Erie :  J  ' 

i.       Elizabeth  Mahala1",  b.  Jan.  15,  1882;  m.  William  Charles 

Brown;   d.   Dec.   14,   1911. 
ii.      Irene  Avery1",  b.  Aug.  6,  1886;  m.  Myrl  W.  Haring 
in.     Jesse  Sidney10,  b.  Aug.  17,  1888;  d.  y. 

5355.  Minnie  Permila  Avery  (Sidney  John*,  Isaac',  Abel* 
Ephraim*,  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James*,  Christopher*)  was  b' 
March   21,   1857,   at   Hampton,   N.   Y. ;   m.   Sept.   11,   1884    at 

1154  The  Groton  Avery  Cian 

Erie,  Pa.,  Arthur  James  Rowe,  s.  of  William  and  Eliza  (Wool- 
ington)  Rowe.  He  was  b.  Aug.  18,  1857,  at  Cheltenham,  Eng- 
land.   Residence,  Erie,  Pa. 

Children  of  Arthur  James  and  Minnie  Permila    (Avery) 

Rowe : 

i.       Bertha  Louisa10,  b.  Sept.  21,  1886,  at  Erie. 

ii.      Charles  Sidney1",  b.  Nov.  27,  1888,  at  Erie;  d.  y. 

iii.     Frederick  William1",  b.  Feb.  9,  1890,  at  Erie;  d.  y. 

iv.     George  Arthur1",  b.  May  14,  1894,  at  Erie. 

5356.  Lewis  Whitney  *  Avery  (Sidney  John8,  Isaac7,  Abel*, 
Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas* ,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan. 
1,  1868,  at  Mill  Creek  Tp.,  Erie  Co.,  Pa.;  m.  Oct.  13,  1896,  at 
Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  Lillian  May  Badger,  dau.  of  Sidney  Elbert 
and  Catherine  (Fendenheim)  Badger.  She  was  b.  May  10,  1870, 
at  Girard,  Pa.     Residence,  Erie,  Pa. 

Children   of   Lewis   Whitney   and    Lillian    May    (Badger) 
Avery : 

8455.  i.       Catherine1",  b.  Dec.  1,  1897,  at  Erie. 

8456.  ii.      Sidney  Badger1",  b.  Aug.  4,  1899,  at  Erie. 

8457.  iii.     Donald  Lewis'",  b.  Nov.  5,  1907,  at  Erie. 

5357.  Jessie  Villa11  Avery  {Sidney  John8,  Isaac7,  Abel0, 
Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb. 
27,  1871,  at  Mill  Creek  Tp.,  Erie  Co.,  Pa. ;  m.  Sept.  5,  1908,  at 
Erie,  Pa.,  Dr.  Richard  Oliver  Miller,  s.  of  William  Francis  and 
Emmena  A.  (Gross)  Miller.  He  was  b.  Jan.  12,  1874,  at  Lynn- 
ville,  Pa.    Residence,  Erie,  Pa. 

Children  of  Richard  Oliver  and  Jessie  Villa  (Avery)  Miller: 
i.       Ida  Amy10,  b.  Dec.  30,  1909,  at  Erie, 
ii.      Richard  Avery10,  b.  June  23,  1911,  at  Erie. 

5358.  Jane  Ellina9  Avery  (Silas  Clark8,  Solomon'1 ,  Abel6, 
Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  July 
31,  1855,  at  Westfield,  Mass.;  m.  Jan.  17,  1877,  at  Westfield, 
Herbert  Nichols  Kingsbury,  s.  of  Albert  Gallatin  and  Elvira 
(Nichols)  Kingsbury.  He  was  b.  Oct.  28,  1853,  at  Brasher,  St. 
Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  is  secretary  and  treasurer  of  the 
Fraternal  Accident  Association  of  America,  director  and  secre- 
tary of  the  Westfield  Atheneum,  treasurer  of  the  trustees  of 

The   Ninth   Generation  1155 

Westfield  Academy,  and  a  director  of  the  Hampden  National 
Bank.     Residence,  Westfield,  Mass. 

Child  of  Herbert  Nichols  and  Jane  Ellina  (Avery)  Kings- 
bury, b.  at  Westfield: 

i.  Harold  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  27,  1882;  a  graduate  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Institute  of  Technology  and  of  the  Law  School 
of  the  National  University,  Washington,  D.  C;  m.  Emily 
B.  Corrie;  residence,  Bristol,  Conn. 

5360.  Cyrus  Herbert9  Avery  (Isaac6,  John7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5, 
Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Oct.  25,  1859, 
at  Easthampton,  Mass. ;  m.  Oct.  14,  1891,  at  Norwich,  Mass., 
Jennie  A.  Axtelle,  dau.  of  Henry  Axtelle.  He  is  an  electrician. 
When  last  heard  from,  he  was  living  at  Danbury,  Conn. 

Child  of  Cyrus  Herbert  and  Jennie  A.   (Axtelle)   Avery: 
8458.     i.       Myrtle  Irene10,  b.  Nov.  28,  1892,  at  Torrington. 

5361.  Nettie  Belle !)  Avery  (Isaac8,  John7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5, 
Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  7,  1862, 
at  Southampton,  Mass. ;  m.  April  14,  1884,  at  Suffield,  Conn., 
Coddington  Billings  Palmer,  s.  of  Theodore  Dwight  and  Harriet 

(Billings)    Palmer.     He  was  b.  Aug.  24,  1858,  at  Stonington, 
Conn.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Huntington,  Mass. 

Children  of  Coddington  Billings  and  Nettie  Belle  (Avery) 
Palmer : 

i.       Coddington  Billings10,  b.  Feb.  9,  1885,  at  Norwich,  Mass. 

ii.      Theodore  Dwight10,  b.  April  16,  1886,  at  Norwich. 

iii.     Vera  Ellen10,  b.  June  12,  1887,  at  Norwich. 

iv.     Ralph  Avery10,  b.  March  11,  1889,  at  Norwich. 

v.      Grace  Mildred10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1898,  at  Norwich. 

5362.  Hattie  Ellen9  Avery  (Isaac9,  John7,  Abel6,  Ephraim5, 
Samuel*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  March  22,  1867, 
at  Norwich,  Mass. ;  m.  Dec.  2,  1886,  at  Easthampton,  Mass., 
Lewis  Ferry,  s.  of  Walter  Chapin  and  Ellen  Mary  (Connelly) 
Ferry.  He  was  b.  Nov.  2,  1864,  at  Easthampton.  He  is  a 
painter.    Residence,  Easthampton,  Mass. 

Child  of  Lewis  and  Hattie  Ellen  (Avery)  Ferry: 

i.       Edith  Ellen10,  b.  June  20,  1889,  at  Easthampton. 

1156  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5364.  Byron  Lyman !)  Avery  (John  Cyrus8,  John7,  Abel*, 
Ephraim5,  Samuel*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Aug. 
2,  1877,  at  Norwich,  Mass.;  m.  Oct.  18,  1905,  at  Norwich, 
Mabel  Abigail  Tice,  dau.  of  William  and  Gladys  (Brown)  Tice. 
She  was  b.  Dec.  26,  1882,  at  Westfield,  Mass.  Residence,  Boise, 

Children  of  Byron  Lyman  and  Mabel  Abigail  (Tice)  Avery: 

8461.  i.       John  Derwin10,  b.  Aug.  7,  1907,  at  Westfield. 

8462.  ii.      Geraldine  Mabell10,  b.  Nov.  10,  1909,  at  Gooding,  Idaho. 

5385.  Henry  Campbell9  Avery  (Frank  Rhodes8,  Henry1, 
Samuel*,  Ephraim5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  8,  1880,  at  Chicago,  111. ;  m.  Oct.  19,  1905,  at  New 
York  City,  Lucia  Hill,  dau.  of  Joseph  Briggs  and  Florence  (Hill) 
Hill.  She  was  b.  Feb.  15,  1878,  at  Great  Neck,  Long  Island, 
N.  Y.  He  is  manager  of  the  Stony  Brook  Paper  Co.  Residence, 
Holyoke,  Mass. 

Children  of  Henry  Campbell  and  Lucia  (Hill)   Avery: 

8465.  i.       John  Bonsall10,  b.  Nov.  21,  1906,  at  Rockville,  Conn. 

8466.  ii.      Robert  Hill10,  b.  Aug.  7,  1908,  at  Westfield,  Mass. 

8467.  iii.     Gordon  Campbell10,  b.  April  4,  1910,  at  Holyoke,  Mass. 

5386,  Josephine  Yeamans9  Avery  (Frank  Rhodes8,  Henry1* 
Samuel*,  Ephraim5,  Samuel4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  13,  1881,  at  Brookfield,  Mo.;  m.  Oct.  1,  1902,  at 
Westfield,  Mass.,  Joseph  Delaplane  Bates,  s.  of  Joseph  Delaplane 
and  Hannah  Peck  (Lewis)  Bates.  He  was  b.  Sept.  28,  1876,  at 
Cranford,  N.  J.  He  is  an  advertising  specialist.  Residence, 
West  Springfield,  Mass. 

Children  of  Joseph  Delaplane  and  Josephine  Yeamans 
(Avery)    Bates: 

i.      Joseph  Delaplane10,  b.  Aug.  7,  1903,  at  West  Springfield. 

ii.      Avery10,  b.  Nov.  11,  1907,  at  West  Springfield. 

iii.     Henry  Webster10,  b.  May  11,  1911,  at  West  Springfield. 

5392.  Mary  Belle5'  Avery  (Charles  Thomas8,  Thomas7, 
Abraham6,  Jonathan5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  4,  1879,  at  Caldwell,  Kas. ;  m.  June  21,  1905, 
at  Coldwater,  Kas.,  Kenneth  Mordecai  Gilbert,  s.  of  Oliver  and 
Nancy   Jane    (McTaggart)    Gilbert.      He   was   b.    in    1877,    at 

The   Ninth  Generation  1157 

Kokomo,  Ind.    He  is  a  farmer  and  stockman.     Residence,  Cold- 
water,  Kas. 

Child  of  Kenneth  Mordecai  and  Mary  Belle  (Avery)  Gil- 

i.       Catherine  May10,  b.  April  10,  1906,  at  Coldwater. 

5393.  William  Hough9  Avery  (Charles  Thomas8,  Thomas7, 
Abraham0,  Jonathan5,  Abraham4,  Thomas'1,  James-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  March  10,  1882,  at  Caldwell,  Kas.;  m.  Nov.  10, 
1909,  at  Coldwater,  Kas.,  Dorothy  Burt,  dau.  of  Charles  Warren 
and  Ada  (Richmond)  Burt.  She  was  b.  July  23,  1881,  at  Flint, 
O.    He  is  a  ranchman.    Residence,  Coldwater,  Kas. 

Children  of  William  Hough  and  Dorothy  (Burt)  Avery: 

8470.  i.       Thomas  Burt1",  b.  Sept.  17,  1910,  at  Coldwater. 

8471.  ii.      Dorothy  Ada1",  b.  Oct.  28,  1911,  at  Coldwater. 

5394.  Charles  Warren'1  Avery  (Charles  Thomas*,  Thomas', 
Abraham6,  Jonathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov.  20,  1884,  at  Caldwell,  Kas.;  m.  Nov.  10,  1909,  at 
Coldwater,  Kas.,  Katherine  Burt,  dau.  of  Charles  Warren  and 
Ada  (Richmond)  Burt.  She  was  b.  Aug.  11,  1883,  at  Arkansas 
City,  Kas.     He  is  a  ranchman.    Residence,  Coldwater,  Kas. 

Child  of  Charles  Warren  and  Katherine  (Burt)  Avery: 
8473.     i.       Katherine  Burt10,  b.  Nov.  23,  1910,  at  Coldwater. 

5396.  Emma  Blythe9  Avery  (William  Thomas8,  Nathan7, 
William  Thomas6,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas5,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Aug.  7,  1856,  at  Memphis,  Tenn. ;  m.  Sept.  27, 
1876,  at  Memphis,  Beaumont  Macon  Stratton,  s.  of  Thomas 
Jefferson  and  Martha  (Dillon)  Stratton.  He  was  b.  Feb.  18, 
1842.    He  is  a  real  estate  dealer.    Residence,  Memphis,  Tenn. 

Children  of  Beaumont  Macon  and  Emma  Blythe  (Avery) 
Stratton,  b.  at  Memphis : 

i.  Florence  Chastelette1",  b.  Aug.  8,  1877;  m.  Charles  Will- 
iam Thompson, 

ii.  Thomas  Avery10,  b.   Feb.   19,   1879. 

iii.  Beaumont  Macon10,  b.  Dec.  17,  1884. 

iv.  Blythe  Avfry10,  b.  Oct.  31,  1891. 

v.  Avery  Weaver10,  b.  April  19,  1893. 

vi.  Rebecca  Louisiana10,  b.  July  15,  1895. 

1158  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5397.  William  Thomas"  Avery  {William  Thomas8,  Nathan7. 
William  Thomas*,  Nathan*,  Abraham*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Nov.  14.  1859,  at  Holly  Springs,  Miss.;  m.  Oct. 
10,   1895,  at  Memphis,   Term.,    Frances   Higbee  Price,    dau.   of 

,  Bernard  Francis  and  Mary  Virginia  (Price)  Price.  She  was 
b.  Nov.  12,  1875,  at  Memphis.  He  is  a  real  estate  dealer.  Resi- 
dence, Memphis,  Tenn. 

Children  of  William  Thomas  and  Frances  Higbee  (Price) 
Avery : 

8475.  i.       Mary  Chastelette10,  b.  Aug.  2,  1896,  at  Memphis. 

8476.  ii.      William  Thomas10,  b.  Dec.  16,  1898,  at  Memphis. 

8477.  iii.     Bernard  Francis10,  b.  Sept.  22,  1901,  at  Memphis. 

5398.  Minnie  Esther9  Avery  (Robert  Hanneman8,  George7., 
William  Thomas*,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  June  23,  1868,  at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  Dec.  27, 
1894,  at  Peoria,  111.,  William  Nelson  Kilbourn,  s.  of  Edward  and 
Euphemia  (Nelson)  Kilbourn.  He  was  b.  Dec.  16,  1873,  at 
Jamestown,  Wis.  He  is  a  capitalist,  a  director  of  the  Hang 
Brothers  and  Nellerman  Co.  of  Winnipeg,  Manitoba,  and  the 
representative  of  the  Avery  Company  of  Peoria,  111.,  in  the 
Canadian  Northwest.     Residence,  Hollywood,  Calif. 

5399.  Frederic  Robert"  Avery  (Robert  Hanneman8, 
George1,  William  Thomas6,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3, 
James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  5,  1869,  at  Galesburg,  111.; 
m.  June  1,  1897,  at  Peoria,  111.,  Clara  Mercer,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Aaron  and  Sarah  Elizabeth  (Kinsman)  Mercer.  She  was  b. 
June  11,  1874,  at  Sheffield,  111.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Knox 
College,  1892,  and  took  a  post-graduate  course  at  Harvard 
University.  He  was  treasurer  of  the  Avery  Manufacturing 
Company.  He  d.  Feb.  15,  1906,  at  Centerville,  111.  She  is  living 
at  Peoria,  111. 

Children  of  Frederic  Robert  and  Clara  (Mercer)  Avery: 

8479.  i.       Elizabeth10,  b.  March  30,  1902,  at  Peoria. 

8480.  ii.      Frederic    Mercer10,    b.    Sept.    14,    1903,    at    Sturgeon    Bay, 


5400.  Sarah  Payson0  Avery  (Robert  Hanneman8,  George7, 
William.  Thomas6,  Nathan5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1)  was  b.  Sept.  17,  1872,  at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  Dec.  26. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1159 

1894,  at  Burlington.  la.,  Harry  Eugene  Butcher,  s.  of  the  Rev. 
William  Rogers  and  Mary  (Avery)  Butcher  (No.  2508,  i.).  He 
was  b.  April  20,  1870,  at  Albany,  Ore.  He  is  an  electrician. 
Residence,  Gulfport,  Miss. 

Children   of   Harry   Eugene   and    Sarah   Payson    (Avery) 

Butcher : 

i.  Robert  Avery"1,  b.  May  8,  1896,  at  Galesburg. 

ii.  Helen  Muriel10,  b.  Aug.  6,  1897,  at  Peoria,  111. 

iii.  Mary  Winnifred10,  b.  Dec.  28,  1899,  at  Springfield,  Tenn. 

iv.  John  Thomas  Avery10,  b.  April  24,  1903,  at  Springfield. 

v.  Elsa  Ann10,  b.  Aug.  21,  1908,  at  Gulfport,  Miss. 

vi.  William  Rogers10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1910,  at  Gulfport. 

5401.  Cornelia0  Avery  (Robert  Hanneman8,  George1,  Will- 
iam Thomas*,  Nathan7',  Abraham4,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  May  7,  1876,  at  Sterling,  Kas. ;  m.  Jan.  6,  1897,  at 
Peoria,  111.,  Jay  Plowe,  s.  of  Henry  and  Augusta  Matilda  (Par- 
dee) Plowe.  He  was  b.  Dec.  11,  1867,  at  Lodi,  O.  He  is  a 
musician.  For  three  years,  he  was  a  member  of  the  Royal 
Orchestra  at  Berlin,  Germany.    Residence,  Riverside,  Calif. 

Children  of  Jay  and  Cornelia   (Avery)   Plowe: 

i.       Barbara10,  b.  Nov.  15,  1902,  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
ii.      Janet10,  b.  March  4,  1905,  at  Hollywood,  Calif, 
iii.     Jason",  b.  Feb.  12,  1909,  at  Hollywood. 

5402.  Ellen  Kendall0  Avery  (Robeii  Hanneman8,  George7, 
William  Thomas0,  Nathan'',  Abraham*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  March  9,  1881,  at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  June  18, 
1902,  at  Springfield,  Tenn.,  William  Blake  Carlton,  s.  of  Will- 
iam Jefferson  and  Nancy  Virginia  (Williams)  Carlton.  He  was 
b.  Nov.  15,  1873,  at  Versailles,  Tenn.  He  is  a  vocal  instructor. 
Residence,  Galesburg,  111. 

Children  of  William  Blake  and  Ellen  Kendall  (Avery) 
Carlton : 

i.       Margaret  Eleanor1",  b.  June  19,  1903,  at  Galesburg. 
ii.      Esther  Ariadne10,  b.  May  5,  1906,  at  Galesburg. 
iii.     Sarah  Jean10,  b.  May  14,  1908,  at  Galesburg. 

5403.  Elizabeth1'  Avery  (Robert  Hanneman8,  George7,  Will- 
iam Thomas0,  Nathanr',  Abraliam4,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Sept.  28,  1886,  at  Peoria,  111.;  m.  Nov.  30,  1911, 
at  Galesburg,   111.,  Angus  Snead    Macdonald,  s.  of  Allan   Lane 


The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

and  Fanny  (Burnley)  Snead.  He  was  b.  Nov.  7,  1883,  at  Louis- 
ville, Ky.  He  is  sales  manager  of  the  Snead  &  Co.  Iron  Works 
of  Jersey  City,  N.  J.    Residence,  New  York  City. 

5405.  George  Luzerne9  Avery  (Cyrus  Minor8,  George7, 
William  Thomas* ,  Natha??,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher') was  b.  Sept.  12,  1879,  at  Galesburg,  111.;  m.  April  21, 

1910,     at     Chillicothe,     111., 
Miriam  Hunter,    dau.  of  El- 
mer   Frederick    and    Maud 
(Field)  Hunter.    She  was  b. 
Aug.  17,  1887,  at  Henry,  111. 
After    the    death    of    Cyrus 
Minor8    Avery     (No.    2509, 
q.    v.),    the    name    of    the 
"Avery  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany"   was    changed    (Nov. 
23,     1907)     to    the    "Avery 
Company,"  and  the  author- 
ized capitalization  increased 
from   $1,000,000  to  $3,500,- 
000.     Both  of  the  founders 
of  the  business  being  dead, 
the  interests  of  their  heirs 
are   represented   by   George 
Luzerne  Avery,   a   director  and   the   secretary   of  the   "Avery 
Company."  makers  of  threshing  machines,  gasoline  and  steam 
plowing  outfits,  farm  and  city  tractors,  and  other  agricultural 
implements.    The  plant  of  this  company  covers  about  47  acres; 
the  numerous  factory  buildings,  warehouses,  etc.,  have  a  total 
floor  space  of  about  ten  acres.    In  addition  to  its  large  domestic 
and  Canadian  Northwest  trade,  the  company  does  a  good  for- 
eign business  with  Mexico,  Argentina,  and  Brazil,  with  increas- 
ing   orders    from    Russia,    Austria-Hungary,    the    Philippines, 
Portugal,   China,   Sweden,   and   Cuba.     For  the  benefit   of   its 
thousand  employes,  and  without  expense  to  them,  the  company 
maintains  a  complete  medical  dispensary.    The  Avery  Company 
was  the  first  industrial  concern  in  Illinois  to  take  such  action. 


The   Ninth  Generation 


The  liberality  and  kindness  with  which  an  injured  employe  is 
treated  are  not  limited  by  the  requirements  of  the  law  and  have 



been  widely  commended.  George  Luzerne  Avery  is  a  graduate 
of  Knox  College  and  an  honorary  vice-president  of  the  Ameri- 
can Sunday  School  Union.     Residence,  Peoria,  111. 

5406.  Grace  Ophelia''  Avery  {Cyrus  Minor3,  George',  Will- 
iam Thomas9,  Nathan*,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  8,  1883,  at  Peoria,  111. ;  m.  Dec.  31,  1908,  at 
Galesburg,  111.,  Corwin  Holly  Giddings,  s.  of  Charles  Meeker 
and  Anna  (Van  Duyn)  Giddings.  He  was  b.  Feb.  20,  1884,  at 
Massillon,  O.  He  is  vice-president  of  the  American  Eucalyptus 
Timber  Corporation.     Residence,  Rockford,  111. 

Child  of  Corwin  Holley  and  Grace  Ophelia   (Avery)    Gid- 

i.       Cyrus  Van  Duyn10,  b.  Sept.  16,  1909,  at  Dayton,  0. 

5407.  Harriette  Helen1'  Avery  (Cyrus  Minor8,  George7,  Will- 
iam Thomas9,  Nathan',  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  June  20,  1886,  at  Peoria,  111.;  m.  June  20,  1912, 
at  Galesburg,  111.,  George  Richard  MacClyment,  s.  of  George 
Richard  and  Millie  Jane  (Hammond)  MacClyment.  He  was  b. 
March  10,  1880,  at  Peoria.  He  is  a  dealer  in  Investments  and 
Real  Estate.     Residence,  Peoria,  111. 

5409.  Edith  Luella9  Avery  (George9,  George7,  William 
Thomas6,  Nathan*,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 

1162  The   Groton  Avery  Cian 

was  b.  March  16,  1885,  at  Avery,  Kas. ;  m.  March  5,  1906,  at 
Nickerson,  Kas.,  J.  Guy  Olmstead,  s.  of  W.  J.  and  Elizabeth 
Olmstead.  He  was  b.  July  14,  1883,  at  Nickerson,  Kas.  Resi- 
dence, Hutchinson,  Kas, 

Children  of  J.  Guy  and  Edith  Luella  (Avery)  Olmstead: 

i.       Herschel  Alonzo10,  b.   Oct.  20,   1906. 

ii.      Ada  Elizabeth10,  b.  Aug.  26,  1908. 

5414.  Matilda  Burnham''  Avery  (George  Whitfield*,  John 
Thomas1,  William  Thomas*,  Nathan'',  Abraham*,  Thomas*, 
James'-,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Jan.  11,  1876,  at  Cleveland,  O. ; 
m.  April  6,  1904,  at  Cleveland,  Harrison  Martin  Snider,  s.  of 
Martin  and  Adaline  (Rohrer)  Snider.  He  was  b.  Sept.  3,  1874, 
at  Cleveland.    Residence,  Gates  Mills,  O. 

Child  of  Harrison  Martin  and  Matilda  Burnham    (Avery) 


i.       Harriet  Burnham1",  b.  March  12,  1906,  at  Cleveland. 

5416.        Harriette    Lester'    Avery    (Frederick   Burt8,   John 

Thomas7,     William     Thomas0,    Nathan6,    Abraham*,     Thomas3, 

James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June  25,  1886,  at  Youngstown,  O.; 

m.  June  13,  1908,  at  Cleveland,  O.,   Harvey  Bartlett  Gaul,  s.  of 

James  Harvey  and  Louise  (Bartlett)  Gaul.    He  was  b.  April  12, 

1881,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.     He  is  an  organist,  choir  master,  and 

composer ;  she  is  a  writer  of  short  stories.    Residence,  Pittsburg, 


Child   of  Harvey   Bartlett  and   Harriette   Lester    (Avery) 


i.       James  Harvey1",  b.  May  17,  1911,  at  Pittsburg. 

5420.  Eli  Abraham-'  Avery  (Abraham8,  Abraham7,  Ashbel 
Stevens6,  Abraham5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  31,  1872,  at  Bellevue,  Neb. ;  m.  March  12,  1902,  at 
Sandstone,  Mich.,  Mabel  Leone  Johnson,  dau.  of  Levi  Coffin  and 
Rhoda  (Baldwin)  Johnson.  She  was  b.  Feb.  29,  1880,  at  Foun- 
tain City,  Ind.    He  is  a  farmer.     Residence,  Parma,  Mich. 

Children    of    Eli    Abraham    and    Mabel    Leone    (Johnson) 
Avery : 

8483.  i.       Huldah  Ruth10,  b.  Aug.  21,  1903,  at  Parma. 

8484.  ii.      Rupert  Earl1",  b.  Jan.  31,  1905,  at   Parma. 

8485.  iii.     Theron  Don10,  b.  March  7,  1908,  at  Parma. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1163 

5422.  Willard  Nathan"  Avery  (Nathan  Stickles*,  William 
Henry7,  Nathan0,  Abraham6,  Abraham',  Thomas  ,  James-,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  May  28,  1870,  at  Taghkanick,  N.  Y.;  m.  May 
28,  1895,  at  Taghkanick,  Emma  Weaver,  dau.  of  Sylvester  and 
Emily  (Carl)  Weaver.  She  was  b.  Oct,  31,  1868,  at  Taghkanick. 
He  is  a  farmer.     Residence,  Taghkanick,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Willard  Nathan  and  Emma  (Weaver)  Avery: 

8488.     i.       Goldie1",  b.  Jan.  11,  1899,  at  Taghkanick. 

5423.  Jennie  Maria'  Avery  (Nathan  Stickles8,  William 
Henry7,  Nathan0,  Abraham5,  Abraham*,  Thomas-,  James'-,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  June  6,  1879,  at  Taghkanick,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  2, 
1901,  at  Taghkanick,  Curtis  Sheldon,  s.  of  Jacob  and  Melinda 
(Miller)  Sheldon.  He  was  b.  Aug.  31,  1879,  at  Claverack,  N.  Y. 
He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Claverack,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Curtis  and  Jennie  Maria  (Avery)  Sheldon: 

i.       Lyle   Avery'",  b.   Feb.   12,   1908,   at   Churchtown,   Columbia 
Co.,  N.  Y. 

5424.  Edwin"  Avery  (John  Evans8,  William  Henry'1 ' ,  Na- 
than6, Abraham*,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  19,  1868,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  21,  1902,  at 
Nassau,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Leonard,  dau.  of  James  Henry  and  Emma 
Frances  (Fay)  Leonard.  She  was  b.  Jan.  18,  1880,  at  Cohoes, 
N.  Y.    Residence,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

5425.  Ida  May!'  Avery  (John  Evans8,  William  Henry1 ,  Na- 
than6, Abraham5,  Abraham4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  24,  1875,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  24,  1900,  at  Valatie, 
Edward  Halsted  Stratton,  s.  of  the  Rev.  Edward  and  Margaret 
(White)  Stratton.  He  was  b.  Nov.  26,  1870,  at  Greenport,  N.  Y. ; 
d.  Oct.  25,  1907,  at  East  Berlin.    She  is  living  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Edward  Halsted  and  Ida  May  (Avery)   Stratton: 
i.       Grace  White'0,  b.  Aug.  31,  1901,  at  Valatie. 

5426.  George  Powell ■'  Avery  (John  Evans8,  William  Henry1, 
Nathan6,  Abraham-',  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher') 
was  b.  Sept.  10,  1881,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  19,  1907,  at 
Valatie,  Mabel  Louise  Hicks,  dau.  of  Leonard  Myers  and  Anna 
(Miller)  Hicks.  She  was  b.  May  6,  1884,  at  Nassau,  N.  Y.  He 
is  a  book  keeper.     Residence,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

1164  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5428.  Charles  Benjamin9  Avery  (William  Henri/,  William 
Henry1,  Nathan''1,  Abraham5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Oct.  17,  1876,  at  Hudson,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  26, 
1898,  at  Albany,  N.  Y.,  Catherine  Barbara  Petry,  dau.  of  Peter 
and  Eva  Catherine  (Schraeder)  Petry.  She  was  b.  March  17, 
1880,  at  Martindale,  Columbia  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  clerk.  Resi- 
dence, Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Charles  Benjamin  and  Catherine  Barbara 
(Petry)   Avery: 

8496.  i.       Helen  Thalia10,  b.  April  30,  1899,  at  Hudson. 

8497.  ii.      William  Snyder10,  b.  Aug.  2,  1908,  at  Scbenectady. 

5429.  Anna  Laura9  Avery  (William  Henry8,  William  Henry7, 
NathanG,  Abraham5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Oct.  17,  1874,  at  Valatie,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Sept.  23,  1908,  at 
Schenectady,  N  .Y.,  Harry  Franklin  Perkins,  s.  of  James  Frank 
and  Isabelle  (Betts)  Perkins.  He  was  b.  March  24,  1879,  at 
Maiden,  Mass.  He  is  an  electrical  engineer.  Residence,  Schen- 
ectady, N.  Y. 

Children  of  Harry  Franklin  and  Anna  Laura  (Avery)  Per- 

i.       Daughter10,  b.  March  13,  1910;  d.  y. 
ii.      Harry  Franklin10,  b.  Nov.  22,  1911. 

5432.  Carrie  Camilla9  Avery  (Addison8,  Addison7,  Abra- 
ham*  Abraham7',  Abraham*,  Thomas*,  James-,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  March  31,  1873,  at  Canon  City,  Colo.;  m.  June  6,  1906,  at 
Cedaredge,  Colo.,  Winfred  C.  Cronk,  s.  of  Barlow  B.  and  Salome 
E.  (Wilsey)  Cronk.  He  was  b.  June  4,  1878,  in  Wis.  He  is  a 
Methodist  Episcopal  clergyman.  When  last  heard  from  (in 
1911),  he  was  living  at  Hinsdale,  111. 

5433.  Addison  Edward9  Avery  (Addison8,  Addison7,  Abra- 
lia?n'\  Abraham5,  Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  10,  1884,  near  Denver,  Colo. ;  m.  June  6,  1906,  at  Lowell, 
Mass.,  Ada  Mary  Reed,  dau.  of  Henry  Martin  and  Catharine 
Ardelia  Reed.  She  was  b.  July  11,  1879,  in  Osceola  County,  la. 
He  is  an  artist  and  designer.     Residence,  Chicago,  111. 

5438.  Harriet9  Avery  (John8,  Addison7,  Abraham*,  Abra- 
ham5, Abraham*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Feb.  29, 
1864,  at  Maiden,  Mass. ;  m.  Oct.  24,  1888,  at  West  Newton,  Mass., 

The  Ninth  Generation  1165 

Ellery  Peabody,  s.  of  Ellery  and  Mary  Jane  (Sherburne)  Pea- 
body.  He  was  b.  June  21,  1864,  at  Hyde  Park,  Mass.  He  is  a 
merchant.     Residence,  West  Newton,  Mass. 

Children  of  Ellery  and  Harriet  (Avery)  Peabody: 

i.       Margaret1",  b.  Oct.  14,  1889,  at  West  Newton;  m.  Otto  von 

Schrader  Snyder;  residence,  Seattle,  Wash, 
ii.      Ellery"',  b.  April  23,  1896,  at  West  Newton, 
iii.     Avery  Sherburne10,  b.  Sept.  17,  1903,  at  West  Newton. 

5445.  Samuel  Robison !1  Avery  (Edward  Morehouse*,  Sam- 
uel7, John*,  Charles*,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher') 
was  b.  May  12,  1849,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  m.  Aug.  30,  1876,  at 
Washington,  Mo.,  Kate  Emma  Collins,  dau.  of  William  George 
and  Ann  Mariah  (Smith)  Collins.  She  was  b.  June  13,  1861, 
at  Warrensburg,  Mo.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Leasburg, 
Crawford  Co.,  Mo. 

Children   of   Samuel   Robison   and   Kate   Emma    (Collins) 

Avery : 

Mary  Collins10,  b.  May  14,  1878,  at  Washington,  Mo. 
Grace  Robison1",  b.  Feb.  19,  1881,  at  Richmond,  Mo. 
Edward  Mark10,  b.  June  2,  1882,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 
Caroline  Tilden10,  b.  Sept.  5,  1888,  at  St.  Charles,  Mo. 
Samuel  Richard10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1895,  at  St.  Louis. 
Henry  Christopher10,  b.  April  21,  1902,  at  St.  Louis. 

5446.  James  Warren'1  Avery  (Edward  Morehouse*,  Sam- 
uel7, John6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  July  23,  1853,  at  Wooster,  0. ;  m.  Oct.  30,  1879,  at  Webster 
Groves,  Mo.,  Annie  Eudora  Irwin,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Robert  and 
Kate  (Matthews)  Irwin.  She  was  b.  Jan.  20,  1857,  near  Logans- 
port,  Ind.  He  is  connected  with  the  Missouri  Pacific  R.  R.  Co. 
Residence,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Children   of   James   Warren   and   Annie    Eudora    (Irwin) 

Avery : 

Ethel10,  b.  Sept.  26,  1880,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Alice10,  b.  Aug.  21,  1883,  at  St,  Charles,  Mo. 
Robert  Irwin10,  b.  Feb.  15,  1885,  at  St.  Charles. 
Frank  Burnham10,  b.  Oct.  14,  1886,  at  St.  Charles. 

5448.  Edward  Hyde9  Avery  (Edward  Morehouse*,  Samuel7, 
John6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  July  5,  1861,  at  Webster  Groves,  Mo.;  m.  Nov.  18,  1896,  at 





















1166  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Galveston,  Texas,  Mae  Miller,  dau.  of  Hugh  Joseph  and  Mary 
Florence  (Conner)  Miller.  She  was  b.  June  28,  1876,  at  Bellaire, 
0.  He  is  the  assistant  treasurer  of  the  Waters  Pierce  Oil  Co. 
Residence,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Children  of  Edward  Hyde  and  Mae  (Miller)  Avery,  b.  at  St. 
Louis,  Mo. : 

i.       Helen'",  b.  Sept.  11,  1897;  d.  Nov.  6,  1905. 

8510.  ii.      John  Parrish10,  b.  Feb.  1,  1901. 

8511.  iii.     Mary1",  b.  Oct.  3,  1906. 

8512.  iv.     Edward  Joseph10,  b.  June  28,  1909. 

5452.  Lillie  Lackland9  Avery  (Stephen  Morehouse*,  Sam- 
uel7, John6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Nov  20,  1859,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. ;  m.  May  14,  1880,  at  St. 
Louis,  Edward  William  Lee,  s.  of  Edward  and  Mary  (Barrett) 
Lee.  He  was  b.  April  27,  1856,  at  New  York  City.  She  d.  May 
30,  1893.    He  lives  at  St,  Louis. 

Children  of  Edward  William  and  Lillie  Lackland   (Avery) 


i.  Edward  Avery10,  b.  May  30,  1882,  at  St.  Louis. 

ii.  Charles  Avery10,  b.  March  28,  1886,  at  St.  Louis. 

iii.  Stephen  Morehouse10,  b.  Jan.  8,  1888,  at  Mexico,  Mo.;  d. 

Jan.  5,  1901. 

iv.  Robert  Emmet10,  b.  Jan.  8,  1888,  at  Mexico. 

v.  William  Harry10,  b.  Jan.  28,  1890,  at  St.  Louis, 

vi.  Lilly  Elizabeth10,  b.  May  18,  1893,  at  St.  Louis. 

5453.  Charles  Mathew9  Avery  (Stephen  Morehouse*,  Sam- 
uel7, John6,  Charles'',  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  25,  1861,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  m.  Nov.  14,  1889,  at 
Webster  Groves,  Mo.,  Jessie  Marion  Sanders,  dau  of  George 
Washington  and  Martha  Jane  (Holton)  Sanders.  She  was  b. 
Nov.  20,  1867,  at  Webster  Groves.  He  is  the  cashier  of  the 
Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society  at  St.  Louis.  Residence,  Web- 
ster Groves,  Mo. 

Children  of  Charles  Mathew  and  Jessie  Marion   (Sanders) 
Avery : 

8519.  i.       George  Sanders10,  b.  June  14,  1891,  at  Webster  Groves. 

8520.  ii.      Stephen  Morehouse10,  b.  Dec.  20,  1893,  at  Webster  Groves. 

8521.  iii.     Charles  McEwan10,  b.  March  23,  1895,  at  Webster  Groves. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1167 

5456.  Marcia  Ann''  Avery  (Horace  Clark*,  Simeon  Ship- 
man7,  Simeon*',  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James-,  Christo- 
pher') was  b.  Feb.  12,  1836,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  11, 
1851,  at  Harriettstown,  N.  Y.,  Pealzy  Miles  Neal,  s.  of  Alanson 
and  Ellenor  (Miller)  Neal.  He  was  b.  at  Wilmington,  N.  Y. ;  d. 
at  Omro,  Wis.  She  m.  2d,  Aug.  12,  1861,  at  Norfolk,  N.  Y., 
Ralph  Demarcus  Bowhall,  s.  of  William  and  Pheley  (Kinney) 
Bowhall.  He  d.  April  29,  1893,  at  Canton,  N.  Y.  She  lives 
(1912)   at  Omro,  Wis. 

Child  of  Pealzy  and  Marcia  Ann   (Avery)   Neal: 

i.       Alice    Amanda10,   b.    Aug.    18,    1853,    at   Harriettstown;    m. 
John  Wynne. 

Children   of   Ralph    Demarcus   and   Marcia   Ann    (Avery) 

Bowhall : 

i.       William1",    b.    April   26,    1862,   at   Skinnersville,   N.   Y.;    m. 

Nettie  Myers, 
ii.      Charles1",  b.  July  4,  1865,  at  Felt's  Mills,  N.  Y.;  m.  Polina 


5457.  Eliza  Jane9  Avery  (Horace  Clark*,  Simeon  Shipman7, 
Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas*,  James1,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  29,  1838,  at  Harriettstown,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  10,  1852, 
at  Harriettstown,  Ebenezer  Peck,  s.  of  Alvah  and  Dolly  (Hath- 
away) Peck.  He  was  b.  Oct.  10,  1830,  at  Jay,  N.  Y.  He  is  a 
farmer.     Residence,  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Ebenezer  and  Eliza  Jane   (Avery)   Peck: 

i.       Philo10,  b.  Oct.  17,  1855,  at  Wilmington,  N.  Y.;  m.  Esther 

ii.      Amanda10,   b.    Aug.    4,    1858,    at    Harriettstown;    m.    Wilber 

iii.     Horace  Clark10,  b.  Sept.  29,  1860,  at  Stockholm,  N.  Y.;  m. 

Annie  Kennedy;  d.  Sept.,  1887,  at  Harriettstown. 
iv.     Rozora1",  b.   Dec.   7,  1861,  at  Lawrence,  N.  Y.;   d.  Jan.  22, 

v.      Ellis10,  b.  Nov.  8,  1880,  at  Harriettstown;  m.  Gladys  Cope; 

residence,  Oshkosh,  Wis. 

5458.  Lurinda  Polina"  Avery  (Horace  Clark*,  Simeon  Ship- 
man7,  Simeo?i*,  Charles7',  Jonathan*,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Aug.  21,  1841,  at  Harriettstown,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Dec. 
10,  1856,  at  Harriettstown,  Obadiah  Remington,  s.  of  Reuben 
and  Elizabeth  (Kelley)  Remington.  He  was  b.  Sept.  20,  1829. 
He  was  killed  on  the  battlefield  at  Fort  Fisher,  Jan.  15,  1865. 

1168  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

She  m.  2d,  June  2,  1866,  at  Lawrenceville,  N.  Y.,  Jonas  Richard- 
son Dow,  s.  of  Warren  and  Roxanna  (Butler)  Dow.  He  was  b. 
Feb.  15,  1840,  at  Malone,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Feb.  2,  1876,  at  North 
Lawrence.    She  lives  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Obadiah  and  Lurinda  Polina  (Avery)  Reming- 
ton, b.  at  Dickinson,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Rosannah10,  b.  April  2,  1858;  m.  Thomas  Bray. 

ii.      Emily10,  b.  March  16,  1860;  m.  George  Canham. 

iii.     Mary10,  b.   April   27,    1862;    m.   Charles   Littebrant;    d.  July 
18,  1888. 
Children  of  Jonas  Richardson  and  Lurinda  Polina  (Avery) 
Dow,  b.  at  North  Lawrence,  N.  Y. : 

i.       Polina10,  b.  May  17,  1867;  m.  Ostrum  Lancing. 

ii.      Grant1",  b.  March  29,  1869;  m.  Lula  Banister. 

iii.     Sherman10,  b.  June  9,  1872;  m.  Olive  Huntington. 

iv.     Bertha1',  b.  Aug.  28,  1875;  m.  Lewis  Balow. 

5459.  Fanny  Rosetta9  Avery  {Horace  Clark8,  Simeon  Ship- 
man1,  Simeon*,  Charles*,  Jonathan*,  Thomas',  James-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  May  5,  1845,  at  Harriettstown,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  6, 
1864,  at  Norfolk,  N.  Y.,  Noble  Root  Bishop,  s.  of  Myron  Perry 
and  Clemma  (Root)  Bishop.  He  was  b.  July  30,  1838,  at  Starks- 
boro,  Vt.    He  is  a  farmer.    Residence,  Norwood,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Noble  Root  and  Fannie  Rosetta  (Avery) 
Bishop,  b.  at  Norfolk.  N.  Y. : 

i.       Orson  Estes10,  b.  March  19,  1867;  d.  March  14,  1892;  unm. 
ii.      William  Henry10,  b.  Sept.  23,  1871;  m.  Mina  C.  Banister. 

5461.  Royal  Elijah'1  Avery  (Royal  Alonzos,  Simeon  Ship- 
man1,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas*,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  March  14,  1847,  at  Keene,  N.  Y. ;  m.  July  28,  1872, 
at  Omro,  Wis.,  Mary  Alice  Smith,  dau.  of  Thomas  Peasley  and 
Ann  (Mayo)  Smith.  She  was  b.  March  21,  1847,  at  Cayuga, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  stock  dealer;  d.  Jan.  31,  1879,  at  Ellinwood, 

Child  of  Royal  Elijah  and  Mary  Alice  (Smith)  Avery: 
8522.     i.       Elila10,  b.  June  4,   1879,  at   Ellinwood. 

546?.  Clara  Melissa'1  Avery  (Royal  Alonzo8,  Simeon  Ship- 
man1,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Feb.  5,  1850,  at  Keene,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  5,  1874,  at 
Ellinwood,  Kas.,    Thomas  Phipps,   s.  of  Thomas  and  Margaret 

The  Ninth  Generation  1169 

(Johnson)   Phipps.     He  was  b.  July  5,  1846,  at  Lechlade,  Eng- 
land.    Residence,  Kent,  Wash. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Clara  Melissa  (Avery)   Phipps: 

i.       Etta  Margaret10,  b.  April  17,  1876,  at  Ellinwood. 

ii.      Harry  Ernest10,  b.  April  3,  1878,  at  Ellinwood. 

iii.     Roy  Williamson10,  b.  May  22,  1882,  at  Ellinwood. 

iv.     Mabel  Electa10,  b.  May  2,  1885,  at  Stayton,  Ore. 

v.      Frank  Avery10,  b.  Oct.  5,  1887,  at  Stayton,  Ore. 

vi.     Clara  Miriam10,  b.  Jan.  29,  1892,  at  Olympia,  Wash. 

5463.  Simeon  Shipman''  Avery  (Royal  Alonzo8,  Simeon 
Shipman7,  Simeon*,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas'-,  James1,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Sept.  2,  1852,  at  Keene,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  1,  1875, 
at  Ellinwood,  Kas.,  Addie  Bacon,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Jane  (Coon- 
rod)  Bacon.  She  was  b.  June  13,  1853,  at  Mt.  Vernon,  Ind. 
He  is  a  builder  and  contractor.    Residence,  Olympia,  Wash. 

Children  of  Simeon  Shipman  and  Addie  (Bacon)  Avery: 

8523.  i.       Gusta1",  b.  Sept.  2,  1882,  at  Ellinwood. 

8524.  ii.      Roy10,  b.  June  30,  1885,  at  Ellinwood. 

5464.  Maryettie  Electa0  Avery  (Royal  Alonzo8,  Simeon 
Shipman1,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan",  Thomas3,  James-,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Aug.  24,  1855,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nov.  26, 
1876,  at  Ellinwood,  Kas.,   Frank    Fallis   Williamson,  s.  of  Dr. 

Francis  A.  and  Miriam  (Pierce)  Williamson.  He  was  b.  Nov. 
29,  1851,  at  Harvesburg,  0.  He  is  a  lumberman  and  contractor. 
Residence,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

Children  of  Frank  Fallis  and  Maryettie  Electa  (Avery) 
Williamson : 

i.       Eugene  Buvier10,  b.  Feb.  19,  1878,  at  Ellinwood. 

ii.      Miriam  Pierce10,  b.  Oct.  30,  1879,  at  Ellinwood. 

iii.     Charles  Francis10,  b.  March  23,  1884,  at  Stayton,  Ore. 

iv.     Adah  Avery10,  b.  Aug.  8,  1888,  at  Olympia,  Wash.;  d.  y. 

v.      Fred  Drew10,  b.  May  11,  1892,  at  Olympia. 

5465.  Daniel  Burton  ■'  Avery  (Earl  Willard8,  Simeon  Ship- 
man7,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  June  20,  1850,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  July  2, 
1871,  at  Ripon,  Wis.,  Emma  Jane  Smith,  dau.  of  Thomas  Peasley 
and  Ann  (Mayo)  Smith.  She  was  b.  March  29,  1855,  at  Ripon. 
He  is  a  millwright.    Residence,  Manawa,  Wis. 

Children  of  Daniel  Burton  and  Emma  Jane  (Smith)  Avery: 

8525.  i.       Earl  Thomas10,  b.  May  14,  1873,  at  Omro,  Wis. 

1170  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

8526.  ii.      Burton  Fayette1",  b.  Feb.  17,  1875,  at  Omro. 

8527.  iii.     Archie  Smith1",  b.  May  19,  1880,  at  Manawa. 

8528.  iv.     Bessie  Belle"',  b.  Nov.  8,  1887,  at  Manawa. 

5466.  Dillon  Fayette"  Avery  (Earl  Willard8,  Simeon  Ship- 
man7,  Simeon6,  Charles7',  Jonathan*,  Thomas',  James-,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Jan.  16,  1857,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  April  14, 
1895,  at  Olympia,  Washington,  Bertha  Blanche  Chilson,  dau.  of 
David  Woolcot  and  Eliza  (Phillips)  Chilson.  She  was  b.  Oct. 
7,  1866,  at  Luthersburg,  Pa.  He  is  a  farmer.  Residence,  Napa- 
vine,  Wash. 

5467.  Lorin  Eleazer1'  Avery  (Julius  Augustus*,  Simeon 
Shipman7,  Simeon6,  Charles'',  Jonathan*,  Thomas",  James'-,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Aug.  1,  1857,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Aug.  3, 
1883.  at  Caledonia,  Minn.,  Ella  Renshaw,  adopted  daughter  of 
Reuben  Rollins.  She  was  b.  at  Columbus,  O.  He  m.  2d,  Feb.  20, 
1903,  at  Denver,  Colo.,  Julie  Virginia  Cramer,  dau.  of  Mahlon 
and  Elizabeth  Cramer.  She  was  b.  March  1,  1873,  at  Winona, 
111.    He  is  a  carpenter.    Residence,  Boulder,  Colo. 

Children  of  Lorin  Eleazer  and  Ella  (Renshaw)  Avery: 

8531.  i.       Augustus  Leslie10,  b.  March  9,  1884,  at  Caledonia. 

8532.  ii.      Fred  Marcellus1",  b.  Aug.  27,  1887,  at  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

8533.  iii.     Lucy  May1",  b.  June  27,   1890,  at  Austin,  Minn.;   m.  John 


Children   of  Lorin   Eleazer   and   Julie   Virginia    (Cramer) 
Avery : 

8534.  i.       Blanche  Marie10,  b.  Oct.  27,  1904,  at  Boulder,  Colo. 

8535.  ii.      Eugene  Valentine10,  b.  Aug.  11,  1908,  at  Boulder. 

8536.  iii.     Erma  Virginia1",  b.  Feb.  13,  1910,  at  Boulder. 

5470.  Jasper  Ashley"  Avery  (Simeon  Fayette",  Simeon 
Shipman7,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James'2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Feb.  21,  1863,  at  Averyville,  in  the  town  of 
North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  20,  1882,  at  Jay,  N.  Y.,  Belle  Mihill, 
dau.  of  Sylvester  and  Phoebe  (Haselton)  Mihill.  She  was  b. 
July  18,  1874,  at  Wilmington,  N.  Y.  He  is  a  carpenter.  Resi- 
dence, Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Jasper  Ashley  and  Belle  (Mihill)  Avery: 

8537.  i.       Beryl  Maryetta10,  b.  Feb.  12,  1895,  at  Saranac  Lake. 

8538.  ii.      Beatrice  Lillian10,  b.  Feb.  26,  1906,  at  Saranac  Lake. 

The   Ninth  Generation  1171 

5471.  Wilber  Fayette"  Avery  (Simeon  Fayette8,  Simeon 
Shipment7,  Simeon0,  Charles*,  Jonathan',  Thomas'',  James-,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  June  27,  1865,  at  North  Elba,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  3, 
1895,  at  Keesville,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Etta  Cox,  dau.  of  William  and 
Mary  Ann  (Jackson)  Cox.  She  was  b.  Nov.  11,  1866,  at  Keene, 
N.  Y.    He  is  a  painter.     Residence,  Long  Lake,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Wilber  Fayette  and  Mary  Etta  (Cox)  Avery: 

8539.  i.       Helen  Mildred'",  b.  Feb.  12,  1898,  at  Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

8540.  ii.      Shirley  Francis'",  b.  Jan.  30,   1900,  at  Saranac  Lake. 

8541.  iii.     Luerta  Esther1",  b.  April  2,  1907,  at  Saranac  Lake. 

5490.  Eliza  Bachelor'1  Avery  (Francis  Neivton8,  Daniel  F.\ 
Simeon''',  Charles7',  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Aug.  27,  1850,  at  Deerfield,  Ind. ;  m.  July  11,  1873,  at 
Leon,  la.,  A.  P.  Skeed.  She  d.  March  28,  1879,  at  Essex,  la. 
He  is  a  printer.    Residence,  Sterling,  Kas. 

5491.  Mollie  Henrietta"  Avery  (Francis  Newton8,  Daniel 
F.7,  Simeonr',  Charles7',  Jonathan*,  TJwmas3,  James'1,  Christo- 
pher1) was  b.  Oct.  16,  1852,  at  Deerfield,  Ind.;  m.  Jan.  6,  1881, 
at  Leon,  la.,  Hugh  A.  White.  She  m.  2d,  March  16,  1905, 
A.  L.  Fenquay.     Residence,  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

5492.  Ella  Amelia9  Avery  (Francis  Neivton8,  Daniel  F.\ 
Simeon6,  Charles7',  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  June  12,  1855,  at  Portland,  Ind.;  m.  Dec.  24,  1877,  at 
Leon,  la.,  Charles  Willet  Kramer,  s.  of  W.  A.  and  Maria 
(Roberson)  Kramer.  He  was  b.  Jan.  26,  1850,  at  Greencastle, 
Ind. ;  d.  April  25,  1896,  at  Green  City,  Mo.  She  lives  at  Kirks- 
ville,  Mo. 

Children  of  Charles  Willet  and  Ella  Amelia   (Avery)   Kra- 
mer, b.  at  Watseka,  111. : 

i.       Frank10,  b.  June  16,  1876;  m.  Cleona  Bruce;  2d,  Lillie  Mae 

Cory.     Residence,   Kirksville,  Mo. 
ii.      Pearl10,  b.  Aug.  12,  1878;  d.  y. 

5493.  Daniel  Fuller9  Avery  (Francis  Neivton8,  Daniel  F.7, 
Simeon6,  Charles7',  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  May  15,  1857,  at  Portland,  Ind.;  m.  Sept.  27,  1890,  at 
Leon,  la.,  Retta  Luella  Bright.  She  wras  b.  at  Ottumwa,  la. ;  d. 
July  25,   1899,  at  Leon.     He  m.  2d,   Sept.   17,   1902,  at  Leon, 

1172  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

Emma   Luella  Loe,  dan.  of  Madison  and  Delila   (Weldon)   Loe. 
She  was  b.  April  26,  1874,  at  Leon.    Residence,  Leon,  la. 

Children  of  Daniel  Fuller  and  Retta  Luella  (Bright)  Avery: 

8545.  i.       Ralph10,  b.  July  15,  1892,  at  Leon. 

8546.  ii.      Mildred10,  b.  May  25,  1895,  at  Leon. 

5494.  Bennie   Oliver"  Avery    (Francis  Neivton8,  Daniel  F.7, 
Simeon*,  Charles*,  Jonathan4,   Thomas3,  James2,   Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  27,  1859,  at  Leon,  la.;  m.  March  18,  1883,   Mary 
Leonard.     Residence,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Children  of  Bennie  Oliver  and  Mary  (Leonard)  Avery: 

8547.  i.      Maud10. 

8548.  ii.      George10. 

8549.  iii.     Frank10. 

5495.  John  Bachelor'1  Avery  (Francis  Newton8,  Daniel  F.7, 
Simeon9,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  9,  1861,  at  Leon,  la.;  m.  May  11,  1882.  at  Leon, 
Mamie  Wilson,   dau.  of  Mr.  and  Caroline  (White)  Wilson. 

Children  of  John  Bachelor  and  Mamie   (Wilson)  Avery: 

8550.  i.       Fuller10,  b.  Aug.  1,  1884. 

8551.  ii.      Martha10. 

8552.  iii.     Frank10. 

8553.  iv.     Jennie10. 

8554.  v.      Charles10. 

5496.  Lenna  Estelkv'  Avery  (Francis  Newton8,  Daniel  F.7, 
Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  CImstopher1) 
was  b.  Feb.  9,  1864,  at  Leon,  la.;  m.  Dec.  27,  1883,  at  Leon, 
Joseph  Hamilton,  s.  of  George  and  Lydia  (Smith)  Hamilton. 
He  was  b.  April  2,  1863,  at  Leon.  It  is  said  that  he  is  dead 
and  that  she  is  living  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

Children  of  Joseph  and  Lenna  Estella  (Avery)  Hamilton, 
b.  at  Decatur,  la. : 

i.  George  Grover10,  b.  Nov.  4,  1884;  m.  Helen  R.  Keller, 

ii.  Frank10,  b.  May  6,  1886;  d.  y. 

iii.  Madge  Marie10,  b.  Nov.  2,  1888. 

iv.  Earl  James10,  b.  Nov.  29,  1890. 

v.  Neal  Bois10,  b.  June  11,  1895. 

5497.  Mildred  Oliver0  Avery  (Francis  Neivton8,  Daniel  F.7, 
Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Jan.  1,  1869,  at  Leon,  la.;  m.  Nov.  29,  1899,  at  Leon, 

The  Ninth  Generation  1173 

James  Mickleson,  s.  of  Mikkel  Rasmusson  and  his  wife,  Ella 
Sorenson.  He  was  b.  Aug.  1,  1866,  at  Tinning,  Denmark.  Resi- 
dence, Bigpiney,  Wyo. 

Children  of  James  and  Mildred  Oliver  (Avery)  Mickleson: 

i.       Max  Avery10,  b.  Oct.  4,  1900,  at  Leon,  la.;  d.  March  5,  1908. 

ii.      James10,  b.  Aug.  20,  1903,  at  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

iii.     Mildred10,  b.  March  20,  1910,  at  Salt  Lake  City. 

5498.  Charles  Augustus''  Avery  (Alfred  Hull9,  Royal  Au- 
gustus7, Simeon*,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James'2,  Christo- 
pher') was  b.  Sept.  30,  1848,  at  Galway,  N.  Y.;  m.  Jan.  19,  1870, 
at  Painesville,  O.,  Louretta  A.  Varney.  She  was  b.  Sept.  1, 
1849.    He  d.  July  9,  1902,  at  Gloversville,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Charles  Augustus  and  Louretta  A.    (Varney) 

Avery : 

8557.     i.       Alfred10,  b.  Sept.  11,  1871. 

ii.      Nellie  Gibb10,  b.  Dec.  27,  1876;  d.  y. 

5499.  Piatt  Smith9  Avery  (Alfred  Hull8,  Royal  Augustus', 
Simeon*,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  March  11,  1853,  at  Galway,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Oct.  22,  1873,  at 
Gloversville,  N.  Y.,  Mary  M.  Shaffer,  dau.  of  John  Frederick 
and  Lucinda  (Lyke)  Shaffer.  She  was  b.  Sept.  22,  1851,  in 
Schoharie  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  d.  Nov.  2,  1877,  at  Gloversville,  N.  Y., 
where  she  is  living  (1912). 

Children  of  Piatt  Smith  and  Mary  M.   (Shaffer)   Avery: 

8559.  i.       Catherine10,    b.   July    25,    1874,    at    Gloversville;    residence, 

Gloversville,  N.  Y. 

8560.  ii.      Royal  Augustus10,  b.  April  26,  1876,  at  Gloversville. 

5501.  Ida  Minerva5'  Avery  (Alfred  Hull8,  Royal  Augustus7, 
Simeon6,  Charles5  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  8,  1861,  at  Galway,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  2,  1887,  at 
Gloversville,  N.  Y.,  Charles  Henry  Silvernail,  s.  of  William 
and  Maria  (Shook)  Silvernail.  He  was  b.  Feb.  7,  1861,  at 
Richmond,  Mass.  He  has  retired  from  business.  Residence, 
Gloversville,  N.  Y. 

Child  of  Charles  Henry  and  Ida  Minerva  (Avery)  Silver- 

i.       Anna  Alida10,  b.  May  27,  1890,  at  Gloversville. 

1174  The  Groton  Avery  Clan 

5502.  Willard  John"  Avery  (Alfred  Hull8,  Royal  Augustus7, 
Simeon0,  Charles*,  Jonathan*,  Thomas',  James-,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Sept.  2,  1864,  at  Galway,  N.  Y.;  m.  Oct.  12,  1892,  at 
Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  Etta  May  West,  dau.  of  Calvin  Wesley  and 
Henrietta  (Sebree)  West.  She  was  b.  Oct.  15,  1871,  at  Hinck- 
ley, 111.  He  is  a  cement  and  concrete  contractor.  Residence, 
Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Children  of  Willard  John  and  Etta  May  (West)   Avery: 

8562.  i.       Willard  Harold1",  b.  March  16,  1895,  at  Gloversville,  N.  Y. 

8563.  ii.      Paul  West10,  b.  June  16,  1898,  at  Gloversville. 

8564.  iii.     Ruth  Alice10,  b.  Aug.  8,  1903,  at  Gloversville. 

5515.  Laura  Mae"  Avery  (Daniel  Judson8,  Ebenezer  Weeks7, 
Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1) 
was  b.  Dec.  2,  1868,  at  Chicago,  111.;  m.  March  9,  1898,  at 
Chicago,  Dr.  Henry  Norris  Pitt,  s.  of  Norris  and  Elizabeth 
(Granger)  Pitt.  He  was  b.  Dec.  7,  1865,  at  Birmingham,  Eng- 
land.   He  is  a  dentist.    Residence,  Lake  Bluff,  111. 

Children  of  Henry  Norris  and  Laura  Mae   (Avery)   Pitt: 

i.  Norris  Avery10,  b.  Jan.  21,  1899,  at  Chicago, 

ii.  Katharine  Elizabeth10,  b.  Feb.  14,  1902,  at  Chicago, 

iii.  John  Henry10,  b.  Aug.  20,  1904,  at  Lake  Bluff,  111. 

iv.  Edward  Albert10,  b.  Jan.  23,  1906,  at  Lake  Bluff. 

5516.  Mary  Maud"  Avery  (Daniel  Judson8,  Ebenezer 
Weeks7,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  March  17,  1877,  at  Chicago,  111.;  m.  April  9, 
1902.  at  Chicago,  William  Henry  Pruyn,  s.  of  William  Henry  and 
Samueletta  Elizabeth  (Rambo)  Pruyn.  He  was  b.  June  8, 
1872,  at  Chicago.    He  is  an  architect.    Residence,  Chicago,  111. 

Children  of  William  Henry  and  Mary  Maud  (Avery)  Pruyn: 

i.       William  Henry10,  b.  Nov.  3,  1909,  at  Chicago, 
ii.      John  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  3,  1909,  at  Chicago, 
iii.     Marion   Ellis10,  b.   Dec.  30,   1911,  at  Chicago. 

5517.  Kate  Lillian"  Avery  (Daniel  Judson8,  Ebenezer 
Weeks'7,  Simeon6,  Charles5,  Jonathan4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Chris- 
topher1) was  b.  Sept.  21,  1881,  at  Chicago,  111.;  m.  July  24,  1905, 
at  Chicago,  Henry  Stephen  Backus,    s.  of  Abraham  Countryman 

The    Ninth   Generation  1175 

and  Purliettie  (Keller)   Backus.     He  was  b.  March  13,  1881,  at 
Chicago.     He  is  a  salesman.     Residence,  Chicago,  111. 

Child  of  Henry  Stephen  and  Kate  Lillian  (Avery)  Backus: 
i.       Mary  Katharyne10,  b.  Aug.  4,  1909,  at  Lake  Bluff,  111. 

5530.  Ann  Eliza"  Avery  (William  David",  Elisha7,  Elisha9, 
Elisha6,  Jonathan*.,  Thomas-,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  June 
18,  1837,  at  Providence,  R.  I.;  m.  Oct.  27,  1880,  Alfred  Blair 
Chadsey,  s.  of  Jeremiah  Greene  and  Avis  (Wightman)  Chadsey. 
He  was  b.  Sept.  13,  1815,  at  Newport,  R.  I.  He  d.  Feb.  28, 
1902 ;  she  d.  April  8,  1905,  both  at  Wickford,  R.  I.    No  children. 

5531.  William  Bailey9  Avery  (William  David8,  Elisha7, 
Elisha",  Elisha'1,  JonatJian4,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Sept.  10,  1840,  at  Providence,  R.  I.;  m.  Jan.  16,  1867,  at 
Providence,  Ann  Bowen  Osborne,  dau.  of  David  and  Ann  Eliza 
(Bowen)  Osborne.  She  was  b.  March  4,  1842,  at  Providence. 
He  was  a  student  at  Brown  University  at  the  breaking  out  of 
the  civil  war,  and  was  among  the  first  to  enlist  from  that  college. 
He  was  in  the  battle  of  Bull  Run.  He  won  a  medal  of  honor  for 
conspicuous  bravery,  June  5,  1862,  and  was  made  captain,  Aug., 
1862.  He  was  appointed  acting  ensign  in  the  navy,  and  in 
December,  1863,  joined  the  North  Atlantic  blockading  squadron, 
on  the  steamer  "Dawn."  of  which  he  later  became  executive 
officer.  He  was  in  constant  service  during  the  war  and  was 
discharged  Aug.  10,  1865.  In  1868,  he  went  to  Mississippi 
where  he  bought  large  interests  and  served  as  county  superin- 
tendent of  education,  lieutenant-colonel  of  militia,  sheriff,  and 
member  of  the  legislature.  In  1876,  he  removed  to  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  and  later  to  Providence,  R.  I.,  where  he  served  as  a  member 
of  the  city  council.  In  1889,  he  was  appointed  to  a  position  in 
the  war  department  which  he  held  unt,-l  his  death,  July  19, 

Children   of   William   Bailey   and   Ann   Bowen    (Osborne) 

Avery : 

i.       Eliza1",  b.   Sept.   10,   1870,  at   Cottage   Mill,   Miss.;   d.  June 

30,   1876. 

8568.  ii.      William  Yale1",  b.  March  30,  1873,  at  Jackson,  Miss. 

8569.  iii.     Sibyl  Howe10,  b.  Aug.  1,  1875,  at  Cottage  Mill. 

1176  The   Groton   Avery  Clan 

5532.  Lucia0  Avery  (William  Davids,  Elisha7,  Elisha6,  Eli- 
sha5, Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James2,  Christopher1)  was  b.  Nov.  4, 
1844,  at  Providence,  R.  I.;  m.  Sept.  9,  1868,  at  Providence, 
Willett  Gardner,  s.  of  Nicholas  and  Abigail  (Arnold)  Gardner. 
He  was  b.  April  12,  1833,  at  Exeter,  R.  I.  He  d.  Aug.  4,  1904, 
at  Riverside,  Calif.,  where  she  was  living  at  the  last  report 
received  by  us. 

Children  of  Willet  and  Lucia  (Avery)  Gardner: 

i.       Frank  Avery10,  b.  Nov.  22,  1870,  at   Providence;   m.  Alice 

Azelma  McCormick. 
ii.      Willet  Arnold10,  b.  June  9,  1872,  at  Roscoe,  Mo. 
iii.     Annie  English10,  b.  Sept.  26,  1873,  at  Roscoe;  d.  y. 

5533.  Penelope  Wescott11  Avery  (William  David*,  Elisha7, 
Elisha9,  Elisha*,  Jonathan*,  Thomas3,  James1,  Christopher1)  was 
b.  Dec.  12,  1848,  at  Providence,  R.  I.;  m.  Aug.  30,  1870,  at 
Providence,  Jesse  Brown  Sweet,  s.  of  Jesse  Brown  and  Mary 
Ann  (Joslin)  Swe